Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 13 days ago


The Treaty of Coruscant has been broken! Sith forces have once again begun to attack Republic Space. Onderon has fallen under attack by Sith forces. Jedi Knight Honutu Tasras and his Padawan Thessa Hawkens have joined the valiant Republic Soldiers in the planet's defense. But the Sith attacks are relentless and even the presence of two Jedi could not sway the battle in the Republic's favor. We join our heroes in the Iziz Royal Palace as the Republic forces attempt to protect the Queen Onderon as she escapes into Republic space in a planet wide evacuation!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 13 days ago

Onderon Royal Palace - Hallways

Honutu Tasras and his Apprentice Thessa Hawkens had been given the assignment of protecting Queen Meetra during the evacuation. Which was a little more difficult than initially planned as Sith forces had broken into the Palace. Honutu was currently guarding the rear his staff drawn deflecting fire back at Sith forces from behind them. "I trust you can navigate us to the hanger right Thessa?" He said over his shoulder. And as Luck would have it another Sith patrol came from a corridor ahead of them cutting off their path. Caught in a narrow Hallway the two Jedi were forced into a defensive battle, neither of them allowing a single blaster bolt to get past them while they protected the Queen. And the Queen herself with a blaster pistol firing over Thessa's shoulder trying to clear the path ahead. "Not to complain Master Jedi, but this was not in the original plan. Will the ship still be there when we get to the hanger?" the queen asked able to keep calm despite the situation. "Trust in the Republic Soldiers they will hold until we get there." Honutu answered in kind.

Onderon Royal Palace - Hanger

The situation in the hanger was not much better. A few transports remained in the hanger, but the Sith were attacking in force. A full battalion of Sith troops were on attack blocking the main entry point and pinning down the republic troops stationed in the Hanger. "Captain, we will be a little delayed. Ran into a bit of a problem how are you holding up on your end." Honutu asked over the Communicator as a small hologram of him deflecting shots appeared on Koda's wrist.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cuddle Pot
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Cuddle Pot

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Onderon Royal Palace- Hanger

Koda Pilsk and his forces were fighting a desperate battle to hold the hanger. Only four transports remained and his forces were fighting tooth and nail to defend one of them in the center of the hanger. His 30 man unit was split into four squads. Two of them had eight soldiers and they had taken the left and right side entrances to prevent the sith from attacking from all sides. They had managed to hold both hallways but we're both held in right firefights. The third squad was stationed in the hanger control tower providing overwatch. And the remaining six was garrisoned around one of the transport. They had set up crates around the ship to use as cover and were facing the main entrance which was overrun with Sith soldiers.

The advancing Sith had no cover and were taking heavy losses, yet were slowly gaining ground from a constant stream of reinforcements. Suddenly he received a message from both of his hallway teams at once. "Sir! Flying droids just flew over us, their not carrying blasters but whatever they are, their moving fast and towards you!" Koda acknowledged and just as he ended the conversation. The droids came into view and in a explosion of fire, crashed into the two farthest transports rendering them to nothing but molten metal and flame.

Dammit! All squads focus all fire on those droids!" Koda shouted over the com as a wave of the droids flew in through the main entrance. The ones heading towards the transport were shot down, they appeared to have no armor and exploded in mid-air when shot. However as all focus was put on defending the transport, no one noticed the ones heading towards the control tower until it was too late. In a few short moments the tower was up in flame and the control tower line was silent.

No! Dammit! Sith cowards!" Koda shouted returning fire on the Sith. Suddenly his communicator came alive as Honutu's hologram appeared. "Jedi we are fighting a losing battle here! We need the queen out of here yesterday!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lyla
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Lyla Shadowdancer

Member Seen 1 day ago

Onderon Royal Palace - Hallways

"Of course Master," she replied as she used her training to block every single blaster bolt directed in her direction - or any directed as anyone else for that matter. She sounded confident but hardly arrogant, studying her opponent from behind the yellow shimmering of her lightsaber. She knew she was different than most, even more so than her Aura ability, because she was often asking, inquiring, and thinking while others often acted more on instinct. Though in the past it had taken a while for her to learn how to 'let go' or just 'feel' the Force, she had since then learned how to do it without thought like most Jedi, perhaps even enough that some masters might have considered training her as a Blademaster. However she was content on her role as a guardian, ever curious what her natural and unique ability could do, though now was not the time for training or exploration.

Instead, she kept laser focus on the task at hand, slowly making ground forward towards the hanger in face of the heavy fire. It helped that the queen was such a good shot. In fact, it impressed her and while she was not technically allowed such luxuries, she thought the woman was beautiful. It didn't get in the way though as she kept her march forward and her guard was flawless. "I can still sense them your majesty.. you'll get to safety. We will not let you down." Thessa had also been trying to extend her Aura to the republic soldiers, hoping the feeling of inspiration and morale it provided would aid them in surviving and making their senses more acute.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 13 days ago

Onderon Royal Palace - Hallways

Between the Queen's blaster and Thessa's protection the two of them were able to quickly finish off the patrol ahead, "Nice work Padawan Hawkens, Keep this up and I'm sure you will safely get me out of here." the Queen commented as they started moving forward. After a few more hallways without incident it finally came to the hall that lead to the hanger. It was at this time that the three of them saw just what was stopping them from getting into the hanger. In front of them an entire force of Sith packed ahead. The Queen brought up her blaster ready to fire, but Honutu's hand lowered the weapon. "Shhh... this is why I'm here" He said motioning with a finger while deactivating his lightsaber and nodding for Thessa to do the same. With the element of surprise Honutu prepared to attack. "I'll cut an opening, You take the Queen to the transport." Honutu said while preparing.

In a burst of speed Honutu hit the Sith line his lightsaber once again igniting and in a flash the first line was cut down. Honutu continued through the Sith almost dancing as he cut a path until he made it to the center of their formation where he stopped falling to his knees and the saber once again deactivates. With the few moments of confusion he had crated Honutu made his next preparations. As he stood he released a powerful push in all directions knocking down the Sith lines. With his next move Honutu used the force to collapse the hallway where the Sith were receiving reinforcements. With their reinforcements cut off Honutu signaled for the Queen and Thessa to move forward. Again igniting his lightsaber to cut down the Sith who were trying to get back up.

Onderon Royal Palace - Hanger

Honutu's actions weren't unnoticed in the hanger as the Sith in the main doorway were knocked on their asses. And with the Jedi and Queen now in sight there would be a renewed wave of Moral that would hit the Republic troops, augmented by Thessa's Aura. And now the troops guarding the Main Entrance had a nice shooting gallery with the Sith on the floor.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cuddle Pot
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Cuddle Pot

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Koda watched as the advancing Sith fell to the ground, and a mysterious mouth of confidence overcame him."Its about time Jedi! Open fire troops clear the path for the queen! Hallway teams, return to the main hanger! We need out of here ASAP!" Koda barked over the comms. "Rodger!" was the confirmation he received. But just as the order was received, the massive blast doors separating the hallways from The hanger slammed shut, cutting off the men from regrouping."Sir! The blast doors have shut and the controls are frozen on our end! A problem with the control tower?" Koda didn't answer instead he switched off his communicator. "Dammit! Everyone switch to short range communication channels! The Sith must have taken control of the palace security center and taken over our comm channel." Koda knew this because with the control tower destroyed, central security was the only place capable of accessing the doors.

He reestablished communication with the hallway squads, "Men our comms have been hacked listen clearly and I can..." "Ahhhh!" Koda's words were cut short by the sound of dying soldiers, blaster fire, and far more chilling, lightsabers being drawn.

"No! Hold out as long as you can! I swear as soon as the queen is out of here, I'm coming for you! You hear me? Hold the Damn line!" Koda shouted over the com as he blasted the remaining Sith in the hanger.

He saw the Jedi and his Padawan come into view with the queen and her men come into view. "Jedi, your majesty! We must hurry, my my men are in perial!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lyla
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Lyla Shadowdancer

Member Seen 1 day ago

Thessa patiently waited for her master to dash into the unaware group, keeping her lightsaber at the ready for any spare shots fired their way. Within moments though, her master did what he did best - upfront combat and was fighting all of them in single combat. Even Thessa was impressed by this at times as she still remembered a time when she was little and marveled at what the Force was truly capable of and to see it used with such discipline and focus - for a good cause no less - it was inspiring. As soon as the signal was made though, she powered her saber down and quickly lifted the queen off her legs, causing her to yelp in surprise. Sprinting forward with an equal level of speed, she easily made it to her master, nodding and continuing to the transport ship.

It wasn't hard for the padawan, since she was using the Force to aid her physical attributes and the queen wasn't really that heavy, and she was putting the royal on her feet only within a few flashes later. She smiled lightly to the woman before turning and watching the soldiers opening fire on the Sith line as she looked to Koda quickly. "Now that she is safe, my master and I will see what we can do for your men.." She really didn't know the man and in a situation like this, she was more often professional and quickly made her way back to Honutu, igniting her saber as she cut down the last few remaining Sith soldiers.

"Master - the captain's men." Gesturing to the other side of the doors, she knew that her master knew exactly what was happening. Part of the hallways had been slammed shut and the familiar feel of the Dark Side was creeping through, forcing Thessa to tense in ready, but still fairly confident in her abilities - more so in her master's abilities. They had fought a few Sith Apprentices during their time during the war here, so they were no strangers to the padawan.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 13 days ago

Onderon Royal Palace - Hanger

Meetra was surprised when Thessa picked her up enough so that she let out a little yelp. But given the situation she allowed it "Please let me know if you plan to pick me up like that again." She said a little blushed she then readied herself "Captain call your men back to the remaining transports it's time to leave" She said composed raising her blaster to fire on the Sith forces within the hanger. Honutu had continued to cut down the Sith at his entrance until Thessa came and helped him finish off that side. He saw her tense up and calmly put one of his hands on her shoulder. "Take a deep breath we have fought their kind before. Be calm and don't rush in, take your time and let them show you their weakness." He advised his Padawan. "Also know when to fight and when to retreat. Let's go back to the transports it's almost time to leave." He cautioned while making his way back to the Captain "Where do you need us Captain we will support the retreat as you need" Honutu said taking a moment to observe the current battlefield.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cuddle Pot
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Cuddle Pot

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Master Jedi! I have need of you and your apprentice, my men are pinned down and separated, once the queen is secure we need to..."

Suddenly Koda was interrupted by his comms reopening and a cold authoritative female voice spoke, "Captain Koda, Honutu Tasras, Queen Meetra of Onderon, young Thessa Hawkens. Judging by the failure of my strike teams I can assume your all doing well. As for the captains squad mates, I can't promise the same good fortune, if you refuse to cooperate." at this Koda and the room heard the muffled sound of the republic soldiers he had put in charge of the hallways. The force favors them, for it has gifted them all with a commander that values their lives above that of a disposed monarch. Unless i'm mistaken?" Koda's current squad gathered around him to listen to the fate of their comrades easier. "I'll make this simple. Send Queen Meetra to the far left doorway un-escorted, and I will return all 16 of your useless grunts to you. And as a show of good faith, I will allow you all to leave Onderon and return to the Republic. Isn't that more then generous of me?" she cooed sweetly over the communicator, not allowing a hologram of the situation to play. "Refuse me..." she said her voice immediately turning to ice, "And their will be dire consequences for you and your men."

Before Koda could process he was bombarded by the input of his squad "Your not considering this are ya Pilsk!? Don't be an idiot, those men signed up to fight and die for the Republic! I say let um! We have a job to do!" bellowed Traz.

"Life as a prisoner of the Sith is a fate worse then death!" spoke up the almost ever silent Veji, We must protect our brothers and sisters from such a fate! No matter the cost!

"Are you mad? Or simply a traitor!? Without the Queen there is no Onderon!" Tallo yelled at Veji, "Her life must come before all of ours!"

"Mister Pilsk sir?" Halon meekly tried to speak up.

"Umm boss you might want to..." Liz tried to intone but was drowned out by Sal's piercing whistle, "Shut your gobs ya colony rats! This is the captain's and the Jedi's decision! Your commanding officer did not ask for your opion, and you will not give it until he does!" "Yes but.." Liz and Halon tried to said at the same time, "Shut it!" barked Sal.

Koda finnaly spoke up, "Our duty is to the Republic And the mission. Yet my duty as captain is to my soldiers. My vision is clouded and my judgement in turmoil. Master Jedi, your highness I leave the choice to you."
Koda said decisively.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lyla
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Lyla Shadowdancer

Member Seen 1 day ago

Thessa nearly smirked as she saw the queen blush, though it was so subtle and so quick that most wouldn't have caught it. As she nodded to her master though, she slowly powered down her saber and followed the Jedi to the transport where the situation exploded. Frowning only slightly, she quietly assessed the situation as she listened. It was a very particular way of thinking, but Thessa saw the word more in variables than others, and some of the Jedi said that was a good thing - said it was easier for her to find serenity within the Jedi code. She wasn't entirely convinced of it, but it still allowed her to see in a different light than others.

When Koda finally put his foot down and left the decision to the Jedi and queen, she felt the urge to speak up, which was unusual for her (at least from Honutu's time with her). "May I?" she said quickly, stepping forward to take the floor. "This is quite obviously a trap and.. the Sith is likely to kill them men, regardless of honor or any sort of deal. In.. such a case, our priority should be the queen, however heroics would call us to action and not stand by while your men are in danger - however again, sometimes it is wise to step away. No one can be a hero if they are also dead. We are outnumbered and we sacrificed so much to get her majesty only this far.." She paused, feeling all the eyes on her. She was confident in her thoughts, but was unsure how it would be taken, still she pressed on. "Let us not waste time, lest their sacrifice be in vain.. those are my thoughts." Stepping back once more, she folded her hands quietly. Again, she hadn't normally been one to speak out and returned to her normal position as the quiet observer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 13 days ago

Onderon Royal Palace - Hanger

Honutu and the Queen both listened to the council of the others before speaking. "The deal gives us to much. It is most defiantly a trap, Our Soldiers are probably dead already, but at the same time if they are alive that Sith probably has a fate worse than death planed for them. Whatever this Sith has planned is not good. I say I go take care of this problem and you leave. I'm resourceful enough to find my way back to Republic Space after you leave." Honutu stated calmly choosing the Option that he thought would give the Republic forces their best shot. And before the Queen could but in the Com channels opened again. "Hello there Republic Dogs. My Master told me to contact you when my job was finished." A sly male voice came over the channel, "Our forces have captured the Spaceport as well. Your precious Citizens now belong to the Sith. And if you want them to remain safe then you should agree to my Master's deal." The voice continued before disconnecting probably from the Sith destroying the communicator.

"As if things weren't bad enough..." Honutu said turning to the Queen who had already made up her mind. "I'm sorry Captain, Master Jedi, Padawan Hawkens I know you all sacrificed so much to get me here, but I can't abandon my people. I have to go to them. I'm sorry everyone, The Planet of Onderon will now be under the control of the Sith." She said in a weighted breath and turned to leave. "Please retreat while you can. I agree that this will be a trap and want you gone before they can spring it on you." She said back to them without turning back. Honutu almost went to stop the queen but held himself back. He knew all to well that the queen was making the right choice for her people and would not change her mind. Instead he turned to the Transport. "She has made up her mind, We can't do anything to change that. It is time for us to leave." He said calmly, but it was clear his voice was conflicted. And in his opinion Honutu would be doing the galaxy a favor if he went and put these Sith down for good.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cuddle Pot
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Cuddle Pot

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Everyone into the shuttle. Now!" Koda ordered his squad, "Sal, take the controls, Halon co-piolet him." Koda's voice was authoritative and final, yet heavy and resigned. "Sir,
with all due respect, we cannot allow the queen to sacrifice herself! As a Repuplic soldier our mission..."
Koda interrupted Tallo's desperate outburst, "On the ship now Tallo. Let your Queen make this decision with a clear conscious. Rest assured..." Koda turned and started the young man directly in the eye, "our work isin't through. Save that dedication for when it matters." Tallo went silent and bowed to the retreating queen before joining the squad on the shuttle.

"Master Jedi, miss Hawkens, please a moment to myself? Please give my man the quadrants of our escape. I'll be there shortly." once the Jedi entered the ship Koda went down on one knee and pulled up his squad roster and studied the names of the fallen and captured. "I swear to you, by my life and all the waters of Manaan, I will return for you. Not even the all mighty tide will prevent me from fulfilling this oath." Koda said this promise aloud as if to give his oath strength. Than he turned and entered the transport, ready to help plan the next move.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lyla
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Lyla Shadowdancer

Member Seen 1 day ago

All she could do is simply stand there and nodded silently. She didn't even give so much as a frown or frustrated sigh, her neutral expression never betraying her internal thoughts. Instead, she fastened her light saber to her belt quietly and made her way into the ship, glancing back as she heard Koda ask for a moment. Within the ship, she quickly found her seat and buckled in, grabbing onto the restraints as she waited for the take-off, as that's where it was all leading up to anyways. However, for the first time, she gave off a slight frown as she mauled over what had just happened. Certainly the Sith were a clever bunch, more so than anyone truly expected, but she wondered how long this was all in the works.

'All that effort..' she thought to herself, reflecting on all the events that lead up to nearly escaping with the queen. Now the queen and those soldiers would likely find fates less than pleasant for their situation. She felt much like her master did, wishing to go back and do something for those poor souls, though perhaps in a less violent manner. Often she saw glimpses of the man's anger, though he did an amazing job of keeping it in check, something the Jedi would account for one's fall to the dark side. Even though to this day she had never had a true sit down of her thoughts relating to all the meditations she had been through, her ideals were certainly not in line with the Jedi as many would think. Still, she really only wanted to help, but it was too late for that - at least for now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 13 days ago

Honutu saw the conflict in his padawan and this was one of the many times he didn't know how to help her. And after Koda did his little prier Honutu looked at the captain, although he didn't say anything he respected the man. He was an officer who cared for those under him something that definitely separated the Republic from the Sith. And after that it wasn't long before the ship would be off. Honutu remained standing near the transports main opening holding onto one of the support straps still deciding if he wanted to go after the Sith.

Meanwhile Queen Meetra exited the hanger and stood face to face with the Sith. "Alright Sith, I Surrender. But I want the Republic forces to be allowed to safely retreat." the Queen demanded not backing down despite the Sith's presence.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 13 days ago

Onderon Royal Palace - Hanger Halls

Tillhex smirked under her mask as Queen Meetra surrendered herself, and in turn the planet to the Sith. "Take her into custody." she calmly said not even responding to the Queen's comment. Two of the Sith Soldiers quickly moved to capture the Queen who despite knowing the Sith would not let the Republic Forces leave still had to think of her people.

It was at this time that the Republic transport was making its way out of the hanger. Tillhex watched the Transport leave. "Shoot it down." She said and three more Sith troopers rand into the hanger with Missile Launchers. A volley of Rockets were launched at the transport and despite the pilots skill he could not evade all the missiles. One missile hit the transport Ejecting Honutu out of the ship tumbling down into the jungle landscape of Onderon. Aside from Throwing Honutu the Republic Transport stayed mostly intact making a hard crash landing deep in the Onderon jungle.

Meetra almost jumped forward when she heard the missile hit the transport "You had already won. What was the point of attacking fleeing opponents?" the Queen asked but again received no answer. "Take the queen to her new home," Tillhex commanded and the Sith troops complied. The Sith then turned her attention to the captured Republic troops. "Execute them. Show no mercy." The Sith commanded again before walking away leaving the Republic forces to their fate. Soon enough she held up her Communicator. "Drako, kill the survivors, I don't want to hear from these Republic forces again." She ordered not waiting for her apprentice to fully form in the communicator. When he finally did form Drako was kneeling in the hologram. "Yes Master, I will not fail you" He responded to the order before quickly ending the transmission.

Onderon Jungle - Some time Later

Honutu's eyes shot open at the sound of a nearby pop. Somehow he survived the rocket, and more importantly the fall. He did not move for a bit taking a moment to access just how much he had been hurt. His life wasn't in immediate danger, a few broken ribs, a splitting headache, and a few cracked bones as well. Slowly the Jedi got up to study his surroundings the Jungles of Onderon were dense, easy to get lost in and not a place you would like to get stranded in without supplies. But Honutu was a Jedi so things were a bit more in his favor at least until the Sith hunting party would catch up with him. For the moment he was alone in the Jungle and luckily crashed ships left a traceable path to follow. But Honutu didn't know how long he had been out and knew Sith would be heading to clean up the survivors of the crash. Honutu had to move and hopefully he would get to the Republic forces and his Padawan before the Sith. Checking his Communicator Honutu attempted to contact his Padawan, but whatever he hit in the fall had all but destroyed his Communicator leaving him on his own until he could reunite with the Republic forces. So alone in the jungles of Onderon Honutu started to make his way to the trail of smoke in the sky that would lead him to his Padawan.
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