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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SyrianHamster
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Evan calsped his hands, and gave his two companions a confident boyish grin, "We take the road north-east, and we pass the AAF heliport." He paused to wipe sweat from his brow, and the continued, "we hit Abdera earlier in the day - made a real racket. The AAF sent one Littlebird in retaliation, which is nothing compared to the swarms they usually assail us with. My guess is that the heliport is poorly manned right now, what with everything going on down south." Pulling his combat knife from its sheath, he used it as a makeshift mirror and inspected his face closely in the feint moonlight. "I can fly a chopper, just about. Might be worth hitting that pad - or at least checking it out. Could be that if it's as I say, and not many of those fuckers are around, we could wreck their shit and grab us a ride."

Realising the thousand holes that could easily appear in his simple plan, Evan grunted and offered a more reasonable route. "Perhaps I am too hasty to kill and maim," he joked, "We take the road north-east, turn left at the junction, keep a wide birth of the pad and head northwards. This country is littered with seldom walked paths, and the further we go from the south, the less patrols we will face. We best hurry though, I'm expecting company of the AAF kind to launch themselves up this road any time now. Had to relieve a checkpoint guard of his duties, if you catch my drift."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Irish had gotten an hour of sleep, he didnt mind after a few cups of coffee. Once he got up and at it he knew they would be deploying soon so he restocked on ammo and grabbed a Lynx just incase, he slung it over his shoulder and found Huscarl and the rest of Delta a few minutes before they all loaded up onto the UGV. He didnt like riding something that wasnt made for transport but he wasnt about to complain, he knew enough to shut his trap and keep composure. He climbed on to the UGV and found himself a fairly stable place to sit so that he wasnt left behind, while he was on he watched his teammates, each had a calm facial expression. The lot of them were all experienced combatants and knew how to keep it together. He couldnt tell what was going on in their minds and he didnt care, well he cared enough so that the mission didnt turn into a cluster fuck. He sat and rode the UGV into the foggy dawn, towards Delta's position.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RPCWhite
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Bronco team had mounted up into their Hunter and Archer took the HMG while Gunner put his machine Gun out the window. Popy directed the Kid on the road they were taking as he drove them towards their objective. They pushed through and Archer waited for the first bullet to pierce their Hunter HMG to open fire. He knew, just as everyone else in the Hunter knew, that Surprise was the best element they had. All they could do was check their gear as they approached their target. "Alright boys, keep a cold finger on those guns until I give the order." He shouted over the Hunter as they bounced around from the terrain. "Maintain radio silence with the rest of the attack team until we are through. If the Hunter gets disabled move on foot and regroup and rally point Lima, Copy?" He asked and they all replied "Copy".
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