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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Sarah Smith

Age: 20 (Is a new vampire)

Gender: Female


Personality/Bio: Sarah is definitely what one would call a strong woman. She is smart, pretty, and was physically strong even while she was human. While she was human, she was also what one would call an empath, someone who can take on other people's emotions as their own. She is dark, despite this, and anti-social. Sarah was caught one night by a street gang, where she managed to seriously wound a couple before she was shot and then stabbed. She was found by one of the Smith family and turned, and she woke, finding her empathic abilities wer heightened into hearing even the thoughts behind someone's emotions. For this reason she puts on music to drown out others.

Special Power: She is a very powerful Empath. This means anything to do with emotions, she can do. She can manipulate emotions as well as "Feel" the particular thoughts causing an emotion in someone. However, there is a catch: She feels it very, VERY physically, sometimes causing pain in her. This happens especially if she is touched by two or more people at the same time.

Other: Sarah, despite her anti-sociality, longs for a mate. She also has a tattoo of huge raven wings on her back, along with thorned vines running down her arms, each ending with a red rose on the tops of her hands.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OliviaV
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OliviaV The Princess

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ugh guys... my life is hectic. Should have posted this here to being with.

Name: Olivia Bianchi

Age: A lady never reveals her age. It’s poor manners.

Gender: Female


Personality: She is the leader of a Vampire family. She is everything you could imagine a Vampire leader would be. She is the strong silent type that prefers to watch, listen, analyze, and only speak when she has something to say. This my no means she is cold or harsh. She is actually quite loving and protective of all that live within her mansion. If there are problems within the family, she does her duty as a leader to solve them. The only time she becomes upset or angry is when people mess with her family. She tends to be materialistic and greedy. She has an obsession with staying wealthy. If you were to ask her for money, she would most likely say no. Unless your name happens to be Riya.

Bio: After her parents (the women that turned her) died in a fight with lycans, Olivia became the head of the family Bianchi. She didn’t ask for this role, she even tried to run away from the expectations suddenly thrust upon her. But somehow she always found herself back with her family. Once she accepted her role as the leader, she moved her whole family from Italy to America where they have bounced from one location to the next. She decided on Denver because marijuana has recently become legal and the family is making a killing off selling it legally in Colorado. She spends her days sealed tightly away in her mansion, handling business behind closed doors and blackout curtains. At night, she frequents the many bars and clubs her family owns, often grabbing a late night snack from pretty girls or men.

Special Power: Hypnosis. This only works on humans that are susceptible. Those with a closed guarded mind are not able to become hypnotized.

Other: She has a weak spot for Riya. Since she can walk through the daylight without dying, Olivia often asks her to run errands for her. She also hates it that Riya flirts with everyone since she has a not-so-secret crush on her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dragonsinc


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Inner Demon
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Inner Demon Summoned King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Soma & Kraven

Soma Bianchi

Age - 27

Gender - Male

Appearance - Soma has dark, coal colored hair with a few stray grey strands developed from stress in his human life. His eyes are brownish green but turn red when he's hungry, feeding, or angered. He stands at 6'5" and generally wears formal apparel, ranging from suits to tuxedos.

Personality - For the most part, Soma keeps to himself, preferring to spend his time alone and buried in a book with a cigarette and tea. Still somewhat new to being a vampire, Soma hasn't completely adapted to the idea of killing humans for food, and ideally sticks to blood packs or animals. However, he still hasn't gotten complete control over his new instincts, and thus may find himself dining on the occasional vagabond or thief when he hasn't had his supper. Generally speaking, when one does get the chance to interact with him, Soma is polite and well mannered. Though he can have a temper at times, he's for the most part fairly pleasant to be around.

Bio - During the nights, when not sealed off in his room or his study, Soma works the late shift at a local nightclub called The Bloody Sunday. He worked there as a human and, after being turned, went back since it was the only line of work he could do with his new lifestyle. Most of the people who common the club know Soma, though they know little of him. Thanks to his work, Soma tends to be rather up to date with the happenings of the underground due to his keen hearing and the talkativeness of the clubs patrons.

Special Power - Culling Darkness
Soma has the ability to manipulate shadows and give them physical form. Feats like materializing servants, creating pathways through solid objects, spying from long distances, and restricting vision are available to him through the manipulation of shadows. His power becomes nullified by complete engulfment in either light or darkness as this creates a void of shadows.

Kraven Smith

Age - 457

Gender - Male

Appearance - Kraven has shaggy white and silver hair that falls just below his eye line. A full sized tattoo of skeletal wings on shredded flesh covers the span of his back down to just above the bottom of his spine. He has deep yellow almost golden eyes and perfectly lined teeth giving him an enchanting yet devious smile. Kraven stands at 6'2" though he usually slouches a bit. For the most part, Kraven wears jeans and button down shirts or jackets, though he prefers to let his tattoo breath.

Personality - Mischievous and unpredictable, Kraven spends his nights prowling the streets, hopping from club to bar to rave to party, living the nightlife to it's fullest before finishing every other night off with a bloody orgy and a feast of intoxicated half naked women foolish enough to fall for his seductive wiles. Remorse and pity for humans is beyond Kraven, and has been for some time. Whatever morality he had vanished long ago with his humanity. If he isn't gorging himself or fucking, Kraven is most likely hidden away in his basement room, blasting music nonstop, and doing any number of unknown ungodly things behind closed and locked doors. In spite of his ravenous habits, Kraven has a jovial personality, joking around most of the time or focusing on the fun and entertaining aspects of the world around him, even when it's in a dark and twisted light.

Bio - Not much is known about where Kraven came from, what his history is like, or why he became the beast that he is. He keeps chaotic looking medieval armor and various artifacts from the dark ages stored away in the recesses of his room, leading those who know him to believe he may have been some kind of knight or warrior, though nothing is certain.

Special Power - In place of a particular special power, Kraven instead posesses greatly increased strength, speed, and endurance, along with abnormally quick regeneration and acute senses, surpassing that of other typical vampires. These enhanced abilities scale up while he's lusting for blood or enraged, causing his body take on more animalistic features. This line of skills makes him a brute when facing rivals who encroach on his territory or interrupter his feeding, preferring to rip his foes apart limb from limb with his bare hands.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Amelia Artemia Averyonna
11 (Recently turned)



Amelia is a kind and shy young girl who, while initially finding it difficult, enjoys spending time with others. She is a pacifist, finding that violence leads to nothing but hate, anger, and more violence, and refuses to raise a hand in self-defense, though she is fine with using her powers to get out a sticky situation. In conversation, she is kind and well-mannered, rarely getting angry and sometimes showing an amazing amount of maturity for her age.

At heart though, Amelia is still a child and wants someone to care for her and teach and give her attention. She also has a giant sweet tooth and loves candy of all kinds.

In private, Amelia tends to wallow in guilt over the loss of her first friend and the person who turned her into a vampire, Dimitri Kroshinkov.

Amelia has led a tough life. Her never knew her parents and spent most of her early being moved from foster home to foster home, never fitting in with any of them and also suffering from health issues that the families simply couldn't pay for. Eventually, while still only the tender age of seven, the young girl ran away from her latest home in rural Pennsylvania, running through the night and well into the morning, trying to leave the life she knew and hated behind in exchange for an uncertain future.

Thankfully, luck was on Amelia's side. After being on her own for a week she came across an old house, seemingly abandoned, and decided she would try to make if her home alone in the woods. She spent the rest of that day scavenging for supplies or exploring the small home, finding only on detail of the house that stood out, that being the locked basement. When she settled down for the night, she got the fright of her life when the basement opened up and a tall, pale man walked out of it. He turned towards the young intruder and approached her silently, appraising her with bright red eyes. When he was standing right in front of her, he leaved down, reached out... and gently pat her on the head while giving her a kind smile.

The man was Dimitri Kroshinkov, a vampire from Russia who had come to America centuries ago and had a soft spot for children. He quickly struck up a conversation with Amelia before leaving to hunt for the night. The two would begin living a peaceful life together with Dimitri helping the young human survive and Amelia giving him the company he had not enjoyed for some time. During this time together Dimitri's presence in the area became known to a group of vampire hunters and they actively began pursuing him. Knowing they would find his little home and would likely interrogate, if not torture, Amelia when they found her, Dimitri fled the area taking her with him.

The two would spend the next couple of years on the run, the group pursuing them wherever they went. Knowing they would eventually get caught, Dimitri headed for Denver to try and get Amelia in the protection of the Smith and Bianchi families, the latter of whom he was acquainted with. The pair never made it, as the hunters managed to get ahead of the two and ambushed them. In the beginning of the ensuing fight, Amelia suffered an injury that wasn't immediately fatal but would no doubt prove to be for an human. Dimitri, enraged at the sight, flew into a blood rage and managed to overpower and kill the hunters by himself but suffered an injury of his own that would lead to the end of his undead life. Fighting through the pain as his body began falling apart, he gave the still barely living Amelia two final gifts before he passed away: the first gift was a locket with his family crest for so to the Smiths and Bianchis and the second was the gift of vampirism.

Since then, Amelia has made her way to Denver, trying to adjust to her knew found abilities and limitations. She is now making her way to the Bianchi/Smith mansion, seeking shelter.

Special Power:
Amelia is a Mesmer, allowing her to warp the senses of others to create illusions. However, due to her young age, both as a human and a vampire, her powers are unstable. While usually weak, when upset she can create powerful illusions and border on real, but has no control over them, showing the great potential she can have as she gets older.


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SparkyCutie
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SparkyCutie A GirlyGamer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Vermilla Winchester(haha supernatural reference)
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Personality: Outgoing, Optimistic, Charismatic, Active, and Caring
Bio: Vermilla comes from a family of hunters. What she didnt know until recent is not just any hunters but Vampire hunters. No one in her family told her because from an early age they knew they would try and fight them. Vermilla cares for all kinds of life be cute snails to 'Monster'. Her family tried to tell Vermilla Vampires are monsters and Vermilla promptly reminded them because of a single person act doesnt mean they are all the same. When she saw her parents were so closed minded and saw only black and white she left. She currently works at multiple jobs. She currently working at a vet office(Secretary), flower shop(cashier), and a library(Library Assistant(ranges from stocking and cleaning type work)). She lives with a wealthy family friend in the area but is located in basement or attic depending on her hosts temper. The basement is preferred but when they are upset at everyone but her she sent to the attic which has no furniture and is very dirty. She could careless about that arrangement because as long as she doesnt have to listen to her family cruel thoughts on any being life that isnt human.
Special Power: None supernatural power but is trained in gymnastic, self defense, multiple types of range weapons from guns to bows, and is known to have Eidetic memory.
Other: Vermilla biggest fear is being hurt and has multiple walls up. She always seems outgoing and optimistic but with her family being cruel people and her now ex fiance cheating she hiding a very dark desire but her optimistic side has been keeping the dark desire from surfacing and that is why Vermilla has that wall. Its to prevent anyone from making her fall into her dark desire.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Teodora Bianchi

Stopped counting a long time ago



- Paranoid
- Ladylike
- Charming
- Stubborn
- Snappish
- Caring
- Likes Children
- Reclusive

Teodora can't remember much of her life before she was turned- or, rather, she tries not to remember. She was turned when she was very young- seven or so. Ever since she can remember, Teodora has been content to stay behind whoever was the head of the family at the time. She had never had crazy ambitions anyways.

Special Ability:
Teodora is able to tell the future. There are multiple ways she can do this, including meditation and even violent prophetic dreams.

- Teodora has what humans like to call insomnia. She has trouble sleeping, leading to her sleep-deprived appearance. The only thing that can stave this off is sleeping pills.
- She spends most of her time in her chambers, leading her to be rarely seen around the house.
- Teodora enjoys reading, loving to browse through old compendiums and encyclopedias with quite a few fiction novels in between.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Klaus | 2k | Male

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dragonsinc


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Wrong thread
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blueflame
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Blueflame Shade Weaver

Member Seen 25 days ago

@OliviaV here You go

Name: Shadow (it is the only thing I can think of)
Picture or detailed discription:
[center] DAY TIME [center]



Personality:stays to himself, quiet, calm, hard to get him to open up, will protect his the family over himself.
Bio: years ago shadow was chased through the woods. He was being chased by a mob they where saying all sort of things to insult him. He was already injured by a arrow to the shoulder, shadow was bleeding black blood. he had watched his family murdered. Eventually night had fallen yet he didn't transform. He collapsed only to be found by a shadowy figure. It was the head of the family. Ever sense that day shadow can be seen watching over Olivia and her sister as a pet to repay for saving his life.
Species:shadow demon
Powers (if any):three transformations
1 daytime: when he is like this he is at his weakest, but be warned he is not a push over.
2 nighttime: second stage of transformation, he can use his fingers like razor sharp claws, his strength is doubled from his daytime form, puts.
3 MiDnIgHt: if you see this run, his strength is multiplied ten fold from his nighttime form, his claws are longer and can fire like a arrow and regrow, he can shoot all he spikes out on his body to kill or push back enemys, this form puts a lot of strain on his body and if he was pushed far enough he will lose his mind and begin attacking everything around him including himself.

Weaknesses:UV light, and sunlight, holy weapons.

Other:he has gotten skilled enough to transform on demand, his second form makes him about as tall as a bear on its hind legs, his third form can fluctuate in size the biggest size and largest strain on his body is about the size of a two story house he can only stay this big for five minutes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Edit: Place holder for upcoming character
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