Name: Adrian Cooke
Age: 26
Nationality: Australian
Alias(es): James Morey, Sebastian Smith, Robert Downing
Heist Name: Sharp
Weapons of Choice: Mossberg 500 pump action shotgun, Ruger SP-101, 4" switchblade
Distinctive Feature: Wears a dress jacket and a hockey mask
Team Responsibility: Control Freak- Leader of the group and in charge of civilian and guard control
Personality: Adrian is smart. He never excelled in school, but he has a far higher than average IQ, and his police file notes him as a man of significant intelligence. He's taken speech lessons to hide his highly distinct accent, and he often switches between accents and voices to throw people off. He’s been a crook for a long time, and he knows the game.
He’s a bit of an adrenaline junkie, as any long-time heister and thief has to be, but he’s also a solid man when you need to be, and exudes a presence. A snap of his fingers gets people moving,and there’s nothing quite like a sharp dressed man holding a chrome revolver to grab attention, especially if he’s screaming at you in a Texas accent.
History: You want a man born for crime? Look no further than Adrian Cooke. Born in Sydney, Australia, he didn't exactly have the greatest upbringing in the world. His father was a drunken idiot who couldn't hold down a job and was a little too handsy with his son and wife. After one too many drinks (and backhands,) his wife left him, taking the young Adrian with him. She was a better parental figure, although honestly it would be hard not to be, but Adrian still didn’t excel in school, scraping through high school by the absolute skin of his teeth.
After he was done, he picked himself up and joined the Australian army, starting what would be a short, but successful career, as he took to soldiering well. Unfortunately for the world, his officers didn't take to him. After toeing the line one times too many, he was out on his ass with nothing but a dishonourable discharge for four years of service.
After he was done, he left the country entering the land of the free with nothing but a change of clothes. He bought his first personal firearm soon after, and his first major crime was the armed robbery and assault of a wealthy couple outside of a Boston theatre at age 23.
After this, he started popping up opportunistically, bagging jewellery or ripping off drug dealers for years. Soon however, he was getting more attention than he liked, and besides, he wasn’t making enough to keep up with his desires. Searching on the parts of the web that the police hate, he met up with Circuit. The rest? History.
Skills: He’s a military man, and knows the deal when it comes to both the cops and the jobs he’s on. He’s a smart man too, and whilst more of a bellower than a smooth talker, there’s nobody that’s going to disobey him in the bank.
Favourite Song: Should I Stay or Should I Go- The Clash

Name: Mark Goldsmith
Age: 20
Nationality: Jewish, American
Alias(es): Adam Aarons
Heist Name: Smokes
Weapons of Choice: TEC-9, modified to fire fully automatic
Distinctive Feature: Has spray-painted his TEC-9 to look like a CS:GO Nuclear Threat skin.
Team Responsibility: Getaway Driver
Personality: James is the ultimate adrenaline junkie. He lives for the thrill, and it shows, being able to pull off insane stunts in anything from a dune buggy to a 18-wheeler, and keep a level (if whooping,) head through all of it. He always has a grin on his face, and although he’s a little twitchy when it comes to the cops, he’s always there to get the crew away from the scene of the crime.
History: Mark is a third-generation Jewish American, but his family are still dirt poor. Early in life, he showed an aptitude for go-kart racing, and although he wanted to enter the professional league (not NASCAR though. Fuck NASCAR,) his parents simply couldn’t afford to buy him into the circuits.
Now, he uses his skills on the track as a getaway driver and petty thief. When he’s not with the gang, he’s running a scam, jacking expensive Mercedes to a tow truck and scrapping them, or enjoying one of the many, many, many cigars he has a penchant for.
Despite this though, the gang makes him twitchy. He doesn’t like sticking around them for long periods of time, and he only works for them because Circuit has some serious dirt on him. Other than Circuit and the man himself, nobody quite knows what this dirty secret is.
Skills: He’s has a smooth tongue on him, even if his main job is getting the team as far away from the danger as possible. Once got the VIP treatment in a strip club for free, that’s how good he is with his tongue.
Favourite song: Highway Star- Deep Purple

Name: Corey Daniels
Age: 30
Nationality: American
Alias(es): None
Heist Name: Circuit
Weapons of Choice: None
Distinctive Feature: None
Team Responsibility: Comms Link- He’s the guy that does any remote electronic stuff the team needs doing, from overriding security systems to delaying silent alarms.
Personality: Honestly? Nobody really knows. Circuit is a professional guy, and that extends to his private life. If you don’t need to know anything about him, you don’t know anything about him.
History: Likewise, nobody knows. He keeps to himself, even in the safehouse.
Skills: Tech genius. He’s a living god when it comes to computers, that’s for sure.
Favourite song: Technologic- Daft Punk