Name: Zsadist Age: 30 (human about 150 vampire) Preferred Weapon: knife Personality: Zsadist is very quiet. He sees things that others do not. He can read a situation better then most. He's very violent when threatened. He doesn't like to be touched and tends to keep everyoneat arms length. Brief Background: Zsadist was kidnapped when he was 6. He was kept as a blood slave until he came of age when his owner started using and selling him for other things. This continued until he was rescued as a young adult.
Personality: Despite having a very Kind and sweet woman she has a tendency to be very quiet and likes being a bit of a loner. Juniper was also very brave and would not hesitate to take a bullet for a family member or a complete and total stranger. Determination has always been the strongest suit for her because of how she was raised by her father. She is also very adventurous always wandering away and being curious about the world around her.
Brief Background: Juniper was raised with just a father. She had been raised to be tougher than she lets on and always be cautious since her mother was killed by a Lesser. Juniper had known what she was but she just continued to just lie life as she saw fit at the time. Her father had a friend who was like a brother to him who had a son. Hoping they would grow to love each other they pushed them to hang out. Juniper and Michelangelo (Or Michel) would learn to love each other as brother and sister not as mates.
They did get into trouble though. Growing up on a farm was one of the most fun things the young and older friends enjoyed. Getting into trouble and running around the farm with their dogs.
When they got older Michel and Juniper had been hanging out when Juniper went into transition. Painful and crying ensued then she blacks out. When she came back the woman gasps when she felt her teeth inside someone that someone being her bestfriend. She cried when she let him go.
Now she is still on the small farm and remains there with Michel as a helper around the farm.
Katana strapped to his back 9mm Baretta P90 only for emergencies or if being overrun kept in his car
Personality: He keeps to himself and never opens up to anyone. He figures anyone he gets close to will be a target or will leave him. He tries to show emotion every now and can when he drinks but not usually when he is sober. When he is with its brothers its easier but it sure isn't a cake walk for him. He is a very determined fighter and willing to put his life on the line to defend his family. Brief Background: He was named after his father Vischous in order to live out his legacy. He was trained from a young age to become one of the best fighters for the brotherhood. He was on his own training with just a teacher up until his 18th birthday. He joined the Brotherhood a week after his father died. He has been working his best to get rid of the lessers no matter if he loses his life in the process. He has incredible strength and is learning more and more abilities the more he trains. He has never found mate yet and hopes to one day chose the right girl. Theme Song: Raimstein- Fuer Frei! Other: He has a full bread wolf that he domesticated. He named him Aries He owns a Black Mclaren 570s
-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Appearance:
(for her tattoos)
Name: Anjelica Daniels Age: 29 Species: Half Human/Half Vampire Personality: She is the kind of person you would least expect to be sweet. She is a very caring person with a tough exterior because everyone judges her for her tattoos. She thinks they show off her true personality. She believes if you cant be yourself then you should not meet new people. Back Story: She grew up with just her mom most of her life. She never really knew why her father was never around but when she would ask her mom, she would give her some lie about how he died in battle. She always had a feeling that she was lying for her benefit. She moved out when she turned 20 and opened her own tattoo shop downtown. She is single but she has always wanted to find a relationship that would not turn around and kick her in the teeth. Other: The Black Thorn Shop is the name of her tattoo shop. She always has her tattoo kit with her most of the time.
Personality - Brenna is kind and warm. You never have to guess what she is thinking or feeling. People tend to feel instantly as ease around her. While she tends to be a little too kind at times she has a temper and can be stern, but of course feels guilty afterward. If she thinks she's hurt someone she immediately hurries to apologize, something that many people have taken advantage of in the past.
Brief History - Brenna grew up without a father. Her mother didn't even know his name, just that he was tall and dark and she met him in a bar. Her mother died when she was a child and Brenna was raised by her maternal grandmother, who found fault with everything she did. No matter how hard she tried, there was no pleasing the woman. She learned in her late teens it was because her grandmother saw her as a sin, an illegitimate child of fornication.
Brenna was working on a degree in teaching when the transition hit. It came as a shock to say the least. By the grace of The Scribe Virgin a male vampire happened to be near enough to sense a female in distress and came running to help. He got her through her transition, got her pregnant, then got himself killed by Lessers. When he grandmother found out Brenna was pregnant, she tossed her out of the house, calling her a whore and a sinner. Brenna found work in side jobs here and there until a vampire doctor discovered her in her state and aided in her giving birth. She is staying at a shelter inside the doctor's clinic with her child for now, unsure of what to do next. The doctor is concerned though. The child's blood is very unique... indicative of possible ties to the Brotherhood...
Name : Gracie Harrison
Age : 4
Preferred Weapon : Mommy
Personality: Quiet and curious, Gracie doesn't speak to people she doesn't know. In fact, she rarely speaks at all. The fact that she nearly completely deaf doesn't help matters. She doesn't like playing with the other children, finding them too rough. Gracie prefers to e with her mommy and read or paint. She knows sign language but sometimes pretends like she doesn't understand people just because she doesn't want to talk to them. She has asked Brenna about her father and only knows that he was killed by monsters called Lessers. She seems to like tales of the Brotherhood and wants her mommy to tell her stories of them every night.
Brief History : Gracie was born to Brenna, but the birth was difficult. Gracie was a breach and in trying to get her out before she suffocated the doctor injured her. This caused her to start losing her hearing as a baby and now it is almost completely gone. She can hear very loud noises but that's it. The doctor suspects that her father was a member of the Brotherhood, but this has not been confirmed.
Nicknames: Afec,Caz, Zimir, [Seren can only use] A, Fec Age:Human - 25-27 years | Vampire - 950 [Accurate not exact]
Personality: Afecjtion is a very overprotective individual especially of ones he loves or are close too. Which is a reason he can show sadness, regret and remorse for another living life form. As a male in his family, he had to become strong, intelligent and serious. Afecjtion has a silver tongue you could say though that silver comes with a price of brutal honesty, sarcasm and quick-witted comebacks. He can be a very mute individual....mostly round strangers or ones he feels uneasy about. Afecjtion usually gives off the feeling of a cold hearten individual or something that has no remorse for any individual. He usually doesn't. Though he can flash a warm smile or two to make individuals warm up round him. Try and get close and Afecjtion might start acting skid-dish and back away. He doesn't care to get close because he feels like he will be betrayed. Having severe trust issues. He only can trust his sister. Brief Background: Afecjtion was born the oldest causing his life to be more difficult than his younger sisters. He had to work in all his educational classes, martial art classes, weaponry classes, and more. He kept to his highest in life. Fulfilling everything he could to make his mother and father proud. As he was the only child for many years his younger sister came along. He adored her. Though all the attention was taken away from him and even after she grew to be age three and their parents started to not pay attention to her any more. This incident caused Afecjtion and Seren to become closer. Especially after the extreme accident that happened months later. Afecjtion's parents were murdered. Friends of the family didn't know why or really how. But it happened and left Afecjtion with all the power of his families fortune. He didn't want that responsibility though it was forced on him. Two months after the death the mansion broke out in hellish flames. Creating it to burn to the ground. Afecjtion escaped with Seren and every since then they have been wanderers with no home.
Seren Kairos Zadicus
Nicknames: Kai, Ser - [Only brother can use] Princess, love, Kiddo Age: 6
Big brother or mother's dagger
Personality: Such a loving little girl. She has more love then anyone else could ever give. Seren is always smiling and joyful. Mostly the opposite of her brother. Though she admires him so highly. Being slightly shy and quiet. She is a giggling bubble of happiness. Seren is a goofy and odd individual as well. As, she is always coming up with new noises or actions to show she is a strange mind. Her mind is often creative and artistic as she can see all the colours of an individual just not the one being shown externally. Brief Background: Seren was highly admired and adored by her parents and older brother Lucien. The biggest person on a pedestal, for her, was her brother. Being taught the same way as she was excepted with less of a strict lesson. She always showed her creativity as her mother did. She took after her mother so greatly and only Lucien can tell her about their parents. She had a more innocent life while they lived with their parents. When their parents died she was told what happened but didn't fully understand the main part of it. Seren also didn't seem to be to badly affected by the house fire and becoming a traveller with her older brother. She enjoys being with him, and she can be worked up even if she is small she tries to protect Lucien even though he ends up protecting her or getting severely hurt by her actions.
Stats: Zavist stands at 6 foot 4 with olive toned skin, black hair, and a medium toned muscle build.
preferred weapons: Retractable Inconel claws inserted in a pair of gloves resistant to tearing from the movement of the claws the knuckles of the gloves have brass in them creating a hefty brass knuckle effect. The other weapon he prefers is himself. Weapons note: While he does not prefer them he is fully capable of using knives, especially throwing knives. (he keeps one in a sheath in his left boot)
Persona: While not the most outspoken man, he is quick with wit and snaps. He does not seem to want to get close to anyone.
Brief Background: Zavist was changed to vampire at the young age of 21 so long ago he hardly remembers the occurrence. What he does remember is being chosen to be a part of the protectors of his race and him refusing it. This seemed to (rightfully) anger the scribe and so she cursed upon him the shape of a wolf along with keeping him a part of the brotherhood anyway. Zavist developed new changes with this form...a more feral side along with a fierce protectiveness of any he considers a part of his 'pack'. His pack being vampires. He did not appreciate this especially as he is required to take that other form often and if he does not, his body forces him to and the process is quite painful.
He has since learned to accept his role and has decided that the second form may not be so terrible...often using it against lessers and for tracking easier.
Abilities: Second form, enhanced senses along with brotherhood abilities (strength and such)
Second form: -Zavist's form is that of a large brindled wolf with a black muzzle. The wolf is larger then average, but due to the fur pattern many mistake the shape for a large dog earning the nickname of Dog of War. A creature many do not wish to witness if they are on the wrong side of the battle.
-Side affects: Zavist's eyes are now a permanent shade of amber and can be called 'feral' or 'wild' eyes.