“My only purpose is to avenge my father.”
Personal Dossier
Namikaze Fukushu
Academy Student
Chakra Nature
Physical Description
Standing at four foot seven, Fukushu is pretty average for a girl of her age in height and stature. She has flowing purple hair that is most often strewn through a simple ponytail, and prefers the practicality of appearance over superfluous exuberance, a preference that originates from her serious demeanor.
Fukushu was born as a daughter of vengeance, as a tool for Konohagakure. By all accords Fukushu has been raised with illogical ideals, abrasive ambitions, cynical assertions, and hateful pride; all traits that are surprising within the soul of a child of twelve years. These facts can all be traced back to one simple thing: her name. Fukushu is not masculine, feminine, or androgynous, it is a word that is literally translated to a terminology that has defined her before she even took her first step: vengeance. A sad reality of the time she was named and her mother’s own cynical outlook on life created the shadow that Fukushu would soon follow.
Beyond her given name, Fukushu’s mother also was quite vocal in raising her daughter in-between ANBU operations. Fukushu was told that she was expected to be greater than all of the shinobi of her generation; that her destiny was to bring down the murderer who killed her father and his immediate kin, removing the curse that followed her father’s clan for generations. Disheartening and overbearing as it was, Fukushu understood what her mother told her as she slowly began molding the weight of responsibility into an ambitious dedication as she trained meticulously even before her admission into the Konohagakure Academy. It was here that Fukushu’s perspective seemed to only distance herself from her friends and extended family; a sentiment Fukushu viewed as abandonment and turned towards abrasive spite as a response of this distance as she refused to ever believe it was her fault. Fukushu wrote it off with confidence, though she began to wonder what was wrong with her that others couldn’t support her and understand what she was doing was right. In time, the world became more and more lonely and she began to lash out at others and wither into a personality of hatred, aggression, envy, desperation, and abrasiveness.
But within Fukushu is a girl that is crying and trying to reach out despite her abrasive appearance; for she is only standoffish because she has had little loyalty, generosity, or kindness in her life considering she has only had duty and expectations brought upon her. For those that create a bond with Fukushu there is the possibility that she could connect to them in time and that her tactless comments, childish taunts, and icy demeanor could fade as she truly finds people she feels at home with, people she trusts. But for the moment, Fukushu is as is because she is hard to interact with and impossible to relate to as per other student’s beliefs.
Beyond her given name, Fukushu’s mother also was quite vocal in raising her daughter in-between ANBU operations. Fukushu was told that she was expected to be greater than all of the shinobi of her generation; that her destiny was to bring down the murderer who killed her father and his immediate kin, removing the curse that followed her father’s clan for generations. Disheartening and overbearing as it was, Fukushu understood what her mother told her as she slowly began molding the weight of responsibility into an ambitious dedication as she trained meticulously even before her admission into the Konohagakure Academy. It was here that Fukushu’s perspective seemed to only distance herself from her friends and extended family; a sentiment Fukushu viewed as abandonment and turned towards abrasive spite as a response of this distance as she refused to ever believe it was her fault. Fukushu wrote it off with confidence, though she began to wonder what was wrong with her that others couldn’t support her and understand what she was doing was right. In time, the world became more and more lonely and she began to lash out at others and wither into a personality of hatred, aggression, envy, desperation, and abrasiveness.
But within Fukushu is a girl that is crying and trying to reach out despite her abrasive appearance; for she is only standoffish because she has had little loyalty, generosity, or kindness in her life considering she has only had duty and expectations brought upon her. For those that create a bond with Fukushu there is the possibility that she could connect to them in time and that her tactless comments, childish taunts, and icy demeanor could fade as she truly finds people she feels at home with, people she trusts. But for the moment, Fukushu is as is because she is hard to interact with and impossible to relate to as per other student’s beliefs.
Personal History
The daughter of Namikaze Ayano and Lee Tetsuya, Fukushu was destined to have many burdens upon her shoulders. Nearing the end of the war, a tragedy occurred shortly after Fukushu’s inception—her father’s death. So it was here that Fukushu’s mother became unmarried, alone, and enraged by the villains who took the man she loved from her. Out of anger and hatred, she looked to the birth of her daughter as an opportunity and subsequently named the child after her internal emotions that she desired: revenge.
Fukushu was raised solely by her mother and had a childhood where a large shadow loomed over her as her mother threw out expectations of a design towards her daughter; a daughter who saw these expectations and meeting them as the only way to satisfy her mother and as a byproduct earn her affection. So it was here that Fukushu dedicated herself with every fiber of her being to meeting her mother’s overbearing perfectionist demands. Whether it was a simple errand or a grueling challenge there would be no doubt in Fukushu’s mind that she would obtain it until success; failure was never an option. A fact that Fukushu in time was entirely unrealistic upon meeting some of her peers; some of which excelling far above her. A fact that nearly shattered her worldview. But she carried on as she entered the Konohagakure Academy and dedicated herself, even at a young age, to the art of a shinobi. There was no room for other hobbies in her life; a sentiment that would have social consequences as some of her friends began to distance themselves from her.
Her time in the academy continued to bode poorly for her socially, though Fukushu tried to appear that it she cared not for such things. There was no room in her life for friends who couldn’t understand her or see why her ambitions were just.
Fukushu was raised solely by her mother and had a childhood where a large shadow loomed over her as her mother threw out expectations of a design towards her daughter; a daughter who saw these expectations and meeting them as the only way to satisfy her mother and as a byproduct earn her affection. So it was here that Fukushu dedicated herself with every fiber of her being to meeting her mother’s overbearing perfectionist demands. Whether it was a simple errand or a grueling challenge there would be no doubt in Fukushu’s mind that she would obtain it until success; failure was never an option. A fact that Fukushu in time was entirely unrealistic upon meeting some of her peers; some of which excelling far above her. A fact that nearly shattered her worldview. But she carried on as she entered the Konohagakure Academy and dedicated herself, even at a young age, to the art of a shinobi. There was no room for other hobbies in her life; a sentiment that would have social consequences as some of her friends began to distance themselves from her.
Her time in the academy continued to bode poorly for her socially, though Fukushu tried to appear that it she cared not for such things. There was no room in her life for friends who couldn’t understand her or see why her ambitions were just.
Special Traits
Physical Conditioning: Fukushu’s upbringing was particularly harsh and expectations led her to prioritize pushing herself physically and mentally over social interactions and normal tasks. This physical conditioning was done with no mentor or instructor, but rather an observation of training regiments of local taijutsu specialists and pushing herself through relentless physical tasks such as timed runs around the village or dynamic exercises. Despite this conditioning, Fukushu is not nearly as defined as contemporaries in her own age group. A fact that has driven Fukushu to try harder in recent weeks.
Sign Memorization: The most important skill for an aspiring shinobi is memorization of the twelve chakra hand seals otherwise known as “hand signs” by the less astute. For Fukushu, it is her memorization of these seals that are her greatest asset even considering her above-average chakra control and independent conditioning of her body.
Sign Memorization: The most important skill for an aspiring shinobi is memorization of the twelve chakra hand seals otherwise known as “hand signs” by the less astute. For Fukushu, it is her memorization of these seals that are her greatest asset even considering her above-average chakra control and independent conditioning of her body.
Character Focus & Skillset
Chakra Control: Fukushu was taught the importance of chakra control when she was old enough to comprehend it by her mother, Ayano, who educated her informally alongside Fukushu’s studies at the shinobi academy. By the time the genin exams were issued to academy students she had been trained to utilize it with little issue, though she could easily be outclassed by those who are naturally gifted with controlling their chakra.
Ninjutsu: Taking her mother’s comments and challenges to heart, Fukushu understands that ninjutsu is important not just for a shinobi but for a Namikaze. Whilst she has not unlocked or learned any of the clan’s surreptitious techniques or attributes (such as space-time ninjutsu) she has taken to heart the concept that her taijutsu should be just as good as her ninjutsu. In learning about her water nature chakra, Fukushu has found herself able to utilize the water clone technique before leaving the academy, a feat that even Hatake Toshiro stated was impressive. Fukushu intends to expand her elemental ninjutsu as a genin.
Taijutsu: Fukushu has observed the experts of taijutsu in Konohagakure for many years; a fact that has resulted in Fukushu’s aptitude within the form. Despite the difficulties she originally had during the final year of her time at the shinobi academy she has pieced together techniques that borrow from the Senju Clan’s (and by extension the Lee Clan) school of taijutsu. This can be seen in her usage of techniques such as Cherry Blossom Impact, though Fukushu has a habit of overextending herself and burning more chakra than is necessary for the technique.
Ninjutsu: Taking her mother’s comments and challenges to heart, Fukushu understands that ninjutsu is important not just for a shinobi but for a Namikaze. Whilst she has not unlocked or learned any of the clan’s surreptitious techniques or attributes (such as space-time ninjutsu) she has taken to heart the concept that her taijutsu should be just as good as her ninjutsu. In learning about her water nature chakra, Fukushu has found herself able to utilize the water clone technique before leaving the academy, a feat that even Hatake Toshiro stated was impressive. Fukushu intends to expand her elemental ninjutsu as a genin.
Taijutsu: Fukushu has observed the experts of taijutsu in Konohagakure for many years; a fact that has resulted in Fukushu’s aptitude within the form. Despite the difficulties she originally had during the final year of her time at the shinobi academy she has pieced together techniques that borrow from the Senju Clan’s (and by extension the Lee Clan) school of taijutsu. This can be seen in her usage of techniques such as Cherry Blossom Impact, though Fukushu has a habit of overextending herself and burning more chakra than is necessary for the technique.
Hatake Shunpei:
Hyūga Hikari:
Inuzuka Kimura:
Sarutobi Asami:
Sarutobi Atsumi:
Sarutobi Seiichi
In Fukushu’s mind, there is only one way to describe Sarutobi Seiichi: the enemy. Told by her mother that she is a lesser shinobi if she is outdone by a bastard and effectively not living up to her purpose, Fukushu has since Seiichi bested her the first time considered him her eternal rival and nemesis; only second to the man who killed her father, Kurai Heishi. She continues to mock, insult, and antagonize him at every turn. Additionally, taking into account that all of his accolades are “accidents” per her perspective and not products of hard work it deepens her animosity a tenfold.
Uchiha Ria
In all honesty, if Ria wasn’t screeching and trying to be the center of attention Fukushu wouldn’t even know who she was. Ria’s focus on non-shinobi interests and hobbies, to Fukushu, shows a lack of concentration, effort, and dedication to their role in the Land of Fire. Fukushu once told Ria that she was “too irrelevant” to be worth talking to when Ria tried to suggest she was one of her rivals. As far as the purple-haired kunoichi is concerned, Ria is a non-issue and a laughable mistake among the Uchiha Clan.
Uchiha Tomoya:
Uzumaki Kiyoshi
A proclaimed fūinjutsu prodigy, Kiyoshi has always been another pillar for Fukushu. Despite her memorization of all of the ninjutsu signs and honing her reflexes for snap sign-making, she has always struggled with some of the complexities of sealing techniques and as such this has made her envious of the Uzumaki and as with everything else in her life she envies this has translated to her detesting the red-haired shinobi. In personal encounters she will actively engage to disorient, demotivate, and dismiss his abilities and personal strengths. After all, a rival who has been tempered by such psychological efforts would only earn her copious advantages in any shinobi assessment, challenge, or competition.
Yakushi Tsume
Fukushu’s relationship with Tsume goes back to when she met her observing the taijutsu regimen of elder shinobi on what was typically a mundane afternoon of observational training. It was here that Fukushu convinced Tsume to become her newfound sparring partner and fundamental punching bag. A normal child would’ve seen Fukushu’s ruthless conditioning as unfair among other things but for some reason, Tsume endured and actually impressed Fukushu with her resilience. Fukushu still thinks her physical illness will prevent her from being a worthy rival, however.
Yamanaka Inokikue:
Hyūga Hikari:
Inuzuka Kimura:
Sarutobi Asami:
Sarutobi Atsumi:
Sarutobi Seiichi
In Fukushu’s mind, there is only one way to describe Sarutobi Seiichi: the enemy. Told by her mother that she is a lesser shinobi if she is outdone by a bastard and effectively not living up to her purpose, Fukushu has since Seiichi bested her the first time considered him her eternal rival and nemesis; only second to the man who killed her father, Kurai Heishi. She continues to mock, insult, and antagonize him at every turn. Additionally, taking into account that all of his accolades are “accidents” per her perspective and not products of hard work it deepens her animosity a tenfold.
Uchiha Ria
In all honesty, if Ria wasn’t screeching and trying to be the center of attention Fukushu wouldn’t even know who she was. Ria’s focus on non-shinobi interests and hobbies, to Fukushu, shows a lack of concentration, effort, and dedication to their role in the Land of Fire. Fukushu once told Ria that she was “too irrelevant” to be worth talking to when Ria tried to suggest she was one of her rivals. As far as the purple-haired kunoichi is concerned, Ria is a non-issue and a laughable mistake among the Uchiha Clan.
Uchiha Tomoya:
Uzumaki Kiyoshi
A proclaimed fūinjutsu prodigy, Kiyoshi has always been another pillar for Fukushu. Despite her memorization of all of the ninjutsu signs and honing her reflexes for snap sign-making, she has always struggled with some of the complexities of sealing techniques and as such this has made her envious of the Uzumaki and as with everything else in her life she envies this has translated to her detesting the red-haired shinobi. In personal encounters she will actively engage to disorient, demotivate, and dismiss his abilities and personal strengths. After all, a rival who has been tempered by such psychological efforts would only earn her copious advantages in any shinobi assessment, challenge, or competition.
Yakushi Tsume
Fukushu’s relationship with Tsume goes back to when she met her observing the taijutsu regimen of elder shinobi on what was typically a mundane afternoon of observational training. It was here that Fukushu convinced Tsume to become her newfound sparring partner and fundamental punching bag. A normal child would’ve seen Fukushu’s ruthless conditioning as unfair among other things but for some reason, Tsume endured and actually impressed Fukushu with her resilience. Fukushu still thinks her physical illness will prevent her from being a worthy rival, however.
Yamanaka Inokikue:
Jutsu List
S Rank
A Rank
B Rank
C Rank
D Rank
E Rank