Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vincanity
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Digimon Convergence IC Log I, Part 1

Mattmanganon 06-15-2011 07:15 PM

Digimon: the Convergence of the Human and Digital World IC

the Digital world has always co-existed with the Real World. but due to unknown circumstances, the Digital World and the Real world have began to combine, now pieces of the Digital world are beginning to come into the human world. it all started a month ago, at first it was small things such as mail-boxes replaced with Mail-box sized Mushrooms.

but then it started to get big, whole skyscrapers replaced with Ocean Liners. now creatures have started to appear. some of them have have come in search of a Partner, some have come due to lack of choice and are scared, and there are a few that have come because they wish to destroy this new world and claim it for their own.

OOC: roleplayerguild.com/f15/digim...l-worl..


Dirk woke up in his bed, Thursday, only got to make it through today and tommorow, then he gets 2 days off. he walked downstairs to find Kate sitting there waiting for him. "hi Dirk, i made you some breakfast." she said.

"thanks Kate." he said. he sat down to the pancakes that she had made him. he ate them and she simply stood and watched him. she seemed to enjoy watching him enjoy her work. he felt really weird. he finished and got up. "thanks again." she then handed him his school bag, he then handed him his bag.

"now hurry up, you'll be late for school." she said. he then walked out and made his way to school. as he walked through the busy streets, he noticed that the TV's had pictures of the latest strange disturbances. there was now a large Medieval Castle in the middle of Chicago. "it's getting worse..." he shook his head. walking even further down the road, he had to walk through a park in order to get to school. as he did so he suddenly noticed a thick fog beginning to roll in, he thought nothing of it as it had been happening a lot of late but then he began to lose his way. "crap i'm gonna be late." he said, he then ran for a bit until he wound up in the middle of a basketball court. "the hell?" he asked. then he was knocked off his feet. he looked around to see a Giant parrot. "WHAT THE HELL!!!" he yelled. then he saw a devil like creature raise out of the ground. "WHAT THE HELL!!!" he yelled. the parrot and Devil faught. Dirk dodged out of the way of the 2 who were much bigger than him. the Parrot then gave the Devil a decisive blow which knocked it on it's back. the Parrot then looked at Dirk it lashed out at him, but the Devil creature then got in the way.

"YOU'RE FIGHT IS WITH ME." the Parrot then put it's feet claws in the Devils shoulder. Dirk then ran over to the Devil.

"come on, get up. you gotta get up!" he yelled. the Parrot then lashed out with it's beak. "NOOO!!!" The devil protected Dirk with it's hands. "thank you." he said.

"THIS REALLY FREAKIN' HURTS KID." it said. the Parrot then backed off. "come on bird brain, you're mine." he said.

"no, lets run." said Dirk.

"no, he's mine."

"what's your name?" asked Dirk.

"Devimon... why'd you ask?" he asked.

"because, Devimon, you'll die if you fight him." said Dirk. the Parrot then launched at them again. "DEVIMON!!!" yelled Dirk, he and Devimon were about to die." but then the bird hit an energy field. the parrot began to bang against the energy field. but to no avail. suddenly Dirks chest began to glow. then a small ball of energy came out. it then formed into what looked kind of like a roundish Mobile Phone. it began to glow and then suddenly everything went black. then he came to. Dirk got to his feet. "oh... what happened." his voice sounded like a combination of his and Devimon's voice. "what the hell?" he asked. he looked himself over, he looked like a large demonic biker, the parrot then charged at him again. he instinctively pulled out 2 double barreled shot-guns and unloaded them into the Parrot. it then disolved, the little particles then flowed into Dirk. "what the hell?" everything went black again and he awoke on the ground "wha? it must have been a dream, i probably hit my head on the way to school and was knocked out. he then got up and saw a little black imp-like creature on the ground. "WHAT THE HELL?!" he yelled. the creature came to as well.

"what happened?" asked the creature. it then looked itself over. "GOD DAMMIT! I SPENT AGES GETTING ENOUGH ENERGY TO DIGIVOLVE!!!" he then looked at Dirk. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT PINEAPPLE HEAD!!!"

"what the hell?" he then looked at the phone. "hey, do you know what this is?" he asked.

"A DIGIVICE!!!" yelled the Imp.

"wait... are you... Devimon?"

"no, i'm now Impmon, as i digivolve i gain different names, i was Devimon, but then i got my ass handed to me so now i am Impmon."

"this is confusing." said Dirk.

"well, your my Digidestined now." said Impmon. "this is sweet, now all of those guys that picked on me will pay for everything, cuz i can become mega now!!!" laughed the imp.

"i'm confused." said Dirk.

"walk with me, i'll explain on the way." said Impmon

Gamerdude369 06-15-2011 08:54 PM

"Castles appearin' out of nowhere, kinda strange." said a kid dressed in black. He was walking down the street with a group of teens, around his age. Steve among them.
"It depends what you mean by strange, alines make them crop circles and what not." said another walking with his hands in his pocket.
"Crop circles are one thing, but whole buildings, that's quacked." the third one spoke, the youngest of the group.

Steve was walking with them, thinking about this and that not really listening to their conversation even though they were his friends. His thoughts were of doing something new, something different from hanging out with his loving looser. They were all heading to the local restaurant for breakfast, but this day was about to take a turn. When they got to the door the entire building started waving, waving and fading. The others panicked and ran, leaving Steve behind. Soon the building was gone and Steve saw his friends were too. "Some friends," he thought to himself. Now where the building once stood was a pile of ruble, none of it resembling the restaurant. This was decidedly different so he decided to see what was there. Entering the ruble he could see something sitting among the gray cement of some former structure. It appeared to be egg shaped and sported yellow spots. Steve approached it cautiously.

As he got closer he could see that the egg was rather large, bigger than an ostrich egg or just about. He went to pick up the egg and the minute he touched it the room glowed bright, so bright he could not see anything. When the light faded there was device of some sort in his hand, it had a screen and a few buttons. It was not a phone or anything he had ever seen. As he examined the device he heard a crack, it was the egg. He looked closer as the cracks continued to form. Steve did not flee, his curiosity took the best of him, he wanted to know what it was. What emerged could not be defined as animal, vegetable, or mineral. It was slimish in form and sported two small wings. It was roughly the size of a soccer ball. It looked at him with it's big eyes and spoke.

"Good morning Your Highness." Need less to say Steve was taken back by this, nearly tripping over the ruble as he steeped back. Not only was this slime alive, but it spoke a language that he understood.
It even called him "Highness," this confused him. "I'm talking to a slime ball right now, but what the heck. What do you mean by Highness?"
The ball hopped closer to him and spoke again. "I am a Digimon that follow a monarchy system. As you are my Digidestined, you are my King. I am your humble servant Pupumon." To Steve this was officially weird, but three different kinds of awesome.
"Are you serious? Pupumon? Who gave you that name?" Steve did not even want to repeat it, it would make his tongue fall off most likely.
"It is not my name, it is what I am. Pardon the rudeness your Majesty, but I am terribly hungry. Would you show me a bit of kindness?" It was asking for food now. Considering he was friendless and the restaurant was no more he decided to return home, Pupumon in tow.

* * * * * *

By the time the two of them got back to the house it was lunch time, so Steve proceeded to cook. He offered the "Digimon" anything in the house, but it seemed fixated on honey. He granted it its desire, and made a burger for himself. His father was out this time of day, he was not working, he was doing whatever he wanted. When Steve was finished with his burger, and Pupumon with his honey, Steve decided it was time for a conversation. "So, my humble servant, what the f*#k is going on here?"

The creature started to speak, but suddenly stopped and turned white all over. Steve was not taken back this time, at the moment noting would surprise him. When the light faded, the one slimy Pupumon sported a new image. This of an insect. Yellow body, bigger eyes, and bigger wings, but still roughly the same size as before. Steve pointed at the creature, "Does that happen often?"

"Yes and no your Majesty. Digivolving is not an exact science, but I do get stronger." The insect spread his wings and hovered in front of his human companion. "As thanks for the meal I will explain a few things to you."
(I am going to say this is where Steve gets the gist of Digimon, Digivice, Digidestind, basically everything Digi related.)

Mattmanganon 06-16-2011 11:23 AM

Dirk and Impmon walked along the park path. "so let me get this straight, you are a Digimon."


"you come from a place called the Digital world."


"you were randomly warped here along with the big parrot creature called Parrotmon."


"i am called a Digidestined."


"you leach power from me in order to fight. and the stronger my emotions, the more power you gain."


"so can we turn into the big biker guy again?" asked Dirk

"no." replied Impmon.

"why not?" asked Dirk.

"think of our power as a hike across the desert, you get given a big bucket of water to take with you. that water is power." said Impmon.


"you chugged it. no power left." said Impmon. "i might be able to become Devimon again... but that's about it for now."

"oh... ok." suddenly a bell could be heard. "OH SHIT I'M LATE!!!" Dirk then took off.


"i gotta get to school or i'm dead!!!" Impmon jumped on Dirk's back.

"well i'm comin' too, i'm gonna be Beelzemon again if it kills you." he said. Dirk stopped.

"no, you can't come with me." he said.


"because pets aren't allowed in school." said Dirk.


"stop calling me that!"

"never!" Impmon jumped on Dirks head and started jumping up and down. "pineapple head! pineapple head! pineapple head!" Dirk then grabbed him and put him down.

"alright, stay out here." he said, he then ran inside the school gates.

PsychoScythe 06-16-2011 08:26 PM

Lucas groaned to himself as he watched another object be replaced by something weird; this time a telephone pole being replaced by a cactus. He'd read some of the crack theories on the internet, and if this was truly either the Second Coming of Christ or Cthulhu, then they were stoned as hell if this is what they came up with. Either way, he still had to get to his class at the university.

As Lucas walked through the streets, yet another strange event happened. The next block over had suddenly exploded, and when the dust cleared, it was revealed to have been reduced to rubble. In the center of the rubble, there was something that made Lucas doubt his sobriety. A lion-man was punching the crap out of a giant black dinosaur. Suddenly, the dinosaur spat a blast of fire at the lion man, impacting and knocking him flat on his back. As the lion man struggled to get up, the black dinosaur seemed to be searching the area for something, until its eyes finally settled on Lucas.

"Ah ha! More prey! If I load his data, Leomon won't be a problem for me!" The black dinosaur roared, as it began charging at Lucas.

Ordinarily, Lucas would have tried to run, but the shock of seeing a fire-breathing dinosaur talking and the sheer insanity of this situation left him in a state of shell-shock. When he finally came to, the dinosaur was rapidly closing in on him.

"Holy shit..." Lucas whispered, stunned as he saw his impending death. Being eaten by a talking dinosaur was not how he planned to spend his morning. As the dinosaur swiped at Lucas with a claw, the lion man appeared from out of nowhere and screamed in pain as the claw dug into his side.

"Not this time, DarkTyrannomon." The lion man roared as he drew a sword with one hand and the other began to give off an orange aura. "You're not bringing innocents into this, coward! Fist of the Beast King!" The lion man thrust his glowing fist forward, and an aura shaped like a lion's head burst forth, exploding on impact with DarkTyrannomon's face. As the dinosaur fell onto its back, roaring in pain, the lion man took his sword and leaped onto its head, impaling it in the skull. DarkTyrannomon burst into small particles that the lion man proceeded to absorb into his body, but more particles seemed to be flowing out of his wound as he cried out in pain, falling to the ground. Lucas watched the seen in bewilderment, then started forward, intending to help the lion man in some way. He did save his life, after all.

"Hey, are you all right?" Lucas kneeled down next to the dying lion man, who was grunting in pain as more particles flowed from his open wound. "Shit, it's my fault you took that hit, isn't it? I'm sorry." Lucas muttered worriedly as the flow of particles only increased.

"Don't be." The lion man smiled grimly, seeming accepting of his fate. "If I died saving an innocent, then it was a good death. At least I have a chance of reformatting like this."

"I...is there anything I can do to help you?" Lucas spoke quietly, looking somber in the face of the creature's near death state. As he spoke, a light began emanating from his chest, before emerging and taking the form of some round electronic device. Lucas took it, staring at it in confusion.

The lion man looked as shocked as Lucas, before gasping out a few more words. "A Digidestined...I see. I may have a chance after all. Human, what is your name?"

Lucas ignored the strange new device in his hands as he focused his attention back on the lion. "It's Lucas. Lucas Seyour." The lion nodded once before grinning in triumph, for some strange reason.

"Lucas...my name is Leomon. When I die, I will reformat into an egg. Please, safeguard that egg until I hatch again from it. Thank you...Digidestined." With those words, Leomon burst into a cloud of particles, which stood in the air for half a minute before forming into an egg, just like he stated. Lucas pocketed the device that had burst from his chest, and picked up the egg, holding it in both hands.

"Well thanks, bro. Way to leave me a cryptic message right before you die, like goddamn Obi-Wan. What, are you going to reincarnate or something?" He muttered to himself, returning to his normal state of thought now that the danger had passed. "Guess I'm not going to class today." Lucas smirked as he headed back to his apartment.

Three hours later in Lucas's apartment, the egg hatched, just as Leomon said it would, and a red blob with eyes emerged, smiling like a maniac and bouncing up and down. It seemed to take its form in for a few seconds, before its eyes bulged in realization. "Holy crap! I remember everything! Thank you so much!" The blob spoke, before launching itself into Lucas's arms, laughing eagerly.

"Okay, what the hell?" Lucas asked as he set the blob back down on his kitchen table.

"My name is Punimon. I'm the Baby level of that Leomon from earlier. So anyway, you got anything to eat? I'm starving." Lucas obliged Punimon, heating up a cup of instant ramen for him to eat. As soon as he finished eating, Punimon began to glow white, before morphing into a round, orange, furry creature with a horn. "Ah, thank you for the meal. It seems it was enough to cause me to evolve into Tsunomon, my In-Training form. I suppose you'll be wanting an explanation of what's going on?" And for the next few hours, Tsunomon explained the workings of the Digital World to Lucas, along with the concept of Digivolution and everything related to it.

Gamerdude369 06-16-2011 10:06 PM

This was a lot to take in, by anyone's standards. "Ok ok, let me get this straight, you are Puroromon now?" The creature nodded. "You are a Digimon that came from the Digitalworld and I am your Digidestined and your King." The creature nodded again. "This electronically doodad is a Digivice that links me to you and proved I am a Digidestined, who is a person that helps to fight and protect the Digital world." For a third time in a row the creature nodded, but this time he spoke.

"Yes your Highness, that is the the basic understanding of things." Puroromon smiled, he was happy his master was able to pick up on these thing quickly.
"Ok one more question." Steve understood everything, but there was one big plot hole in the Digital Creature's story.
"Ask away your Majesty, and I will answer." He waited eagerly for its master to respond.
"As far as I can see you came out of an egg, meaning you were born today. Are you telling me this is inherent knowledge for every Digimon."

Puroromon was caught off guard, this question could blow a hole in his entire story, he had to tell his master what had happened. "Ahh, yes, about that." To him this was going to be an embarrassing story, to him his honor was tarnished. "Back in the Digital World, I was a Captain of the Royal Guard, as Waspmon of course. One day our hive was attacked, we managed to hold off the invasion, but there were many casualties, myself included. I was not deleted though, I was reconfigured, into the egg you saw. It happens on occasion when a Digimon uses too much power, and like I said, the hive is safe."

This was quite the story, this Puroromon was a heroic warrior, a loyal knight, and a powerful protector. "Nice story Puroromon, I bet it would make a great children's book." He tried putting it into words that would make logical sense. "So data is like matter, it never truly disappears. right."
"Data can be more easily configured, but yes, something is always left behind. Very intellectual statement your Majesty." The bug Digimon was generally happy, he could have ended up with a scum bag for all he knew, he was one of the lucky ones.
"The name is Steve Snader. But I assume you are going to refer to me in a kingly manner regardless, right?" His companion was not too hard to understand, but how he was going to be a contender at its current size baffled him.
"It would be disgraceful and insulting to you otherwise, King Steve."

Vocalia 06-16-2011 11:28 PM

The day went on rather normally as Zei looked around the pet shop. News of strange occurence seemed to be popping on in a rather disturbing frequencies. Bluidings gone and being replaced by open land, objects appearing and disappearing at random places and times. The most bizzare of all, to her, would be the sudden appearance of monsters in the area. She wondered if these occurences might be connected.

A bark from a puppy broke the girl off her reverie as she approached it. Gently stroking the pup, Zei smiled as the pup nibbled on her finger, feeling the dull pressure of its still growing teeth.

Suddenly, the earth under them shook with a sudden jolt. The animals began to panic and Zei was forced to lay on the ground. Just as the quake appeared, it disappeared in an instant after a short while.

Standing up to look around, she was relieved to see all the animals safe. Items were flung off the shelves to the ground, but it was not to a great concern. Zei surveyed the insides and outsides of the pet shop. When she opened the door, a strange object lied in front of her. It looked like a white egg, with strange light purple markings all over it.

"Hmmm? What could this be?" She wondered out loud, moving to touch the egg.

The moment she did, her body let out a warm glow. Light erupted from her slender frame and clustered together, forming what looked like a white rectangular pager with strange buttons and a display window on it. The strange item fell onto the egg, causing it to crack. Slowly, a fur ball emerged from the egg, looking rather viscious. The moment the fur ball set her eyes on her, she hopped off her egg shell and began chewing on Zei's hand, growling while she was at it. However, due to her lack of teeth, it didn't hurt at all. Rather, it felt ticklish to the girl.

Blinking in confusion, she picked up the device as the egg shell disappeared into clusters of data dust, unaware of what it was. Looking at the fur ball chewing on her hand, she looked around before taking the creature in with her into the shop.

Mattmanganon 06-17-2011 01:02 AM

Robert was sitting in the middle of Class, he wasn't listening to the teacher, he was thinking about Impmon. but at the same time was listening to his portable radio on the Sly.

"Xang has the ball... he's racing down the wing... Lamp makes an unsuccessful intercept. he shoots a-" suddenly the radio cut out. "we interupt this broadcast to bring you an important news flash, Tokyo is now under attack from several Creatures, one appears to be a Dinosaur. it's like watching an old Godzilla film in Tokyo square, everyone is urged to evacuate Tokyo until the crisis is averted. the others appear to be a Giant Pig-like Creature and a Hawk." suddenly a voice came over the school speakers.

"all students are to evacuate the building immediately, please remain calm." said the voice of the Headmaster. everyone started to head to the exits.

"probably another false fire alarm." said one of the girls. Robert left with them but snuck away. is it another Digimon? he thought. better get to Impmon and see if we can help, who knows, if we can make Beelzemon again, we could take this Dino thing. i hope Kate is alright...

running into the park he found Impmon running at him. "hey what took you so long? there's a freakin' Tyranomon trying to make me into a sandwich!" he yelled suddenly a foot came down.

"SHIT RUN!!!" he yelled.

"hey, pineapple head, you gotta make me digivolve."


"i dunno, you just gotta." Tyranomon's head came down and tried to bite them, "BADDA BOOM!!" yelled Impmon throwing a fire-ball in it's eye. the dinosaur missed the 2 of them, but was now annoyed. it's head came down again. but now a bright light had burst from Roberts Digivice. it surrounded impmon. "now we're talkin'. IMPMON DIGIVOLVE TO..." the imps arms and legs grew and his horns became longer. it was now as tall as the Tyranomon. "yes!!! i'm devimon again. WOW!!!" yelled Impmon as he was hit by a fire-ball from the startled Tyranomon. "that's it. Touch of Evil!!!" his claw lashed out and caught the Tyranomon across the face. this made it even angrier. "umm, could use some help." said Devimon.

Vocalia 06-17-2011 01:31 AM

An hour after she first found the fur ball, she grew legs and ears with the ability to run and ram onto anything. Looking at the girl, the four-legged creature examined her closely before noticing the strange white device she had with her.

"Hey, are you a Digidestinied?" The fur ball asked, her voice had a strong, masculine tone to it.

"Eh? Digidestinied?" Zei asked. "What is that? And... who are you?"

"Right..." She rolled her eyes, exasperated at herself. "I'm Dorimon." The fur ball introduced herself. "I'm a Digimon. I come from the Digital World." She looked out through the window. "You're my Digidestinied. Long story short, I now have to rely on you to grow stronger." She looked at Zei carefully.

"W-wait! What is a Digimon?" Zei asked.

"See those big, giant creatures roaming around the place? Yeah, those are Digimons." Dorimon raised a brow. "I'm guessing now's your first time seeing one up close." She looked at her.

Zei nodded. "Well, you can say so." She replied.

"Anyway... Now that we set all the boring formalities, let's-" The Digimon was cut off as a small quake erupted. Both of them looked out to see a giant red dinasour trampling around. "Talk about timing." Dorimon growled. "Take your Digivce. We're taking down this mughead." She told her.

"D-Digivice?" The girl asked.

"White block thingie on your table." She sighed. Zei nodded and grabbed the white Digivice laying on the table. She then left a notice on it before closing down the shop and leaving with Dorimon, noticing that the red dinasour was rampaging in a nearby park.

Arriving at the scene, she saw another person with a demon-like creature. "Devimon's already here, huh...?" Dorimon frowned in a nonchalant tone. Suddenly, Zei's Digivice let out a blinding light."Alright. Let's show this Tyranomon a thing or two." She grinned and charged at it.

As she ran, the fur ball changed into a bipedal, beast like dinasour with bushy tail, two small hands and tiny wings. A short while later, the dinasour grew in size, her wings expanded and extended, her tail grew longer and thicker and her claws grew longer and sharper. Her fur also turned into a darker hue with lighter stripes and white fur on her muzzle, ends of paws and legs, neck and tail.

"Power Metal!" The now-evolved Dorugamon flew and fired several metal orbs from her mouth at the Tyranomon's eyes. Zei rushed to the other person's side, holding her Digivice in a firm grasp.

Gamerdude369 06-17-2011 02:45 AM

"King Steve, don't call me that. Call me what ever you want, just not that. Understood?" He was not sure what it was but it did not sit well with him. Your Majesty and your highness he could handle, but King Steve, sounded like something a looser would call themselves.
"Clear as crystal, your Highness." Puroromon was not bothered by this, whatever his King asked, he would obey.

The TV suddenly changed. "We interrupt this broadcast to bring you an important news flash, Tokyo is now under attack from several Creatures, one appears to be a Dinosaur. It's like watching an old Godzilla film in Tokyo square, everyone is urged to evacuate Tokyo until the crisis is averted. The others appear to be a Giant Pig-like Creature and a Hawk." More Digimon, Steve was not surprised. The footage zoomed in on the large red dinosaur, one the likes of witch no one has ever seen. Te oddest thing was that every time the creature took a step, Steve actual felt a quake.

"The damn thing is a few blocks away!" It finally hit him, this creature was causing havoc right there in his neighborhood. People were hurt, scared, and dying only a few blocks over. He had to do something, he had a Digimon, but he was small, and seemingly weak. Filed with rage he slammed the kitchen counter. It happened again. His companion, Puroromon, tuned completely white again, this time growing in size when. When the light faded, things were much different. Not only was he the size of Steve's upper body, but was more wasp like. Long blue antennas, two sets of wings, a stinger, and several legs. He looked more menacing now. "I, FanBeemon, await you orders, your Majesty ."

This was more like it, there could be a chance. "Move out, we strike now!" shouted Steve, trying to sound like a commander. Fanbeemon nodded, flying out the window while Steve ran out the door. From his stoop he could see the red dinosaur, FanBeemon informed his King it was called Tyranomon. They ran several blocks to get close enough to see its entirety. The creature was already being attacked by two other digimon, one that could be described as a purple ball of fur, the other, a demon. "FanBeemon, any idea who is more dangerous?"

"At the moment, I would say Tyranomon. They are highly intelligent, but have a very feral instinct. Next would be Devimon, but something is different about him." FanBeemon quickly assessed the situation, knowing there is not much for him to do.
"Well what are you waiting for? Go kick some A$$!" Steve ordered, the three of them would cause a lot of damage, this had to be ended soon.
"With all due respect you Majesty , I am not powerful enough to intervene at this moment." FanBeemon knew his chances were slim to none of winning.
"What do you mean!? You said you were a Captain of the Royal Guard! This should be nothing for you!" Maybe his companion was not as strong as he thought. He seemed to be in fear at this time.
"I told you that was when I was Waspmon, your Highness, right now I am a lonely recruit." This was the sad truth that FanBeemon had to come to terms with.

The purple puff ball struck at the red giant, sending him toppling into a building. Steve was stunned, there could have been people in that building. Innocent people may have just died because of this pointless combat. "Say what you will FanBeemon, I am going to defend the people of this Island, the people I love. Stand here if you want, I'm helping." It was obvious he was mad fuming even. These creatures were fighting for the sake of fighting to him. His rage ran wild.

This would be the third time the Digimon transformed, and this time it was different. His King wanted to protect his people, to protect the ones that needed to be defended. FanBeemon knows the desire, then rage and dedication of his King empowered him. When the light faded he had the body of a samurai, and a stinger that resembled a large cannon. He rivaled Tyranomon in size. "Royal Guard Captain Waspman of the Third Brigade, this is my power your Highness. I await your command."

Steve was taken back, this was it, he was a true warrior now. He climbed up on his back, even with the protest from Waspman. "Shut it soldier, now fly up and hit Tyranomon. Don't miss, there are innocent people around here."
"As you wish my lord." Waspman took to the air, flying over the three combatants. His stinger started to glow a bright yellow, Steve could feel the shot ready to fire and held on tight. "Turbo Stinger!!!" shouted Waspmon letting out a barrage of shots, most of which were a direct hit.

Vocalia 06-17-2011 03:05 AM

Zei shielded her eyes when the Tyranomon toppled and fell into a building. Luckily, the building itself was already set for demolition, seeing the yellow straps flying off from the impact and the fact that the building was unlit. "Dorimon! Be careful! There could be civilians around here." She shouted at the flying Digimon. "Got it! By the way..." She fired another Power Metal at the Tyranomon."I'm now a Dorugamon." She smiled and circled the Tyranomon, trying to lure him back into the park so they could reduce civilian casuality.

"Dorugamon...?" Zei looked at her before seeing another Digimon, a giant wasp with a large cannon. "Dorugamon, look out!" She warned her as Dorugamon flew out of the way of the incoming barrage. "Ah... Waspmon is here as well..." She mused, glancing at him. And he has a Digidestinied with him too... She thought before flying around the building. The Digimon seemed relieved that the other humans had evacuated from the surrounding areas. She then looked at Devimon and Waspmon. "If you're going to fight, I suggest learning who your enemies and allies are." She frowned, especially at Waspmon. Her speaking tone showcased her tomboyish, yet nonchalant personality.

Gamerdude369 06-17-2011 03:26 AM

When the smoke finally cleared Steve could see two more figures, as well as the other two Digimon. Waspmon said the purple one's name was Dorugamon. Steve was confused as to why it was talking to him. "By the Golden Comb, two more Digidestined. Sire I suggest we change tactics."
"You mean there are more people like me out there? Or rather down there?" Steve locked closer at the two people, one was a girl who was focused on Dorugamon, the other was a guy that seemed to be focused on the demonic one. "Damn, this got complicated real fast."
"If I may my lord, I will shoot less shots, and only when I know I will hit." Waspmon had little choice, there was so much that can go wrong.
"You can fire several shots, how about one big one?" It was clear that this battle needed to be stopped, and fast.
"I can do that, mind you it takes a minuet to charge, pulse it would destroy everything down there." The Bear Buster was Waspmon's most powerful shot, specifically meant to take out larger opponents, as such it packs quite a punch.
Steve looked down, and yelled for the purple one's attention. "Hey puff ball, we'll play it your way! If you can work with the black one over there, toss Tyranomon up into the air somehow, we will take care of the rest! Unless you can end this now that is! You seem to be doing a real bang up job as it is!"

Mattmanganon 06-17-2011 08:56 AM

Dirk was surprised at the introduction of other Digimon. he then noticed Zei run over to him. "are you the partner of one of these then?" he asked her.

"QUIT TRYIN' TO SCORE, I'M KINDA TRYIN' TO KICK SOME ASS OVER HERE!!!" Devimon lashed out with Touch of Evil. but Tyranomon dodged. "ok how about some DEATH HAND!!!" a beam of blackness lanced out of his hand and hit Tyranomon directly in the chest knocking it down, Devimon stood over the Tyranomon about to finish it off when suddenly he was hit in the back by another fireball. he then turned around just in time to see a Birdramon hit him in the face with his claws. he was knocked over, but then got back to his feet. "Death hand!" he fired at the Birdramon.

Vocalia 06-17-2011 09:07 AM

"It would be a long story but..." Zei looked at Dorugamon, the flying dark Digimon with red claws and white muzzle, and pointed to her. "That Digimon, Dorugamon, is my, umm... ally, so to speak." She replied. "She told me that I am her Digidestinied. I assume that the demon Digimon is your ally as well?" She asked, looking at Dirk.

Dorugamon noticed the incoming Birdramon. "Great..." She sighed. "Power Metal!" She shooted several metal balls at the already downed Tyranomon, intending to finish the Digimon before moving onto the next target.

Gamerdude369 06-17-2011 09:31 AM

Nothing. Not a response, not a gesture, just nothing. Maybe it was she didn't hear Steve, he was flying pretty high. Just when he tried to call out again, Waspman quickly flew to the right. A fireball the size of a person just flew past, narrowly missing the two of them. "What in the blue blazes!?" Waspmon turned around. There was another Digimon this one looked lie a phoenix, a large fire bird. "Birdramon. Your Highness this is why I requested you stay on the ground. It is dangerous up here."

"There was no flying fire bird three minuets ago! Besides how am I supposed to command you if I'm down there." Steve did not care about being in harm's way. People needed help, this battle was taking too long. "The odds are in our favor, two on the ground and us in the air. You can win a one on one fight right!?"
"But of course. What do you have in mind your Highness?" Waspmon waited, watching the bird for it's next attack.
"Stay above the bird, this way the fire won't hit the ground. Shoot only when your shots won't hit the ground. I'm talking 100% accuracy. Understood?!" Steve needed to end the battle. This new combatant meant they lost control of the sky, he needed that back.
"You're asking a lot your Majesty. But I will follow your orders." Waspmon flew up high, higher than the bird, and fired three shots. One, two, three, they all hit and the bird's attention was completely fixed on them.

Vocalia 06-17-2011 09:48 AM

Doragumon could hear the Waspmon Digidestinied saying something to her. However, between the blasts and the Devimon's screaming, she could barely make out what he said. "Hey, you pipsqueak, on Waspmon! What did you say just now? I couldn't quite hear it." She shouted at Steve, keeping her distance from the new challenger in case Waspmon decided to fire on the Birdramon. Zei stayed close to Dirk, watching the fight unfolded.

Mattmanganon 06-17-2011 09:54 AM

Devimon stood over the badly injured Tyranomon. "this is it." his claw lashed out and Tyranomon disolved. Devimon absorbed the data. "aaahhh, that's better." he said. "now to deal with Birdramon." his wings began to flap and Devimon took into the air "evil wing!" his Wings suddenly shot dark beams out of them towards Birdramon, but the graceful bird dodged the attack. "oh come on!!!"

vincanity0011210 06-17-2011 01:02 PM

(….Yeah… once everyone's posts start getting really really short maybe people could wait for 1 person who hasn't posted yet and another who hasn't posted since the first page? Just… just a suggestion… otherwise, theme music: YouTube - ‪run around - digimon‬‏)

-5 Hours earlier-
The computer room was quiet since all the mayhem started. Few others would ever come in there now that there was little reason to be in class. Some places still required classes, but sadly Leon's wasn't one of those. It was a disappointment to him because most of his classes were ways for him to work on writing. Even thought there was no class Leon still went to write every day. Each letter of the Alphabet got a short story or poem written that surrounded the letter before he moved on. The poet now stared at his newest adversary with the utmost loathing: "V"

"V… V,V,V,V… Veeeeeeee… god damn it. I'm so tired of this disruption of class. I want to actually improve myself... I guess I'll just save and leave." Leon said before taking out his portable hard drive from the computer and load it into his backpack. When his head came back up, the computers were all gone. Each one was replaced with an egg. The one in front of Leon's was decorated with small blue v's. Leon stared at all of the eggs before pausing the music on his ipod. Most of the eggs had a shine to them, but a pair a few desks away were cracking slowly, as was the one where his own desktop used to sit.

After staring between all the cracking eggs, Leons mouth was agap at the small blackness that began to appear from the blued egg. When all the layers were off, the small creature from inside jumped onto Leon's lap. To Leon, however, it was an attack, and it caused him to fall over and knock his ipod away while knocking the black blob a few feet.

"Ow! Why would you do that to Botamon!" it shouted, scaring Leon even more. Ignoring the cries, Leon looked around on the ground for his stuff, putting it all into his backpack before trying to find his ipod. When he reached it, there was another device next to it. It glowed light when his hand came near it and from behind he heard a cry from multiple directions. On one side, the creature called Botamon was no changing shape, becoming the size of Leon's leg and changing into a small blue dinosaur. The two eggs that were cracking good released a pair of monsters that looked like computer mice. "Metal! Koro!" they cried out, angry looks on there faces. The Dinosaur called out to Leon. "Hey! Are you my partner? …why are you staring at?"

After about three seconds of staring, Leon was down the hallway with DemiVeemon chasing him and the MetalKoromon chasing him.

-3 Hours earlier-
Tired and sweat covered, Leon collapsed on the side of a garage building, finally having lost the monsters. With his eyes shut, Leon put his head against the building and began to breath deeply to try and recover before the running continued. He was out of luck however, as the little dinosaur had just turned the corner and was heading straight for him. Slumping over Leon decided to stop fighting his fate, as the worlds apocalypse apparently wanted him dead.

"Hey! You!" the small dino said. "I could use your help! It's hard to take these two things on alone!"

Leon stared at it blankly. "Uh… your not going to kill me?" he asked as the two MetalKoromon rounded the corner and began to charge at them.

"Please! Take out that Digivice that you found earlier. It belongs to us and it'll help us win!"

"Uh… okay. What do you want me to do with it" Leon said, eyes half closed because of the exhaustion kicking in. Searching through his backpack, Leon pulled out the device and it began to glow again.

"Do you want to be killed kid!? Or do you want to live to fight another day?!" DemiVeemon said before headbutting Leon in the gut, firmly waking the Degidestined. Rising to his feet, body leaning against the building, Leon quivered as he held out the Digivice. "O-okay… Okay! What do you want me to do?"

"Just say Digivolve!" DemiVeemon said as he turned to run toward the two micemon.

"Digivolve" Leon shouted, watching the light from the Digivice also surround the Digimon before it began to grow in the light.

"DemiVeemon Digivolved into….. Veemon! Veeeeeee headbutt!" the new Digimon shouted as its head bashed into onto one of the Metalkoromon. The one that was hit quickly faded away, but its brother came up and began to shock Veemon.

"No. Veemon, c'mon keep fighting!" Leon shouted toward the one that was keeping him from getting killed. The fight was only between small monsters, but anyone nearby could feel the danger that was here. Turning around, Veemon took a hard swing at the Metalkoromon until it was dissolving. Absorbing the information, Veemon seemed to have a new gleam in its eye when it turned back toward Leon. They stared at one another for a minute before Leon spoke.

"Um… whats up short stuff?"

"Heh. Me and you are going to have a long talk human. A long talk…"

"…are you sure about this Veemon?" Leon asked, watching the battle with a skeptical look on his face. "I feel like this is going to end badly… "

"Come on Leon! We can do this! You just have to feel it! Try feeling courage! Feel it run through you!" the small blue dino began to say, trying to encourage his partner so they could join the battle going on not a hundred yards away. With a sigh, Leon closed his eyes and began to look within himself, trying to find his courage. After a nearly a minute of concentrating, he opened them with a determined look on his face. Raising his digivice, he called out. "Digi Armor, Energize!"

One second past… then two… three… a full minute. "Um… Veemon?"

"Aw damn… Okay, I guess it was just that one Veemon that could… anyways, try the other one! That ones bound to work!" Veemon said excitedly, unable to wait until his first digivolution.

With a sigh, he closed his eyes again and willed his own self through the digivice. "Veemon! Digivolve!" Leon shouted before the digivice and Veemon began to light up.

"Veemon digivolved into…" Veemons glowing body could be seen changing shape slowly. Wings, muscles and a singled horn on his nose began to protrude from its body as it grew in size. As the light left its body, the Digivice and the new Digimon both called out: "ExVeemon!"

Leon stood dumbfounded at the next digivolution. The others were minor in comparison to this. "Wow… ExVeemon? Really? That’s a little… not much different." he said, coming out of his astounded state and thinking about the name for a minute. Leon chuckled for a second before ExVeemon rolled his eyes. "Alright short stuff, are you ready to get this fight going?" The digimon asked before offereing its back.

"Hell yes!" Leon said before jumping onto his partners back and taking into the air. Flying through the air and seeing a Digimon busy dodging another attack, ExVeemon targeted it and fired. "V-Laser!" he shouted, a large beam of energy heading for the flying digimon.

PsychoScythe 06-17-2011 02:06 PM

Tsunomon had finished explaining the specifics of the Digital World to Lucas a while ago, and they had attempted Digivolution once, with Tsunomon evolving to Elecmon as a result. Now, both human and Digimon were sitting on Lucas's couch, watching television as Elecmon suddenly went rigid for a moment, tensing up.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Lucas asked worriedly as Elecmon began snarling at an unseen enemy.

"I sense a battle nearby. If we don't end this fast, innocents could get hurt. Follow me!" The orange Digimon shouted as he leapt off the couch. Lucas obliged him, and both of them rushed out of the apartment and ran several blocks before they came across several Digimon that seemed to have human partners facing off against a flying bird Digimon.

"Lucas, Digivolve me. Those other Digidestined need help bringing that Birdramon down, and I'm not strong enough in my Rookie for to stand a chance against it."

Lucas took a second to look over the other humans with Digimon nearby before making his decision. "Got it. Kick some ass out there, Elecmon." Lucas willed Elecmon to Digivolve, and a light shone from his Digivice, as Elecmon began to glow white again.

"Elecmon, evolve! Leomon!" The lion man roared as the light dimmed, his right hand beginning to glow again. "Fist of the Beast King!" He roared as he launched another lion head-shaped aura at the Birdramon. This attack impacted it in the wing, causing it to lose a bit of altitude.

Mattmanganon 06-17-2011 02:43 PM

the streets of Tokyo shook as Vikaralamon stomped through. "puny humans..." it said. by now, JSDF had been able to scramble and at the end of the street was a battalion of tanks.

"LIGHT 'EM UP!" yelled the Tank commander. the large guns began to pound at the creature. but the boar simply shrugged it off. "damn." the tanks then moved out of the way as the creature lumbered past. "how the hell do we fight that thing?" but then he got a message through his head-set.

"all units fall back!" it said. but the Commander was reluctant to do so.

"keep firing, we can't just abandon the city." said the commander.


in the next street a staging area had been set up, there were men in black suits all over the place. suddenly a large helicoptor landed several men walked out with a large metal box. the man at the front simply took his sun-glasses off as the boar rounded the corner. the man next to him did so as well "oh, that's a big-one. you think he can handle it?" asked the man.

"childs play for him." said the leader. "open it up." suddenly the box opened to reveal a 10 foot tall beast with black skin and armour plating, it resembled a dinosaur. "BlackWarGreymon. it is time to hunt." said the leader.

"yes... my master." said the beast.

"defeat every digimon in the city, who knows, you do good enough, we'll let you see her again." said the Leader.

"thank you... my master." replied BlackWarGreymon. his restraints were released and it stomped forward.

"go get 'em boy." said the Leader with a smirk. the Boar was now very close to them

"FUSION BALL!!!" a red ball flew out of it's mouth at BlackWarGreymon, but Black simply deflected the blast with his Dramon-slayers

"TERRA DESTROYER!!!" it then threw a giant ball at Vikaralamon. the Boar was hit and vapourised. Black then absorbed the data and walked back to the Leader. "master, there are more Digimon in the city, should i eliminate them as well?" asked Black.

"of course." he said.

"very well my master." black then took into the air and headed for the fight.


Birdramon was hit by the Fist of the Beast King. but it was better than what was to come. "TERRA DESTROYER!" yelled Black. birdramon was vapourised and Blackwargreymon absorbed the data. "more targets found." it said looking at the other Digimon.

"what's your beef Pineapple head?" asked Devimon. now you're in trouble, from all that data i absorbed from Tyranomon. i can do this." Devimon began to glow, "DEVIMON DIGIVOLVE TO... NEODEVIMON!!!" the masked creature came to the field. "this is freakin' awesome i'm stronger than ever." he said looking over his new body "guilty claw!!!" he lashed out and caught Black across the face. however, it was undamaged.

"BLACK TORNADO!!" it then flew and hit NeoDevimon, then circled around and hit him again, and then again. NeoDevimon fell to the ground. Black then looked at the others, the closest was Leomon. "TERRA DESTROYER!!!"

((sorry, but it's Leomon, always getting the short end of the stick))

Vocalia 06-17-2011 03:07 PM

Dorugamon swooped in and caught Leomon, carrying him away just as the Terra Destroyer hit the ground, sending a powerful shockwave around the park. Both her and Zei were thrown away by the shockwave, Zei moreso due to her smaller size. She was thrown against a tree, knocking her out. Dorugamon managed to regain her footing and let Leomon down. She saw what happened to her Digidestinied and glared at BlackWarGreymon.

"You bastard..." She hissed and went after him. "Power Metal!" She began shooting metal balls at him. However, her attack barely made a dent on the Mega Digimon. "No! Not again...! I... I don't want to be weak..." She whispered to herself. A small tear ran down her muzzle as she circled the larger Digimon.

PsychoScythe 06-17-2011 03:21 PM

After Dorugamon set Leomon down, he drew his sword and charged at BlackWarGreymon, taking advantage of Dorugamon's distraction. He swung at the dragon Digimon, but the black dragon simply parried his strike with a Dramon Destroyer and kicked him back down to the ground. As Leomon got back up, BlackWarGreymon launched another Terra Destroyer attack at him. Leomon's eyes widened as he saw the red orb of death come rushing at him. Reacting quickly, he dived to the side in an attempt to dodge the attack, but he was only partially successful. The Terra Destroyer attack exploded when it impacted the empty ground, and Leomon was caught in part of the explosion, which threw him back into a building, destroying the wall and injuring the lion. Lucas ran over to the injured Leomon, his voice rising in shock.

"Shit! Leomon, are you alright?" Lucas knelt down to the injured lion Digimon for the second time that day. Thankfully, this injury wasn't life-threatening. Leomon slowly got up, breathing heavily.

"Calm down, Lucas. I'm fine. But him...this is bad." Leomon intoned gravely, staring at the armored black figure. "That's BlackWarGreymon, a Mega level. None of us have a chance of taking him on, even if we attacked together." Lucas suddenly recalled what Tsunomon had told him about Digimon levels. A Mega level was the highest known, able to take on several lower-leveled Digimon and come out with almost no injuries.

"I'll say it again. Shit." Lucas cursed again, seeing no way out of this situation. From what he had seen so far, BlackWarGreymon was faster than any of the other Digimon here, and definitely stronger if he took an attack from NeoDevimon, an Ultimate level, and shrugged it off without a second glance. "So, what are our options? You saw that guy's speed, Leomon. We can't outrun him, and we can't outfight him. Tell me you can Digivolve again." Lucas tried to will Leomon to Digivolve again, and a bright light began to shine around Leomon once more, before suddenly dissipating.

"I'm sorry, Lucas. I need to load more data to Digivolve like that NeoDevimon did, and the data I loaded from that DarkTyrannomon earlier was corrupted when I reformatted. The best we can do is try to injure him, and die with honor." Leomon said grimly, drawing his sword and preparing to charge at the Mega level.

"Honor before reason, huh, Leomon? That's complete bull. Don't go charging off into a suicide run just yet." Lucas spat, suddenly looking disgusted. "I refuse to let you throw your life away for crap like 'honor'. Not when there has to be another way."

Leomon suddenly looked pained at Lucas's declaration. "But what else can we do when there's no option left? If I fall today, I will fall honorably in battle, not with my back turned while trying to flee."

Lucas gave a strained smirk, trying to remain confident despite the gravity of the situation around him. "You try every other option first. Tell you what, if nothing else works, then we'll try the suicide run option. At least death will be quicker that way." Looking around him, he remembered that there were other people around, as well as the injured girl. "So, any of you got any ideas? Personally, I've got absolutely nothing besides shouting Leeroy Jenkins at the top of my lungs and rushing him." Lucas yelled over to the other humans, as he knelt down next to the injured girl, while her partner was still launching attacks at BlackWarGreymon. Thankfully, she didn't seem to have any lasting injuries, and was just knocked out.

Gamerdude369 06-17-2011 06:04 PM

It was working. Birdramon kept attacking Waspmon, paying no attention to the the others on the ground. The devil one, Devimon, dealt the killing blow to Tyranomon and was flying into the sky. One down one to go. He tried to attack the fire bird, but missed completely. There was a change in the way the bird moved he seemed to be more cautious about advancing. Steve knew they were winning. "Hey, you attack from the left and I'll attack from the right. You got it Diablo?!" The one known as Devimon didn't respond. The attacks continued, some hitting, most missing. At one point the both attacked simultaneously, clearly by coincidence. Needless to say both shots went past the bird. The odds were unbelievable at this point. But that was quick to change.

"TERRA DESTROYER!" These words echoed. Steve turned around just in time to see Birdramon engulfed in a ball of fire bigger than it was. Many philosophers have asked if fire was hot, well one fire just killed another. Birdramon was incinerated, there was nothing left. Steve looked for the source, it had to be around here somewhere. Finally he found it, it was black and covered in armor. Something was different about this one. Devimon may look like a devil, but this thing, this Digimon, it looked evil. It sent a shiver down Steve's spine. "Waspmon, talk to me."
"BlackWarGreymon! Sire, we need to leave. I know you did not like it the last time I suggested it, but I assure you, we stand no chance right now." Waspmon was set on his idea, and Steve watched as attack just bounced off of it.
"I am inclined to follow your advice, but we need to warn the rest."

Just when Steve said this, Devimon Digivolved into something else. Clearly something more powerful. It attacked and attacked and attacked, but to no end. The attacks seemed to bounce off at best. This NeoDevimon found himself falling to the ground in no time. BlackWarGreymon went on with his rampage. "Damn there has to be a way to get to everyone." And with that he had an idea. He took the device out of his pocked, it clearly had to be good for something other than show. As he pushed the buttons different functions showed up. One showed the stats of Waspmon. Not having anything to compare these numbers to he went to another screen. This one showed blips. He looked around to see that the blips represented the other Digidetine, they must have Digivices too. There were several blips around his, but one was off in the distance. This could only mean BlackWarGreymon had a trainer, that was not good. The next function was confusing, it just showed a speaker on the screen. Then he heard a voice. "I don't want to be weak..." the voice said. Then another. "You try every other option first. Tell you what..." This was it, the Digivices could act as communication devices. Steve talked into it. "I don't know if you all can hear me, but here it goes. GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE!!! Waspmon and I will provide covering fire. Stay together once you leave, I'll find you." Steve had to assume the heard him. Rushing in was a sure way to get killed. He needed to stay as far away as possible.

"Waspmon. Keep attacking. I don't care if you miss. Just don't hit anyone else. Understood?" Steve was impatient and wanted his comrade to start firing now. They had to hurry.
"Ye sire!" Once agian his stinger glowed. "Turbo Stinger!!!" It started, and hopefully, it would work...

Mattmanganon 06-17-2011 07:00 PM

Dirk heard this new person yelling just as the new Digimon started it's assault on BlackWarGreymon. Dirk ran over to NeoDevimon. "come on buddy, we need to get up, we need to get out of here."

BlackWarGreymon deflected the stingers being shot at him. he then worked up his energy. "TERRA DESTRO-" he then looked at NeoDevimon, Robert was now trying to pick up the Digimon. he then noticed the Digivice. "digidestined?" the large ball of energy exploded in his hands. but did little damage to him. BlackWarGreymon looked around. "if you run and take your Partners with you, i will not chase you." he said. "please run, i would prefer not to destroy you." he said.

"like hell..." said NeoDevimon struggling to his feet "am i gonna run." he said. he charged forward and slashed at BlackWarGreymon with his claws, but it only seemed to make a slight indentation in his armour. BlackWarGreymon then retracted the claws on his Dramon slayer and punched NeoDevimon in the face, NeoDevimon was sent onto his back again and then turned back into Impmon. Impmon then tryed to get to his feet. "i'm... still... not.. done...." he then collapsed. Robert then picked up Impmon and put him onto his back. "put me down..."

"no, i'm not letting you kill yourself." said Robert. he then scowled at BlackWarGreymon.

"hate me if you will, i apologise for attacking you all, but you all have to go quickly."

Vocalia 06-17-2011 08:27 PM

What the?! First he attacks us. Now he asks us to flee?! Dorugamon thought. Still... She mused inside her mind, looking at her downed Digidestinied. Looking back at BlackWarGreymon, she flew down and looked at Lucas. "She will be fine... won't she?" The Digimon asked, hoisting the unconscious girl onto her back. She grabbed her Digivice in one hand.

Zei had her wind knocked out of her by the shockwave resulting from Terra Destroyer's impact. Miraculously, side from bruises and minor cuts, she seemed to be doing fine. Dorugamon wasted no chance and left, but not before looking back at BlackWarGreymon. Could it be... That BlackWarGreymon also has a Digidestinied? She wondered to herself. She took flight and turned her back on the large dragon Digimon. She prepared to leave, but not without turning her head to him and saying a word that the BlackWarGreymon would least expect.

"Thank you..."

With that, she took flight, together with Zei, to safety.

It's seems that things are more than they seem, after all...

Oblivion Ascent 06-17-2011 08:56 PM

Within his haunt in the Digital World, Examon watched the unfurling chaos through a tear in reality.

The recent overlap of the Digital World and the human world had been troubling, to say the least. Many Digimon had moved to the newly accessible world, some blending in, some wrecking havoc, like those he watched from his window into the other world.

Had he been given the free choice, he would have moved across to the other world, to quell this pitiful cain-raising.
However, the being that he called his master, the Unnameable Regent of the Digital World, had given him no such permission.
Due to this, all he could do was stand idly by, as his brethren Digimon made fools and destroyers of themselves.

From behind him, one of his attendants, an Agumon, approached him, bowing before calling out to the stationary, fixated giant.

"Lord Examon, we have word from the other Royal Knights, regarding His decision on what action to take against the crisis."

"Oh? Examon boomed, in a voice that could dent metal, turning to face his attendant, looking down towards the Rookie.

"He has declared this an open subject. You are to do what you feel is suitable."

"Thank you, Agumon. That news is a gratification. It's about time we did something about this... travesty."

As if on cue, Examon unfurled and stretched out his wings, which scraped against the walls of his chamber, before reaching towards the window, willing it to open, before slipping through into the other world...
__________________________________________________ _______________
High in the sky of the human world, over the scene of the battle that had taken place minutes before, a black cloud appeared, heralded by multiple clashes of lightning and the appearance of a mild windstorm.

From within the black cloud, a dark shape could be seen.
A Massive.

PsychoScythe 06-17-2011 09:03 PM

When Lucas heard the voice come in over his Digivice, he sighed. "Well, it seems we're all screwed. Everyone else is running. You sure fighting him to the death is what you want, Leomon? We've only just met, and I don't want to lose you already." Before Leomon could answer, BlackWarGreymon declared his intent to let everyone go. Lucas took it in stride, cheerfully grinning now upon realizing that his partner wouldn't need to suicidally charge at the much stronger Digimon for pride or honor or whatever idiotic excuse there was. "Well, you heard the big scary black guy. He's letting us go, and it doesn't seem like he'll kill anyone else, so let's get the hell out of here!"

Leomon nodded, actually looking slightly relieved now that he wasn't facing his second death of the day. "Very well. I suppose you have a point, Lucas. If I have been honored enough to be partnered with a Digidestined, then throwing my life away would be an insult to my honor as your partner." Both human and Digimon bugged it the hell out of the battle area, heading back to Lucas's apartment. While they were running, Lucas took a moment to look up, and saw the Dorugamon from earlier carrying the unconscious girl from the battle. Stopping for a moment, Lucas took the moment to shout up at the flying Digimon.

"Hey! You with the girl on your back! You wanna come with us back to my apartment?" Leomon stopped and stared at the flying dragon for a second, before speaking his mind as well.

"Dorugamon! We can offer your partner a safe place to recover from her injuries!" Leomon inwardly mused that at least his partner cared for the safety of others, even if he didn't understand Leomon's honor. All in all, Lucas seemed to be a decent person, and Leomon understood his mindset about honor. The human was a practical person, one that put survival above honor or pride. Before Leomon could muse any further, he looked up into the sky, past Dorugamon, and stared in shock as he saw the incoming storm and the draconic silhouette. As he strained his senses to feel the newcomer's power, Leomon paled when he felt the unmistakeable presence of another Mega level. "Lucas, I sense another Mega level Digimon in the sky." He informed his partner, pointing up at the silhouette before shouting up at Dorugamon. "Dorugamon, land! If that Digimon is hostile, you'll be its first target!"

Lucas stared up to where Leomon was pointing. Judging by how insane his day was so far, it would only get worse from here. There was only one thing he could say to that. "Fuck. My. Life."

Vocalia 06-17-2011 09:17 PM

"I don't know what an apartment is, but I'm definitely coming with you both!!" Dorugamon shouted back at Lucas.

After a short while, a feeling of dread kicked in as she noticed a storm cloud. What now? She inwardly grumbled. Dorugamon could make out a silhouette. She was suddenly besieged by an image, one of a fading, humanoid silhouette. Just as the image abruptly visited her, it left her just as fast, leaving the airborne Digimon dazed. Why... Why do I feel that... this shadow... this aura... are familiar? She thought in confusion.

"Dorugamon, land! If that Digimon is hostile, you'll be its first target!"

Leomon's warning snapped Dorugamon out of her reverie. She wasted no time and landed beside the lion Digimon. "What a way to start our first day together, isn't it?" She quipped sarcastically, looking at Leomon and Lucas. The animal Digimon moved her powerful hind legs and followed the two to safety, more concerned about Zei rather than herself.

Mattmanganon 06-17-2011 09:22 PM

BlackWarGreymon saw the new challenger appear. "another one... this one is Mega Level, high Mega Level. chances of success are unknown." he said to himself. "Examon... please leave now, if not then i will be forced to attack."

Dirk saw several of the others running off. with Impmon on his back, Dirk followed them.

Oblivion Ascent 06-17-2011 09:32 PM

The silhouette within the black cloud began to flicker, before it's outline became fully formed.
It slowly began to descend from within the cloud, it's wings stretching outwards, spanning many tens of meters.

As it's wings unfurled, the cloud that concealed it dispersed, and spread out to a greater area, revealing the from of Examon, a gigantic, black and blue dragon, glowing and crackling with electricity, and wielding an enormous lance.

And then it spoke.

I Am
By License of He who is Nameless
I have Come
Thunder Heralds my Descent from the Heavens, as it also Heralds Your Demise
I am the Fifth Royal Knight, the Dragon Emperor
I Am Examon
And I am Here…

As it spoke, even more thunder crashed down.
__________________________________________________ _______________

Examon surveyed the ground beneath it, speeding up his descent, and landing at the scene of the brawl, which had just ended.

He looked around, catching sight of the retreating Dirk and Impmon.
"Human," He boomed, lowering his stance to show that he meant no harm, "What occured here?"

The Dragon Knight 06-17-2011 09:36 PM


Renard woke with an unpleasant start, the same nightmare that had been haunting him for weeks now. He could see his freind... his father... his mother... Gingivere dying before his eyes. A horrible monster tearing him to shreds and then thrown into a ditch. What was this vision? What was it trying to tell him? Was Gingivere's murder caused by this creature? He had no current way of telling so he tried to fall back asleep... before looking at the clock.

"Oh... darn." He whispered. It read 11 Am. He was late for school... way too late for him to go now. With a quick yawn he threw the sheets off and swung his legs to the floor. The room was still dark, the thick curtains of his bed were blocking all light from entering. Plus the blinds on his window were closed. Another day... another depressing day...

Throwing on his dirty clothes he wore the other day he rubbed his eyes and stepped out into the massive hallway. That was one perk of having famous parents. Everything was so big and spacious.But none of that really mattered now... he was alone. Gingivere was dead and his parents dissapeared without a trace. Not that he cared what happened to them, he just wished he was not so alone. He shrugged and began to head downstairs when a marvelous scent reached his nostrils. Sniffing curiously he grinned. "Bacon? I smell bacon! Mom and Dad are back!"

Excitedly he quickly ran towards the kitchen, an adult sized shadow was visible through the doorway. "Mom! Dad! Im so glad you guys... are..." Renard stopped as a tall Fox like creature stared at him from over his shoulder as he flipped eggs. Returning to his work he spoke. "Ah, Master Renard. Breakfast is nearly done. Why don't you take a seat and relax while i get the eggs ready?" Renard felt like jelly. He wanted to run. Run far far away but he couldn't. He was petrified down to his very soul. A cold sweat broke and he began to tremble. "Hmm? Master Renard? Are you ill? You're as pale as a ghost." The creature took a step towards him and reached out a hand, but Renard quickly swatted it away and ran out the door, screaming loudly.

Renamon sighed and put his face to his palm. "Oh dear... i was afraid this was going to happen."

vincanity0011210 06-17-2011 09:39 PM

Leon watched from the back of ExVeemon with equal confusion. After Birdramon was taken out by additional help, a larger and more dangerous black digimon came out and took swings at random parts of the city's defenders. Taking out his digivice, Leon took the information it gave about the BlackWarGreymon. Everything the pair heard filled them with increasing amount of dread until BlackWarGreymon began to leave.

"Hm. He didn't wanna face a strong pair like us!" XVmon said.

"Yes, Yes, I'm sure that was his exact reasoning before he left."Leon belted out sarcastically. XVmon chose to lower to the level of the rest of the people waiting, including a Leomon and Dorugamon with their Digidestined.

"Hey! Has today been weird and filled with chances of death for you too?" Leon said loudly to the others, jumping off of XVmon as he skidded close to the ground. "XVmon, can you stay above us and keep an eye out for any extra danger?"

"I got it Leon! You're safe with me around short stuff!" XVmon said before raising a story or two above the ground to watch out. A booming voice filled the air causing Leon to turn and take his digivice out to learn more about the newest arrival. "...Royal Knight? Another mega? What in the name of holy crap is happening! This seems weird even for these types of days... So, where are the rest of you running to?"

Mattmanganon 06-17-2011 09:42 PM

Dirk was frozen in mute horror. "i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i." he tried to string words together but seeing a giant dragon with thunder bursting around it, and a giant lance that could kill him without a seconds warning, kind of made it hard "we-we-we..." he swallowed hard. "we were attacked by 3 digimon. "a Dinosaur, a phoenix... and him." said Dirk. pointing at BlackWarGreymon.

"i repeat, leave now before i am forced to attack." said BlackWarGreymon.

Oblivion Ascent 06-17-2011 09:47 PM

"Is that so..."
Examon turned around, his wings retracting as he looked at BlackWargreymon.
"Is this the truth, BlackWargreymon? This is not typical behavior for your kind..."

As it spoke, the storm calmed, entering a dissonant serenity.

"I have no intention of leaving quite yet. Fear not, I bear no intention of broquering harm onto you, unless you are indeed responsible for the chaos I have come to dispel..."

The Dragon Knight 06-17-2011 09:53 PM

"Master Renard! Please come down from there! Its dangerous! Please, for me?" Renamon was was looking up at Renard, who had climbed the Fireplace and was standing on the mantle. "K- Keep away from me! Im not tasty! Im not! Please- do- dont hurt me..." Renamon just sighed and rolled his eyes. "Well, when you are ready, come and eat breakfast. Ill be waiting for you. Me and you have some things we have to talk about.
With that, he left for the kitchen and finished preparing breakfast.

Renard stayed silent for a few minutes as he thought things through. Where did he come from? How does he know my name? Why does he keep calling me Master?
So many questions, with little to no answers. The only way to know was if he talked with the creature. But what if it was hostile? He would be no match for that thing. This was obviously a situation he couldn't run from though, so he sighed and jumped down from the mantle. "Be brave... just talk.... dont make it angry." He kept repeating to himself as he took small steps towards the kitchen.

Soon he had reached the doorway and cautiously peered in. There, at the table sat the creature with a plate of food in front of him. Arms crossed, Renamon did a half grin and gestured for Renard to sit. "Calm yet, Master Renard? I do hope so. Don't need you hurting yourself unnecessarily. Come. Eat and clear your thoughts. I have much to tell you."

Mattmanganon 06-17-2011 09:57 PM

"i do this not because i want to." replied BlackWarGreymon. "i do it because i have to... for her." he said. "now leave before i am forced to destroy you." he said. suddenly a helicoptor baring the Omega symbol on it. "this is your last chance, if you do not leave now i will have no choice." he said.

Oblivion Ascent 06-17-2011 10:02 PM

"Is that so? Well, as I have already said, I bear no intention of leaving quite yet. Should you answer my question, that intent may change."

As he finished speaking, Examon crouched down, looking BlackWarGreymon in the face.

"So, cur. Answer me this. Are you the one responsible for beginning or ending this fight, or does that blame lie elsewhere?

The thunder began to pick up again, and a gigantic bolt of lightning scythed through the air, striking the ground behind Examon.

PsychoScythe 06-17-2011 10:06 PM

Lucas sighed as another guy and another flying Digimon approached. He liked this new guy already, though. More snark was always a good thing. In any case, he answered his question. "We're heading over to my apartment. It's only a few blocks away. Hell, let's just make it a party. I got beer, you invite the hot chicks." He smirked, before motioning them with his hand and taking off again. "Now let's get out of the open area that the big pissed off dragons can see us in." Noticing how the new guy used his Digivice to scan the new Mega level, Lucas pulled out his Digivice and fiddled with it for a few seconds before he scanned XV-mon and Dorugamon. At least now he wouldn't have to rely on Leomon for knowledge of the different varieties of Digimon.

At the same time, Leomon was staring at Examon, who had finally emerged from the sky. "A Royal Knight, here?" He uttered, shocked to see one of the Digital World's defenders. "Lucas, we definitely need to get out of here now. I have a feeling that there's going to be quite a few explosions soon. There always are when Mega levels are involved. We should hurry." Leomon muttered to his partner, before leading the way back to Lucas's apartment.

Vocalia 06-17-2011 10:13 PM

Dorugamon ran beside Leomon, her front paws holding onto Zei and her wings folded and tucked. She could feel herself losing strength, but she kept on running. "If a Royal Knight takes notice of this, that means that whoever is the behind all this possesses a real danger to Digital World." She mused. "I'm afraid we're going to have our hands full with it now that we're here..." She sighed, looking up to another Digidestinied and his ExVeemon partner. Just how many Digidestinied are out there? This world is such an interesting place... She thought as her body moved on without halting.

vincanity0011210 06-17-2011 10:21 PM

"Do you consider English major dorky girls hot chicks? Cause can get about 15 of them to come over for an end of the world romp." He said back. After the joke, his mind lingered for a moment on the thought before coming back to twisted reality.

"XV! Leg ride!?" Leon called up, hoping to get his partner's attention. He was greeted by the quick lowering of his legs. With a jump up, Leon grabbed onto the leg and enjoyed the flight as they quickly traveled away from the two powerhouses. Using his digivice again, he got the information of Dorugamon, then Leomon. At the angle they were at XVmon's wing flapped down and interfered with getting Leomon's date. Instead, a small image popped up with a Unique Virus Buster Digimon that flashed "DNA Synch Optimal". "What the... what the fuck is this? Oh, who the hell cares anymore. So much confusing..." Leon muttered to himself as they continued to his house. "How much farther? These guys are going to need to Devolve at some point... "

PsychoScythe 06-17-2011 10:33 PM

"That depends. Hot dorky or dorky dorky?" Lucas shot back, grinning as they finally reached his apartment building. Leomon devovled back into Elecmon as they walked into the lobby. Surprisingly, the doorman wasn't there, so Lucas headed straight over to the elevators. Unfortunately, there was a sign posted on the elevator doors saying "Out of Order". Grumbling under his breath, Lucas lead the group up the stairs until they reached the sixth floor, where his apartment was. Unlocking the door, Lucas let everyone in, before entering himself. Elecmon promptly leapt onto the couch and turned the television on, having been enraptured by the device a few hours earlier. The apartment itself was quite small and spartan, but it was well-cleaned. "Welcome to my humble little bachelor pad. Make yourselves at home." He snarked as he plopped down on the couch next to Elecmon, changing the channel to the local news station, which was currently playing Examon's appearance from the sky.
The Dragon Knight 06-17-2011 10:34 PM

"Sounds like a storm is brewing..." Renamon said suspiciously. He could feel something in the air... something deep and powerful. But he just shrugged it off and turned to Renard who was busily working away at his eggs. "Master Renard. Are you listening to me? This is very important information and you must pay attention." Renard simply nodded.

"Okay. So first of all, you are wondering who and what i am. My name is Renamon and i am what is known as a Digimon, or a Digital Monster. Digimon are the creatures that inhabit the world known as the Digital World, which looks a lot like yours. In fact, our worlds are parallel to each other. Think of our world as a shadow to yours. Now, surely you have noticed the strange going ons around here? This is because our world is somehow merging with yours. I myself have no clue as to what the cause of it is but whatever it is, it must be stopped. This is where you come in. You are what is known as a DigiDestined and i am your Digimon Partner." Renard nodded as he spoke, making sure to get every piece of information down to the letter. "And im supposed to help you stop this? Okay. Is there a way how?"

Renamon shrugged and sighed. "I am not sure. But a thing that you CAN help with is my Digivolution. You see, us Digimon have the ability to evolve to an even stronger being. But it is usually incredibly difficult and requires a massive amount of energy. A DigiDestined though can help their Digimon evolve by using their Digivice, a contraption that is held by all DigiDestined." Renard's eyes went wide. "You mean... there's more? So im not the only one?"

Renamon nodded. "Correct. There are others, but im not sure how many. You need to activate your Digivice, which i just so happen to have right here." Renamon held up a closed fist. Upon opening, it revealed a stranger cellular phone shaped device. "Go on then. Take it. It is now yours." Renamon smiled as Renard slowly reached for it and took it from Renamon's hand. "So... this is the Digivice? Odd looking thing." Renamon just laughed. "That's what i thought too."

Renard laughed along with Renamon. It was nostalgic. The only one who could make him laugh like that was... "Gingivere...?" Renamon stopped laughing and stared at Renard who was gawking. "Master Renard...? Is there a problem?"

Renard just shook his head slowly. "Nothing... you just remind me of someone."
Renamon Nodded. "I know who. Your butler, right? Gingivere? He was killed by Myotismon not that long ago." Renard quickly stood up and grabbed Renamon by his neck. "You know what happened to him?! How?!" Pushing Renard away, Renamon gasped out for air and glared angrily at Renard. "Dont... you... ever... do ... that... again!" Rubbing his neck he cleared his throat and continued speaking. "Yes. I do know. Because i was there to witness it. But i could not do anything because Myotismon is... well... he is far too powerful for me."

Renard's heart was shattered. He fell to his knees and groaned in misery. "Renamon...? Is this true? No... no..." Renamon walked over to Renard and crouched beside him. "Master Renard... i cant even fathom the pain you must be feeling, but for now sadness will get us nowhere. You can mourn later. For now, we have to find a way to stop the destruction of both of our worlds. So come on. Cheer up, go wash up, and we will head out for our journey!" Renard looked up at Renamon's face, tears dripping from his eyes. "Renamon... im so sorry you have to see me cry..." Renamon patted his back and smiled. "No need to apologize, Renard. I am now here for you every step of the way." Renard smiled and stood up. "Do... do you mind if i call you Gingivere?" Though slightly shocked, Renamon understood why he wished to call him that. "Of course, Master Renard. Anything for you."

And with that the two walked out the Mansions front door and started down the path towards the city.

Mattmanganon 06-17-2011 10:41 PM

"i started this fight because i have to." he said. the helicoptor was now flying lower. "alright, i have no choice now. "TERRA DESTROYER!!!" he threw the ball at Examon.

Dirk looked back to see Black throw the first attack. "this can't be good. those 2 big guys are about to go at it."

"let me at the pineapple head..." said Impmon feebly.

Vocalia 06-17-2011 10:46 PM

As the group reached Lucas's apartment, Dorugamon dedigivolved back into a Dorumon. She followed the group inside and looked around before laying Zei on a nearby couch. The Digimon surveyed her surroundings carefully, studying the nearest objects around her as she moved all around the room. Occasionally, she would sniff and prod at objects she saw, but she quickly moved on to examine every corner of the apartment.

A short while latter, the girl in white stirred awake with a soft moan. "Where... am I?" She asked, looking around. She could tell that she was in another place, perhaps rescued by other people. Then her mind clicked and she sat up, alert and cautious.

Oblivion Ascent 06-17-2011 10:57 PM

As the 'Terra Destroyer' shot towards Examon, there was an almighty roar and a burst of energy as it was suddenly struck by a thunderbolt, destroying it, but also blowing a massive hole in the earth around the combatants., and causing a few cracks to appear in the wings and armor of the Royal Knight.
Had the attack hit, it would have likely earned BlackWarGreymon the upper hand in the coming battle.

"Impressive... Others of your kind fail to produce attacks even half the size and ferocity of that one..."

There was a crackling noise as Examon began to glow, becoming opaque as it's form began to flicker and bend out of shape.

"It really is a shame that I must do what I am about to do, but as a Royal Knight, it is my duty to eliminate those who act shamefully, and blaspheme against His wishes..."

There was a roar, as Examon's entire form completed it's shift into pure electrical energy.
The Examon shaped mass of energy took to a fighting stance.
It's wings extended.
And it lunged towards BlackWarGreymon.

The Dragon Knight 06-17-2011 11:10 PM

As Renard and Gingivere walked into the city Renard gasped at the all of the destruction around him. "Gingivere?! What happened?!" Gingivere could only grimace at the horrible sight. Sighing he looked over at Renard and frowned. "See what happens when worlds collide? This is why he have to stop whatever it is that's happening."

Renard couldn't even speak. He was so shocked at what had become of the city that he began to feel light headed... until he heard a huge explosion. "Gwaaahhh!!! That sounded like Lightning and Thunder!" Gingivere used his arm to block Renard from taking anymore steps. "Stop... do you feel that?" "Feel what? Gingivere, what is going on?" Gingevere grimaced as a wave of energy washed over him. "Oh no... it cant be... Renard, stay close behind me. This is about to get terribly messy.

As the two ran along the streets of the city, the sounds of battle could easily be heard, echoing off the walls of the large buildings that surrounded them. BOOM! Another Lightning bolt. Renard yelled something, but was washed out by the deafening thunder that followed. Soon they reached a corner but before Renard could step out, Gingivere grabbed him and held a finger up. "Quiet!" He hissed, as he looked around the corner of the building they were hiding behind. What Gingivere saw was horrifying, evident by his terrified gasp. "I was right! It is him! Examon... why has he come to Earth?! And BlackWarGreymon is with him! Has the apocalypse already come?!" Renard was fearful, but intensely curious. "Gingivere, im gonna check it out!" He said as he ran from cover and into the open street. "NO!!! RENARD DONT!!"

Mattmanganon 06-17-2011 11:33 PM

BlackWarGreymon saw Renard running through the street. this was gonna be one hell of an explosion, he quickly threw his Dramon slayer into the ground in front of Renard and drew his shield, attaching it to the bare arm. "YOU THINK IT WOULD BE THAT EASY?! MEGA DESTROYER!!!" he then drew up a giant version of his Terra Destroyer and threw it at the digimon charging at him. he then dived down to cover the kid with his Shield over the both of them.

vincanity0011210 06-17-2011 11:43 PM

As they approached the building, Leon gave a tug on XVmon's tail. "Hey! Let me off here. Stay until you Devolve. I'll be right back!" he said, ignoring the looks that he received from XVmon. Once he was dropped Leon found his way to the closest fast food place and ordered two arms full of food. After getting the bags stuffed together and making his way back to the house Leon found Veemon waiting for him. Leon nodded up the stairs. "Lets go! Don't you want food?"

"Food? Oh hell yes! Shoulda told me thats what you were doing!" Veemon said, grabbing a bag from Leon and running up the stairs, racing his Digidestined the whole time.

"Hey! Leon got us food!" Veemon said in a happy voice, taking the food out on the table and beginning to dive in. Leon made his way to the couch in time to hear the girls question. "Your in the house of a guy whose name I still don't know. My name is Leon and we're both digidestineds too." Leon said quietly, not knowing if her head hurt. Taking out a couple parts of the meal and a bottle of water he put it down in front of her. "I know we haven't done as much work as these guys, but were should stay fueled up as well.May I ask what your name is?" Leon asked, looking around for the owner of the apartment.

The Dragon Knight 06-17-2011 11:49 PM

"MASTER RENARD!!!" Gingivere ran up to Renard, gasping for air. "What the hell did i tell you?! I told you to stay put! These Digimon are dangerous! You could have been killed if not for BlackWarGreymon, you idiot!" Renard could only stare in fear as Gingevere pulled him from the ground and ran off the opposite direction. "My apologies BlackWarGreymon! Thank you for saving him!" He said as they returned to their hiding spot. "You... idiot!! If you do anything like that again ill tan you alive, you hear me! I swear its like babysitting!"

Renard, filled with guilt, looked at the ground. "Sorry Gingivere... i wasn't thinking..." Gingevere relaxed a bit and closed his eyes. "Please... just dont do that again. You scared me nearly half to death. If i lose you that could mean the end of both our worlds. This is not some game you know, this is real life!" Renard nodded. "I know... it wont happen again. I was just wondering why they were fighting." Gingivere glanced over at Examon and shook his head. "I dont know, but its best not to get in their way."

Vocalia 06-17-2011 11:57 PM

"Food?" Dorumon poked her head out, a lettuce in her jaws. She had taken the liberty to examine Lucas' fridge and took some food for herself, said food included a slice of apple pie, two chicken legs, several oranges and apples and, as shown by the green leaf dangling from her mouth, lettuce. She swung the leaf up and opened her jaws, clamping the vegetable down in an instant before looking at the food Veemon brought with him. Sniffing each carefully, she found their scent to be rather tasty and began to dig in. Surprisingly, the female Digimon possessed a rather big appetite as she mowed down her share in record time.

The girl turned to Leon. "My name is Zei. Zei Yasuragi." She replied. "I'm sorry... I've caused so much trouble..." She said politely, shifting her position so that her back properly leaned onto the couch. "It's nice to meet you, Leon." She bowed her head, looking around the apartment. She saw Dorumon devouring her food and eyeing on Elecmon's share.

Oblivion Ascent 06-18-2011 12:00 AM

The 'Mega Destroyer' tore into the Energy Contruct, and suddenly, a huge maelstrom of energy tore upwards from the point of impact, sending out a rather large shockwave.

After a few seconds, the maelstrom shrunk down and dissipated, with a reformed Examon standing where the epicenter had been.

"Interesting," He boomed, taking a step towards BlackWarGreymon, "I'll admit that I was foolish to underestimate you. However, this stupidity must come to an-"


Examon paused.
He looked down at his body, which was flickering rapidly, and making hazardous buzzing noises.

His eyes widened.
This wasn't the flickering that foreshadowed him dropping a few Digivolutionary levels to recover from a wound.
It was the flickering that told him that reforming after taking that direct 'Mega Destroyer' had made his data and compostion dangerously unstable, and that in a short period of time, he would detonate, and have his data recombined into a Digi-Egg.
"Oh, SHIT."

PsychoScythe 06-18-2011 12:24 AM

Lucas turned over to the two other humans in his apartment, and took a burger from the food-laden table and ate a bit of it before speaking up."I'm Lucas Seyour, and this is Elecmon." He motioned over to the aforementioned Digimon, who was currently tearing into his own share of fast food, snarling at Dorimon when she started eyeing it. "Oh, and uh, Dorimon? That lettuce you ate was kind of expired. I don't even know why I bought it in the first place, actually. Hell, I don't even like salad." He uttered sheepishly as he finished his burger, and moved on to his fries. Elecmon had finished devouring his share of food, and sighed in contentment, before leaping back on to the couch, sitting next to Lucas.

On the television, the battle between Examon and BlackWarGreymon was being displayed. Elecmon watched eagerly to see two pinnacles of digital strength duke it out. The explosion that resulted from the collision of Examon's Thunder of the Regents and BlackWarGreymon's Mega Destroyer was immense. Lucas whistled as Examon emerged, seemingly unharmed. Elecmon, however, narrowed his eyes as he saw the Royal Knight's body begin to flicker, and paled as he realized the implications. "Impossible..." Elecmon gasped as he reached for a cup of soda, sipping some through the straw before he spoke once more. "Even a Royal Knight was defeated..." If even one of the Digital World's strongest defenders was taken down by this BlackWarGreymon, what options did they have left?

Mattmanganon 06-18-2011 12:37 AM

"i am sorry. i didn't want to do that. but..." he pointed to the Helicoptor flying overhead. "i had no choice." he picked up the Dramon Slayer and re-attached it. he then turned to the child and the Renamon. "do not try to involve yourselves in battles that do not concern you. you could have been killed." he then looked up at the helicoptor. "mission completed, returning." he then took into the air.

Dirk entered Lucas' apartment and put Impmon down on the sofa. "come on Impmon, don't die on me." light began to surround Impmon. a tear rolled down Dirks cheek. "no Impmon. don't die on me..." he sniffed. he hugged Impmon's limp body. but then his body changed, it got rounder. the light disappeared and all that was left now was a head. it opened it'd eyes.

"what's up with you Pineapple head?" asked the head digimon.

"IMPMON YOU'RE ALIVE!!!" he hugged him even harder. the creature looked itself over.

"crap, i'm Yaamon again. this is your fault."

"you act tough but i'm just so happy that your alive." sniffed Dirk.

"ok, get off, i NEED TO BREATHE." wheezed Yaamon.

"oh, sorry."

Vocalia 06-18-2011 12:42 AM

Dorumon shrugged, ignoring Elecmon's snarls as she finished her food. "Unlike humans, some Digimons' digestive system doesn't recognise expiry, mine being one. As long as it's food, it's food." She replied. "And how do you know about me?" She looked at him.

"I think... He was using his Digivice..." Zei pointed out, looking at the object Lucas had with him.

"Speaking of Digivice..." Dorumon handed Zei hers. "Be more careful next time." She said to her and laid down beside her on the couch, watching the battle through the television. The two listened to Elecmon. "Royal Knight?" Zei asked.

"Protectors of the Digital World... or so they claimed to be." Dorumon replied, showing a hint of disdain towards the term. "Supposedly, they are some of the most powerful Digimons to roam the land. If this BlackWarGreymon managed to defeat one of the Royal Knights..." She frowned. "Then our future is grim indeed." She said.

Zei looked at the battle with concern and fear, clutching her white Digivice close to her. She felt helpless watching the two powerful beings battling against each other. Could there be more of them? Would our world finally plunge into destruction? The girl asked herself, the pressure setting in on her.

When Dirk finally arrived with Impmon, the girl was worried, seeing the Digimon's battered state. However, when he dedigivolve and was up and about, she sighed in relief. However, judging from what the news was broadcasting, the BlackWarGreymon was still out there, ready to kill them. She knew she couldn't mope around. There must be something we could do... She thought, looking at her own Digivice.

vincanity0011210 06-18-2011 12:50 AM

Leon's eyebrows raised as another person came in. "Hm. How many people know this is a Digidestined hideaway?" He said, throwing another bag of food to Dirk. "Hey Man. I'm Leon, my Partner's Veemon. This is Zei, her friend is Dorimon, and our host Lucas is paired with Elekmon.... and apparently you're pineapple head and your Digimon... is... was.... Impmon?" He said casually, finally getting used to all the different creatures since none were currently attacking him.

Letting out a sigh, he looked back to the TV, watching the remnants from the battle. "Man... I wish we were strong enough to stop him Vee..." he began to stare at his own digivice for a minute before looking up to Veemon, who had an overly determined look on his face. Veemon put his hand over the Digivice. "Leon... we can beat him! Look! Theres already four of us! I'm sure we can get stronger. Don't start doubting already when we haven't even begun to fight yet!"

Watching closely, Leon couldn't help but be inspired by the dinomon. With a smirk, Leon and Veemon bumped fists. "Your right short stuff, we'll kick some ass when we have to." Turning to the others, he sighed once again. "So... Veemon's egg replaced my computer monitor and then saved me from two computer mice digimon after two hours of running away. How did you meet your partners?"

Oblivion Ascent 06-18-2011 01:01 AM

The flickering on Examon's body began to speed up.
He sighed
"Well, boom."

As if on cue, he was enveloped in a white light, and with an inhuman screech, he imploded.
All manner of debris began to be pulled towards the epicenter of the implosion, as was the energy of any nearby Digimon.
After about ten seconds, the white light abated, and the vacumn vanished.

Examon was no more.

Mattmanganon 06-18-2011 01:01 AM

"no, my name is Dirk."

"nah, you got it right the first time, his name is Pineapple head." said Yaamon.

"quiet you." he said. "so yeah, my name is Dirk, i live over in shinjuk-" at that point he remembered Kate. "FUCK!!!" he got out his mobile phone. "PICK UP PICK UP PICK UP!!!" he said panicing, a minute passed with no reply. "SHIT!!!" he yelled throwing the mobile at the floor.

Vocalia 06-18-2011 01:09 AM

"Dirk, please calm down." Zei stood up, touching his shoulder. "Panicking won't do us any good." She said to him before turning to Leon. "Umm... I was staying for my shift at a pet store where I work when a quake hit the building. Once it subsided, I found an egg and it hatched into..." She looked at her Partner.

"Dorumon, but I was a Dodomon when you first met me.." Dorumon replied.

"Ah, I see..." Zei nodded. "That's how we met, to summarise everything..."

PsychoScythe 06-18-2011 02:48 AM

To his credit, Lucas looked ashamed and embarrassed when he began his explanation. "Well, I met Elecmon this morning. He was a Leomon then, and he was fighting some black dinosaur Digimon."

"It was a DarkTyrannomon." Elecmon chimed in helpfully, sipping his soda.

"Right, well anyways, the DarkTyrannomon saw me and rushed me, thinking that it would kill me and load my data so it would have the power to take on Leomon. I don't think I realized that humans aren't made of data. Freaking idiot. Well, Leomon saved me and killed the DarkTyrannomon, but he got hit in the process and he...died." Lucas muttered, his eyes downcast as he recalled his own weakness getting Leomon killed.

"I told you, Lucas. It wasn't your fault." Elecmon comforted Lucas, patting him on the back while smiling sheepishly. "If anything, it was mine. I should've just punched him instead of taking that hit. It would've stopped him from attacking you too. I'm an idiot." Elecmon uttered, sighing as he recalled his own tactical mistake.

"You know what? Screw the angst. We both fucked up. That work for you?" Lucas said, mentally slapping himself for angsting like a whiny little emo.

"Completely." Elecmon chuckled, while finishing his soda.

"Anyways. After Leomon died, he reformatted into an egg and hatched as a Punimon, and that's it, really." Lucas finished, grabbing a soda for himself and gulping some down.

Oblivion Ascent 06-18-2011 10:46 AM

Over the other side of the city, Siggy stared, dumbstruck at what he had jut seen on the news.
He decides to have a lie-in to make up for his overnight attempts to get a job, and the city park gets blown to pieces by a giant Dragon and a black humanoid dinosaur?

On the TV, the Anchor, who seemed to have become extremely overexcited by this, for reasons unknown, began to play back the last few minutes of the fight, with 'Commentary'.

"So, here's this Giant Enemy Dragon..."
His Co-Anchor stared at him blankly, before speaking up.
"Uh, Hideaki, are you sure that this is a good ide-"

He was cut off by the Anchor yelling "Combo Breaker!" as Examon smashed into the Mega Destroyer, before yelling "Super Effective!" as Examon's form burst upwards into the massive maelstrom of energy, while his Co-Anchor went silent, and stared at him incredulously.

As Examon began to flicker, and then implode, the Anchor threw his arms up, and gave a wooping cheer.
"FATALITY! BlackLizardThingy wins! Flawless Victory!"

"Shut up, Hideaki," His Co-Anchor growled, rubbing his temples and coming to his senses, before turning to address the viewers/audience.
"There you have it, folks. Monsters have crossed over into our world, and are wreaking havoc and destruction. As per common sense, you are advised to keep clear of all-"

At this point, Siggy just sighed, grabbed the remote, and flicked the Tv off.
"F_cking Metal," He grumbled to himself.
While he lived over the other side of the town from the battle, and there wouldn't be any real problems made for him, for some reason, the battle had put his computer, as well as many others, on the fritz.

The Dragon Knight 06-18-2011 04:31 PM

Renard couldn't believe what he just saw. That one attack managed to completely obliterate a titan of that size. He could only tremble as BlackWarGreymon spoke to him. It was Gingivere who answered. "Yes sir. I humbly apologize for his foolishness." Turning to Renard, who was close to bursting, he sighed and patted his head. "There there, Master Renard. Its fine now. See what happens though? Remember that. Don't get into fights that aren't yours. Got it?" Renard nodded. Though he didn't exactly hear what Gingivere said through the intense pounding of his heart. "So... looks like we dont know where to go... Any suggestions, Master Renard?"

Mattmanganon 06-18-2011 06:27 PM

BlackWarGreymon landed in the assembly area. "good hunting?" asked the Leader BlackWarGreymon said nothing. instead he sat down as one man plugged something into the back of his neck, the other end of it was hooked up to a computer.

"according to the data, you took out a champion, an ultimate and a mega." said the person on the computer "all data sent to HQ, sir."

"good, for all of your good work, i will allow you 10 minutes." said the leader to BlackWarGreymon.

"but... the Mega level was one of the royal guard."

"15 minutes, and be glad of it." said the Leader with a hint of frustration in his voice.

"thank you master." replied BlackWarGreymon. he got back into the box he had come from and it closed again. the box was then loaded onto the helicoptor.

Oblivion Ascent 06-18-2011 07:40 PM

Meanwhile, in Siggy's 'office', his computer began to act up.
It's screen turned on, and began to glow blue, before a mass of sigils and symbols, before an extremely loud and distorted version of it's Startup Chime sounded.

in the living room, Siggy was just about to turn the TV back on, when he was suddenly jumped by the sound of his computer turning itself on, and producing a demonic version of it's Startup Chime.
"Frack," he mumbled to himself, visibly startled, before slowly getting up, and heading for his 'office'.
Slowly creeping towards the room, not taking any chances for fear of what he may find, he stopped and took a peek through a gap between the door and the door frame.

What he saw shocked and appalled (Well, maybe not appalled) him.

His computer was now glowing violently with a deep dark blue, with the occasional black or purple flash.

"Hells bells," Siggy said with a groan, making his way towards the computer.

Mattmanganon 06-19-2011 05:15 PM

the Box containing BlackWarGreymon passed through a large door and entered into a bright white room, the box openned and BlackWarGreymon exited the box, in the corner was a young girl, she couldn't have been more than 6. she ran over to Black and hugged his leg, it was all she could grab. "BLACKWARGREYMON, I MISSED YOU!!!"

"15 minutes." said the guard.

"hello Ruby." said BWG.

"BlackWarGreymon, where have you been?" she asked.

"i have been having to do some work for these people." he said.

"but why? they are mean people." she replied.

"because... you'll understand when you're older." he said. he took off his Dramon Slayers and picked up Ruby. "so what have you been up to?" he asked.

"they gave me crayons because i was bored." she replied. "i drew this picture for you." she reached in her pocket and pulled out a small piece of paper, she then unfolded it to reveal a crudely drawn picture of the 2 of them together in a forest, holding hands with large pink flowers around them. "do you like it?" she asked.

"it's beautiful." he replied. "look, i may not be able to get you out of here now, but i promise, one day, we will be able to go for a walk in the woods together." he said.

"but why can't we go now." she asked.

"because the bad people won't let us." the temptation for him to Black Tornado through the wall and escape with her was immense, but he knew that if he did so... he shook his head. "well, we only have 10 more minutes, what do you want to do?" asked BWG.

"we can draw some more." she suggested. BlackWarGreymon smiled.

"that sounds lovely, maybe you can draw me another beautiful picture." he said.

"yeah!!!" she said, her face beamed. she jumped down and began to draw another picture, BWG simply stood and watched, he was perfectly content just being around her, it was a moment that he hoped would last forever. but after about 8 minutes, she finished her picture. this one was a picture of lots of the men in black suits lying around BlackWarGreymon with X's for eyes. "this will happen, you'll beat them all up and we'll get out of here, sometime... right?" she asked.

"yeah, that will happen." he said. "but not today." suddenly the door opened and a man walked in

"times up." said the man, BlackWarGreymon hugged Ruby and then put her down. "i have to go now. i'll be back though." he said. he then reattached the Dramon Slayers and walked out of the room, he was met by the Leader.

"cute kid." he commented. "you must be so very pissed off at me." he said. suddenly BlackWarGreymons hand shot out and grabbed the man by the throat, he positioned his other arm so that the Claws of his Dramon Slayers were millimetres away from the man's eyes. he lifted him up. "go on." he wheezed. "i dare you. but one little push of a button... and the girl is gone like that Birdramon you killed." he said. BlackWarGreymon put him down. "that's better, now back in the box." he said. BWG got back into the box and sat down. the Leader straightened his uniform and walked away. he then entered his office and sat down at his computer. with what we are cooking up, soon BlackWarGreymon will become obsolete and we can dispense with him. he thought. the computer now had pictures of BlackWarGreymon, Birdramon, Vikaralamon, MegaKabutarimon, Examon and NeoDevimon. sooon all of the pieces will be on the board and then we even my pawns, rooks, bishops... even my queen will be rendered redundant. all i will need is it... he thought with an evil smirk on his face.

Oblivion Ascent 06-19-2011 05:55 PM

"As Siggy took a step towards the computer, a bolt of electricity shot out from it, and zapped him, seemingly as a warning.

Siggy yelled something out, jumping backwards and knocking into a table, sending both it and himself crashing to the ground, and making quite a loud noise.

"Ugh, what the hell?" he groaned, in shock and disbelief, rubbing his head.
As he said this, he heard a noise coming from the other room.
"Siggy, what's going on..." A little, tired voice squeaked from the other room, just audible over the demonic hum of the computer.

"Don't worry Ari, nothing bad's happening, go back to sleep," Siggy said, to his little sister, who, by the sound of it, had been woken by the noise of the table falling over.
The little six year-old had recently caught a cold, so she was off school for a while. She had always been quick to take ill, and that was another reason Siggy being here was so important.

"Ok..." The voice said weakly, before it was drowned out by the computer's erratic behaviour went into overdrive.

Siggy turned to look at the computer once more.
The monitor was being slowly filled with 1's and 0's, spelling out a message in binary.

Any message the code was supposed to relay was obviously lost on Siggy, as he had no grasp of the programming language whatsoever.

However, about ten seconds after the message stopped writing itself out, an oval outline appeared on the Monitor.
And then it began to push out from the screen.

The shape progressed 5 centimeters, before rounding out. From that point, it went for another 5 centimeters, before closing round, to make a 3d, egg shaped mass of what appeared to be electricity.

Siggy stared at this, and raised an eyebrow.
This was just too bizarre.
He wondered whether it had really been a good idea to eat that Week Old Yoghurt in the back of the fridge after all.

As he mulled over whehter his mental state was indeed warped, the egg shape began to descend towards the floor, and as it made contact, it solidified, and the Computer Monitor turned off.

For the time being, he put his contemplation to the side, and went to get a better look at the egg.
It was predominantly black, with a few white lines accompanied by a blue glow.

Tilting his head, Siggy reached out to touch it...
Before he was interrupted by a squeal of joy from behind him.

"EGGIE!" Ari yelled, rushing towards it as fast as she could.

"Uh, Ari... I'm not usre if that's such a good idea," Siggy said, in a concerned tone, as his little sister kneeled down and 'hugged' the large egg.

"Aw, come on big bro, don't be such a big meanie," Ari giggled, sticking her tongue out at her brother.

Siggy sighed.
Ari was well behaved, and actually listened to him, a stark contrast from their 13 year old brother.
However, at the moment, the mysterious egg seemed to be overriding that, and that coupled with the fact that the girl wasn't supposed to be rushing around and getting excited while she was off sick with a fever, really didn't help Siggy when thirded with his jilted mindset after a freaking egg had come out of his broken computer.

Siggy was just about to cross his arms, when suddenly, the egg started shaking.

Ari stopped 'hugging' it, and took a step back.
"Siggy, what's the eggie do-"

She was interrupted by the egg suddenly being fully enveloped by a white and blue glow.
As the light cleared, in the egg's place was a black and white blob, with what appeared to be an undersized pair of bat wings that appeared to be where it's ears should be.

For a moment, both Siggy and Ari stared at the blob in open-mouthed confusion.

And then it spoke.

"Ah, greetings, humans. I am MonoJyarimon, the 'reincarnation' of Examon, 5th Member of the Royal Knights."

Before either Siggy or Ari could say anything, a glowing shape resembling a Mobile Phone or a PDA appeared next to Siggy's head, which he promptly reached out and grabbed, turning it round in his hands, looking at it in confusion.

At the same time, MonoJyariimon's eyes widened, and it's mouth fell open.
"... And it appears that you have been chosen to be my partne-"

He was suddenly cut off by Ari producing a shriek of delight that easily trumped her earlier one, before reaching out to grab the digimon, yelling "Squishy!" before pulling him into a 'hug', much like how she had done with the egg.

There was a shocked grunt of "Guh" from MonoJyarimon, before he found his face buried in the front of Ari's pajamas.

MonoJyarimon struggled a little against the small girl's grip, pulling his face free after a few seconds.
He took a few desperate, deep breaths, before noticing that Siggy was staring at him in utter disbelief, with one of his eyebrows twitching.

MonoJyarimon sighed, before speaking once more.
"Perhaps I should explain from the beginning..."

Mattmanganon 06-20-2011 10:04 PM

1 week has passed since the battle with BlackWarGreymon, most of the city is under repair and we have all come to know each other better. there have been no more attacks, but I think that this is just the calm before the storm, Impmon thinks that all of the Digimon became too scared of him when they saw NeoDevimon, i humour him.

Kate still doesn't know about Impmon, she just thinks that i got a really big stuffed toy. why BlackWarGreymon attacked us is still a mystery, but i hope that in time his reasons will become clear, i just pray that next time we meet, me and Impmon can become Beelzemon again.

Dirk finished his diary entry on his Laptop and closed the lid. "hey, pineapple head, why you got somethin' as girly as a diary?" asked Impmon.

"it allows me to keep my thoughts together." replied Dirk.

"sounds sissy to me." replied the imp.

"alright, well." he looked at his watch. "it is Saturday morning, lets go see the others." he said. they had decided to meet every weekend at Lucas' apartment as he lived alone, it was easiest to conceal.

vincanity0011210 06-20-2011 11:00 PM

"Yes Mom, Veemon is very scary. No he didn't mean to eat... You ate the entire turkey?" Leon said, turning his head to Veemon who was trying to casually look in any other direction but Leon's. "Vee! Why'd you do that?"

"You left me alone! I got bored so I ate! At least if I have to digivolve I'll be fully set for awhile..." Veemon said as if it was all self-explanitory. "Plus, we're getting so close to the Ultimate form that I need every piece of food I can get!"

As they arrived to Lucas's place, Leon and Veemon looked around for anyone else. Seeing no one outside they made there way up the stairs. Veemon decided to use his head for a knocker as Leon yelled for Lucas through the door.

Oblivion Ascent 06-20-2011 11:42 PM

Siggy rolled over in his sleep, snoring slightly.

"Hey, lazybum," A voice chimed, "There's something important I need to tell you..."

Siggy ignored the voice due to his stay in slumberland, and he rolled over again.

"Seriously, I'm not joking, this is very important.

Once again, the voice gained no response, and Siggy merely b3gan to snore louder.

"... You know what, screw this. ARI! YOU'RE NEEDED IN HERE!"

On cue, the little girl rushed into the room, and jumped on her snoring brother, rousing him from his sleep.

"Just five more minutes..."

"Like hell, all you ever do is sleep, lazybum..."

"You know, big bro, he does have a point..."

Siggy groaned, sitting up in his bed, and rubbing his eyes clean, looking at the offending duo.

"First of, MonoGigimon, all you ever do is eat and form evil plans with Ari that involve me getting covered in pudding. Secondly, Ari, you're supposed to be sick. What's with all the energy?"

MonoGigimon rolled his eyes, while Ari giggled and stuck her tongue out at her older brother, before getting off of him and going back to her own room, skipping.

"It's hard to believe that an adorable little thing like that is related to you, lazybum."

"Shut up, MonoGigimon," Siggy said, sighing.

The last week had been interesting, to say the least.

After MonoJyarimon had explained everything, Siggy had been at a total loss.

Not only was there another world that was full of Data Monsters, but this tiny little creature was the same as the massive dragon that had squared off against the BlackLizardThingy (Now identified as BlackWarGreymon) and imploded.
Not only that, but Siggy was told that he was a Digidestined, someone who could cause a Digimon to advance to a higher stage of power at will, and was responsible for keeping order.
Naturally, he nodded, and went along with it.

After MonoJyarimon had proved that he was indeed telling the truth, things had had to be worked out.

The three of them (Ari had held herself to secrecy, a surprising acheivement, considering her age) had agreed not to reveal the Digimon's existance to the other member of the household, Siggy and Ari's 13 year old brother, James.
This was mostly due to the fact that the kid had no ability to keep a secret, and was generally a bit of an ass. Ignorance was bliss, and a lot less painful for MonoGigimon.

Besides that, at first, the digimon had been of a very honorable temperment, and had been highly respectful of Siggy and Ari.

A few days later, after digivolving one level, he had become cheeky to Siggy, and seemed to respect Ari more than he did his partner.
MonoGigimon claimed that this was his personality changing due to his new form, but Siggy thought otherwise.

"Diddums," The digimon chirped, before regaining his composure.
"Anyhow, there are actually two things that I need to tell you. One is that I've heard a few titbits about other Digidestined here and there, and there are definitely others about the place. That and I ate your cat."

"I don't have a cat."

"Then I ate your neighbour's cat."

"My neighbour doesn't have a cat either."

"I ate A cat, Happy now?"



PsychoScythe 06-20-2011 11:54 PM

Two days after the battle:

"Lucas, there's something I haven't told you yet." Elecmon muttered to Lucas. Both human and Digimon were in their apartment, and Lucas was cooking dinner. Steak and mashed potatoes this time, as all he knew how to cook was Western food, seeing as he had spent his childhood living in America before both of his parents had gotten job changes that had sent them to Japan.

"What is it, Elecmon? Some matter of life or death?" Lucas joked, grinning all the while. Thankfully, his neighborhood hadn't even been touched from the battle against BlackWarGreymon, and his apartment was mostly intact. That being said, the other guys with Digimon had left the place in quite a mess, and Lucas had spent most of the day after cleaning his apartment. (Lucas blatantly refused to use the word Digidestined, thinking it sounded ridiculous. Even something like Chosen Children would sound far less stupid. At least those were actual words.) To his delight, classes at the university had been canceled for the week, as the campus had taken quite a hit from the boar Digimon's rampage.

If anything, Elecmon looked even more uncomfortable after Lucas's statement. "In a sense, yes. You know my kind, the Leomon and their variants, right? Well, they are cursed, in a sense. Across every tale in the Digital World, from The Chronicles of the Eight Children to The Legend of the Reaper, there has always been a Leomon or variant evolution, and each one has died."

Lucas wasn't fazed by this, and simply gave Elecmon a pointed stare in return. "Just because writers enjoy killing your kind off doesn't mean Leomons and their variants are cursed."

"Well, this also has basis in real life. Every Leomon or evolution I've known has died. Often horribly and painfully. For example, an IceLeomon in my old pack was once lit on fire and his data was consumed by ravenous Bakemon while he was still sentient. Three other Elecmon were brutally mutilated by a rampaging Tyrannomon, and the list goes on. Out of everyone in my original pack, I am the only survivor. Eventually, I concluded that the Sovereigns simply hate our kind and wished to make us suffer." Elecmon concluded gravely as he sighed. As the smell of cooked steak reached Elecmon's nose, he sniffed the air in delight and began to stride over to the kitchen. "Ooh, dinner. Wonderful."

"...What." Was Lucas's only response to Elecmon's explanation as the four-legged Digimon pulled himself onto a chair, eagerly awaiting his steak.

Five days after the battle:

Elecmon whistled cheerfully as he opened an air vent and dropped down into Lucas's apartment, concluding his nightly explorations of Lucas's neighborhood. The human world was just so fascinating, with gigantic skyscrapers that dwarfed most Digimon-made structures he'd seen in his travels across the Digital World. As he made his way over to Lucas's room, he began to hear strange noises coming from it, including Lucas sounding like he was moaning in pain. Thinking Lucas was under attack, Elecmon burst into Lucas's room snarling, tails charged with electricity and scanning for an opponent. To his surprise, Lucas was merely unclothed while appearing to be wrestling a human female, also naked. Upon taking in the visage of a snarling monster covered in electricity, the female began to scream shrilly while Lucas buried his face in his right palm.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" The girl shrieked, cowering in fear when she saw Elecmon. The Digimon himself was bemused. He didn't think his appearance was that frightening.

"Minako, I can explain." Lucas sighed, wondering how he was going to get out of this one. This was almost as bad as the time Naoka caught him making out with Anise in high school.

"THAT'S ONE OF THOSE MONSTERS THAT ATTACKED THE CITY, ISN'T IT?" Minako screamed, still terrified.

"No, he's just a pet that Professor Fuyutsuki created in the biology lab. He asked me to take care of him for some extra credit. You know that Fuyutsuki's a goddamn mad scientist." Lucas lied smoothly, morosely realizing that any chance of him having some fun tonight was dead and buried.

Minako proceeded to ignore Lucas's perfectly logical statement and gathered up her clothes before fleeing from his apartment in terror, slamming the door behind her.

"What was that about? One minute she's attacking you, the next she's running out the door screaming. Am I really that intimidating?" Elecmon asked innocently, not understanding the events that had occured.

"I'm not talking to you." Lucas gave Elecmon a pointed glare, grumbling to himself as he went to sleep. Without his girlfriend.

Present time, one week after the battle:

"Lucas, someone's at the door. Judging by the attempted headbutts, I think it's Leon and Veemon." Elecmon called to the college student, who promptly got off the couch and went for the door. He had forgiven Elecmon for the incident two nights ago, upon realizing that the Digimon really had no idea what he was doing. Minako still hadn't returned any of his calls, though.

"Yes, bust down the door of the guy that's graciously letting you use his apartment as a meeting place." Lucas drawled as he opened the door, letting Leon and Veemon in. When the group had come up with the idea of using Lucas's apartment, he had readily agreed, as he liked having people over.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vincanity
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Log I, Part 2

Vocalia 06-21-2011 12:00 AM

"Dorumon, let's go!"

"Okay, okay..."

Zei locked the door to their apartment and left for Lucas's own with Dorumon. A day after she met the other Digidestinied, Zei decided to move away into her old apartment where she used to live in for a short while due to her fear that any ensuing conflict would bring danger to anyone else around her. Dorumon seemed to support this idea as this meant that she could finally have her own personal space after having to sleep on the floor.

"Are we going to Lucas's house again?" Dorumon asked.

"Yes, we are. I don't think there is anywhere else we could go with you and the other Digimon's together with us... He lives alone so it's easier for us to hide you in case of emergencies." Zei replied

Over the week, she and Dorumon had gotten to know each other. Dorumon and her were complete opposite in many ways, yet they were able to get along well with one another.

"I'm hungry..." Dorumon looked at her.

"There's a bakery on the way. Do you want me to get you anything?" Zei asked.

"... Green tea bun... That's all..." Dorumon replied in a hushed voice.

"I understand." Her Digidestinied smile. "Let's get some for the others as well." She said as they reached the bakery. "Remember, you are an animatronic." She reminded Dorumon. The Digimon replied with a nod and began to act in a rather robotic manner as the two entered the bakery. The attendant seemed fascinated by Dorumon as Zei bought some bread for the others. They then left for Lucas's apartment.

"Did you see how the worker look at you?" Zei smiled.

"Shut it...!" Dorumon blushed and scowled, followed by Zei's giggles.

Reaching their destination, they saw Leon and Veemon, the latter banging on the door.

"That idiot..." Dorumon slapped her own muzzle due to her paws small size in comparison to her jead. They then went up the stairs just as the two entered the room.

"Good morning." She greeted everyone with a polite smile, two large bags of bread in her hands. Dorumon looked at them with a neutral face and stayed quiet.

Oblivion Ascent 06-21-2011 12:11 AM

MonoGigimon gave his partner an evil look, before speaking once more.

"At any rate, I, and by extension, you, lazybum, have remained in the shadows for far too long. We should go introduce ourselves."

"Whatever you say, Mr Worf..."

Ignoring his partner's outburst at that last jab, Siggy got out of bed, and changed into his casual attire (While MonoGigimon hid under the covers in disgust).

After that, he left his room, making a quick detour to Ari's room.

"I'll be back in an hour or so," He said, poking his head around the door.

"'Kay," She chirped back, her attention diverted to the Blue Haired Man on the TV that seemed to be asking a giant robot who the hell it thought he was.

So, with that, Siggy grabbed his coat, with MonoGigimon hiding in the inside breast pocket, and slipped out into the morning, to find these other Digidestinened that his partner spoke of.

vincanity0011210 06-21-2011 12:12 AM

Veemon's heatbutt was timed precicly when the door opened, leading to Veemon headbutting straight into the ground in front of Lucas. "uh... Good morning." Veemon said, looking up at Luscas. Leon did the only thing he could think of, which was laugh. Hearing a good morning from his side, Leon turned and grinned at Zei and Dorumon.

"G'morning you two. Hows your week been?" He asked, walking into the apartment, giving Lucas a friendly punch on the shoulder and holding the door open for the other guests. "Also, have any of you guys heard of any more... Tamers? Digidestined? whatever we are? Because I have a feeling there's got to be more out there than just us." Leon decided to ask, getting the conversations started as he had been thinking about these questions for the entire week. When he asked Veemon, the digimon just said "I don't know, but we can go check any fast food restaurants in the area if that will make you feel better!"

Stepping over Veemon, the digimon slowly rose to his feet and ran inside to find Elekmon. "Hey Elekmon! Hows your week been going?"

PsychoScythe 06-21-2011 01:07 AM

"Eh, my week's been just fine." Lucas shrugged, grabbing some sodas and a freshly made pot of tea from the kitchen. "The university canceled classes for the week, so I've just been hanging out with Elecmon for the week." Setting the sodas and tea on the living room's coffee table, along with tea cups, Lucas took a Coke for himself and popped the tab off, taking a sip. "Plus, I've heard some rumors on the Internet that there's other kids with Digimon, or they might have been talking about us. Either way, there probably are. We only met each other through coincidence, and Tokyo's a big city."

Meanwhile, Elecmon happily dug into some of the bread that Zei brought, before responding to Veemon. "Not bad. Explored the city, stole some food, saw a cat get brutally mauled and eaten by something, but I'm not sure what. It felt like a Digimon, but my senses got such a weak signal that I just left it alone. It's not like it's going to Digivolve to something dangerous by eating a cat, anyways."

Vocalia 06-21-2011 05:08 AM

"Our week was... eventful, to say the least..." Zei replied, looking at Dorumon who seemed embarassed about something as the two entered the room. The girl smiled as she placed the bags of bread on the floor, taking out a few green tea buns for Dorumon and leaving the rest for everyone else. "Ah, Elecmon, please leave some for the others as well. Veemon, you can also have some if you'd like." Zei told the two Digimons as she sat on the couch.

"Stole food? Elecmon, has your partner been taking care of you?" Dorumon sighed as she saw Elecmon razing the food as soon as Zei came in. She looked around and sat down on the floor beside the couch, eating her green tea buns.

PsychoScythe 06-21-2011 01:26 PM

Elecmon muttered to himself as he finished his tea bun. "I was only eating one, and she freaks out over that?" He grumbled, swallowing the last of his bread. "And Lucas does feed me. I just get hungry when I go out into the city and smell all that delicious food." He glared at Dorumon, offended that she would even suggest his human partner was a negligent caretaker.

As Elecmon mentioned his theft of food, Lucas choked on his soda. When he recovered, gasping and wheezing, he stared at Elecmon in disbelief. "Seriously? I already feed you as much as I eat!"He coughed, slightly annoyed by this revelation. "Why the hell would you need so much food? You don't have the damn body mass to consume so much!"

"Well, in the absence of data to load, I do need to consume something, especially if I want to maintain my Champion form and go on to Ultimate..." Elecmon muttered, looking slightly sheepish.

Vocalia 06-21-2011 02:00 PM

"I'm not talking about the buns, Elecmon. I don't mind sharing my food. I'm just curious as to why you need to steal when your partner has already tried to make ends meet for you." Dorumon gave him a raised brow with a mixture of amusement and slight disbelief.

"Dorumon, I don't think you should talk like that to Elecmon. You still remember the time when you tried to make something to eat while I was out?" Zei reminded her.

"It was an accident!! How am I supposed to know that I shouldn't put eggs in the microwave?!" Dorumon replied, flustered and embarassed. "Besides, I already cleaned up the mess and apologised..." She murmured and looked away, frowning sheepishly. She turned to Elecmon. "Look, I'm not saying that Lucas is a bad babysitter. Don't you think about the consequences when you steal food? What if anyone sees you?"

Mattmanganon 06-21-2011 02:23 PM

Dirk walked through the streets with Impmon limp in his arms pretending to be a Stuffed toy. "next time, i'll be the stuffed toy, have you been eating bricks in your spare time?" asked Dirk.

"shut it, you can't talk, i've seen you wolfing down the girls food." he said.

"i told you her name is Kate, and if you forget it again, i'll let a dog treat you like a stuffed toy." they arrived at Lucas' apartment and Dirk dropped Impmon and landed on his head.


"so you forgive me then." he said.

"what the hell is that supposed to mean, pineapple head?"

"you only use the name Pineapple Head on people you like." replied Dirk. the 2 walked up the stairs and knocked on the door.

Oblivion Ascent 06-21-2011 04:33 PM

"You're going the wrong way!"

"Well, excuse me. Which bloody way am I supposed to be going?"

"'That' way!"

"You know, just saying 'that way' doesn't help."

There was a sigh from the inner pocket of Siggy's coat, before there was a commotion from within, and a small face poked out of the front of the coat, pointing a stubby limb to the northwest.

"'That' way."

"Thank you. Now, was that so difficult?"

Siggy got no answer, as MonoGigimon vanished back into the coat, back into the pocket, and began to fiddle with the Digivice.

By his own estimates, he had enough energy stored to level up to Rookie and Champion if necessary, so for now, he had no real problems regarding their soon to take place introduction.

After a half hour, in which the pair made a train ride halfway across the area, the Digivice's 'radar' suddenly popped up, notifying the small Digimon that more of it's kind were nearby, gathered in a small area.

"Bingo," MonoGigimon chirped to himself, before popping out of the front of the coat again.
"They're near! Hurry up, fluffy!"

"Yare, yare," Siggy grumbled, hurrying up, to placate the little bugger.

PsychoScythe 06-22-2011 12:39 AM

As Lucas opened the door and let Dirk and Impmon inside, Elecmon shrugged at Dorumon, starting to give an explanation. "I'm active enough during the day and the night that I often need a fourth meal, and I don't want to bother Lucas while he's sleeping."

Walking back into the living room, Lucas gave Elecmon an exasperated sigh. "I could just leave something out for you, you know. Where the hell do you go during the night, anyways?"

"I told you, I'm out exploring this city of yours." Elecmon responded, before he began to sniff at the air, suddenly snarling. "Lucas, check your Digivice. I think I sense something, and it's coming towards us." The red Digimon growled, as he tensed up, ready for battle.

Shrugging, Lucas complied with Elecmon, trusting his Digimon's senses. He pulled out his grey Digivice, before activating the device's radar. Lucas had fiddled with the Digivice enough during the week that he had a basic handle of its functions. True to Elecmon's words, there was indeed a signal closing in on the massed set of blips that indicated the group currently in his apartment. Smirking, Lucas turned back to the group assembled. "Well, someone's decided to pay us a little visit. And my place certainly isn't ready to receive any more guests. Why don't we get ready to show this new guy some hospitality?" He snarked, pushing his glasses up. "Elecmon, how about you be the doorman and show our guest in?" Lucas continued, his Digivice glowing as a similar light covered his partner Digimon.

"Always with the sarcasm...Elecmon, evolve! Leomon!" The Digimon shouted, transforming from a four-legged tailed beast to a lion man. "Your sarcasm really isn't necessary, Lucas." Leomon grumbled at his partner before going to cover the door, sword drawn.

"Seriously, though." Lucas said to the others gathered in his apartment, his expression shifting from jocularity to a grudging scowl. "We don't know enough about this guy to take any chances. He might be another kid with a Digimon, or he could be a murderous psychopath. Either way, I'm not going to let him catch us off guard."

Vocalia 06-22-2011 01:00 AM

"Is violence truly neccessary in this?" Zei asked. Dorumon's tail perked up. "Stay on your toes, Zei. Elecmon may have a point." The Digimon frowned and sniffed the air. "I smell... a person and... a Digimon?" She became slightly confused. "Leomon, be prepared." She stood beside him and snarled at the door.

Oblivion Ascent 06-22-2011 09:02 AM

As Siggy took the final steps up the stairs, to the floor which MonoGigimon stated to be the once where he could sense others, there was a commotion from his coat, and said digimon jumped out of the front of his coat, landing on the surface before them.

"Hold it, Siggy, I just sensed some hostility from where we're headed, and one of the Digimon in there just jumped to Champion level. This may mean that we're in serious trouble..."

"Well, it must be, if you're being polite to me."

"Get stuffed. Anyway, could you please Digivolve me to Rookie? If they are indeed hostile, I need to be able to jump straight to Champion, and I can't do that in the form I'm in now..."

"Whatever you say..."

Siggy reached into his inner pocket, grabbing his digivice. His 'instinct' told him to raise it up to the sky and fill it with fighting spirit...

On second thoughts, he was probably watching too much of Ari's cartoon.

MonoGigimon, seeing his partner at a loss what to do, realized that he had only explained the Digivice's function, not how to use it properly.

"Just will me to Digivolve, and mean it!"

"Ok, but how would that wo-"

Siggy was cut off by a beam of light bearing down on his partner.
Within the light, the Digimon's shape became a silhouette, which grew, and changed shape, the light expanding as it did.

Finally, after 5 seconds, the light cleared, and when it did, standing there was a Black Lizard thing, with a hazard symbol over a white belly, and startlingly bright green eyes, in contrast to the rest of it's dark body.

"That's better," The new form of MonoGigimon, now identified by the Digivice as NeonGuilmon, said, "Now, shall I, or shall you?"
As he said this, he pointed to the door that he could sense the others behind.

Siggy took a few seconds to answer, due to the fact that he had just seen a tiny, baseball sized blob grow into a Meter or so tall dinosaur in under ten seconds, and he was taking that as he took everything.
That was to say, he stared at the new form with one eyebrow raised, and his eye twitching.

When he did answer, however, it was non verbal, as he just walked up to the door, and knocked gently.
Vocalia 06-22-2011 12:30 PM

Dorumon heard the knock. "Leomon, I don't think it's anybody hostile. If such was the case, whoever these group was would be blasting down the door instead." She said to the Champion Digimon, sniffing the door carefully. "One of the scent smells... familiar somehow although I couldn't put my claw on it..." She raised a brow. The Digimon stepped away from the door, allowing Lucas to open it should he desired to. Zei was already on her toes, alert and prepared this time around.

Mattmanganon 06-22-2011 02:05 PM

Impmon and Dirk, walked through the door.

"you look funny." said Impmon pointing at Leomon. "is he stupid or just ugly?" at that point a foot went into the back of Impmons head.

"don't say that." said Dirk rubbing his foot. "and also what is your head made of? rocks? because that would explain a lot..." he said.


"then i am forgiven."

"YOU ARE NOT!!! BADDA BOOM." a small flame was sent at Dirk but he dodged it and then picked up the digimon around the waist and hugged him.

"how did i ever live without you?" he asked.

PsychoScythe 06-22-2011 10:49 PM

Ignoring Impmon's insult, Leomon turned to Dorumon. "Perhaps," He stated, sword still drawn. "However, Lucas has a point. These people could come in the guise of friendship and attack us when our backs are turned."

"Exactly." Lucas piped up, looking unnaturally cheerful as he went to open the door. Turning the knob, he pulled the door back, seeing a black lizard Digimon and a dark-haired man about his age. Stepping back, Lucas smirked, activating his Digivice's scan feature. The readout revealed that the Digimon was called NeonGuilmon, and was a Rookie level. "Another guy with a Digimon. I don't know how you found us, but welcome. Just a warning, though. You move to attack one of us or you even try to Digivolve, and Leomon here guts you." Lucas stepped aside to let them in, while also revealing Leomon leaning against the wall, looking excessively grim.

"Indeed." Leomon growled, sheathing his sword for the moment. He could fight well enough with his fists if it came to it. "I will not allow anyone to threaten the life of my partner or his allies."

Oblivion Ascent 06-22-2011 11:08 PM

Siggy raised an eyebrow at the mixed message, but spoke nonetheless.
"My apologies for this... impromptness. I only became aware of other Digidestined this morning, since this great lug only just realized that telling me such was probably important. We found you because this great lug knew how to work the Digivice's radar, and apparently has been tracking a couple of you for the last week..."

He hazarded a look at NeonGuilmon. By the look of it, the disposition of the Lion Man Digimon, identified by his Digivice as Leomon, as well as his companions, was unnerving him somewhat.
"And I can assure you, we're not hostile. The only reason that my friend here decided to Digivolve above his In-Training form is because he felt hostility on the way over."

Meanwhile, NeonGuilmon surveyed the room with his bright, luminescent eyes, checking out which Digimon were present.
By the look of it, there was an Impmon, a Veemon and what, as far as he could make out from his memories, a Dorumon, in addition to the rather fierce looking Leomon.
Once he had made a note of what was in the room, he spoke up.
"As Siggy has pointed out, we bear no ill intentions. However, keep in mind, that while you may be prepared to fight to the death for your Partner, so am I. And I assure you, I may have fallen far from what I was, but I play for keeps..."

Vocalia 06-22-2011 11:44 PM

Fallen far? Could he be... Dorumon thought to herself. "As long as any of you don't try to do anything silly, nothing would go wrong between us. Violence isn't exactly what we're looking for here."Dorumon looked at NeonGuilmon replied with a raher cool and nonchalant tone, tapping on Leomon's shoulder with her tail and gesturing him to calm down. Her face seemed to be rather flat out emotionless. "By the way, food's in the bag." She pointed to the sacks of breads before moving to sit on the couch.

Zei pulled out her Digivice and identified NeonGuilmon before looking at the newcomers. "Welcome." She greeted them. "Forgive us for being... alert. After what had happened, we couldn't risk people hurting our new allies." She said with a gentle smile.

Oblivion Ascent 06-23-2011 05:21 AM

The you have nothing to fear from us. By nature, I am not silly."

Siggy coughed.

"Shut up, Fluffy."

Siggy chuckled at his companion's ire, before turning his attention to Zei.
"No worries," He said, a small smile creasing the corner of his mouth, "Given the circumstances, being on your guard is probably a good thing. That, and there's what could happen if what this great lug says is true..."

At this point, NeonGuilmon whacked Siggy's leg with his claw.
"Too soon..."

vincanity0011210 06-23-2011 06:35 AM

Leon stood by to watch the door interaction with Veemon, both with food in hand, heads moving in time together back and forth from one speaker to then next. Neither was worried for their immediate safety since at least one of the group was at Champion, and Leon doubted that an enemy would be using the door. The threats that weren't straight spoken made Leon choke on the food in his mouth from stifling laughter. Trying to knock the food down his throat, he punched his upper chest a couple times. Noticing his Tamers mishap, Veemon gave Leon a punch in the stomach which promptly made Leon swallow the food. Veemon laughed while Leon gasped for air before he recovered and gave Veemon a loud thwack on the head. "Lets not be rude Vee. Time to say hi to our newbie."

With only a moments notice Veemon quickly ran forward and jumped up and tried to land on NeonGuilmon's head. "Greetings Radioactivemon!" he shouted enthusiastically. Leon rolled his eyes as he stepped forward from behind the others. With a glare at Veemon's antics and Leomon's stance Leon held out his hand for a shake. "Welcome to the circus... Siggy? Fluffy? What was it? "

Vocalia 06-23-2011 10:45 AM

Seeing Veemon's antic, Dorumon let her head fall into the couch's arm, hiding the mixture of baffled, irritated, humored and bemused expressions on her face. What am I getting myself into...? She wryly chuckled to herself. However, she didn't bother to correct Veemon, wanting to see NeonGuilmon's reaction to the blue Digimon's enthusiastic treatment. Perhaps a liitle too enthusiastic...She thought to herself as she pulled her head up once again to look at the newcomer couple, along with Dirk and Impmon.

Zei let out a soft, amused yet confused chuckle at Dirk and Impmon. "Are you both hungry? I brought some bread with us just in case. I'm sorry that I couldn't buy much..." She said to them. "Why don't you both come in so we can all talk more comfortably? I don't suppose standing in front of the door would give you much safety and comfort..." The girl said to Siggy and NeonGuilmon.

Oblivion Ascent 06-23-2011 05:01 PM

As Veemon landed on NeonGuilmon's head, he did his equivalent of raising an eyebrow, but ultimately let it slip.
"Hello to you too, LittleBlueScalyMon," He said in return, in a tone that was clearly non hostile, and somewhat playful.

Siggy just watched this and rolled his eyes, before turning his attention back to the others.
"Siggy," He said, holding his hand out to Leon, shaking his hand, "He just calls me fluffy because he enjoys irritating me."

"Well, it works, doesn't it?"

"It works too well," He deadpanned, before Zei mentioned something about coming inside.
"Thanks for offering, carrying that great lump across the city in my coat was a real pain in the neck..."



PsychoScythe 06-23-2011 08:09 PM

Satisfied at NeonGuilmon's words, Leomon began to relax and returned to Lucas's couch, pouring himself a cup of tea. Nodding to Lucas, he gave his assessment of the newcomers. "I believe they speak the truth, Lucas. Neither seems hostile nor malicious."

Lucas accepted his partner's judgement and broke out into a grin, offering his hand for Siggy to shake. "Lucas Seyour. And I'm totally calling you Fluffy now."" He snickered at the nickname, because it was damned funny.

Oblivion Ascent 06-23-2011 08:16 PM

Siggy rolled his eyes, nonetheless taking up the handshake Lucas was offering.
"Whatever floats your boat..."

"I told you it was a good nickname," NeonGuilmon chirped, with a weird little grin.
As the Leomon settled down, NeonGuilmon decided that it was a good time as any to enter the apartment, and so he carefully made his way in, Veemon still perched on his head.

Mattmanganon 06-23-2011 08:54 PM

Impmon jumped over to Zei and started scoffing down the bread. "no, i'll be fine." said Dirk. then Siggy and Neonguilmon walked in and Impmon stared at the new-comers. rubbing bread crumbs away from his mouth he stood up.

"well, 2 new chumps to the club, first things first, you need to know the rules, i am the leader of this group and this is my personal slave, his name is Pineapple head."

"ignore him." said Dirk. "hi, my name is Dirk, and this is Impmon, he's cocky but his heart is in the right place."

"IGNORE ME!!!" shouted Impmon. "you ignore me and you'll learn that not only my heart is in the right but my foot as well, cuz it'll be in your ass!"

"he's also Grouchy." he said.

"I'LL SHOW YOU GROUCHY!!!" he ran over and kicked Dirk in the back of the Leg, Dirk turned around and picked him up around the waist and hugged him.

"his one true weakness is he can't fight back when i do this." he said.

Vocalia 06-23-2011 10:02 PM

Zei left Impmon alone to feast on what food she had brought.

Dorumon yawned at Impmon's arrogant boast of his non-existent leadership of the group of Digimons and Digidestinied. "And I'm the leader of the Royal Knights..." She replied to the purple Digimon with a heavy sarcasm, giving him a nonchalant gaze. "I'm sorry that you have to deal with him." She said to Dirk.

Zei handed Siggy and NeonGuilmon some bread before taking out her Digivice, trying to track down everyone in the group and see if there were any other Digidestinied nearby. The Digivice showed that all Digidestinied in the nearby radius had all gathered in the apartment room. "Well, I don't think we will be having more visitors for now..." She said to the others and sat down beside Dorumon, her white Digivice in her hand.

Oblivion Ascent 06-23-2011 10:21 PM

As Zei handed him the bread, Siggy took it gratefully and enthusiastically.
"Thanks for this, I didn't get a chance to eat this morning due to that there Lummox..."

NeonGuilmon took his share just as graciously, doing a little bow to the young woman.
He was about to thank her, when he overheard Dorumon snarking at Impmon, and bringing up the Royal Knights.
He was somewhat tempted to say something, but he ultimately kept quiet, instead demolishing the bread like it was going out of fashion.

Meanwhile, Siggy also overheard said snark, and a small smile curved the corners of his mouth, before he shoved a slice of bread into it, swallowing it in one go.

Mattmanganon 06-24-2011 12:36 AM

"so, what i want to know is, has anyone seen any digimon during the week?" he asked. "because i keep thinking that i see them, but it always turns out to be nothing. and there is nothing in the News, so from all info i have at them moment, there won't be any Digimon Crisis for a bit."


in the center of town, a Guardromon walked down the street. "oh dear, where have i gotten to this time?" he asked himself. walking over to a fruit stand he raised his hand. "excuse me good sir, but can you-"

"A MONSTER, RUN!!!" yelled the salesman.

"oh dear, umm, come back... please... oh dear." he then looked around to see that most of the people had fled. "oh dear." he continued to plod down the street until he bumped into a woman. "oh, hello madam." the woman looked up at Guardromon with a kindly expression.

"hello to you sir." she replied.

"finally, someone that does not flee on sight, i must say that my outward appearence may be scary, but i am not a violent mon by nature." he said. "can i enquire where i am at this moment, i appear to have gotten lost." he said.

"you are in Tokyo." she said.

"Tokyo? the city from the legend of the 8 digidestined?" he asked. "oh joy, since i was a young mon, i have dreamed of coming to this city, every mon has." he said. "but it appears that my joyous cheers are premature, as now i have no way of getting back and no where to stay." he said.

"oh, that is too bad, if you want, you can stay with me for a while" she said.

"oh hazah, of course i would not expect you to do so for free, but i have no money on me at the moment, as such i will assist you in any labour that you need done as payment." he said.

"oh, but that won't be necessary." she said.

"come come, i insist." he said. "allow me to carry your rations." he then picked up the bags and held them. "if you are returning to your home now, then please lead on." he said. the woman simply smiled at him as though he were a kindly boy scout trying to achieve a badge for his actions.


after attempting to enter the house through the front door and realising that he was far too big, he entered through the sliding glass doors at the back of the house. "i thank you again madam for allowing me lodging in your beautiful home."

"think nothing of it, i have another young man staying with me i think you 2 will get along well." she said. "by the way, call me Kate." she said

vincanity0011210 06-24-2011 05:47 AM

"Wow Impmon you make a cute doll... I never thought I would need to ask this but Siggy-"

"Leon!" Veemon shouted, interupting his Tamer.


"I like TerminalIllnessmon. I need a lance or something in one of my digivolutions so I can joust!" Said the blue dino in an excited tone. "Think of it! Two Dinosaur Digimon charging at the opponent! We would scare them away before there was a need to fight!"

With a glare Veemon began to lower himself off of NeonGuildmonLeon just smacked his own head before continuing. "ANYWAYS.... Why does he call you Fluffy? You don't look any more fluffy than the rest of us here. Me and Veemon ran into the Digivolutions of the Mouse Digimon we fought when we first met, but that was easy work so we didn't make a big deal about it. They seem to not like us much..."

Oblivion Ascent 06-24-2011 02:47 PM

"Why does he call me fluffy? Well..."

"Isn't it obvious? I mean, come on, he looks like a human Furby, for frig's sake!"

Siggy turned to his partner, flipping him off, before turning back to Leon and continuing.

"It's because he overheard my little sister calling me it as a joke. He said he's never going to let me live it down..."

Vocalia 06-24-2011 02:52 PM

"No, Dirk. As far as I and Dorumon have experienced, we haven't encountered any other Digimons until now." Zei replied.

"Although, to be on the safe side, we often look around at night while I stay in the apartment during the day." Dorumon added. She snickered silently at Siggy at his explanation of NeonGuilmon's pet peeve for him. "I don't see why you should be upset. I think that nickname suits you." She gave him a faint grin.

Mattmanganon 06-24-2011 08:37 PM

dirk nodded as Zei made her report. "alright." he said. he then looked at his watch 11:50. "oh crap, i need to make a call, i told Kate that i'd call her if i couldn't be home for 12." he dialed home on his mobile which was now being held together by Duct tape from when he threw it after BlackWarGreymons attack. after several rings, Kate picked up.


"hi kate, ummm, i won't be able to make it home for 12-" suddenly he heard a crash in the background.

"i am terribly sorry." said a british voice in the background.

"oh, it's ok." said Kate.

"kate... who is that?" he had no idea that it could be a digimon.

"a gentleman, he'll be staying with us for a bit." replied Kate. Dirk was taken aback by this, at most he thought that maybe a pipe had burst and that it was a plumber come to fix it.

"... do you have a new boyfriend?" he asked. he wasn't sure what answer he wanted, she had been messed around by guys in the past, but she was a shy woman and maybe a nice man in her life would help her a bit.

"oh, no it's nothing like that, he is currently stuck in town for a while and i said that he could stay with us until he had found a way to get home." replied Kate.

"oh, thats alright then." said Dirk. "do you need me at home?" he asked.

"no, we'll be fine." she said. "it's just that he is... large." she said. Dirk sighed, this meant the guy was either a bodybuilder or a couch-potato, meaning either he was going to try something with Kate or eat her out of house and home.

"look, i'll be home ASAP." he said.

"there really is no need-"

"nah, we were really just finishing up here anyway." he said. "k, see you in a bit, bye."

"bye." she said. she turned around to see Guardromon sweeping up pieces of dishes that he had broken.

"ok, well ladies and gentlemen, something has just come up, so i will have to take my leave." he said and got to his feet "come on Impmon." he said. Impmon simply ignored him between mouthfuls of bread. Dirk sighed and picked up impmon who simply grabbed the bag to take with him, Dirk then took the bag away from him and handed it to Zei. "say thank you." he said to Impmon.

"k, thanks." he said.

"good boy." he walked out and headed down the hallway and outside. by this time, he was knackered. "damn, you were heavy enough carrying here, now you weigh even more." he said.

"i am not walking."

"well i am not carrying you." he said.

"alright, i'll give something a try..." said Impmon. the imp screwed up his face then became Yaamon, suddenly a large motorbike materialised. "this is behemoth." said Yaamon.

"wow... but i can't drive this, i don't have my licence."

"don't worry, it drives itself, literally." said Yaamon. he jumped on the back of it, then Dirk sat on it. somehow it felt right... a helmet materialised on his head and he grabbed the handlebars.

"alright, this could work." he revved the engine and the monsterous motorbike set off. it flew through the streets, but Dirk kept it slow so as not to draw the attention of the law.

PsychoScythe 06-25-2011 01:11 AM

Lucas broke out into laughter as NeonGuilmon called Siggy a human Furby. Meanwhile, Leomon was alternating between contemplating his tea and staring at NeonGuilmon intently. The lion Digimon had a feeling he recognized the dino-dragon from somewhere, but he couldn't put his finger on it. None of the Tyrannomon variants he'd fought in the Digital World in years past had the same signature, and he'd loaded the data of the only Growlmon he'd ever fought. So why did this NeonGuilmon's signature feel so familar? Leomon thought, as Lucas reached for a piece of bread that Zei brought, having recovered from his fit of laughter.

Nothing from his distant past fit with this NeonGuilmon, so Leomon began to compare him with what he'd seen in the recent events of the past week. It's definitely not BlackWarGreymon. His signature was much different than this one. So that only leaves...Examon! Leomon choked on his tea as he realized what the entity standing before him was. Now that he knew what he was comparing NeonGuilmon to, the similarity between their digital signatures was all too apparent. NeonGuilmon's signature was exactly the same as Examon's, just reduced by a large margin. Now it all made sense. Lucas and Elecmon had watched the battle between Examon and BlackWarGreymon on the local news the day after the battle, seeing as they were too focused on running for their lives when the actual fight had occured. Examon's instability must have resulted in him reformatting, and then he had somehow ended up with a human partner. Now Leomon pondered how to approach this subject. Would NeonGuilmon and his partner become hostile? Did he still have the ability to evolve to Mega? Leomon considered his options, before deciding to simply reveal it to everyone. It was doubtful that NeonGuilmon had the ability to return to his previous form as a Royal Knight, or he would have gone after BlackWarGreymon again.

Standing up, Leomon set his cup of tea down and spoke directly to NeonGuilmon. "Why don't we stop with the masquerade? I recognize you for what you are...Examon."

Oblivion Ascent 06-25-2011 01:22 AM

Now, you'd think something like this would irk a severe reaction from whoever it directed at.
However, this didn't seem to be the case with Siggy or NeonGuilmon.

As Leomon 'dug up the bombshell', the former merely diverted his gaze to the latter to see what his reaction was.

Following on from that, said latter's response was merely to smile coyly, and ask:
"Well played. Tell me, how long did it take for you to work it out?"

Vocalia 06-25-2011 01:23 AM

Examon?! No wonder he smells familiar... Dorumon frowned. Soon, the same image briefly flashed in her mind before disappearing just as quickly. The Digimon hissed slightly in pain, but quickly recoverd from it. "Well... I don't suppose this is false, isn't it, NeonGuilmon...?" Dorumon asked, elicting a gasp from Zei. "Your scent... Yours and Examon are almost alike... Too alike." She replied, having a whiff of the Royal Knight's scent just before she landed.

PsychoScythe 06-26-2011 12:43 AM

"Shamefully long." Leomon replied wryly, giving a tight smirk. NeonGuilmon had certainly taken it better than he'd assumed. "In hindsight, it was obvious."

Leomon's partner, on the other hand, froze when he'd heard this revelation. Then his left eyebrow began to twitch, followed by a sharp intake of breath, as if he was trying to calm himself down."I have a...slight bone to pick with you." Lucas started, Leomon seeming concerned by his sudden change of composure. "When you were Examon, you turned your entire body into electricity."Lucas's eyebrow continued to twitch, and his hands began to clench, almost in a pantomime of a strangling motion. "Physics doesn't f_cking work like that, damn it!" At this point, Lucas was visibly restraining himself from leaping across the room and brutally murdering NeonGuilmon with his bare hands. "You can't just convert your body matter into MOTHERF_CKING ELECTRICITY."

Leomon started to chuckle at his partner, relieved that his reaction wasn't that serious. "Lucas, does this really matter so much?" The lion Digimon asked in amusement, pouring himself some more tea.

"It damn well matters to me!" Lucas retorted, his eyebrow continuing to twitch, a vein beginning to appear on his forehead. "I'm an electrical engineering major. Shit like that defies every law of physics. It's like pissing on Einstein's grave!"

Oblivion Ascent 06-26-2011 01:08 AM

"To be honest, I was expecting anyone to pick up on it at any moment. After all, it was a fair assumption to make..."

Siggy chuckled at his partner's sudden shift from smartassed to something resembling humble.
However, this was short lived, as it was at this point that Lucas began to shoot off about bastardization of physics.
In response to this, Siggy turned to face him, raising an eyebrow.
"Excuse me... Lucas was it? We have giant physical data constructs materializing out of thin air, from a parallel world, some of which are in this very room, and are capable of undergoing automatic evolution, almost at will, and you're worrying about Physics? I can't see anything wrong with that."

On the over hand, NeonGuilmon's response was a little less subdued.
"Son, I'm a Digital f_cking Dinosaur, that used to be a 20 meter tall Metal Dragon. I don't know what this 'Physics' is, but it go can kiss my scaly black ass for all I care..."

Mattmanganon 06-26-2011 01:24 AM

Behemoth rolled to a stop outside of the house and they stepped off. Behemoth disappeared and Yaamon became Impmon again. he picked up Impmon and walked inside. "hi Kate, i'm back, he took off his shoes and walked into the kitchen. nothing could prepare him for the sight that met him. he stood dumbfounded as Kate stood at the stove as a Guardromon wearing an apron swept the floor.

"GUARDROMON!!!" yelled impmon.

"that toy can talk?" said Kate

"oh dear." said Guardromon

"WHAT THE HELL?!" yelled Dirk.


after about 5 minutes, everyone had made their way to the Living room. "so are you... his digidestined?" Dirk asked Kate.

"my heavens no, no digivice has appeared thus far so it is safe to say no." said Guardromon.

"alright then let me get this straight. you just appeared here?" said Dirk.


"and i said he could stay." smiled Kate. Dirk grabbed his head.

"this is confusing..."

Mattmanganon 06-27-2011 05:53 PM

suddenly they felt the ground shaking. "oh no, did he follow me?" asked Guardromon.

"did who follow you?" asked Dirk. "is it BlackWarGreymon?"

"no, i have never even seen one of those." replied Guardromon. the 2 digimon and the digidestined ran outside and looked into the air to see a giant dragon like creature with metal arms, head and a long tail instead of legs. "OH NO, IT'S MEGADRAMON!!!" said Guardromon. he tucked his arms into his chest and then began to glow, but then stopped and was still guardromon "curses, that last fight took too much energy." he said.

"don't sweat it, we can handle him." said Impmon. Dirk nodded to him and got out the digivice. "IMPMON DIGIVOLVE TO... DEVIMON!!!" Devimon looked at the large Dragon. "look who's tough now!!!" said Devimon. he then took into the skies. "touch of evil!" he clawed at the Megadramon but the attack did nothing.

"crap... come on, you need to become NeoDevimon." said Dirk.

"DARKSIDE ATTACK!!!" suddenly it sent a barage of missiles at Dirk and Guardromon, Devimon intercepted several with his own body and came crashing down to earth. but the other missiles careered towards the ground as well, Dirk was about to run out of the way but then saw Kate coming over.

"KATE!!!!" the missiles exploded and Dirk, Guardromon and Kate were thrown into the Air, then hit the ground. Dirk was the first to his feet. he walked over to Kate and shook her in an attempt to awaken her. "come on... we need to get up..." but she didn't move. he shook her more. "come on... don't die on me." he began to sob. "come on, first mum and dad, and now you... please... DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" his sorrow quickly became anger. "bastard... you killed her." he said softly. "she's dead... BECAUSE OF YOU!!!" he looked at Megadramon. then the light in his digivice went from white to black. Guardromon looked at Dirk.

"oh no..." he had heard the legend of Dark Digivolution and it looked as though it was about to happen again. "don't do it!!!" he yelled.

the black light shot out of the digivice and coiled around Devimon "i feel it, i feel strength, but... it's not good, pineapple head... you have to sto-" he was then sucked into the digivice. then the black light surrounded Dirk. it disappeared and left standing there was Beelzemon. "YAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" it cried out in anger. bringing out the shot-guns it fired multiple shots at the Megadramon. but Megadramon dodged the attacks. Beelzemon then doubled over. with a splatter of what looked like blue blood (but was actually data) wings seemed to explode out of it's back. it's arm then exploded leaving in it's place a giant metal cannon. "CARONA BLASTER!!!" it fired several large balls of energy at the Megadramon. they impacted on the dragon and it fell to earth. Beelzemon then jumped in the air and it's wings carried it over to the Megadramon. it then fired multiple shots into the digimons face. "AAAAHHHHHH!!!!" it then fired several shots into the air. then saw a cat on a fence. "DIE!!!!" it fired a shot at the cat, luckily the cat jumped out of the way but the fence was vaporised.

Meanwhile back with Guardromon. he had walked over to Kate and picked her up. he felt that she was still breathing. "she's alive." then a Carona Blast flew past his head. "but not for long unless he calms down." Beelzemon then took into the air and looked down on the city, he then started to fire randomly into the city.

"NONE OF YOU DESERVE TO LIVE!!!" it yelled. suddenly several Fighter jets came to intercept, they had been scrambled to fight Megadramon, but this creature was even more of a threat, firing several missiles at him, he simply deflected them and then vaporised 2 with the Carona Blaster.


BlackWarGreymon was roused from his sleep, he looked up to see the Leader. "looks like theirs a real tough one has just appeared. go get him boy." said the leader. the roof to his cell opened.

"yes master." he then jumped into the air and made his way over to them. as he arrived he found the Megadramon on the ground almost dead. he quickly absorbed the data and then saw Beelzemon in the air. Beelzemon then landed in the middle of an intersection in the street a car ran into him, but it simply crumpled, the driver bailed out moments before Beelzemon ripped it apart. he then proceeded to fire multiple shots a the surrounding buildings.

vincanity0011210 06-27-2011 06:09 PM

"Okay. Whose this Kate girl and are we meeting her? He keeps talking about her..." Leon said to himself more than the others, wondering where Dirk continued to go.
Leon laughed at Siggy's explanation of all the digital things appearing in their world before beginning to chew on a roll. "Any you guys wanted to kill him when he walked in the door. He's way to much fun to obliterate! Thank god we didn't, huh Vee- whoa. Veemon?" Leon said, finally seeing his partner who was staring intently at Neonguilmon with a sad look on his face. "Are you okay?"

"NO!" Veemon yelled in anger before turning his head away and wiping his face with his arm. He sniffed before continuing to speak. "This asshole almost left me when we came over! I get turned into an Egg and he's raining down the power of gods! What the hell Examon! You never told me what your Rookie form was! I knew there was a reason I liked you instantly!" Veemon said, continuously in a loud voice because he was so excited. He choked back tears at the return of his best friend from the Digital World and no one could argue the blue dino's happiness.

That was right before the digivices in the room went off. For a moment, each vibrated and screeched, the screen shining black light before fading away. Leon, who was holding onto the digivice, dropped in out of fright. Leon's eyes were welled up because of the emotion coming from his partner, so it was hard for him to bend down and pick it up. "Uh, black lights? What does that mean?" He asked the other through misty eyes. Before he could get a response, however, explosions could be heard in the distance. "Oh great. War of the Worlds Part 2."

Oblivion Ascent 06-27-2011 06:23 PM

MonoGuilmon stared blankly at Veemon for a second, before speaking.
"What are you tal-"
And then it hit him.
"No. Freaking. Way. UltraForceVeedramon? Where the bloody hell did you vanish off to for all this time?!?"
As the monochrome reptile spoke, a wide grin split his 'face'.

Siggy just stared at this with confusion, deciding to let his partner have a moment with his... friend.
In the meantime though, he checked his Digivice.
"F_cking metal," He grumbled, realizing that black lights on his Digivice probably didn't mean that he had won an All Expenses-Paid Trip to Hawaii.

PsychoScythe 06-27-2011 10:25 PM

Begrudgingly, Lucas realized that Siggy made a good point. Nothing about Digimon made logical sense in the first place. "Touche." He said to Siggy, deciding to just take this digital shit in stride. As Veemon and NeonGuilmon had a bro moment, Lucas's Digivice began to emit black light. "Wonderful. I take it black light is a bad sign." He muttered dryly as he activated the radar function, revealing a black dot not far from his apartment. Strangely, it was giving off a massive signature, enough that he could manage to scan it from this range. Meanwhile, Leomon gasped in shock as he extended his senses. Someone was using Dark Digivolution... Lucas proceeded to read the results of the Digivice scan.

Beelzemon: Blast Mode
Demon Lord Digimon
Virus Attribute
Level: Mega

The last line was enough for Lucas to have a sharp intake of breath and start cursing under his breath in English. As for Leomon, he extended his senses once more, and found that the signature was Impmon's, but amplified and tainted. Upon seeing the Digivice scan, it all made sense. "Lucas!" He gasped, standing up in alarm. "It's Impmon! He's the one that's the cause of all this!"

This revelation only caused Lucas to curse more. Why the hell would Dirk Dark Digivolve Impmon? And BlackWarGreymon would certainly have been alerted to this, especially given the explosions that Beelzemon was creating at the moment. As Lucas continued to consider his options, a moment of brilliance came to him. "We can use this." He declared, face deathly serious."BlackWarGreymon will definitely show up, and they'll start fighting. Once they tire each other out, we can take out BlackWarGreymon first, then see if we can calm Dirk and Impmon down."

"Lucas, this isn't right." Leomon uttered, shocked by his partner's ruthless attitude. "We can't just use Dirk and Impmon like tools."

"Damn it, Leomon!" Lucas shouted, glaring at his digital partner. "I'm not going to pass up this opportunity to take that bastard Mega out. BlackWarGreymon's a threat to all of you Digimon. I won't let him kill you! Plus, if we keep Beelzemon's attention on him, he won't be able to target any innocents. You said it yourself that Digimon that undergo Dark Digivolution generally go on indiscriminate killing sprees. You really think I want to see dead innocents in the streets?" The teen scowled, his voice quieting somewhat. "Besides, we need to go now. If BlackWarGreymon doesn't show up soon, we'll need to hold Beelzemon off until he does. You know me, Leomon. I won't let innocent people die."

"I...see." Leomon said, mollified by his partner's reasoning. Even if using Dirk and Impmon just to take out an enemy was cold, at least he didn't want to see any innocents harmed.

Oblivion Ascent 06-27-2011 10:38 PM

It was NeonGuilmon who spoke up first.
"I don't think killing BlackWargreymon would be a smart move. I can't put my claw on it, but there's something off about him. He's much stronger than the average member of his kind, and he's acting unlike said kind. I think there's more to him than we think, and if we can find out what it is, it'll be much better for us in the long run..."
He then turned to Veemon.
"And, if push comes to shove, there's always 'that'..."

Mattmanganon 06-27-2011 11:18 PM

Beelzemon fired several shots into a building it then went up in flames, all Beelzemon did was cry out in anger.then he landed. BlackWarGreymon stood and looked at Beelzemon. he was about to launch an attack but then noticed the Digivice attacked to his belt. "you are a Digidestined. please, you need to calm down."

"NONE OF YOU DESERVE TO LIVE!!!" it yelled. "CARONA BLASTER." it fired serveral shots, BlackWarGreymon blocked them with his shield. "SHE'S DEAD" he fired off another Shot. "AND IT'S ALL." another shot. "YOUR." another shot. "FAULT." and one final shot. BlackWarGreymon withstood the barage. he then saw the red in the Digimons eyes.

"a dark Digivolution... oh no... yes, it is all my fault, i was the one who killed... her, if you want revenge, then follow me." he said and jumped into the air.

"BASTARD!!!" he jumped into the air as well. BlackWarGreymon dodged Carona Blasts as they came towards him. they finally made it into the skies above Tokyo. "you will pay for every life you have extinguished. he suddenly drew a Pentagram with the gun. "CARONA DESTROYER."

"TERRA DESTROYER!!" Yelled BlackWarGreymon drawing up the massive ball of energy. they unleashed their attacks at the same time, the 2 balls colided and exploded. the display looked as though the sun itself had just exploded. both of them were thrown back, they hurtled towards the ground, but both were quick to their feet. Beelzemon lashed out with his claws and blocked several attacks from his opponent. he then wrapped his tail around BlackWarGreymons neck and threw him to the ground, then pointed the cannon at his head.

"DIE!!!" before he could attack though, he was hit by missiles from out of no-where. forcing his gun to one side before it fired. BlackWarGreymon then threw Beelzemon off. "WHO DID THAT. COME OUT COWARDS!!!" in the shadows, Guardromon watched, he had fired the missiles. he ran off with Kates body, she started to stir from her slumber.

"ooooo." she mumbled.

"don't worry madam. i'll see you to safety. he then saw the kids and their digimon. "excuse me, care you more digidestined?" he asked. "because another of your number is in terrible danger." he said

vincanity0011210 06-28-2011 02:11 AM

"Oh, now you want to do 'that'!" Veemon said, rolling his eyes. "Last time you got so aggravated because my emotion took us over and didn't do what you said anymore... who knew emotions were stronger than common sense?" Veemon said with a shrug.

When the sky ignited, Leon covered the orb with his hands so he could look to Veemon and the others. "Okay, I'm getting out of here and heading towards the fighting. Vee, lets go" he said, picking up Veemon and heading into the streets of the city. Quickly they came upon Guardomon.

"Veemon digivolved into.... ExVeemon!" shouted the flying dino as it prepared for battle. When it began to speak as a friendly XVmon stopped until he heard the announcement that Dirk was in battle. Turning towards the battle, ExVeemon began to fly at full speed with Leon hanging on by the leg. "Holy shit, that is... Beelzemon.... Impmon? Veemon, what are we going to do?! We need to stop this..."

Mattmanganon 06-28-2011 01:59 PM

Beelzemon looked at ExVeemon. "DIE!!!" it fired several shots from his Carona Blaster. but the blast was deflected by BlackWarGreymons Shield.

"your fight is with me." he said, then throwing a Terra Force at him.

"MY FIGHT IS WITH EVERYONE!!!" Beelzemon fired a Carona Blast at it and they exploded on impact.

Vocalia 06-28-2011 02:30 PM

Dorumon and Zei followed ExVeemon and saw the ensuing fight. "Dorumon, who could that be?" Zei asked, scanning Beelzemon with her Digivice. Dorumon caught a strongly familiar scent, but something chaotic seemed to have mixed with it.

"That's Impmon, or Beelzemon presently, but something is terribly wrong about him..." Dorumon replied with a frown, smelling a dark scent lingering in the surrounding air. "Let's go!" She shouted. With a swift move, Zei held her Digivice as the item let out a bright light from its monitor. Mimicking the change, Dorumon's body grew in a brilliant white glow.

"Dorumon digivolve to... Dorugamon!" A loud roar echoed as the evolved Dorugamon spreaded her wings, ready to take off into the air. Zei jumped onto her back before letting the Champion Digimon flew off. Dorugamon saw the passing Guardromon and ExVeemon in a distance, along with BlackWarGreymon.

"BlackWarGreymon?! Could it be...?" Zei gasped.

"No. Somehow, I don't think he's behind this." Dorugamon replied as she flew close to ExVeemon, keeping her distance from the two Mega Digimon.

"Lucas! Are you alright?!" Zei shouted at the man dangling on ExVeemon's leg.

Oblivion Ascent 06-28-2011 02:32 PM

NeonGuilmon's reminiscences were cut short by the sudden ignition and crashing roar of the explosion.
"Nevermind, we can come back to this later," He said, rushing towards the apartment door, "Hurry up, Fluffy!"

Siggy merely grunted in acknowledgement, before chasing after his partner.

__________________________________________________ _________________
Once outside, and a decent distance from the apartment building, the source of the disturbance came into view.
Beelzemon and the BlackWarGreymon that had reformatted Examon a week ago.
"Oh, f_ck me," NeonGuilmon grumbled to himself, realizing exactly what he was up against.

At the same, Siggy whistled.
"Well, this ain't good..."

"No shit, Sherlock," His partner hissed, before his mood shifted to a serious one, "All jokes aside, do you think you can get me to Digivolve again?"

Siggy shrugged his shoulders, reaching for his Digivice.
"Maybe, do I just have to-"

He was cut off by NeonGuilmon being consumed by a burst of light.

When the light cleared, a 5-10meter tall Dinosaur was standing where NeonGuilmon had been standing just seconds before.

"F_cking Dandy," AmpTyrannomon rumbled.

Mattmanganon 06-28-2011 02:58 PM

Beelzemon saw the others moving closer. "humans..." he said. "YOU ALL SHOULD DIE!!!" he yelled "CARONA BLASTER!!!!" he fired several shots at them. again deflected by BlackWarGreymon.

"he has performed a Dark Digivolution, his power is through the roof, attempting to fight him as you are will not end well, i will fight him alone. Terra Force." he through the ball of energy at Beelzemon. this time he simply grabbed it with his clawed hand and it exploded he then fired multiple Carona Blasts at the other Digidestined

Vocalia 06-28-2011 03:15 PM

Dorugamon seethed in irritation as she dodged the Carona Blaster. "You must be joking..." She growled at nobody in particular as she flew around, herding ExVeemon as she went.

"Dark Digivolution?" Zei asked.

"A Digivolution based on a heightened level of negative emotions. That explains the chaotic stench around Impmon's scent." Dorugamon replied. "To most Digimons, Dark Digivolution is just a myth, but any Digimon with a common sense knows that it's not as unreal as it sounds..." She said to Zei. "How well can you handle heights and high aerial speed?" The Digimon turned to her human partner.

"As good as any common man, but I'm prepared to handle more." Zei replied, looking very serious. "At this point, air sickness is the least of my concern."

"Good. At least I know you won't start shattering my ear drums for now." Dorugamon replied and flew around Beelzemon. "We have to get him away from the city. This place is choke full of bystanders!" She shouted at her current nearby allies, including BlackWarGremon. "Not that I mind though. They can die for all I care. Their loss." She added, making sure that they could hear her.

"We also have to find Dirk." Zei reminded her. "And, no. We're not letting any innocent people die, Dorugamon." She frowned.

"Got it." Dorugamon replied in affirmation and kept her distance from Beelzemon. "Heh... So sentimental..." She mused sardonically.

Mattmanganon 06-28-2011 04:43 PM

"i will help you." said BlackWarGreymon. "come on." he said to Beelzemon, he rushed forward and slashed at him with the Dramon Slayers, Beelzemon blocked the attack with his cannon and then slashed him across the chest with his claws. the Claws only simply grazed the tough armour. but BlackWarGreymon then hit him turning him around and put him into an arm-lock. BlackWarGreymon then jumped into the air and kicked Beelzemon. Beelzemon was thrown far. he landed outside of town. "BASTARD!!!" he fired several shots from his Carona Blaster at BlackWarGreymon. but due to the distance, the Dinosaur Gladiator dodged the shots with ease.

"TERRA DESTROYER!!!" he threw a giant ball of energy at Beelzemon. Beelzemon again negated it with his Carona Destroyer.


PsychoScythe 06-28-2011 05:52 PM

Following Dorugamon and ExVeemon, Leomon tucked Lucas under one of his arms and took to the rooftops, leaping from roof to roof. Once they caught up, Lucas yelled over at Zei, responding to her question. "I'm fine! And you're looking in the wrong direction!" As Leomon set Lucas down, he leapt into battle against Beelzemon, sword drawn and a Fist of the Beast King ready to be launched.

"Beelzemon, calm down! I don't want to fight an ally! Can't you see that you're killing innocent people?" Leomon bellowed, preparing to dodge any attacks that the Demon Lord might make against him.

Oblivion Ascent 06-28-2011 06:00 PM

"I think he can. By the look of it, he doesn't care," AmpTyrannomon boomed as he and Siggy caught up to Lucas and Zei.

As they did, the latter stopped, and took a deep breath, panting slightly, before looking up at his allies.
"Did I miss anything?"

"And what did BlackWarGreymon say to you?"

Mattmanganon 06-28-2011 06:01 PM

"THERE ARE NO INNOCENT PEOPLE, THEY ARE ALL GUILTY!!!" he aimed the cannon at Leomon, but just as he fired, he was shoved by BlackWarGreymon and the blast was fired into the sky. "LEAVE ME ALONE, THEY ALL DESERVE DEATH!!!" he yelled. he then kicked BlackWarGreymon in the face, his tail then lashed out at Leomon, trying to hit him across the face.

vincanity0011210 06-28-2011 10:36 PM

"My name is Leon, not Lucas!" Leon shouted as he and ExVeemon climoed the sky to join the aerial assault. The seat Leon had on his leg was barely holding him on, but XVmon and Leon were better if they were together and watching the battle from the ground was not going to happen. "V Laser!" XVmon shouted, firing a beam at the colliding balls of energy. Unbeknownst to the partners, they were too close to the explosions. The force from the explosion knocked back XVmon, tossing Leon off of him into the air. From 40 stories up Leon began to fall through the sky, slowly gaining sped.

"Shiiiiiiit! Veemon!" Leon shouted, looking up at the sky, barely seeing his dino partner. Leons beathing became ragged as he felt death coming up as fast as the ground to meet him. "So... I die trying to save the world... Looks like my adventure is over" Leon said, shutting his eyes and sighing, trying to accept his fate.

In the air, Exveemon was doing the opposite. Bringing his wings back, he pulled into a dive and began to rush through the air towards Leon. "Leon~ I'm coming for you!" He shouted, but noticed that he was barely closing the distance. No! I have to reach him! ExVeemon shouted in his mind, his body beginning to glow. "ExVeemon! Digivolved into..." his entire body was engulfed by white light for a moment before the new digimon burst forward at incredible speed. This new form had extended horns, claws, and wings, but had a fiercer face than the original Veemon. "AreoVeedramon! Wing Guardian!"

Quickly before Leon reached the ground, the winds began to gather around Leon and slowed his fall, beginning to hold the tamer in midair about twenty feet of the ground. AreoVeedramon swooped by and picked up the Tamer before landing back with he other Digidestined. Now towering over the other digimon by a few feet Areo Veedramon opened his grasp to look at Leon.

"Dont.... ever.... drop me again." Leon said in a stunned voice before beginning to move onto AreoVeedramons back. With a grin at his partner's new form, he looked down to the other Tamers. "Well.... things are getting interesting now. What should we do now that we have an Ultimate to screw with the megas?"

Vocalia 06-28-2011 11:29 PM

Zei slapped her own forehead in embarassment. "I'm sorry!" She apologised and held onto Dorugamon's neck as she swooped down in front of Leomon, holding Beelzemon's tail. Dorugamon seemed to be struggling, but managed to deflect the tail away.

"Zei, maybe you should note things down. You keep on forgetting names." Dorugamon snickered.

"Maybe I should..." Zei sighed.

Dorugamon turned her sight onto AeroVeedramon. I wish I was just a little stronger... The dark purple Digimon thought to herself as she looked at the Ultimate Digimon. Zei watched with a sense of awe and relief, glad to see Leon safe.

"Just keep your distance. We don't know what Beelzemon would do in this state." She replied.

Oblivion Ascent 06-28-2011 11:38 PM

AmpTyrannomon, realizing that he was being ignored, turned and looked up at Leon
"Well, if you hit and run for the time being, Siggy and I can go make sure that everything's fine in the surrounding area. Until I can get the energy or chance to Digivolve again, we'd just be liabilities."

"He has a point," Siggy admitted, grudgingly.
He didn't want to slink off, even if it was for a reason.

Mattmanganon 06-28-2011 11:47 PM

((waiting for the DNA digivolution))

Beelzemon turned around to see Dorugamon "GET OFF OF MY TAIL!!!" it flailed around and smashed Dorugamon into the ground. the tail then lashed around the Digimons throat and picked it up into the air. BlackWarGreymon moved close and tried to slash at him with his claws. but he was blocked by the cannon again. "WHY DON'T YOU JUST DIE!!!" he yelled. his eyes turned an even deeper crimson. he then headbutted the Dinosaur. but this hurt them both and Beelzemons tail tightened.

((trying to give reason for DNA digivolve))

Vocalia 06-28-2011 11:54 PM

Zei was thrown off Dorugamon's back as the latter struggled to breathe. Growling angrily, she pierced her sharp red claws onto the tail, letting them sink down into his flesh. Zei got herself back on her feet with a backflip and saw a broken pipe. Grabbing it, she rushed towards Beelzemon and hit his tail as hard as she could. She wasn't about to sit down this fight now that she was more prepared and the fact that her Digimon partner was in danger.

vincanity0011210 06-29-2011 12:06 AM

Okay guys, keep the ground safe. We'll try to help this fight get out of here. AreoVee, go for Beezlemons head!" Leon shouted, seeing the twisting tail coming around his allies. He wasn't going to risk Zei or Dourogamon's wellbeing. AVmon flew into the air with one flap of his wings and headed straight for Beezlemons small form. "V Breath Arrow!!" AVmon said, opening its mouth a firing a V shaped heat beam at Beezlemon's head. If it hit, the damage wouldn't do much damage to the mega, but jar him quite a bit.

PsychoScythe 06-29-2011 11:04 PM

"My thanks, Dorugamon!" Leomon cried out as he leapt away from Beelzemon's tail, before launching a Fist of the Beast King at the Demon Lord. When he realized that Dorugamon was being choked by Beelzemon, he moved to help his ally. Drawing his sword, Leomon roared as he moved to chop off the section of Beelzemon's tail that was strangling the dragon Digimon.

Meanwhile, Lucas scowled as he moved helped the last survivor out of the area. As it turned out, only a few people had survived Beelzemon's rampage, and Lucas had his hands full helping them up and yelling at them to run. He began to pull up the last survivor, a woman about his age, when she began to speak in a familiar voice.

"L-Lucas?" The woman asked incredulously, as he recognized her.

"Minako?" He uttered, somewhat shocked.

"What the hell is going on?!" Minako yelled as another explosion rang out, stunning them momentarily.

"Shit's going down, we're trying to stop this. It doesn't matter, just run, goddammit!" Lucas yelled as he pointed her in a safe direction.

"I...about Thursday night..." Minako began, as she looked back at Lucas, feeling slightly ashamed of her reaction when the Digimon had walked in on them.

"There's explosions going on all over the place, and you want to talk about our relationship?! What the f_ck, Minako? Run!" He uttered incredulously, feeling slightly relieved as common sense kicked in and his girlfriend finally began to run from the battle going on. Turning back to the battle, he scowled as he noticed Zei nearby running toward Beelzemon with a lead pipe in her hands."Why, God? Why does no one here have any f_cking survival instinct?" He muttered under his breath as he ran toward Zei, hoping to stop her from doing something insanely stupid. Kneeling down in front of a wreck of a police car, he scrounged two pistols from some dead officers, and threw one over to Zei after he made sure the safeties were on. "Zei! Try one of these instead!" He yelled, switching his own pistol's safety off and took aim at Beelzemon before pulling the trigger, thankful that playing airsoft had at least taught him how to fire a gun.

Mattmanganon 06-30-2011 03:08 PM

Beelzemon was force backwards by AeroVeedramons attack, (due to already being offbalance from headbutting BlackWarGreymon.) the bullets fired by Lucas simply went through and kept traveling.

"bullets are only built to tear through solid matter, they have no effect on Data." said BlackWarGreymon. Beelzemon fired back at Lucas with his Carona Blaster, then turned to see Siggy and AmpTyrannomon.

"DIE!!! CARONA BLASTER" he then fired at the 2.

Oblivion Ascent 06-30-2011 03:31 PM

AmpTyrannomon froze when he heard the sound of something being fired at him and his partner.
He turned around.
To see a Corona Blaster about to collide with them.
"Oh God," He whispered, as he realized that while he may survive it with only having to drop down to Baby or In Training, Siggy wouldn't.

At the same time, Siggy also heard the sound of their approaching demise, and turned around, his eyes widening.
He opened his mouth, to yell something, but before he could, a dark blue shape blocked his field of vision, moving to the space between him and the Corona Blaster.
At this point, the young man's stoicism slipped, and he began to yell out of panic and concern for his partner.

Before he could finish his sentence, and just before the blast could collide, there was a white flash of light.
And then came the collision.

Siggy couldn't see what happened next,as all he could hear or see was an almighty roar, and a massive cloud of black smoke, respectively.
And when that cloud cleared, AmpTyrannomon was still there.
However, he had changed.
The Blue Dinosaur's body was now coated with metal armor, and mechanical implants. It's body crackled with blue sparks of raw electricity, and a few ragged structures jutted out from it's back, emulating wings.
He had Digivolved once more.
And he was not happy.

"Ok Pal, screw it. Let's get one damn thing straight," TeraTyrannomon rumbled, with a ferocious tone, "You can mess with me all you like, but you do not, I repeat, do NOT f_ck with my partner!!!"

PsychoScythe 06-30-2011 09:47 PM

"Oh, that makes no logical sen-" Lucas's snippy response to BlackWarGreymon was cut off when he saw the red sphere of impending death approaching him at ludicrous speed. For a moment, time seemed to freeze as his brain began to register the definite possibility of death. Meanwhile, Leomon froze when he saw the Corona Blaster attack aimed at his partner. Almost automatically, he raced to intercept the attack before it could hit his partner. To the lion Digimon, the only option he'd consider was defending his human partner. He could take the attack and live; Lucas would die. Right before Leomon leapt into the way of Beelzemon's attack, Lucas saw what he was going to do. Horrified, Lucas realized that Leomon was going to take the hit for him. Cursing his own weakness, Lucas called out to his Digimon. "LEOMON, ARE YOU INSANE?!" Was all Lucas could utter before the Corona Blaster engulfed Leomon and exploded. "NOOOOOOO!" Lucas cried, clutching his Digivice, feeling small pinpricks of pain suddenly resonate over his entire body. Not paying attention to his Digivice, he didn't see the words that had flashed up on the screen.

Synchronization holding at 53%. Level 4 functionality unlocked. Access to Ultimate level granted.

A white light shone from the smoke of the explosion, and the roar of a lion was heard. "Leomon, evolve! GrapLeomon!" When the smoke cleared, Leomon stood proudly in his Ultimate level. His mane had become spiky and extended all the way down to his back, and his body was covered in white power armor, with spinning turbines on his wrists and ankles. Lucas could only sigh in relief at seeing his Digimon partner safe, as GrapLeomon himself snarled at Beelzemon. "You will not take my partner from me. Not now, not ever. BEAST SLASH!" The Digimon roared as he charged at the Demon Lord, right fist drawn back in preparation for a punch, turbine spinning to add centrifugal force to the blow, increasing its power. GrapLeomon swung at Beelzemon with a haymaker, hoping to at least deal damage to the Mega level.

Mattmanganon 06-30-2011 10:03 PM

Beelzemon grabbed the Grapleomon's first with his clawed hand, then shoved the Carona blaster in his gut. but before he could fire, BlackWarGreymon's foot came out of no-where and impacted the side of Beelzemons head sending him flying, the kick was followed by a Terra Force Beelzemon gasped then got to his feet. "I WILL DESTROY ALL HUMANS, THERE IS NOTHING THAT YOU CAN DO THAT WILL STOP ME FROM ACCOMPLISHING MY MISSION!!!" he yelled.

Vocalia 06-30-2011 10:12 PM

Zei jumped back as Dorugamon rejoined her, having been freed by Leomon. "Are you alright?" Zei asked her with concern, feeling utterly helpless.

"At least I'm alive." Dorugamon replied, taking the section of the cut tail off her neck. Zei was about to get the gun Lucas threw at her, but BlackWarGreymon's warning gave her a second thought to it. The two heard a loud roar and saw TeraTyrannomon. "The scent says he's AmpTyrannomon." Dorumon replied.

"Dorugamon, do you think you could Digivolve again?" Zei asked.

"I hate to say this, but I'm not completely sure I could." She growled. Truthfully, she was slightly jealous of her other Digimon allies who seemed much stronger than she was. Having Zei jump into danger to save her only made her even worried. Why do I have to be so weak? Is this what I'm fated to be? She glumly asked herself deep down. Zei seemed to notice this and gently patted her back, causing the Digimon to look at her.

"Might isn't always right, Dorugamon. Sometimes, maybe we have to wait to be able to achieve our goal, but it will come true one way or another if you believe and keep working hard." She said to her in a soothing tone amidst the booms of chaos. The small talk seemed to have slightly lifted Dorugamon's confidence.

"You have a point..." She nodded. Zei climbed onto her back as Dorugamon took off for the sky. I might not be able to go past Champion now, but I will Digivolve again someday... Just gotta believe it... She made a mental note of it as she fired Power Metal at Beelzemon to keep him distracted.

Oblivion Ascent 06-30-2011 10:31 PM

Siggy stared, with utter disbelief, at his newly digivolved partner.
It took him a few seconds, but he found the appropriate response.
"... Holy Shit."

TeraTyrannomon chuckled at his partner's shock, before advancing towards the other Digimon, fire in his eyes, and thunder in his voice.
"Let me make another thing abundantly clear to you, Beelzemon. You will go no further. If you want a fight, it's right here."

With that, he looked up to AeroVeeDramon.
"Forgive me for my impertinance, dear friend, but I believe we need to teach this uppity brat some manners. I believe that it's time for 'that'..."

vincanity0011210 06-30-2011 11:11 PM

"Agreed!" Shouted AreoVeedramon, doing a backflip in the air and coming down towards the ground. Tipping onto his side AreoVeedramon dropped Leon onto the ground next to Siggy. The speed of the ride plus the six foot drop made Leon skid at least 10 feet backwards from Siggy. "Sorry Shortstuff! Your sitting out of this part!" AreoVeedramon said before turning around and heading back towards TeraTyrannomon.

Leon, however, was not taking his drop off lightly. "Hey! You bucket of dino crap! We're supposed to be in this together!" Leon shouted, running back towards the fight. With a whip of his wings, AreoVeedramon's Wind Guardian kept Leon from approaching, knocking him back next to Siggy. This only infuriated Leon further. "Why you little blue... gonna drop me off..." Leon began to mutter, unable to finish his sentences. Punching a street pole, Leon turned his head away from the battle. "This better be a good show or I'm going to get really pissed at you." He promised to his partner under his breath before his digivice began to glow a cyan color from its screen.


Flying back at full speed toward TeraTyrannomon, AreoVeedramon picked up the fellow dino and lifted him into the air, beginning to be encased be a blue light. "AreoVeedramon DNA Digivolved into!!!!!"

Oblivion Ascent 06-30-2011 11:34 PM

"TeraTyrannomon DNA Digivolve to..."
The blue light expanded into an orb, enclosing the two Dinosauric Digimon.

Tendrils expanded from the orb, pulling energy and matter in, and powering the combination of the two Digimon.
As the orb hit it's peak size, it promptly began to retract, before dissapating to reveal it's content.

As the orb vanished, a white, green and gold form descended from it, landing upon the ground with an elegant grace.
The form's features came into view as it unfurled, revealing it in it's entirety.

It appeared to be the fusion of a Dragon and a Knight, being entirely clad in what appeared to be a platinum shell of armor, with a green cape blowing in the wind.
A pair of massive wings were tucked into it's back, and it carried in it's hands a set of golden blades, the edges of which were burning with an intense fire.

It stared towards the rampaging Beelzemon with a vicious gaze, before speaking.

"We Are SlayerDramon. Borne from the union of two great warriors, we are here. And, hear this, Beelzemon. You will cease this foolishness, lest we silence you with the full brunt of our terrible might."

Mattmanganon 07-01-2011 12:13 AM

Beelzemon deflected the attack from Dorugamon, then, head hung low, he laughed softly. "hehehe. i don't care about anything anymore, Kate is dead..." a tear rolled out of the glowing red eyes "and either i die, or the rest of the human race dies... AND I PLAN TO LIVE!!!" he drew his shotgun and fired both barrels at Slayermon. "BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT KATE WANTED!!!" he then drew the Pentagram in the air with the cannon on his arm "CARONA DESTROYER!!!!" the cannon fired a massive beam at Slayermon. but just before it impacted, a Shield flew out of no-where and took the hit, but afterwards, Crumbled into dust.

"don't worry, i'm still here." said BlackWarGreymon. "i'll circle around behind him, you take him head on." he said.

"I CAN STILL HEAR YOU!!!" yelled Beelzemon. "CARONA BLASTER!!!" he fired several shots towards the 2 Mega Levels.

Vocalia 07-01-2011 12:59 AM

Seeing her other Digimon allies becoming Ultimate and even DNA Digivolving into a Mega, Dorugamon kept her distance away. In such battle, she felt weak and insignificant. Zei also had similar thoughts as she watched her other male Digidestinied allies staying close to their partner.

I want to be strong. For myself. And...

For those who fight for and with us.

Suddenly, Zei's Digivice let out a white light from its monitors, followed by a white aura which surrounded her body. As if acting on second nature, she pulled out her Digivice with her left hand while a bright orb of light appeared on her right hand. She pushed the orb into the Digivice as Dorugamon's body glowed.

"Digisoul Full Charge!" She shouted in a tone akin to a battle cry. Still, it had a strong, feminine tone to it.

Letting out a loud roar, Dorugamon slowly grew in size, Zei still riding on her back.

"Dorugamon Digivolve to... DoruGreymon!"

When the glow dissipated, there was no longer a dark purple Digimon. Replacing her was an enormous red, dragon-like Digimon with four fearsome wings, two large ones and two smaller ones. Her blade horn glistened under the light and the tip of her spear tail cut through the air she was flying in. The white mane of her neck rustled in the wind as she scanned the battlefield before turning to Zei.

"Thank you..." She smiled and nuzzled her Digidestinied, sounding more feminine and mature. "Well then, where were we?" She growled at Beelzemon and charged at him.

Oblivion Ascent 07-01-2011 09:27 AM

"Thank you, comrade," SlayerDramon boomed, the TeraTyrannomon part of it putting it's quarrel with BlackWarGreymon to the side.

As Beelzemon fired off a couple more Corona Blasters at them, there was a blur where SlayerDramon had been standing as he suddenly vanished...

...Only to reappear next to Beelzemon.
"Have at you, cur," SlayerDramon hissed, swinging the blade of moltern fire towards Beelzemon.

Mattmanganon 07-01-2011 10:07 AM

Beelzemon blocked the Sword with the Carona Cannon. but before he could begin his counter attack, BlackWarGreymon had gotten behind him and put him in an arm-lock. "Go on, get him now." said BlackWarGreymon.

"Don't do it!!!" Yelled Guardromon.

"why not, we can end this now." said BlackWarGreymon.

"because that is young Dirk." he said. BlackWarGreymon was confused, he had assumed that it was simply Devimon and destroying him would revert him to Egg form. BlackWarGreymon was now torn, he couldn't bring himself to kill a Digidestined.

"GET OFF OF ME!!!" his wings started to flap and bash BlackWarGreymon, then one final kick and he was free again. he then pulled out the Shotgun and pointed it at Slayermon's Chest "HEARTBREAK SHOT!!!"

Oblivion Ascent 07-01-2011 10:18 AM

There was another blur as SlayerDramon moved away at high speed, reappearing behind Beelzemon again.
"Fear not, Guardromon. We are aware of who and what we're fighting, and we only intend to incapacitate him. However, force is still necessary."

As it said that, it swung the set of blades towards Beelzemon, with the beginning and end pieces connecting, so the blades formed a full circle around the demon lord, binding him.
"You have no hope of victory. Surrender, or we'll bust you down to size manually..."

Vocalia 07-01-2011 10:28 AM

DoruGreymon flew close to Guardromon. "Please tell me. Do you know of this Kate Beelzemon has been talking about?" Zei asked as her Digimon partner hovered beside him. "We could calm him down by showing that this Kate girl is alive. Still, it's a risky thing. SlayerDramon and BlackWarGreymon would no doubt have to use force if this goes on..." DoruGreymon said.

Mattmanganon 07-01-2011 11:02 AM

Guardromon nodded. "i put her down somewhere safe, and not too far from here, but she is unconscious. i saw him transform into that, i doubt that his knowledge of medicine is enough for him to tell that she is alive by looking at her unconcious body, so for the moment, we'll have to wait for her to wake." Beelzemon then saw Guardromon.


"but miss Kate isn't dead." said Guardromon. "she is just unconscious."

"LIES!!!" he managed to manuever his arms to point the cannon at Guardromon and pulled the trigger. a Carona blast flew towards Guardromon. but he managed to move out of the way. "SHE WAS THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERED!!! AND NOW SHE'S DEAD!!! DIE!!!" He fired several more shots but Guardromon barely dodged them, he was lucky that Beelzemon's movements had been hampered or he would have been destroyed by now.

Vocalia 07-01-2011 11:25 AM

Dorugreymon dodged the attacks carefully, aware that she was carrying a passenger on her back. "DoruGreymon, it's too risky for us and Guardromon to remain here. At this point, we could hardly do anything..." Zei said. "Guardromon, perhaps it's best for you to stay with Kate in case of danger. She is at her most vulnerable and I'm afraid to say that nowhere is safe these days..." She said to the mechanical Digimon. DoruGreymon, on the other hand, stayed still, her wings keeping her and her Digidestinied afloat in the air.

Oblivion Ascent 07-01-2011 11:34 AM

While SlayerDramon was restraining the rampaging Beelzemon, Siggy watched with fascination.
'Ari would have a field day with this,' he thought to himself, before noticing that Zei, the newly digivolved DoruGreymon and a strange rust coloured robot Digimon were dangerously close to the proceedings.

Applying his common sense, he silently made a beckoning motion for the three to join himself and Lucas, who were at a safe distance from the carnage.

Vocalia 07-01-2011 11:48 AM

Zei noticed the two other Digidestinied allies and patted DoruGreymon's neck to alert her. With a silent nod, the large Digimon grabbed Guardromon without warning by her jaws, careful to place him between her fangs so as not to hurt him. She then flew back to Lucas and Siggy before gently setting the Champion Digimon down.

Zei felt slightly guilty, having acted somewhat brashly. "I'm sorry about before..." She apologised to Siggy, her tone showing genuine concern and guilt.

Mattmanganon 07-01-2011 12:26 PM

Guardromon nodded at Dorugreymon. "i will protect mis Kate with my very life." he saluted and ran off, a few moments later, he came to an abandoned bus and found Kate's limp body. "please, wake up soon madam." he said.

Beelzemon saw Guardromon run off. "COME BACK!!!" he needed to kill him for the death of Kate, he needed to exact revenge, but first he needed to escape. manoeuvring his cannon around to point at SlayerDramon. drawing the pentagram, he smiled slightly. "CARONA DESTROYER!!!" at this close range, SlayerDramon had to either drop Beelzemon or be destroyed.

Oblivion Ascent 07-01-2011 12:32 PM

As such, SlayerDramon went with the latter, dropping Beelzemon.

However, instead of just letting him go, it ignited it's weapon, manoeuvring it so that it would slice through Beelzemon's cannon, hopefully bereaving him of his firepower.
"Do not get your hopes up. You are going NOWHERE..."
__________________________________________________ ___________________________
As Zei began to apologize, Siggy just smiled at her.
"Don't fret over it," he said, warmly but simply.

PsychoScythe 07-01-2011 12:59 PM

GrapLeomon leapt back over to Lucas and Siggy's position, trying to find an opening in between Slayerdramon and BlackWarGreymon's attacks on Beelzemon. Lucas stared at his newly evolved Digimon in admiration. "Damn," He whistled, scanning GrapLeomon with his Digivice. As the armored Digimon smiled at his human partner, ready to charge back into battle, he was stopped by Lucas's hand on his shoulder. "GrapLeomon, you ever think that charging off against a Mega while you're at Ultimate level might not be the best idea? As it stands, you still can't take him on. I say you hang back and wait for a shot when he's stunned." Lucas uttered, not wanting to see his partner get his ass handed to him again. "Same goes for you, Zei and, uh..." Not knowing the name of Zei's evolved partner, Lucas scanned her with his Digivice. "...Dorugreymon."

Seeing the logic in Lucas's words, GrapLeomon grunted his assent. "Very well. You do have a point, we would just hold the Mega levels back. Dorugreymon, the most use we can be right now is to protect the humans."

Vocalia 07-01-2011 01:13 PM

"I concur." DoruGreymon nodded at GrapLeomon. She seemed more mature and less confrontative in this stage of Digivolution. "However, has this thought crossed your mind? Once Beelzemon is no longer a threat, BlackWarGreymon could easily turn on us instead." She frowned at her grudge ally, still not trusting the black Digimon. Zei heard her and looked at Siggy and Lucas. "That is indeed a possibility. Still, we shouldn't always assume the worst case scenario in every situation..." She said, a minute shard of faith in her heart for their temporary ally.

PsychoScythe 07-01-2011 01:20 PM

At Dorugreymon's statement, Lucas smirked. "You know, that's exactly what I said back at the apartment. But seriously, we need to consider the possibility that he'll turn on us as soon as this is over. He let us go once. I'm not optimistic enough to think he'll do it again."

GrapLeomon shook his head, disagreeing with his partner. "Lucas, from what I've seen, BlackWarGreymon seems honorable and concerned with the lives of the innocent. Call it a hunch, but I have a feeling he could aid us."

"GrapLeomon, he shot a f_cking red ball of death at you." Lucas said flatly, giving his Digimon partner a disbelieving stare.

Oblivion Ascent 07-01-2011 01:34 PM

Siggy sighed, rolling his eyes.
"Lucas, he has a point. He's being awfully polite, for something that could kill us all. A bit too polite for it to be a ruse."
He then remembered something.
"Also, SlayerDramon's got him covered if he tries anything."

Vocalia 07-01-2011 01:42 PM

"I suppose that we now have less reason to worry." Zei said. DoruGreymon looked at their two Mega allies. Seeing SlayerDramon and BlackWarGreymon fight together seemed to trigger something as the female Digimon began to grunt. Out of where, a painful headache struck her as images appeared inside her mind. She could see the same images she had been seeing twice already. A caped figure, extremely blured and unrecognisable. The next one, a caped figure, perhaps the same one to DoruGreymon, overlooking a cliff. She grunted and hissed in pain, her eyes shut tightly and trying not to send out a false alarm to her Digidestinied.

Mattmanganon 07-01-2011 02:25 PM

((both weapons are made of Chrome Digizoid so i have no idea what would happen if you slashed at it, but i doubt you could slice it off.))

the cannon felt the brunt of the attack and was forced to the side, going off and tearing a massive rip across the landscape then his claw got free of the bindings and grabbed the blade pulling SlayerDramon in close and smashed their heads together. BlackWarGreymon then grabbed Beelzemon around the chest so as to not let him go, but the Demon simply bashed his wings against the Gladiator-Dino-Digimon and BlackWarGreymon was forced to let go.

Oblivion Ascent 07-01-2011 03:10 PM

(Is the Corona Blaster/Whatever it's called made of CD? it doesn't say anything on the Digimon Wikia :P
Oh well, artistic license...)

As Beelzemon smashed his head into it's own, SlayerDramon hissed, gritting it's teeth.

As he tried to escape the grip of itself and it's ally BlackWarGreymon, something snapped.
"Oh no you don't!"
As it roared that, it's blades vanished into hammerspace, and it made a grab for Beelzemon's leg with it's metal claw.
"We. Will. Not. Allow. You. To. Do. as. You. PLEASE!!!"

Mattmanganon 07-01-2011 05:59 PM

this was the Chance that Beelzemon had waited for, quickly drawing the Heartbreaker (shotgun) he fired both barrels at Slayerdramon throwing him off enough to make an escape, he then flew high into the air and saw Guardromon and flew down, landing with a crash, he then began advancing on the copper robot. Guardromon fired several rockets at him, but did little to nothing against the Mega level.

"i will defend milady to the last." he said and fired several more rockets, at this point however, Beelzemon grabbed Guardromon by the head. another tear exited his eye.

"this is revenge for everything you did, for leading to us the monster that killed her." he said. the cannon charged and just before it fired...

"STOP!!!!" a voice that Beelzemon recognised all too well. he looked around at the door to the bus to see Kate standing in the door.

"no... your dead... you died... this is a trick..." he dropped Guardromon and pointed the cannon at her.

"i don't know who you are. but you have to stop." she said. then it came flooding back to him, he remembered the night they had met. he had lost his faith in humanity and was planning to kill someone, however, the first person to stumble into his trap was Kate. "i don't know who you are. but you have to stop." she had said to him as he advanced with the knife. "why don't you just go home." she said to Beelzemon. "why don't you drop the knife and go home?" she had asked on that night.

"i have no home." Replied Beelzemon. "i have no home." he had said.

"well then, come with me, i'm sure that all you need is someone to care for you." she said "well then, come with me, i'm sure that all you need is someone to care for you." she had said on that night, then he had dropped the knife and dropped to his knee's crying. this time, he simply dropped to his knee's and began crying.

"I'M SORRY!!!" shouted Beelzemon his red eyes became white again. he transformed back into Dirk and Impmon. Dirk stood for a second processing everything he had just done, he collapsed onto all 4's and began to vomit violently, Impmon simply de-digivolved back into Kiimon. Dirk then rolled over so as to collapse on the ground without landing in his own vomit. kiimon jumped over to him and nuzzled up to his arm. Kate held his had up and cradled it in her arms.

"oh Dirk, i'm sorry about everything." she said. Dirk spat out a small chunk of vomit that hadn't been evacuated.

"no... i... i shouldn't.... shouldn't have reacted.... that way..." he said. BlackWarGreymon landed next to them.

"are you alright now?" he asked.

"yes... thank you... for trying to stop me." he said.

"you are most welcome."

vincanity0011210 07-01-2011 06:15 PM

Leon came walking out of the closest clothes store, thankfully empty since no one was sticking around near this fight, and was currently zipping up new jeans before he reached the others. "Ahem... anyways." Leon said, keeping his eyes off of everything for a minute before looking back up at Slayerdramon. It was an amazing sight, but Leon knew he should be watching out for his teammates. Taking a run over to Dirk, Leon's shoe was quickly covered in spit vomit. Ignoring this fact for now, he offered his hand to the fellow tamer. "You look like you could use a bit of help. Want us to bring you back to HQ?"

Slayerdramon looked torn between checking his friends and a possible confrontation with BlackWarGReymon. Turning to the old enemy, Slayerdramon extended and empty hand. "Thank you... for the help against our friend. Why have you been attacking the city? You seem less evil than you appear?"

Oblivion Ascent 07-01-2011 06:31 PM

Once the AeroVeedramon part of SlayerDramon assumed control, the TeraTyrannomon part began to relax, the fight over and done with.
As it's other half conversed with the being that had reformatted it a week ago, it began to contemplate what do once separated.

As Leon offered his hand to Dirk, so did Siggy.
"He's right. It looks like you need to lie down."
He decided to press on why the catastrophe had happened later, once Dirk was back at his peak.

Mattmanganon 07-01-2011 10:58 PM

Dirk got shakily to his feet, almost falling over several times in the process. as he finalyl got his footing, he spat out what Vomit chunks remained in his mouth. Kate tried to get under his arm, but he waved his hand to signal that he didn't want that. he took several steps forward and then fell over, Kate helped him back to his feet. "hard to balance without a tail." he laughed pathetically. it was true though, his mind was a jumbled mess. walking over to the rest of the digidestined, he lay down, he was carrying Kiimon in his arms.

Vocalia 07-01-2011 11:44 PM

Zei took off the jacket she was wearing and rushed towards Dirk. She wiped the vomit from Dirk's face with it. "Let's get you rested up." She smiled. "Kate, you can come with us, if you like." She said to her before turning to DoruGreymon. "DoruGreymon!"

With that, DoruGreymon quickly snapped from her headache. "Wha? Ngh... Yeah!" She quickly snapped out of it and flew over to Zei, avoiding the puddle of vomit which Zei had stepped on and ignored. She still didn't know what those images she saw were or what they meant, but the Digimon had a hunch she would find out in the far future.

Mattmanganon 07-02-2011 12:31 AM

BlackWarGreymon looked around and saw no Chopper. "alright, i'll tell you everything i can for now." he sighed "i am a Digi-destined partner just like you are. my partner is a girl called Ruby, she is currently being held prisoner by an orginisation called-" suddenly a helicoptor flew over. "i'm sorry, but i can't say anymore. i'm about to throw a Terra Force at you, Dodge to the left. and do not follow me or they may kill her." he said to SlayerDramon. "TERRA FORCE!!!" he threw the ball to SlayerDramons right. he then jumped into the air. "enemy is too strong, returning to base." he said jumping into the air. he then began to fly back towards the Base.

PsychoScythe 07-02-2011 03:30 AM

If anything, Lucas seemed a bit put out that he was wrong about BlackWarGreymon. Meanwhile, GrapLeomon shot him a pointed look. "Say it." The power armor-clad Digimon uttered to Lucas, smirking smugly.

"Fine," Lucas sighed, bracing himself for the inevitable stream of 'I told you so's from his partner and everyone else. "You were right. And I owe you a box of Pocky." Mulling over BlackWarGreymon's story in his head for a second, he finally came to a conclusion. "You know, this seems like the beginning of a crappy, unrealistic shonen adventure anime, where we have to bring an 'evil organization' down and rescue some kid." Lucas muttered.

Vocalia 07-02-2011 07:01 AM

Zei smiled and shook her head. "No. Lucas, in reality, truth is stranger than fiction." She patted his shoulder. "We both suspect him. I think nearly all of us did." She said to him, showing that his fear of humiliation was unproven. DoruGreymon seemed to accept her fault of accusation, but she had her own opinion- and experience- regarding that situation. Unknown to her and anyone else in the group, so did Zei.

None of those experiences had a happy ending.

Oblivion Ascent 07-02-2011 07:12 AM

Dodging the ball of death, the TeraTyrannomon part of Slayerdramon thought BlackWarGreymon's words over.
'So, that's why he was acting like that...'

And then Lucas mentioned anime, it's mood changed considerably.
"Anime? Aw, hell yes! I love Gurren Lagann! Row Row Fight the Power- Oh, and there was this one other Anime where everybody got hugged and got turned into tang! I don't know what the hell was going on there, but hell if it wasn't awesome."

Siggy stared at his Combined Partner as it went on some inane rant on how it loved Gurren Lagann, and one other anime that will remain unnamed.

His first response would be to facepalm, and lament that he and his little sister had turned a Dinosaur/Dragon into an otaku...
But instead, he just doubled over laughing.

"Sorry, I needed that," He said, getting back on his feet, after about 5 seconds of laughing like a maniac.
Almost automatically, his mood sobered.
"Anyhow, if BlackWarGreymon's words are true, then we're going to have to be a lot more organized. Digimon are one thing, Organized Syndicates are another..."

Vocalia 07-02-2011 07:35 AM

Zei blinked. "You watch Gurren Lagann?" She asked, slightly in disbelief before bursting into laughter. Unlike Siggy, her laughter didn't sound like a maniac. Instead, it sounded young and somewhat high-pitched compared to her speaking tone. DoruGreymon raised a brow until Siggy mentioned the Organisation. "Looks like this is no longer some random encounters. Now that we know who we are up against, shouldn't we start planning ahead? I don't plan on getting my ass handed to any shady guy anytime soon." She said, slightly showing her usual Lad-ette behaviour.

PsychoScythe 07-03-2011 01:47 AM

The inanity of a gigantic dragon-man Digimon gushing about its love of giant mecha anime left Lucas snickering, especially since it was acting so serious a second ago. The sudden mood shift was just too damn funny. Speaking of orange Tang, Lucas recognized that particular series as one of his favorites, and just had to address it."You watched End of Evangelion? Hah, sucks for you to see the ending first. I've got a box set of Evangelion. You wanna borrow it?" He offered in between chuckles as the thought of a gigantic armored dragon being an otaku.

And then his mood sobered when GrapLeomon began speaking. "In any case," The armored lion uttered grimly, scowling at the thought of BlackWarGreymon's words. "What are we going to do about this organization? Keeping a child hostage is simply vile, and I refuse to stand for it."

"Slayerdramon has a point. We're too disorganized as we are. Lucas stated, taking a minute to ponder his possible options. After several moments of deliberation, he arrived at what he considered to be a workable plan. "Alright, I just came up with this plan, so tell me what you find wrong with it. I say we take the offensive against these guys. Lure them out with some bait. Post a call on the internet for Digimon and human partners to gather somewhere in the city, and then wait for BlackWarGreymon to show up. We can stay out of sight until he retreats with that helicopter that's shown up both times, then those of us that can fly follow that chopper. At the very least, we'll find a base of operations or something." He finished, nudging his glasses up as they began to slide down a bit.

Vocalia 07-03-2011 01:58 AM

"That sounds risky. Anyone can access the internet and that means these people could also access it. Also, when following the chopper, we may risk being spotted in air." Zei pointed out. "We'd better focus on making a solid group before going for the offensive. At this point, we're too disorganized to even do anything." DoruGreymon pointed out, looking at all her teammates. "I do agree in trying to find and gather other Digidestinied though. However, we must act quickly. Who know what these guys are doing while we're out here?"

vincanity0011210 07-03-2011 02:19 AM

Leon laughed once the group was together talking. "Ah... nice. This is going to be interesting. As for a plan... it has to be covert. We can't risk a life, especially since BlackWawrGreymon has been helping us out this battle. If it's possible for Dirk and Impmon to control their Mega, they are small enough to sneak past whatever troubles we may have. If we can DNA digivolve again and everyone else gets to ultimate at least we can distract BlackWarGreymon and the chopper long enough to let Dirk and Impmon save the child." Leon said, thinking through everything quickly. At the same time, the DNA friends separated and Demiveemon landed next to Leon, taking over the conversation.

"We would have to cause some mayhem or get really strong again, because that seems to be the only time BlackWatGreymon gets let out. Me and my bash brother can take care of a small amount of mayhem, fake of course, and let the rest happen!" said the mini dino, jumping onto Leon. Taking Demiveemon into his arm, Leon gave him a head pat. "I agree with DemiVee. We need to practice this week so we can be prepared for the battle coming up. Up for it?" Leon asked

Mattmanganon 07-03-2011 02:27 AM

"we can't do that." came a weak cough from Dirk. "BlackWarGreymon said that if we... if we follow, they may... may kill her." he said. he then got shakily to his feet. "however, i like the part where rally other Digidestined. i'll get right on it." he took several steps, then fell over unconcious, Guardromon picked him up.

"i'll make sure that he gets home safely." said Guardromon. Kate picked up Kiimon and began the walk back to their house.


1 week later


well, all things considered, i think that this past week has been good, i spent the next few days in bed, but then i got up, surprisingly, no-one was killed in Beelzemon's Rampage. people were injured off course, but no-one seriously. anyway, i've started taking lessons on how to ride Behemoth and also, after trying to contact others, it only then occured to me that others might have Digimon, i put Digimon into Youtube, naturally, a load of the video's were of Beelzemons Rampage, but i got an awesome video dated a few years ago

i wonder if that Digimon is related to DoruGreymon, we've had a few run in's with Digimon over the week, but all of them were destroyed by some mysterious force, it could be BlackWarGreymon, but i can't be sure. for all we know, another Digimon might be out there, something fast yet powerful... i don't know... oh well, we have been training a lot during the week. i think we have mastered NeoDevimon, i hope that NeoDevimon will be able to take on anything out there. i... i don't want to become Beelzemon again, Impmon wants to though. but he will never learn.

Dirk closed his laptop. at that point impmon jumped on his head. "COME ON PINEAPPLE HEAD, WE'RE GOING TO THE CHUMPS PLACE AND GET FOOD!!!" he yelled.

"if your hungry, i'm sure there is something downstairs to eat."

"I WANT BREAD!!!" he began to jump up and down a few times before Dirk moved his head to the side and Impmon fell off. "JERK!" Dirk then picked him up and carried him downstairs. he then went outside and Impmon summoned Behemoth turning into Yaamon.

10 minutes later, they were at Lucas' appartment. he knocked on the door and waited to be let in.

Oblivion Ascent 07-03-2011 12:09 PM

(Since the skip happened after I went offline for the night, I'm going to post my character's reactions to the pre timeskip stuff in this post, and the pot timeskip in the next)

The Previous Week

Before SlayerDramon could reply to Lucas's offer, the DNA Digivolution fizzled out, and before he knew it, he had turned back to MonoGigimon, and was falling to the ground.
Luckily, Siggy caught him, and when he did, he continued talking.
"So does Fluffy. I had a rifle through his collection while he was sleeping..."

Siggy restrained another burst of manic laughter at his partner's ramblings about anime. After all the madness of the last week, it was strangely soothing.
"I agree with Kucas and Leon. Those seem the best ideas at present."

Vocalia 07-03-2011 12:54 PM

During the next week after the Dark Digivolution incident, Zei and Dorumon had been training hard day and night. Dorumon seemed to see her position as the weakest amongst the other Digimon allies. However, she had been eating as much as she had been training which helped her to go to Champion level a lot more often. The two laid low and had been gathering informations from other people and the internet. Still, when it came to the mysterious Organisation, they still had no lead so far and their investigation hit a stalemate.

A week after the incident, Zei and Dorumon went to Lucas's apartmet, carrying the same, large bread ration for everyone in the group. Zei was, by no means, rich, but she saved a lot of money since she was very young. She would save her pocket money and put it in the bank when she was old enough to do so. At first, she herself had no definite purpose for saving it. Now, she thanked her parents for teaching her that habit as she now could help feed five more people and five more Digimon, each Digimon with an appetite beyond human comprehension.

The two females came with large bags of many types of bread, just like last week. The only difference now was that Zei was also carrying a long object strapped on her back, fully wrapped in red cloth. The two carried the bags of food and went up the stairs, seeing Dirk and Yaamon in front of the door.

"Hello Dirk. Hello Yaamon." Zei greeted. "How do you feel?" She asked. That question was directed to them both, but Zei was especially concerned about Dirk and wondered if Guardromon and Kate were doing well.

Mattmanganon 07-03-2011 01:38 PM

"well, i'm not complaining, no-body died, so i'm glad that i don't have that on my conscience." he said.

"i'm just glad they didn't pin it on me, i mean, there'd be Tv interviews, then court. and of course, i'm too pretty for jail." said Yaamon.

"well, i found out some stuff, i found that a while ago, there were some kids a while ago, they had a big Dinosaur and it fought a Parrotmon, according to Kate it was over at Highton View Terrace, she was living there when it happened, she said it was scary, but from the tape, it looked pretty awesome." he said. "they looked like Digimon and they fought just like them."

"yeah, Parrotmon's a wimp though, i kicked ones ass before."

"yeah, our first battle." said Dirk. he remembered becoming Beelzemon back then. it was nice, it was warm and comfortable. he shook his head. "well, getting back on point, i am much better and i hope to never experience that again. ah well, Guardromon has settled in around the house and Kate has been mothering me a lot more... but everything seems to be back to normal." he said. "how about you?" he asked

vincanity0011210 07-03-2011 02:10 PM

(Hope you don't mind Oblivion that I involve Siggy)

It had been quite a week in comparison to the last. Leon could hardly believe the progress they had made. Veemon and himself had decided they should work out together so if any situations came along, they would both be prepared. In the morning they ran, Veemon with a sweatshirt on, in the afternoon they went to the gym, and at night they looked up clips on youtube for martial arts and kendo fighting. The times that he and Siggy could get their digi-partners together they practiced the DNA digivolving. It was sucessful a couple times, but others were not because of not being synched up enough or just drained of energy.

The nights looking through videos on youtube made life fun and helped collect information, like the times two other Digidestined entered the internet to fight an evil Digimon. There were videos all over so he saved them and downloaded them to show the others for later. A problem arose during the week where one of Leon's friends came over and met Veemon by accident while Leon was away. Ethan was an old friend of Leon's so he came to accept the Dino after a couple extra visits.

But now it was the usual trip into the city with his headphones blaring as DemiVeemon stuck partway out of his backpack. In full sprint, Leon was excited to show the new thing his friend created online and to have a halfway decent breakfast. With the itouch in one hand and a bag of pastries in the other Leon had difficult balancing, almost crashing into Zei and Dirk. "Guys! Guys, you won't believe this." Leon began, gasping for air. "My friend the other day ran into Veemon at my place. Obviously I had to explain things to him. So a couple days after they met I showed him a video I found online and he, well he made a music video out of it! Look..." He said, thumbing through his phone to find the video. After getting it, he unplugged the headphones and began to play it:YouTube - ‪Digi-Rap (Complete Version)‬‏

Mattmanganon 07-03-2011 02:38 PM

"wow..." he said. "so someone made a rap about Digimon, i didn't realise that M.C. Hammer was a Digidestined... although it makes sence..." replied Dirk. "but if they were so big i wonder why i never heard of them before."

"i hate rap, i wonder why nobody made a heavy metal version." said Yaamon.

Vocalia 07-03-2011 04:19 PM

"I'm alright, at least for now. I'm happy to hear everything is well on your end." The girl smiled. " Dorumon and I have been practising as well." Zei replied. "We've also been trying to gather more information on the Organisation, but we haven't found much so far. It seems that some people had seen similar helicopters whenever Digimons appeared, although we're uncertain if the helicopter appeared everytime. It's becoming a more frequent sight, albeit still in small numbers. People simply dismissed it as government work." She informed him. "Other than that, I'm afraid we haven't found anything else." She sighed and looked at the long object she was carrying on her back. "My parents sent this to me three days ago, saying that I finally had a good reason to use it. I wasn't so sure myself, to be honest, but I accepted it anyway..." She chuckled before turning to see Leon's video.

"Rap is fine, but I'm not a big fan of it." Dorumon shrugged. "Heavy metal, huh..." She smiled. "Looks like we have something in common, Yaamon." She said to the small Digimon.

PsychoScythe 07-04-2011 03:35 AM

The week passed without much incident. Lucas and Elecmon began testing the limits of Elecmon's Digivolutions, and found that he could stay in his Champion form almost indefinitely now, much to the Digimon's delight, as it meant he could resume taking his original form. Classes at the university had also resumed, so Lucas began going to class again. He and Minako had made up, and interestingly enough, she actually seemed to like Elecmon.

Like the others, Lucas had also began searching for any mention of Digimon on the internet. All he had found was a video on YouTube of some big white Digimon massacring swarms of bug-like Digimon. Leomon had cited the white Digimon as Omnimon, another one of those Royal Knights, but said he didn't know anything more beyond rumors that Omnimon was among the most powerful of that order.

Currently, Lucas was heading to open the door of his apartment once he heard the lyrics of some terrible rap song being played outside. Opening the door, he saw Dirk, Zei, and Leon, along with their Digimon, and the rap song turned out to be about Digimon. That didn't stop it from being just bad, though. "Okay, seriously. That rap sounds terrible. Someone needs to stop AutoTuning." He smirked as he stepped to the side, ushering everyone in.

Vocalia 07-04-2011 03:48 AM

"Thank you." Zei smiled at Lucas and entered the room with Dorumon before putting the bags of bread down. She handed some for Leomon, Dorumon, Yaamon and Veemon each. "How are you doing?" She asked, looking at Lucas.

The attacks caused great concern and chaos in her college and they decided to cancel classes as students fled to safety from Tokyo. This gave Zei more time to train and investigate about Digimons. Dorumon looked at Lucas's partner and could smell him nearby as she stood beside Zei.

Mattmanganon 07-04-2011 10:15 PM

((ok, i realise that our american crew has been away today due to it being Independence day for them. so it's ok for them to not be on. but in the mean time, i'm dropping a hint as to our opponent this week.))

the Leader sat in his office looking at a computer simulation on his private computer. it showed a 3D model of a load of the Digidestined's Digimon. "let me see... NeoDevimon? that will do nicely." the arms from the 3D model were copied and moved to a seperate folder along with the wings. "now, Aeroveedramon." he said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vincanity
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Log I, Part 3

Oblivion Ascent 07-06-2011 08:54 PM

(@Vincan: In return for the use of Siggy in your last post, I'm just going to use Leon as part of a plot point.)


That was all Siggy saw as the Electric Train that was taking him to the other side of the city, where the rendevous point was located, entered a small tunnel.

He began to think back over the events of the last week.
Himself, Leon and their two Digimon had met up on a few days to practice DNA Digivolution, but aside from that, he hadn't seen much of the others, due to him living a sizeable distance from them.
At the same time, NeonGuilmon, who was now back in his MonoGigimon form due to the multiple DNA Digivolution Practices, had mentioned that he wouldn't be able to re-access his Examon form for a while yet, due to something involving the 'Combining of Manly Spirits'.
If you asked Siggy, he would say that his partner watched too much Super Robot Anime.

"Are we there yet?"

Siggy's train of thought was cut off by the voice of his little sister, who was sitting next to him, the round, monochrome form of MonoGigimon in her arms

"No, Ari, it's going to be another ten or so minutes yet."

"'Kay," The Little girl said, quietly, before piping down, and closing her eyes in an attempt to get to sleep.

Siggy sighed.
During the week intermission between the last full meeting, Ari had met Leon, and more importantly, she had met his Digimon, Veemon.
The girl had taken a shine to the little blue dino, nicknaming him 'Spiky', for some reason or other.

This would have been all fine and good, if not for the fact that Ari had instantly started to bug her older brother into bringing her to the next meeting. Any chance of nipping the problem in the bud was eliminated when MonoGigimon saw this as a chance to one-up his partner, and insisted that the little girl tagged along.

So, not wanting to get into an arguement with a six year old and a black blob, Siggy had reluctantly agreed.
__________________________________________________ _______________
20 Minutes Later
__________________________________________________ _______________
"Hurry up, Fluffy!"

"Can it, Squishy," Siggy grumbled at his partner as they began to ascend the stairs to Lucas's apartment, with Ari stumbling along behind the former, while carrying the latter.

His partner chose to ignore the last jab, and the trio reached the end of the stairs, and headed for the apartment door, which appeared to be open.

"Morning, guys," Siggy said, standing in the doorway.

At the same time, Ari poked her head out from around her older brother's legs, looking around the room.
As soon as she caught sight of Leomon, in all of his intimidating glory, she squeaked, and quickly went back to hiding behind Siggy's legs.

vincanity0011210 07-07-2011 09:38 PM

"Wow, you guys must all really hate rap" Leon said, rolling his eyes as his phone quickly went into his pocket. As they went inside the apartment, Leon thought out loud. "I wonder what today's issue will be.... it seems to happen every week."

As they reached Lucas's apartment, Siggy quickly arrived right after them with a small guest that Leon recognized as Ari. "Oh hey Ari! Nice to see you again. Short Stuff is in my backpack if you want to play with him!" Leon said, putting down his backpack and taking DemiVeemon out. "Ari! Bash Brother! Some of my favorite people!" Demiveemon squeaked out in happiness before running over to Ari with a grin on. "Don't scare her DV. She isn't used to all the others yet!"

Mattmanganon 07-07-2011 09:50 PM

Yaamon saw Ari and remembered some of NeonGuilmons stories and they weren't pretty. he attempted to hide in the bag of bread that Zei had brought, he was just a head after all. Dirk walked over to the bag and looked in it. "wuss. hey Ari!!!" he said.

"Pineapple head, you bring her over here and i swear you will find a stinky present on your pillow in the morning." said Yaamon. Dirk smiled.

"never mind." Yaamon then set about emptying the bag into his never-ending stomach.

Dirk then turned around. "so... i quickly want to discuss something..." he said. "about the incident last week, i know that we have been reluctant to talk about it, but there is a very real chance of it happening to any one of us, so i'm afraid that we will have to address this Elephant in the room at some point. i want to know what we plan to do if it happens to you, i was lucky that Kate was still alive or you would have had to wait for me to run out of energy or even put me down, so... i want everyone to know that should it happen again and if Kate isn't going to be able to save me, i want you to put me down then and there." he said.

"DRAMA QUEEN!!!" came a call from the bag shortly followed by a thump and yelp as Dirks fist collided sharply with Yaamon.

Vocalia 07-09-2011 04:37 PM

It was Zei and Dorumon's first time of meeting Ari. Needless to say, the girl was rather happy to have a young child around. Zei loved children, even if some could be a little too rambunctious to her liking, and little Ari was no exception. She remembered Siggy talking about her a while back. "Hello. You must be Ari." She looked at her. "Nice to meet you." She said with a bright smile.

Dorumon, on the other hand, showed normal curiosity at the newcomer. She sniffed her all around before standing in front of her. The Digimon towered Ari slightly in size and height. Slowly, her head moved close to her face and, in a strange turn, Dorumon gently clamped her jaws on the side of Ari's head while grinning gleefully. She didn't hurt her, however, as she was simply interested in seeing her reactions. Dorumon also loved children, but more in a sense that she could tease them.

Oblivion Ascent 07-09-2011 11:57 PM

As DemiVeemon came bounding towards her, Ari popped her head out from around her brother's legs, a grin splitting her face.
As she yelled out her nickname for the little blue digimon, she dropped MonoGigimon, and rushed over towards him.

"Oomph," MonoGigimon grunted, as he landed face-first onto the floor of the apartment.
Siggy just chuckled, and picked the Black Blob up.
"Tossed away like rotten fruit," He snarked, eliciting an angry grunt from his partner.
He turned to look at Dirk, who had just spoken some... rather heartfelt words.
"That's a mighty big thing to say. You sure about that?" Siggy asked, rather sincerely.

At this point, Ari had picked DemiVeemon up, holding him as she had held MonoGigimon.
When Zei began to talk to her, the little girl turned to the older girl, and was about to reply, when Dorumon came up to her and started sniffing her.
And then bit the side of her head.

There was a sudden quiet, fearful squeak from the girl as she tensed up in fright, closing her eyes.
She then re-opened one, and looked up at Zei.
"Um, m-miss. Is y-your D-digimon trying to eat m-me? I d-don't t-taste good..."

Vocalia 07-10-2011 12:28 AM

"Dorumon!" Zei raised her voice in exasperation.

"Okay, okay! You humans are so easily frightened..." Dorumon chuckled and let Ari go before rubbing her muzzle against her cheek. "I have no taste for children. Besides, you're too sweet."Dorumon said to Ari and went to the bags to grab something to eat, only to find out that Yaamon had hid inside one of them while devouring his share of the bread. A mischievous idea popped into her head as she tied the bag close, trapping Yaamon in it. "Here's a toy for you to play with." She handed the bag with Dirk's Digimon in it to Ari. "Be gentle with him, okay?" She smiled, a mixture of a gentle smile and an evil grin.

Mattmanganon 07-10-2011 01:31 AM

Yaamon looked at Ari in a look of shock. then at Zei. "i... will... murder... you..." he said slowly before the little purple head Digimon was scooped up in the arms of the small child, then prodded, poked and having his cheeks pulled. knowing full well that he couldn't fight back. "come on Phantomon, come for me now!!!" he pleaded. Dirk smiled.

"i did nothing, it serves you right for being a pig." he said.

"your after her." said Yaamon.

"now who's being the drama queen?" asked Dirk.

Vocalia 07-10-2011 02:03 AM

Zei laughed sheepishly. "I'm sorry, Yaamon..." She said, helpless to stop her Digimon partner from handing him to Ari. She turned to Dirk. "I'm sorry about Dorumon..." She whispered to him before turning to Ari. "Ari, are you hungry?" She asked and handed her a chocolate bread. "Siggy, why don't you come in?" She smiled at him. Of all the Digidestinied, she saw Siggy as the elder figure amongst the rest of them. As such, she held him in a level of respect. But she also cared for the others.

Mattmanganon 07-10-2011 10:08 AM

Dirk turned to everyone. "alright, everyone, i was waiting for everyone to get here, so since we're all here. i think that we have been working too hard, i think that everyone is stressed to hell and we need time to cool our jets and just kick back and relax. so..." he pulled out a photo. "Kate's brother owns a beach hut. she told me that he invited her or any of her to use it so, who's up for a trip to the beach?" he asked.

Oblivion Ascent 07-10-2011 10:41 AM

Siggy smiled back at Zei, stepping inside and setting MonoGigimon down.

Said Digimon shot straight across the room, jumped into the air, and made a perfect landing on a sofa cushion.
"Perfect Landing!" He yelled boastfully.
Siggy's response was to roll his eyes, and sit down next to his partner, picking him up again, and placing him on his knee.
When Dirk mentioned the beach trip, Siggy paused.
"... Eh?"
He had to admit, that offer came a little out of nowhere.

As Dorumon rubbed herself against her, Ari gave her a little wide-eyed stare, before relaxing, and grinning, petting the Digimon that she had previously believed to be trying to eat her.
"Then I will name you 'Bitey'!"

When Dorumon threw Yaamon at her, she carefully caught him, and proceded to strip him of his dignity, in the process nicknaming him 'Lumpy'.

Vocalia 07-10-2011 11:01 AM

Dorumon wasn't so keen on using her newly acquired nickname, but Yaamon's own made her roll on the floor, laughing her digital heart out. "Oh hail the mighty Lumpy!" She teased him and laughed. However, Dorumon's laughter sounded like the cruel cackle of a witch. Hearing how her Digimon partner laughed, it reminded Zei of a visual novel she used to read a few years ago, titled Umineko No Naku Koro Ni. Dorumon's laughter was eerily akin to the cruel-sounding laughter the titular witch, Beatrice.

At Dirk's vacational proposition, Zei was slightly taken off track. "... Eh?" She paused, blinking in slight disbelief.

Mattmanganon 07-10-2011 11:46 AM

"well it might be out of no-where but it was Kate's idea. she said that it would be good for us to relax." he said. "so, who's up for it?"

Mattmanganon 07-10-2011 09:23 PM

Dirk stood on the waterfront looking out at the ocean, it had been a nightmare trying to get here, Yaamon had almost bitten 3 people. 2 of them children wanting to play with him, the last was a man that inspected him to see where his price tag was. but now the Digidestined were standing looking out with the warm sun on their skin. Dirk had a white snort sleaved shirt and swimming shorts, Yaamon was wearing Sun-Glasses "well, let's get down to relaxing."

"i will never understand humans, they bake themselves to relax." he digivolved to Impmon and took off the sunglasses that he had been wearing. "why couldn't we go somewhere cold?" he asked.

"you like cold?" Dirk turned to the others. "who thinks we should chuck him in the ocean?" he asked.

Vocalia 07-10-2011 11:15 PM

Zei and Dorumon had no objections to the relaxation week. Zei, wearing a white two-piece bikini and Dorumon, wearing nothing, now looked out to the ocean as the former enjoyed the salty breeze. When Dirk asked if anyone wanted to threw Impmon into the ocean, Dorumon raised her paw. "We definitely should, although I doubt that he could swim. I don't think sharks would like a taste of him either." She teased him and grinned, her tail flicking playfully.

Oblivion Ascent 07-10-2011 11:34 PM

Upon hearing Dirk asking whether they should throw Impmon in the ocean, Ari's ears pricked up.
"Can I do it?" She asked, innocently.
The little girl was wearing a blue T-Shirt, with her swimming costume underneath it, while her older brother was in the same getup as Dirk, with a blue shirt instead of a white one.

Said older brother just rolled his eyes at the request softly flicking her ear.
"Behave," he said, with a little chuckle.

The girl's response was to cross her arms, and look hurt before sticking her tongue out at her older brother.

Siggy just chuckled again, before remembering something.
"Where's NeonGuilmon?"

PsychoScythe 07-11-2011 12:10 AM

Lucas grinned, lounging on the beach next to Elecmon. Lucas himself was wearing a dark red tank top and swimming trunks, and was seriously considering punting Impmon out into the ocean for shits and giggles. Elecmon himself was tempted too, as well.

"...Can I do it?" Elecmon asked, while munching on a stick of strawberry Pocky.

"Go for it. See if you can make him bounce." Lucas smirked, as he laid on his towel, relaxing.

With that, Elecmon whooped in joy before lunging at Impmon, intending to pick him up by the tail and toss him with his mouth.

Mattmanganon 07-11-2011 01:39 PM

Impmon had been backing away from Dorumon slowly when Dirk heard Siggy asking where NeonGuilmon was. Dirk looked around but failed to see the little black Dinosaur. "maybe we left him on the bus." said Dirk. nah, that wasn't possible, the bus was empty when they had gotten off. "i'm sure that he's around. you want me to go look for him?" asked Dirk. "i'll just hop on Devimon and we'll be off." he said. "and i don't think Impmon is in a position to complain."

"yeah i'm fine with that." said Impmon looking for any excuse to get away.

Vocalia 07-11-2011 01:53 PM

"Are you sure? Digivolving out of nowhere can be risky. After all, we're out in the open." Zei replied. "Let me and Dorumon help looking for him as well. Two heads are better than one, as you put it..." She smiled. Dorumon didn't seem to mind, but then she noticed Impmon moving away from her. A creepy grin crept up her face as she approached him instead as he was moving away."What's wrong, Lumpy?" She asked with an eerie tone, which made her look like some sort of Digimon witch.

Draconis Nevyn 07-11-2011 03:15 PM

Elle was at the beach, she'd decided to have a nice relaxing walk on the beach without Candlemon moaning that she hadn't let him fight in those two battles. Elle had met him when he was DemiMeramon and she was happy with him. Unfortunately, like the rest of the digimon she had encontered, Candlemon had an urge for battle, which Elle did not share with him.

Elle was lying down on the sand, her eyes closed as she relaxed with Candlemon sitting beside her in companionable silence. Elle heard the chatter of people as a group settled down nearby, though Elle was on the other side of a small dune, separating her from them. Candlemon gave a sigh as Elle's digivice went off and she sat up to check it.

She read the information on the digimon and she was surprised, she hadn't thought the group were digimon,

"Candlemon, can you check it out please?" she asked him and he gave her a grin that some would have thought was evil, but Elle knew otherwise and it was his happy smile. Though almost all of his facial expressions seemed quite dark.

"Sure thing, partner" he said and with that he stood up and hopped over to the top of the dune, the fireball on his head like a beacon as he shouted down to her "They're like us, they have partners, Elle" Elle relaxed at the knowledge and sighed,

"well we can leave them then, Candlemon" The Digimon came back down, but reluctantly, his flame, flickering, easy to notice even in the sunlight.

Mattmanganon 07-11-2011 06:13 PM

"well actually, there are very few people that live around here so we don't have to worry about the locals or our digimon being spotted." replied Dirk. he then for the first time really got a look at Zei in her bikini. he sniffled a bit of blood back up his nose.

Impmon saw the Candlemon on the Beach and grabbed Dirks leg. "hey, Pineapple head, there's a digimon over there." he said. Dirk saw it too. he looked at the information on his Digivice. Candlemon was apparently a digimon that enjoyed frightening people

"oh come on we came here to relax, you guys go have fun and get the party started, it's only a little one, me and Impmon will go squash him. some on Impmon."

"Impmon Digivolve to... Devimon!!!" and Devimon ran over the hill. Dirk then saw a girl with a Digivice with the Candlemon.

"WOAH WOAH WOAH, DEVIMON!!!" Yelled Dirk Devimon was about to attack when he heard Dirk, he quickly lowered his claws. "another Digidestined." he said. "HEY GUYS, COME OVER HERE, THERE'S ANOTHER DIGIDESTINED!!!" he yelled over the hill, he then turned back to the new girl "i thought we had met all of the Digidestined that were out there."

Oblivion Ascent 07-11-2011 06:37 PM

"To be honest, I'm not that worried about him. He may act like a knob sometimes, but he isn't the kind to go running off into trouble."
__________________________________________________ _________________
Siggy's assumptions were correct, as NeonGuilmon was currently out of sight, taking a nap in the shade of a tree.
He was also snoring, with the occasional bit of sleeptalk.
"Zzz... Crusadermon is f_cking gay... Zzz..."
__________________________________________________ _________________
Back to the present, Siggy's ears 'pricked up' when he heard the little tidbit of information regarding the other Digidestined.
"Another one? Good Grief," He mumbled in disbelief, as he got up and made his way over the beach to see the newcomer.

Vocalia 07-11-2011 06:58 PM

"Another Digidestinied?" Zei turned to Dirk and followed him. Dorumon followed suit, prefering not to Digivolve. She noticed Candlemon in a distance. "Well... This is certainly a surprise." She mused. Seeing that the Digidestinied was a girl, Zei felt a sense of relief. Dorumon looked at Candlemon curiously and sniffed at him.

vincanity0011210 07-11-2011 10:33 PM

During the discussion about the beach, Leon's usual talkative demeanor was reduced to a statuesque type. He watched the others talk amongst themselves and kept an eye on his partner, making sure the DemiVeemon didn't go overboard with the playing around. The idea of the beach raised his eyebrows, a confused look on his face. "Wait... you all want to go to the beach?" he asked, tone very annoyed by the idea. After all BlacWarGreymon did to stop Kirk and Impmon's attack on the city, they were going to leave his partner in trouble? This didn't sit well with Leon, but he sighed it away before making his way through the door.

Leon was the last one to arrive at the beach. Demiveemon had went with Ari, allowing her to play with him. DV was very easy going and enjoyed the playful nature of the little girl. Leon took the long way to the beach, heading back to his home first. While he was there he filled a duffel bag with a change of clothes, some spare clothes for the others and the usual beach gear. Looking into the mirror, he sighed for a moment before taking off his usual clothes to put on swim shorts. Grabbing his camera Leon headed out the door with the bag and made his way through the city until he reached the beach. Dirk's yell caught his attention and gave him a direction to head in. Soon all of his partners came into view. Approaching the new digidestined with his eyes raised he came in time to hear Siggy's and Zei's commented.

"Okay. We can talk about her like she's a surprising exhibit at a museum or... we can use manners?" he said, looking around at the others. A familiar smirk passed by his face before he held out his hand to the new girl. "I'm Leon. Nice to meet ya. My parter is the little blue dino over there" he said, nodding over to DemiVeemon who had a smile on at seeing the new Tamer. "The hot-headed one that tried to attack you is Devimon with his Tamer Dirk. We got my new buddy Siggy and his sister Ari and his partner Neonguilmon, and our beautiful lass here is Zei and Dorumon, who likes to bite people's heads."

PsychoScythe 07-11-2011 10:42 PM

"And you forgot me. I'm so hurt, Leon." Lucas smirked at Leon, walking up to the newcomer with Elecmon alongside him. "I'm Lucas, and this Pocky-obsessed ball of fur is Elecmon." He said, extending his hand for the newcomer to shake.

"In my defense, Pocky is delicious." Elecmon retorted as he looked the Candlemon over, still munching on his strawberry Pocky. However, something didn't sit well with him. "If you're a Digidestined pair, where were you two during the attacks on the city? Tell me you weren't so cowardly as to hide while innocents were attacked." Elecmon began to snarl, disgusted at the thought.

vincanity0011210 07-11-2011 10:48 PM

"Hey you weren't here staring like you were at a talent show, so you get the honorably not-mentioned award" Leon said to Lucas, enjoying his humor but frowning at Elecmon's comment. Talking about not hiding away... and we're taking a day off when the world is in peril. Leon thought, an uneasy emotion coming through him again. His mind traveled back to BlackWatGreymon, imagining the suffering he must go through to keep his Tamer alive.

Demiveemon was ignoring everything but the idea of new friends. In his In-Training form, he was a bouncy blue dinoball. Jumping out of Ari's arms he made his way to Elecmon's head. "Hey! Don't say that to someone who is on our side! Not all of us want to be killed on a weekly basis."

Mattmanganon 07-11-2011 10:57 PM

"you're still worried about BlackWarGreymon." said Dirk looking at Leon. "well lets face facts here, we can't help him at the moment. we have no idea where his partner is, we don't know where he is, until he contacts us, we can do nothing, i know that you're thinking with your heart, but the heart is a muscle to push blood around the body, do your thinking with this." he said poking Leon in the fore-head. he then turned back to the new-comer. "he's a good guy, but thinks with 2 things, his heart and his dick, sadly this little melon goes unused a lot." he said playfully patting Leon on the head

Vocalia 07-12-2011 12:04 AM

"In my defense, I didn't even hurt little Ari." Dorumon growled and went onto her next biting target: Leon's rear. This time, she made sure that it hurt like hell.

"Hello there." Zei greeted the newly found Digidestinied. When BlackWarGreymon was mentioned, she sighed softly. "Dirk is right. There isn't much we could do now, but don!t lose faith. Kindness will always come in return. I'm sure we could help him someday." She said to the group.

Oblivion Ascent 07-12-2011 12:13 AM

"I was lucky that I didn't taste good," Ari chirped.

Siggy just rolled his eyes at the antics of the other male Digidestined and Dorumon, and held his own hand out to the newcomer.
"Anyway, sorry for being late to introduce myself. Like Leon said, I'm Siggy, that's Ari, although I don't know where my great lump of a partner is..."
__________________________________________________ _________________
NenonGuilmon sneezed in his sleep.
__________________________________________________ _________________
As Siggy called NeonGuilmon a 'great lump', Ari spoke up.
"No no no, he's Squishy," She said, before pointing to Devimon, "He's Lumpy!"

vincanity0011210 07-12-2011 02:37 AM

Taking in a deep breath, Leon clenched his fist before grabbing Dirk's hand and pushing him away with a fair amount of strength. "Don't. Get playful with me. The 'logical' thing that my mind tells me is if we wanted a break we should wait until our work is done. There is another Tamer that is being held hostage out there." He said gesturing over toward the city, even though it could have been in any direction.

DemiVeemon's ears lowered as his partner's anger seemed to come out in a very hostile form. Bounding off of Elecmon, the dino jumped up to Leon who caught the small digimon. "Leon..."

"C'mon Short stuff, we've been practicing all week to get to Mega so we could save BlackWarGreymon. And now we aren't even going to do anything about it? He stopped you from almost killing Kate, Dirk. If he wasn't there to fight with you, any of your blasts could have hit her." Leon continued, staring daggers at Dirk and then switching his hard glare to Zei. "Someday? Why can't we form a plan today? I don't mind holding onto faith, but there's no reason to do nothing when there's plenty we can do."

DemiVeemon, maybe just from feeling Leon's emotion or his own, jumped out of Leon's arms and digivolved into Veemon. Landing on the ground he spoke himself. "You're right Leon. He did help us and we should find a way to save him."

Vocalia 07-12-2011 03:31 AM

Zei sighed. "Leon, please calm down. I agree that we shouldn't leave BlackWarGreymon's Digidestinied in the clutches of her kidnappers, but right now we all lack resources or ability to do anything without risking their safety!" She replied. "I don't like being idle either, Leon! Do you think I'm happy with our current condition?!" Zei's anger was now visible on her face and in her tone. Perhaps it was the fact that BlackWarGreymon's Digidestinied was a child so young and vulnerable. In any case, Zei wasn't too happy with how Leon handled the situation. Taking a deep breath, the girl walked away from the group to clear her mind.

Dorumon only looked at Leon with pity before following her upset partner. They headed to a cliff overlooking the ocean.

Draconis Nevyn 07-12-2011 01:49 PM

Elle was surprised to see them all and she waved in greeting to each of them, but Leon brought up the same topic Candlemon did and he turned to her triumphantly.

"Oh shut up, Candlemon" she murmoured to him and then she looked directly at Elecmon "Cowardice? did you ever stop to think that they attacked because of you? I did not hide, I just felt I would have done better not fighting." Elle looked around and sighed, but Candlemon took up the rest of the conversation

"It is not like she did not want to help you, Elle is strange when it comes to battles.. She hates fighting, but, she will when there is no other choice." Candlemon looked surprised, finally a look which didn't seem threatening. But he looked at Elle, he now understood why she hadn't let him fight. "Besides, you guys did fine without us and I cant' reach Champion yet, so I would have done no good" Elle looked up again, patting Candlemon on his wick she looked at them all in turn

"Alright, from now on I will fight. But only if there is no other way." Elle then looked to Siggy and quickly shook it "I'm Elle." then, glad she was a little out of the fight that had occured, was it her fault?, she walked a little away herself to speak to Candlemon

Once they were a little away, Elle spoke

"Alright, Candlemon, this is your chance, I don't want you being evil again, that's why I never let you fight." This was true, Elle had met DemiMeramon when he was terrorising a small group of civilians, she'd ran up to him and talked him out of it, calming him down. From then on he'd been a more kind Digimon but with a want for battle.

"I'm a changed Digimon" Candlemon protested and Elle couldn't help but giggle at him

""Alright, so we'll work together." Elle smiled to him and then she turned and walked back to the group, "We'll join and fight with you if you'll have us." Elle was still smiling as she said it, she just hoped they'd accept her.

Mattmanganon 07-12-2011 03:19 PM

"well alright then." said Dirk. Devimon digivolved back to Impmon and then walked over to them.

"alright, but if you want to join, you need to know the rules. i am in charge and am the toughest, that there is my Partner, his name is Pineapple Head." he then pointed to Ari. "and she's the annoying one that likes undignifying Digimon." Impmon then kept on with his talking about how he was the best, Dirk had crept away to find Zei. he saw her standing on the Cliff near the sea. he sat down next to her.

"look, i know that this is hard for us, i mean in the last 2 weeks, we have all been given a massive responsibility, i did this so we could all blow off some steam. i think that we should all just go down there, have some fun and pretend that everything is normal for just 1 day, is that too much to ask? so, what do you say?

Oblivion Ascent 07-12-2011 03:22 PM

As she returned the handshake, Siggy smiled at Ellie.
"Welcome aboard," He said, before noticing Zei walking away from the corner of his eye.

He sighed, deciding what to do.
On one hand, Zei looked rather stressed, and might need a bit of time to herself.
On the other hand, Zei looked rather upset, and probably needed someone to talk to.

'... Ah screw it. No harm in checking anyway,' He thought to himself, before heading off in Zei's direction.
"Be back in a minute. Ari, behave yourself."
"'Kay," Was all the little girl replied, as she was too busy staring at Candlemon in awe.
When she heard Impmon call her annoying, she stuck her tongue out at him.
"Can it, Lumpy..."

A few minutes later, Siggy found Zei near a cliff face, with Dirk sitting down next to her.
"Everything OK?" He asked, trying not to sound overbearing.

Vocalia 07-12-2011 03:31 PM

Zei sighed. "I'm alright, Siggy... Just... slightly bothered..." She smiled at the two. "Dirk, I never disapprove of your choice to get rid of our accumulatings stress. It's just that... What Leon had said... It really gets to me." She looked out to the ocean. "I don't want to be selfish, but at the same time, I don't know if I'm ready to handle such a responsibility..." The girl slowly stood up again, running her delicate fingers through her short, jet black hair. The warm sunlight highlighted her slender frame. She wasn't well endowed, but her body had a healthy, feminine complexion.

"I suppose I shouldn't force myself too hard... I think you have a point." She said to Dirk. "I'll try to enjoy our trip today as best as I could..."

Oblivion Ascent 07-12-2011 03:47 PM

Waking from his powernap, NeonGuilmon pulled himself to his feet, looking around.
He couldn't see most of the group, but he could see Siggy, Dirk, Zei and Dorumon a short distance away, and so he stretched, and began to make his way towards them.
__________________________________________________ _________________
"You sure?" Siggy asked Zei, in response to her saying that she was okay after all.
As she spoke her mind, and unwinded a little, he just smiled.
"Good to hear..."

He felt something approaching, and turned to see his partner.
"Ah, there you are. I was wondering where you'd wandered off to..."

"Shut up, Fluffy..."

Vocalia 07-12-2011 03:57 PM

Zei chuckled and walked closer to the edge of the cliff to get a better look at the scenery. However, she had unknowingly positioned herself in a precarious location since the spot where she was standing at was directly above the deeper section of the ocean, distances away from the beach. Suddenly, the edge section gave way and crumbled, sending a screaming Zei plunging into the deep sea below it.

The girl quickly went into a panic-induced shock as she scrambled to save herself. Unfortunately for her, she quickly passed out and began to sink. Something seemed off about her as she seemed unable to save herself, which would be commonly and easily done by many others.

Dorumon was simply resting near the cliff, thinking Zei would need some time alone. However, the sound of her scream alerted her as she saw her partner falling into the water in front of her eyes. At first, she didn't worry, believing that she could swim. Her panic quickly set in once she noticed that Zei seemed to go into a dangerous shock and passed out in the water, drowning in almost immediately.

"Zei!!" Without a moment to spare, Dorumon dashed into the ocean to rescue her. Sadly, her small paws and bushy tail did little to help her swim and she was actually sinking herself. The Digimon tried to stay on the surface, but it became increasingly hard to do as the current swept the two deeper into the sea.

Oblivion Ascent 07-12-2011 04:04 PM

The next few moments of Siggy's life were... strange to say the least.

He couldn't remember jumping, and so, when he found himself diving into the sea after Zei, one thought was going through his head.

And that thought was '... Oh my god, what the HELL did I just do!?!...'

Nonetheless, his instinct seemed to carry him as he hit the water, plunging deep towards the rapidly sinking Zei and Dorumon, grabbing the former's arm, and pulling the latter under his arm, before pulling (Or at least attempting to pull) them back to the water's surface.

Mattmanganon 07-12-2011 04:04 PM

Dirk jumped in after her, he was actually quite a good swimmer, grabbing her around the waist, he helped Siggy haul her to the surface. Impmon Digivolved to Devimon flew over to them, Pulling them out of the water. "jeez, don't do that." said Dirk, "you wanna give us a Heart attack?"

"i'd give that dive a 8 for style, but i'll dock you 2 for almost drowning." said Devimon.

Vocalia 07-12-2011 04:11 PM

Dorumon coughed any salt water out of her throat. "So sorry if I couldn't swim with these pint-sized paws!" She frowned at Devimon, looking at her paws and how small they were in comparison to her other body parts. However, her main concern was for Zei's well-being. She was unconscious and seemed to have water inside her body that needed to be removed immediately.

vincanity0011210 07-12-2011 04:18 PM

(Can I assume Devimon will bring them to land? Yes? Yes.)

"What in the name of Holy Hell!" Leon yelled, running to the edge of the cliff before seeing Devimon bringing everyone back over. Zei's body hung lifelessly in the air causing adrenaline and guilt to wash through Leon's body. Taking hold of her as Devimon came down to the ground, Leon laid her on the flattest rock in the area. "Thank god for simple CPR classes" Leon mutter, putting his ear to her chest to make sure she was breathing. Once he knew she wasn't dead, his palm replaced his ear and began to push against her in a rhythm.
"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10." he counted before inhaling deeply and opening her mouth to breath into her's. He would continue this for a few cycles until he saw improvement. "C'mon Zei... get back go I can apologize already."

Veemon stood near Devimon and looked up at him. "I'd say 7. She passed out so she has to lose a least one more point"

Mattmanganon 07-12-2011 04:19 PM

Devimon quickly flew back to the beach. Dirk paniced slightly, he had no idea what to do, then he remembered something from TV. "who knows CPR?" he asked. "i mean i've seen people doing it on TV, but i've never had to do it." he said. then Leon rushed over and did it. "come on, breath for us." he said

Oblivion Ascent 07-12-2011 05:19 PM

While the others started fumbling around with CPR, Siggy did his best to remain calm.

When they started panicking, he just sighed, and moved over to Zei.
"Let me sort this out, you're kind of forgetting that she's swallowed half the ocean..."
Edging Lucas out of the way, he began to perform the basic procedure, breathing into Zei.
Once he was sure that she had the equivalent of a lungful in her body, he gently pushed down on her belly, in order to push the water out of her body.
"Come on..."

Draconis Nevyn 07-12-2011 06:11 PM

Elle could do nothing but watch, indeed she had nothing to offer, having never thought this would happen, she'd never prepared. Elle also knew that they had it covered and if she tried to do anything, she'd just interfere. So she stood a little away from the group with Candlemon, She was a little white-faced and hoped the best for Zei.

Candlemon looked at his tamer and saw her worry, it was a strange thing, these humans had. But as Elle's hands clasped together and were placed under her chin as she wished for Zei to be alright, Candlemon felt a twinge of remorse for having terrorised those humans. The twinge grew until he felt like he would burst.

Elle let a tear fall, as it fell her Digivice decided to light up and she felt her digimon change, she looked around at him

"She will be alright." spoke the calm, deep voice of Wizardmon. Elle was surprised by the change in her digimon, but they both stood, Elle shaking from fear and Wizardmon standing stock still and vigil. Both praying for Zei's well-being, though Elle wished to be comforted, she was the type who hated to see anyone hurt and she always wished she could help them.

PsychoScythe 07-12-2011 09:39 PM

Any worries Lucas had that Zei would suffer any permanent damage were alleviated when Siggy revealed that he knew how to perform CPR. "Everyone, stop panicking like little kids, please. She'll be fine." He called out to the group, laying a hand on Dirk's shoulder.

"Especially you, man. Just trust that Fluffy and Leon know what they're doing." Looking down at Siggy performing CPR on Zei, Lucas was incredibly tempted to make a mouth-to-mouth joke, but felt that it would be too inappropriate for the moment, and shoved it to the back of his mind to save for later.

Mattmanganon 07-12-2011 10:39 PM

dirk backed away as Wizardmon appeared. Dirk then scanned him with his Digivice. it said that he was a wise Digimon with increadible magic Powers. "can you do anything for her?" he asked the Magician Digimon

Vocalia 07-12-2011 11:23 PM

With a violent cough, Zei was brought back into consciousness. As her body instinctively remove as much excess water from her system as possibly, something seemed off about her. Her face was as white as a sheet, horror written all over her face. Her body was also shivering and it's not because of the temperature. The girl slowly sobbed and covered her face with her hands.

Oblivion Ascent 07-12-2011 11:30 PM

As Zei awoke, Siggy sighed a sigh of relief.

As she began to sob, a look of shock crossed his usually calm features.

It was at this point that his instincts as an 'Older Brother' took hold of him, causing him to pull the sobbing Zei into a comforting hug.

"There there," He said, quietly, in an attempt to soothe her nerves, "You're safe now..."

Vocalia 07-12-2011 11:39 PM

Zei wasted no time to cry into Siggy's chest, sobbing and coughing in between. Her body was shivering rather badly and her body languaged seemed frantic and terrified. "P-Please, take me away... Anywhere except the ocean..." She sobbed.

Dorumon shook herself dry and approached Siggy. "Why don't you let her rest under the tress? That should help her calm down." She suggested, looking at the large tree growing some distance away from the border of land and sea.

Oblivion Ascent 07-12-2011 11:49 PM

"Ok, just relax, the Ocean can't hurt you now," Siggy said, in the same comforting tone, picking Zei up, and supporting her as he began to move towards the nearest tree.

At the same time, NeonGuilmon, who had been a distance from his partner and Zei after their plunge, caught up with them, panting heavily.
"F... fluffy. Is Zei... Okay?"

"She's fine," Siggy said, propping Zei up against the tree, "For whatever reason, being in the water scared the life out of her."

As he finished talking, he crouched down beside Zei.
"Now," He said, in a concerned tone, "What was that about?"

Vocalia 07-12-2011 11:56 PM

Zei's breathing was fast and short. She opened her eyes to look ar Siggy, her pupils contracted in absolute fear. "T-The water... I-It's so cold..." She rambled. It was apparent that Zei needed some time to calm down before Siggy could get any answers about her odd reaction to water.

Dorumon noticed this and looked at NeonGuilmon. "Squishy, let's leave them alone for now. Watching her won't make her recover any faster..." She whispered to him.

Oblivion Ascent 07-13-2011 12:02 AM

"...I see."
Siggy realized that he wasn't going to be getting any proper answers from the poor girl for the time being, so he decided to go a different route.
"Do you want me to stay with you, or do you need some time on your own?"

As Dorumon spoke to him, NeonGuilmon nodded.
"I think... that's probably...a good idea," He whispered back, still panting a little.

Vocalia 07-13-2011 12:09 AM

From the way Zei was holding Siggy's hand in a surprisingly powerful vice grip, it was obvious she refused to be left alone. She pulled his arm close and held onto it for dear life. Somehow, having Siggy around was soothing in a strange way, but her currently frazzled mind was still too disoriented to think about it.

Dorumon waited for NeonGuilmon to catch his breath before leaving the two Digidestinied alone.

Oblivion Ascent 07-13-2011 12:19 AM

After regaining his breath, NeonGuilmon backed away with Dorumon.
"So, any clue as to what's up with Zei?"
He then remembered another thing.
"Also, have you seen Ari anywhere?"

Meanwhile, Siggy sat down next to Zei, pulling her into another comforting hug.
"I'll stick with you, then. Now, just relax..."

Vocalia 07-13-2011 12:27 AM

"Nope, I'm clueless and by Ari, you mean that little brat over there" Dorumon looked at Ari who was burying herself under the sand. "Humans have the strangest habits..." She sighed. "I feel your pain, Squishy." She said with a teasing tone.

Zei continued to cry, but she was slowly, but surely, calming down. "Thank you..."

Oblivion Ascent 07-13-2011 12:33 AM

"Nah, she isn't a brat. At least, not compared to the other one..."
At the repeat of the 'Squishy' joke, NeonGuilmon smiled evilly.
"Well, thank you, Bitey," He said, with a little evil chuckle, before walking over to Ari.
"So, whatcha doin'?"
"Stuff," The little girl replied.
__________________________________________________ _________________
"Don't mention it," Siggy said, softly, as Zei began to calm down.

Vocalia 07-13-2011 12:41 AM

After roughly half an hour, Zei finally calmed down, albeit not entirely, but calm enough to give out rational answers. Her head laid on Siggy's chest as she sat on his lap, her eyes now dry. She closed them and listened to his heartbeat. Somehow, that seemingly random activity brought a sense of warmth into her.

Dorumon decided to walk around the beach and collect seashells for Zei, remembering how she liked them. She was hoping to cheer her up.

Oblivion Ascent 07-13-2011 12:54 AM

Seeing that Zei was calm, Siggy smiled, before beginning to talk.
"So, Zei. I hope you don't mind me asking, but what happened back there?"

He was sounding significantly less stoic and serious than he was normally, even when compared to half an hour ago.
This was for two reasons.
(1.) He acknowledged that this was the sort of situation in which Stoicism wouldn't help, and (2.) He was enjoying the fact that Zei was sitting on his lap.

Mostly for the second reason.

Vocalia 07-13-2011 01:06 AM

Zei blushed, remembering how frantic she had acted just a while ago. She knew Siggy would be suspicious of her.

"I... I'm hydrophobic... Whenever I see or enter a large body of water, I got so scared that I pass out..." She replied. "It's a long story, but I doubt you're here to listen to some liche life story..." She chuckled weakly.

Mattmanganon 07-13-2011 01:16 AM

Meanwhile, Dirk had moved away with the others. "why did i suggest cominh here?" he asked. he then punched a tree quite hard "FUCK!!!" exclaiming not through pain but at anger with himself. "it seems every time i try to do something, it puts others in danger." he sat down. "i almost got her killed. "oh why don't we go to the beach, we'll have some fun and forget out worries!" i can't even do that right." Impmon nudged Leon.

"i ain't no good at this kinda thing, can you talk to him." he said.

PsychoScythe 07-13-2011 02:02 AM

Lucas sighed at Dirk. "Damn it, calm down. You're not God. You're not responsible for every little thing that happens. Sometimes, shit just happens, man." He uttered, looking slightly annoyed. "I mean, seriously. You had no way to know that would happen. It's not your fault at all."

Meanwhile, Elecmon had Digivolved to Leomon and was currently swimming out in the ocean, whistling cheerfully to himself. Suddenly, a shark lunged at him from out of nowhere, and bit him on the leg. Roaring in pain, Leomon grabbed the shark and locked him into a chokehold before kicking his way back to shore. Once the lion Digimon was on the beach, he threw the shark onto the sand before leaping and elbow-slamming it in the head, crushing its skull. Roaring in triumph at his kill, he looked around to see where his partner was. All he saw was Ari and NeonGuilmon instead.

"So...who wants sashimi?" Leomon asked, looking slightly guilty.

Vocalia 07-13-2011 02:15 AM

Dorumon was holding a bucket full of seashells in her mouth. Smelling the freshly killed shark, she put down the bucket. "I would like some if you can." She replied honestly. Dorumon seemed to perfer fish, raw and cooked, over anything else. "We can let it dip in the sea water to get rid of its smell."

Draconis Nevyn 07-13-2011 03:33 AM

Wizardmon had merely shook his head when asked if he could help her. He knew he probably could, but he knew the boy was fine with what he was doing. A few seconds later, she had been revived and Wizardmon noticed Elle relax, He grinned, not that it was noticable with his cloak, but as they stood there, He noticed the anguish in Dirk.

"Go speak to him, Elle." Elle looked at him, surprised but she nodded and walked towards him, a little shyly and sat down next to him, she spoke after Lucas had said his piece

"Lucas is right. You can't blame yourself for this, I don't even think Wizardmon would have forseen it coming, being a wizard and all." - here he rolled his eyes and pointedly decided to watch Leomon at work - Elle did her best to persuade him, and even if he didn't listen she was still there to talk to, she wanted to persuade him, for him to understand that it had been a kind gesture and it really wasn't his fault. Elle didn't want to say that Zei wouldn't blame him for it, because she didn't know but she would still do all she could to persuade him.

Oblivion Ascent 07-13-2011 09:10 AM

"I see..."
At this point, Siggy became a little confused.
If Zei was afraid of water, wouldn't it have been something to tell the others before coming to the beach, of all places?
This receded when he remembered how tight lipped he could be regarding his own unusual phobia... and how much NeonGuilmon was of his.
Sock Puppets be damned...

Anyway, back to the present.
When he heard her mention 'the long story', he spoke up.
"You can tell me if you want. We've got a while..."
__________________________________________________ _________________
Meanwhile, over with NeonGuilmon and Ari, when Leomon leapt onto the beach to perform a finisher on the shark, the latter squeaked in fright, and jumped into the small hole she had dug, while the former raised an eyebrow, or equivalent thereof.
"That's a lot of fishsticks ya got there..."

Vocalia 07-13-2011 09:41 AM

Zei looked at Siggy for a while in slight doubt before letting out a soft sigh. "My family went to take me for a cruise when I was seventeen years old. We were quite excited since my mother wont that trip from a lottery. At first, things went smoothly and we believed it would be a trip to remember. It ended up being a trip to remember... just not in a good way." She looked down to the sand.

Images of the traumatic experience played back as she recounted the turning point. "Three days into the trip, the ship was out at sea after boarding more passengers. I was at the pool when I saw these two men acting suspiciously. At first, I didn't pay too much attention on them." In her mind, she could see her younger self happily watching the clear skies with the men passing through the corner of her eyes. "The second time I saw them, I was by myself at the deck, enjoying a good weather. They were some distance from me. Suddenly, a loud explosion sent me wobbling around as the ship shook violently. Before I knew what was going on, I was knocked off the ship. I tried swimming back into the surface, but then I saw the men jumping down as well. They then swam towards me. I tried moving away but they were faster than me. One of them pulled out a gun and shot at me. A bullet grazed my shoulder as the other swam towards me. Once he got close, he tried to drown me. I couldn't remember much since I passed out after a short struggle." Zei closed her eyes, recounting the time when she believed that would be the last day of her life.

"When I opened my eyes again, I was in a hospital. The doctors said that I suffered from hypothermia, an injury on my left shoulder and there were suspicious bruises around my neck; they believed my survival was a miracle. Then I remember what happened and figured that the two men had tried to kill me, but failed. I was so scared and tired that I stayed quiet about it. After I was discharged, I learned that the two were wanted terrorists and they are still on the loose..." A lone tear slipped past and ran down her cheek. "Thankfully, all of the people who boarded the ship were alive and safe, but I still felt guilty about it... If only I had told anyone about them, this whole thing wouldn't happen. Ever since then, I became afraid of swimming or getting near any large bodies of water, such as the ocean..." She looked at the expanse of water. "I like beaches, even until now, but the sight of water scared the life out of me."

Oblivion Ascent 07-13-2011 10:48 AM

"... I see."
By this point, Siggy was probably sounding like a broken record, but it was the only appropriate response he could think of at present.

"Well, I can understand why you reacted like you did now. You did have a bit of a close call back there..."
He decided to drop the subject for now, Zei seemed a little uncomfortable with the questions, and it was getting a little late.
"Anyhow, do you want to go join up with the others, or do you want to stay here a little longer?"
He thought for a second, before craftily adding: "I don't mind either..."

Vocalia 07-13-2011 11:55 AM

Zei blushed, wondering what to do. On one hand, she wanted to apologise to Leon for being so easily upset and to Dirk for ruining his vacation. On the other hand, she didn't want to move away from Siggy, especially with him being so close, holding her in a protective hug.

"I-I suppose... I'll stay here... for a little while." She stammered timidly and leaned her head against Siggy's chest comfortably. The sweeping wind now sounded like a bringer of calmness as Zei finally found solace in her trouble.

Mattmanganon 07-13-2011 10:44 PM

((i could have swore i posted... oh well, never mind, i'll do so now.))

dirk got to his feet. "your right." he said "sometimes, shit happens and i need to deal with it." he was actually just putting on a brave face. "alright, well, we came here to have fun, lets do so." he said. "also, Kate's Brothers beach-house is about 10 minutes in that direction according to the map i looked at. Kate says that he keeps a supply of Ice-cream and stuff. we're welcome to it, so... how about we move down there and Zei can rest there if she wants to." he said to them, walking over to Zei and Siggy in a kind of romantic situation. "umm, am i intruding?"

PsychoScythe 07-13-2011 11:04 PM

Upon seeing Siggy/Fluffy and Zei in a private moment, Lucas grinned evilly. This was excellent ammunition to use for later. He wouldn't intrude now, though. Moment Killing was one of the worst things to do to a friend. Instead, he would relentlessly mock Siggy about this later. That lip-locking joke he was planning to do earlier would be so much more effective now...

At the same time, Leomon was dragging the dead shark across the sand, perking up at hearing they would be going to a beach house. Having no idea of what exactly was going on between Siggy and Zei, he proceeded to drag the dead shark on the sand right on front of them, blood and gore spilling over the sand in front of the lovebirds as he followed Dirk to the beach house.

Vocalia 07-13-2011 11:18 PM

The sight of blood didn't bother Zei as much, but still made her feel uncomfortable. "N-No!" She replied to Dirk and looked at Siggy. "Thank you..." She whispered and smiled at him before standing up. "Dorumon! Where are you?" She called out.

Said Digimon came carrying a large bucket of seashells and coral rocks. She put the bucket down in front of a surprised Zei. "Yeah?" She asked casually.

"Dorumon, where did you get all these?" Zei asked.

"Beach." She replied.

The girl decided not to ask any further about the authencity of the items she had gathered. "For who?"

At this, Dorumon smiled at her. "You. You told me before how you like seashells so I thought of finding some for you..." She looked down to the ground, wondering if she liked her gift. With a happy smile on her face, Zei wrapped her arms around her in a friendly embrace.

"Thank you, Dorumon." She replied. "Let's go back to the beach house. Maybe we can make something out of these."

"Alright! Besides, I want shark sashimi!" Dorumon flicked her tail and went with her to the beach house.

Oblivion Ascent 07-13-2011 11:55 PM

"Don't mention it," Siggy said to Zei, before getting up as well.

As he thought over what had just happened between himself and Zei, NeonGuilmon and Ari walked past.
"How's Zei?" NeonGuilmon asked, sounding genuinely concerned.

"She's fine. Took a while, but she's fine."

Mattmanganon 07-14-2011 12:27 AM

Dirk walked along the beach ahead of the rest of them, he had the key to the place and said that he was going ahead to see if it was free. Impmon was right beside him. he was looked down and kicking a can of Cola with every set. "damn..."

"what's the matter Pineapple head, you still down over that cliff thing?" he then laughed at the pun.

"nah, i'm over that." he said. but that mental image of Siggy and Zei being intimate. he had been trying for the past week to work up the courage to ask her out and now his chance had come and gone.

"oh you wanted to trade places with Siggy when he was doin' the huggin' didncha." smirked Impmon.

"you really are an annoying litte git you know that don't you?" said Dirk.

"a bit yeah." sneered the Imp. they reached the house, it was a wooden house on stilts and was rather large. it had a glass door on the front which came out onto a small balcony. Dirk walked up the steps and knocked on the door. "Tim... you in there... it's me Dirk... Kate's friend..." there was no reply. he opened the door and walked in it was surprisingly cool and fresh for a place that hadn't seen anyone within it's walls for several months. he walked over to the freezer and opened it to see several boxes of Ice-cream, Dirk took 1 out and Impmon took 4 but 3 of them were taken off of him by dirk and put back. "1 at a time." he said. impmon in protest bit the entire thing off in one bite. "you swallow that and you'll regret it." said Dirk. he then looked onto the counter and saw a pair of welding goggles and a hard hat. "what the hell?" he asked.

"oh yeah, what you gonna do?" asked Impmon, he then swallowed it and then felt his stomach ice over, as though death had just settled down for a snooze in his intestines, Impmon grabbed his stomach, then his head as brain-freeze set in.

"i told you don't touch that darn thing." said Dirk in a Texan accent. he then shook his head. "i have no idea why i just said that..." he then noticed that the hard hat and welding goggles were gone. "anyway. he went out onto the balcony and sat on one of the chairs waiting for the others to arrive.

Draconis Nevyn 07-14-2011 12:29 PM

Elle and Wizardmon walked along quite independently from the others, still not feeling completely at home with the group yet. She hadn't expected all of this when she'd left the house that day. As they walked they were talking, Wizardmon was explaining to Elle, his changes, and how it was because of her he was able to Digivolve. Elle was interested in this change and she was glad that Candlemon became kinder, it was a good thing.

Wizardmon chuckled at Elle's thoughtful expression,

"You should talk to them, Elle."

"Not right now, everyone seems still on edge, I just don't see how i'd fit in yet."

"Indeed not and you won't unless you try" Here Elle punched him companionably on the arm and they both chuckled.

Eventually they reached the hut to find Dirk already there on the balcony. Elle smiled politely to him and decided to check the hut out. She walked inside and began looking at everything there, Wizardmon was by the side of the hut, in the shade. Snoozing. but ready for trouble if it appeared.

vincanity0011210 07-14-2011 04:49 PM

After being pushed aside from CPR, Leon got up and watched Zei, making sure she would recover. Okay, pushing me aside did nothing but waste time... Leon though, but kept the remark to himself. When Zei began to breath again, Leon sighed and turned away from the group, still looking over the cliff. He walked closer to it, getting a good look at the ocean below. After a few minutes of watching, Veemon came up next to him and crossed his arms.

"Well" Veemon sighed.
"Yeeup." Leon said in agreement. "Look, lets try to salvage the day with everyone. We have someone new we need to get up to speed and everyone else wants to relax anyways... as strong as we are we need everyone to do anything useful when it comes to BlackWarGreymon and the captured Digidestined."
"Actually, I thought the 'well', 'yep' was pretty much covering that conversation without having to say it, but thats fine, ruin the moment!" Veemon said, before punching Leon and running towards the house in a rush.

Leon ran after him, finally with a grin on his face. They were third to the house, right after Dirk, Impmon, Elle and Wizardmon. Passing by the sleeping Wizardmon, Veemon found his way to Impmon and the Ice Cream and began to take handfuls as well. Not long after the dino found himself dealing with a case of brain freeze as well. "AAH! IT hurts so good!" Veemon said.

Leon found Elle looking around the hut and cleared his throat. "Sorry about earlier. We are usually all much more in synch. If you have a couple minutes, me and Dirk could talk to you about everything that's happened. When you get the chance..." Leon said before exiting with a nod toward the balcony. Grabbing a seat opposite of Dirk, he looked at him with an exhausted smirk. "Well... hows your beach day going?"

Mattmanganon 07-14-2011 05:20 PM

"well, we are at the beach with a bunch of monsters and one of the group almost died. so all we need to do is get wasted and have a big orgy in order for this to be considered one of the greatest teen get togethers in history. you want me to order some strippers?" he asked.

"what's a stripper?" asked Impmon. "is she like one of the girls you watch on the computer?" asked Impmon.

"you mean like that picture of Angewoman i walked in on you looking at?" retorted Dirk. Impmon decided to go back to his ice-lolly.

"so... you want to go in the water?" he asked.

Oblivion Ascent 07-14-2011 05:23 PM

At the mention of the Angewomon, NeonGuilmon suddenly appeared to the side of Dirk, with his equivalent of a raised eyebrow.

"What was that about an Angewomon? It is relevant to my interests..."

vincanity0011210 07-14-2011 05:29 PM

"Nah, I'm all good. Just here to photograph now" Leon said, taking out his camera and photographing the Neonguillmon's raised eyebrow, Impmons walk to seclusion, and Dirk lazing about. "I think the strippers would be a nice touch though. It may make the girls in the group feel a little awkward though. Can't we just pick up prostitutes?" he asked, liking that solution better. "Anyone know where Veemon is-"
"Toxicwastemon!" Veemon shouted, jumping onto Neonguillmon and giving Leon a great chance for a photograph. "Hey Neonguilmon, where is everyone else?"

Oblivion Ascent 07-14-2011 05:39 PM

In response to Veemon's question, NeonGuilmon shrugged.
"Not sure. My best guess is that they're already inside or wandering around the beach."

PsychoScythe 07-14-2011 08:03 PM

At the mention of strippers and prostitutes, Lucas smirked at Leon and Dirk.

"Heh, forget the hookers for me. I've already got a girlfriend that gives me that. I wouldn't mind some strippers, as long as no one ever tells her, though."

"Speaking of which, why didn't you bring Minako along with us today?" Leomon inquired, placing the dead shark on the kitchen table.

"She's visiting her folks over in Kyoto. Trust me, there's no way in hell I'm going near that. Her dad hates me." Lucas retorted as he eyed the shark. Thankfully, sashimi was one of the few Japanese dishes he knew how to make, mainly because it was easy. All you had to do was slice the meat into bite-sized pieces and serve it with soy sauce.

Reaching for a kitchen knife, Lucas motioned Leomon over to help him. "In any case, looks like we got dinner handled. Me and Leomon will start on the shark sashimi. No, Leomon, don't use your sword. That's goddamned unsanitary."

Vocalia 07-14-2011 11:18 PM

Dorumon came in just as the boys started their conversation. "Oh? You guys want to fuck someone and bang yourselves up for the night?" She asked casually as if such vulgar topic was a common place for her. "Why don't you guys just give each other blowjobs? Besides, it's a lot better and cheaper than having to call in some hookers or bitches in. After all, we do have girls in here, you know." She remarked and checked the fridge. "Do they have any beer in here so I can get myself wasted?" She asked Dirk.

Oblivion Ascent 07-14-2011 11:23 PM

Unfortunately for both Dorumon and Siggy, the moment that he chose to enter the hut was the exact moment she started her little rant.

The look of pure, unadulterated WTF on his face was gut-burstingly hilarious enough to negate any of the numerous downsides to the rant.
"... I refuse to comment. What was that about beer?"

Mattmanganon 07-14-2011 11:39 PM

"Tim said that we can drink all the booze we like so long as we replace it or give him the money for the new stuff. but i got money." said Dirk. "and i will have you know that we were kidding about that stuff also, how does a cute creature like you know how to talk that badly?" he said.

"no you weren't!" yelled impmon

"go die in a fire." replied Dirk.

"you first, Pineapple head."

"i forgive you too." Dirk then got up and went to the fridge and got out a can of beer. he chugged it "it's cheap shit, but it hits the spot... also where is Zei?" he asked.

Vocalia 07-15-2011 12:01 AM

Dorumon had to stiffle her cackle when Dirk called her cute. 'Cute' was not in her dictionary, or so she believed. As Dirk asked for a whereabouts, Zei came in with the bucket of seashells and coral rocks and heard his question. "Yes, Dirk?" She asked politely and set the bucket down beside the kitchen counter. She noticed what he was drinking and became worried. "Dorumon, did you-"

"No." Dorumon's answer was quick and to the point. Not yet anyway... She said to herself.

Zei breathed in a sigh of relief. "Please don't let Dorumon drink any alchoholic beverages. She just finished my father's sake three nights ago..." She pleaded to the other members of the group. She still remembered her shock of finding Dorumon with a empty bottle of sake she had meant to give to her otōsan. Strangely enough, said Digimon wasn't yet wasted and said that she could still handle more. This brought a odd, yet rational fear into Zei for her partner's well-being. Noticing Leomon and Lucas with the shark, she decided to help in the kitchen, leaving Dorumon to munch on her popsicle. Turning her eyes to Siggy, she cackled evily when she saw his reaction to her words. "What's wrong? Tailmon got your tongue?" She did her 'Beatrice cackle', as Zei put it, and went to sit beside Impmon.

Draconis Nevyn 07-15-2011 12:09 AM

Elle couldn't help it. She had giggled at Leon and finally the rest of their comments had set her off and she was holding onto the wall for support as she laughed, her sides feeling like they were going to split open from mirth.

"Oh god.. Please stop!" She managed to say while taking deep breaths. She didn't think she'd survive much more, but she managed to calm down and then she walked over to the fridge and grabbed a beer, which she popped open and took a swig from. Then she walked outside and up to Wizardmon, who she sat beside.

"Want a drink?" She asked the Digimon who shook his head and grinned. This time she could tell he had and she smiled to herself, stood up to leave him to his solitude and took a seat next to Leon, whom she directed her question to, leaning over a little towards him,

"So, What've I missed?"

PsychoScythe 07-15-2011 12:20 AM

Lucas nodded at Zei as she began to help in the kitchen. Chuckling when he heard Dorumon's words, he called out to her.

"Sounding a bit like a lesbian there, Dorumon!" He snarked, laughing to himself. "And throw me a beer, will ya?"

Upon hearing of Dorumon's alcohol drinking, Leomon walked over, intrigued. He and Lucas often shared beers in their apartment, and Leomon found that he liked the alcoholic beverage.

"Dorumon," He began, sounding serious. "I challenge you to a duel of honor. By drinking. First one to pass out loses." The lion said, pulling out two beers from the fridge, passed one to Dorumon, and threw a third over to Lucas, who caught it deftly.

"Oh, Christ." Lucas sighed, popping the tab open and taking a few swigs. "Dirk, I'll help you pay off the beers. Hell, I don't think we have enough beer between those two. We might need a beer run."

Vocalia 07-15-2011 12:31 AM

Zei sighed. "Let me help as well..." She resigned. Once Dorumon started drinking, there was no stopping her.

An eerie grin stretched along her muzzle as she caught the beer can in her jaws. "I accept your challenge, Leomon, but first..." She turned to Zei. "Zei, do you want to try it out?" She asked.

"Ah, that?" Zei looked at her and nodded, pulling out her Digivice. "Now would be as good as any I suppose, but please take caution when you drink..." She pleaded.

"Relax, Zei. I definitely know how to handle myself." Dorumon nodded with a soft cackle.

Silently wondering what she was going to do with her, Zei's Digivice let out a white glow. "Digisoul Charge!"

In a flash, Dorugamon stood in front of Leomon, still holding the beer can which she popped out with her red claw. "A Champion against a Champion. Fair fight, don't you agree?" She asked and waited for Leomon's cue.

Mattmanganon 07-15-2011 12:31 AM

"oh god. i have a bit of money but i really don't want to waste all of my funds watching a Lion drink fox under the table... that money is kinda... special." he said. "i mean the way i got it, i don't wasnt to waste it on this." he said.

"what's your problem. i say live a little, come on Dorumon chug, chug, chug, chug." said Impmon.

"also, are we forgetting little Ari? someone needs to stay sober. and since it's his younger sister, i vote Siggy."

vincanity0011210 07-15-2011 12:44 AM

Leon looked around as everyone started to drink or cook. It was an odd feeling wathing everyone so calm and happy during this time. With a sigh he nodded to Dirk.

"I'll watch Ari after I give Elle the updates. I don't... enjoy alcohol anyways." Leon tried to say as vaguely as possible. Veemon was looking over at the beers with a child's stare of longing. When Veemon looked to Leon the Tamer just shrugged his shoulders with a grin. "Party it up Short stuff." He said, wanting Veemon to have fun as well. Veemon went over to the drinking table where the two champions were at and picked up a beer for himself from each side.

"your both now down one!" Veemon said before popping one open and chugging it. Putting it down next to the shark, Veemon stared at the thing for a minute before turning to Lucas and Zei as he washed his claws in the sink. "You guys need any help? Me and Leon cook all the time at his place."

Leon turned to Elle as she appeared next to him. "Well, a couple weeks ago we obviously all found our Digimon partners. After that happened we all began to meet up and Dirk seems to keep providing the buildings for our HQ. Zei and me usually bring food in the morning for everyone and we try to figure out what we all need to do to straighten out our world." Leon said before scratching his head a looking to Dirk. "Hm... what have we really learned so far man? All I can think of is that a random corporation has BlackWarGreymon's tamer held captive and he's actually a pretty awesome guy... oh a Dirk had a crazy moment where he almost killed everyone" Leon said with a smirk, still finding the whole situation funny now that it was all over.

Draconis Nevyn 07-15-2011 01:04 AM

"So.., the second attack was you?" Elle asked Dirk but she didn't follow it up, it wasn't for her to know if he didn't want to divulge it.

"Dark Digivolution.." Wizardmon commented, appearing behind Elle's shoulder and sighing as she jumped. But he gave no further comment and allowed Elle to carry on.

"Okay, so there's a tamer missing a digimon. A corporation using said digimon to destroy other digimon, got it. Anything else I should know?" Elle spoke quite easily to Leon now, she wasn't a very heavyweight. Indeed this was only the 7th time she'd ever had alcohol. She took another drink of the beer which was half empty by now and she wass miling a little wider, leaning slightly closer to Leon. As a passing thought, she was happy her top wasn't too low cut for she was still quite uncertain of her body and felt awkward when she noticed guys watching her, so she didn't show herself off.

Vocalia 07-15-2011 01:20 AM

"Please do, Veemon. I'm making some miso soup to go with the fish." Zei replied. She brought her own food and cooking ingredients just in case and they apparently came in handy.

"Miso?" Dorumon's ears perked up. "You'd better save some for me!" She said with a teasingly threatening tone. For some reason, Dorumon had acquired great likings to many types of japanese food, sashimi and miso soup being two of them.

vincanity0011210 07-15-2011 02:10 AM

"It wasn't really his fault. None of us really knew that our emotions could do things like that once we were partnered up... it was actually Impmon's fault for existing!" Leon said pointedly at the little devil Digimon with a laugh, expecting the usual over the top reaction from him. "Yeah, thats really all I can think of. It sounds pretty short when you say it like that... but yeah its been an adventure." Leon said, shrugging his shoulders before looking over to Veemon who was trying to help Zei make food, specifically soup. "What exactly have you don't since you and Wizardmon met?"

Veemon found making soup interesting. When he said that he and Leon cooked, it was more of a "take meat and put on hot surface" cooking style. He managed well though for one who was so unexperienced.

Draconis Nevyn 07-15-2011 02:49 AM

Here Elle blushed and looked at the ground.

"Well when I first met him, he was DemiMeramon and he wasn't kind himself but a little less dangerous than others you guys have faced. He was terrorising some people so I intervened and for some reason I was bonded to him. Wizardmon pointedly looked out towards the ocean, they weren't memories he enjoyed.

"Not soon after, BlackWarGreymon appeared and at that time I didn't want him fighting because he had been cruel. I didn't want him going back to what he was. During your battle, his bloodthirst increased and he digivolved, but I managed to calm him down." Elle glanced upwards at Leon, hoping for confirmation that she'd done the right thing but she pressed on

"Then Dirk came along and I was tempted this time, no matter how high leveled the digimon was, but I held back once again and ever since I've been trying to calm him down. I finally managed to about an hour ago" She finished and took a drink from the can, finishing it. She placed it beside her chair and noted that Wizardmon hadn't added that Elle had been afraid to fight, as she always had been. It wasn't much to do with not wanting to, it was the fact that she was afraid of someone near to her, or herself being hurt.

Oblivion Ascent 07-15-2011 01:27 PM

In response to Dorumon's teasing, Siggy just sighed.
"No, I'd just rather preserve my sanity for the time being.

When Leon volunteered to look after Ari, Siggy just shook his head.
"Thanks for the offer, but I'll take care of her. I wasn't planning to get krunk anyway, since when I get drunk..."
He stopped midsentence, wincing slightly.
"... Let's just say that you wouldn't like me when I'm drunk, and leave it at that..."

PsychoScythe 07-15-2011 08:05 PM

"Very well." Leomon said as he popped the tab open on his own can of beer. "Three. Two. One. START!" He yelled as he immediately began chugging.

(Cue inappropriately epic music.)

Lucas facepalmed at their antics before going back to chopping up sashimi. In all honesty, he only knew how to make easy meals like sashimi and steak, as they required no more cooking skill than either cutting up meat or grilling it. Anything else was too complicated for him. As he continued preparing the sashimi, a thought came to him as to how to save on cash, as Leomon and Dorugamon were tearing through the cans of beer in the hut, and showed no signs of stopping.

"Yo," He called out to the others. "If someone's making a beer run, buy some hard liquor. It might get those two drunk faster and save us some money."

vincanity0011210 07-16-2011 05:32 AM

(I work all day tomorrow. Don't expect a response from me except maybe once.)

Leon didn't speak during her story, wanting to get the entire thing from beginning to end. It was interesting how different everyone's meetings were with their partners. "Wow, thats an interesting way to meet. Mine was Veemon popping out and replacing my monitor and chasing me for two hours through the city." he said wtih a smile, remembering all the fun stuff that happened that day. "It sounds like you two were definitly meant to be together. Don't worry about fighting anyways. There's enough of us that we don't all need to be fighting all the time."

Draconis Nevyn 07-16-2011 02:04 PM

Elle smiled at his story and almost hugged him when he said not to worry about fighting but Wizardmon intervened,

"Stronger as one unit than fighting by yourself" he said in his cryptic ways. Now his wisdom seemed to be getting annoying but Elle knew he was right so she shook it off and remembered she had agreed that she was going to fight. To stop anyone from being hurt, she'd have to. Even if the digimon she would be fighting were hurt as well, she'd have to. Elle stood up and said

"I'm going for a walk, i'll be back soon." something in her voice, very slight though it was, betrayed her anxiety about having to fight and her want to help. The want wasn't something she wanted to talk about, however. Ever, from what she felt at that moment. With that she turned and walked a little away to a sand dune and sat at it's peak, looking out to sea as she thought. A tear from past times crawling down her face.

Wizardmon tactfully went back to his sleeping place and promptly returned to sleep.

Mattmanganon 07-16-2011 11:03 PM

"so, we are at the beach, we have booze and a warm sunny day. what do we do?" asked Dirk getting to his feet.

"GET DRUNK AND DANCE NAKED!!!" yelled Impmon Dirk gave him a strange look. "what... i record that and send it into the TV guys that's an easy 250." replied Impmon. Dirk walked over to him then quickly grabbed him.

"COME ON, LETS FOLLOW THROUGH WITH THE PLAN!!!" Dirk dragged him out of the house with Impmon kicking and screaming. he then ran up to the water and threw him. Impmon coughed and spat out sea water.

"that's horrible." he coughed up more "you dick." Dirk was rolling around on the sand laughing his ass off.


Oblivion Ascent 07-17-2011 11:50 AM

When Lucas mentioned a booze run, Siggy instinctively raised his hand.

"I'll go, so long as someone keeps an eye on Ari."
__________________________________________________ ________________
Meanwhile, NeonGuilmon had decided to check out the new addition to the Digimon team, Wizardmon.
He couldn't put his finger on it, but there was something strangely familiar about him, as if he had known him a long time ago.

This was probably nonsense, but it would be a good idea to talk to him, at least.

"Hi there," He said, stopping about a meter behind the magical Digimon.

Vocalia 07-17-2011 12:00 PM

Zei had just finished the soup when Siggy announced his intention. However, she was also acting on impulse at the same time and didn't realise the raised hand. "Let me go as well." She said at the same time as Siggy did.

Dorugamon, on the other hand, was too busy getting more beer into her system. She didn't show any signs of getting drunk, making her a tough challenge for Leomon. Her red claws pierced the beer cans like wet papers and she quickly emptied the content into her jaws.

Oblivion Ascent 07-17-2011 01:59 PM

As Zei also volunteered to go get the booze, Siggy raised one eyebrow, albeit very briefly. In a few seconds, it was replaced by the edge of his mouth curling into a small smile/smirk.

"Well, if you come, we can carry more," He said, before remembering something important.
"Also, how much money do you guys have on you? I have more than enough to pay if push comes to shove, but a few generous donations would be appreciated, all things considered..."

Draconis Nevyn 07-17-2011 02:48 PM

Wizardmon opened an eye and regarded the digimon carefully

"Hello, youngling" he said after a moment of thought. He recognised him but he was not sure why he recognised him. A strage feeling, especially for Wizardmon.

"What is wrong, do you need something?" Wizardmon asked in his soothing, mystical voice. He was now a little more interested in NeonGuilmon and his past, so much so that he'd deigned to open his other eye.

Draconis Nevyn 07-17-2011 02:50 PM

Wizardmon opened an eye and regarded the digimon carefully

"Hello, youngling" he said after a moment of thought. He recognised him but he was not sure why he recognised him. A strage feeling, especially for Wizardmon.

"What is wrong, do you need something?" Wizardmon asked in his soothing, mystical voice. He was now a little more interested in NeonGuilmon and his past, so much so that he'd deigned to open his other eye.

PsychoScythe 07-17-2011 04:23 PM

Lucas repressed a grin when Zei offered to go with Siggy. Oh, this would be just one more piece of ammunition he'd use to ride Fluffy with later. In the meantime, Lucas handed over enough yen to pay for a few six packs or bottles of liquor while nodding at Siggy and giving him a thumbs up.

At the same time, Leomon was holding his own against Dorugamon, as he showed no signs of getting drunk, and was downing beers two at a time, popping them open with one hand each and chugging both down at the same time.

Looking over at the two, Lucas frowned. "Yeah, we're definitely going to need some hard liquor or a few packs of Natty Ice. Hell, do they even sell that in Japan?"

Oblivion Ascent 07-17-2011 04:28 PM

"Nothing's wrong, I just came to say hi. I didn't get a chance to earlier, because of Zei almost drowning, and my partner, Fluffy, having to calm her down."
NeonGuilmon looked at Wizardmon as the latter did the same to him.

It looked like this feeling of recognition wasn't a coincidence. Wizardmon appeared to be as curious as he was in this regard.
__________________________________________________ _________________
"Thankyou, Lucas," Siggy said, realizing from the beginnings of a smirk and thumbs up that Lucas was giving him, that he was probably going to be getting a good ribbing for the whole situation later.

Nonetheless, he put that to the side and took the money, before turning to Zei.
"How much money do you have? We've got quite a lot here, so I'm just curious..."

Vocalia 07-17-2011 08:06 PM

Zei took out her wallet from her bag and pulled out a pile of yen, hundreds in amount. "I don't have much, but enough to buy some expensive liquor." She replied as she turned off the stove. The scent of miso soup emanated from the open pot as Zei did one last flavor test, smiling in satisfaction as she did. "Everyone, do you think you can help me taste this before we leave? I wonder if this soup suits your taste." She asked politely to the other Digidestinied.

Mattmanganon 07-17-2011 08:29 PM

Dirk came back to the house covered in sand, he shook himself off before walking in with Impmon hanging onto him around his neck. "call uncle." he yelled trying desperately to strangle him but failing.

"you're not going to win." said Dirk. he then smelled the Miso Soup. "mmm, who made that? whoever did is obviously good at it... also when's the Shark going to be done?" he asked.

vincanity0011210 07-18-2011 04:44 AM

Leon agreed with Wizardmon that a strong and collected front was the best way to fight, but battles usually needed more than just strong fighters. It needed support and stealth assistance as well. Leon didn't have time to say anything before the subject had closed and moved on to Siggy and Zei leaving to get alcohol. A grin began to spread on his face.

"If you two take our money to check into a hotel I'll be very dissapointed in you both- ugh!" Leon said, before being hit by an empty beer can by Veemon. "Ow! you little..." he muttered, taking out his wallet and taking out enough for a six pack for Veemon. He didn't want to let him get too over the top. At the offer to taste food, Leon left the couch and walked into the kitchen where Veemon gave him a stare.

"Shut up Vee, I'm paying for your booze." he muttered before looking in the drawers to find a small spoon. With a twirl of the spoon in his fingers he took a small sip of the soup. "Mmm. Really good. It needs a bit more spice for me, but we can all just take some herbs and spices into our separate soups so everyone can have it the way they want?" Leon offered as a critique to Zei's soup. It was good, but considering how different everyone's taste could be, he thought this would be an elegant solution. Veemon turned to Leomon, figuring his work with Zei was done and asked, "any more help you need with the big fish? I can tenderize with some kicks and punches!"

Vocalia 07-18-2011 10:30 AM

"Hotel? Is there a hotel nearby?" Zei asked, looking very confused at Leon. She was blessed and cursed with being an innocent country girl who didn't seem to understand what his sentence implied. However, when he commented about the soup, she nodded. "That would be a good idea. After all, I suppose everyone have varying taste." She replied to Leon. She then turned to Dirk as he came in and giggled. "Ah, thank you, Dirk, although I was a bit worried that I made some mistakes here and there..." She blushed timidly and grabbed her wallet before walking towards Siggy.

Oblivion Ascent 07-18-2011 10:36 AM

On the other hand, Siggy let out a small chuckle at Leon's little jab.
He had to admit, it had been rather well timed.

"Anyway," He said to Zei, "Better get a move on. I think we've got to walk quite a way, and we don't want Leomon and Bitey to chug all of the beer, do we?"
With that, he began to head for the door.

Vocalia 07-18-2011 10:48 AM

Looking back at Dorugamon and Leomon who was chugging down the beer at break neck pace, Zei hurriedly followed Siggy out of the house. The sooner they could get the two to stop, the better it would be for everyone else. "I just hope they still have enough beer by the time we come back." She said to Siggy.

Oblivion Ascent 07-18-2011 11:33 AM

"Indeed," Siggy said, not taking comfort in the thought of a pair of drunk Digimon.

It was now getting rather late, and the telltale signs of night were rolling in. The sooner the two of them found the nearest convenience store, the better.

"Anyway, did you see anywhere we could get this stuff earlier? I was too busy trying to keep Ari from stripping Impmon of any more of his dignity to notice..."

Vocalia 07-18-2011 11:42 AM

"U-Umm..." Zei looked around and spotted fluorescent light and lack of tall vegetations. "Over there!" She pointed to a small store some distance from the entrance of the beach. "Maybe we could get some liquor as well although I strongly doubt that."

Oblivion Ascent 07-18-2011 11:46 AM

"Perhaps, perhaps not. Let's see..."

As they began to make their way towards the fluorescent lights in the distance, Siggy decided to make a 'check up' on Zei.

"Are you feeling better now? You still seemed a little wound up earlier, so I;m just checking..."

Vocalia 07-18-2011 11:57 AM

Zei nodded politely and smiled at Siggy. "Don't worry about me, Siggy. I'm alright... at least for now..." She replied honestly without any ill intent whatsoever. "-II'm still a little scared, but not enough to put me back into my trauma lapse."

Oblivion Ascent 07-18-2011 12:38 PM

"Good to hear," He said, another one of his wry smiles curling the ends of his mouth.

The convenience store wasn't far off now, maybe about 5 minutes away, but it was getting dark rather quickly.
__________________________________________________ _________________
Meanwhile, Ari, curious as always, had decided to join NeonGuilmon in checking out the newest Digimon member of the team.
"Hi," She said shyly to Wizardmon, tilting her head.
This one's appearance confused her. Unlike the others, Wizardmon could be mistaken for human at first glance, and this was, in a way, almost happening to Ari.

Vocalia 07-18-2011 12:44 PM

Zei noticed the darkening sky and attempted to walk faster towards the convenient store. As she walked faster, she accidentally tripped on a rock along the rocky path and fell. Under a reflex move, she held onto Siggy's sleeve and unwittingly dragged him down with her. Their ending position, however, would be something none in the group of Digidestinied would let her live down for as long as she lived should they find out.

She now laid with her back on the ground and Siggy on top of her, his face planted in the narrow cleavage between her ample breasts, each pressing against his cheeks. Zei was, by no means, well endowed, but she had rather large assets for someone her age.

Oblivion Ascent 07-18-2011 01:21 PM

"Zei, what are yoMMMPH!"

Siggy's shout was cut off as he found his mouth muffled by something soft.

Two soft things.

Two round soft things.

Two round soft warm things.

Siggy put two and two together, opening his eyes to find that he, as they say, had been marshmallowed between Zei's 'assets'.

"MMMPH" He emitted, in embarrassment, turning bright red, and feeling the beginnings of a nosebleed creeping up on him, before trying to get up.

Vocalia 07-18-2011 01:28 PM

Zei quickly attempted to move Siggy away from her. It didn't help that she was still wearing her bikini top although her lower torso was now clad in tied cloth skirt. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, Siggy!!" Zei's face was as red as a ripe apple and her voice seemed to take a new height in octave. The unfortunate girl scrambled to her feet before helping her 'unfortunate' victim up, bowing apologetically. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do that! I'm so sorry!!" She squeaked timidly.

Oblivion Ascent 07-18-2011 01:46 PM

"N-no biggie," Siggy said, somewhat shakily, as a trickle of blood ran down from his nose.

After his face had been pulled from Zei's cleavage, you could see that it was a shade of dark, almost blood red.

Vocalia 07-18-2011 01:54 PM

Zei seemed unable to tell what happened to Siggy. "A-Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She asked, gently wiping the blood away with her thumb. She was concerned that she had hurt him during her fall.

Oblivion Ascent 07-18-2011 01:58 PM

"N-no, I'm fine..."
As he said that, a little more blood ran down from his nose, which he just snorted back up.

"A-anyway, we should probably get a move on..."

Vocalia 07-18-2011 02:03 PM

Being reminded of their original goal was enough to snap Zei back momentarily. "Ah! You're right!" She looked at the convenient store. "We'd better hurry." She said to Siggy and walked slightly ahead of him, not noticing blood trickling down his nose. Luckily for him, the rest of the trip went without any incident.

The store was surprisingly stocked with liqour and alchoholic beverages. "U-Umm... I'm not sure what to buy..." She looked around in confusion. She remembered being asked to get some hard liquor to get Leomon and Dorugamon to stop, but she wasn't sure which one she should get.

Oblivion Ascent 07-18-2011 02:11 PM

When Siggy saw Zei unsure about what to get, he made a little suggestion:
"Well, I suggest we get a few things strong enough to knock Bitey and Leomon out, like Whiskey or Vodka. Then get a variety of stuff with the rest."

Siggy looked around.
The store really did seem to have a good stock of Alchohol.

Vocalia 07-18-2011 02:31 PM

Nodding to his suggestions, Zei slowly made her way around looking for the items he had told her. She spotted a rack full of vodka and selected three pairs, unsure if that amount would suffice. As a precaution, she grabbed two bottles of whiskey just in case the vodka didn't do its intended trick.

Oblivion Ascent 07-18-2011 02:50 PM

At the same time, Siggy began to have a look for any foreign beers. From what he'd heard and observed Japanese beer was often somewhat low in alcohol concentration, so looking for other beers was probably his best bet.

Eventually, he found a rather small section for 'Foreign or Imported' beers, and began to gather up a few Six Packs of the stronger beers, before moving towards the Soft Drinks/Mixers section.

Draconis Nevyn 07-18-2011 03:11 PM

Unintentionally on her part, Elle returned once it had become a lot darker andafter Elle and Siggy had left. She didn't say much but giggled a little at the sight of the digimon and girl surrounding Wizardmon who looked a little taken back at his new found 'popularity' She wasn't amazingly interested in the drinking contest so she therefore regained her previous seat and decided to stare at the wall for a while.

Wizardmon was surprised. he had so much company. Though he didn't know what to do with them all, he was a mystical and wise Digimon, not one to go about talking to large groups of people and Digimon.

Wizardmon looked at NeonGuilmon and sighed, "Alas, the truth has been spoken. May I say also that you look familiar." then he turned his attention to the girl and grinned, "Hello there." was all he deigned to say to her, wondering what her reply would be.

Mattmanganon 07-18-2011 04:36 PM

((i'm going to drop something on the situation now.))

Dirk had stolen a bit of the Shark and had cooked it to eat with the miso soup. he was about to take a bite of it when suddenly Impmon's hand shot out and stole it, then ate the whole chunk in one bite. Dirk took a second to process what he had just seen. all the others saw was Impmon running through the house before Dirk ran after him. "DIE YOU LITTLE BASTARD!!!"

"CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!!!" laughed Impmon before running to the beach. it was dark and hard to see Dirk looked about and then heard Impmon laughing.

"i know where you are..." he said.

"and i know wh-" Impmon's voice was then muffled.

"alright... i know how to find you, Digivolve." he said getting out his Digivice and a large blue flash before the large figure of Devimon appeared. he had in his hands a small blue creature "what's that?" asked Dirk.

"it's Divermon, he's a little git."

"and i ain't alone." said Divermon "Striking Fish!" he said throwing a harpoon at Devimon Devimon threw Divermon out to sea.

"little asshole." he said Devimon. "and what did he mean by not alone?" at that moment what seemed like an army of Divermon began to crawl out of the ocean.

"that isn't good..." said Devimon.

"you think you can take 'em?" asked Dirk.

"go get the others, i need a good work out." said Devimon, Dirk ran back to the house.

"we may be under attack by rogue Digimon." said Dirk. "i think we may need back-up."

vincanity0011210 07-18-2011 07:57 PM

Leon sighed at Dirk when he came in the room and gave him a playful glare, thena punch on the shoulder. "You aren't allowed to go outside anymore, ya trouble magnet." he said before beginning to run. "Veemon, take a bit of shark and lets get ready for a fight!"

Out the door and down the steps, Leon found his way to Devimon and the Divermon. Veemon was ripping off a piece of shark before he stuffed it in his mouth and ran out after Leon. Leon scanned the Divermon and found that each of them were Ultimate, which sent chills up his spine. So small and so pathetic look, Leon was worried that higher leveled digimon would become more commonplace, making their fights a lot more intense. Siggy, get back here soon. We may need to go Mega... Leon thought before turning to see Veemon coming.

"Vee! This things are Ultimate! We need to go to Ultimate too! I'll give ya a lift!" he shouted, cupping his hands for Veemon's foot. With a nod Veemon got his foot in the hands and was tossed into the air. "Veemon digivolved into.... ExVeemon! ExVeemon digivolved into... AreoVeedramon!" he shouted, voice getting deeper and more mature as his form changed. "Alright Devimon, lets take out these fish!"

Oblivion Ascent 07-18-2011 08:03 PM

As Wizardmon grinned at her, Ari smiled, and decided to go in for a closer inspection of the Mystic Digimon...

... When a horde of Divermon sprung out of the ocean, and began to advance on them.

"EEP," Ari squeaked, jumping behind NeonGuilmon in fright, as said Digimon looked at the oncoming swarm of Aquatic Digimon.

"... This is going to hurt in the morning."
__________________________________________________ _________________
Meanwhile, at the convenience store, Siggy had just gone to pay for the assorted Alcohol, Hard Liquor and Soft Drinks/Mixers, when suddenly, his pocket lit up.


After giving the necessary money to the elderly clerk, Siggy reached into his pocket, and pulled out the source of the glowing, his digivice.

'[Incoming Digimon: DIVERMON X Unknown Quantity]'

"What's that you got there?" Asked the clerk, who was looking at Siggy's Digivice over the top of his glasses.

"My PDA," Siggy lied, before turning his attention to the clerk, "Say, could you hold these for me for a bit? Something's sprung up with the rest of my group, and I need to go sort it out."

The clerk thought this over, before nodding.
"I guess. You are buying quite a lot of booze, after all..."

"Thanks," Siggy said, before turning tail, and heading for the door.

"There's a situation, hurry!" He yelled to Zei, as he exited the convenience store.

PsychoScythe 07-18-2011 09:24 PM

Lucas whirled around when he heard Dirk warning the group about the Divermon. His eyes widened as he scanned them on his Digivice, revealing them to be Ultimate level. With how many there were and their high level, the Divermon would be damned hard to take out.

"Leomon, leave the booze and let's kick some ass!" He called out to his partner, his Digivice glowing. Nodding, Leomon began to run towards the beach, glowing with the light of Digivolution.

"Leomon, evolve! GrapLeomon!" The light faded to reveal the armor-clad lion Digimon, who proceeded to rush at the Divermon, deleting one after several punches, and threw another into a crowd of Divermon, knocking them over like bowling pins. Absorbing the data of the one he deleted, GrapLeomon called out to the others. "Don't worry! Divermon may be Ultimate level, but they're at the weak end of the spectrum. A strong Champion level is already a match for them."

Vocalia 07-18-2011 11:01 PM

A series of high-pitched beeps alerted Zei as she pulled out her Digivice, showing many red dots coming into her radius. Handing her own items and neccesary money to the clerk, she bolted out with Siggy.

Inside the house, Dorugamon heard an odd splash and saw a swarm of Divermon coming at them en masse. "Well, so much for vacation." She huffed and jumped out of the window. "Power Metal!"Several metal speheres fired from her jaws onto the incoming Divermon, managing to delete a few as she absorbed their data. Standing beside GrapLeomon, she snarled at the army. "I need a little break from all that booze." She said to him.

Oblivion Ascent 07-18-2011 11:17 PM

It took them a few minutes, but Siggy and Zei got back to the hut without any real trouble, to behold the problem at hand.

"Ho-lee Crap," Siggy said, in awe of the massive swarm of Divermon.

Hearing his Partner's voice, NeonGuilmon turned and made his way towards him, Ari climbing onto his back.
"Your timing... Is awful, Fluffy," He muttered.

"Just be glad I got here in time," Siggy grumbled, as Ari ran over to him and latched onto his leg in fright.

"Don't worry, Ari, me and the others will sort these little buggers out," He said, reaching into his pocket to get his Digivice again.

Mattmanganon 07-18-2011 11:37 PM

Devimon grabbed one of the Divermon by the head. "TOUCH OF EVIL!!!" a black mist ran down his hand and over the Divermon it's eyes went blank and it began attacking the others. Devimon looked at his hands. "that is cool, i didn't know i could do that." he laughed. he grabbed another one "TOUCH OF EVIL!!!" the second one did the same as the first, but Devimon dropped to one knee panting. "wow... *huff huff* that... really takes it out of yah." he panted.

"well lets try not to do that too often." said Dirk. "you wanna digivolve?" asked Dirk.

"nah... nah, i'll be fine." he then lashed out and slashed a Divermon across his stomach and it disappeared. "come on, i can't do this all by myself."

Draconis Nevyn 07-18-2011 11:46 PM

Wizardmon stood and sighed, stepping forward he noticed that Elle was by his side now, shaking a little but with a determined look apon her face. She looked at Wizardmon and nodded. Wizardmon smiled and threw himself forward, raising his staff he shouted "Electro Squall!", Summoning a lightning cloud which fired blasts of blue energy down apon the Divermon, depleting their numbers.

"Elle, I may need to digivolve further!" he shouted back to her and Elle nodded, which no one naturally would have been able to see, but he managed it. He stared down the Divermon in front of him and glowed Orange as Elle managed to enable him to reach his Ultimate.

"Wizardmon digivolve to... Mistymon!" The orange glow faded and there stood an equally wise yet much more powerful digimon, Mistymon, his sword blazing with flames as he weighed it in each hand and his orb glowing a bright white colour as it floated around him. "Now.., that's better.." then he looked at the Divermon and sighed, "You threaten my friends and my tamer, I am afraid you must be vanquished, Blast Sword! The final two words were his attack. The flames on his sword increased in size and then he threw them at the Divermon, those that were caught in the blast, not amazingly many considering, but those that were were vapourised.

Vocalia 07-18-2011 11:47 PM

Zei quickly made her way to Dorugamon, who was shooting down the Divermon swarm like a loose cannon. "Took your sweet little time." Dorugamon grinned and looked at her while her claws pierced another at the chest, deleting him.

"I'm sorry." Zei smiled and looked at the incoming swarm. She scanned one and found out what Digimon the swarm was. "Dorugamon, do you need to?" She asked her.

"Nah. I'll be fine." Dorugamon shrugged as she fired a Power Metal at a Divermon trying to make an ambush on Devimon. "These guys are the weakest in the Ultimate data chain. I don't need to Digivolve, at least for now." She asssured her, but Zei remained alert.

Oblivion Ascent 07-18-2011 11:55 PM

As Siggy grabbed ahold of his Digivice, NeonGuilmon was enveloped in a bust of light.

"NeonGuilmon Digivolve to... AmpTyrannomon."

As AmpTyrannomon's form fully developed, he began to grow again, with metal protrusions sprouting from his body.

"AmpTyrannomon Digivolve to... TeraTyrannomon."

The light then cleared, revealing TeraTyrannomon in all of his terrible glory.

"Have at you, MAGGOTS," He roared, before charging into the horde of Divermon.

"Teravolt... FUSION!" He yelled, slamming an orb of pulsating electricity into the nearest few Divermon.

Mattmanganon 07-19-2011 02:55 PM

the Divermon began their retreat into the ocean. "yeah, you take it, you take it all!!!" yelled Devimon throwing another Divermon after them.

"we'll be back." said one shaking his fist at them. "with our buddy." they went back into the ocean and Dirk sighed, he then looked at the others. "well... that was interesting, so... what now?" asked Dirk.

Draconis Nevyn 07-19-2011 05:44 PM

"Now? now we must be alert, they said themselves they'll be back and with their friend as well." These were Mistymon's words before the Orange light enveloped him and dragged him down to Candlemon again. "Aww great.." he groaned as Elle joined them

"You just need energy, Candlemon, come on let's get some soup." She was kind to him as he'd just helped to save her and the rest of the group. Though if he#d been Wizardmon he would have noticed that it wass because she'd hung back from the fight a little, and she hated herself for it. Why couldn't she just fight, forget the past?

vincanity0011210 07-20-2011 06:00 AM

"Well... that was quick." Leon said, slightly put out at the easiness of the battle. All of the Divermon were ultimates, yet they couldn't overpower such a small team of ultimate and champion levels? That made it seem too easy and made the power he and Siggy with Veemon and Neonguilmon tried to attain almost useless. Which would be great if there still weren't more battles to fight. Again his mind went to BlackWarGreymon and the idea of a lone Tamer, unsure of what was happening in the world. Veemon came dropping out of the air, having de-digivolved. "You're thinking about him again, aren't you?"
"sorry Vee. It's just something I feel needs to get done." Leon said, looking at the rest of the Tamers, then Dirk. "Well, if we'll going to go back and relax, then I suggest a game of Kings or Pong. If we're going to do some recon, then... I don't know" he said before sitting down on a piece of rubble, head in his hands. "I just don't know what I want to do anymore with this, but drinking is looking better and better"

Vocalia 07-21-2011 03:34 AM

"I don't think it's wise to do anything right now. You all realise that we hadn't eaten dinner, right?" Zei pointed out. "You can never do anything with an empty stomach. I'd say we head back and fill ourselves up before doing what activities you all want to do." She politely suggested. She certainly had no intention of letting any of the Digidestinied fall sick anytime soon and she wasn't about to start now.

"Food sounds appealing thanks to all that booze I drink..." Dorugamon chuckled. "Then again, we were interrupted in our little race, but that could wait for another time. Right now, miso soup is calling my name..." With that, she headed back to the house, followed by a bemused Zei.

Mattmanganon 07-21-2011 02:44 PM

Dirk and Impmon walked back to the hut and sat down. "i want a beer." said Impmon.

"you sure, i don't know what kind drunk you are." said Dirk.

"i'll be fine." said Impmon. Dirk walked over to the fridge and threw Impmon a Beer. impmon unscrewed the top and chugged the whole thing in about 5 seconds. he then fell over.

"wow... that feels, hehehe, funky.... I WANT MORE." he tried to run over to Dirk but tripped and knocked himself out on the coffee table. Dirk wanted to walk over and help him but Dirk couldn't help but fall on the floor laughing.

Oblivion Ascent 07-21-2011 02:48 PM

As soon as Impmon said that he wanted more booze, Siggy walked in, with the crate of alcohol that he'd bought from the convenience store.

"... Well, that was good timing."

PsychoScythe 07-21-2011 11:09 PM

Now that the battle was over, GrapLeomon proceeded to devolve back to his Rookie form. "Yeah, food sounds nice right now. Sashimi time!" Elecmon said eagerly as he headed back into the house after Zei and Dorugamon.

Lucas grinned as he saw Siggy. Time to start the mocking. Making sure Zei was out of earshot, he walked up to Siggy and smirked sardonically. "So...I take it Zei really liked that little mouth-to-mouth session you gave her, huh?"

Indeed, this was going to be fun...

Siggy had just set the crate of booze down on the table, when he head Lucas commence with the jabs, as he'd predicted.
Taking a deep breath, he turned to face him, with what appeared to be a warm and friendly smile on his face.

"Well, if she enjoyed it as much as you enjoyed watching it, I guess she did," He said in 'retaliation', keeping his voice down, as not to be overheard by Zei.

Mattmanganon 07-22-2011 03:08 PM

Dirk grabbed the crate of beer. "sorry guys, not hungry." he then took it out to the balcony and slumped it down. he lay down on one of the sun-beds and sucked on the beer. "shit." he commented.

"what's wrong Pineapple head?" asked Impmon.

"this whole trip was my idea and it has really gone to the dogs." said Dirk.

"what, you said it yourself, someone almost died, we're all about to get drunk, all we need is the orgy and it's the greatest party ever." replied Impmon.

"well... i dunno." said Dirk. he sucked a bit more booze out of the bottle.

"you're still upset about the Beelzemon incident aren't you?" asked Impmon.

"that will haunt me for the rest of my life." said Dirk. Dirk looked over at Impmon, the tapped the lips of their bottles together and then drank again. they both exhaled and looked out at the dark ocean.

Vocalia 07-23-2011 09:18 AM

Zei had just finished preparing the soup for everyone and setting up the table when she noticed some of the beer missing. Seeing Dirk and Impmon outside, she went out towards them. "Dirk, Impmon, may I sit with you?" She asked politely with a smile.

vincanity0011210 07-23-2011 09:26 AM

Veemon headed back to the house while Leon made his way to the closest convenience store. Vee's ears were bent backwards when he came in, but the dino perked up a bit once he smelled the delicious food. After taking a decent portion for himself, Vee also set up a dish for Leon before quickly beginning to devour his own and making his way outside. Once the food was gone Vee took a single bottle from the six pack he got from Leon's money and began to drink slowly.

Leon's journey home wasn't the simplest. He bought two bottles of vodka and left as quickly as he entered the store, but was stopped by an officer. It wasn't in relation to anything Leon was doing, but the officer had lost his son in the last attack and was asking everyone he met if they saw the boy. Leon's mouth hung partially open when he was told the story before handing the man a bottle and continuing his walk back. Leaving a tearful man in the distance, Leon opened his own bottle and drank 3 shots as quickly as he could down them, letting out a sputtering cough. As he found his way back into the house, Leon made his way onto the couch and laid down before taking another swing.

Mattmanganon 07-23-2011 11:37 AM

"knock yourself out." said Dirk, he then took another sip from the bottle and then reached his leg over and kicked Impmon off of the sun-bed. "make room for the lady." he said. this was Impmon's first time being drunk as such, he simply rolled off of the sun-bed without much fuss. "grab yourself a cold one and sit down. so... you enjoying the trip so far?" he asked.

Vocalia 07-23-2011 11:42 AM

Zei winced slightly as Impmon was kicked off the sunbed. "Dirk, you shouldn't do that!" She pouted and picked the purple Digimon up before sitting down beside Dirk with Impmon lying on her lap. "Aside from the cliff incident and Divermon's attack, I actually enjoy coming here." Zei replied honestly and shook her head. "And no beer for me, thank you. I don't like it." She chuckled and placed her hand on his shoulder, looking at him. "Is everything alright? I might not be always able to help, but at least rest assured that you can always talk to me about anything." She said to him with a gentle, motherly tone.

Mattmanganon 07-23-2011 11:50 AM

"nah, i'm fine." replied Dirk.

"so when you going to ask her out?" asked Impmon in a groggy state. Dirk pathetically slapped him on the head, the booze in his system not allowing him to do much else.

"quiet you." he said. "and trust me Zei, you are always a help. just your pleasent smile is enough to help."

"Take it off." said Impmon in an attempt to mimic Dirks voice.

"i'll kill you if i remember this in the morning... you'd better hope i get too drunk to do so." said Dirk.

Vocalia 07-23-2011 12:03 PM

Zei giggled as the two exchanged drunken banters with one another. "Alright, if you say so. just remember that you can always talk to me." She said to him and gave him a warm smile. "Would you like some miso soup? I can take it for you if you want."

Mattmanganon 07-23-2011 12:39 PM

"no, i have brain-cells to kill and anything in my stomach is hindering that mission." replied Dirk.

"not like you have many to spare anyhow." said Impmon.

Vocalia 07-23-2011 01:12 PM

Zei was worried about Dirk, but she respected his privacy. "Alright then... I'll be in the house if you need me." She put Impmon down on the sunbed and went into the house. Zei looked back at Dirk and sighed. Was it my fault...? She glumly thought to herself as she sat down and ate her share of the soup.

Mattmanganon 07-23-2011 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Vocalia (Post 4671581)
"I'll be in the house if you need me."

Dirk knew what he wanted to say. "i need you Zei, i have always needed you, i want you know and forever more." but saying that would make him look like a total ass. maybe it was just the booze thinking. "dammit." he muttered.

"just go in there and tell her how you feel." said Impmon

"oh yeah, stroll up to a girl i have known for 2 weeks and say "hi, i am madly in love with you and i know that we have only known each other for 2 weeks but do you want to go out at some point when we aren't trying to become tooth-picks for big fucking digital monsters?"

"wouldn't be the craziest thing you have ever said." replied Impmon.

"screw it." said Dirk, "i'm in the mood for some music." he wondered in the house and came back a minute later with Tim's acoustic guitar. he strummed it softly and then began to play and sing, the drunkeness could be heard in both the guitar and words coming out of his mouth.

"nice." remarked Impmon.

"my real dad taught me that one..." said Dirk. "i haven't picked up a guitar in 3 years..." he said. "that one is still the one i play." he wiped back a tear.

"good for you, do something that isn't so depressing." said Impmon. Dirk began to strum again, the quality wasn't any better than the last one

he put the guitar down and sipped at his beer. "i wish Cash and Grohl had done a duet." he said.

PsychoScythe 07-24-2011 10:05 PM

Lucas's smirk only grew as Siggy retaliated. Ah, the old counter-insult. Distract the insulter by insulting him back, and turn it into a flame war. Yeah, he wasn't falling for that. Ignoring Siggy's response completely, Lucas pressed on with his teasing.

"Heh, so what did you two get up to while you were buying the booze, anyway? You took your sweet time getting back here, after all. Tell me, did you at least use protection? If you didn't, Fluffy, then name your firstborn after me, would ya? Now if you'll excuse me, I Need A Freaking Drink." Lucas grinned, looking through the crate that Siggy brought back to see what booze he bought. There was vodka, whiskey, and for some reason, Natural Ice. The cheapest, most disgusting beer brewed in the United States, but it got you drunk quick. Then again, Lucas had no wish to destroy his taste buds for the night, so he kept looking through the crate. Forget this, he was going for the vodka.

Grabbing a bottle of vodka from the crate, Lucas set off in search of some shot glasses. Taking two, one for himself and one for Elecmon, he returned to where he was speaking with Siggy and sat down, pouring shots for himself and his partner Digimon.

Oblivion Ascent 07-24-2011 11:00 PM

As Lucas launched another jab at him, Siggy's pseudo warm smile warped into a slightly evil smirk.
If a direct counterattack didn't work, then he'd have to go with the alternative.

"What did we get up to? Well, I'll just leave it to your imagination. Knowing you, you probably won't be too far off," He said, cryptically, his tone implying that something had actually happened.

He found this amusing, because something did happen between them during the trip to the convenience store.
Siggy would never see the worlds 'Marshmallow' and 'Hell' the same way again.

"Anyhow, you enjoy poisoning your liver. I've got to go find Squishy and Ari. God knows what they're up to..."
__________________________________________________ _______________

"Oh, for Yggdrasil's sake, SOMEONE HELP ME!!!"

The plea for help came from a Divermon that had become separated from the horde due to bad luck. It was calling for help because it was being chased by what it could only describe as a depraved monster.

"I will name you Squishy Number Two!" Ari yelled, giggling as she chased the stray Divermon, "And you will be my Squishy Number Two!"

Vocalia 07-24-2011 11:17 PM

Dorugamon's uncanny hearing picked up Ari's and a Divermon's voice. "Pardon me, ladies and gentlemen, but I think trouble wants to play with me." She pute down the bowl she was licking clean and jumped out of the window. She ran towards the source of voice until the Digimon saw Ari chasing a Divermon. "Ugh... I gotta get this booze out of my system... I'm starting to see things..."She grabbed Ari just as she ran past. "Okay there, sweetheart. You're not supposed to chase after my dessert..." She turned to the Divermon and growled angrily, baring all her sharp fangs and deadly crimson claws at the hapless Digimon. "Run and I'll shoot. Attack and you're my food. Surrender and... well, I'm not going to kill you, at least for now." She threatened it.

Mattmanganon 07-25-2011 12:04 AM

Dirk got off of the sun-bed and looked over the deck to see a Divermon. he walked back and opened the patio door. "don't worry guys, i've got him." he grabbed an empty bottle of Beer and looked out at the landscape. he slowly took aim and then gave one almighty throw into the air, the bottle came straight down and smashed over the Divermon's head. "YES!!! DIVERMON HEADSHOT!!! 50 FUCKING POINTS FOR THE DRUNKEN ORPHAN!!!" he yelled and then slumped down on the bed, for a second it sounded like he was giggling but soon it was evident to Impmon that he was crying. he rolled over. "oh, dad, mum, why'd you have to leave me!!!" he picked up the guitar to strum out a tune

he replaced some of the word Linda with Freya

Vocalia 07-25-2011 10:13 AM

Zei heard the shouting and headed back outside only to see Dirk crying and shouting about his mother and father. A pang of pain resonated in her heart. She was blessed with a small, but whole and happy family and she couldn't help but feel a deep sympathy for Dirk. She sat beside him and listened to him singing before gently wrapping her arms around him. Before she knew it, she had pulled the young man into a gentle embrace. A gentle, motherly embrace.

Zei didn't know why she did it. She just felt the need to. People often commented on her motherly instincts and qualities from since she was young, a trait she carried on until today. She didn't say a word to him or Impmon. The girl simply held him silently, but her body gesture asked him to trust her and vent out his anger and frustration even if it was caused by the beer he had been drinking.

Mattmanganon 07-25-2011 02:02 PM

Dirk was taken by surprise with what happened. in truth he had been in this situation twice before both times was with Kate. first time was when she first found him and the second shortly after he had tried to kill everyone as Beelzemon. he couldn't help but hug her. tight, but not too tight, he then slowly got to his feet. "sorry... I'm not the type to express my feelings, more the type to take it out on my own body." he said, he grabbed a bottle of beer and chugged it. "that helps." he said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vincanity
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Log I, Part 4

Mattmanganon 07-26-2011 01:00 AM

everyone sat on the train headed home, Dirk was just finishing his journal entry.

the last few days have been great, we spent 2 days at the beach, the first one filled with drinking, partying and having a good time, everyone was too hung-over to come home yesterday so we all decided to have a lazy day around the cabin, i think i spent about 100,000 Yen (£100) on booze. Impmon is a mean drunk. still, only Siggy knows what happened that night, he keeps giving me funny looks. i hope i didn't do Cobumbo in my drunken stupor, i doubt that i could considering my lack of Cigars... still we're on our way home. the Divermon didn't come back with their big friend. i wonder what it would have been.

still, i have noticed that since Digimon have started coming through into our world, the lack of things transforming has almost stopped happening, people have almost forgot about it. Dirk saved the file and closed his laptop lid. he looked up at Siggy. "i want to know what i did. did i get naked and dance, i have been known to." he said. suddenly the blood drained from his face. "oh god, me and Leon didn't have sex did we?" he asked.

Vocalia 07-26-2011 01:13 AM

"No. Just a blowjob." Dorumon replied slyly and showed him some photographs she had taken when the male Digidestinieds were drunk. She had to usher the girls away from the orgy. In the photograph, Dirk was naked and was giving Leon a blowjob. Some photographs also show all the boys drunk with white stuff covering their hands and faces and Leomon proposing to a mop. "You do realise that you have girls to do that for you, right?" She chuckled before earning a hit on the back of her head from a terribly flustered Zei.

Mattmanganon 07-26-2011 01:18 AM

Dirk inspected the photo's, a combination of Horror, confusion and disbelief on his face. "THE FUCK." but then noticed some of the pixels were screwed up. "hey... these were photoshopped." he then opened his laptop and pulled up several pictures that had been strapped together as well as the photoshop files. he looked at Dorumon, then at Zei. "can i kill your Digimon please? just a little bit."

Vocalia 07-26-2011 01:23 AM

Zei was beyond flustered and embarassed. "I'm so sorry, Dirk! I really am!" She bowed apologetically and she was close to crying. Dorumon rolled her eyes. "Sheesh, those photos were obviously photoshoped. No need to make such a big fuss about it..." She yawned. "But that photo of pussy cat proposing to a mop was a real deal. I didn't make that up." She glanced at Lucas and Elecmon.

PsychoScythe 07-26-2011 01:55 AM

Lucas cast a shifty glance over at Elecmon, who looked unfazed.

"In my defense, I was drunk, and that mop was very pretty." Elecmon shot back, looking slightly sheepish.

"Still, the next morning sucked. Me and Elecmon woke up in a hotel room with no goddamn memory of what happened the night before and with a f_cking tiger in the room. I think Elecmon here humped it while he was hammered."

Huh. As a matter of fact, that entire situation sounded familiar to both human and Digimon. "You know, that sounds like that American movie we watched last week." Elecmon said after a silent moment.

"No it doesn't. We didn't get our asses kicked by a naked Asian man and we didn't get to meet Mike Tyson."

Mattmanganon 07-26-2011 02:04 AM

Dirk laughed. "i'd marry that mop, it looked like a keeper." he then looked and found a short video on his laptop of him and Lucas sitting on the pattio, it was apparently taken at 2 AM

the 2 men had a beer in their hands.

Dirk: Did you ever watch the Flintstones as a kid.

Lucas: Yeah

Dirk: D'ya think Wilma's sexy?

Lucas: Wilma Flintstone?

Dirk: Maybe it's the booze... Is it just me?

Lucas: Well, I think in all probability, Wilma Flintstone is the most desirable woman that ever lived.

Dirk: That's good. I thought I was going strange.

Lucas: She's incredible!

Dirk: What d'ya think of Betty?

Lucas: Betty Rubble? Well, I would go with Betty... *sigh* but I'd be thinking of Wilma.

Dirk: This is crazy. Why are we talking about going to bed with Wilma Flintstone?

Lucas: You're right. We're nuts. This is an insane conversation.

Dirk: She'll never leave Fred, and we know it.

Dirk sat dumbfounded at the video. "wow... looks like i was drunk enough to do the Full Monty at that point."

vincanity0011210 07-26-2011 02:10 AM

Sipping the flask he bought the other day, Leon smirked at the comments being shot back and forth. Using his thumb Leon continued to scratch at the same spot on it until his nail began to split. It hadn't begun to bleed yet, but it was getting close. Veemon was still in an upbeat mood from the beach time they'd been having and wasn't dampened by Leon at all. Yet.

"Imbeciles... " Leon muttered lowly before downing half the flask, leading to a sweet relief spreading through his body. His body changed from a temple to an amusement park overnight and Leon continued to treat it as such. "Glad to know everyone -hiccup- had a wonderful time." Leon said, gesturing around to the group. "Such an accomplished two days!" he shouted with a harsh laugh following close by.

"It was fun, wasn't it." Veemon said enthusiastically, avoiding the tone in Leon's voice. "We should do this once a month or as often as we can!"

Veemon tilted his head to the tiger sex comment. "huh... would you guys make a Ligermon if you had a kid?"

Vocalia 07-26-2011 02:20 AM

"If we do this again, can we please avoid the beer...?" Zei pleaded. "Zei, you do realise that these are men you are talking about? Men would let their asses and assets fly around the world in 80 days if they could." Dorumon yawned and looked at a young kid sitting behind her. He was eating chips. With a tug on Zei's dress, Dorumon gave the girl her sweetest begging eyes. "Promise me you won't cause trouble." Dorumon nodded without a word and was rewarded with a bag of salami flavored chips.

Zei was wearing a white, sleeveless dress with white sandals and headband. The last two days left her to question more about herself and her competence in comparison to the other Digidestinied.

Oblivion Ascent 07-26-2011 08:29 PM

Siggy had been about to answer Dirk, when Dorumon gave her own account to him and set everything into chaos.

Fortunately for him, Ari was fast asleep, propped up against him. At least she hadn't heard any of that... vulgarity.

Slumping back into his seat, he sighed, before deciding to speak.

"I won't go into detail about what happened, but here are a few key words; Divermon. Bottle Rocket. Strap On. Duct Tape. Spoon."

Once that was all said and done, he looked at Leon, somewhat perturbed by his teammates little outburst.
He sighed.

"What's eatin' ya?" He asked, in a warm tone.

Due to the whole 'Kinship' their partner Digimon had, Siggy had gotten to know Leon quite well. He felt that he was obliged to make sure that he was OK.

That said, he had a pretty good idea of why Leon was upset...

Mattmanganon 07-27-2011 09:12 PM

the Leader sat in his office. it was ready. he smiled and picked up the phone. "alright, let it go." he said into the reciever. a large door opened in the Ceiling of it's cage and it shot out.

Dirk looked out of the window. they were getting close to Tokyo, suddenly the train shook. "wow, that was a big bump on the track. then a very large creature shot past the window. he then looked at the others, no-one else seemed to have noticed the creature. he clutched his stomach. "oh dear, i think part of that Shark must have been bad." he staggered out. "i'm going for a walk... i may be some time..." he said he then grabbed Impmon. "i wanna keep an eye on you." he said. they walked out and down to the carriage and Dirk withdrew a pocket knife, he cut the spongy Plastic sealant open and climbed out onto the top of the train. he then saw the Digimon properly. it had Birdramon and Megadramon's Wings, Veedramon's Body, Devimon and Megadramon's arms, Dorugreymon's neck and Head and Leomons legs. "THE FUCK IS THAT?!" yelled Dirk to Impmon, he had to yell due to the wind.

"IT'S DEAD, THAT'S WHAT IT IS!!!" replied Impmon. he ran and jumped. "Impmon Digivolve to... Devimon." he then flew into the air and slashed the Digimon across it's chest and face. the Digimon simply growled and the Megadramon Arms blasted Devimon. who fell back and hit the ground next to the Train.

"alright, time to go one step further big guy." said Dirk.

"DEVIMON, DIGIVOLVE TO... NEODEVIMON." NeoDevimon got up and flew towards Chimaeramon. he booted Chimaeramon in the face "stun claw." he then dug his claws into the Devimon arms and the creature screemed before blasting NeoDevimon with fire from it's mouth NeoDevimon was forced to let go and flew backwards. "i think we should call in some support from the others." said NeoDevimon.

"No, i've screwed this trip up enough as is, now we are going to destroy it without the others even knowning about it." he then climbed up to the top of the train. NeoDevimon tried to boot it in the face again, but Chimaeramon grabbed NeoDevimon's foot and then blasted him with the Megadramon's cannons.

PsychoScythe 07-27-2011 10:17 PM

If Dirk thought his crappy acting was going to fool anyone, he had another thing coming.

"Yo, I'm gonna go check on Dirk. Something's up with him. Be right back. Come on, Elecmon." Lucas said to the others as he rose from his seat, with Elecmon following him. Lucas frowned as he emerged from the carriage and saw the cut plastic. Why the hell would Dirk even climb up to the top of the train? Lucas proceeded to climb up to the top as well, with Elecmon on his shoulder. When they reached the top, Dirk's reasons became evident. NeoDevimon was being curbstomped by some Digimon composed of multiple parts. Not one for just rushing in, Lucas scanned the Digimon on his Digivice. It turned out to be Kimeramon, a Mega level. Just then, Lucas heard Dirk shout something about screwing up enough and doing it on his own this time.

Lucas had heard enough. "Elecmon, we're helping him. Ready?" The teen said, brandishing his Digivice.

"Always willing to help an ally. Elecmon, warp evolve! GrapLeomon!" The light of evolution shone, and Elecmon skipped the Champion level entirely as he proceeded straight to the Ultimate level. GrapLeomon proceeded to go help the injured NeoDevimon up while Lucas stormed over to Dirk, irritated at his words.

"Are you insane?!" Lucas shouted at Dirk. "That thing's a Mega level! You can't take it on alone!" Stopping for a second, Lucas sighed. "Look, man. We all make mistakes. I've said it before. It's not your f_cking fault. You don't have to do everything yourself. Let us help you, and we'll kick its ass." Lucas shouted over the wind. He held out his arm for Dirk to grasp. "Come on, let's stomp this asshole into the curb." Lucas smirked.

GrapLeomon spoke to NeoDevimon as well, while helping him up. "I'm not about to let a friend die here. Now get up. We've got an enemy to defeat."

Once again, Lucas neglected to check his Digivice while it displayed an important message. This time, it read:

DNA Synchronization achieved. DNA Digivolution possible.

Mattmanganon 07-27-2011 10:27 PM

"IT'S MEGA?!?!" he asked. his Digivice scanned it and saw it as very Strong Ultimate, boardering on Mega. "look, i fucked this trip up enough, i want to make it right by defeating it alone." said Dirk. NeoDevimon got up with the help of GrapLeomon

"thanks. come on lets get it." he said. he picked up GrapLeomon and threw him into the air at Chimaeramon.

Vocalia 07-27-2011 10:41 PM

Zei might not understand a few things, but she was no fool when it came to human behaviour.

"You're thinking what I'm thinking?" Dorumon asked. Zei replied with a nod. "I'll be back soon." She said to the others and left with Dorumon out of the carriage they were in. Noticing the cut plastic, she realised that Dirk and Lucas, who had gone before her, had climbed up to the top of the train.

"Umm... I need a little help." Dorumon cringed. Her paws were too small for her to properly climb. With a nod, Zei pulled out her Digivice. "Digisoul Charge!" She shouted out as a white aura surrounded her before entering the Digivice.

"Dorumon Digivolve to... Dorugamon!" Clenching her paws, now equipped with longer claws, Dorugamon smiled. "Now that's more like it." She mused. The two proceeded to climb up the train and bore witness to the fearsome oddity that was Kimeramon.

"You know, they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but I feel that imitation isn't so sincere..." Dorugamon said to her as they saw the Mega Digimon.

"Whichever the case, we're not going to let them fight alone." Zei frowned as the two men stood against the wind. "Dorugamon, be prepared!" She shouted as a brighter white aura came and went into the Digivice. "Digisoul Full Charge!"

"Dorugamon Digivolve to... DoruGreymon! With a loud roar, Dorugamon leapt out of the carriage and flew beside the train as a DoruGreymon. Her large size meant that she couldn't stand on the plane, but she gained more attack area as a result. Aiming her tail at Kimeramon, she flew around it and attempted to stab its chest from behind as it was preoccupied.

Zei made her way up to the top of the train and towards Lucas and Dirk. "I'm not letting you through this alone! Friends stick together through thick and thin!" She shouted to them.

Oblivion Ascent 07-27-2011 10:57 PM

Seeing everyone else head off to where Dirk was, Siggy followed, leaving Ari lying down on the seat, fast asleep.

"Just who... the hell... do you think I am," She mumbled in her sleep, as her brother dashed off with NeonGuilmon.

NeonGuilmon had surprisingly little trouble with ascending the ladder to the top of the train, but he almost fell and hit Siggy when he saw the source of the commotion.

"... What the hell is that?"

Hearing his partner become freaked by something, Siggy nudged him out of the way to get a look.

What he saw could only be described as the bastard child of HP Lovecraft and a Bad Fanfic Writer.

"... Well, Fuck."

There were a couple flashes next to him, and the form of NeonGuilmon was replaced by AmpTyrannomon, which was again replaced by TeraTyrannomon, who took flight with a pair of ragged, rudimentary wings.
"This is going to get messy..."

Mattmanganon 07-27-2011 11:45 PM

Dirks Digivice began to glow. "DNA DIGIVOLUTION!!!" said the divice in a robotic female voice. NeoDevimon and GrapLeomon began to glow and turn into light, they then became 1 light, as the light vanished a blash furred Leomon appeared, it had a Chainsaw on one arm.

"MADLEOMON!!!" it yelled. it ran forward and jumped into the Air, it's Chainsaw began to whir and it sliced clean through Chimaeramon's left arm. it then landed and looked at Chimaeramon again. it growled.


the Leader was taken aback by what had happened. but he wasn't Distraught over it. "oh well, my boy needs a good workout." he said. he then picked up the Phone. "get ready to launch BlackWarGreymon." said the Leader.

((this isn't my epiphany, it's just the start.))

PsychoScythe 07-27-2011 11:57 PM

Lucas grinned, pumping a fist in the air. "Now that's what I'm talking about." According to his Digivice, MadLeomon Armed Mode was another Mega level. That made two Mega levels that their little group could field now. Smirking, Lucas turned to Dirk. "See? If you went it alone, we wouldn't have another Mega that's kicking so much ass right now."

MadLeomon grinned ferally as it took a moment to examine its new form. The combination of NeoDevimon and GrapLeomon had resulted in a tech-enhanced berserker, influenced by the personalities of the beings that fused into it. Roaring in triumph, MadLeomon leapt at Kimeramon once again, intent on taking another limb off with its chainsaw.

Mattmanganon 07-28-2011 12:06 AM

this time Chimaeramon had learned and instead of trying to block the chainsaw it instead opened fire with everything it had, the Darkside cannons on it's arms, it's Flame Breath and the V-Laser on it's chest all targeting MadLeomon. MadLeomon took the hits and was forced back down to earth. it bared it's teeth at Chimaeramon and jumped at it again.

"this isn't good." said Dirk. "they... he... it's gone Feral, it doesn't understand that it won't win without a strategy."

Oblivion Ascent 07-28-2011 12:14 AM

As MadLeomon applied something that could only be described as a curbstomp onto Chimeramon, AmpTyrannomon whistled.

As for Siggy's response?
"Demon Lion... With a Chainsaw? ... Why the hell not?"

Mattmanganon 07-28-2011 03:26 PM

MadLeomon ran and jumped at Chimaeramon again, this time he grabbed the big creature and brought it down to earth. MadLeomon tried to go in with the chainsaw, but Chimaeramon grabbed MadLeomons hand and stopped the Chainsaw in it's tracks. then it's Darkside cannons blasted him in the stomach and threw him off.

**** in the Digital World ****

Crusadermon stared into a console that was feeding them images of the human world, he was watching MadLeomon fight Chimaeramon. "my my, these creatures have gone mad."

"my belief was that thou likest thy men tall, dark and hairy." said Dynasmon walking up behind him.

"he is not my type... shut up!" said Crusadermon.

"i will inform Imperieldramon of these... abominations." said Dynasmon.

"don't, he'll just go and destroy them, tell Omnimon, i haven't seen him grace the battlefield in quite some time."

"methinks thou likest Omnimon."

"he is a beautiful warrior. there is no denying that." replied Crusadermon.

"very well, i will inform Omnimon of the situation." said Dynasmon he then walked away.

vincanity0011210 07-28-2011 07:16 PM

With scoff Leon took the rest of the flask and drained it. Turning to Siggy he was about to unless a slur of words onto him, but when he looked back most of the people were gone besides Ari. Eyes raised, he looked at the flask. "Was I.... hallucinating?" he said to himself before Veemon smacked him hard in the face.
"Leon! Lets get on top of the the train! There's something going on up there and they may need us!" the dino said before climbing onto the roof to see the others.

"...oh yes, let the drunk climb up all by himself, what a wonderful idea." Leon shouted after Veemon before getting yanked up by the back of his shirt by Veemon. "AH fuck! God damn it that hurt" Leon said as his head hit the top of the car. "You couldn't have..." he said before he saw Chimeramon. "... okay, I think I need to stop drinking. What is that?" Leon asked before his digivice lite up and gave him the info on it. "Well this thing. is a bundle of joy. holy fuck." Leon said, getting to his feet slowly while the car rocked. It was probably the most unstable surface to be fighting on. "Okay Vee. Lets get you digivolving so we can get in there. Double digivolve!"

As quick as he commanded AreoVeedramon appeared in the air and Leon was quickly jumping onto his back. "LETS GO!" the shouted together. With a quick swoop they ascended towards the monstrosity at full speed. "Come on AreoVeedramon! Push harder!" he called out to his partner, the mix of his emotions, the imitation digimon in front of them and the alcohol made him unusually angry, almost seething the emotion.

"V-Breath Arrow!" AVmon shouted as the heat beam escaped its mouth and shot towards Chimeramon.

PsychoScythe 07-29-2011 02:02 AM

Lucas winced as MadLeomon started getting its ass beat by Kimeramon. The train shook as the Lion Man Digimon crashed against it again."Okay, seriously, we've got to stop the train. This thing is really getting unstable. Plus, we're getting closer to the city. Letting this fight get any closer to it is probably bad.""

With that said, Lucas headed off the top of the train to try to get the conductor to stop it. Luckily, their car was pretty close to the front of the train, and it didn't take long to get to the conductor's car.

"What the hell, kid?" The conductor shouted in surprise as Lucas burst into the car.

"Stop the damn train! Don't you see the goddamn monsters fighting?" Lucas snapped, scowling as the train shook again.

"Look, kid. You better get the hell out and let me do my job. Monsters aren't my problem. All I care about is getting to the station." The conductor shot back, looking irritated.

"God, you're an asshole. I'll spell it out for you. If the train keeps going, it'll take the fight to the city, where people will get killed. Do you get the message yet?" Lucas asked, sounding as if he was talking to a particularly slow child.

The conductor didn't budge, and simply gave Lucas the finger. Sighing in irritation, Lucas could only think of one solution to stop the train. Scowling, Lucas proceeded to sucker punch the conductor in the face, before kneeing him in the crotch and knocked him down with a headbutt to the face. With the conductor unconscious, Lucas proceeded to stop the train by pulling the emergency lever, bringing the train to a halt. With that done, Lucas headed back up to the top of the train, where MadLeomon leapt at Kimeramon again, attacking right after AeroVeedramon launched his attack.

Mattmanganon 07-29-2011 02:24 AM

Dirk almost fell over as the train stopped Chimaeramon dodged Aeroveedramons attack and was hit by MadLeomon in the head, it roared and then began to glow.

"crap, i think it's digivolving!!!" said Dirk. it's arms became that of Neo-Devimons, it's legs became that of Grap-leomon and it's Birdramon wings became Garudomon Wings. it roared and then a portal opened behind it. Dirk was almost blown away by the power coming through. stepping through was Omnimon

you, foul, abomination to all digimon kind. he bellowed at Chimaeramon

BEGONE FROM MY SIGHT!!! GARURUCANNON!!! he then fired a shot from the cannon in the Garurumon head. however a yellow shield flew out of no-where and the attack was reflected off of it. BlackWarGreymon then flew into view and grabbed his shield putting it back on his back.


"i am sorry, but i cannot allow you to destroy this creature." said BlackWarGreymon. Omnimon looked at Lucas and Dirk.

"That beast is partners with you two?" asked Omnimon.

"umm, yeah..." replied Dirk.

Oblivion Ascent 07-29-2011 02:37 AM

Now, you'd think that TeraTyrannomon would be rather perturbed by Omnimon, leader of the Royal Knights and his 'boss' appearing in the real world right in front of him.

Quite the contrary. He seemed to be more perturbed by the fact that Omnimon thought he had been destroyed.

"You know," He grumbled, putting on his Examon voice, "I'm not quite dead..."

Meanwhile, Siggy just gave up trying to stay sane at the sight of Omnimon.
"... Well, cheese."
vincanity0011210 07-29-2011 07:02 PM

The Chimeramon digivolving its random body parts looked odd as it happened, like it was gaining the power of multiple ultimates at once. A scary thought, but Leon's mind was too gone right now. As AreoVeedramon's attack missed multiple appearances of BlackWarGreymon and Omnimon caused a disruption in the fight for a moment before Chimeramon decided to continue its assault directly at the Ultimate digimon. DoruGreymon, AreoVeedramon, and AmpTyrannomon all felt the force of the new Kimeramon's attack. Each arm fired a strong beam at each of them. The forth hand fired a beam at the train, seeing the tamers sitting out in plain sight.

AreoVeedramon was faster than the beam, however and dodged the one heading at him and Leon. To dodge it AreoVeedramon had to roll in a way that almost threw Leon completely off him and when the flying dino straightened Leon was rammed hard back onto his partner. "God damn it! This is some tough crap we're dealing with. Why aren't we stronger!?"

"We can get stronger Leon! Lets combine with AmpTyrannomon and make Slayerdramon." AeroVeedramon suggested as the rode the current back towards the others.

"No. this things too strong! And now that big fuck is here..." Leon said, looking at Omnimon who seemed to be ready to fight with BlackWarGreymon. This infuriated him even more but even AeroVeedramon couldn't tell the exact emotion. But it began to fill up both of them again, Leon's overload of anger and desperation for strength took hold of them both. Leon's usual cyan light that glowed from his digivice was now glowing blood read.


"AeroVeedramon dark digivolved into! CHAOSDRAMON." The red light engulfed both of them and swirled into a star of energy. It came and went quickly, leaving a new digimon that no one there had seen before. AeroVeedramon was unnoticeable in this form, completely Red and mechanic. The wings that were there were now replaced with thrusters and both claws were replaced with new mechanical ones. The form was evil and thirsted for destruction. Bending down, the thrusters on its back aimed in the general direction of all the digimon that weren't part of the group: BlackWarGreymon, Kimeramon, and Omni.
"Hyper ∞ Cannon!" He called, firing out a large wave of pure energy.

Mattmanganon 07-29-2011 07:33 PM

"NOOO!!!" yelled Dirk as he saw Veemon Dark Digivolve. "NO!!!" he dropped to his knee's and watched the horror unfold. it was just like when he and Impmon did so.

Omnimon looked at the new-comer "TRANSENDANT SWORD." the blast from Chaosdramon met his blade and was deflected it. the blast hit the ground over a mile away but was clearly visible to everyone.

"JEEZ!!!" exclaimed Dirk. Chimaeramon took this opertunity to run away, Omnimon tried to persue but BlackWarGreymon covered it's retreat.

"i cannot allow you to destroy it." said BlackWarGreymon.

the stage was set. Omnimon on one side, BlackWarGreymon on another with Chaosdramon trying to kill everything.

"who do we attack?" Dirk called to the others.

Oblivion Ascent 07-29-2011 11:40 PM

TeraTyrannomon looked at Chimeramon in disgust as it fled. He wished to give chase, but that would get them nowhere.
Putting that to the side, he stared in horror as his closest Digimon friend morphed into a monstrosity due to his partner's negativity.

This filled the Digimon with a mixture of anguish, anger, and a great need to slap those morons for giving in to their dark urges.
Instead, he turned to look at Siggy, waiting for a command.
__________________________________________________ _______________

"who do we attack?"

Normally, Siggy would have been one of the first to answer that question.
That was not the case now.

Over the last few weeks, his natural grip on his sanity had been severely challenged by Digital Monsters, Autonomous Digital Evolution, the existence of another world and his own significance in all of that.

It was a testament to his own ability to handle stress that he hadn't gone a little insane yet.

However, the events of the last few minutes had pushed him to the brink.
Not only had the bastard child of HP Lovecraft and Tara Gilesbie appeared to kill them, but the leader of the Royal Knights, Omnimon himself, had shown up to kill it.
The final straw, however, was not either of those.

It was Leon and AeroVeedramon Dark Digivolving to Chaosdramon.

"You... stupid BASTARD."

Siggy began to tremble a little, with a mix of insanity and anger.

"You went and let your anger get the better of you. You stupid-"

There was a sudden flash of light from TeraTyrannomon...


As he De-Digivolved to NeonGuilmon...


And was enveloped by an even greater flash of light, shrinking down and heading for Siggy...


And entering his Digivice.

'Full Emotional Synchronization Achieved. BIOMERGE Commencing...'
__________________________________________________ _______________

What happened next was truly bizarre.
The Digivice 'disintegrated' into a cluster of lights, which converged around Siggy, forming an orb of light around him, obscuring his form.

As the orb fully formed, streams of light and energy shot both in and out of it, the orb turning from a radiant white and gold, to silver, white and black.

"NeonGuilmon BioMerge To..." A voice rang out, starting in the tone and pitch of the Digimon, before assuming an infinitely deeper and more powerful sounding tone.

PsychoScythe 07-30-2011 12:29 AM

"Oh, what the f_ck..." Lucas muttered under his breath as even more bullshit began to materialize out of nowhere. First, that Omnimon, another Mega level according to his Digivice, appeared and got pissed off at Kimeramon. This would have been a good thing, if Omnimon hadn't appeared hostile to MadLeomon as well. Then BlackWarGreymon showed up, covering Kimeramon's retreat, so they couldn't even get that victory, and Leon went off the goddamned deep end, and Dark Digivolved.

It was a testament to how insane this situation was that Siggy merging with NeonGuilmon to Examon didn't even perturb Lucas one bit. Instead, Dirk's question lead him to focus his energies on figuring out who was the best strategic choice to attack. Omnimon and BlackWarGreymon were dead set against fighting each other, but BlackWarGreymon was at least sympathetic to their cause, and would probably aid them until his leader called in. But Chaosdramon was just rampaging around, attacking everything in sight. Remembering the chaos that Dirk caused with Beelzemon, Lucas made up his mind. They'd save Leon and Veemon, even if they had to knock those dumb fuckers out.

"MadLeomon!" Lucas cried out, hoping that the fused Digimon could still understand what he was saying. "Go for Chaosdramon! Take him down, but don't kill him!" He put extra emphasis on the 'don't kill him' part, as he had no wish to see one of his friends die.

To his credit, MadLeomon could understand everything Lucas said. Make no mistake, MadLeomon was actually still sane, he just enjoyed the rush of battle far too much to alter his attack strategies. Every bit of damage he suffered only served to remind him of the thrill of battle. Therefore, when Lucas commanded him to fight Chaosdramon, he obeyed. He wasn't even disappointed that he couldn't kill him. To MadLeomon, the fight was all that mattered. He couldn't care less about what happened to his opponent, as long as he fought well and stood victorious at the end. Roaring, the dark lion Digimon leapt at Chaosdramon, lunging with his chainsaw.

Vocalia 07-30-2011 12:48 AM

Zei watched in shock, unable to do anything, as the fight unfolded. One of her friend was now corrupted by anger while another finally achieved the highest state of Digivolution. Zei felt weak, terribly weak. She couldn't help but feel helpless in the ensuing chaos. However, it was DoruGreymon that landed in hotter water than she bargained for.

The moment she landed her eyes on Omnimon, she felt a surge of pain in her head. crying in pain, she flailed around and fell to the ground, writhing in pain. The image she previously saw slightly became clearer. It was a similar sight, a figure standing in front of her. However, she could see what looked like a long, dark cape flowing behind the figure. The outline shape of the figure also became visible, but she didn't know what or even who this figure was. She couldn't care less. Her head felt like BlackWarGreymon had thrusted his Dramon Slayer into her head. "AAAGHHH!!" She shouted in pain.

At the same time, unfortunately, Zei also felt the incoming headache. It seemed that she could feel what was happening to her Digimon partner as she fell to her knees, holding her head in pain. Cries and hisses of pain could be heard as the pair were mysteriously crippled.

Mattmanganon 07-30-2011 01:05 AM

"ZEI!!!" he looked at MadLeomon, then back to Zei. "DAMMIT!!! Lucas, can you command instruct MadLeomon? i'm going to help Zei." he said. he sprinted off towards Zei. he knelt down and held her head to his chest. "what's wrong?" he asked. "is there anything i can do?"

vincanity0011210 07-30-2011 06:02 AM

Chaosdramon watched as Kimeramon flew away, almost wanting to give chase. Before it did, however, it noticed the many other targets that were in the area. Opening its claw it used it to block the chainsaw coming from MadLeomon. It stared at the black digimon for a moment before letting out a blood curdling roar. "DON'T! STOP!" Chaosdramon yelled before bending down and releasing another Hyper ∞ Cannon straight at MadLeomon. The attack withheld no sympathy for the old teammates or battle strategy. It only wanted to cause loss with pain.

Oblivion Ascent 07-30-2011 09:19 AM

The orb containing the Biomerging Siggy and NeonGuilmon began to expand, growing to a size dwarfing both Omnimon and BlackWargreymon, while being just larger than Chaosdramon, before unfurling to reveal what was inside.

Thunder crashed in the sky, and storm clouds gathered over the titanic draconic figure.

Examon had returned.
__________________________________________________ _________________
As the titanic form of the revived Royal Knight looked at the combatants, it's attention fell on the rampaging Chaosdramon, who had just fired a blast from it's 'Hyper ∞ Cannon' at MadLeomon.

"I don't think so," He rumbled, making a grab towards MadLeomon and pulling him and himself away from the wave of death.

"You may thank me later, but now, I have something to attend to," He said, making a gesture towards Chaosdramon.

Setting MadLeomon down, he made his way towards the rampaging Dark Digivolution, looking at it eye to vicious, ax crazy eye.

And smacked it round the head with it's lance.

"Idiot. Snap out of it!"
It's tone was different. Rather than the calm, imposing tone it had before, this new one sounded slightly unhinged, with a mix of sympathy and anger.
Siggy had assumed direct control

Vocalia 07-30-2011 08:34 PM

Zei could feel herself being pulled and held, but she couldn't make out who her helper was. When she heard his voice, she finally recognised him as Dirk, albeit barely due to her splitting headache. "D-Dirk... W-What's going on...? My head hurts..." She whimpered.

DoruGreymon was in no better situation. Examon's presence only served to multiply her headache. What the hell is going on with me?! Why do my head suddenly hurt seeing all of these Royal Knights?! She screamed inside her own mind. DoruGreymon struggled to ignore the pain and stood, but she found it difficult to do so.

Mattmanganon 07-30-2011 09:06 PM

"dammit." Dirk paniced, he had no idea what to do. it must have something to do with the fight. he needed to finish this quickly, the only way he could do that is by using Beelzemon, but he knew he couldn't. he remembered that he had a few Asprin left over from his hang over the other night. "i'm not sure what this will do but it might help a little." said Dirk. he popped them in her mouth. "come on, swollow. i'm sorry that i have no water." he said. it was a poor strategy but his only logical course of action at the moment

Vocalia 07-31-2011 10:40 AM

Zei struggled to swallow the solid pills, using her own saliva to help get the pills inside and not stuck in her throat. DoruGreymon went back on her feet, enduring the pounding headache as she turned to the sky again. She wasn't sure what to do.

On one hand, they had Omnimon. On another, they had BlackWarGreymon. On a different hand altogether, they had Chaosdramon and themselves on a completely different hand. However, seeing Examon giving the Dark Digivolved Digimon a slap on his head. This ain't gonna end well... She grumbled to herself as she carefully made her way to Zei and Dirk, noticing that her partner was crippled for a mysterious reason.

vincanity0011210 08-01-2011 06:34 AM

Chaosdramon stared at Examon for a moment as the lance hit it in the head. Looking down at it's own claw for a moment it looked like Chaosdramon was trying to concentrate on a deep thought. The glow in its eyes dimmed for a minute as did the red glow from all of his mechanical parts. After a few moments everything began to shine bright red. "Ex...amon." Chaosdramon said slowly, trying to fully pronounce the name in full, like a thought was lingering in his mind.

"I'LL HIT YOU BACK!" he shouted before opening his claw and thrusting it forward to Examon's stomach. Both Leon and Veemon, wherever they were inside of this dark Digimon.

Mattmanganon 08-01-2011 03:03 PM

Omnimon saw Chaosdramon going for Examon and quickly rushed over and blocked the claw with his Transcendent sword. "ENOUGH!" he pushed Chaosdramon back "SWORD OF RUIN!!!" a ball of energy appeared around Omnimon and then shot outwards knocking to the ground BlackWarGreymon and Chaosdramon. "Examon, you are here-by ordered to return with me to the Digital world for de-briefing." he said.

"i can't allow him to leave." said BlackWarGreymon struggling to his feet. "he is a Digidestined." said BlackWarGreymon. Omnimon looked at Examon.

"is this true?" asked Omnimon

Oblivion Ascent 08-01-2011 06:41 PM

Even if the claw had made contact, it wouldn't have done much to Examon, with his hide of thick armor.

Before he could say anything in retort to the rampaging Chaosdramon, Omnimon ordered him to return to the Digital World, which was followed by Omnimon asking him whether he had indeed become the partner of a Digidestined.

"It is true," The NeonGuilmon part said, in response to the question, before assuming a rigid tone for the order.

"As for returning, I don't believe that it is possible or wise to do so at this time."

Mattmanganon 08-01-2011 06:48 PM

"regardless, Lord Imperieldramon has ordered your return, to the Digital World. if you have a partner, he will join us." said Omnimon. at that point BlackWarGreymon grabbed Omnimon and put him in an Arm-Lock.

"no, one partner of a Digimon has become a prisoner, i will not allow another to become on as well." said BlackWarGreymon. "you will have to kill me to take Examon back." said BlackWarGreymon

"then you will die." said Omnimon, he easily broke the arm-lock and punched BlackWarGreymon in the stomach with his Garurucannon. then knocked him to the ground with the flat of his sword. "stay down, or regret getting back up again." said Omnimon. "come Examon." a portal to the Digital world opened. "we return now."

vincanity0011210 08-01-2011 06:56 PM

"NO! THEY STAY! DESTROYED HOOK!" Chaosdramon called out, reteaching the claws on its hand to launch 3 missiles at Omnimon, who had become his main target as he continued to be attacked by him. While Sword of Ruin was a strong attack, Chaosdramon was both a mega and covered head to toe in Red Digizoid, making him very durable. Remembering flashes a pity for BlackWarGreymon, the attack of the black digimon also infuriated Chaosdramon into attacking the Royal Knight with his virus injecting missiles. "KILL THE KNIGHT!"

Oblivion Ascent 08-01-2011 07:00 PM

Examon thought this over.

The NeonGuilmon side was torn between returning to his old comrades, or sticking with the ones here, while the Siggy side was almost completely against it.

However, when Omnimon and BlackWarGreymon tussled for the briefest of moments, and the latter spoke of taking partners hostage, they remembered BlackWarGreymon's situation. They thought, and then it struck them.

This was an opportunity that could work to everyone's advantage.

"Very well, we will return," Both sides said, in unison.

"However, there is a situation here that needs to be resolved. That situation threatens this world, and likely ours as well. In the best interests of both worlds, I request that you allow the others to follow, so they can convene with Him."

Mattmanganon 08-01-2011 07:14 PM

"very well, they need to come to have their Memories erased." said Omnimon "The very fact that you have fused with a human is inexcusable for a Royal Knight." Said Omnimon. he deflected the hook and missiles with his sword with minimal effort. "the Digital world and Human world have been began to converge, the only way to resolve this is to completely seperate the 2, as such the children will come with us to the digital world and have their memories erased and their Digimon returned." said Omnimon.

"no." said BlackWarGreymon. "the Children have been given Digimon in order to avert the coming disaster. removing them from their partners will bring about the end of both worlds." said BlackWarGreymon.

"Quiet, insolent curr." Said Omnimon he fired a shot from his Garurucannon at BlackWarGreymon, MadLeomon ran and kicked the shot away from BlackWarGreymon. it understood that if Omnimon got his way, they would never see Dirk or Lucas again. it then growled at Omnimon and then lashed at him with the Chainsaw. it clashed with the Sword. "you are no match for me." said Omnimon. "come quietly and this will be easier." said Omnimon.

Oblivion Ascent 08-01-2011 07:28 PM

Upon hearing Omnimon out, Examon just crossed his arms.

"I'm sorry, but that isn't going to happen. We have a purpose here, and what you suggest will destroy that purpose."

vincanity0011210 08-01-2011 07:39 PM

The anger was staying very neutral in Chaosdramon as he was nearly completely ignored and not getting attacked stopped him from getting angry. With another roar, but lower than before, he began to charge up the Hyper ∞ Cannon again, this time aiming it away from the four other megas and toward one of the taller buildings of the city. Chaosdramon wasn't thinking of anything about hurting the people, only the destruction of the buildings themselves. Firing the Hyper ∞ Cannon it directed it into a straight beam instead of the usual wave it fired.

Mattmanganon 08-01-2011 08:00 PM

BlackWarGreymon jumped into the way. "TERRA DESTROYER!!!" he brought up a giant ball and threw it to colide with the end of the beam. Omnimon saw this and joined BlackWarGreymon by firing his Garurucannon to combine with the Terra Destroyed and create an ultra powerful ball of energy headed at Chaosdramon.

PsychoScythe 08-01-2011 09:38 PM

Lucas snorted at Omnimon's proclamation. "Go to hell, asshole!" He yelled at the Royal Knight. There was no way that Lucas would consent to having his memories erased and losing his partner. If Omnimon thought that they'd take this lying down, then he was goddamned retarded. "You seriously think we'd want our memories erased and lose our partners? Have you considered that just maybe, we'd object to this plan?" Lucas was in prime snark form, the sarcasm dripping off his every word. "Having our memories erased sounds just f_cking wonderful." He continued, looking slightly pissed. "That's why I feel no guilt when I say this: MadLeomon, kill this asshole!"

MadLeomon leapt at Omnimon right after he launched his attack at Chaosdramon, hoping to disembowel the Royal Knight with his chainsaw.

Mattmanganon 08-01-2011 10:12 PM

Omnimon easily blocked the attack and kicked MadLeomon. "i don't expect you to come because you consent." he then shot MadLeomon in the chest with the Garurucannon. MadLeomon fell to the ground and lay there for a short while. "i expect you to come because you have no choice." said Omnimon. "for the sake of both worlds." he said. at that point, another 2 portals opened. stepping through was Dynasmon and Crusadermon.

"my lord, thou looks as though thou mayhaps have a problem." said Dynasmon

"you 2 do not need to be here." said Omnimon.

"oh don't mind me my lord." said Crusadermon. "i came for a better look at the fight."

"Examon, why dost thou side with the humans, thy loyalties are to lord Yggrdrasil. thou will come back with us or thou will regret not doing so." said Dynasmon. "methinks Lord Yggdrasil will be most upset with thou as is. why not cut thy losses and return with us."

"and you children, you will no longer be forced to fight, you can return to your normal lives." said Crusadermon.

Vocalia 08-01-2011 10:56 PM

Zei's eyes flashed the instant Crusadermon suggested that they returned to their normal lives. She saw how lowly the Royal Knights saw their position and neither her nor DoruGreymon were happy. Standing up, she glared at Omnimon

"No, I don't think so..." Zei stood up as the pain in her head subsided. "It's true that we want to return to our normal lives, but now that I have accepted this task upon myself, I have no intention on turning back on my own decision. I don't know about everyone else, but I don't want to part from my partner!"

"What she said." DoruGreymon turned to Omnimon. "Does it ever occur to you that we, together, could bring an end to the trouble that befalls our home?" The Digimon hissed.

"To be frank, I'm sick of being told what to do!"

Zei's Digivice began to flash a brilliant white.

"We're not about to live in ignorance while our home is in danger!"

DoruGreymon De-Digivolved into Dorumon.

"And if you think we're just gonna sit on our asses and let you do as you please..."

A white energy ring surrounded Zei's body.



'Full Emotional Synchronization Achieved. BIOMERGE Commencing...'

Zei picked up her Digivice, now a pure white device with no other color on it.

"Digisoul Charge! OVERDRIVE!"

With a roar, Dorumon dispersed into light sparks and entered Zei's Digivice. The ring around her body soon multiplied from one to two, from two to four, up until they covered her completely head to toe. The rings then contracted and covered her body and skin completely before her Digivice exploded into a multitude of colorful rays and covered Zei's body in a rainbow light sphere.

Mattmanganon 08-01-2011 11:22 PM

Dirk watched in mute amazement as Zei Biomerged.

the Royal knights watched completely unimpressed. Omnimons face didn't change at all. BlackWarGreymon took his oppertunity to launch a Terra Destroyer at the Royal knights, but as the smoke cleared from the attack, it showed them completely unaffected. without looking away from Zei and DoruGreymon, Omnimon fired his Garurucannon and knocked BlackWarGreymon out of the sky.

Vocalia 08-01-2011 11:33 PM

The rainbow sphere disappeared into a blur of black and blue as BlackWarGreymon was caught by a Digimon any of the Royal Knights might not expect.

"Omnimon, I never recall this ever being a proper way to treat one's opponent." A voice came from the new entrant. It had Zei's mature tone and Dorumon's deep voice, combined together to form a masculine note, yet with a feminine accent.

Holding BlackWarGreymon in her arms, Alphamon stood with a solemn gaze. Proud yet humble in her stance, she let the Mega down gently onto the train roof.

"Are you alright?" She asked BlackWarGreymon, turning to the reluctant enemy. Her blue mantle fluttered with the passing breeze as the sunlight reflected her black armor.

Oblivion Ascent 08-01-2011 11:43 PM

Examon was too busy focusing on the other Royal Knights to notice Zei and Dorumon begin to Biomerge, so he continued to speak.

"I will say it again. I have no intention of-"

He was cut off by Omnimon blasting BlackWarGreymon, who tumbled down...

Only to be caught by Alphamon.


Examon stood there, gobsmacked, as the form of Alphamon, legendary knight of justice and power just appeared.

He stared in shock at what he was seeing.
And then he made a 'squee' noise.

"Oh. Mah. Gawd. IT'S ALPHAMON!!!"

vincanity0011210 08-01-2011 11:45 PM

Chaosdramon took the hit and ended up on the ground again, but ended up crashing through a couple buildings to reach it. Conciousness was lost almost for a minute until the yelling started from Zei and her partner. Quickly the ball of light appeared and disappeared before its eyes. Refocusing its targets, Chaosdramon noticed two new Knights on the field prior to Alphamon's appearance. Seeing them it opened up its claw from its place on the ground and did a rapid fire of the Destroyed Hook missiles.

"HATE f-fo... for. THE HATRED!" it shouted, Veemon's and Leon's voice coming through for a short moment before being taken over again.

Mattmanganon 08-01-2011 11:52 PM

"Alphamon, there is no need to side with the humans, can you not see that it will lead to the destruction of both worlds." said Omnimon.

"you are wrong." said BlackWarGreymon. he then rushed Omnimon. Omnimon punched BlackWarGreymon in the stomach with the Garurucannon and then elbowed him in the back with his other arm. he hit the ground hard. MadLeomon ran over to him to see if he was alright.

---------- Post added at 11:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:49 PM ----------

the missiles impacted the group of knights. the smoke cleared to reveal them undamaged.

Vocalia 08-01-2011 11:57 PM

Alphamon turned to Examon and gave him a friendly nod before hardening her gaze to Omnimon.

"There is a reason these humans are blessed with the assitance of Digimon. They have the potential and power to stop this and bring back peace to our world. At first glance, they may seem week, but power and strength are two different things. We have the strength and they have the power. We can do this together instead of solely relying on our own strength."

Opening the palm of her hand, several DigiCode magic squares appeared and protected BlackWarGreymon, the Digidestinied and their Digimons from Chaosdramon's attack, leaving them unschated. Alphamon herself was not harmed at all by the missiles.

PsychoScythe 08-02-2011 12:12 AM

As MadLeomon was running towards BlackWarGreymon, he suddenly collapsed and devolved back into NeoDevimon and GrapLeomon, having taken too much damage from both Kimeramon and Omnimon. MadLeomon had been damaged enough beforehand, and he never noticed it through his bloodlust, thus his devolution was forced when his form simply couldn't hold itself together anymore. GrapLeomon groaned and devolved further back into Elecmon, covered in cuts and bruises.

Lucas paid no attention to anything else that was going on, as his sole attention was focused on his injured partner. Racing over to Elecmon, Lucas knelt down next to his partner, looking extremely worried.

"Hey man, are you alright? Come on, speak to me!" He murmured, patting the wounded Digimon.

"Lucas...I'm sorry. We took too much damage from that Royal Knight's attack, and it just caught up to us. I failed you." Elecmon groaned, particles of data flowing out from his wounds.

"Dammit, don't say that! I feel so fucking useless!" He snapped, furious with himself. "I'm your partner, but you do all the work! I want to fight alongside you; I don't want to be a goddamn burden!" As Lucas finished speaking, his Digivice suddenly shone with white light, new lines of text appearing on the screen.

Synchronization rate at 100%. Level 5 functionality unlocked. Biomerge activate.

As the Digivice shined, an aura of light began to shine around Lucas as well. Elecmon's data suddenly dispersed into particles and entered Lucas's Digivice. The aura's intensity rose to the point where Lucas couldn't be seen through the light, and it covered his entire body before growing even larger. When the light finally faded, a large humanoid figure could be seen where Lucas once was. It looked like Leomon at first glance, but with some differences. His mane had grown longer and was now greyish-white, and he wore a longcoat and admiral's cap. Sheathed to his side was a long, curved blade.

Had this been one of those animes that Siggy's little sister was so fond of, a bitching metal track would probably be playing right now.

BanchoLeomon opened his eyes, and roared. The fierce battle cry could be heard from at least half a mile away, and when he finished, he smirked, cracking his knuckles.

"So, who's first?"

Mattmanganon 08-02-2011 12:15 AM

"be that as it may." said Omnimon. " so long as parts of our worlds remain in the other, they will continue to converge. the only way to stop it is by bringing all the parts of the digital world back from the human world to the digital world. that includes the Digimon." Dynasmon flew down to BlackWarGreymon and picked up BlackWarGreymon and brought him back to Omnimon.

"this knave is guilty of murder of a Royal Knight, we will deal with him back in the digital world. a Portal opened and Dynasmon walked through with the unconcious BlackWarGreymon.


the Leader sat at his desk and watched his video feed to Ruby's room in amazement as Ruby turned to light and disappeared. "w... what the hell happened?" he asked.


back at the fight. the light appeared here. it floated for a second and then followed Dynasmon through the portal. it then closed behind them. "what the hell?" Asked Dirk.

vincanity0011210 08-02-2011 12:58 AM

Chaosdramon began to glow red again, the energy from it drained almost completely. Being caught in a sphere of energy, the voices screamed out as they de-digivolved. "NOOOOooooooo!" yelled Veemon and Leon, both laying on the ground reaching up to the portal BlackWarGreymon was taken through.

"Omnimon! Your position seems to have corrupted your mind! You should allow the true leader of the Knights come back!" Veemon said, standing with the help of Leon. They tried to walk out of the crater together, Leon holding up Veemon with tear stairs on his face. "I can't believe I did that... I almost... god damn it, I corrupted us both." Leon said, trying to apologize to Veemon. Veemon understood Leon's pain, but choose to ignore it for now, more angry at Omnimon than anything else.

Mattmanganon 08-02-2011 02:25 PM

"the decision of what is to be done is not mine to make." said Omnimon. "the decision is that of Lord Yggdrasil. and he has decreed us to remove all digimon from the human world."

"who do you think is the true leader?" asked Crusadermon.

"someone without too many brain-cells." came a voice. Dirk was now down holding Impmon. "because if he knew anything, he would have known that we would force you to kill us before we went with you." he said. he looked down at Impmon the Digimon slowly looked up at him. "hey buddy."

"let... let me take him." said Impmon.

"in your condition... he'll kill you." said Dirk.

"better dead than alone." said impmon reaching out his hand. Dirk grabbed it.

"i don't have much energy to give you. you'll have to fight as Devimon." said Dirk with his eyes welling up, he knew this to be their last fight together.

"i'd fight him as Yaamon." replied Impmon. he got up and without a word he became Devimon.

Dirk looked up at Omnimon. "OMNIMON!!!" he yelled to get the large Digimons attention. "we challenge you, 1 on 1. you against Devimon." smiled Dirk. Omnimon looked at Dirk and Devimon, he saw the seriousness in the pairs eyes.

"this guesture is brave, but foolish, you know that your digimon is no match for me, i can see it in your eyes." replied Omnimon.

"well i'd prefer to go out like this than be forced to live under your rule." said Devimon.

"i accept your challenge and will show you no mercy." said Omnimon.

"i wouldn't want the disgrace." said Devimon.

"stay out of this fight you guys. this is something we have to do." said Dirk as he knew everyone was about to try to stop him.

PsychoScythe 08-02-2011 06:10 PM

BanchoLeomon buried his face in his right palm as Dirk issued his challenge to Omnimon. The part of him that was Leomon approved of the honor challenge, and of Dirk's motivations. However, the part of him that was Lucas was furious that Dirk was so goddamned stupid as to do something suicidal, and to do it alone, when he'd surely be killed. In the end, BanchoLeomon simply resolved himself to warning Dirk.

"Dirk, please reconsider." The lion called out to Dirk and Devimon. "This is suicide! If we work together, we can defeat this bastard. However, it's not my place to intervene in a duel. I'm only warning you to reconsider, but if not, then I wish you luck." Knowing the two were far too stubborn to reconsider, BanchoLeomon simply saluted them before turning to Crusadermon. If Omnimon was off limits, then he still had someone else he could battle.

"I've got Crusadermon. If Dirk falls, I'm leaving Omnimon to the rest of you." The Biomerged Digimon called out to the others, as he turned to the pink-armored Royal Knight. "Now, let's see just how far I can go at this level. Bancho Flash!" He cried, gathering his energy for a quick burst of movement. For a split second, BanchoLeomon moved so fast that all that could be seen of him was an afterimage, and then he reappeared right in front of Crusadermon, aiming a right hook at the Royal Knight's face.

Vocalia 08-02-2011 10:09 PM

Alphamon said nothing to the challenge, but she trusted Dirk's motives, albeit a somewhat foolish one at that. With a silent sigh, she stepped back from Devimon and Omnimon. The latter might be ruthless, but she believed him to be a Royal Knight of honor. However, should the sanctity of honor in the battle be tainted by anyone, even by the Royal Knights themselves, she would show no hesitation. For now, she watched the battle beside Examon in silence.

Oblivion Ascent 08-02-2011 10:28 PM

As Alphamon backed away from the fight, and joined him, Examon's excitement became especially noticeable, with the occaisional stifling of broad grins and glances.

To him, this was his birthday, easter and christmas all rolled into one. He'd always been a staunch (If somewhat secretive) believer in the legends of Alphamon, and here she (A fact that still confused him a little) was, a member of his own team.

This was amazing! They had so much to discuss, so much to plan, so much to-

'Do you want me to get you fixed?'

The 'voice' was the part of Examon that was comprised of Siggy's consciousness, which was somewhat bemused by the other part's inane and squee-riddled ramblings.

'... No.'

'Then shut up, and let me take over for a while.'


As the NeonGuilmon part of Examon gave into the other fully, the Dragon Emperor's eyes switched colour, shifting from gold to green, the colour of Siggy's eyes.

Taking full reign of his body, Examon called out to Dirk and Devimon.

"Guys, starting a fight with Omnimon in your current state would not only be the worst idea you've ever come up with, it would be the worst idea ever conceived. You follow?"

Vocalia 08-02-2011 10:54 PM

As Alphamon turned to Examon, her eyes changed to show her current state of mind. When Zei's and Dorumon's consciousness, most of the time, melded together into Alphamon herself, a pair of red orbs took precedent. However, on rare occasion, the two sides may think separately and her eye color reflected that split, her left eye becoming brown while her right retained its crimson hue. Such an example of rare times was at this moment. While Dorumon's consciousness was too busy being baffled, Zei's consciousness took the current situation into mind immediately, but she knew she couldn't interfere; Dirk was dead set in this battle of honor.

"Have faith in them, even a little one would do." Alphamon said to Examon."While I agree it's a brash decision, they have made their choice and are prepared to suffer the consequences. Please give them a chance..."

tobiax 08-02-2011 10:56 PM

Jordan was sulking in the shade of a tree next to the street. His mind had been drifting, but his train of thought was broken by a familiar thumping sound. Shrewmon came bounding from behind a bush and stood next to him.
"Jordan, I didn't think I'd find you," the rodent Digimon greeted him.
"I'm fine," Jordan replied, having understood his partner's meaning.
Jordan turned away. It wasn't like he wasn't glad to see Shrewmon again, but something about him being here still bothered him. He didn't feel like Shrewmon should trust him after what had happened.
"You still thinking about-" the digimon began.
"What'd I tell you about asking that?" Jordan interrupted.
"Sorry," Shrewmon replied, his ears lowering.
Suddenly, they perked up. Jordan heard it too, a sound like curtains blowing in the wind and ragged wings flapping. They looked down the street near simultaneously. Two Bakemon and a Vilemon were flying down the street towards them. Shrewmon leapt, turning towards the virus digimon. Jordan stood, while not making a sudden movement, he didn't move slowly either. Shrewmon took a few quick steps forward, revealing himself to the floating trio's view. Jordan reached into his pocket, looking at the scene intently.
"Eh, whatda you want?" the Vilemon screeched at the rodent Digimon.
Shrewmon bristled his fur. The Bakemon on his left raised an arm, revealing a horendous claw.
"Zombie Claw!" the digital ghost shouted.
Shrewmon leapt to the side, dodging the swipe.
"Furry Fur!" Shrewmon declared.
He fired bristling quills from his body, striking the Bakemon on the head, sending it whirling.
"Good shot pal," Jordan called out.
"Let's kick it up," Shrewmon said with a glint in his eye.
Jordan removed his hand from his pocket, retrieving his Digivice. It let out a glint of light, and in a flash, Shrewmon had Digi-volved.
"Let's get rockin'," a gravely voice called.
Grey paw like hands gripped on to the Bakemon. With a spin, he tossed the ghost away. Denomon stretched out his arms, turning to the Vilemon.
"You ready for this?" he asked, "Eruption Sparker!" he shouted.
A flare of red shot forward, striking the evil digimon in the over-sized face before he could react. He jumped back, landing with a distinct soft thump as his heavy weight came in contact with the street. He waved his tail, waiting for his opponent's next move.

Oblivion Ascent 08-02-2011 11:00 PM

Examon paused, to consider Alphamon's words.

She made a fair point, and in addition to that, the natural spirit of Examon asserted that honor should be prized and preserved.

"Very well," He said, backing down.

While he still wasn't too happy, he knew that, if push came to shove, he was more than capable of intervening and engaging Omnimon.

Vocalia 08-02-2011 11:07 PM

Alphamon nodded to Examon as her eye color changed back, the two consciousness melding back together once more. If the battle had gone far beyond its intended purpose, she would intervene together with the Royal Knight beside her. She would show them that there was a reason why she was called the Royal Knight of the Empty Seat.

Her attention was then diverted to Crusadermon and BanchoLeomon. Alphamon had always considered Crusadermon to be a unique one amongst the Royal Knight. She reserved no disliking towards the eccentric Knight, but his behaviour often caused dissent amongst the other Royal Knights. Alphamon could only watch and hope for the best. It wasn't her time to step in yet.

Mattmanganon 08-02-2011 11:24 PM

Omnimon landed and Devimon stepped forward. "this is your last chance." said Omnimon. "you could step away and no-one would think any less of you for it."

"not a chance, i know that you'll call in all of the Royal Knights in order to bring us in. trying it Alphamons way won't get us anywhere except captured." said Devimon. "i'll die on my feet thanks all the same." Omnimon withdrew his sword.

"i don't want this over too quickly." said Omnimon. Devimon charged forward and punched Omnimon in the face, he then brought his feet around and kicked him in the side of the chest. then tried to jab him the chest to use his touch of evil but his hand collided with the armour and almost broke his fingers. Devimon jumped backwards but was cought by the WarGreymon head and slammed into the ground. Omnimon then punched him with the Garurumon head and then again with the Wargreymon head, and then 5 more times with alternating hands.

"you have done well to live." said Omnimon. "but please concede to defeat and escape with your life." he then turned around and began to walk away. at that point, he felt as Devimon jumped on his back, he then managed to pull Omnimon onto his back and then jumped ontop of him slashing furiously with his claws.

"YOU'RE HOLDING BACK!!! I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO THAT!!!" yelled Devimon. Omnimon easily threw him off and then shot him with the Garurucannon. Devimon fell to the ground. and Dirk rushed over to him.

"you alright?" asked Dirk.

"i'll live." replied Devimon weakly.

"it's just like when we first met..." laughed Dirk. "you were dying like this only you were fighting Parrotmon, remember how we got out of that last time?" asked Dirk.

"of course. we became Beelzemon." replied Devimon.

"you wanna try it again?" asked Dirk.

"well... you only live once." replied Devimon. Dirk hugged Devimon. the 2 began to glow. the 2 lights formed into one. Omnimon watched them.

"so... you believe you are strong enough to defeat me now?" asked Omnimon. Beelzemon shakily got to his feet.

"yeah... i think i can take you." said Beelzemon. he shot forward and clawed Omnimons chest, Omnimon drew the Transcendent Sword and brought it down on Beelzemon, but Beelzemons tail intercepted the attack by grabbing his arm and holding it in place. Beelzemon then quickly drew one of his guns and pointed it directly at Omnimons chest. "you still think you're the strongest?" asked Beelzemon. he pulled the trigger and Beelzemon was thrown backwards. Omnimon landed on his back and Beelzemon walked over to him and looked at Omnimon's chest. he was shocked to find no damage what-so-ever.

"i do not believe myself to be the strongest." said Omnimon, he rose to his feet and got pointed the cannon at Beelzemon. "but i am stronger than you." said Omnimon.

PsychoScythe 08-03-2011 02:57 AM

To his credit, Crusadermon just barely managed to duck under the first punch BanchoLeomon threw before the lion Digimon drove his left fist into Crusadermon's gut, knocking the Royal Knight back, stumbling.

"Oh, so forward. I like that in a man." The obviously gay Royal Knight spoke in a soft voice before becoming fiercer. "But you've sullied my armor. I'm afraid I can't stand for that. I'll have to kill you. A shame, really." Crusadermon formed a sword from the metal ribbon on his shoulder and charged at BanchoLeomon, who deflected Crusadermon's blade with his own sword. Both Digimon were caught in a blade lock, and seemed to be of equal strength. Seeing that clashing blades together would do nothing, Crusadermon switched tactics.

"Urgent Fear!" He cried out, firing a sonic wave from his shield. The attack caught BanchoLeomon off guard, and he was sent flying a few feet until he hit the dirt. Groaning, BanchoLeomon got up, looking annoyed. He refused to show it, but that attack had hurt like a bitch. Fine, two could play at that game. Shifting his blade to a reverse grip, BanchoLeomon charged at Crusadermon again. The Royal Knight prepared to meet him, and charged as well, but just before they clashed, BanchoLeomon flickered away in a Bancho Flash, appearing just behind Crusadermon, and slashed at the pink-armored Digimon. Crusadermon whirled around in time to parry the sword slash, but BanchoLeomon was prepared for this, and launched a left hook at Crusadermon's face with his free hand. This time, the punch connected, and the Royal Knight was knocked over, falling to the ground.

As BanchoLeomon went in with his sword for a killing blow, Crusadermon leapt back up to his feet and slammed the lion Digimon in the face with his shield, knocking him down to the ground. Snarling at each other, both Digimon began to trade blows once more, appearing evenly matched.

tobiax 08-03-2011 06:44 PM

The Vilemon dashed forwards in the air, slashing Denomon on the chest with its claws.
He let out a scream of anguish, "Auuggh!"
He glared at the flying fiend. He slammed his hands against its head. The Vilemon struggled against the burly Digimon's grip, but failed to free itself. Denomon hurled the Vilemon into the ground.
"Earthquake Stomp!"
Denomon brought his heel to the ground, sending a shock wave roaring towards the virus Digimon. A chasm opened in the road and blasted rubble at the Vilemon as the shock wave connected. The black bat-like Digimon was sent sprawling. Denomon turned on his heel and spread his arms, facing the still dazed Bakemon.
"Eruption Sparker!"
The explosive blast tore through the air, blasting the ghost Digimon with fire and earthy shrapnel. It hesitated for a moment, floating in the air with a devastated look on its face. It extended a sheet-like arm, as if trying to hang on to something. It lingered like that for no more than a second, then burst into a flurry of tiny particles which disappeared into the air.
Denomon grabbed the feet of the shocked Vilemon, lifting it into the air. He spun and flung it into the remaining Bakemon, who had been stark still from shock nearly this whole time.

Mattmanganon 08-03-2011 11:04 PM

Beelzemon rushed forward and dodged 2 shots from the Garurucannon. he got close and slashed him with the claws, then jumped over him an wrapped his tail around his neck pulling him over and slamming the large Digimon into the ground then he quickly turned around and pulled out his guns "DEATH SLINGER!!!" he began to fire a hail of bullets at the downed knight. as the dust cleared, Omnimon got up. his armour was slightly grazed but no apparent damage.

"your skill is extraordinary and your bravery admirable." said Omnimon. "but you must realise your folly, you cannot harm me, nothing has ever harmed me."

"well, then we're going to be the first to make god bleed." said Beelzemon. "if it costs us our lives, you will bleed." said Beelzemon. he then rushed forward and began a series of punches and kicks on the chest of Omnimon. "DARKNESS CLAW!!!" he then lashed forward with his claws all pointed into a sharp spike, the claws impacted his chest and then slowly scraped the armour.

"transcendent sword!" said Omnimon bringing his sword down on Beelzemon. Beelzemon jumped out of the way but Omnimon moved behind him with lightning speed and brought his sword down. it drove into Beelzemons shoulder, Beelzemon quickly moved out of the way before it could take his arm off, he backed away and grabbed his shoulder in pain. Omnimon walked over to Beelzemon and pointed the sword at his throat "fear not, the pain will only last an instant." said Omnimon drawing his sword back and ready to impale Beelzemon. Beelzemon looked at BlackWarGreymons shield that was lying next to him. his arm reached out and grabbed it. "still trying to win?" asked Omnimon.

"nope, just making you bleed." the Shield disolved and became data that was absorbed by Beelzemon. he then smiled. Omnimon lashed out and impaled Beelzemon. Beelzemon lay on the end of Omnimons blade. he then snickered and coughed up some blood. "you... lose..." said Beelzemon. he grasped the blade in his hand, his other arm then became the Carona blaster from his Blast Mode and he pointed it at Omnimons face. Omnimon incapable of getting away from him tried to shake him off but Beelzemon drew the pentagram. "CARONA DESTROYER!!!!" the blast lanced out and engulfed Omnimon. the blast finished and the smoke cleared to reveal Omnimon had been blown backwards by the attack, the Transcendent sword had broken off about 2 inches forward of Beelzemons hand that was holding it. Omnimon got up, one of his eyes was closed and a small trickly of blood ran down it. "you... b... bl... bled..." said Beelzemon. Omnimon opened a portal.

"come Crusadermon, we are leaving." said Omnimon stepping through. Crusadermon floated down to the portal. and then looked up at BanchoLeomon.

"Ciao handsome. until we meet again." he said blowing the Lion pirate a kiss and stepping through. Beelzemon's cannon arm transformed back into his normal hand. the blade contained immense power. Beelzemon absorbed it and the hole in his chest healed over. the demonic biker then transformed back into Dirk and Kiimon. Dirk's shirt had a hole in it and was covered in blood.

Vocalia 08-03-2011 11:26 PM

Alphamon made no hurry to approach Dirk, Zei's consciousness taking majority of control that very moment. Her armored hand traced over the spot where Beelzemon's wound previously was while another one held his back.. "You are being brash, Dirk. Why did you do this?" She asked, her crimson and chestnut brown eyes glared at him. While she was grateful that the two were unharmed, she still saw the carelessness of their decision.

Oblivion Ascent 08-03-2011 11:34 PM

As Omnimon and Crusadermon retreated, beaten and broken, Examon did the Digimon equivalent of the middle finger.

"Yes... Little men run like itty-bitty baby cowards," He muttered, in imitation of a character from a game that the Siggy part of him occasionally played.

Putting that to the side, he also made his way over to Dirk, crouching right down to get a better look at the (To him) tiny human.
"Not your smartest move, but at least you pulled it off..."

Mattmanganon 08-03-2011 11:38 PM

Dirk openned an eye and coughed up a little blood. "because... he... would... have... hurt... every... one." he panted. "it... was... the... only... way..."

PsychoScythe 08-04-2011 12:13 AM

BanchoLeomon laughed as Omnimon and Crusadermon fled. "Yeah, I dare ya, rage quit! C'mon, make us both happy!" He taunted, switching his voice to a Bronx accent in homage to a certain fast runner from one of Lucas's favorite shooters.

Noticing Dirk, he shook his head ruefully and walked over to the teen, kneeling down next to him. "You know, Dirk, another way would've been all of us ganging up on him and beating him down. That might've worked, you know. Just saying." The Lucas side of him snarked as he glanced worriedly at Dirk's condition. "You know, we should probably get you to a hospital. Coughing up blood usually means you've got internal bleeding."

Mattmanganon 08-04-2011 12:20 AM

"someone... could... have... been... hurt... i don't... mind... if it's... me..." wheezed Dirk. kiimon jumped up and down on his Dirks head. he looked at everyone. "sorry..." he said.

Vocalia 08-04-2011 12:58 AM

Alphamon nodded and gently patted Kiimon and Dirk. "Let's get you both alive first. We can pursue Omnimon later on." She lifted Dirk, and Kiimon, in her arms, carrying him in a bridal style with his Digimon partner on his body. Her eyes returning to their normal state again, she turned to her group. "We have to regroup and recover before we can go any further. Any attempts of pursuit will be for naught at this stage."

vincanity0011210 08-04-2011 02:31 AM

Veemon and Leon were still limping to join the group. After a few steps Leon got his own strength together and did a limping run towards Dirk. Reaching him Leon slid in the dirt to get next to them. "Hey man. How you feeling? I think we may need to stitch some shit up here... and now I think I understand that dark side mind set you went through a little better." he said, his voice shaking like his body. The digivolution and actually trying to fight the Royal Knights hurt his muscles, but that didn't compare to the feeling of actually wanting to destroy his friends.

Looking back to Examon, Leon let out a sigh of desperation. "Sigs, Guilmon, I'm sorry. I almost took it out on you... that was pretty shitty of me."

"Yeah, but I think everyone'll get over it. Now at least we have more of a reason for rescuing BlackWarGreymon and his Digidestined." Veemon said, holding his damaged arm. Looking up at Examon he hit the Royal Knight on the leg. "Theres my old buddy! At full strength I see."[COLOR="Silver"]

tobiax 08-04-2011 03:52 AM

The Vilemon and Bakemon scattered in a panic. Having felt the power of Denomon themselves, and seeing how easily he dispatched the other Bakemon, they didn't want to risk their necks fighting him.
A flash of light enveloped the burly Digimon, and began to shrink.
"Well that was no fun," Shrewmon said, looking towards Jordan.
"Just be thankful that they were only the weak ones. You know how hard it is to take an Ultimate from a level down," he replied to his companion.
"About as hard as getting to Ultimate in the real world. Hey when are we going back?" the mouse-like digimon asked.
"It'd have to be you, we wouldn't be going back. Besides, I haven't the foggiest about how to get back, good for them," his partner replied.
"You know it wasn't your fault," Shrewmon comforted.
"I didn't stop it, did I? The guilt is as much mine as ever, meybe more. I don't think..." he trailed off.
"It healed up fine, I'm sure," the digimon replied.
They stayed there in contemplative silence. Shrewmon under the shade of the tree, Jordan sitting against the trunk.
"Wanna go have some tea?" the digimon offered after a short while.
Jordan stood slowly, turning to look down the street, opposite the direction the virus digimon had come and gone.
"If it'll make you feel better," Jordan responded thoughtfully.
"I'm not the one who needs it," Shrewmon said.
They began walking down the street in a comfortable silence, two long-time friends walking towards the town.

Mattmanganon 08-04-2011 12:04 PM

Dirk tried to sit up. "come on... stop giving... me... all the... love... lets... give... Leon... some..." Dirk wheezed. "i... i know... how... it... feels..." he said to Leon. "it... feels... good... but... you... were... stronger... than... i was... you... didn't... hurt... anyone..." he half laughed, half coughed. "you... didn't... chunder... either..." he laughed.

Oblivion Ascent 08-04-2011 03:25 PM

As Leon began to apologize, Examon turned to look at him.

Truth be-told, the Siggy part was still somewhat annoyed with him.
However, the relief at seeing Leon and Veemon defusing from Chaosdramon overrid that annoyance, and the Siggy part conceded that giving Leon a dressing down wouldn't be a good idea in this situation.

"No worries," Examon boomed, "No harm done. Just glad you two are ok after that ordeal..."

At this point, he turned his attention to Veemon, who had just made a rather enthusiastic comment on his return.
Automatically, Examon's eyes turned yellow again, the NeonGuilmon side regaining control, before breaking into an excited rant.

"Yes indeed! The Dragon Emperor is back, and he's alive and kicking! Heathens and curs beware!"

Vocalia 08-04-2011 03:39 PM

Alphamon patted Leon on the head gently, glad to see that her allies and friends were unharmed. As she listened to Veemon and Examon, the Mega Digimon couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle.

"It's good to see you in high spirit, Examon." She said politely. "In fact, it has been quite a long time since I've seen anyone in such high spirit..." She mused, her simple words hiding a somber longing for peace in her own home world.

Noticing Dirk trying to sit up, Alphamon gently moved her hand up his back to help him up while keeping the man in her arms. She didn't seem to mind any awkward implications this might have on her.

tobiax 08-04-2011 10:25 PM

They had walked down the street and reached the door to Jordan's apartment. Luckily his parents weren't home, so there was no reason to hide Shrewmon. He kicked off his shoes and shuffled inside. The apartment, or at least the living room and kitchen, were quite bright, mainly a light blue color. The bright colors only increased Jordan's dark mood. He shook it off, setting his family's small tea pot on the stove. Shrewmon wandered around the room, standing on the couch, crawling under the table, and sniffing at a bag of chips. When the tea was ready, Jordan poured them both small cups full. Jordan's mind drifted as he held the tea, staring blindly at the ceiling. He began to think of that day, four years ago, when everything had gone so wrong.
"You ok?" Shrewmon asked thoughtfully.
"I'm fine," Jordan replied dismissively, not really paying attention.

Oblivion Ascent 08-05-2011 12:20 AM

Taking a good look at Alphamon, Examon tilted his head, his eyes becoming green again.

"You know, you're awfully laid back for someone who's just become one of the strongest beings in existance. I always expected Alphamon to be a grandiose figure."

He spoke more out of amusement than anything else. The NeonGuilmon side of himself was getting annoyed at him for his words, but he ignored that.

Vocalia 08-05-2011 12:30 AM

"A legend is bigger than the man." She replied calmly, her crimson eyes looking into Examon's green eyes. "In all honesty, I never feel special. Regardless of my status or power, I would rather just be myself." Alphamon turned to Examon. "You're also awfully exuberant for a Royal Knight with such a high status."The female Digimon chuckled and gave him an amused rebuttal to his previous remark of her attitude. Contrary to her myth, Alphamon was rather informal and prefered to be acquainted to her allies. That was not to say she couldn't be dead serious when the situation called.

Oblivion Ascent 08-05-2011 12:40 AM

As Alphamon quite eloquently defused the myths surrounding her, Examon nodded, easily following what she was saying.

And when she made note of his own dissonant behavior, the great Dragon Emperor's eyes became yellow once more, before he did something rather bizarre, and performed his equivalent of a blush.

"Uh... Well, considering how almost every other member of the inner circle seems to have taken to stoicism and aloofness, exuberance helps balance things out..."

Mattmanganon 08-05-2011 12:40 AM

"you'll always... be special... to all of... us." wheezed Dirk. he then caughed up a little more blood. "ok... i think... i'll check... myself... into a... a hospital..." he wheezed.

PsychoScythe 08-05-2011 12:42 AM

"No shit." BanchoLeomon muttered under his breath, his eyes shifting from green to brown, signifying that Lucas had assumed direct control.

"We're still miles from the city, though. Alphamon, you want me to take him? I can run pretty damned fast."

Vocalia 08-05-2011 12:51 AM

"You have a point." Alphamon nodded to Examon. Deep down, she was smiling, relieved that she didn't have to make more enemies as it was. Her attention swiftly turned to Dirk's deteriorating condition and BanchoLeomon's offer. With a quick nod, she carefully handed the man to the Mega Digimon. "Godspeed, BanchoLeomon. I will catch up with you as fast as I could. I doubt that humans find my form to be would presentable at this state."

PsychoScythe 08-05-2011 01:01 AM

With a respectful nod towards the Royal Knight, BanchoLeomon took Dirk from Alphamon's hands and hefted the man onto his back.

"Hold on tight now." BanchoLeomon muttered to Dirk.
"It's going to be a bumpy ride."

And with that, BanchoLeomon flickered away, an orange blur racing towards Tokyo...

vincanity0011210 08-05-2011 06:25 AM

Leon and Veemon shared a look then continued to watch Alphamon and Examon's actions. The back and forth was getting tiring so Leon stumbled over to Veemon and they sat together on the ground. After a couple minutes Veemon devolved into DemiVeemon, his energy completely drained.

"You know Vee, I wonder what it's like when two Biomerged digimon try to go at it." Leon said in a casual tone as he laid back on the ground, content with not moving for a short while.

"I don't know... OH EXAMON AND ALPHAMON! CAN YOU HELP US WITH A PROBLEM?!" shouted the small digimon, ready to feign innocence in his adorable form to get out of the trouble he was about to cause.

Vocalia 08-05-2011 07:37 AM

Alphamon turned to DemiVeemon and kneeled down to look at him. "What is it, little one?" She asked in a gentle, almost motherly tone although her current form would most likely be intimidating and brutish, a complete dissonance to her tone of speech.

Oblivion Ascent 08-05-2011 11:21 AM

As Alphamon turned her attention to DemiVeemon, Examon followed suit.

"What's troubling you, little buddy?" He asked, one of his eyes switching to green.

PsychoScythe 08-05-2011 01:46 PM

BanchoLeomon flickered into a side alley half a block away from the nearest hospital in Tokyo. Making sure that no one was around, he devolved back into Lucas and Elecmon, with Lucas supporting Dirk on his shoulder.

"Come on, man. Hospital's only half a block away." Lucas said to his friend, helping him through the hospital doors. Meanwhile, Elecmon scurried into an air vent, following the two through the ventilation system. After Lucas checked Dirk into the hospital, Dirk was immediately taken to the emergency room. Internal bleeding is a damned serious issue, after all. Lucas merely sat in the waiting room, hoping that Dirk would come out fine.

vincanity0011210 08-05-2011 06:38 PM

(Whens the timeskip?)

"So what would it look like if two Royal Knights made out?!" DemiVeemon yelled, jumping up and down on Leon's stomach. It was uncomfortable, but Leon didn't pay attention to it as he was too busy laughing his ass of at DemiVeemon's comment. "Oh, if Lucas was here... I'll make sure to share this with him later." Leon muttered to himself, thinking of the hilarity later.

Mattmanganon 08-05-2011 07:20 PM

((sorry about no time-skip, my laptop battery died and i was too tired to plug it in and turn it back on and then write the time-skip post.))

well, i have been in hospital for 4 days, and today i'm busting out, i hate these places and i swear i'll kill Lucas for bringing me in. but seriously, i am not happy to be here, the bed is uncomfortable, the operation cost money which my insurance isn't happy about and to top it all off, the food is horrific. 1 more day of this and i'll go nuts. so anyway, i haven't been able to get on my laptop to write about whats been happening, Kate brought it here this morning. so anyway, we were attacked by several Royal Knights, after a scuffle with Omnimon, i was left with internal bleeding and i got the bastards eye, though i don't know the extent of the damage, i focused everything into one attack on his face at point blank range. however the only way i could get into that position was getting impaled on his sword first. it hurt. then i was taken to hospital, almost died but pulled through, everyone has been visiting regularly, Zei thinks i'm a fucking idiot for doing it, NeonGuilmon seems to be looking at me with a little more respect now, very few people face Omnimon and live to tell about it, much less make him retreat... however, he took BlackWarGreymon with him... i'll get him back, though.

Impmon has been sitting on the chair next to my bed for a while, i had to convince everyone at the hospital that he's a toy, i don't think he'll forgive me for letting the kids ward have him yesterday, he came back with a bow in his hair, unfortunately i didn't get a picture... so now i'm sneaking out and am going to meet the others and find a way to get to the digital world and rescue BlackWarGreymon. still, just before Dynasmon (one of the Royal Knights) disappeared with BlackWarGreymon, a strange light followed him... i wonder what it is... anyway, i'm about to get out of here, if i succeed then i'll say so later

Dirk closed his Laptop lid and then got out of bed, he pulled off his patients gown and pulled on his Jeans, teeshirt and a Leather bikers jacket that he had got. Impmon then jumped up and became Yaamon. "Behemoths right outside." he said.

"good." Dirk picked up Yaamon and his helmet appeared. Dirk then grabbed his laptop and pulled the Morphine and heart monitoring tubes out of his hand and the alarm went off, Dirk quickly exited the cubical and walked off down the corridor making sure that no-body knew it was him underneath the helmet. he then looked back to see a doctor rush into his cubical and find an absence of Dirk. Dirk then walked outside and got on behemoth and rode away. he pulled up outside of Lucas' flat. today was the day for their meeting, he got off and Behemoth Disappeared, Yaamon then became Impmon again. they walked up the stairs and knocked on the door to Lucas' flat.

Vocalia 08-05-2011 11:12 PM

4 days had passed since the scuffle between the Digidestinied and the Royal Knights. Zei and Dorumon had been visiting Dirk while they were in the hospital. Zei still couldn't get over the fact about Dirk's injury and, to be frank, Dorumon couldn't blame her either.

When Zei told Dorumon about the Biomerge they did and what they had become, Dorumon was shocked; apparently she couldn't remember anything at all after the Biomerge commenced. Zei was equally confused since she remembered everything, but she decided not to press matters too far. Zei was still too flustered from DemiVeemon's question and, upon learning what he had asked, Dorumon made a mental note to kill the blue Digimon later on.

One other strange thing Dorumon noticed was NeonGuilmon's behaviour. During their third visit, they happened to bump into Siggy and NeonGuilmon. His behaviour was, according to Dorumon, downright creepy. He seemed to see her with something close to adoration. Zei had a clue to that, but Dorumon was left in the helplessness of not knowing what had transpired.

Now, the two were on their way to Lucas' flat, carrying their bread ration. Zei noticed Dirk arriving on the Behemoth. "Dirk, aren't you supposed to stay in the hospital?" She frowned.

Oblivion Ascent 08-05-2011 11:34 PM

As Siggy turned the corner that lead to Lucas's apartment, he stopped, and looked down at NeonGuilmon.

"Now, behave. I think your behavior has been freaking Dorumon out recently."

NeonGuilmon stared up at him.


"No buts, behave."

"Whatever, DAD..."

"You sound like James..."

"Please don't compare me to the Other One. He scares me."

Chuckling a little, Siggy just carried on walking, NeonGuilmon following.

Ari wasn't with him today. Their parents were coming back from their long shift at work today, and Siggy reckoned that she would be fine for a few hours on her own.

That, and there was a Gurren Lagann Special on TV, so she would be too engrossed in that to get up to any mischief.

Anyway, ascending the stairs that lead to Lucas's floor, he noticed Zei and Dirk.

"Morning," He said, keeping an eye on NeonGuilmon.

Mattmanganon 08-05-2011 11:41 PM

"yeah yeah, that's what the doctor said, but they said that they only needed me in for observation... that, plus they don't know how i did it, i mean what could i tell them. "yeah i got impaled on a sword from a big fucking monster." i'd be shipped off to the nut bin."

"yeah well i'm glad we're out of there." said Impmon.

"oh, but they loved you in the kids ward. i've never seen kids with leukaemia look so happy. well that's his good deed for the year done, not killing kids that want something fluffy to play with and your bow was just adorable." he said. "look... i was wondering..." at that point Siggy came along. "oh, hi Siggy, how are you today?" he laughed nervously

Vocalia 08-05-2011 11:47 PM

Zei seemed curious about what Dirk wanted to ask, but Siggy's arrival seemed to have abruptly cut it short. "Good morning." She smiled to the pair. Upon seeing NeonGuilmon, Dorumon's fur stood on its end and she began to shudder, anticipating any fanboy reaction, as she had termed it, from NeonGuilmon.

Oblivion Ascent 08-05-2011 11:56 PM

Smiling at Zei, he replied with another 'Good Morning', before turning his attention to Dirk.

"I'm fine. Also, how come you're out the hospital? I didn't think you were supposed to be discharged for a few days?"

Looking out from around Siggy's legs, NeonGuilmon caught sight of Dorumon.
A creepy grin spread over his face, and he began to chuckle inanely...

Before Siggy nudged him with his foot.

"Do I have to get you fixed?"

Mattmanganon 08-06-2011 12:02 AM

"i discharged myself." replied Dirk.

Vocalia 08-06-2011 12:06 AM

Zei was about to scold Dirk for running away from the hospital when she noticed Dorumon shivering in fear. Her tail was neatly tucked between her legs and her eyes widened as she looked at NeonGuilmon. Zei wanted to help, but she didn't know what to do. Dorumon gulped as she made her way behind Zei's legs. The girl was wearing a white pants with black bird motif across her leg, matching white v-neck shirt with black birds across her shirt, a blue sweater tied around her shoulders, a simple leather belt a white hair band and black sandals. She was carrying a long stick-like item covered in brown cloth on her back.

tobiax 08-06-2011 03:12 AM

Jordan pushed the door open, crumpling an empty cardboard box with it as he left. His family had moved down the street, but they had somehow gotten the apartment to look the same. It was as if the same architect had built every complex in town; it was even the same bright shade of blue. He closed the door behind him with a whoosh and a click. The move hadn't effected much, but it put a damper on his brooding. He pulled the high collar of his pullover up, sliding the zipper down to just enough so that it didn't jab into his mouth. He crossed his long sleeved arms. He had nearly a score of nearly identical pullovers, each a different color. He brushed a white fuzz off of one of the black squares of nylon. They adorned each of these fall jackets, even the black one which hung in his closet like a ghost. He continued down that hall, passing a large window. Shrewmon wriggled out from behind a curtain.
"Goin' for a walk?" he asked his partner.
Jordan pulled down his pale green shirt. It wasn't that he specifically cared about how he looked, as exhibited by his messy hair, but it had bunched up uncomfortably.
"Yeah, figured I'd hang at the park or something, you coming?" Jordan replied.
"If I wasn't, would I have asked?" the mouse-like Digimon retorted.
Jordan and his digital companion walked on, passing door after uneventful door. Then, he stopped cold. There was a group of people standing around one particular door. It wasn't the people that were a concern, but the fact that for each person there was a Digimon standing beside them. Jordan took his next step slowly, maybe if he was quiet enough and just walked by, they wouldn't notice him.
'What are they doing here?' he thought to himself.
One of them looked innocent enough, but he couldn't identify it. The other two almost sent shivers down his spine. He paused a moment, glaring at one of them. He was almost sure it was a virus, a dark Digimon. He stepped carefully, slowly, hoping they wouldn't notice him. Shrewmon remained silent, standing behind Jordan and trying not to be seen.

Vocalia 08-06-2011 03:41 AM

Dorumon caught a scent of newcomers and turned to see a man with another Digimon. "Stop!" She said with a strong, authoritative voice and cautiously approached the pair. The man seemed normal while his partner looked like a giant sewer rat in her opinion. "Who are you?" She asked with a glared, baring some of her sharp fangs.

Zei turned to Jordan and noticed a Digimon trying to hide behind him. "I'm sorry, but it's not wise to try and hide from us." She said with a calm, yet cautious tone. The girl looked at studied Jordan and Shrewmon closely. "May I ask who you are all? We won't hurt you if you don't hurt us."

Mattmanganon 08-06-2011 05:48 PM

"hi." Dirk welcomed the new-comer. "my name is Dirk, i'm the pain-magnet of the group." he said, then Leon came in and slapped Dirk on the back, Dirk almost doubled over, but managed to remain upright. "thanks, that helped." said Dirk. he then looked at the new-comer. "yeah, my latest injury was being impaled... but i'm a man, i just walked it off."

tobiax 08-06-2011 07:10 PM

Jordan smirked, "I've seen a Veemon before," he paused a moment, "In fact, the only ones I don't have a clue about are these two," he said, pointing at Dorumon and NeonGuilmon.
Jordan rolled back his shoulders. He had a feeling that these guys were fairly new.
"This is Shrewmon," he continued, "say hi."
With that, Shrewmon stepped forward, he was a little intimidated by the size of NeonGuilmon. He sniffed the air, waved his tail, and greeted the other Digimon.
"Hi, I'm Shrewmon," he said, "Who are you?"
Shrewmon stood, calm and still. He wasn't sure how exactly the other Digimon would greet him; it had been a long time since he had met any Digimon with human partners.
"Alright Dirk, I'm Jordan, what's this you guys are up to?" he asked, half interested.

PsychoScythe 08-06-2011 08:24 PM

"Tatsumaki Senpukyaku!" GrapLeomon cried out, performing a Cyclone Kick, finishing off a Mummymon. Lucas just shook his head and facepalmed while GrapLeomon absorbed the defeated Digimon's data.

"Street Fighter? Seriously, man?" Lucas asked his Digimon in exasperation as he devolved back to Elecmon, the two making their way back to Lucas's apartment. Elecmon simply shrugged sheepishly as they entered the apartment building lobby, the two quickly heading up the stairs.

As the duo reached Lucas's floor, they were slightly surprised to see a newcomer among the group waiting outside Lucas's door. Taking it in stride, Lucas raised his hand in greeting and went to unlock his apartment door, letting everyone inside.

"Yo guys, sorry I'm late. There was a Mummymon, and he was being a pain in the ass. Who's the new guy?"

tobiax 08-06-2011 08:57 PM

Jordan tugged up his collar, nodding to Shrewmon. It was getting a little crowded, and whatever they were doing, they seemed to have it well in hand.
"Just passing though," Jordan said, slightly dismissively.
He began to push past the group, heading down the hall. He had some brooding to catch up on.
His analytical mind kicked up as he took a closer look at the approaching pair. Seeing the Elecmon triggered a chain of thoughts, Data type, Mammal Digimon, Leomon. Leomon... His eye began to twitch, the train of thought drudging up a painful memory. His companion's voice returned him to reality.
"Jordan, we should help them," the rodent Digimon pleaded, "It'll help..."

Vocalia 08-07-2011 12:28 AM

Zei blushed vividly when Leon gave her a kiss on her cheek. She wasn't used to such an open expression of affection due to her reserved upbringing. Her attention was snapped back onto Jordan when Lucas came by. By then, he seemed to have elected to leave.

Dorumon didn't utter a single word or move an inch. She really dislike Jordan, but she knew well that she would do the same if she was in his shoes, at least when she was still her old self. It's funny to think that I used to act like that around everyone else... She thought to herself as a past memory flashed in her mind. Shaking the bad memory off, she huffed and turned to Zei. "He won't be missed." She said curtly. While she disliked Jordan, Shrewmon didn't seem to be so bad, but she was still suspicious nonetheless.

tobiax 08-07-2011 12:54 AM

Shrewmon gave Dorumon a bit of a sideways look, "Hey, be nice," he said in a gently playful tone.
Shrewmon then gave Jordan a look, one that said he should stay and help them. Jordan had other ideas.
'Maybe she met me before... either way, she's probably right to dislike me,' he thought to himself.
"I think I'll head out," he said, "Shrewmon, you can do what you want, I'm not that hard for you to find, right?"
Jordan began to walk away. Shrewmon was slightly torn, he wasn't sure if he should go with Jordan and try to talk him into helping, or stay and make new friends. He walked in a small circle and sat, his tail curled around his body. He looked towards Jordan with concern, hoping he would come back to help alleviate his confusion.

Vocalia 08-07-2011 01:02 AM

"Wait!" Zei called out to Jordan after giving Dorumon a scolding gaze. She stood beside Shrewmon and gently petted the Rookie Digimon before looking at Jordan. "You are a Digidestinied, aren't you?" She asked. "Please, we need your help; you and your friend." She turned to Shrewmon and gave him a gentle smile. Compared to her rough partner, Zei was friendlier and calmer in her manners. "I know our problems might not concern you. However, it has something to do with why Digimons began appearing in our world. Your help would be truly appreciated."

tobiax 08-07-2011 04:27 AM

Shrewmon appreciated the petting, and moved his head towards her hand. Jordan had had his hand in his pocket, but at Zei's question and pleading, he flipped out his Digivice, holding it back for the others to see. It had seen it's share of action, and was a pale green, the buttons and antennae were worn, but the screen glinted, as if it had been polished.
"Does that answer your question?" he retorted.
He thought a moment, lolling his head back to look at them. He put the Digivice back in his pocket.
"Anything that threatens the safety of the Digital World has become my business," he stated, turning to face them, "You new guys seem to need all the help you can get, so what's up?"

PsychoScythe 08-07-2011 02:32 PM

Lucas whistled at the worn out state of Jordan's Digivice. Clearly, he'd seen his fair share of action, and from the looks of it, he'd been partnered to a Digimon far longer than he or any of his friends. But how? From what he knew, Digimon hadn't begun crossing over into the Real World until a few weeks ago. So how the hell had this guy had a Digimon partner for so long?

After several more moments of pointless speculation, Lucas decided to drop the thought for now, as it wasn't that important anyways. What was important was telling this guy about the organization and the Royal Knights. But which first? At the moment, the Royal Knights seemed to be the bigger threat, so it was probably best to tell Jordan about them first.

"Alright, I'll start with what's going on right now. Tell me, you ever heard of the Royal Knights?"

vincanity0011210 08-07-2011 05:25 PM

Leon laugheda t Dirks comment. "I ruffled your hair! Learn to deal man. A sword through the heart shouldn't do tooo much damage. Oh and Lucas I feel your pain man. Just dealt with an Etemon. I don't think digimon were meant to sing."

"Hey! I take offense to that!" Veemon said. After the new guys comment, he turned to Dorumon. "Wait... did the newb just call us new guys? I don't think he knows who he's talking to."

Leon also had an eye twitch when Jordan called the new guys. "Yeah, not gonna touch that one. But we don't even know the whole story when you think about it. Kimeramon, BlackWarGreymon, Royal Knights. Just bits of random facts, nothing really set in stone." Leon thought about out loud. To him, there was still a lot more to learn about the entire situation.

Mattmanganon 08-07-2011 05:36 PM

Dirk walked inside the flat with everyone. "so... what do we do?" asked Dirk. "as most of us know." he said looking at the new-comer. "BlackWarGreymon was taken into the Digital world by the Royal Knights. so i was wondering... several of us can become Royal Knights, i was wondering if one of us could open a gate to the Digital world. How about you zei, think you could give it a go?"

Oblivion Ascent 08-07-2011 05:58 PM

Siggy opted to keep out of the stuff regarding the newb for the time being, deciding to devote his energy to keeping NeonGuilmon under Control.

Speaking of NeonGuilmon, when Dirk mentioned about opening a portal up, he raised his hand.

"Actually, when I came through to this world in the beginning, I opened a portal from my Haunt. Now that I can become Examon again, I should be able to do it agin and take us through..."

tobiax 08-07-2011 06:24 PM

"Royal Knights, huh?" he said aloud, "So, that's who rules the Digital World now," he said to himself in a more hushed tone.
Shrewmon wasn't paying much attention, he was more fixed on trying to play chase with Elecmon. Jordan stood, as he had been leaning against a wall, and addressed the group.
"If you want to get to the Digital World, why do something you only think will work, when there's a more tried method of getting in."
Shrewmon's ears perked up, "We're going back to the Digital World?" he said in an excited tone, then, in a more somber one, "But... how would we be able to beat the Royal Knights?"
Shrewmon looked to the faces in this new group, hoping for some idea or suggestion.

Oblivion Ascent 08-07-2011 06:51 PM

Turning his head to Jordan, NeonGuilmon did his equivalent of raising an eyebrow.

"And exactly what method would that be? Gates to the Digital World can't be opened by humans, and they don't just grow on trees, either..."

His attention was taken away from the newcomer when he heard Shrewmon question their chances of victory.

"Until a few weeks ago, I was a member of the Royal Knights, and a Highly Ranked one at that. With the exception of the inner circle, they're a bunch of over-confident, self gratifying bureaucrats. As long as we use proper force, half of them will fall without any real problem..."

Mattmanganon 08-07-2011 06:58 PM

Dirk sighed. "he has a point, i barely survived fighting Omnimon and all i managed to do was deal a minor wound to him." said Dirk. "we're gonna have to come up with a Digimon much stronger if we want to beat him. after looking on the internet, i found that he Digivolved from 2 Mega Level Digimon, WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon. "we're gonna have to Combine 2 of our Mega levels to be in with a Chance of fighting him. and he said that he isn't even the strongest of the Knights. i hate to think what is lurking at their HQ." said Dirk.

PsychoScythe 08-07-2011 07:04 PM

Both Lucas and Elecmon nodded their assent at NeonGuilmon's words, recalling their fight with Crusadermon.

"Indeed," Elecmon piped up. "Lucas and I fought Crusadermon to a standstill, despite having just evolved to Mega. For a so-called Royal Knight, he's weak if he can barely keep up with a newly-evolved Mega."

"Seriously, if the bastard hadn't ran, we could've probably beaten him." Lucas chimed in, before he heard Dirk's words and scowled.

"Seriously, Dirk?" He asked, looking irritated. "More of this combining shit? How about we all just gang up on the big white asshole and beat him down? I don't care how powerful he is, one Digimon isn't going to be able to take on a coordinated assault from four Megas at once."

Mattmanganon 08-07-2011 07:10 PM

"Kate told me that he has shown up in this world before. and when he did, he survived a coordinated assault from over a million Mega-levels, then kicked their asses. we're gonna need something that can go Toe-to-Toe with that big bastard. and anyway, i'm still worried about the things that are stronger than him... guys like him don't lie about this kind of thing. if he was the strongest he would have said so."

Oblivion Ascent 08-07-2011 07:10 PM

NeonGuilmon nodded at Dirk and Leomon, before continuing.

"As you've noted, Omnimon is a special case. He was one of the founding members, and takes his duties and strength very seriously. Fortunately for us, along with Lord Imperialdramon and a certain few others, he is one of the few who truly do. As for combining, it's not Omnimon we should be worrying about..."

Remembering his original point, he spoke again.

"Anyhow, I should be able to open a portal to the Digital World. I can use my haunt as a destination?"

Mattmanganon 08-07-2011 07:14 PM

"alright... we'll figure this out in the Digital world. maybe we'll find something that can help us there." said Dirk. "but if we go, we could be gone quite some time... and we might not be coming back." he said.

PsychoScythe 08-07-2011 07:21 PM

Lucas turned his attention back to NeonGuilmon.

"Uh, that sounds like a bad idea. You've basically defected from the Royal Knights now, and they'll probably be waiting at your haunt in case you decided to go back."

Meanwhile, Elecmon turned to Dirk, nodding.

"I'm prepared to die, if need be. There can be no better death than saving the innocent."

That comment was followed by another facepalm and irritated sigh from Lucas.

"Why, God? Why is my partner suicidal? A better death would be no death at all, damn it. Damn it, Elecmon." Lucas rubbed his temples before speaking to everyone.

"Alright, look. We might die. We might now. All I'm saying right now, though, is that you guys don't throw your fucking lives away trying to save people. If it comes down to innocents or you guys, I'm picking you guys."

Mattmanganon 08-07-2011 07:23 PM

"i owe BlackWarGreymon my life. if he wasn't helping you lot, i may have killed a lot more people including all of you.

vincanity0011210 08-07-2011 07:26 PM

"Man you two have a lot of back and forths. It's like you leave no room for anyone else to talk." Leon said. Veemon just eyed them, looking back and forth as they went. "Anyways, We can easily deal with most of them, so why don't we worry about the few that are stronger later?"

"Yeah, besides we still need to take care of Kimeramon before the god damn thing digivolves again, since we don't know if that's possible or not for it again. And again, we STILL need to save BlackWarGreymon." Veemon said as well.

Oblivion Ascent 08-07-2011 07:32 PM

In response to Lucas, NeonGuilmon shook his head.

"I never trusted the rest of the inner circle, with the exception of my old buddy Ulforce. In case things went bottoms up, I had my haunt built in an area where they wouldn't be able to find it. As long as things haven't gone too badly, It should still be hidden."

He thought for a second, before adding @Although, if the worst comes to the worst, I can just drop us into the sector where it's located. That place is too big to comb properly."

tobiax 08-07-2011 11:35 PM

"If these guys are so tough, how do you know they didn't infiltrate your hideout and are waiting for you right now? Why not enter a part of the Digital World that has been abandoned for years?" Jordan brought up.
He realized he had gotten worked up. Calming himself down, he continued.
"No one entity should rule the Digital World. I don't know how these 'knights' pulled it off, or what happened to the Soverigns, but I'll help you take them out. I don't know what I can do about BlackWarGreymon or Kimeramon, but I'll get you to the Digital World and do everything in my power to bring those Royal Knights in there place."
Jordan paused, rethinking what he just said.
"Present company excluded, of course," he added.

Mattmanganon 08-10-2011 08:30 PM

everybody stood in a field on the outskirts of town, they had said their goodbyes and were waiting for Examon to open the portal Dirk stood watching them and replaying in his mind what was possibly the last conversation with Kate he would ever have.

Dirk and Kate sat on oposite sides of the kitchen Table. Guardromon was is washing the dishes. "Kate, their is something i need to do." said Dirk.

"oh? what is it?" asked Kate.

"... i'm going to the digital world... we are all are, a friend of ours was captured by a group called the Royal Knights and they will kill him if we don't stop them." replied Dirk. Guardromon dropped the dish he had and it shattered on the floor.

"so the presences i felt that day was the Royal Knights. i thought it was." he said. "but you cannot fight them Master Dirk, they are the strongest of all the Digimon, nothing can."

"we have to try..."

he was cut off from his memory by Impmon poking him in the head. "you ready to take them down Pineapple head?"

"we were born ready." replied Dirk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vincanity
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Log I, Part 5

Oblivion Ascent 08-10-2011 09:00 PM

As the rest of the group got ready to depart, Examon looked around.
And pondered.

His return to the Digital World was unlikely to be a pleasant one. His former comrades would likely show him no mercy, and strike him down like a rabid dog.

And yet, he felt almost nothing of it.

During his time as a Royal Knight, he had been the group's black sheep.
He had kept to himself, only showing up for essential meetings, and seeing his job as a duty rather than a reason d'etre or a mere pasttime. After the disappearance of UlforceVeedramon, his only true ally had been Gallantmon, who even then was completely devoted to his knigthood.

He had lived a near-solitary existance, slowly falling to melancholy.

And then he had been reformatted.

In retrospect, it was probably the best thing that had ever happened to him.

He had been alone in his resolve.

He had been an outcast.

He had been falling into despair.

And now, due to his new comrades, he was none of these things. If his former 'friends' wished to seperate them, they had another thing coming...

So, looking out at his comrades, Examon stretched his vast wings, a circle of energy surrounding them all.

"DigiPortal... ACTIVATE!"

Almost on instant, there was a roar of energy as a circle infested with various sigils appeared in the sky above the group.

There was another noise, akin to a hum, as the group began to float towards the circle, the sigils unraveling to open a gateway.

"Onwards, friends... Our destiny awaits."

vincanity0011210 08-12-2011 07:48 PM

(Giving us a place to land may have been interesting... and something to write about.)

Right as the portal engulfed them, Veemon jumped onto Leon's back."Whoo-hoo! Digi-World, here we come!" he yelled, keeping his eyes closed until they hit ground. Leon couldn't help but watch the entire thing, amazed at the power he could feel coming from them. "Damn... this is going to be dangerous, isn't it?" Leon said, thinking about what they would be going through. Ah, death. An old friend to us now. I guess it's time to see if we can actually rescue BlackWarGReymon. I hope he's still alive. Leon though, almost feeling Veemon's mind brush with his as they passed through the gateway.

The unfortunate part about being in the air in the human world was that they also appeared in the air in the Digital World. "Well, fuuuck!" Leon yelled, the ground coming up on them fast.

"Veemon Digivolved into.... AreoVeedramon!" called out his digital partner as it flew down to save his partner. After getting caught in his talons, Aroaveedramon did a 180 to see if anyone else was falling. "Good catch Vee! Lets try to make sure no one else experiences sky diving without a parachute today."

tobiax 08-12-2011 08:20 PM

Both Jordan and Shrewmon saw the light as they approached the portal. Shrewmon was practically jumping with excitement, Jordan, however, wasn't as enthused. They crossed through the portal and into the Digital World, but somehow, everything was wrong. Examon was nowhere to be seen, and they were falling through the clouds over parts unknown. Needles to say, they were frightened. Jordan shouted as he fell, Shrewmon was afraid, but trying to controll his fall by twisting in the air. A light shot from Jordan's pocket, acompanied by a high-pitched siren like sound. A green beam of light flew from something under Jordan's shirt as Shrewmon began to glow. The digivice in Jordan's pocket vibrated and glowed, casting off a strange dark blue light.
"Shrewmon, digivolve to..." called the digimon, "Nocturnomon", a louder, deep but smooth voice called.
The large white bat Digimon swooped in a circle and caught Jordan with his long arms, claw-like fingers gripping his pullover.
"Thanks buddy, I owe you one," Jordan thanked his companion.
"That's how it works, I save you, and you give me someone to save; nature of the relationship," Nocternomon replied.
Nocturnomon turned in a wide circle, spoting AreoVeedramon and Leon.
"Lovely day for flying, isnt it?" he said wittily.
He then turned his sharp eyes downward, his ears scanning for the sounds of paniced, falling Digimon and humans.

PsychoScythe 08-12-2011 08:30 PM

Lucas and Leomon stood in front of the portal, ready to enter the Digital World.

"Well, this is it." Lucas grinned as he turned to his partner. "You ready?"

"Ready. We go to battle." Leomon said resolutely as they began walking towards the portal. As they walked through, Lucas remembered his last conversation with Minako, the only other person he told that he was leaving. After all, it wasn't like his parents would give a damn about anything he did...

"Wait, you're leaving?" Minako asked Lucas, both of them sitting in his apartment.

"Yeah. Sorry, but something came up. I don't know how long I'll be gone. Probably a couple of weeks, though." Lucas said apologetically.

"...This is about those Digimon, isn't it?" Minako asked quietly, knowing the answer.

"Got it in one." Lucas smiled sadly, knowing that this could be the last time he could be talking to his girlfriend. "Look, Minako. In case I don't make it back, I..."

"I know what you're going to say. Tell me when you get back." Minako smiled ruefully, knowing what he was going to say from her knowledge of cliche romances.

"Hmph. Saved me a lot of awkwardness there. Thanks, babe." Lucas smirked, regaining some of his confidence. "Tell you what, I'll treat you to one of those fancy restaurants when I get back, okay?"

"You damn well better." Minako joked back.

Shaking his head, Lucas stepped into the portal, Leomon right beside him. They'd be fine. His partner, his best friend, was right alongside him. They'd make it through, save BlackWarGreymon, maul the Royal Knights, and go home.

Lucas and Leomon emerged in the Digital world...falling from the goddamned sky.

"SHIT! FLUFFY, YOU ASSHOLE!" Lucas screamed as they plummeted to the ground. Thinking quickly, Lucas tried to find a way to get out of this unscathed. Leomon was out of arm's reach, so he couldn't cushion him from the blow...so that left one solution.

Biomerge activate.

BanchoLeomon landed feet first, crouching. Damn, that had been close. Leomon would have survived the fall, no problem. But Lucas would have suffered several broken bones at the least. Standing up, BanchoLeomon looked towards the sky, intending on giving Examon a piece of his mind.

Mattmanganon 08-12-2011 08:46 PM

Dirk and Impmon fell, and as they did, Impmon became Devimon and they floated down to safety. he saw Jordan and Leon. "you guys ok?" he asked. he then looked around. "where are the others?" he asked. "i think that Zei went last, but i definitely know that Siggy and Lucas went first." he said

tobiax 08-12-2011 09:03 PM

Nocternomon swooped down, let Jordan go when his feet touched the ground, then flew off in order to catch any straggling companions. Jordan pulled up his collar, as if trying to hide himself.
"I'm fine," he told Dirk, "He might not look it, but Shrewmon's always good in a pinch."
Jordan looked around, they had ended up eastern shore of the same landmass he landed on before. He didn't know exactly where the Royal Knights' castle was, but at least he knew where he was starting. Plus he shouldn't run into any painful reminders here.

vincanity0011210 08-12-2011 09:36 PM

AreoVeedramon tossed Leon into the air, making his partner land on his head.

"Everyday is a good day to not crash into the ground. " AreaVeedramon said, landing softly as Leon held onto a spike. Looking up, Leon's face paled a bit. "Really? We ALREADY lost a couple of ours? Where the hell did Lucas, Siggy and their partners go?" he partially yelled before AreoVeedramon's growl settled him down. They found a new method of keeping him from the darkness. By threatening to be devoured. "I think Zei was last, so we should probably wait for-"

"DEATH ARROW" was heard from behind the group. Turning slowly, Leon watch as a large laser came from a Ghoulmon who seemed to be roaming by and wanted to cause trouble. "So much for a calm beginning" Leon said as AreoVeedramon rose into the air to dodge the beam.

tobiax 08-12-2011 10:11 PM

Hearing the attack of the Ghoulmon, Nocturnomon dove towards the ground. He dove, attempting to spin the Ghoulmon head over heals. He came back around, two dark purplish energy missiles forming in the air above his shoulders.
"Shadow Ray Shot!" he called.
The energy rocketed off, striking the Ghoulmon in the back of the head. Nocturnomon veered up, avoiding a collision and circling above, still listening for Zei and Dorumon, should they start falling. He kept his eyes locked on Ghoulmon, preparing to dodge an attack from the Mega level Digimon.

Vocalia 08-13-2011 12:12 AM

As Zei finally emerged from the portal, she was already sitting on DoruGreymon's back. "Next time, remind me to mash that Fluffy for making us do an air landing..." DoruGreymon growled in anger.

"Now, now... At least we made it here safely..." Zei tried to pacify her fuming partner. "Although now I have to beg the question of where everyone else is..." She looked around as the large Ultimate descended from the sky.

tobiax 08-13-2011 12:48 AM

Nocturnomon flew up higher, knowing that if he got enough speed, his attacks would drive the Ghoulmon away. He flew up, turned, and began to decend. As he dove, he saw a red furry dragon Digimon with a familiar face and a horn (Yes, DoruGreymon). He flew sleekly and silently past, trying not to disturb their flight with his wake. A red bolt flew towards Nocturnomon, but from that distance, he easily dodged it
"Shadow Ray Shot!" he called, the dark energy missiles flying from beneath the Nightmare Soldier's wing.
They struck Ghoulmon, but did little. Nocturnamon continued to dive. He struck the Ghoulmon, tackeling it, and doing his best to keep it restrained with his arms, legs, wings and tail.

Mattmanganon 08-13-2011 12:52 AM

Dirk looked at Zei, he knew what he wanted to do but now was not the time "you want to help out?" Dirk asked Impmon.

"nah, he seems to have things sorted out, i want to save myself for Omnimon." replied Impmon

Vocalia 08-13-2011 01:08 AM

Zei finally the group fighting against Ghoulmons. DoruGreymon growled at the provokers and opened her jaws as a large metal ball formed just above her mouth, growing to more than ten times her own size. "Metal Meteor!" With that, she launched the metal ball at point blank high speed towards the Ghoulmon.

tobiax 08-13-2011 01:34 AM

Nocturnomon, hearing the attack comming, quickly released the Digimon and flew away. The Metal Meteor crushed the Ghoulmon with a heavy thud.
"Hey," he said indignantly "watch it with that thing, you almost made me into a bat pancake!"
He then landed next to Jordan, de-Digivolving to concerve energy.
"I was about to put him to sleep, but that works too, maybe a little warning would be nice. I just hope a tone of metal is enough to stop a Mega," he said.
Jordan flipped his hair back and turned away from the scene. He was slightly irritated at DoruGreymon for almost crushing Nocturnomon/Shrewmon. He remained quiet, but rolled his eyes at the dragon Digimon's lack on control. He looked to the sky, there was no sign of Examon, and Lucas and Elecmon were nowhere to be found.
((OOC: Unless I misread vin's post back there, there's only one Ghoulmon, if there were more, I think Dirk and Impmon would help,))

Vocalia 08-13-2011 01:45 AM

"DoruGreymon!! You could've hurt them!" Zei scolded her. She nearly had a heart attack when she released her attack near Nocturnomon and Jordan. "Their loss." DoruGreymon shrugged nonchalantly. "At least I got the job done. If not, I can always go for a second serving." She smirked. "You will only do so at my permission, DoruGreymon! You can't be so reckless every time." Zei frowned. "Yeah, yeah... Whatever floats your boat, mommy." She replied with a slight sarcastic and playful tone, referring to Zei as such due to her nature.

tobiax 08-13-2011 02:11 AM

Jordan turned to DoruGreymon. He raised his left arm backwards out of an old reflex. Without his actively thinking to move it, however, it only moved part of the way. He looked on his own arm in horror, and slowly relaxed his muscles, resisting the rest of the motion. He shook of the ice of traumatic memory from his heart, and gazed appologeticly at Zei and DoruGreymon, ashamed of himself. Then, he set his jaw and dealt with the matter at hand.
"You owe her your respect," he said quietly, in a serious tone, "with respect and trust, you can overcome any obstacle, without it, you won't make it that far."
Shrewmon shot DoruGreymon a glare, staring the Ultimate Digimon down without fear. He eventually calmed down and bounced away happily, but the lack of obedience was something he couldn't believe.
Jordan muttered under his breath to Shrewmon, "You think he recognized me?" he asked.
"No, he would have either aimed for you or not attacked if he did, depending on when he saw you," Shrewmon answered.
"You're right," he replied, "I worry too much."

vincanity0011210 08-13-2011 06:03 AM

"Well, that was fun. Next time at least leave my some pieces Dorugreymon! I like a bit of fight too!" AreoVeedramon yelled over to his teammate. He always felt he missed the best parts of the fight, but as long as everyone was safe... "Wait! Where are they?! Lucas, Elecmon, Siggy, and Neonguilmon!!! Where are you!" the dino shouted. Leon quickly jumped onto his mouth and tried to close it.

"Vee! What are you doing? We don't need to attract attention...." Leon said, getting a bit nervous after the yelling. They didn't need to be found this quickly, especially since they weren't all together.

tobiax 08-13-2011 04:07 PM

Jordan spoke up, "Alright, we better get moving. If we move inland, and head north, we'll get to a village near a mountain. If we want to find Lucas, Elecmon, Siggy, and NeonGuilmon, we might as well go where there's the biggest posibility of finding someone who's seen them. If not, we could find the Royal Knights' castle, and hope they come the same way and meet up with us," he paused a moment, then let out a sigh "Only problem is, I think this is Terminal, and I don't think their castle's here. We could try server, but if we don't find the others first, we might never find them."
He felt bad being the bearer of bad news, but it had to be said. He also knew that the only chance they had of winning was for them all to work together, meaning that finding the others was a top priority. But that also meant they would need to stop at the village, and he wasn't looking forward to that. Maybe no one would recognize him, but he still felt nervous about letting a Digimon see his face who had been on this continent four years ago. He shook his head to clear out the haunting memories which threatened to come crashing down, and waited for the input of the others. He may have brought up their options, but he felt, for some reason, that the final decision would be Dirk's.

Mattmanganon 08-13-2011 04:18 PM

"we're here to defeat the royal knights and rescue BlackWarGreymon, we'll need the Lucas and Siggy in order to do so." said Dirk. "if you know the Digital world as well as you say you do, then lead on." said Dirk.

tobiax 08-13-2011 04:46 PM

"Come on, this way," he said quietly, heading inland into the trees.
He walked through the trees, the group following him. Jordan then began to turn northward in a wide arc, maximizing the distance they could travle at one time. Shrewmon bounced around through the trees, he was happy to be in the Digital World again, and releived that he could still digivolve to Ultimate. He hummed and chased butterflies as he travled, not worried about getting lost; he knew where he was going.

Vocalia 08-13-2011 06:32 PM

DoruGreymon Dedigivolved into Dorumon for convenience's sake as the two soon followed Jordan on foot. Zei didn't have any problems with traveling in such a manner. Growing up in a rural town had made her no stranger to wilderness and the unknown. She walked beside Dirk as Dorumon looked at Shrewmon. She didn't seem to miss home as much, given that she never had many good memories of it in the first place. She was an outcast; a Digimon never meant to exist.

tobiax 08-13-2011 06:54 PM

As they walked through the woods, Shrewmon slowed down. With the appearence of him bounding backwards, he slowed and began hopping besides Dorumon.
"Hi!" he said cheerily.
He put on his best smile, trying to be friendly.

Vocalia 08-13-2011 08:18 PM

Dorumon seemed surprise that a Digimon would try to be friendly to her; most usually tried to beat the living digital life out of her. "Umm... Hi..." She replied, somewhat awkward and timid. She kept her steady pace, following Shrewmon beside her.

Mattmanganon 08-13-2011 08:33 PM

Dirk followed Jordan as he led them along, he was happy to be with Zei. he smiled at her and then looked at Jordan. "so, how did you come to be lost here in the first place?" he asked.

tobiax 08-13-2011 08:40 PM

Shrewmon hopped along beside Dorumon.
"So, you're Duromon, right? Where do you come from? I'm from here on Terminal. I'm friends with Ryudamon, he kinda looks like you," he said.
He bounced along, happily silent for a moment, thinking of his digimon friends.
After a moment, he spoke again, "I think you should meet Ryudamon, he's nice, and strong too."
Jordan turned to Dirk.
"I was talking through the woods one day, and I found Shrewmon, or he found me. We were chased by... these flying Digimon, I don't remember what they were. We found this... glowing stone temple, the Digimon were comming from it. We got knocked in, and ended up in the Digital World," he explained

Vocalia 08-13-2011 10:09 PM

"I honestly don't remember where I come from... nor do I care anymore... Frankly, I'd rather not know about it at all..." Dorumon replied. This Ryudamon... It would be interesting to meet him. She smiled softly to Shrewmon. She was curious about how Shrewmon described him to her, but she didn't really believe about the physical resemblance he had with her.

tobiax 08-13-2011 10:20 PM

"Ok," Shrewmon replied, "Yeah, Ryudamon's a good friend, even saved my life once. He looks like you, but his fur is almost the same color as mine, and he has... um, a hat, I guess and... armor, no wait, a helmet, he has a helmet and this... red thing on his head," he explained, then turned to look at Dorumon, "Hey, you have one too, maybe he's your brother!"Shrewmon hopped in a circle around Dorumon happily, saying "Ryuda-brother" in a sing-song voice over and over.

Oblivion Ascent 08-13-2011 10:24 PM

~[Elsewhere in the Digital World]~

Over the desert plains of Examon's (former?) domain, there was a roar as the sky split asunder, the titanic form of the rogue Knight descending from it, the form of BanchoLeomon in close proximity.

As Examon's talons hit the sands, the portal closed back up, making a sound akin a truck reversing.
__________________________________________________ _________________
Examon raised his head, taking in the sight of his domain, and the essence of the Digital World.

He sighed contentedly.

"God, I missed this place..."

Putting his euphoria to the side, he turned to the rest of the group with a grin on his face...

... To see that, barring BanchoLeomon, they weren't there.

He blinked, his mind boggled by what was going on.

"... What just happened?"

PsychoScythe 08-13-2011 10:34 PM

"Well, let's see." BanchoLeomon began, with a disgruntled look on his face. "You could've warned us that we'd be falling from the damned sky upon entering the portal. Lucas could've died if we hadn't Biomerged."

Looking up at the sky, BanchoLeomon vaguely noted that no one else was falling from it. And none of the others seemed to be around either...

"Huh. Where are the others? Did the portal separate us from them?"

Oblivion Ascent 08-13-2011 10:54 PM

As BanchoLeomon grumbled at him, Examon just shrugged.

"Never been a problem before. Besides that, as long as I'm present, your descent would have been controlled..."

Anyway, putting that to the side, as BanchoLeomon brought up the notion that the portal had separated them from the others, Examon paused, as if in deep thought.

"... Just a hypothetical question here, do you think they were listening when I said to make a right at the SpaceTime Depression?"
__________________________________________________ _________________
Now, Examon descending had been a rather startling sight for most of the Digimon in the area, and had made them flee for fear of the huge dragon Knight.

While their fear was mostly unjustified, fleeing was a sign that they were at least somewhat intelligent.

What this said about the two Digimon that chose to stay is up to you.

"Huhuhuh, hey Chuumon," One of the Digimon, a yellow blob of... something with a pair of spindly arms, said to his companion, pointing to BanchoLeomon "Check it out. It's a pussy."

His companion, a pink cartoon mouse that looked like it had been drawn by a five year old on a bad acid trip, broke into a somewhat offbeat laugh.

"Oh... Yeah. Eheheheheheh."

vincanity0011210 08-14-2011 07:01 PM

Swooping down behind the others, Leon jumped off AreoVeedramon whjo quickly devolved into DemiVee. DemiVee jumped onto his shoulders and remainded their during the walk.

"So.... where are we going and how are we going to find them?" DemiVeemon asked the group.

"Finding them should be easy" Leon said, pulling out his Digivice and pointing to the dots on the screen. Sadly, not knowing the others didn't have digivices becuse they were in Mega forms, their dots weren't on the map. ".... okay forget what I said. Apparently they don't exist inthe Digiworld right now."

tobiax 08-14-2011 07:23 PM

Jordan tilted his head down as he spoke, "There are a lot of things that can interfere with a Digivice," he paused for a moment, then added, "I should know," he took a breath, not wanting to delve deeper in that subject, then continued, "Anyway, we're going to a village north of here, there's a mountain to the north of it, and it's empty for miles around that. It'll be easy for us to send a signal, see them if they're there, or find a Digimon who's seen them," he concluded.
He then took a step back, slowing his pace until he was at the back of the group. He noticed Shrewmon talking to Dorumon, and thought he heard him mention Ryudamon. His mind drifted back to that day, four years ago, when he was wandering dazed along the cliff-side. Ryudamon had found him, and made sure he didn't fall into the ocean. Somehow he contacted Shrewmon, and they practically carried him to a place where he could rest, and eventually find a way home. Ryudamon was surely one-in-a-million, helping him when he had every reason to leave him there.

PsychoScythe 08-15-2011 05:09 PM

BanchoLeomon just grumbled under his breath at Examon's so called "hypothetical".

"Yes, Examon. I'm sure phasing through worlds is so simple that making a right turn could have made a difference."

But first, he had to know where he was. Looking around, all BanchoLeomon saw was desert for miles, with some mountains in the distance to the east. Still, the part of him that was Leomon recognized the area, having wandered through it years ago.

"Hmm...it seems like we're on Folder. If I recall correctly, the Royal Knight's castle is on a different continent, correct?" The Mega level lion Digimon asked Examon.



Nine Digimon have come together for a job. It's the middle-ish part of the century, a simpler time. There are several continents, tons of Digimon, and the Royal Knights, the assholes that police the entire Digital World in Yggdrasil's name. For any problem lacking an obvious bureaucratic solution, or if it's beneath the knights' notice, mercenaries like these are contracted to address the situation through a massive application of force.

Now's your chance to Meet the Team.

Rinkmon grinned, running around at insane speeds.

A Meramon with its mouth sewn shut grunted something before setting a Numemon on fire.

Sealsdramon twirled his knife while enjoying a cigarette.

Gargomon loaded the miniguns on his arms, before nuzzling each one of them.

Tankmon blew a Kuwagmon to bits with his rocket turret, and proceeded to call the dead Digimon a maggot.

Hagurumon rushed around, creating new mechanical contraptions to blow shit up with.

BomberNanimon grinned before he threw his patented explosives, creating a massive boom.

Zamielmon cackled as he headshotted his unsuspecting target with his bow.

MarineAngemon sighed in irritation as he healed his teammates, who had the annoying habit of getting shot. All. The. Time.

Oblivion Ascent 08-15-2011 06:39 PM

As BanchoLeomon continued to snark him, Examon sighed in elation.
"The way a Royal Knight jumps dimensions, right turns make all the bloody difference. Besides, you try transporting ten people at once, you little..."

Using a stubby limb to rub his temples, Examon began to calm down. There was a time and a place for arguing with a Lion Pirate Samurai/Sardonic Teenager, and this was neither.

"Anyway, putting that to the side, the Castle should be on Server. I say should be, because they have a nasty habit of moving the damn thing around every couple of months."

His eyes took on a reddish tint at the memory of the 'Scrappy Mechanic'.

"Why did I always have to pay the bloody parking fee..."
__________________________________________________ _______________
As the Lion Pirate Samurai and Dragon Emperor Royal Knight began to banter back and forth, Chuumon and the yellow blob just sat there, both laughing in a rather demented and offbeat fashion.

After five minutes straight of the above, Chuumon started to talk to his companion.

"Hey, hey Sukamon. Shouldn't we go check them out? Eheheheh."

In response, Sukamon stopped laughing.

"That idea's stupid," Sukamon said, before starting to laugh again, "Uhuhuhuhuh, Let's go check them out."

In response, Chuumon furrowed his brow.

"Errmmmmm... Ok. Eheheheheh."

Once the pink mouse Digimon had showed agreement to his own plan, the pair bounded down the sandy dune that lead to where Examon and BanchoLeomon were bantering.

Vocalia 08-16-2011 12:03 AM

Dorumon sighed and a desire to slap Shrewmon budded inside her. She had no family; it was a foolish concept to her. She was born alone and had lived alone. That fact had changed now since she now had Zei and the others, but she believed that she couldn't possibly have a family. "Yeah, right... And then I get to meet my mommy and daddy of Monzaemons..." She replied sarcastically to Shrewmon. "Shrewmon dear, I have no family and I don't think I ever will until a Numemon flies..." She chuckled. Zei, on the other hand, was focused on listening to Jordan and Dirk, leaving her Digimon to chat with the two others.

Mattmanganon 08-16-2011 12:27 AM

Dirk looked at Zei. "are you ok?" he asked. "you seem down. is there anything i can..." he didn't want to finish that sentance.

"ask her if you can go behind the bushes." laughed Impmon and was clonked on the head by Dirk

Vocalia 08-16-2011 12:39 AM

Zei giggled. "I'm alright, Dirk. Don't worry about me." She smiled and gently patted his back. "I'm just a little bit overwhelmed by everything..." She sighed. "I still can't believe that my Digimon was a part of the Royal Knights..." She looked at Dorumon as she walked, the latter who was now busy biting onto Impmon's tail for his lewd comment to Dirk in front of Zei. "And now we're in Digital World... Things are certainly moving very fast..." She looked at Dirk.

Mattmanganon 08-16-2011 12:50 AM

"i bet Pineapple head would like to move fast." laughed Impmon. Dirk grabbed him and started to grind his knuckles into the Digimons temples


"that's what she said." laughed impmon now in an uncontrolable laughing fit. Dirk couldn't help but start laughing at that one. he dropped Impmon in his laughing fit.

tobiax 08-16-2011 03:00 AM

Jordan piped up, but still kept his voice low, "Remember what I said about trust? That goes the same for respect, and double for you two," he reprimanded them in a quiet, gravely tone.
Shrewmon made a motion like a sideways dodge.
"I was just sayin'. You don't have to be so mean," Shrewmon replied.
He was slightly upset that she was being so off putting and almost vicious when he was trying to be friendly. He quieted down, and his ears and tail lowered, he stopped hopping as well.

Vocalia 08-16-2011 04:45 AM

Dorumon rolled her eyes. "Sorry..." She murmured and licked him. "I'm just not fond of the idea of having a family." She frowned sadly. "Damn... I just can't do anything right...!" She hissed to herself and distanced herself away from Impmon and Shrewmon. Zei noticed this and frowned asdly, but she figured that Dorumon wanted to be left alone instead of being pestered needlessly.

tobiax 08-16-2011 07:26 PM

Shrewmon shook his head, puzzled at her response.
"I was just saying that Digimon with similar appearances usually have similar data patterns," he said to himself.
Shrewmon then turned around and bounced over to Jordan.

PsychoScythe 08-16-2011 08:35 PM

"In that case, we should probably head west, to the coast. If I recall correctly, there's a town there, and there should be a Whamon that'll take us to Server." BanchoLeomon said to Examon, deciding to stop snarking for the moment until they figured out a plan of action.

However, the snickering of the approaching Chuumon and Sukamon caught his attention.

"Yes? You want something?" BanchoLeomon asked bluntly, getting slightly annoyed by their constant snickering.

Oblivion Ascent 08-16-2011 09:00 PM

Examon nodded.

"That works. The coast isn't too far from this area, so-"

It was then that he heard the snickering.
Turning around, he saw the source of the snickering, the Sukamon and Chuumon.

He stared at the two of them for a few seconds, his brain processing what he was seeing.

And then he let out a small growl, his eyes narrowing, and their yellow hue intensifying.

"You... You're those damn kids that were whacking off in my tool shed!"

In response to the Dragon Emperor's growling, the Sukamon and Chuumon just stared at him, their expressions unchanged.

Finally, the Chuumon spoke up.
"Oh yeah... Eheheheheh. I remember that."

Once he had finished speaking, the Sukamon's snickering piped up.

"So do I. Uhuhuhuhuh. That was cool."

Examon scowled, muttering something obscene underneath his breath as he turned to look at BanchoLeomon.

"Ignore them. These two have been in this secotr for a few years now, and they've done nothing but be a pain in the ass for everyone else..."

A thought crossing his mind, he pulled himself away from his irritation, and looked to the sky.

The Sun, or equivalent thereof, was starting to go down. The desert went from being unbearably hot to unbearably cold at night, not to mention what kind of Nocturnal Digimon lived here...

"Anyway, we'd best get a move on... The TitanTogemon aren't as rare here as they are elsewhere..."

PsychoScythe 08-16-2011 09:26 PM

It took a few moments for BanchoLeomon to process Examon's words, but when he finally did, the part of him that was Lucas couldn't resist snarking.

"...Wait a moment. You two fapped. Together. In a tool shed. That's kinda gay." BanchoLeomon snickered, before another detail in Examon's words caught his attention.

"Hold on. Examon, why would you even have a damn tool shed in the first place? That seems...kind of irrelevant for a Royal Knight."

Oblivion Ascent 08-16-2011 09:37 PM

As BanchoLeomon questioned his motives for having a toolshed, Examon shrugged.

"It came with the haunt. I used to keep what I used to repair my armor in there... Before those two got in there at least."

In regards to Sukamon and Chuumon, when the Lion Pirate Samurai snarked at them, their behaviour changed a little.

"Uhuhuhuh. Shut up, Asswipe."


PsychoScythe 08-17-2011 03:12 AM

As Sukamon and Chuumon began to get pissed off at BanchoLeomon's snark, the lion Digimon just buried his face in his left palm and groaned at their stupidity.

"Are you two suicidal? I'm a Mega level. You're a Rookie and a Champion. You've got no chance at beating me, and if you actually come at me, you deserve death." Huffing, BanchoLeomon turned away from them, and began walking westward, toward the coast.

"Come on," He called out towards Examon. "The coast should only be a few hours away, and far less if I decide to run. Wanna race?" The Mega level lion smirked, challenging the Royal Knight.

Oblivion Ascent 08-17-2011 03:19 PM

As BanchoLeomon shot them down, the Sukamon and Chuumon's behaviours reverted to normal.

"Oh... yeah. Eheheheheh. I knew that."

Rolling his eyes at the idiotic pair, Examon turned to follow BanchoLeomon, the ground shaking slightly with each step.

"That sounds about right. As for the race, I'd rather not right now, since this form is, how do you say... slower than a lethargic snail carrying some very heavy shopping up a hill?"

PsychoScythe 08-18-2011 02:56 AM

"...What." BanchoLeomon shot Examon a questioning look, and then decided to just drop the subject, muttering under his breath in English, showing that the half-Japanese teen was in control now. "Freaking British..."

A few hours later, BanchoLeomon and Examon had finally reached the small coastal town on the western edge of Folder. Unfortunately, Beavis and Butthead Sukamon and Chuumon were still following the two Mega-levels, and were being quite annoying. The lion Digimon restrained himself from simply killing the Rookie and Champion several times, and his patience with them was getting very, very low.

Meanwhile, inside town, Zamielmon blinked when he saw the newcomers from his camping perch. Huh. That Leomon variant looked like the one that the team had been hired to kill. Alright, that wanker didn't look so tough.

"Hey, mates!" The Champion level archer shouted down towards the rest of his team. "I see the target! He's got a friend, though!"

"Then we blow that maggot up, too!" Tankmon shouted back, before he screamed to the rest of his team. "TARGET IN SIGHT! TAKE YOUR POSITIONS, MEN, ON THE DOUBLE!"

As BanchoLeomon and Examon entered the town, nine mercenaries took their positions and prepared to go to battle...

Oblivion Ascent 08-18-2011 03:47 PM

As the town came into view, Examon sighed in relief.

It had been a long trip, but they had managed to reach the town without running into any of the area's infamous Nocturnal Digimon, and without having to brutally murder their tagalongs, who were constantly asking 'where all the chicks were'.
The latter was a miracle in itself.

Anyway, looking up at the town, he had a sudden feeling of apprehension.
He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he had a feeling that something was waiting for them...

"Be on your guard..."

Although he spoke to BanchoLeomon, it was Sukamon that replied first.

"Uhuhuhuh. You said HARD."
__________________________________________________ _______________
__________________________________________________ _______________
Ari was having the best day ever!

To begin, her parents had finally gotten back from work, and since Siggy was 'out of town' and her idiot brother James was at Summer Camp, she had them all to herself for a while.

Then there had been an awesome Gurren Lagann Marathon on TV this morning, and to top it all off, mamma and daddy had taken her to her favorite park for a while.

In Ari's own words, today was 'super-special-awesome'!
__________________________________________________ _______________
Meanwhile, over the other side of the city, MagnaAngemon was not having the best day ever. Far from it, in fact.

Up until a few hours ago, he had been upholding his duty as a defender of the Digital World, and had been locked in combat with SkullSatamon, a reknowned murderer.

To begin with, the bastard wouldn't stay still long enough for the Angel Digimon to get a hit in.

From there, another random portal to the Human World had sprung up in the midst of their battle, and SkullSatamon had jumped through it, no doubt relishing the chance to find out what noise a human made when you bludgeoned it to death with a metal cane.

On top of that, MagnaAngemon, fearing for the lives of the world's inhabitants, had followed the scumbag without thinking it through first, and was now stuck in the Human World until another portal opened up, which, knowing his luck, would be a while.

The final insult added to his injury? He couldn't find the bastard!

On his vantage point, high above the ground atop the tallest building in the city, he sighed, his spirits low.
"I need a freaking drink..."

PsychoScythe 08-18-2011 05:57 PM

BanchoLeomon just grumbled and slapped Sukamon upside the head.

"Quiet. I hear something coming."

That something was Rinkmon, running at 98% of the speed of light. As such, he was just barely visible before he began attacking BanchoLeomon, hitting him several times in under a second.

"BONK!" Rinkmon screamed gleefully as he continued pummeling the Mega level. However, Rinkmon's speed came at a price. His strikes had the power of a Rookie, and as such, didn't do jack shit to BanchoLeomon.

"You done yet?" The Mega level lion Digimon grumbled through Rinkmon's strikes, before he suddenly reached out and grabbed the Armor Digimon with one hand, stopping him from attacking.

"Aw crap. This is gonna hurt..." Rinkmon muttered, with a familiar Bronx accent, before BanchoLeomon slammed him facefirst into the dirt, and started pummeling him.

"MY DATA! HE'S PUNCHING OUT ALL MY DATA!" Rinkmon screamed in pain, as BanchoLeomon punched him repeatedly. "DOC! MEDIC!"

"Step away from the Scout, maggots!" Tankmon screamed as he charged at BanchoLeomon. Somehow, the tank Digimon leaped into the air before he fired a rocket at the ground, the explosion propelling the Champion level at great speeds towards BanchoLeomon and Examon.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me." BanchoLeomon gaped at the sight, and resisted the urge to facepalm. Whatever. Nothing a Champion level could dish out would hurt a Mega. This asshole had the balls to rocket jump, he might as well give him a free shot as a reward for being so stupidly awesome.

"Hyper Cannon!" Tankmon yelled, firing his main gun at the two Mega levels. BanchoLeomon emerged unharmed, but Sukamon and Chuumon were blown away by the explosion. They collapsed in a heap, groaning.

Oblivion Ascent 08-18-2011 06:33 PM

As the smoke of the explosion cleared, it emerged that Examon hadn't even been fazed by the attack, with not so much as a scratch, dent or smudge.

In addition, as the smoke cleared, an expression that clearly said 'what the flying f_ck(!?)' could be clearly seen etched over his face, his eyes green.

Again, Siggy had assumed direct control.

And he was visibly less than happy.

"You... Have got to be shitting me."

Looking over towards tankmon with his brow violently twitching, he was about to continue speaking, when he felt a sudden sensation from his rear end.

A burning sensation.

Turning around, he saw a Meramon with it's hands splayed, trying to set fire to his ass.

"Mmmmphhmumpth," It 'said', ignoring the fact that Examon had caught on to it's attempted Arson.

His brow continuing to twitch violently, he stared at the Meramon, baring his teeth as he got ready to snap...

Only to pause, and take a deep breath, before looking back at Meramon again, this time with a neutral, bored expression.

"Yeah... I think I'm just going to ignore this one entirely..."

Sighing, he turned to look at Tankmon again.

"What the hell do you want?"

Draconis Nevyn 08-18-2011 07:23 PM

Elle showed no emotion as the data of the rookie digimon was absorbed by Wizardmon, she didn't care - or didn't seem to- if the digimon had had feelings, hell it hadn't even been doing anything threatening, it was just innocently eating from a burger stand when Elle pointed to it and Wizardmon cast a lightning bolt down on it. Elle closed her eyes for a second but opened them again quickly, she was remembering the beach, that had been a night time, bar the Divermon appearance.

Elle sighed, the first sound she'd made all day, Wizardmon, who considered this an improvement said,

"So.. fancy dinner? Killing all of these digimon really works up an appetite.." Elle knew he was joking but she couldn't laugh, to her it wasn't funny. She sighed again. It took her a while to hear the rapid beeping noise coming from her Digivice but once she did she checked it and recieved the information on the Ultimate-level Digimon, MagnaAngemon,

"Not too far away, think you can fly us to him, Wizardmon?" Wizardmon, who was gaping at the longest sentence she'd spoken to him, indeed anyone, in quite a while just nodded as he picked her up and lifted himself off of the ground, shooting off to the place where the Angel Digimon was said to be.

As they got closer they could easily see him sitting there, seeming down - no Digimon had no feelings, they just fought and fought - Elle reminded herself, and eventually Herself and Wizardmon lowered onto the building where MagnaAngemon was sat - but at a respectful distance, he was Ultimate afterall - and they waited for his retaliation. Elle showing little emotion, Wizardmon showing curiosity, in his strange way. Which was to stare for ages at whatever it was he was curious about.

Oblivion Ascent 08-18-2011 07:45 PM

As MagnaAngemon looked out over the cityscape, he felt his contemplations be interrupted by the appearance of others.

Slowly climbing to his feet, he raised himself from his perch, turning to address or confront those who would approach him, a human girl with copper hair tied back in a ponytail and a Wizardmon. It wasn't too hard to discern what they were.

Sensing no real hostile intent from the Wizardmon, and unreadable intent from the human girl, his armor began to glow, transforming into robes as he entered his 'Priest Mode', a sign of non-hostility to those who were familiar with the ways of Angel Digimon.

"May I help you?"

His voice was calm and stable, completely obscuring the fact that he was in the midst of great stress.

Mattmanganon 08-18-2011 07:47 PM

Guardromon finished his sweeping of the back porch. he then wiped his brow. "mistress Kate, i have finished the sweeping duties." he said.

"thank you, i was just going to get some fresh Vegetables from Market." she said.

"then i will accompany you." said Guardromon.

"oh, you don't have to." she said.

"i insist, you have done so much for me." he said.


the 2 had wandered into town, everyone seemed to be afraid of Guardromon, Kate found that she got several discounts that she had no idea she was due on. as they walked home, Guardromon got a funny feeling, he shoved Kate out of the way just in time for a shadow ball to hit the ground where she had been standing. "DAMMIT!!!" yelled SkullSatomon. "you ruined my fun." he said pointing his staff at Guardromon. he fired several more blasts at Guardromon who flew into the air to avoid them.

"you are an insolent cur and deserve nothing more than to be destroyed." said Guardromon. he then fired his wrist rockets at SkullSatomon. the rockets hit. but when the smoke cleared SkullSatomon stood completely unimpressed by Guardromons display of power. "oh my." exclaimed Guardromon. SkullSatomon grabbed Guardromon and smashed his head into the ground, then threw him into the air and smashed him back down to earth again with his staff. he then laughed.

"FOOL!!! do you honestly think you can beat me?" asked SkullSatomon. Kate ran over to Guardromon.

"come on, we need to get out of here." she said.

"no, you do, i must defend these people." replied Guardromon. he got to his feet. "i will fight you, and you will be defeated!!!" yelled Guardromon as he began to glow, Kate suddenly felt something warm in her hand and saw a Digivice appear. she looked at it. "GUARDROMON DIGIVOLVE TO... ANDROMON!!!" Andromon got up.

"you will not harm anyone ever again. LIGHTNING BLADE!!!" Andromon sent a Lightning blade at SkullSatomon and sent him flying.

"WON'T WORK!!!" replied SkullSatomon. he sent several Blasts at Andromon who sent them into the sky. the blasts exploded like fireworks. anyone who knew about Digimon would know they were fighting there.

Draconis Nevyn 08-18-2011 07:55 PM

As the Angel changed form - a sign that had previously meant potential harm in her mind - Elle took a fighting stance, but Wizardmon had relaxed and just began staring more. Elle felt confused.

"You may. Why have you come to the Human world?" Was all Elle could say, the kindness of the Angel Digimon seeping into her a little, breaking down her well trained mask, showing her anguish and open hostility to unpartnered digimon. - for those she'd encountered were almost all hostile to her -

"Elle, it's not our place to question him, besides, if you start threatening him, I'll die and I don't know if you know this, but DYING HURTS!" Wizardmon said to her, his tendency for speaking completely redundantly masking his inner wisdom.

Oblivion Ascent 08-18-2011 08:29 PM

Seeing that his feeling was correct, and that the pair was non-hostile, MagnaAngemon smiled, relieved that he could communicate civilly for once.

As the Wizardmon began to chew his partner out a little, MagnaAngemon shook his head.

"My reason for being here isn't something that I have to keep concealed."

Taking a deep breath, as not to let his own facade slip, he continued.

"Up until a few hours ago, I was fighting a Digimon Murderer by the name of SkullSatamon. I say 'up until a few hours ago', because it was at that time that he slipped through a portal that had been left open, and jumped to this world. I've now got to find him before he adds some humans to his hitlist..."

It was at this point that the sound of fireworks boomed in from some distance away.

Tensing, MagnaAngemon turned around, to see the source of the noise.

Several globs of shadow energy bursting into streaks of red energy, just a few hundred meters away.

"On that note, I believe we have our man," He said, a mix of new emotions tinging his otherwise calm voice as his robes lit up with a glow, shifting back to his armor as he prepared to go confront his foe.
__________________________________________________ _______________
Elsewhere, Ari looked up at the sky as she heard the sound of fireworks.

Just about 100/150 meters away from the park she was in, exploding globs of shadow filled the sky.

Those weren't fireworks.

Her curiosity getting the better of her, she climbed down from the jungle gym, and began to make her way towards the scene of the commotion...

Draconis Nevyn 08-18-2011 08:52 PM

"Oh boy, just what I wanted from my day - death." Wizardmon spoke sarcasticlly, as he picked Elle up again and flew off while shouting "Electro squall!" Which caused lightning clouds to appear, creating several - to the Digimon there, atleast - suspiciously accurate lightning strikes aimed at SkullSatamon. Wizardmon had no idea if they had done any damage, he knew that Elle would just tell him to destroy the digimon anyway.

Elle smiled as she saw Wizardmon attack another evil digimon, most of them were evil. Perhaps MagnaAngemon had been tamed already? Who knew? well maybe MagnaAngemon himself did, but even she thought that it'd be a little cruel to ask incase it offended him, she didn't like the idea of Wizardmon dying and her then falling to her death at the moment. Perhaps later, after they would be out of a battle. Elle checked her Digivice as they flew and she gained a little information on the battle;
1. The two digimon there were; SkullSatamon and Andromon.
2. There was a Tamer there, either the Tamer of SkullSatamon or Andromon, hopefully the latter
3. SkullSatamon was currently seeming to be winning.
4. Both Andromon and SkullSatamon were Ultimate.
Here Wizardmon spoke, showing his wisdom and seeming to know what Elle was thinking, "It seems i'm a little outclassed, Elle. That's three Ultimates, with one on our side so far." Elle merely nodded, if it was needed she could try and digivolve him to Ultimate, though she hated that this had happened before he'd been able to regain his energy. She was impressed that he was able to hold his Champion form at all.

PsychoScythe 08-18-2011 09:05 PM

"We, as professional soldiers, have been hired to kill this Leomon!" Tankmon snarled at Examon, looking irritated that his attack did no damage. "Some idiot in pink armor has hired us mercenaries to eliminate this Digimon! And on that note, HYPER CANNON!" Tankmon tried his attack again, to no avail. The only thing his rocket accomplished was to annoy BanchoLeomon.

"Pink armor? You mean Crusadermon?" BanchoLeomon inquired, a scowl on his face. "You've got to be joking. Homo can't take me on, so he hires a bunch of Champions to do his dirty work? This is fucking ridiculous..."


Rinkmon, seeing that BanchoLeomon was no longer intent on punching his data out, weakly crawled away, towards MarineAngemon.

"Medic..." He groaned weakly, before the diminutive Mega level came rushing over, tutting as he did so, and began speaking in a German accent.

"Already, Herr Scout? How were you beaten zat easily, dummkopf?" He chided Rinkmon, while healing him in a bubble.

"Ugh...yo, that bastard didn't even flinch at my attacks! It's like he's a Mega or something..."


Zamielmon, seeing that BanchoLeomon was distracted by Tankmon, took the opportunity to aim for a headshot from his camping spot.

"I'm gonna turn ya into colored rain!" He snarled, before he let loose his arrow at BanchoLeomon's head. The lion Digimon heard the arrow coming with his enhanced hearing and snatched the projectile out of the air with his hand, before he saw where it came from.

"Wonderful, a camping asshole." He muttered under his breath before he drew his sword. Slashing at the sniper perch's direction, he launched a shockwave from his sword. "Lion King Slash!"

Zamielmon's eyes widened as he saw the shockwave coming at high speed.

"Oh, crikey..." He uttered, right before the shockwave tore through the tower, sending Zamielmon crashing to the ground. "Piece of piss..." He grunted in pain. His back hurt like hell from the impact. "Medic..." The sniper groaned, as he awaited MarineAngemon to come to him.

Oblivion Ascent 08-18-2011 09:06 PM

Flying towards the location of his foe, MagnaAngemon smirked as Wizardmon summoned the thunderclouds.

Those, coupled with the Andromon engaging SkullSatamon, would allow him a chance to get a lethal blow in on the Demon Man Digimon, without worrying about getting hold of him.

Stopping just out of sight of SkullSatamon, he raised his arm, producing Excalibur from the armor on his arm in order to activate his most powerful attack.

'Drawing' a circle with the ethereal blade, there was an alien noise as the circle filled with sigil-esque lines, runes, and a hatch in the middle.

Observing his foe and his movements, he began to get a lock-on to him...

"Gate of Destiny."

And as the lock-on completed, the hatch slid open, a burst of pure white and gold energy darting out and jetting towards SkullSatamon at ludicrous speed.

The Chance of a direct hit was 90%.
The Chance of an Instant Kill was 70%.
__________________________________________________ _______________
__________________________________________________ _______________
As Tankmon mentioned an 'idiot in pink armor', Examon sighed, facepalming.

"Well, Ulforce, he stooped that low. I guess I owe you a coke..."

After his little lamentation of Crusadermon's lack of standards, he looked back up at Tankmon, who appeared to be the ringleader.

"I guess that If you don't know who hired you, you are also unaware of who I am?"

vincanity0011210 08-19-2011 03:46 AM

DemiVeemon jumped off of Leon's head and landed ontop of Dorumon's head. "Hey! just cause youre the leader of the royal knights doesn't mean you gotta be so mean! Otherwise you may as well be an OMNIMON!" He shouted before jumping off and landing next to Shrewmon. Being at his in-training level, the digimon had to run slightly to keep up with the Rookie but managed to very well.

Leon was completely ignoring the digimon fight. Instead he was wondering about the village and his other friends. As usual, he was worried about his companions and allies before the current predicament. "Something tells me Siggy and Lucas are doing something crazy... and probably dangerous. What's this village we're heading to anyways?" he asked as they got near to the entrance.

Vocalia 08-19-2011 09:22 AM

Dorumon growled at Demiveemon. Being compared to Alphamon irked her when she barely remembered anything at all. "DON'T YOU DARE COMPARE ME TO HER!!" She roared. "Whoever Alphamon is, she's not me! I don't even remember a goddamn fucking thing!" She panted, trying to calm herself in vain. "And I don't want to hear any mention of that asshole Omnimon again...!" With an angry growl, she sped up and left the Digimon group to walk with Zei alone. "Damn Alphamon... Damn the Royal Knights.. Damn everything...!" She hissed. Despite her angry words, her tone was close to a whimper. Dorumon had a shady past, one that she only remember in pieces and even her life was, to be precise, a big Crapsaccharine World.

Zei frowned sadly and gently patted the Digimon's back, her mouth sewn silent. Glancing at her human partner, Dorumon gave her leg a little nudge to show that she was grateful for her not pestering the upset Rookie. She avoided the other Digimons completely and stayed close to Zei.

Oblivion Ascent 08-20-2011 12:47 AM

As Wizardmon launched a volley of lightning bolts at it, there were several flashes of darkness as the SkullSatamon effortlessly outmaneuvered them, a sadistic grin adorning it's face all the while.

"Hah! A pitiful Champion thinks it can take on an Ultimate? Oh, how delicious..."

Relishing the pain it was about to deliver unto the kindly Magus Digimon, SkullSatamon licked it's lips with a shrill giggle.

Standing stock still, it pointed it's cane towards Wizardmon, getting ready to end his life in one fell sw-

__________________________________________________ _______________
Approximately 50 meters, MagnaAngemon smiled as the Gate of Destiny's outburst hammered into SkullSatamon with titanic force, sending him flying backwards at immense speed due to the force of impact.

He may have been a distance from where the outburst had impacted SkullSatamon, but he could very clearly hear a crunch as it's backwards flight caused it to smash into a wall, eliciting another smile from the otherwise stoic Angel Digimon.

Making his way over towards the girl and the Wizardmon, he spoke once more.

"I would like to thank you for distracting SkullSatamon. The main factor of the stalemate in our previous fight had been due to his agility, and your distraction allowed me to bypass that."

He looked over towards the Demon Man Digimon.
From what he could see, it had survived the attack, but had been rendered unable to move. In addition, it had been made weak enough to finish off in a few blows.

"As you are guardians of this world, I surrender the honor of finishing SkullSatamon off to you. Do you accept?"
__________________________________________________ _______________
Ari closed her eyes and tensed up as the Digimon smashed into the wall with that horrible crunching noise.

Up until then, the fight between the Digimon had been 'fun', if such a word could be applied to a scenario in which a Wizard Scarecrow and a Cyborg attempt to beat up the Devil's undernourished younger brother, but that had been put to pasture once the energy ball had near-eviscerated SkullSatamon, brutally lodging him into the wall.

Opening one eye cautiously, she noticed that SkullSatamon had his head twisted at an impossible angle, even for a Digimon, and that his eyes were flickering between blank black and harsh, luminous red.

Her curiosity getting the better of her, she slowly made her way over towards the seemingly unconscious Demon Man, getting just out of arm's reach.

After a few second of observation, the flickering of the eyes paused, before stopping completely as the Digimon passed o-

And then the eyes lit right back up with an intense glow, and SkullSatamon tore himself from the wall, grabbing hold of Ari with his skeletal claw.

Mattmanganon 08-20-2011 01:10 AM

((for this post i think that Andromon should be Robocop.))

Andromon looked at SkullSatamon. "put the child down or there will be trouble..." said Andromon. his advanced targeting system already locking onto a spot on SkullSatamons body that when hit, would force him to drop Ari without her being hurt. "dead or alive, you are coming with me, back to the Digital world." said Andromon.

"try it." said SkullSatamon. "any of you try and do anything, they girl gets it." he put his staff closer to her, ready to attack should the need arise.

Draconis Nevyn 08-20-2011 01:34 AM

Wizardmon looked curioiusly at the girl and then to his tamer who he had put down on the ground beside the tamer and the Andromon, they seemed to be on the same side.

"Wizardmon you'll need to digivolve, I know you're weak but can you do it to destroy this being?"

"You only have to ask, Elle." Was Wizardmon's reply and then, Elle's digivice lit up, the glow showing her malice towards the demon for holding a girl captive.

"Wizardmon DarkDigivolve to... Phantomon!" Elle was taken aback, this Digimon was different from the previous form Wizardmon had held. How could that be? was it because she was so angry that he'd become a different Digimon? "Give up the girl, SkullSatamon pr your soul is mine!" shouted the Ultimate level digimon, who unfortunately had the power to sever a soul from another's body and to kill with words.

In this form Phantomon and Elle were focussed more on the death of the SkullSatamon than the overall outcome of Ari, who Elle thought she recognised but wasn't sure, yet who Phantomon recognised, and it was this that made him warn the other Digimon.

PsychoScythe 08-20-2011 03:52 AM

"Not a clue." Tankmon admitted, disgruntled at the fact that his men weren't even fazing BanchoLeomon. Speaking of whom, the lion Digimon was about to make another witty comment, this time about Tankmon's lack of knowledge, when he felt something sharp stab into his back. Actually, it didn't hurt that much. The stab felt like nothing more than a small cut to him. Looking behind him, BanchoLeomon saw that a Sealsdramon had backstabbed him.

"Good job. You actually damaged me." The Mega level conceded before he snatched Sealsdramon up and hurled him at Tankmon, sending both of them crashing through several buildings.

"Medic!" Both Champion levels cried out, only to be met by an anguished scream from MarineAngemon.

"AUUUUUUUUUUGGGHHHHHHH!!!!" The German-accented Digimon cried out, overworked and enraged from the amount of healing requests he was receiving. "STOP GETTING HURT, DAMMIT! STOP GETTING HURT!"

It was at this moment that a Gargomon and a BomberNanimon popped out from a side alley in an ambush, having been transported to the flanking position by one of Hagurumon's handy teleporters.

"Hagurumon is credit to team! Now, little baby mon dies!" The Gargomon cried out in a Russian accent, spinning up his arm cannons and firing. BanchoLeomon vaguely noted that this Gargomon was far larger than most of its kind, being seven feet tall rather than the usual six feet most Gargomon were.

"FREEEDOOOMM!!!" Screamed BomberNanimon in a Scottish accent, unknowingly quoting Mel Gibson. The Champion level hurled several bombs at BanchoLeomon, in cooperation with Gargomon's fire. Of course, being Champions, their attacks did absolutely nothing to the Mega level, who just began to look more and more irritated.


Meanwhile, Meramon was still trying to set Examon's ass on fire, and was growing increasing frustrated as he failed to do so.

"Mmmmmmmrrrrrrrpppghhh!" He mumbled, voicing his displeasure.

Oblivion Ascent 08-20-2011 12:30 PM

As Tankmon admitted that he lacked knowledge of his employer's and Examon's identities, Examon smirked a little, before speaking.

"From analysis of your account, I can tell that you were hired by Crusadermon, the Third Royal Knight, a sadistic asshole. As for who I am, I am Examon, the former Fifth Royal Knight and former overseer of this area."

As soon as he finished his explanation, the burning sensation coming from his rear end became irritatingly noticeable.

"Will you cut that out? It's extremely irritating," He said tersely, twisting his body to address the offending Meramon.
__________________________________________________ _______________
__________________________________________________ _______________
As SkullSatamon grabbed hold of her, Ari's eyes widened with fear, and she was about to yell out, when the Demon Man Digimon's hand covered her mouth, muffling her speech and effectively muting her.

She struggled against the Digimon's grip for a few seconds, before it tightened it's hold, rendering her helpless.

So, as SkullSatamon used her as a human shield against it's attackers, all she could do was hold still and hope that someone would find a way...

She closed her eyes, and waited.
__________________________________________________ _______________
As his foe grabbed hold of a helpless human girl and used her as a barrier between itself and it's attackers, MagnaAngemon's smirk gave way to a look of horror.

Which then gave way to a look of pure contempt and anger.

"You worthless BASTARD!!!"

As MagnaAngemon yelled damnation out at SkullSatamon, the facade of tranquility slipped, and the battle rage beneath began to surface.

"You've claimed enough lives as it is. Bring children into this, and I swear even the vilest pits of hell will have no place for you once I'm done..."
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________
As Ari heard MagnaAngemon condemn her captor, she momentarily untensed.

Her eyes being closed, she couldn't see the Angel Digimon, but the power in his voice was enough.
The voice reminded her of NeonGuilmon and her brother, and that alone was enough to reassure her...

And as she regained hope, a powerful light appeared above her, bursting forth with a powerful radiance, shining directly into SkullSatamon's face.

The Light of a Digivice.

Mattmanganon 08-20-2011 10:53 PM

Andromon saw the Digivice appear and quickly calculated the appropriate course of action he fired a pair of his heat seeker missiles that traveled straight past SkullSatamon. "HOLY SHIT, SHE'S A DIGIDESTINED!!! that means one of these guys is about to get a hell of a lot stronger... say goodbye to the girl." he said. Andromon started to charge forward, just as SkullSatamon was about the fire a blast at Ari, he was hit in the back by the seeker missiles and dropped her. Andromon caught her and jumped backwards.

"LIGHTNIGN BLADE!" he fired the sparkling wave attack at SkullSatamon and he jumped back

"SHIT!!!" yelled SkullSatamon. he looked at his situation. it was not looking good.

Oblivion Ascent 08-20-2011 11:25 PM

As SkullSatamon unwittingly dropped Ari into the arms of Andromon, there was a flash of movement as MagnaAngemon moved towards him at a new, insane speed, reappearing behind him.

"Come, comrades. Let us end this scum's miserable existance with the full brunt of our might," He yelled out, grabbing SkullSatamon in a full nelson.

He couldn't put his finger on it, but he felt stronger than he had done a few moments ago, as if his existance had been pushed further towards perfection.

If not for his 'battle-rage', he would have picked up on why.
__________________________________________________ _________________
Meanwhile, as she was dropped by her (former) captor, Ari squeaked with fright.

Although she was now free, and relatively safe from being blown to smithereens, being dropped now meant that she was heading straight for a rather unpleasant demise...

So, it was no small relief that Andromon caught her.

As the Cyborg Digimon pulled back from the battle with the little girl, she let loose and latched onto his chest area in a tight 'hug', shaking like a leaf in the wind.

At the same time, the Digivice and it's radiant light followed her, suspended in midair.

Draconis Nevyn 08-20-2011 11:40 PM

As soon as MagnaAngemon moved, - and Andromon and Ari were out of the way - Elle and Phantomon synchronised and felt their hatred flare,

"Wipe him from existence, Phantomon." Elle spoke quietly to her partner,

"I think I warned him.." replied Phantomon before proclaiming his attack; "Shadow Scythe!" He flew up to the struggling Digimon and raised his scythe purposefully, the chain dangling hypnotisingly, it would have been beautiful if it wasn't so terrible. After a moment, Phantomon swept his scythe through the body of the Demon Digimon, apon which moment, it disipated into it's data and then nothingness. There was nothing to absorb, nothing left of it.

"The deed is done." Phantomon stated as he pulled SkullSatamon's Digicore from his scythe and crushed it in his hand. Or robe as it seemed.

Then, there was a flash of orange light as Phantomon ran out of energy and De-Digivolved to DemiMeramon, who floated up to Elle. Elle regarded him carefully, she'd pushed him too far.

"I'm sorry, DemiMeramon." she said to him, the only thing she'd apoligise to in that world. Everything else meant nothing to her, she fought because she believed that all other Digimon were evil. What did she care if others thought she fought to save her world?

PsychoScythe 08-21-2011 12:21 AM

Tankmon groaned as he got back up, tossing the prone form of Sealsdramon off of himself.

"A Royal Knight? But that means...you're a Mega." The Champion level said in awe, but his amazement slowly turned into rage as he realized his predicament. "THAT SON OF A BITCH! GODDAMN MAGGOT CONNED US INTO A SUICIDE JOB!" Tankmon screamed, snarling in fury. "Men, stand down! Sad to say, but that pink bastard tricked us into a suicide mission!"

This statement was met by fury from the assorted members of Tankmon's team as they halted their attack on BanchoLeomon and expressed their displeasure at being taken for suckers.

"Yo, what the fuck?"
"They're gonna have tah glue Crusadermon back together...IN HELL!"
"Is coward-killing time!"
"Oh, that just ain't right!"

Tankmon joined in the rage, leading his team to their transport, a MegaSeadramon. "We will strangle that bastard with his own frilly training bra!"

BanchoLeomon just sighed and turned to Examon. "...You know what? Let's just get to Whamon. I'm sick of dealing with this shit."

tobiax 08-21-2011 03:15 AM

Shrewmon waggled his head in thought at DemiVeemon's question.
"We still have a while to go, like a day and a half," he said.
As Dorumon began her rant, of which he understood no part of the situation, Shrewmon lept behind Jordan, startled and frightened by the language. Jordan tuned it out. He fought to keep from clenching his fist and raising his arm again. He had had that problem once in a while, ever since he returned home four years ago, but being in the Digital World again, he had to fight the dreaded reflex more often now.

Mattmanganon 08-23-2011 04:41 PM

the Demon Digimon re-appeared. "YA MISSED!!!" it laughed.

"that is why there was no Data left." said Andromon.

"well then i'll be off for real this time." it spun its staff around and a portal to the Digital world opened and SkullSatamon was pulled into it, Andromon dug his heels into the ground in order to not get sucked in, but then he saw Kate fly past him, he tried to grab her but his hand missed, he then walked forwards to a lamp-post and put Ari on the other side of it.

"stay here young one." he said, he then turned around and ran straight for the Portal and jumped through.

Oblivion Ascent 08-23-2011 05:48 PM

As Phantomon rendered SkullSatamon an eternity of oblivion, a little smirk crept over his face...

Which promptly disappeared as the Demon Man Digimon reappeared, seemingly unharmed. MagnaAngemon stared at it, blinking twice in disbelief

"... This can't be. There's no way..."

However, his state of disbelief was again overwhelmed by one of anger when SkullSatamon jumped back through a portal.

"You Scum. GET BACK HERE!!!"

As the Angel bellowed with rage, he leapt into the portal, his wrist-mounted sword at the ready...
__________________________________________________ _______________
As Andromon set Ari down by the lamp post, she grabbed onto it will all the strenght her tiny form could afford.

That had been terrifying.

That had been horrible.

That had been awesome.

As her fear was replaced by a strange sense of exhilaration, and MagnaAngemon jumped through the portal, there was a glow from her Digivice.

And then she vanished.
__________________________________________________ _______________
As BanchoLeomon asked if they could get a move on, Examon just nodded.

"Yeah, lets get a move on before the next thinly veiled Valve Shout-Out arrives..."

Walking into the town, Examon observed that the place was near-empty, with only the stray Numemon.

At the same time, he felt his energy run low, signifying that he would have to de-digivolve soon.

Draconis Nevyn 08-24-2011 05:31 PM

Elle looked at DemiMeramon, "Well.. FUCK!" she shouted, though there was no one around to hear her. She wasn't about to let the scum get away that easily, and she rushed forward, running headfirst into the portal, with DemiMeramon screaming cheerfully by her side.

"THIS IS FREAKIN' AWESOME!" he shouted in her ear, but she didn't deign to reply she was just staring ahead coldy, following the light of MagnaAngemon as best as she could.

Mattmanganon 08-24-2011 05:44 PM

Kate got to her feet and looked around, she had landed in a desert. suddenly Andromon landed next to her. "are you alright ma'am?" he asked. she nodded, Andromon looked around. there was no sign of SkullSatamon. he then heard a sound and looked up to see the others being spit out of the portal.

Oblivion Ascent 08-25-2011 11:36 AM

There was a little 'poofing' noise as the form of MagnaAngemon descended from the Portal, his descent slowed by his many wings.

Landing softly on the desert sands, he looked around, making no sight of SkullSatamon.

He sighed, rubbing his temples in frustration.

"Infernal Scum escaped again... When I get my hands on him, I'll-"

"Omigosh, this is awesome!!!"

MagnaAngemon paused as he heard the other voice.
Slowly turning around, he saw the source of the voice, a young, red haired girl doing a little twirl in excitement.

"This is the Digital World, isn't it!?! Yay! Squishy's been going on about how awesome it is an' how many Digimon there an'..."

As Ari carried on, MagnaAngemon stared at her, blinking slowly.

"What's she doing he-"

And then he saw the Digivice, and it all fell into place.

"... What."

tobiax 08-25-2011 04:34 PM

They had been walking in relative silence for quite some time. It was after noon, and the sky shone amber through the digital trees. Although he knew where he was going, he didn't expect to recognize any place specifically until they approached the village, which is what made the familiarity of the surrounding wood all the more eerie. Jordan looked around, flashes of memory's ghosts appearing before his eyes. He took a step back, his eyes wide, his brow beginning to sweat. His face went pale as he realized where he had accidentally led them. Shrewmon looked up towards Jordan, hearing his footfalls cease.
"Jordan, are you ok?" the rodent Digimon asked.
Jordan stood there shaking, unable to move or speak, only a choked breath escaping his lips. In his mind, what had happened there repeated in blurry, distorted spurts, each action tearing through him like a flaming claw.

Draconis Nevyn 08-25-2011 05:50 PM

Elle flew through the portal and with nothing to slow her down, she free-fell towards the ground, where she lay motionless. DemiMeramon, quickly flew over to her as he noticed she wasn't moving and he turned her over, she was alive and she'd only broken her left arm. She considered herself lucky, the drop was rather large. She just groaned and sat up, patting DemiMeramon for his help she stood up and looked around, they were alone other than the other two and their Digimon, she sighed. Here she was.

What was the girl babbling about? The others were here? Of course! How hadn't she seen it before? She's join with the other two and search for them. She walked over to Ari, the pain visible on her face but she was able to cope with it util she was able to find a way to sort it properly, it would have to be soon though.

Mattmanganon 08-25-2011 11:52 PM

Dirk woke up and looked around. he tried to stand but his hands were bound to his feet. he could see that they were in a forest area, it looked like a village, there were loads of different Digimon walking around, he looked and saw that everyone else was there, bound as well, he couldn't see Impmon or any of the other partners around. he tried desperately to remember what had happened but all he could remember was walking through the forest with the others and then... he shook his head. "dammit." a large samurai like Digimon walked past. "excuse me, why did you do this?" he asked. the Samurai took no notice. he looked around at the others. "guys, wake up, wake up!"

Vocalia 08-26-2011 12:52 AM

Zei groaned and woke up to see herself tied up. She looked around and saw the black long stick she was carrying gone as well. Turning to her side, she could see Dirk and Jordan all tied up. She tried to squirm out of her hold, but it was obvious that she couldn't do much. "I-I'm awake, Dirk..." She replied to his call, trying to look for Dorumon.

tobiax 08-28-2011 12:13 AM

The light blared through his eyelids. Jordan stirred opening his eyes to find himself on the ground and unable to move. He looked around, his eyes unfocused, trying to find Shrewmon, who was nowhere to be seen. There were other Digimon around, but that was almost a given; they were in the Digital World. He rolled his head back and closed his eyes again; whatever was going to happen, he could do nothing about it now.
"Well, they got me," he muttered to himself, "I deserve it for comming back."
He squirmed and moved his shoulder, covering his face as best he could with the collar of his pullover. Maybe they didn't know who he was yet; in which case, he had better keep them from finding out.

PsychoScythe 08-28-2011 11:02 PM

Lucas and Leomon waved goodbye to Whamon as they slid off his back, the Whale Digimon swimming off once Siggy and NeonGuilmon had gotten off as well. The ride over to Server had taken a few hours, but both BanchoLeomon and Examon had run out of energy to maintain their forms, and devolved back into their usual forms.

"So, what do we do now?" Lucas asked the others, pulling out his Digivice. The teen remembered that the Digivice's radar function allowed him to search for other Digivice signals as well, and that was exactly what he did. Surprisingly enough, the radar revealed six Digivice signals besides his own and Siggy's. That was three more than should've appeared.

"Hey Fluffy, does your radar detect six Digivices insead of three?" He turned to Siggy, wondering if his Digivice was crapping out on him, or there actually were three more Digidestined on this continent.

vincanity0011210 08-29-2011 04:10 AM

Leon had been awake on the ground for a good ten minutes now. He had yet to say anything but his mind was seething in anger. The only reason, Leon believed, that he hadn't Dark Digivolved was because he couldn't feel Veemon anywhere. Instead he concentrated on ignoring their captors and trying to reach his knife in his back pocket. It was hard to grip or even feel it because of his head spinning. After voices started to call out Leon sighed in relief. "Welcome to the conscious world you guys! This is their deluxe "fuck me up the butt" package!" he shouted in irritation before feeling the pocket knife in his fingers. Getting a grip on it he unlatched the blade and began the process of trying to cut the binds.

Mattmanganon 08-30-2011 02:32 PM

((yeah, Draconis' post doesn't count, he said that he was going to delete it.))

Dirk had been working at his bonds and suddenly a hand slipped free, then the other hand then his legs and he was free, running over to the others, he untied them. "come on guys, we have to go and rescue... Kate?" behind everyone was Kate.

"Dirk, everyone, i was hoping to find you all." she said. "follow me, your Digimon are this way." she said. but at that point she was lifted off of her feet by Dirk.

"i was worried that i would never see you again." he said.

"i was worried about the same thing." she said hugging him back. she then turned to a Musyamon. "why did you tie them up?"

"because the Supreme one ordered all strangers to be tied up." replied the Samurai Digimon.

"i will speak to the Supreme one." she said as she led them all to a hut. inside was a table laden with food that the digimon were scarfing down. Impmon had drawn a line on the table and threatened to kill anyone who went for his food, but naturally that line took up most of the table.

"IMPMON!!!" yelled dirk running up to the imp digimon and picking him up.

"yeah, yeah, nice to see you, now get off of me pineapple head, there's food!" he yelled wriggling out of Dirks grasp and eating more.

Vocalia 08-30-2011 09:01 PM

Zei followed Kate and Dirk into the room and was relieved to see Dorumon contentedly eating the food provided for her. "Hey, what took you so long?" Dorumon raised a brow. "Come on, Zei. There's food here. You could use something to eat." She smiled and walked towards her, carrying a huge chunk of meat. "Y-Yes... Of course..." Zei blinked and nodded, too confused and relieved at the moment. She then remembered something. "Pardon, I recall bringing a long black item on my back. May I have it back?" She asked.

Mattmanganon 08-30-2011 09:21 PM

a Musyamon looked at Zei and then retreaved a long black pole like thing from a box and then handed it to her. "i apologise, we have orders from the supreme one." said the Samurai as he presented Zei with her item.

Vocalia 08-31-2011 12:30 AM

"It's alright. Thank you." Zei bowed her head and took the long item. She uncovered the black sheet covering the item, revealing it to be a katana. Holding onto its sheath and handle, she pulled the sword out. The accompanying sound made it clear that it was no joke item as the sharp metal gleamed against the light. She put the now-digitalized weapon back into its sheath before strapping it again on her back. Zei then took her seat beside Dorumon who seemed to know about this particular possession.

tobiax 08-31-2011 02:03 AM

Jordan was surprised when he was released from his bonds, and even more-so that it wasn't a means of execution. He hadn't seen that Musyamon before, and for that he was glad. He entered the hut after everyone else was well inside. As he approached, he noticed an almost fierce glare from a dusty old Digitamamon which sent a chill up his spine. A small tear welled up in his eye as he saw Shrewmon, who was actually standing on the table. He snapped out his hand and snatched up a nut which was clearly past Impmon's personal Maginot line. He popped it into his mouth and bounded over the table to avoid any retaliation from the small but feisty Digimon.
Jordan watched as Zei displayed her katana, feeling a mix of admiration and eerie dejavous. His left hand twitched as the memories began to return to him; from what he had learned, humans should never carry weapons in the Digital World. He was shaken from his train of thought as Shrewmon approached, holding a double pawfull of food.
"Thanks, but you know I usually eat light," Jordan replied, taking an apple from his friend's outstretched paw.
Jordan waited a moment, tossed the apple in the air, and then took a bite. He put it in his synthetic fabric lined pocket for later, dry side down.
"Now," he spoke up out of a truly deep concern, "what did you bring that for?" Jordan asked with a nod towards Zei's back and the weapon upon it.

Vocalia 08-31-2011 03:45 AM

"I can't logically explain this..." Zei looked at Jordan. "But perhaps you might understand." She took a deep breath. "A night before we leave for Digital World, I saw Alphamon in my dreams. In her hand was some sort of weapon. It looked like a sword, but I could only assume from its shape..." She said. "In my own hand was my family's heirloom katana. I was holding it on the same hand as Alphamon was holding her weapon." She glanced at the japanese sword on her back. "This might sound surreal to you, but I was fighting Alphamon in my dream. I thought that it might be a message... A premonition of sort."

tobiax 09-01-2011 02:10 AM

Jordan leaned back on the balls of his feet and gave Zei a sideways glance.
"Well then you had better watch your back," he stated quietly, almost coldly.
Inwardly, Jordan was analyzing what Zei had said. He had an idea that the Digital World could spill over into dreams, but fighting this Alphamon could not be good. Without another word, he turned on his heels and left the hut, taking a bite of the apple as he left. Shrewmon followed his companion, but not before grabbing a handful of berries. Jordan started towards a log to take a seat and think the situation over further. He made a partial turn, and almost called out in surprise when the same DigiTamamon stood before him. It gave him the same hostile glare, and by it's stance he knew it wouldn't let him leave without some sort of confrontation.
"I've been watching you and you're not going to get away unpunished!" the DigiTamemon said angrily, and loudly enough for its voice to be heard clearly in the hut.

Oblivion Ascent 09-03-2011 01:34 AM

As Lucas questioned the state of his Digivice, Siggy raised an eyebrow, and reached for his own.

Turning on the radar function, he noticed that he too had the same situation, with the three extra signals.

"Huh. As a matter of fact, it does. Weird."
__________________________________________________ _________________
As the DigiTamamon vented some unknown bottled rage at Jordan, there was a hiss of air as a black hand appeared on the Digimon's shell, where it's shoulder would be if it had one.

"Now now, be polite to the guests," The owner of the hand, a headless humanoid shape of a Digimon clad in what appeared to be a leather jumpsuit, purred in a soft irish accent.

Turning it's attention to the group, the Headless Digimon performed a small bow, an cloth-covered object held under it's right arm becoming noticeable as it did so.

"Greetings, Digidestined. Our master, the Supreme One, requests your presence in the Great Hall..."

As the Digimon spoke, a black cloud emerged from where it's head should have been, and some movement was seen from under the cloth covering the mysterious object.

tobiax 09-03-2011 06:16 PM

"He's no guest," DigiTamamon shouted, "Don't you know who this is?!?" it fumed.
Digitamamon shook the hand of the misty Digimon off its shoulder.
"The Supreme One will thank me for teaching this filth a lesson!" it said angrily as the hole in its shell changed shape.
"Swing Egg!" Digitamamon shouted, launching an ostrich egg-like projectile.
It struck Jordan in the stomach, dropping him to his hands and knees. Shrewmon glared at Digitamamon, ready to attack.
"No, Shrewmon, it's ok..." Jordan said with a gasp.

Oblivion Ascent 09-03-2011 06:39 PM

As the Digitamamon angrily questioned it as to whether it knew who Jordan was, the black cloud emanating from the headless Digimon grew vastly in size, and took on a vile sulphuric stench.

"No, and it's not in my nature to care."

Almost immediately after it had spoken, the Egg Digimon pushed it's authority to the side, and launched a projectile at Jordan.

There was a sudden chill in the air of the room, as the black cloud grew even larger in size, darkening.

As it focused on Digitamamon, there was a hiss as a glob of darkness appeared in it's hands, coagulating and reforming into the shape of a slender, intricate scythe, the blade of which let off an ominous glint.

"Let me remind you, Digitamamon. I am taking direct orders from the Supreme One. Those orders are for me to take these humans to her, safe and unharmed. You just attacked one of them."

To illustrate it's point, it pointed the scythe towards Digitamamon.

"Can you see where I'm going with this?"

tobiax 09-04-2011 01:43 AM

The Digitamamon began to explain, "This one is a danger to the Digital World, and a threat to the Supreme One's power. I was unaware of the Supreme One's orders at the moment, but please, won't you see, this is a wolf in sheep's clothing!"
Jordan, still on his hands and knees, glanced over to Shrewmon, making sure he was ok. A worried look showed on the Digimon's face.
"Jordan, don't..." he whispered.
"He's right," Jordan spoke up, "I am."

Mattmanganon 09-04-2011 01:50 AM

Dirk looked at Jordan. "what are you talking about, are you a spy for the royal knights or something? a shapeshidfting Digimon?" he asked.

tobiax 09-04-2011 02:16 AM

Jordan glanced up at Dirk, "No, I'm a human, and I'm still fuzzy about who these Royal Knights are, but it's not something I'm going to drag any one else into."
With that, Jordan lowered himself, as if bowing, his head upon the ground, and balanced on his elbows and knees. Tears gathered in Shrewmon's eyes; he knew exactly what Jordan was saying, and wanted him to let it go. He knew his partner wouldn't protect himself, but Shrewmon was prepared to attack Digitamamon, even if it only put himself in more danger.

vincanity0011210 09-04-2011 09:39 PM

After getting untied Leon quickly followed the rest before being tackled by Veemon, who had half a fruit sticking out of his mouth still. Luckily Leon put his knife away beforehand or that hug could have been bad for everyone involved. "Short stuff! How the hell are you stuffing our mouth at a time like this! Whats going on!" Leon asked Veemon. Instead on answering Veemon just tried to swallow the fruit and took Leon by the hand toward the food. Not one to ignore a good meal, Leon quickly began to pick through the food until he found something he liked. His head tilted when Zei suddenly had a sword, making hsi eye twitch. "Oh goody. This adventure is obviously going to be safe."

As if on cue with a universal joke, as their group seemed to fall under all the time, a Digitamamon decided Jordan needed to be hit with an egg. This did not sit well with either of the duo, but Leon especially was wondering what Jordan apparently had done. Heading outside to join Jordan and Shrewmon, Veemon double Digivolved into AreoVeedramon and gave the egg digimon a swift kick to the side.

Leon decided to deal with Jordan. "Okay man. We know you've been here before, we know you know the digital world well, we know you did something." Leon said, counting the list off on his right hand. "Don't you think that if your going to travel with us and help us you could tell us which Sovergin you killed and how much action you got from Lilithmon? Because I doubt whatever you did is as bad as what not telling us will make us imagine."

tobiax 09-05-2011 01:09 AM

Jordan stood up and brushed the dirt off his arms and legs, apparently unaffected by what Leon's harsh words.
"If any of the Sovereigns died, it had nothing to do with me, and let's just say I was never on speaking terms with that wretch of a Digimon," he said, noticing his temper rising and calming himself before continuing, "I had better go," he said, turning towards the woods and motioning to Shrewmon, who was obviously glad that Jordan was ok, "I don't want to cause any more trouble for you."
With that, Jordan left the confines of the village and sat just beyond the bushes. Shrewmon followed, but not before hugging AeroVeedramon's leg to show his appreciation. He then turned to Leon.
"Please don't be so hard on Jordan, he's been through a lot and he feels really bad about it. He needs to let it go, but I'm not going to tell either, it's painfull for him," the rodent Digimon explained.
Shrewmon the bounded over to Jordan to comfort him.
"I know you don't want to say it in front of all those Digimon, but you should at least tell someone in the group, don't ya think?"
"I'm really not sure," Jordan replied, "maybe I should just leave. They got to the Digital World, and this 'Supreme One' probably knows the way to the Royal Knights' castle. I should probably just find some way back to the Real World."
"But Jordan," Shrewmon retorted, "maybe this is your chance to make up for it again. Maybe you'll finally be able to forget if you do this. Maybe... the nightmares will stop..."

Vocalia 09-05-2011 01:20 AM

Zei and Dorumon walked out to see Jordan and Shrewmon leaving. The tomboy Digimon stood beside AeroVeedramon and sighed. "Humans... Always the sentimental type." She scoffed. "And I wonder why some Digimons aren't fond of humans." She shook her head.

Zei made her way to Leon's side and looked at him with a sad frown. "We should leave Jordan for a while. Something tells me that he needs sometime alone." She said to him. "In any case, does your leader wish to see us?" She asked Digitamamon, looking at the egg-shaped Ultimate.

tobiax 09-05-2011 01:49 AM

Jordan heard Zei speak, and looked back for a moment, but he saw how closely knit they were, and didn't want to disturb them.
Digitamamon stood awkwardly and looked at his superior, then to Zei.
"Yes, apparently there are orders," Digitamamon stated, slightly cocky, "The Supreme One is in that hut back there," he said with a nod, more humbly, "Be sure to announce yourselves, The Supreme One does not like uninvited visitors, at least that's what I've heard."

Oblivion Ascent 09-05-2011 07:22 PM

As the Digitamamon calmed down and apologized, the Headless Digimon's scythe dissolved back into the black glob, the black cloud clearing.

It's ire at having it's orders obstructed resolved, it turned it's attention back to the group (It appeared that it had little interest in Jordan) as Digitamamon gestured to the Supreme One's bode and advised them of caution.

"Anyway, Digitamamon is right. She's waiting for us as we speak. If you would care to follow me, I'll take you to her."

It paused, before adding:

"As for uninvited visitors, she knows who you are, and is apparently familiar with most of you," It said, before gesturing to Jordan, ""Although, she didn't mention anything about that one."

vincanity0011210 09-05-2011 07:22 PM

Leon rolled his eyes at Digitamamon and looked over to AreoVeedramon. Sharing a look for a moment, Leon nodded. Turning to Digitamamon AVmon let out a fierce cry of "Magnum Crasher!!!" and socked the egg in the eyes. this sent the digimon rolling quite a distance away as Veemon suddenly appeared in place of his larger form. "Well, lets go see this Supreme One then, okay Leon?" Veemon asked, not waiting for an answer and running towards the hut.

Leon on the other hand looked back at Jordan and Zei. He wanted them to all stay together, but he was tired of trying to control anyone else. "Okay, me and Vee are heading in. you guys are more than welcome to join us!" he called out before turning to run to Veemon. The blue dino was already at the threshold, his mouth hanging open. oh goody, apparently this Supreme One is really impressive. Lets check this out then Leon thought before entering the hut and having his own jaw drop. "No. No fucking way."

Mattmanganon 09-05-2011 08:15 PM

Dirk watched with a little awe as Digitamamon was sent flying. "wow... you've got a left hook like Rocky Balboa." he said.

"who's that?" asked Impmon. "is he some human with hooks for hands or something?"

"he's a man that goes around beating up digimon who ask too many questions." said dirk giving Impmon an evil smile, he then turned around and followed everyone, they entered the hut and Dirk heard Leon let out an exclaimation. "what's the hullabaloo about?" asked Dirk, then he saw the Supreme one. Impmon saw the Supreme one as well.


tobiax 09-05-2011 09:22 PM

Jordan whinced as he heard the thunk of AeroVeedramon's fist sinking into Digitamamon's mysterious but apparently vulnerable skin. It made him sick to think that a Digimon who was supposed to be good would attack unprevoked, once their point had already been made. He leaned forward, feeling like he was going to vomit. An eerie tingle shot up his spine, and his vision darkened. Shrewmon had begun to speak, but Jordan couldn't hear what he was saying. Through a haze, he saw what looked like a lighthouse, but something was wrong, and it seemed that blackness kept being forced in his eyes. His mind cleared, Shrewmon looked to him with concern. Jordan nodded to show his companion he was alright. Jordan heard the mysterious headless Mega level Digimon speak.
"Anyway, Digitamamon is right. She's waiting for us as we speak. If you would care to follow me, I'll take you to her. As for uninvited visitors, she knows who you are, and is apparently familiar with most of you. Although, she didn't mention anything about that one."
Jordan looked out of the corner of his eye, only to see the mysterious Digimon gesture towards him. He looked away quickly. A few moments later, he heard the exadurated reactions of the others at they saw the apparent 'Supreme One'.
"NO, NOT THAT, ANYTHING BUT THAT!!!" he heard Dirk yell, with Impmon right behind him.
'This Supreme One can't be that bad,' Jordan thought to himself, 'I can't detect anything from that direction, at least nothing digital which warents that kind of reaction.'

Vocalia 09-05-2011 11:33 PM

Zei and Dorumon looked at one another in confusion as they heard Impmon scream from the Supreme One's hut. "I wonder what happened..." Zei mused, looking at the direction of the hut with concern.

"Well, anything that made Impmon scream would be either cute or ugly. Either way, let's just see for ourselves." Dorumon shrugged and casually made her way into the hut. Inside, however, she was left with her jaw dropping. If Digital physics permitted it, her jaw would've touched the ground. When Zei followed suit, she greeted the Supreme One with the same, shocked and baffled, expression. Dorumon, at this point, could only muster one thing.

"You're kidding. You're kidding, right?"

Oblivion Ascent 09-06-2011 12:38 AM

As the last member of her visitors entered the hut, the Supreme One quickly moved her head from side to side, taking in the expressions of shock and/or horror on their faces.

Behind her, her three attendants stood in silence, also observing the looks on the group's faces

A Valkyrimon looked straight at them, her gaze cold and unflinching.

An Anubismon tilted it's head, in a show of curiosity not unlike a puppy.

And finally, a MagnaAngemon decided to break the silence.

"So, 'Supreme One,'" It said, in a casual, playful tone unbefitting his otherwise radiant glory, "Have you anything to say to our guests?"

Looking up at her right hand man, the Supreme One tilted her head.
Before breaking out in a happy smile.

"Hey guys," Ari said, giggling profusely in joy, "Surprise!!!"
__________________________________________________ _______________
As Siggy and Lucas collectively questioned whether their Digivices were working, NeonGuilmon sniffed the air, wearing his equivalent of a happy smile.

The trip by Whamon hadn't been too unpleasant, and as far as he could tell, the others weren't too far away.

After the choppiness of earlier, this was a nice, refreshing break.
And the best bit? Almost nothing could go wrong.

It was in his own state of elation that he didn't notice the cracks spread along the earth.
__________________________________________________ _______________
On the other hand, Siggy, being in no such state, stared dumbfounded at the spider-web like network of cracks spreading along the ground, seemingly randomly.
If mainstream media had taught him anything, it was that this kind of shit ended badly.

"Uh, guys? Not sure if you've noticed, but-"

He never got the chance to finish the sentence.
__________________________________________________ _______________
As Siggy reached the ever-suffering midsentence, the ground was wracked with a titanic tremorous rumble, enough to throw him to the ground.

And as he hit the ground, the network of cracks in the ground burst upwards, earth and rock shooting upwards as a dark structure as large as the teen rose towards the sky.

A Gauntleted Hand.

You are, all of you, garbage.
__________________________________________________ _______________
As he heard these words, NeonGuilmon froze over, roused from his state of euphoric catatonia.

Slowly, he turned, his teeth bared and his eyes glowing with a reddish tint.

__________________________________________________ _______________
Undeterred by the Dinosauric Digimon's anger, the hand continued to rise, followed by a cowled, plumed head with harsh crimson eyes.

You carry your dignity with pomp and haught, refusing to yield to that which is infinitely greater than you.

But that shall go unpunished no longer.

There was another explosive burst, this time one that propelled the creature out from the ground.

As it descended towards the ground, it carried on with it's boastful proclamation, it's arms held out like a priest delivering a sermon.

It is by my dreadful strength that your hubris shall be rendered into oblivion.

It is by my dreadful strength that you shall be cast into fiery catharsis.

I am the Second Royal Knight, Bringer of Rage and Madness.

I am Craniamon.

I am here.

Finally, it's feet touched the ground, and as it gained a balance, it looked upon the two teens and their partners with a look of conceited smugness.

It focused it's gaze on NeonGuilmon, the smug smile twisting into an even uglier shape at the sight of the Digimon's palpitable anger.

"Why hello there, Examon," Craniamon crooned, obviously enjoying himself, "U Mad?"
__________________________________________________ _______________
To Be Continued...

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vincanity
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Digimon Convergence Log II, Part 1

RMattmanganon 09-08-2011 12:00 AM

Digimon: the Convergence of the Human and Digital World IC 2

the Digital world has always co-existed with the Real World. but due to unknown circumstances, the Digital World and the Real world have began to combine, now pieces of the Digital world are beginning to come into the human world. it all started a month ago, at first it was small things such as mail-boxes replaced with Mail-box sized Mushrooms.

but then it started to get big, whole skyscrapers replaced with Ocean Liners. now creatures have started to appear. some of them have have come in search of a Partner, some have come due to lack of choice and are scared, and there are a few that have come because they wish to destroy this new world and claim it for their own.

a new breed of Digitestined have emerged, they have been fighting to protect both worlds, but there are 2 forces stopping them, 1 is the Royal Knights, a band of the strongest Digimon ever known, they believe that their actions will save the Digital World, and the other force is a mysterious Orginisation of Humans who Kidnapped a Digidestined and used her Digimon, BlackWarGreymon to capture Data of Digimon in order to create a monstrosity capable of overpowering the toughest of Digimon.

OOC: roleplayerguild.com/f15/digim...l-worl..

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orbiting the earth inside my gundam with my sights trained on you

Beelzemon was hit by the blast from Imperieldramon and he imagined that this was what getting hit by a train felt like, he was blasted backwards off of his feet, the Armour on his body was vaporized. he landed with a roll before finally sprawling out on his back "ow." he tried to move, but the pain was intense "alright, you'll have to do without me for a sec." he said. he summoned the spear again and stuck the handle into the ground before pushing himself back onto his feet. he summoned another Knightmons data to adopt the armour of. but still found it hard to move. "fuck." he coughed before looking at Imperieldramon. "THAT ALL YA GOT YA FREAKIN' WOOSE!!!" he yelled. "I GET KNOCKED DOWN, BUT I GET UP AGAIN, YA NEVER GONNA KEEP ME DOWN!!!" he yelled in a half singing, half screaming voice, it was the only voice he could come up with because of the pain. he began plodding slowly towards the lead Knight "I GET KNOCKED DOWN, BUT I GET UP AGAIN, YOU'RE NEVER GONNA KEEP ME DOWN!!!" he then steadied his feet "GIGA CANNON!!!" he fired another powerful blast, but he was not steady enough on his feet and so the recoil knocked him over.

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05-12-2012 #873
Oblivion Ascent
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Watching as his Omni-Shield crumbled and faded along with the Wave Motion Beam from Imperialdramon's Omni-Blade, Examon Mordred growls angrily, hunching over and spreading Caledfwlch as he prepares to make his next move.

Until the opportunity to fuse returned to him, he was going to have to stave off attack from Imperialdramon, which wasn't going to be an easy task by any stretch of the imagination. If his Omni-Shield was able to recharge, he could attempt to hit-and-run, albeit only if he kept his distance in doing so.

So, formulating a basic plan of action in his mind, Examon Mordred rises from his crouch, getting ready to jump into the air and get to work...

When Imperialdramon fired a Splendor Blade at him.

"FUCKNUGGETS," The Dragon Emperor spat loudly, as he aborted what would have been the start of his plan in order to drop and roll away from the radius of the powerful burst of energy.

Unfortunately, whilst his move did spare him from being slaughtered outright by the attack, it didn't stop it from hitting him.

"... Fuck my life," Examon Mordred snarls, anger welling inside of him as he took the Splendor Blade to the right wing of Caledfwlch, the gigantic appendage shattering into thousands of pieces of Chrome Digizoid as it's former owner dropped the ground in a roll.

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05-15-2012 #874
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Alphamon's eyes widened when she heard the passing whisper, but soon regained her focus fast enough to brace herself for the incoming blast. She managed to put up a steady defense, but under her fatigue, constraint and the Omni-Sword's sheer power, Seiken Gradalpha shattered in her arms, leaving her with the Omni-Sword given by Beelzemon. While it was strong enough to keep herself from getting blasted to data bits, it wasn't strong enough to completely stave off the attack and Alphamon soon found herself flying some distance from her spot due to the recoil of the attack. Now completely weakened and out of options, the female Mega could feel herself beginning to lose consciousness. She found herself uttering what she believed would be her final words.

"Zei, Dorumon, everyone... I'm sorry..."


Gallantmon watched in both awe and shock as Final Elysion and Shield of Hope condensed together into a sphere of pure energy. With both beams keeping the accumulated power in some sort of equilibrium, Gallantmon kept himself steady with his shield, waiting for the moment he had to act. If he jeopardized the attack, he and WarCapidramon would be done for. At such high risk, the ex-Knight maintained all his focus on the attack, waiting for the right signal.

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05-15-2012 #875
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"No..." Examon Mordred mumbled, as he watched Alphamon be blown backwards and away by the force of the Splendor Blade from the Omni-Blade.

Deep within the Hazard Knight's subconscious, the resolve by his human component to trust in his friend's capabilities stepped aside for a few moments, with Examon Mordred changing its plans all together to go attend to Alphamon.

"Don't you dare die on me..." He muttered towards Alphamon, NeonGuilmon's consciousness in full control as he spoke in a terse, yet concerned way towards his lady, crossing the distance between himself and her fallen form in a few moments due to his great size.

Crouching down besides her, there was a pained snarl from him as a tendril of the Hazard, at his own discretion and produced from a breach in his armor, moved around to and sliced off the remaining wing of Caledfwlch at the weakened joint.

Being that the other wing was destroyed, this one would be entirely useless other than to weigh Examon Mordred down. As it stood, however, it had a massive data composition, and Data was something that Alphamon desperately needed.

"Take it," He growled towards her, taking her near-unconscious form beneath his arm as he spoke, and as the severed wing burst into data, flowing into her in accord to its basic sentience, "You're going to need it a lot more than I do."

At this point, it seemed as if the Hazard Knight's only option was to take Alphamon and Beelzemon, and flee from the physical god hounding them. His Omni-Shield was regaining power, and would cover them until they could get to safety, and with Caledfwlch gone, he could move at a far greater speed.

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05-15-2012 #876
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WarCapidramon looked over to the Armored Duke beyond the clashing energies. He glared into the Guile Helm, and gave a firm nod.
"Here goes nothing," he muttered.
Clenching his fist on the shield's strap, he built power in every muscle of his legs. He would have to move fast and precisely if this were to work.
"Charge!" he called at the top of his voice.
With that, the took a great twisting side step and lunged forward. If Gallantmon moved forward as well, they could meet and propel the blast forward, hopefully with enough force to stun Imperialdramon Paladin Mode and damage the Orci long enough for their companions to get to safety.

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05-16-2012 #877
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"E... xamon..."

The burst of data soon found itself being absorbed into Alphamon's body, each bits of data repairing what damage she had sustained. While the data composition of the one half of Caledfwlch was large enough to help her back on her feet, she wouldn't last long against Imperialdramon. With her weapon destroyed, Beelzemon's Omni-Sword was her only lifeline left. In her crippled state, she found it both strange and bemusing that Examon Mordred opted to keep her alive, especially after what she had done to the latter.

"This... reminds me... Back in the days... When we used to patrol together. After what I've done, here you are worrying about me." She weakly chuckled. "Shouldn't you worry more about yourself, especially considering I haven't been the best ally you have?"


The moment Gallantmon spotted movement from WarCapidramon, he instinctively reacted similarly, pushing the clashing beam closer and closer to his ally. The sheer opposing force of both beams exerted an immense weight on Gallantmon's shield, but he pressed on, keeping his eyes on WarCapidramon.

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05-16-2012 #878
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Seeing that Gallantmon was mirroring his movements, the Spartan Rodent knew he could now move more quickly. He turned his feet and dashed to the side, carefully stepping to the side. Soon, the blasts would propel the fusion energy out and hopefully be enough to help their friends.
'I really hope this works,' Shrewmon thinks within the massive data body of the Mega.
'Either way, we're going to have the fight of our lives on our hands after this,' he commented.
'It's almost funny, having Gallantmon help us now.'
'You're telling me...'

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05-17-2012 #879
Oblivion Ascent
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Pain. From the moment BanchoLeomon Burst Mode breached his weakened shield to slug him in the jaw to the moment he regained his footing and composure after being pushed back by the violent blow, all that Parasimon Mordred could think of was pain.

Pain, and rage.

"Fucking cat..." The monster hissed, his voice clearly carrying a dosage of Susanoomon's anger as his face parted in a vicious snarl.

Not only had the balance between himself and Orci Kappa, and Dynasmon and UlforceVeedramon been upended by an interruption, it just had to be one of those Digimon that had humilated him not long before now.

Under most circumstances, Parasimon Mordred would have let his rage consume him, and would have erupted into a vicious fury, allowing his bestial instincts and the presence of the Digital Hazard within his system to take control.

However, this didn't seem to be the case right now, as the vicious snarl receded, instead replaced by a placid poker-face.

"I'll save you for last," He muttered, in a cold disdain as he turned away from BanchoLeomon, his shield shimmering as he turned his attentions back to Dynasmon and UlforceVeedramon, who had taken their reprisal from his distraction to launch their own attacks towards the newcomer, Orci Kappa.

For this to work, they were going to need to work together.
__________________________________________________ _______________
At first, Orci Kappa had been distracted from his task as his father was slugged in the face by BanchoLeomon, the odd sight of the feline coming right the fuck outta nowhere and slugging Parasimon Mordred producing some strange sense of expectation in him.

"Odd," He muttered to himself as Parasimon reacted to being surprise attacked by one of his arch-nemesises in a surprisingly methodical and calm fashion, "I expected dismemberment."

In any case, it just took the radiant burst of Ray Of Victory shooting towards him to bring him back to his senses, and it took the sight of a thin orange wall shimmering into existence between him and said attack to make him realize that he'd just had a close call.

"Are you done playing around? That Demon Lord's given me enough lip to last a lifetime. Before I blew him up, at least."

As he spoke, the ground around the Orci glowed red, as energy from his body flowed into it in preparation for his next move.
Some proper timing was needed here, as well as some decent preparation and measurement. If he was fighting aerial opponents, and powerful aerial opponents at that, he was going to need to take a tough line with his plans.
__________________________________________________ ______
Meanwhile, as his Omni-Shield faded out from protecting Orci Kappa, Parasimon turned to find that, in the split seconds between then and now, Dynasmon had launched both himself and a round of attacks at him.

Reacting quickly, the Devil Knight hissed, forcing his shield into existance against the blasts, shielding himself from them in return for it being severely weakened in the process, enough that it would be useless against Dynasmon's physical assault for the next 30 or so seconds.

"Now we're talking..." Parasimon Mordred hissed in slight euphoria, as he dropped his shield to aim a gigantic fist at the rapidly approaching Dynasmon, hoping to use the chance of blinding him with the deflected energies from the shield to catch him off-guard.

Last edited by Oblivion Ascent; 05-17-2012 at 04:11 PM.

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05-18-2012 #880
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Raising an eyebrow as Parasimon Mordred turned away from him, BanchoLeomon Burst Mode took a second to form twin swords from his aura. With this done, he prepared to rush the idiot that had turned his back on an opponent, but stopped as he saw Orci Kappa charging up some kind of attack. An enemy that was glowing red was never a good thing.

After selecting his target, BanchoLeomon took off in a swift flash step, appearing right next to Orci Kappa before delivering a single slash to disrupt his attack charge. With Parasimon Mordred apparently distracted by Dynasmon's charge, no Omni-Shield rose to protect the abomination, and BanchoLeomon leapt up and kicked off of the Orci as leverage to pick up speed as he flew towards Parasimon.

Ramming Parasimon Mordred from the side, BanchoLeomon Burst Mode tumbled along the ground, grappling his opponent as they finally slowed. Emerging on top of the grapple, the lion smirked as he raised a single fist.

"Unlike the last time I tried this, you're not shrugging this one off, Susanoomon. Burning Bancho Punch!"

And he smashed Parasimon's face in again, just like he did but a day ago.



As Examon Mordred donated his data to Alphamon, Imperialdramon Paladin Mode could only sigh as he advanced. With a burst of speed, he appeared right in the middle of the trio that opposed him. The Royal Knight unleashed another burst of power from his body, knocking the three away in separate directions. Imperialdramon began to advance, but a screech from above cut him off.

A heavily injured Valdurmon dove down from the skies, talons extended. Scoffing, Imperialdramon Paladin Mode simply gripped one talon firmly in his free hand, and impaled Valdurmon through the chest before tossing her to the side.

With that annoyance taken care of, Imperialdramon strode up to Examon Mordred's prone form, before reaching down and picking the Dragon Emperor up by the neck.

"Examon..." He snarled, lifting his most hated foe up by the neck. "You should not even be alive. That virus I implanted in you on your last mission to the human world should have destabilized your form and let your opponent kill you. Yet here you are, continuing to oppose me." The Royal Knight mused, before tightening his grip on the traitor's neck. "You have been a thorn in my side for far too long, Dragon Emperor." Imperialdramon Paladin Mode hissed as he pointed the Omni-Sword at Examon Mordred's chest. "I only regret that I lack the time to kill you slowly." And he thrust the blade straight at the ex-Knight's Digicore.

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1. 05-18-2012 #881
Oblivion Ascent

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More anger.

More anger took root in Parasimon Mordred's mind as the Swordsman Lion yet again circumvented his shield to attack him directly, this time sending him crashing to the ground as he was mounted and grappled by the far smaller Digimon.

'Urge to kill...'

BanchoLeomon smashed one aura-charged fist into his face directly, causing a slight dent to appear in it, and some hairline fractures to spread...


BanchoLeomon hit him with his powerful punch again, this time causing a large dent to appear in his face as the cracks, which were previously hairline, grew and expanded massively, giving his face the seeming texture of shattered glass.


Again, the Lion hit, and this time, there was a crack as the facial armor of Parasimon Mordred fractured, revealing what lied beneath.

And allowing what was sealed within it to shoot out with a snap.

"Like what you see, vermin?" The insectoid abomination asked, his revealed and unsealed mouth not moving as the words blared out on some sort of wavelength, with them unable to move anyway due to the pair of vicious secondary jaws which had erupted out from within them and snapped shut around BanchoLeomon's arm mid-punch, the vicious steel teeth guillotining into the limb with vicious might, all of the abomination's terrible physical power focused into a small area by being exerted though the distended second jaw.

Not even willing to give his foe a chance to react, there was a roar as his Omni-Shield emanated out from his body with great force and speed, taking advantage of the momentary distraction to push BanchoLeomon away from Parasimon Mordred, without any regard for the fact that his arm was still trapped within the monster's second jaw, and likely to be tugged off.

"And unlike the last time I tried to kill you, you're not going to get off so easy," Parasimon Mordred growled, his faceplate quickly regenerating as he lunged at high speed towards the sent-flying BanchoLeomon, his lance appearing in his hands and transforming to let loose a hail of bullets and energy rounds, the Omni-Shield blocking off interference as he took them away from the others.
As Imperialdramon's attack on Examon Mordred passed without intervention, there was a mighty sound of thunder as the Omni-Blade went in and out the other side of the Devil Knight, glowing with radiant energy of death as it prepared to delete the monster impaled upon it...

Only for Examon Mordred to spit a glob of black slime into Imperialdramon's face, before his jaws unsealed and opened wide to laugh aloud.

"Oh, so that's why that lousy black lizard kicked my ass! Thanks, Impy, that's my sense of self-esteem repaired," The Dragon Emperor sniggered, his eyes turning from yellow to green as he exerted all of his weight downwards, his neck breaking free of Imperialdramon's grip as he did so.

When the Omni-Sword had first been thrust into Examon Mordred, his attitude had been one of shock and horror, as he fully expected his life to be snuffed out in one blow from the sword.
However, as this had not seemed to be the case, his attitude had very quickly changed, the shock of Examon himself overridden by a strange sensation of some kind from his tamer within him, with what should have been a reaction of incredulousness replaced by a sense of mania.

At the point of entry of the Omni-Sword into the Dragon Emperor, a mass of ones and zeroes could be seen struggling against the radiant energy, pushing them back and cancelling their effect of instant death out as black tendrils poked out from the breach, spreading onto the surface and steel of the blade and beginning to assimilate the excess energies released from it into themselves and their greater being.

"Don't ask me, Imperialdramon," The Dragon Emperor growled, a very, very unhinged Siggy seemingly in full control as the data absorbed from UlforceVeedramon via the fusion into Slayerdramon in the human world took effect to counteract the instant deletion method of the Omni-Blade, "I'm just as surprised as you are..."

Up until now, there had been no reason for the stipend of Data derived from Veemon's Evolutionary line to activate itself, with the Dragon Emperor and his Tamer not being faced with automatic death of any kind.
But now, with the Omni-Sword penetrating them... It was coming out in full force.
Last edited by Oblivion Ascent; 05-18-2012 at 05:39 PM.

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2. 05-18-2012 #882

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With the accumulating beam slowly making a turn, Gallantmon positioned himself and the shieldas he turned, directing the beam towards its target. The noise of the blast didn't escape his ears and, at the corner of his eye, he could see Imperialdramon Paladin Mode impaling Examon, his only living compatriot, and confessed his involvement in Examon's regression. Every respect the Armored Duke had for the order he left behind evaporated in an instant and, in tranquil rage, he soon found himself directing the dual beam at a specific target.

"You know what... Fuck you!" He hissed as he braced his stance and pushed the beam towards Imperialdramon.
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3. 05-22-2012 #883

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Snarling in pain as Parasimon Mordred chomped down on his arm, BanchoLeomon Burst Mode yelled in surprise as he was subsequently thrown into the air, his wrist snapping as it was separated from Parasimon's mouth.

"Goddammit!" The lion hissed in pain as he quickly shoved data to his wrist, healing it in a second. He wouldn't be able to repeat that trick again without lowering his own power or finding another Digimon to load, but fighting with only one usable arm against someone of equal power was suicide.

Looking back down, BanchoLeomon's eyes widened as he saw Parasimon fire off a load of bullets and energy beams before charging right at him. And the bastard used his Omni-Shield to cut off any hope of escaping to the sides, too. Fine, he wanted to force a head-on charge? That's what he'd get.

Raising his hands into the air, the Biomerged lion Digimon formed a massive sword from the Burst Mode's aura, before swinging down, firing a tremendous shockwave from his projected blade. The Vorpal Sword cut through Parasimon Mordred's bullets and laser with no loss of energy whatsoever, and shot towards the abomination, who had no room to dodge, thanks to the fact that he'd enclosed himself off with his Omni-Shield.



When he'd impaled Examon Mordred on his blade, Imperialdramon Paladin Mode had expected instant deletion. Instead, some form of data barrier blocked the Omni-Sword's one-hit kill technique. A second of staring in mute surprise was all it took before Imperialdramon recognized the data.

"The Ulforce..." He muttered in surprise, before his head shot up to glare at Examon, stoically ignoring the black sludge the bastard had spat on his face. "How did UlforceVeedramon transfer this to you?" Flinging the traitor to the side, Imperialdramon allowed him to roll on the ground until he came to a stop before advancing.

"No matter. You've only blocked one of my attacks. A damaging technique will still kill you." Charging a Splendor Blade, Imperialdramon Paladin Mode prepared to finally kill the damned dragon before a light to the side caught his attention.

"Gallantmon..." The Royal Knight hissed in anger as his dual beam attack caught Imperialdramon right in the side, creating a massive explosion.

When the dust cleared, an enraged Imperialdramon was revealed to be crouching on the ground, his armored wings wrapped around him for protection. But even that didn't fully protect him, as a small hole was punched through one of the Knight's wings and penetrated through to hurt him.. Diverting some of the Omni-Sword's excess data to heal his wounds, Imperialdramon Paladin Mode stood, furious. Sword in hand, he whirled around to face the newest traitor.

"Die where you stand, mongrel!" He screamed, his chest armor opening up to reveal a charged cannon. "Hyper Prominence!" And a massive ball of black electricity was shot towards Gallantmon.
Last edited by PsychoScythe; 05-22-2012 at 05:39 PM.

The Human Instrumentality Committee: An Evangelion Fan Group

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4. 05-22-2012 #884
Oblivion Ascent

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Examon Mordred

As per what Imperialdramon had allowed, Examon Mordred had hit the ground with a roll as he was thrown away from his impalement upon the Omni-Sword. But in contrast to the Supreme Knight's wishes, he had quickly regained his balance to pull himself into a crouch, and as the Ulforce Data within him fully healed over the wound, he readied his Omni-Shield in response to the impending attack from Paladin Mode...

Only for it to never happen as a barrage of energy from Gallantmon and WarCapidramon slammed into him, smashing straight through his wing and into his body with a tumultuous explosion.

"That works too," Examon Mordred snickered, Siggy still in control as he used the delay from Imperialdramon as a result of the Wave-Motion attack from the Knight and Pseudo-Knight to repair the damage done to his body with the data from UlforceVeedramon and the neutralized energy from the Omni-Sword still present in his system.

And as this happened:

'Um... Siggy? Are you ok?'

'Oh yes, Neon. I'm perfectly fine.'

Within the core consciousness of Examon Mordred, the minds of both Tamer and Partner conversed with one another, as the former claimed full control over the otherwise shared being in some state of mania.

'... You sure about that?' NeonGuilmon's consciousness asked that of his Tamer, looking increasingly worried as his partner seemed to get more and more... Batshit Crazy-Looking.

'Perfectly sure...' Siggy's consciousness replied, a sharklike grin taking over his 'face' as his 'eyes' filled with a psychotically swirling set of Hazard Symbols, 'I've been shot at, de-limbed, turned into an eldritch abomination, impaled, taunted... And now we're breaking even.'

As the conversation within the beast progressed to this stage, there was a hiss as Examon Mordred's form began to glow with a Cyan aura, the data from UlforceVeedramon catalyzing some sort of reaction due to both the physical state of Examon Mordred and the mental state of one of the consciousnesses within it.

On each shoulder, white and blue, elevated pauldrons formed, with an energy flow from each of them into the main body of Examon Mordred dying his body from a dark blue into a lighter, softer blue similar to that of the colour of UlforceVeedramon's body.

'Breaking even, huh?' NeonGuilmon's conscious mumbled, as the body of Examon Mordred underwent some strange conversion and he thought back over the last few minutes.

As it so transpired, he was going to be fusing with Alphamon into some kind of transcendent being equal to, or even surpassing the powerhouse that was Paladin Mode.
And as it so transpired, he had only just learnt of this.
Whilst NeonGuilmon hadn't been too happy at first, all was considered fair play once the Hazard's 'failure' to inform him of the plan was cited as a reason.

However, as it was, this strange feeling he was undergoing at the idea of this fusion was now letting Siggy take full control of Examon Mordred, and having a hand in the strange transformation overtaking it.

'... Anyway, I think I'm just going to let you have this one. Call me when you need me, because I think I need to sit down for a few minutes. Figuratively speaking.'

'Whatever you say...' Siggy's consciousness replies, the psychotic grin still present as the fusion continued.

On both of Examon Mordred's calves, guard-like protrusions appeared, bringing a rounder shape out to the Devil Knight's legs as the change in colour from dark blue and black to a mixture of black, white and light blue finished, and strange blue and bulky gauntlets formed over both fore-arms.

With the change in colour complete, there was a roar as the entirety of Examon Mordred's form gained a marginal increase in bulk and size, and as a gold crest spread over the top of its head.

"Energy Reserve increased to 95% of maximum value. Form stable and holding."[/COLOR] The marginally powered-up Examon chimed, his voice carrying some kind of new tranquility as his enhancements from the data were capped off by the stumps left by the destruction of both Caledfwlch wings bursting out with two gigantic energy wings, similar to those of UlforceVeedramon, only far greater in size.

"Nice..." The powered-up Dragon Emperor chuckled, getting up and clenching his now-bulkier fist as he quickly gauged the new level of power afforded to him by these enhancements.

A gauge of his enhanced power that was interrupted as Imperialdramon recovered from being attacked by Gallantmon and WarCapidramon to launch a Hyper Prominence at them.

A gauge of his enhanced power that was interrupted by the other side regaining control for a few seconds.

"Pardon me, but there's no way in hell that you're touching my little brother," The enhanced Examon Mordred snarled, NeonGuilmon taking control to give a live demonstration of this form's new power as he threw a disc of energy into the path of the ball of electricity, which erupted into a full forcefield between the attack and the two Digimon after a delay of a few milliseconds.

"I see..." The Dragon Emperor mumbled to himself, going back to being serenely calm under the control of Siggy as NeonGuilmon's consciousness retreated once more.

With this attack, he had been able to gauge just how powerful these enhancements made him.
It was no great improvement over that of how he was before, but it had allowed him to gain a marginal boost in speed, bulk and power, enough to put him closer to the top of his power level. It wasn't going to aid him much in conflict with Paladin Mode, but it was enough to help escape from his wrath, and to aid his friends in escaping.

"Come on, let's get a move on..." The Dragon Emperor muttered to Alphamon, using his new and improved speed to dash over to her in a blink of an eye, before using the same speed, unhindered by his burden of carrying Alphamon over his shoulder, to speed over to Beelzemon.

"Ready to go, shorty?" He asked the Demon Lord, making a quick, exclusive to Beelzemon, nod towards a direction away from Paladin Mode, a route of escape to allow recuperation.
__________________________________________________ _______________

"No more sad than you needing UlforceVeedramon to fight all of yours," MirageGaogamon counter-retorted, as he continuously smacked his energy-covered fist into the distracted Orci's stomach, the stunned monster unable to react, "But this is neither the time or the place to be fighting over this..."

Hissing as he felt the Orci regain its composure to put in some strong resistance against the pair of himself and ShineGreymon, MirageGaogamon exerted even more power into his offensive against the beast, before responding to the rest of his brother's statements.

"Looks like this situation is a mixed bag, then..." He grumbled, before remembering his plan and how it was relevant to the situation, "But like you said, not too terrible. If two of these things are down already, we just need to gather all the strength available to us and come at them in groups. They're strong, but as you've so eloquently stated, most of them lack the intelligence to formulate anything beyond a berserk strike, and those that are shouldn't even put up a fight once we get more firepower."

And pausing as the winds summoned by Orci Primus began to whip up into a storm once more, MirageGaogamon growls in frustration, before pressing on with his plan.

'Speaking of firepower,' He transmits over the mental wavelength provided by the Spirits held by him and his brother, 'Justimon and the Shoutmon Brothers have gone to get some more. If we can get away from this one, we can go collect it. Sound like a plan?'
Last edited by Oblivion Ascent; 05-22-2012 at 05:23 PM.

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5. 05-24-2012 #885

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"You do realize I'm perfectly capable of walking by myself?" Alphamon spoke, with Dorumon taking the helm of control. Frankly speaking, she was getting bored while Zei and Alphamon had their asses handed to them by Imperialdramon. As such, the tomboyish Digimon was in a candidly sour mood. Being carried by Examon Mordred only soured her mood further, for a number of personal reasons.

'Oh, come now... It's not so bad... What could be better than a dragon knight in nightmarish armor? Besides, Zei is in no condition to do anything... and, sadly, neither am I...' Alphamon's consciousness spoke up. Due to the ties she had with Digital Hazard, upon close proximity, Examon could faintly hear the Three Faces of Digital Eve conversing beneath the black armor.

While this happened, Gallantmon turned into a sensible mood and retreated as well, making his way towards Examon Mordred. "I owe you one... brother..." The Armored Duke spoke hesitantly. It had been so long since he even last saw the dragon, much less maintain such close bonds. He had wondered if Examon held some grudge upon him for being so stubbornly idealistic.
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6. 05-24-2012 #886

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orbiting the earth inside my gundam with my sights trained on you
Beelzemon had been lying on the ground, gathering his strength and cannibalising the spirits of several Knightmon in order to regenerate faster. when Examon came over to him, he rolled over backwards and onto his front. he stuck his thumb up "never better." he said with a face full of dirt, he pushed himself up and onto his feet before slapping himself in the face several times. "ALRIGHT!!! LET'S GO TWAT HIM ONE!!!" yelled Beelzemon. he pulled his Berenjena's out and pointed them at Imperieldramon.

my country, a fine country, a country that i would give my life to protect.

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7. 05-30-2012 #887
Oblivion Ascent

The Magnificent Bastard.
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Nov 2010
Britain. Land of the Limeys...
Originally Posted by Vocalia

Ranamon couldn't believe what she was listening to. She was now being thrust into what seemed like a Royal Knight Civil War against her will and she wasn't enjoying every minute of it. Still, the fact that neither Justimon nor Shoutmon actually started attacking her seemed to help convince her of the truthfulness of the story. "I've seen some damned illogical things in my life and this takes the cake..." Ranamon replied. "However, since you haven't killed me, raped me or exercise your authority in any manners known to your corrupt order, I'm going to give you both benefit of the doubt." Crossing her arms together, Ranamon's face and stance softened, but it still didn't wipe the frown off her face and the glare she was giving them.

"Suit yourself," Shoutmon said with a shrug towards Ranamon, temporarily dismissing her on the grounds that she was unimportant to the overall plan, so long as she remained in the library.

So long as the Spirits of Thunder were here, neither the Fairy Digimon or the extra spirits she had bought with her by her misplacement would be a problem to the Fifth Division's assignment, and they could move out.

"Permission to move out, sir?" Shoutmon asked of Justimon, the Spirits of Thunder seemingly realizing the intent held for them as they moved to the Mini Dragon, floating around him like dual moons.

"Granted," Justimon replied, looking towards Ranamon and the Spirits of Water boredly as he planned his next course of action, "Take the rest of the team and go up to the surface with your bro. Go forth and be awesome."

"I will," Shoutmon replied tiredly, rubbing his temple with his hand as he moved away from the area of the library they were in with the other Arresterdramon, twelve of the SuperStarmon and eighty-four of the Pickmon.

The decision to leave the components of one of his Super Star Blades, and beyond that, some of his own men behind was somewhat of a risky move given the circumstance, but in the face of the unexpected company that was Ranamon and the extra set of Spirits she held, it would be at least a justifiable risk to have them hang back and keep an eye on her.

Justimon was competent in his own right, but Shoutmon had his doubts as to whether his lack of tact was going to sit well with Ranamon for an extended period of time. On the other hand, he trusted his own men enough to be courteous and polite towards the Fairy.
__________________________________________________ _______________

Hearing and seeing Cherubimon approach him in a friendly manner, AlphaShoutmon looked at him for a few seconds, and, seeing that he was indeed a non-hostile party in every sense of the word, relented with a shrug.

"I suppose there would be no harm in that," He said to the Beast Angel, filling one of the gold and silver orbs floating him with energy in order to catalyze a reaction.

In any other situation, AlphaShoutmon would have taken Cherubimon to the Spirit himself, but in this situation, it would be too time-consuming. The less time he spent down here, the better chance he had of reaching the Fifth Knight, and the more Digimon could be spared the fate of death.

That, and he could sense his brother coming with his own powers activated and the Spirits they needed, so it would be best for them to get a move on up to the surface.

"Xros Terminated," AlphaShoutmon said, as the SuperStarmon and Pickmons landed on the floor of the library gracefully, their orders to escort Cherubimon to Wisemon already in effect due to the mental link held during the terminated Xros.

"I wish you luck, Cherubimon,"AlphaShoutmon said with a salute towards the famed Celestial, turning towards the other Celestial, Seraphimon as the newly Xrossed OmegaShoutmon arrived in the section of the library they were in with twelve SuperStar Blades of his own.
__________________________________________________ _______________

Nodding as Cherubimon asked him to join in the battle up on the surface, as well as when he offered to keep an eye on his partner whilst he was fighting, Seraphimon gave the Celestial equivalent of a thumbs-up to Cherubimon, leaving Ari be due to being perfectly content around the other Angel, before he turns to address the two other powerful Digimon in the library section with him.

"Ready to go?" OmegaShoutmon asked him, his previously calm and collected voice enhanced into a level-toned and smooth baritone.

"Yup," Seraphimon replies, walking beside the two Ascended Dragon Men as they went to leave the library, and to go take part in the battle raging above.
__________________________________________________ _______
Examon Mordred

Nodding towards Gallantmon as he approached him in a manner befitting that of brothers fighting together, Examon Mordred kneeled down, allowing Alphamon to stand supported by him as she spoke to him tersely in the tone of Dorumon.

"Whatever you say, hun," He said towards her dismissively, as well as towards the shitstomped Beelzemon as he timed his own response to co-incide with Alphamon's mutter, before he turned his attention back to Gallantmon.

"So, got any ideas? 'Cause I kinda had a rough plan to get us onto the battlefield, lose this c_nt," He asked his brother, his new armor pulsating slightly with a pulse of energy as he spoke, gesturing covertly towards the still slightly-stunned Paladin Mode in tune with the last part of his sentence.

And no sooner had he finished his sentence, had he heard a few quick words flutter through his mind on behalf of the wavelength between himself and Alphamon.
In the heat of the moment, Examon decided not to make note of this or try to see what this circumstance was. He wasn't sure exactly what this was, so it was best to leave it until he was sure.
__________________________________________________ ______________
Parasimon Mordred

Hissing with barely-contained rage as BanchoLeomon recovered from and retaliated against his efforts with a swing of his Vorpal Sword, Parasimon Mordred made a quick decision on a plan of action, finally deciding to play a riskier game.

De-activating the Omni-Shield behind him, there was a roar as it sprung into existance between him and the Vorpal Sword, the massive gatherings of offensive and defensive energy smashing into each other with a mighty roar.

Being the weapon of an Omnimon-Class Digimon, the Vorpal Blade was powerful enough to push through the Shield with some difficulty, but in this, it was severely weakened in its efforts to do so, as as it pushed towards Parasimon in it's dampened state, he dispersed the energies with a swing of his arm, roaring in pain and anger as the energy that remained seared into his organic armor due to being forced into an unconcentrated cloud.

"I'LL KILL YOU," The abomination hisses towards his feline foe, the armor around his right forearm shattering as a slimy, extendible limb bursts out in the direction of said foe, the (smaller) Omni-Shield returning to surround him as the clawed, insectoid talon at the end of the arm made a lightning-fast grab towards him.

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8. 05-30-2012 #888
Draconis Nevyn

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SCOTLAND, where everyone has their FREEEEEEEEEEEDOM!!
Dynasmon, who had been hit by his own attack and had fallen back for a little bit to recouperate, was back with a vengeance. He saw Parasimon and BanchoLeomon's struggle and he also saw that Parasimon's shield was down. With a smile he flew forward quickly and summoned most of his strength to his hands, with a few good shots he could either bring down the monstrosity or distract him for BanchoLeomon.

"Dragon's Roar!" he shouted, firing off multiple massive blasts of energy at the monstrous digimon.

While they flew towards Parasimon, Elle and Wizardmon began talking:

"So, What do we do once all this is over?" Wizardmon asked his tamer who took a moment or two to answer

"I hadn't thought about it, Wizardmon. I always wanted to be a teacher, so if we survive, that's what I want to do."

"A teacher? Cool, I wonder what I would do?" Wizardmon pondered for a moment before saying "I know! I'll look after your kid." Elle did a double take and said

"My... my what?" she asked.

"Oh yeah.., spoilers.., nevermind you'll find out someday." he chuckled and with that they ended their conversation and carried on with their flight. They were close now.

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9. 05-30-2012 #889

Gradma died. Time needed.
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Oct 2008
in a house
Cherubimon smiled as his escorts came and, with Ari in tow, began to walk towards the area that all the noise had come from before. He saw the mess of books, but could see by the way one was put on a pedestal that it was the one containing the Spirits of Steel. “Um… how… how do I talk to it?... O’, great and powerful spirit of steel, please grant me a humble request! I beseech thee and so forth to find a book of, apparent, utmost importance for my leader and master, Shakamon. Think you could help a mon out?”

Shinegreymon let out a laugh that would make the most shameless dwarf jealous. This, this was a good fight he wanted. The bouts they had earlier were fun, but this was a true test of mettle, these beasts from nothing more than Parismon's womb of hell. "Eloquence is, as always, my main concern. " he said, feeling the Orci get up again. "... sturdy little shits, aren't they?"

Feeling Miragegaogamon's thought, Shinegreymon pondered it for a moment before a giant wing slammed him backwards. After skidding on the ground for what felt like a mile before letting out a groan. Taking a moment to raised to his feet by leaning on his own wings for support, he yelled outloud to Miragegaogamon. "Yeah, a little boost would be nice. I'm running on backup storage right now, and its making me a bit dizzy. This beast will probably chase us though... hold on a minute. " he said, drawing up a smaller version of his usual sword, unable to make it the larger one he usually had. Running forward with his wings giving him an extra boost, Shinegreymon jumped in the air and brought the blade down on the Orci's foot and into the ground. Taking control of the heated blade, he extended and manipulated it until it trapped the monsters foot. However, this let the Orci get another punch on Shiengreymon, tossing him back into the direction of MirageGoagamon. After landing on his stomach at Mirage's feet, he gave a thumbs up and a sigh. "Whelp, that'll buy us a minute or two. Ready to head off?"

UlforceVeedramon was ready to throw another comment at the Orci, but for a brief moment he was frozen in place. A faint glow overtook UlforceVeedramon's usually cyan aura. A mixture of gold and red lightly combined with it, but it quickly faded away. Only words echoed in his head for a moment before a brief view of two beings came to them. Through one eye a question echoed in the distance: "How did UlforceVeedramon transfer this to you?" . At the same time, a visage could be seen of Imperialdramon as Examon was thrown back. Brief senses came over Leon and Veemon that weren't his own, knowing that Beezlemon, Alphamon and Gallantmon were near and the entire situation that was to come. "...Because Imperialdramon... we're destined to win." Leon said, not sure if Imperialdramon, or even Siggy, NeonGuilmon, or Examon himself could hear him. “If you think this is the point where you’d finally be able to beat us, than you are an idiot and a fool. And you are seriously about to get you’re shit fucked up. I don’t know or care how, but Siggy, if you can hear me, kill this bastard!” Leon said, yelling the last sentence through their minds.

Right after, through his own eyes, Veemon's senses were lost in a feeling of warmth and energy. Leon's were as well, but the feeling was more suffocating. It took Veemon a minute to decipher what it was, but figured out that he was where his relative, Magnamon, was: in a digiegg. They couldn't however, figure out where Leon's mind went to, but they could both hear in the close distance a voice of no empathy, like one of a statue. "Interesting... finding you was not part of the plan. Not as far as I knew. Maybe you can truly help. If you survive long enough. And if Shakamon deems you worthy."

Both Veemon and Leon were brought back to their own reality with an odd sight. Since he went away, a new development had ensued. BanchoLeomon was in the middle of knocking the crap out of Parisimon, who was putting up an even fight. Dynasmon was now attacking the Orci Kappa, who was nothing short of building up a powerful attack. The oddest part, however, was what was going on with UlfroceVeedramon’s right arm. Usually it was a blue gauntlet and silver V bracelet with a cyan blade coming out of it. During his momentary blackout, an odd surge came through him. The tips of his claws began to lengthen and change to a dark red color and his entire arm became bare and dark red as well. The gauntlet itself became red and gold, but not a medieval form of armor but futuristic in style, protecting his entire arm but not shoulder. The final and most prominent change came from the V bracelet, becoming a pure golden material. Instead of wrapping in a single latch around, the material began to encompass his entire wrist quickly. He watched as it elongated over his entire hand, ending in the form a large cannon. In the place where his hand was, he could feel a tremendous level of power gathering that wasn’t his own.

Hm… I believe… you were right Leon. Said a voice from within the being. The voice of UlforceVeedramon’s core data himself. The three had never conversed like this before, so it was an unusual feeling.

“I… what?”

You all were destined to win. Now… If you’ll allow me control, I have a message to send to Parisimon, signed by me, Magnamon, Examon, Shinegreymon, and I’m sure many others with love. Said the voice, redirecting his eyes from the cannoned arm to Parisimon’s now turned back as he tried to deal with BanchoLeomon. A grin formed on the faces of all three beings in UlforceVeedramon.

“You’re more than welcome to Ulforce. Make the blast count.... I want to help Dynasmon after however” he said to the Royal Knight, thinking of his girlfriend.

“…I wish I had popcorn right now”

Looking to Orci Kappa with intensely glowing cyan eyes, and spoke loudly to the digimon. The aura around his body had returned to blue, all for his arm. It was now a mixture of blue, maroon, red, and gold, and where the colors crossed a pure white came forward. “Actually, that little demon you tried to blow up? He’s alive and kicking still. Oh, and I have a message from him and a few other friends of mine...” in another flash of speed, UlforceVeedramon was from the sky to the ground, and from the ground dashing over towards Parisimon. As he continued to run up behind him, UlforceVeedramon decided there was only one way to make sure that, even if this bomb missed, it didn’t hurt anyone else. Dashing straight past Parisimon, UlforceVeedramon found himself partially blocking BanchoLeomon’s body, so he wouldn’t feel anything from this blast.

“Take it all like the whore you are! Royal Vengence!” he shouted, and the energy gathered in his hand cannon left with and explosive force. If it wasn’t for his own energy rooting him to where he was, UlforceVeedramon would have flown backward and lost control of it. The entire group of energy left in two forms. The beginning was a bomb/bullet of white energy while a stream of red, gold and blue energy followed behind in the form of a cone of laser energy. The entire side Omnishield would take all the punishment until it couldn't hold it anymore. After about ten second of releasing energy in the focused area, the blast stopped and the cannon was no more.


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10. 05-30-2012 #890
Oblivion Ascent

The Magnificent Bastard.
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Nov 2010
Britain. Land of the Limeys...
"Shit!" Parasimon Mordred spat in a roaring hiss, retracting his extended arm back into its original position as he fell back from his original plan of action, dropping his attack on BanchoLeomon as UlforceVeedramon intercepted his grab, and let loose with what could only be described as a glowing, roaring harbinger of imminent death.

With the bursts of speed allowed to him by his re-design by Yggdrasil, as well as the hindsight he had experienced a few moments before the attack had launched towards him, he had been able to make a distance between himself and UlforceVeedramon, but even that was useless as the attack's range flared out all around him, taking up all of his vision as it came crashing into his weakened Omni-Shield.

Shaking and shimmering like a glass of water in an earthquake, the Shield stood against the raging tempest of destructive energy with all the might it could afford, a sound somewhere between a roar and a hum reverberating all around the area with a vicious relish.
Behind said shield, Parasimon Mordred stood, pushing with all the might his weakened frame could afford into his life-line. If the beam was to push through, he had very little doubt that it would end his existence, or at least push him to the point where it would take but a small push to end it otherwise.

His situation wasn't good, and he knew it. Through a simple blunder, he was facing the end of his life in the form of one single attack.

"Please, no..." He mumbled, in a strangely desperate tone as, despite his best efforts, the attack roaring out onto him and his shield began to truly overwhelm them, the orange barrier that was the Omni-Shield cracking in places as the energy pushed through.

Though he held strong, the shield couldn't hold for much longer as was, and as his body was seared by the power that was let through, he hissed angrily, pushing his very existence beyond the limits it held in order to put even more power into his shield, enough to stall off the attack for as long as was possible.

As it turned out, this wasn't long at all.

No words were spoken by Parasimon Mordred as the blast shattered his shield like steel through glass, as it slammed into him and savaged him with it's mighty energies in but an instant that seemed to last a thousand years.
Pain, incomprehensible, indescribable, mind-breaking pain began to fill his entire body and being, not even an inch of it left unseared by the tumultuous energies.

And yet, he fought on.

Within the heart of the raging storm of energy, Parasimon Mordred stood, his form only barely holding due to the power of Yggdrasil and his Data Cache repairing his continuously-scorched body, and his dying, ever-faithful shield flickering in and out of existence to help fight in tune with its master.
But it was still hopeless. Even with the great vastness of his energy cache and the power from He Who Was Nameless, this roaring burst of energy was going to consume him, and leave him as easy pickings otherwise.

But within his mind, Parasimon Mordred refused to accept that.

These humans and Digimon that had joined together... Some amongst them said that they would win and survive because they had to, because they had no other choice. That their united wills would stand against those of the Knights and prove to be the mightier.

Such presumptous arrogance irked Parasimon down to the very core of his being. What right did they have to denounce his will? None at all. The hardships he had endured over the years would be a fearful story to tell to these scum, and he himself acknowledged that determination, the will to survive and become stronger, and perhaps even his own loyalty, was the only reason he was still alive today.

If these vermin could proclaim their will to be above that of his and his brothers, and even exploit it to call forth vast power such as what now ravaged him, than he would show them just what true determination could do.

"Worthless," A voice from the distant past sneered into his head, irking Parasimon further into a deep rage as horrible memories came rushing back to him, "What can a pathetic insect such as you ever hope to acheive?"

"I'm not worthless..." He heard himself say in this distant, dark memory, in a weak, desperate tone, as if on the verge of tears and despair.

And as the energies began to consume him in his entirety, his eyes widened.

"I AM NOT WORTHLESS!" He screamed wrathfully, echoing what he had once said in the distant past, although in an entirely different way.

He was not going to lose. He had come too far, and had given too much to ever fall like this. All the humiliations he had endured, all of the hardships and traumas of his life up until now... Focusing on and remembering every single one of them in the space of a few seconds, and tying them into his determination to not have his will eclipsed by these arrogant Tamers and their Partners, Parasimon Mordred roared.

And his armor seared off as a new, blood-red Omni-Shield came pulsing outwards from his body.
Cracking with power, raw and visceral, the powered-up shield pushed into the energies, holding out against them, before pushing out and through them as the power within them intensified with Parasimon's will, his very being.

Pushing though the energies that had once before ravaged their master, the shield pushed back the energies before them, shielding Parasimon from the vicious power as what energy had been pushed back was neutralized by the new-found power in the Omni-Shield, as mouths, pores and stomata opened up over the armor-less body of Parasimon to accept it.

And continuing to expand outwards as it's master continued to roar and scream like a man in defiance of a cruel god, there was a loud hum as it passed the last of the energies and dispersed, with what was left of that energy being sucked into the various orifices on the naked, grotesque body of Parasimon Mordred, who stood tall and firm, breathing heavily and angrily in all of his eldritch glory, his will giving him the ability to remain after such a hefty blow.

"Did you really think that you could win on willpower and resolve alone? Were you so arrogant to think that I was nothing more than a living, breathing obstacle you could overcome with spirit and your destiny!?!"

Growling and taking a step forward, a second pair of arms burst out from the black, pulpy flesh around Parasimon Mordred's exposed shoulder blades, sharp, lithe finger-talons tensing and untensing frantically as their owner advanced.

"Well, you were wrong. So long as I live, I will NOT allow myself to be eclipsed and downtrodden into the earth by SCUM LIKE YOU! Those like you, who scream aloud that it is their destiny to change the world and knock me aside, who say that my will is lacking and weak compared to theirs, will be DRIVEN INTO NOTHINGNESS BY ME!!!!!"

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Digimon Convergence Log II, Part 2


Angry Marine
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May 2010

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me..." BanchoLeomon Burst Mode groaned as Parasimon Mordred received yet another powerup of some sort, strengthening his shield. More than that, his sudden outburst simply irritated the lion beyond belief.

"Parasimon..." Both Lucas and Leomon joined in unison against the abomination's speech, both incredibly offended by what he was implying. Touching down on the ground, the form of BanchoLeomon glared at his opponent before clutching his right fist with his left, charging energy into it. "Don't you dare diminish what we've been through, you son of a bitch." With God Hand blazing, BanchoLeomon Burst Mode charged straight at the bastard, plunging his fist straight into the Omni-Shield and unleashing his Wave Motion Beam at point-blank rage. He didn't put as much energy into it as he did when fighting Imperialdramon, so Burst Mode was still going to be usable after, but the attack had a damn good chance of breaking through the barrier. As the blast from God Hand surged against the shield, BanchoLeomon met Parasimon's eyes with his own, snarling in his face.

"You think our victories were just handouts from destiny? Bullshit. We fought and bled for every damn one of those! We came here prepared to die, and you spit on that by saying we've got destiny on our side? Fuck destiny." Furious, the lion began beating against the Omni-Shield with his left fist, weakening the force field further. "Do you want to know why we've killed so many of you Royal Knights?" BanchoLeomon Burst Mode spat, continuing to pound against the shield while channeling God Hand through his other arm.

"It's not because we had more willpower or whatever bullshit reason you came up with to protect your self-esteem. We fought the best we could, but you idiots are just arrogant, incompetent assholes." The cracks in the Omni-Shield began to grow as BanchoLeomon pressed against it, despite Parasimon Mordred's apparent efforts and stronger shield. "If you Knights had just attacked in force yesterday, we wouldn't even be having this conversation right now. You could have done the smart thing, seen that we were getting to be too strong, and finished us off with every single resource at your disposal. Instead, they sent you and three of your weakest fighters to take us out. If your boss had been a bit less arrogant and sent in his full strength, none of us would be here, and I wouldn't be about to break your shield."

The lion's last statement proved true, as one last punch shattered the Omni-Shield, God Hand dissipating before BanchoLeomon drained even more of his own energy. Instead, he settled on a far more efficient way of killing Parasimon: forming two swords from his aura and slamming both of them into the Knight's chest.

"You deserve this." The lion hissed, drawing closer to Parasimon Mordred's face as he drove his swords deeper into his body. "You had the chance to finish us off, and you squandered it. Die the death you deserve." And BanchoLeomon Burst Mode drew his head back, delivering a devastating headbutt to his opponent's face to finish off his Hannibal Lecture.

The Human Instrumentality Committee: An Evangelion Fan Group

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• 05-30-2012 #892

Forest Lord
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Jun 2011
War Capidramon cracked his neck. From the distance, he couldn't hear much, but the repeated shouts of the word "destiny" clued him in. He smiled at Gallantmon, tilting his head to the side.
"See ya there," he said nonchalantly.
With a burst of speed, he dashed forward. He ran as silently and swiftly as he could. He didn't think he could make it on time, but still he ran, battered and bruised though he may be. When at last he arrived, he jumped into the air, attempting to land a strong uppercut to the stomach of the abomination that was Parisimon Mordred.
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• 05-31-2012 #893
Oblivion Ascent

The Magnificent Bastard.
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Nov 2010
Britain. Land of the Limeys...
Hot on the heels of his 'power-up', Parasimon Mordred found himself affronted yet again by BanchoLeomon in his Burst Mode as the latter became angered, perhaps even enraged by his sudden outburst.

"Spare me," He muttered, not even bothering to rise to any emotional height in response to the attack coming at him as he armed his shield, keeping the raging BanchoLeomon at bay for as long as he could.

Perhaps it was just how this Digimon interpreted his words, but Parasimon couldn't help but roll his eyes. Had he actually even said half of the things this numbskull was screaming his lungs raw about?

Then again, Parasimon wasn't going to deny that he had a point in what he was saying. It had taken him a while to really come into his own and accept it, but the events of the prior night, as well as what came immediately after them had enlightened him to the fact that, for all intents and purposes, the Knights were indeed nothing more than Yggdrasil's trained attack dogs.

They never doubted their orders, and no matter how stupid, pointless or illogical the assignment given to them. No matter how easily Yggdrasil would and could replace them if they fell, they still clung to the idea of being noble, loyal and 'chivalrous' warriors.

In the end it was nothing more than a pathetic delusion, and as BanchoLeomon raged on in front of him, Parasimon Mordred realized that he was seeing right through it. They were just puppets, lambs to the slaugher at the disposal of an inept manipulator, marching towards death at the hands of those with strength above even them.

Of course, whilst a lot of what he was saying was right, BanchoLeomon was still going way over-board in analyzing what he had just said, and as the furry fucker finally smashed through his shield out of pure persistence and concentration of damage and power, plunging swords of energy into the fleshy pulp that was Parasimon Mordred's torso, he came back to the fore to fight back, just in time to counter his foe's headbutt.

"Die the death you deserve."

"Tempting, but I'm going to pass," Parasimon Mordred muttered, his Omni-Shield forming a kind of crash-helmet around his head as he countered the headbutt from BanchoLeomon with an even more devastating one of his own, the Omni-Shield buffering him against the collision and making the collision far more painful for his opponent.

Whilst the swords plunged into his stomach induced a reasonable amount of pain into his system, and were searing at his data, his very nature was such that he could just keep fighting on, despite the damage being done to him and the draining of his data cache in kind.

"Let me make something abundantly clear to you, BanchoLeomon. I don't give two flying fucks. This self-esteem and pride you think I'm jerking off by talking about destiny and will-power? It's taken me long enough, but I've let go of it. I've accepted everything that's happened to me up until now to drive me to this point, and let me tell you something."

Pausing in his speech, the abomination's arms moved in sync towards the much-smaller form of his opponent, the long, skeletal, claw-like fingers and hands topping them each grabbing one of BanchoLeomon's limbs in their firm grasp.

"They might have let you break my shield, but they're also letting me do this," He hissed with a small smirk, as he tugged apart each of the Tamed Digimon's limbs in different directions with horrific force, enough to dislocate, perhaps even fully yank them out of the Digimon's body.

"And another thing-" Parasimon Mordred growled into BanchoLeomon's face, ready to start a lecture of his own...

When WarCapidramon came flying towards his stomach from below.

Even though BanchoLeomon's attack on him had done little lasting damage to him, burning out his data instead of causing any lasting damage to his easily-repaired frame, and the Biomerged Mega's attack would have been but a glancing blow in another situation, the combination of the two attacks in the same area, left unarmored by Parasimon Mordred's power-up, sent a shock of extreme pain rushing through the abomination's system, with him tightening his already-tight grip on BanchoLeomon's arms and legs to bone-crushing levels as WarCapidramon struck.

His anger returning once more, Parasimon Mordred released all but one of BanchoLeomon's arms from his grip, using one limb freed by this to grab WarCapidramon and throw him into the air, and the limb still grasping BanchoLeomon to deliver a vicious blow to the Beast Warrior with the Lion Bancho held in it's grip, in some bizarre imitation of a home run.

"I tire of this," Parasimon Mordred growled, throwing BanchoLeomon to the earth with a sickening crunch before re-arming his shield, moving away towards UlforceVeedramon and Dynasmon in some evident pain as he did so.
Last edited by Oblivion Ascent; 05-31-2012 at 12:14 PM.

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• 05-31-2012 #894

Forest Lord
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Jun 2011
The Gladiator Beast felt the air leave his lungs for a moment as the hideous arm of Parisimon Mordred reached down and grasped him.
"Arms... forgot about those," he muttered to himself.
As the abomination brought back his arm, WarCapidramon's eye's narrowed.
'Bad idea...', berating himself as he saw the body of the Lion Mega being used like a rag doll, sailing towards him.
He found himself flung thru the air with horrifying ease. He landed, but not as hard as he thought he would. He staggered and stood up, a fierce look in his white eyes. He shot a glare at UlforceVeedramon for having started it, then BanchoLeomon, then finally Parisimon Mordred. Tilting his head to the side, he spat at the ground in utter contempt.
"Destiny's fake," he stated.
After barely a moment of pause, he jumped forward. Having no way to fly, his only way of acheiving a successful attack was almost litterally leaping to his enemies throat. He jumped as high as he could, faint yellow energy leaking from the seams of his armor.
"Wolf Spirit Rage!" he shouted.
All at once, spectral forms of wolves shot from his armor and sailed for Parisimon Mordred. In the midst of the attack, the Spartan Rodent was able to stay at that level for a small amount of time.
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• 06-02-2012 #895

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Mar 2011
Indonesia, currently in Perth
"That would be a very nice idea, considering how fucked up we are. I believe my statement is a gross understatement, but I have no other words that could describe this without having to open a dictionary and you know I hate reading." Gallantmon replied. "Regardless of my own situation, it's good to see you again, Lady Alphamon... and you, Lord Examon." When the Armored Duke spoke of his name, something inside his chest hurt as if it was being twisted by a lingering nightmare. Gallantmon no longer felt worthy of associating himself with Examon, given that it took so many loss of digital life for him to finally be able to break out of the herd mentality that had overtaken the Royal Knights.

"Nrgh... Will you shut up already?" Dorumon, who was currently heading the main consciousness of the three, groaned as she ran alongside Examon with his support. "Are you Royal Knights always this angsty...? And I thought I was bad enough." She scoffed.

'Not really. Just a tad less angsty.' Alphamon quipped mentally.

"Fuck you, bitch."

'You're welcome.'

With prolonged contact between Alphamon and Examon, Siggy and Neon could listen to Alphamon jabbing at Dorumon and the latter barking back at the Mega, with Zei groaning in pain on the background on the mental squabble. Gallantmon, on the other hand, was not particularly aware of this trait and had to wonder why Alphamon became so grouchy, but he was wise enough not to act on his interest at the moment.

"I... think I'll just hold off my curiosity until we can reach a place where we won't get our armored ass blasted off."

Meanwhile, Ranamon soon found herself being ditched by the Digimon who abducted her in the first place. With Shoutmon's comrades and Justimon left for company, she decided that exploring the library was a much saner choice than having to deal with a Digimon that lacked tact and was in abundance of arrogance. As she turned to look around, the Spirits of Water followed behind her like a pair of curious fairies, sensing their aligning purpose with the Fairy's presence. So far, Ranamon managed to keep herself sane by scanning at the books contained within the massive library. She wondered if some of them were worth a fortune in the black market.

As her eyes wandered about, they stopped upon the sight of a particular book. A blue book with white rims was sticking out like a sore thumb, looking new and more well-cared than the other worn, brown books she had seen so far. "Hmm... I wonder if I can sell that... I'm sure no one would mind..." She mused and climbed the bookshelf to get to the book. Given her skills as a burglar and a thief, fetching the book was no hard chore.

A closer look on the book revealed something else. Twelve pearls were embedded into the front cover of the book in a circular formation and a picture of a white tiger's head rested in the middle of the pearl formation. Ranamon became more curious and opened the book, scanning through the pages of unreadable letters. "What language is this written in? I can't understand anything!" She groaned in frustration, but kept on reading until she came across two blank pages. The page was void save for a string of letters Ranamon could barely recognize. "What does it says here...?"


".. hu..."

"... mon?"

The moment her words left her mouth, the book suddenly began to float and the pages began to erratically flip around. Ranamon crawled away from the floating book, but not fast enough before the book let out a blind flash, drowning her words.

"Okay, I'm screwed..."
Profile Picture drawn by mrsloth of Deviantart.
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• 06-02-2012 #896
Oblivion Ascent

The Magnificent Bastard.
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Nov 2010
Britain. Land of the Limeys...
The Cold Steel

Whether or not Ranamon's assessment of her situation was going to turn out to be correct in the end, it was for good reason that she jumped to that conclusion, as what transpired with the book inside the blinding flash of light was indeed a sight both magnificent and terrifying.

Within the maelstrom of burning light and energy, the tiger's head vanished from the circle of pearls that surrounded it, and said circle of pearls lit up with red light as the book itself was consumed in it's entirety by such.

Re-shaping and twisting, the previously tiny, rectangular book filled out and expanded to become a massive tiger's head, a three-dimensional replica of the one that had disappeared from the surface of the book.

The open 'mouth' of the book became the mouth of the tiger's head, vast and wide as the open book itself prior to the transformation.
The 'pearls' became spectral eyes, unblinking and stoic as the patterns adorning the surface and skin of the book became the fur and strips of the head, heavy breathing cutting over the roaring sound in the rest of the library section as the jaws of the head closed.

For a moment, all became silent within the previously hum-drum mania of the library section, the light clearing to reveal the spectral tiger's head.

Which promptly broke the silence by opening it's massive mouth once more to roar aloud, dispersing and fading back into the book it was before as something large and powerful leapt from the open jaws, landing elegantly and soundlessly upon the library's floor with the utmost grace as the book it was summoned from fell to the floor with a CLUNK.

Four eyes and a gaze that would shatter mountains foistered themselves upon Ranamon as the mighty being before her turned to look upon her.

"Why is it that you have called me here?" Baihumon, the Cold Steel and Sovereign of the West asked Ranamon, in a tone of both partial indifference and impatience as the twelve Digicores surrounding him scanned the surrounding area.
__________________________________________________ _______________

Not long after OmegaShoutmon had left the area with his subordinates, leaving him alone with Justimon, a small gaggle of Starmon and Pickmon and the Fairy he had bought here for a special purpose, Wisemon, and the Spirit of Steel within him, found himself greeted by a new audience, the great Angel Cherubimon stepping before him to request his services.

In a manner that was slightly frustrating to AncientWisemon, but somewhat amusing to Wisemon himself.
In the case of the latter, a lifetime of being around those who spoke like this and demanded to be spoken to like this had given him a bitter taste in his 'mouth' whenever it sprung up, and in the case of the latter, his natural nature and Spiritual Co-Habitation with the Spirit Of Steel meant that seeing the usually indifferent and calculating being ticking with ire never failed to amuse him.

However, as Ranamon slipped away into the other side of the library and bought into this plane a being of great importance to the Spirit of Steel, both Cherubimon and his methods of addressing him were quickly and momentarily forgotten, as he froze up a little with shock.

Why was his master here? How did he get here? What was he doing here?

These were things that AncientWisetmon was going to have to find for himself first-hand, and so as he remembered Cherubimon, he took control of Wisemon, the Demon Man's body warping and twisting as it went under some bizarre 'Symbiote Evolution'.

"Check the section two floors down, in the third bookcase on the right of the staircase, the 354th book on the third shelf from the top," He quickly belted out, before he retreated into his book, which rose into the air and zoomed over a bunch of bookcases towards the summoned Sovereign.

And as this happened, Justimon, who was otherwise perfectly content to remain where he was in the library, looked back and forth between the fleeing Spirit and the Celestial in the room with him whilst clearing out his ear with the index finger of his normal arm.

"The crap is going on?" He asked Cherubimon, seemingly non-plussed as weirdness went on around him.

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• 06-02-2012 #897

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Mar 2011
Indonesia, currently in Perth
Ranamon wanted nothing more than to lay dead and disappear into nothingness. The book she had been tinkering with turned out to be a hidden summoning portal to call forth a powerful Digimon. On one hand, she didn't call forth a Digimon who had any obvious intent of ruling the Digital World or destroying the Digital World.

On the other hand, she had called forth Baihumon, the Sovereign of the West.

"A-A... Ah...." Ranamon sat with her mouth ajar and tried to make any sort of coherent words, but she felt her own voice box fleeing from her throat and her heart dying to flee with her voice box. The Digimon in front of her could easily dispatch her with a bat of one of his eyes. Unfortunately, Ranamon was too scared and petrified to run or beg for mercy for accidentally summoning him.

Before Baihumon could chew her off, The Spirits of Water began to circle the frightened Fairy, creating what seemed to be an aquamarine data wall that encompassed the Spirits and the Digimon inside. As the wall began to disappear from bottom up, Ranamon was nowhere to be seen. In her place was another female Digimon. Her sleek mermaid tail sat calmly on the library floor. Blue, scaled armor covered some parts of her torso and a fined helmet obscured most of her face from view. White, long hair fluttered with the invisible breeze and her golden trident was strong in her grip. Despite the lack of visible eyes, the female seemed to notice Baihumon's presence and, instead of utter fear, she showed deep-rooted respect and kneeled in front of him, or tried to perform similar position with only a mermaid tail to move around.

"My deepest apologies, Master Baihumon." AncientMermaimon spoke, a calm and alluring voice coming from the red lips. "It appears that... my descendant has accidentally called you forth in her little exploration."
Last edited by Vocalia; 06-02-2012 at 09:39 AM.
Profile Picture drawn by mrsloth of Deviantart.
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• 06-05-2012 #898

Gradma died. Time needed.
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Oct 2008
in a house
Cherubimon ears raised in happiness when he was given directions and quickly turned toward the staircase and got ready to go before Justimon asked him a question in just about the rudest manner possible. This made the Celestial chuckle. “Well, the spirit was giving me directions, that’s all. As for where he’s off to, I got no clue. After all” he said, picking up Ari’s ball and placing it on his head, “I’m just an angelic bunny clown.” He said before launching himself down the stairs. “You’re welcome to follow if you’re bored Justimon. I can’t promise any excitement though!” his voice echoed as he flew down two sets of stairs and began the rest of the way to his prize. “Third bookcase on the right, 354th book on the third shelf from the top… shouldn’t be too hard.”

Nothing. Exactly what UlforceVeedramon saw as he laid on his back. “Urgh. That… was awesome.” Veemon’s voice said as it came out of UlforceVeedramon’s mouth. “Probably shouldn’t have stared directly into the blast though. I guess that’s why I can- oh! There we go.”

As he spoke to himself, UlforceVeedramon’s eyesight came back slowly. He was lucky enough to have been knocked out for a moment during Parasimon’s speech. His eyesight became perfect just in time to watch WarCapidramon land a punch right into Parasimon’s gut. UlforceVeedramon let out a small chuckle at the hit, enjoying watching Parasimons reaction. He became slightly infuriated with the watching both BanchoLeomon and WarCapidramon going flying.

“Well… this is lovely.” Leon said now, getting to his feet slowly as Parasimon came towards him. “You kinda look in pain! Hows the battle going? Me, I just took a quick nap. No damage yet though, which is kinda nice. Lets me run around like so” he began to practically teleport around the area, keeping his distance from the monstrosity of a digimon as he did. “Yeah, I gave up quite a bit of energy, but you know what? I still have plenty more” he said, still watching Kappa’s movements at the same time. The last thing he needed was getting cornered by both of them. Luckily, speed was on his side, even if size wasn’t.

"Boy, I wish a convenient plot device would show up by now and help out..."


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• 06-08-2012 #899

Angry Marine
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May 2010

Roaring in both pain and fury as Parasimon Mordred stretched him out before using him as a baseball bat against WarCapidramon, BanchoLeomon Burst Mode scowled as he hit the ground. Alright, maybe the part of him that was Lucas had overanalyzed the bastard's statement, but that was his thing. Better to overanalyze than to underanalyze.

"Tch..." The lion Digimon grunted, slowly picking himself up off the ground, beginning to analyze his opponents abilities and tactics. "Alright, this guy's regeneration ability is absurd. Hit-and-run isn't going to work." As he mused, he quickly turned to WarCapidramon. "You got any big, nuke-like attacks? Because we're going to have to bust out the big guns to take him down permanently."



Pain. Pain was all Valdurmon knew as she writhed in agony on the ground with a massive hole through her chest, courtesy of Imperialdramon.

"Rest easy, young one." AncientKazemon's voice crooned, attempting to soothe her charge. "You have fought well, and eliminated scores of enemies. With my power, you will not die today, but unfortunately, I have no means to heal you further."

Indeed, the Ancient Spirit of Wind's power was the only thing staunching the data flow from the hole in the Mega's chest, but Valdurmon was still unable to even get up, meaning that she had no way of loading more Digimon to speed her recovery. And in the meantime, she was still in excruciating pain.

Damn it all to hell, Valdurmon thought, groaning. The only way she'd get out of this situation was if one of her allies came and healed her. But with the threat of Imperialdramon Paladin Mode looming nearby, that was highly unlikely.

The Human Instrumentality Committee: An Evangelion Fan Group

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• 06-12-2012 #900
Oblivion Ascent

The Magnificent Bastard.
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Nov 2010
Britain. Land of the Limeys...

Watching boredly as BanchoLeomon crawled away and WarCapidramon let loose a volley of spectral wolves towards him, Parasimon growls, arming his shield in preparation as UlforceVeedramon begins to 'dance' around the area.

The Wolf Spirit Rage was likely a powerful attack in it's own right, but the Omni-Shield would hold strong against any projectile attack that wasn't of a certain caliber, and this attack was no exception as it was forced back by the outward expansion of the shimmering, blood-red wall.

"In any case, I'm done fucking around," He muttered, his lance springing into existence again as its tip began to grow and expand in preparation for a full-scale attack on BanchoLeomon and WarCapidramon.
__________________________________________________ _______________
Orci Kappa

Watching as UlforceVeedramon began to flicker around him, muttering something to himself, Orci Kappa smirked, a low hum resonating in the air around him as red energy gathered in his hands again.

When the turned Knight had let loose onto Parasimon with his combined energy attack, the White Orci had been fortunate enough to be close enough to Parasimon to escape the initial burst from the assault, using the opening to get out of range, and returning to the ground as the burst was neutralized by his Father's powered-up shield.

He felt somewhat cheap for that move, but Parasimon himself had stressed the absolute necessity of survival in this situation, and as it was, the Orci's survival instincts were strong enough to override any feelings of guilt he may have carried for such a move.

Besides, it did give him time to charge up his next attack...

"Showtime..." He hissed, a throaty snigger escaping him as all of the red energy built up within his body shot downwards in attraction to the earth below, a gigantic amount of the surrounding area lighting up as-
__________________________________________________ _______________
"Bang," Parasimon Mordred deadpanned, his words immediately followed by the massive explosion and release of debris, flame and energy into the air behind him, which quickly spread outwards and began to cover the area as he fired off a few rounds towards WarCapidramon and BanchoLeomon before him.

Now that Orci Kappa was moving again, they could at least attempt to carry through with the initial plan. Cover the area in a cloud of dust, debris, energy and flame, and take advantage to pepper the infidels with rounds from their lances. With the Omni-Shield available to them, friendly fire was a nonfactor.
__________________________________________________ _______________

"Quite," MirageGaogamon replied to ShineGreymon, lunging forward and swinging Lunatic into Orci Primus's head with vicious relish, taking full advantage of the beast's temporary transgression into rage in order to stupify him and use it as his chance to get away.

"That should cover us for a few seconds. GET MOVING!" He yelled towards his brother as his otherwise calm demeanor broke for a few seconds, with him almost roaring the last part of his sentence as he sped away from the battlefield at mind-boggling speed, leaving a blue and yellow trail of light behind him as he went.

ShineGreymon was hardly as fast as him, but MirageGaogamon was content in the knowledge that he could move surprisingly fast when given the right incentive, and that he would be able to get a head over the abomination they were fighting with little effort.

Right now, his main concern lay in two different and specific areas.

One: Getting to the library and his division. If he did that, he could get his power-up, and then return to combat the Orci with ShineGreymon if the latter ended up unable to get away from the former.

Two: That signal from another Spirit user he was picking up nearby, in the form of Valdurmon.

"Wind Users. Bloody Hopeless," He muttered to himself, Lunatic bursting into a massive hand of energy that shot out towards the massive Avian God Digimon, snatching her up from her place on the wrecked surface of the battlements and towing her form along behind him as he sped down towards the signals of his division below.

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1. 06-14-2012 #901

Forest Lord
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Jun 2011
War Capidramon simply floated there, jaw agape, still held in limbo with gravity by his attack's energies, as he watched. Watched as the flare of yellow hexagonic lines negated his barrage, as the abomination raised its horrendous arm. He gasped, reeling in shock as the wretch proceeded to produce a lance similar to that which he had seen in the possession of Examon Mordred during the brief portion of battle with Susanoomon which the Spartan Rodent had been able to observe. The hideous red glow from the weapon lit the battle field, causing the Gladiator Beast's white eyes to narrow. He could feel the heat of the attack in potentate as it surged thru the spear's machinations. Knowing he had little ability to use his shield without being caught in a horrible position, which would likely result in his dismemberment by the fragments of the blast's energy, War Capidramon crossed his arms before his chest, bracing himself.
"Bang," the creature uttered in the most flat manner possible.
For a fraction of a second, this rather dull exclamation caught the battered warrior off guard, until he saw the torrent of fire, plasma, and shrapnel tare forth from the weapon of the abomination known as Parisimon Mordred.
"Not good..." the Spartan Rodent exclaimed, tightening his brace for the impending impact.
The force was greater, but less direct than either consciousness of the being known as War Capidramon had anticipated. While the initial shock was enough to threaten to shatter every piece of armor on the Mega's body, the force of the energy did not continue to do so. Instead, the battered, war torn Digimon was sent rocketing thru the air. Flying nearly eighty meters away from the blast, War Capidramon resigned the fight against gravity, almost losing consiousness as he landed with a sharp crack. The shield upon his back created quite a crater, and sent the force away from his spine and vital organs, but took a tole on his limbs. Looking up, the Digimon could barely see, catching only blurs. Soon, however, he started to pick up the color. One figure was massive and blue, the other black and gold, with blue and white upon the back, seemingly within the larger's arms. The Warrior Rodent smiled weakly as he looked upon the two.
"H-hey... long time no see... right?" he joked softly, the slight chuckle he released causing him to grimace- that attack had done more damage than he had thought.
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2. 06-16-2012 #902

Angry Marine
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May 2010

Watching in horror as Parasimon Mordred's latest attack sent massive blasts of energy towards him, BanchoLeomon Burst Mode furiously swore as he dived out of the way of the blasts, narrowly avoiding the explosions they kicked up as well. The lion Digimon snarled as he continued dodging, leaping up into the air and taking flight in order to escape the dust and debris clouding his vision on the ground.

"Now this is just goddamn cheap..." BanchoLeomon hissed, noticing the Omni-Shield pop up in between attack bursts to shield Parasimon and his offspring. Damn it, how was he supposed to deal with this? And then a memory popped up in his head. Only a day ago, Examon had broken through Craniamon's shield with a massive, full-on charge after BanchoLeomon himself had strained it with repeated attacks while distracting the purple bastard. Adapted to his circumstances, that tactic might actually work here. A plan began to form in his mind, and BanchoLeomon immediately set about implementing it.

Dashing over to UlforceVeedramon Future Mode, BanchoLeomon hissed to his comrade in between dodging Parasimon's blasts.

"Both of us, hit and run. Fast, repeated strikes against the shield, nuke him when it's down. Got it?" BanchoLeomon Burst Mode spoke quickly and quietly between dodging attacks, and the sound of explosions masked his sounds to Parasimon and Orci Kappa.

A brief lull in Parasimon Mordred's attacks provided BanchoLeomon with the window he needed.

"GO!" He yelled at UlforceVeedramon, before rushing in a full out charge at his opponent. Diving down to avoid another blast before closing in, BanchoLeomon Burst Mode struck with a massive roundhouse kick before blurring out again and attacking from another angle. With UlforceVeedramon's help, Parasimon and Orci Kappa should be disoriented enough from the multiple, changing attack angles to be able to retaliate against their hit-and-run attacks.



Taking Examon's latest powerup in stride, Imperialdramon Paladin Mode brandished his sword parallel to the ground before charging straight at the ragtag group of traitors, Demon Lords, and one random rat Mega that had just landed at their feet. The Head Knight was no fool, and he remembered Examon's attempt to fuse power with Alphamon. If that was allowed to happen, his victory would no longer certain. And the last thing Imperialdramon wanted was any kind of capable resistance.

Upon reaching Examon and his allies, Imperialdramon barreled into the traitor with a shoulder charge, keeping in mind that strikes with the Omni-Sword wouldn't work thanks to the Ulforce. While doing so, he simultaneously swung at Alphamon with the Omni-Sword, hoping that the instant deletion protocol would finish her off, and batted the Demon Lord away with flaps of his wings. A second later, the Royal Knight moved to bootstomp the downed WarCapidramon in the throat. Imperialdramon Paladin Mode wasn't aiming for killing blows yet, but he had to separate the group with simultaneous strikes. They wouldn't be able to stand against him either way, but killing them one-by-one would be easier than trying to finish them off all at once.


Orci Sigma

While his brothers were off aiding their 'father', Orci Sigma simply lounged about on the castle ramparts, watching the battles below. Some of his opponents had initially proved entertaining, but nothing had amused him more than Examon Mordred's infuriated reaction when he goomba-stomped the dragon in the face, disrupting his fusion.

Just then, Sigma finally found something worth interrupting: MirageGaogamon carrying a wounded Valdurmon to safety. Yeah, not if he had anything to say about it. Standing up, the abomination briefly stretched before taking off into the air with a flap of his wings.

Sigma set down right in front of MirageGaogamon's path, a twisted smirk on his face.

"So...going somewhere?" The Orci cackled, bladed chains manifested behind him. "Gonna take that little birdie to safety? Nope. (Chuck Testa) Not happening." Sigma's smile only grew as he began to advance, his chains preparing to fire. "You know what I like most about this situation right now? You're fucked." He taunted, wanting to see the look on MirageGaogamon's face when he realized his predicament. "If you fight me while carrying the big chicken, you're gonna lose. If you set her down before trying to fight me, I'll just kill her and load her data before using it to kill you. If you run, then she doesn't get healed and I still win. So," Orci Sigma concluded with a devilish grin on his face.

"What's it gonna be?"

The Human Instrumentality Committee: An Evangelion Fan Group

Steam name: chinesenascar
Xbox Live Gamertag: CrisisRain
League of Legends IGN: NoOneLovesYou
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3. 06-16-2012 #903

Lockon Look-a-like
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Nov 2010
orbiting the earth inside my gundam with my sights trained on you
Beelzemon had been ready for most anything, that was until he charged them like a Juggernaut. he had backed off at first and then had gone to try and flank him by putting DarkKnightmons lance in the Head Knights back. but the wings had blown him backwards, when he saw the Knight going to curbstomp WarCapidramon, he immediately darked to the side of him and drew his Berenjena's. "GIGA CANNON!!!" he fired the large blasts from his cannons and shotguns again, he knew this wouldn't kill the Knight, but at least knock him enough to miss Jorden, or make him dodge it.

my country, a fine country, a country that i would give my life to protect.

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4. 06-16-2012 #904
Oblivion Ascent

The Magnificent Bastard.
Join Date
Nov 2010
Britain. Land of the Limeys...

"Dammit," MirageGaogamon hissed, as one of the Orci, specifically one of the three head honchos, chose to obstruct his path, as he was slowed down by the huge form of Valdurmon being towed along behind him.

Mustering all of the strength he had left in his battered frame in order to prep himself for any combat between him and the abomination in front of him as said abomination launched head-on into trolling him, MirageGaogamon did his best to remain calm.

Whichever way it was looked at, Orci Sigma was right. Unless he was able to get backup in the next few minutes, either him or Valdurmon, or even both of them in the worst case scenario, were royally screwed.

There really was no getting around that fact. One of them had to die for the other to live, and as it was, neither of them was willing to make that sacrifice at this specific point in time. They were still needed!

"What's it going to be, eh? Well..." He began, before trailing off for a fraction of a second as something began to take root in his mind, as his mind began to move past the indecision it had reached and the strained calm he was forcing himself into to pull together a plan.

Perhaps it was just how obscenely similar this thing's behaviour was to that of the now-deceased Bringer of Rage and Madness, Craniamon, but as all this happened to MirageGaogamon and he made his plan of action, one option in particular practically offered itself to him for the situation.

"Going by your lack of anything resembling class in this situation, I'm going to assume that you're the type of person that thrives on pissing others off, right? I'm right, aren't I?"

As he finished the first part of his reply to Sigma, he smirked slightly, as his eyes began to dart around a little, as if he was looking for something to use to his advantage.
And, dilated pupils locking onto the sight of Imperialdramon discarding all pretense of decorum or elegance to attempt a bolostomp onto the Tamed Digimon a few hundreds of meters away, he found that something.

"If that's the case, than I regret to inform you that I'm really all out of fucks to give. Your brother Primus took all of those, but I'm fairly certain that your boss down there has plenty to give. And what better way to exploit those fucks than to betray him? Humiliate him in front of his foes and give them the chance to become powerful enough to defeat him. You'll be able to hear him from the Dark Area."

As far as MirageGaogamon could tell, this path of action could have two possible outcomes:

A. This thing would turn out to be like Craniamon, and turn sides purely out of boredom and a desire to enrage something.


B. It would be too busy laughing itself to death at his attempt to reason with it to notice him cutting out it's throat until he was halfway done, letting him get away with Valdurmon after all.
__________________________________________________ _______________

"AncientMermaimon?" Baihumon asked in rhetoric as the form of Ranamon warped before his eyes to become that of the Water Spirit, elliciting a quizzical raising of the eyebrows from him as she went about explaining the circumstances of his summoning.

"Apologies accepted, Spirit of Water," The Cold Steel replied to the servant of his closest brother, taking a tone of cold civility as he did so, "I just ask that we do not have a repeat of this situation in the future. All is forgiven."

His Digicores finishing their scan of the library as he finished talking, the Sovereign took a look around, making special note of the signal approaching his.


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The Human Instrumentality Committee: An Evangelion Fan Group
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Being Meduka Is Suffering...
Killroy wuz ere.
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5. 06-16-2012 #905

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Mar 2011
Indonesia, currently in Perth
Alphamon barely dodged the Omni-Sword thanks to still being conscious and found herself thrown near WarCapidramon. While Beelzemon's Giga Cannon was heading in its trajectory path towards Imperialdramon, Alphamon quickly picked WarCapidramon up. Due to the data Examon loaded into her, she was able to move around, but she couldn't do much else. "It's been a while since I last saw you. I think this is the first time we've really talked, isn't it?" She casually replied as she flew off with WarCapidramon on her back, trying to keep her distance from Imperialdramon. At her current power level, she was as good as a sitting duck to all her allies. "So how's it going? I'm just doing my usual job, being a walking target for Imperialdramon." She weakly chuckled.


While AncientMermaimon herself had nothing to worry from the Sovereign, she knew that Ranamon wouldn't be as lucky and the one reason why she was cordially respected was due to her loyalty to the eldest Sovereign, Ebonwumon. Still, his forgiveness was what she needed to save the small Digimon hassle of facing Baihumon.

"I understand. My deepest gratitude, Master Baihumon." The Spirit of Water replied with a formal tone of subordination. She was still wondering what she should do when Baihumon alerted her of another presence, someone she knew.

"AncientWisemon? It appears I'm quite far of from where I was before..." She mused. "I don't see any harm in a family reunion, however." With a chuckle, the mermaid waited alongside her master's youngest brother.
Last edited by Vocalia; 06-17-2012 at 05:41 AM.
Profile Picture drawn by mrsloth of Deviantart.
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6. 06-17-2012 #906

Forest Lord
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Jun 2011
As his vision began to clear, War Capidramon could see a shadow moving towards him, which soon became a large white draconic foot. He tilted his head in the slightest way, the dreaded form of Imperialdramon Paladin Mode coming into a shadowy view. Were he in better health, he would have commented on how fitting it all was, but at the moment, he was too busy closing his eyes, attempting to brace himself for the impending inpact-

-which never came.

Instead, he found himself whisked into a rather awkward position. He slowly opened his eyes, finding himself looking into a smooth metal helmet- one which he had seen some time before- Alphamon.
"It's been a while since I last saw you. I think this is the first time we've really talked, isn't it?"
The battered gladiator coughed lightly.
"Yeah I... guess," he replied, the voice of the boy and the Mega echoing together.
"So how's it going? I'm just doing my usual job, being a walking target for Imperialdramon," she weakly chuckled.
The Beast Mega attempted to rise, only to be hit with a barrier of pain as his shoulder started to move.
"Oh, you know, getting kicked in the pants.", he replied with a similar, weak laugh, "Been better... but," he paused to take in a sharp breath, "Ya' know... it's almost fitting."
With those last words, he laughed at his own words, as though it were half a pity, averting his eyes from the Holy X-Antobody Knight.
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7. 06-19-2012 #907

Angry Marine
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May 2010
Orci Sigma

Upon hearing MirageGaogamon's counter-offer, Orci Sigma raised an eyebrow.

"That's...actually pretty hilarious." He grinned, turning to the side to watch Imperialdramon's battle. "You know what, I like you, mutt. Just for that, you get to go free." Sigma chuckled, before making a shooing motion at MirageGaogamon. "Now run along, doggie. Daddy Sigma's got some facestomping to get to."

And with that, Orci Sigma took off into the air once more, calling the remaining inferior Orci to his location.

"Oi! Get over here!" The surviving Orci complied, flying towards Sigma, before a mass of bladed chains erupted from the abomination, impaling each Orci dozens of times in their cores, and they exploded into clouds of data that Sigma proceeded to load. After all, if he was going to go against his father, his brothers, and the strongest thing on the battlefield, he was going to need as much power as he could get.

That done, Sigma began to circle Imperialdramon Paladin Mode's battle, waiting for the moment that would piss the Head Knight off the most.



As Beelzemon fired his Giga Cannon, Imperialdramon Paladin Mode paused in his assault to gather power in his form, before releasing it around him in a massive wave of force, deflecting the Demon Lord's shots. The Royal Knight finished by firing another Splendor Blade shockwave at Beelzemon before turning around and slamming his foot into Examon Mordred's chest.

Looking up, Imperialdramon focused in on Alphamon trying to retreat with WarCapidramon. That wouldn't do. He began this battle with the goal of trying to kill the damned bitch, and she'd be their next casualty. Heavily damaged as she was, she wouldn't be able to avoid his next charge. Hefting the Omni-Blade, he charged, flying at full burn straight towards the Lord of the Empty Seat. Now, Alphamon would die. Imperialdramon Paladin Mode thrust his blade forward, about to finish off the defector...

...And Orci Sigma planted both of his feet squarely in the Knight's back, sending him crashing down to the ground. The abomination quickly leapt back into the sky, eager to avoid Imperialdramon's wrath. The Royal Knight recovered quickly, fury blazing in his eyes as he rose, brandishing his sword. Before he could get a word in, Sigma began laughing manically.

"Hahahahaha! That was even funnier than I thought it would be! The look on your face is hilarious, bossman!" And his next sentence had already been planned out, to both add more amusement for himself, as well as to take the heat off him. "Compliments of my father, by the way."

Rage. Rage was all Imperialdramon felt as he heard the abomination's words, head turning to face Parasimon Mordred and send him a death glare. He dared? Dared to betray the lord he'd sworn himself to? This was purely rage-inducing. Even more than Gallantmon's betrayal. Forget Examon. Forget Alphamon. This last and latest betrayal would pay.

"PARASIMON!" Imperialdramon Paladin Mode screamed, turning around and charging straight at what he thought was a traitor. Even as BanchoLeomon Burst Mode blitzed around Parasimon Mordred, Imperialdramon simply paid it no mind as he simply backhanded the lion out of the way when he got to close, sending the Biomerged Digimon crashing down to the ground with a cry of "Motherfucker!"

A furious Imperialdramon thrust his hand forward, breaking through the Omni-Shield by sheer force, and gripped Parasimon's throat. "Even you betray me? And not even in person. Rest assured, your children will suffer after I finish you. Now, any final words, traitor?"

The Human Instrumentality Committee: An Evangelion Fan Group

Steam name: chinesenascar
Xbox Live Gamertag: CrisisRain
League of Legends IGN: NoOneLovesYou
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8. 06-30-2012 #908
Oblivion Ascent

The Magnificent Bastard.
Join Date
Nov 2010
Britain. Land of the Limeys...

"Whatever you say," MirageGaogamon said to Orci Sigma as he somehow convinced him to turn tail on the Knights and attack Imperialdramon Paladin Mode from behind, complying with his shooing motion as he sped away as fast as he could, towing the semi-conscious form of Valdurmon along behind him.

As tempting as it was, MirageGaogamon was going to have to pass on seeing the result of this little incident, since it would only be a matter of time until he was stopped again if he did so. Instead, he was going to take this chance and milk it for all it was worth in order to get to safety and a power-up down at the entrance to the library.

And moving along at speeds incomprehensible to the naked eye, he catches sight of a Gold and Blue glint down at said entry-way, along with the presence of two containers of vast power on his wavelength.

"Hold on tight," He said to Valdurmon, as his smirk evened out and he took his speed to a whole new level in order to jet down at even faster speeds towards AlphaShoutmon and OmegaShoutmon below.
__________________________________________________ _______________

Far away from the raging battles on the ramparts, down on the battlegrounds where the real meat of the conflict raged on and the remaining Orci cut a bloody swath through everything before them to bolster their own powers, there could be found a circle of sigils, etched into a mountain wall on the far end of the castle grounds.

And it was from this wall, still even further from the conflict, that three shapes emerged, the sigils lighting up to allow passage between the battlefield and the library deep within the earth.

"And the Royal Knights resort to this on their last legs?" He muttered in rhetoric to himself as he watched the unbridled carnage, especially of the Orci slaughtering ally and foe alike to gain the data they needed to get stronger.

"Knights of Honor and Justice? What a joke. Fools and heathens."

Flicking up his cowl, Seraphimon revealed his mouth to spit at the ground below, continuing to mutter to himself before he turned to remember his company.

"No offense to the pair of you, of course," He said, hoping that he hadn't actually offended them at all with his brief sentiment.

"None taken," OmegaShoutmon replied, his face hardly showing interest in the proceedings, let alone any feelings of being offended by the Angel's words, as he stretched out his hand to tap at a few of the sigils, charging them with energy for the specific purpose of keeping the tiny entrance open, "Aside from our Master and those who work alongside him, we're of like mind over this subject."

"I see," Seraphimon replied, deciding not to touch any further on the subject, closing off his cowl once more as AlphaShoutmon, even more indifferent to the idea of remaining stationary than his brother, disappeared in a silent rush, his form a glorious black and blue blur surrounded by gold and silver from his Shooting Star Blades as he headed for the battlefield.

"Leave him," OmegaShoutmon said to Seraphimon as he finished opening up the gate between their location and the library, anticipating his reaction to the Dragon Man heading to the field, "He's acting on orders from MirageGaogamon. Find and retrieve any and every survivor he can find, keep casualties as low as can be helped. Makes it a lot easier on us later."

"I see," Seraphimon replied once more, sounding like a broken record as he was cut off by the Dragon Man's quick response, and as another black and blue blur, accompanied by a white blur, pulled into a stop nearby, the creatures making the blurs becoming fully visible as they set foot down upon the earth (Or became safely suspended in midair in the case of one of them).

"Do you have what I requested?" MirageGaogamon asked of his Lieutenant, skipping any formalities that would have otherwise been present as he cut to the chase, as he reeled in the form of Valdurmon towards him.

"I do, Sir," OmegaShoutmon replied, the Spirits that he had been sent to collect forming from the extra energy that they had dissolved into in order to move towards MirageGaogamon, the Human and Beast Spirits of Light already present in his body attracting them towards him as they entered his 'orbit'.

"AlphaShoutmon embarked to the battlefield as per your orders, and Justimon has remained behind in the library. AncientWisemon bought the Spirits of Water into the library along with the Spirits of Thunder, along with a Ranamon. Both myself and AlphaShoutmon have left one each of our squads behind to keep watch."

"I see," MirageGaogamon replied to his Lieutenant, as the Spirits of Thunder dissolved into energy once more and joined the aura around his body, their power becoming his as they combined to reach a new height, above what had been there before.

"Any further orders, sir?" OmegaShoutmon asked his master, as he awaited a reply.

"Give me a communicator," He began, before holding out his hand to grab said device as OmegaShoutmon produced one and threw it towards him, "And then go to help AlphaShoutmon. I'll contact Justimon and the two remaining squads, tell them to get the extra Spirits for ShineGreymon. If the need arises, I'll do the last myself, but I also have the people on the ramparts to be concerned about. Got that?"

"Yessir," OmegaShoutmon replied, vanishing in a gold blur as MirageGaogamon turned his attentions to Seraphimon, pulling Valdurmon over towards the pair of them as he did so.

The information he had been given regarding the Tamer Army indicated that Seraphimon had partnered with the youngest of the group, the young girl known in the area as 'The Supreme One'. As of this, he was a result of natural evolution rather than a product of the Biomerging process.
At the same time, his affinity to the Spirits present within him told him that the Valdurmon he was carrying, another user of Spirits, was the evolved form of Valkyrimon, a member of the Death Trio, a faction loyal to said Supreme One. In this, they would certainly be familiar with each-other.

"I might not have the faculty to order you around, Lord Seraphimon, but I do believe that this Digimon is a close ally of yours, and also that I am one of your allies. If it's at all possible, could you spare some energy?"

"Sure thing," Seraphimon said, snapping his fingers to send a pulse of Giga Heal out into the surrounding area, taking the fact that MirageGaogamon had put his life at risk in order to retrieve Valdurmon as an indication that he could be trusted.

Alternately, if he did turn out to be tricking him, the combined power of himself and Valdurmon would have something to say about it.
__________________________________________________ _______________

To say that Parasimon's latest experience, of having Imperialdramon Paladin Mode erupt into pure rage and attempt to snap his neck after bulldozing through half the battlefield and his powered-up shield, was somewhat of a disconcerting experience would be a bit of an understatement.

One moment, he had been duking it out with BanchoLeomon and WarCapidramon, and the next, he was having his throat squeezed like an overripe lemon, the strength of his assailant and his weak constitution combining to put him in a bad situation and a lot of pain.

At first, he had been too shocked to resist or speak up, the pain too great and the situation too sudden.
But then...

"Even you betray me? And not even in person. Rest assured, your children will suffer after I finish you. Now, any final words, traitor?"

If you listened closely, you could probably hear a nerve snap in Parasimon Mordred's head.
As with Imperialdramon, anger began to fill Parasimon Mordred's system.

Years of loyal service, never questioning the orders given to him by Yggdrasil, no matter what, and something like this happened? This moron actually thought that he would turn tail on him in such a short space of time.

Admittedly, Parasimon Mordred's mental state and attitude towards Yggdrasil was rapidly changing after the events of the previous night and the realizations that he was slowly coming to, but all that didn't matter as Imperialdramon raged on at him, as the rage entered his system too.

"ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID!?!" Parasimon roared into Imperialdramon's face, his multitude of eyes burning daggers into the Supreme Knight with their angry stare, "Tell me, are you really FUCKING STUPID ENOUGH TO BELIEVE THAT I'D JUST HOP SIDES ON A WHIM?!? Tell me, just WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO MAKE YOU THINK THAT, YOU WHITE C___!!!"

Whether or not Imperialdramon gave him even greater pain for his words didn't matter at all to Parasimon Mordred. Everything else could wait. This was just pissing him off.

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The Human Instrumentality Committee: An Evangelion Fan Group
RP Guild: Now on Facebook!
My Crappy Drawings. View at your own risk...
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Being Meduka Is Suffering...
Killroy wuz ere.
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9. 06-30-2012 #909

Lockon Look-a-like
Join Date
Nov 2010
orbiting the earth inside my gundam with my sights trained on you
Beelzemon had no energy left to dodge or block the Splendor Blade. "Calm down Pup." said a voice.

"BlackMetalGarurumon?" asked Beelzemon, but this strange voice sounded a little different from BlackMetalGarurumon's. a Masked man appeared on the battlefield near to Beelzemon, a Flamedramon by his side. the man swung his Boken and a strong gust of wind blew Beelzemon off of his feet and out of the way of the attack.

Beelzemon leaned up from his back "ow." he moaned, he got back onto his feet and looked at the masked man "who are you?" he asked.

"Call me Herald... Now do yourself a favor, get your ass back into the fighting." he said as the ghostly spirits of several Knightmon flowed from Flamedramon into Beelzemon. the pair then disappeared. Beelzemon wondered just who the hell that was and then saw Parasimon with Imperieldramon at his Throat, Beelzemon ran over to BanchoLeomon "I think we should leave these guys to get pooped killing each other." he said.

((before i hear complaints, the appearance of Herald in this post is to set up a little something for the sequel, i have no further plans for him to appear in until then. and as i have already stated, his power will be severely reduced for reasons to be explained.))
Last edited by Mattmanganon; 07-01-2012 at 04:01 PM.

my country, a fine country, a country that i would give my life to protect.

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10. 07-03-2012 #910

Angry Marine
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May 2010

Despite Parasimon's rantings, Imperialdramon Paladin Mode managed to restrain his ire enough that he didn't snap the fool's neck out of anger. And Imperialdramon himself was no fool. From both his subordinate's tone and the expression in his eyes, the Royal Knight could tell by his instinct that Parasimon Mordred was telling the truth. Still, he hadn't lived this long without at least verifying his concerns.

"Given that your offspring, Sigma, just attacked me, claiming it was on your orders, I'd say I have valid reason to be concerned about your loyalty." Imperialdramon ground out, loosening his hold on Parasimon's neck and setting him back down onto the ground, but still keeping on alert for any sudden move from him. "Or have you lost control over your children?"

At this, Orci Sigma suddenly appeared in the skies above, cackling.

"Nope." He smirked grimly, having gotten bored of simply watching the drama below. And now for his dramatic exit speech. "Out of respect for dear old daddy here, I'm gonna come right out and say that he had nothing to do with my stomping you in the back. That was all me." Sigma grinned, before his monstrous visage morphed into a scowl. "That being said, fuck this shit. I'm not going to be one of your pawns, whether it be bossman's or daddy's. I've got enough of the little ones loaded that I can maintain my existence without your help, daddy-o. Hell, I'm pretty much my own Mon at this point. Might as well start calling myself Sigmamon. No more of that Orci bullshit for me." With that said, the newly-christened Sigmamon gave a jaunty wave. "Live long and prosper. Or don't. I don't really care anymore." And the digital abomination promptly turned around and began fleeing the battlefield.

Scowling, Imperialdramon Paladin Mode backed away from Parasimon Mordred. "Very well. Parasimon, consider yourself cleared. My apologies. Return to the fight. We have bigger concerns to worry about than a wayward child at this point." The Knight said tersely, about to turn around when BanchoLeomon Burst Mode emerged in the sky and leapt down, a fully-charged God Hand about to be unleashed. Remembering how that attack had nearly killed him before, Imperialdramon quickly used Hand of Protection, enveloping himself in a holy barrier. Under the might of God Hand, the barrier actually shattered, but it took all the strength of the lion's attack to do so, rendering Imperialdramon himself unharmed. His ire drawn, the Royal Knight lashed out with a kick, knocking BanchoLeomon a good distance away.

"As I was saying," Imperialdramon said to Parasimon, wings outstretched. "I will leave these mongrels to you. Examon and Alphamon are mine." With that, Imperialdramon Paladin Mode charged back towards his own battle, eagerly seeking the deaths of his traitors.



Picking himself back up off the ground after Imperialdramon had booted him in the face, BanchoLeomon Burst Mode roared in frustration, smashing the ground in with one of his fists.

"Damn it!" He screamed, furious and exhausted. Both aspects of his being were equally frustrated at their gap in power compared to the likes of Imperialdramon's Mode Change and Parasimon's absurd Omni-Shield, and that no amount of skill or trickery could seem to circumvent either.

"No matter what tricks we pull out, we still can't seem to get anything done!" Lucas snarled in frustration in his and Leomon's shared psyche.

"Agreed." Leomon mentally scowled, equally as furious as his partner. "It seems the only way to match them is with power."

"Power..." Lucas mused, before an idea came to him. It was insane, and had a fairly good chance of getting them killed, but short of going back to the human world and stealing a nuke, it was the only viable option he could think of. "Leomon, I have an idea." So he relayed his thoughts to his Digimon. And he reacted as expected.

"Lucas, are you insane?!" Leomon yelled, astounded at the measures the man had suggested. "We'd have no control! You saw what happened to the others. We'd be putting our friends and allies in danger!"

"There's a difference between what happened with them and what I'm proposing." Lucas shot back calmly. "They gave in and lost their minds. We'll trigger it on our own, and stay in control. Please, Leomon." He implored. "Trust me."

"...Very well." Leomon gave in, sighing. "But only because I know you can stay sane during this. Anyone else, and I'd have never agreed to this."

"Thanks, man." Lucas replied, touched. "Now let's do this."

Lucas assumed control of BanchoLeomon's primary consciousness, and began to feel. Anger, hatred, vengeance. Parasimon and Imperialdramon needed to die.

He'd enjoy killing them too, for all the grief they'd caused him and his friends.

Dirk at death's door from his stunt against Omnimon on the train.

Susanoomon beating everyone down until Examon Mordred had appeared.

Imperialdramon about to kill Examon and Alphamon.

Death to the enemy.

Rip and tear.


That did it. Lucas's enraged, hateful state triggered the catalyst. BanchoLeomon Burst Mode's aura faded away, ending the Mode Change, and black energy began to form around his body, a pillar of negative aura flaring up into the sky.

"BanchoLeomon Mode Change to...


BanchoLeomon Ruin Mode emerged, with an aura of darkness virtually obscuring his body from sight, his glowing red eyes the only thing piercing the veil. The beast hunched down, snarling ferally as he took Parasimon Mordred's form into view. He didn't care what it was. He just wanted it to di-

"NO." Lucas thought, as BanchoLeomon flinched, one hand moving up to clutch his head in pain. "I won't lose control. I can't lose control. This mode's additional strength means nothing if it's a mindless berserker. I need my sanity intact to fight this bastard, now that Leomon's side is completely insane."

After a brief struggle to regain control, Lucas found himself in the saddle once more, so to speak, but he could still feel the effects of the Dark Digivolution. Bloodlust, hatred, and near-psychosis. Whatever. As long as he could still think lucidly, he'd hate the bastard all he wanted to.

"You're not the only one that has another power-up..." The dark lion glared at Parasimon Mordred, forming a black sword from his aura. "RAAAAAAAAAAUGH!" He screamed, and charged, sword clashing against the Omni-Shield, and began to pierce it. With a feral grin, BanchoLeomon Ruin Mode pushed even harder, and made a hole in the barrier, at the cost of using up all the energy in his conjured blade, with it dissipating. That problem was easily remedied when the beast created another blade and thrust forward, stabbing Parasimon Mordred in the chest before retreating and leaping back, the sword exploding with dark energy inside the abomination's chest at his command.
Last edited by PsychoScythe; 07-04-2012 at 11:21 AM.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vincanity
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Digimon Convergence Log II, Part 3


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Mar 2011
Indonesia, currently in Perth
"I'd say it could've been worse, but I don't want to jinx ourselves." Alphamon chuckled weakly. She could see Imperialdramon suddenly launching himself at Parasimon after Orci Sigma promptly backstabbed the white Knight."I'm never fond of telling people what to do, but be a dear for me," She briefly paused as the white figure dashed towards her. "and retreat to safety." Without warning, Alphamon suddenly let herself fall to the ground, only hovering just inches away to put down WarCapidramon. The moment the rodent Mega touched the ground, she made a beeline for Imperialdramon, calling upon her sword despite her weakened state.
Profile Picture drawn by mrsloth of Deviantart.
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2. 07-11-2012 #912

Forest Lord
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Jun 2011
The battered Gladiator Beast rolled his shield into his hand, using it to prop himself up as Alphamon set him down and dashed towards an inevitable defeat.
"N-No..." he growled, "Not like this..."
For a moment, War Capidramon contemplated throwing his shield over to Alphamon, but that could go bad in a number of ways, and would leave him even more vulnerable. Even though his sword was damaged, the data could still be used, but not be himself. He had to get it to Alphamon somehow. He had to help. With a look of deep, binding resolve crossing his face, the Spartan Rodent stood, setting his legs in place and shouldering his shield. He clenched his fist, cocking back his right arm. His white eyes blazed, his blood red bandana fluttering in the slight breeze. A small flow of orange energy began to gather in his hand, emanating from his splintered armor.
"Imperialdramon!" he called, a deep fury burning in his voice, causing a slight crack, "Eat this!"
With that, he threw his fist forward. The accumulated energy burst forth, splintering into multiple streams. They flew thru the air, passing around Alphamon before crossing before her, heading for Imperialdramon.
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3. 07-11-2012 #913
Oblivion Ascent

The Magnificent Bastard.
Join Date
Nov 2010
Britain. Land of the Limeys...
Taking a deep, deep breath as Imperialdramon released his grip on his throat, Parasimon Mordred landed back on his feet with a movement halfway between haphazard and elegant.

Okay... He was making progress. Even if he couldn't convince Imperialdramon that he was telling the truth, that he was innocent, he would at least be able to attempt an escape. His loyalties to Yggdrasil aside, he wasn't going to let himself be dusted off through some stupid misunderstanding, and his common sense had to pick up again somewhere.

In any case, as he pulled himself together once more, and prepared to attempt reasoning, he heard what Imperialdramon had to say to him.

"Given that your offspring, Sigma, just attacked me, claiming it was on your orders, I'd say I have valid reason to be concerned about your loyalty. Or have you lost control over your children?"

"... What." Parasimon replied, almost completely nonplussed by Imperialdramon's lecture to him.

And then Sigma himself jumped into the fray with his own response.

"Very well. Parasimon, consider yourself cleared. My apologies. Return to the fight. We have bigger concerns to worry about than a wayward child at this point," Imperialdramon said to him as Orci Sigma denounced him, the Royal Knights, his siblings and his own name as part of his decision to flee and 'become his own Mon', as the Supreme Knight classed the wayward son as a non-factor and went about killing Alphamon and Examon once more.

"Yes sir," Parasimon Mordred replied forlornly to his superior, his vicious fighting mood shot into the earth once more as he turned to deal with the vermin he'd been tasked to deal with.


Just as BanchoLeomon went into his Ruin Mode in order to bring a whole new world of pain to his would-be executioner.

"So, this is all I have left, is it?"Parasimon Mordred growled, as the damned Lion threw himself at the Omni-Shield, quickly and steadily smashing through it with a constant barrage of attacks and energy and suchlike.

Fighting was all he had left. He was one of three Royal Knights remaining, he was outgunned, hated by all, the delusion of honor and grandeur that had previously contented himself and his 'comrades' had been scattered to the wind and revealed and acknowledged as the trite that it was, and now even his own children were turning their backs on him.

In this moment, he accepted that he was pathetic. Nothing more than a beast on a tight leash, a fool to be used.
But he didn't care. This beast still had some fight in him.

"Bring it," Parasimon Mordred snarled, taking the sword to the chest as he scythed a sharp talon through the air towards BanchoLeomon, aiming for his neck or stomach...

Only for the sword in his chest to explode.

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4. 07-13-2012 #914

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Seeing WarCapidramon charge like a mad bull and unleashed a ranged attack in the form of spirit wolves, Alphamon rolled her eyes. "Some people are just so darn stubborn." She mused and ran after him. Zei, noticing how WarCapidramon, and essentially Jordan, attacking Imperialdramon despite their state, quickly took over and dashed to his side. "WarCapidramon... Jordan, you have to pull back now! It's dangerous!" Zei pleaded, trying to dissuade him from biting more than he could chew, especially when said bite target was the one Digimon that was already moping the ground with Alphamon's ass.
Last edited by Vocalia; 07-15-2012 at 09:22 AM.
Profile Picture drawn by mrsloth of Deviantart.
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5. 07-14-2012 #915

Angry Marine
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May 2010

Grinning as Parasimon Mordred's counterattack was halted by an exploding sword to the chest, BanchoLeomon Ruin Mode seized the opportunity and charged right back in, noticing that the Omni-Shield had fallen when his aura sword had exploded.

"Looks like the barrier goes down if he can't concentrate on it. That'll make this easier. I just have to keep hurting him while he's off guard." Lucas thought in BanchoLeomon's shared headspace, only to be disrupted by his partner's insane fury.

"▂▂▃▃▄▄▅▅!" Leomon screamed unintelligibly, his rage bleeding over and influencing his human partner, leading to BanchoLeomon roaring a battle cry.

"DIE, YOU BASTARD! DIE!" The black beast yelled, sending an arm out and slamming Parasimon Mordred into the ground with one hand. BanchoLeomon Ruin Mode slammed one foot into the abominable Knight's face before forming blades in both of his hands and thrusting one into each of Parasimon's wrists and ankles, pinning him to the ground. With one foot pressing down as hard as it could on the Royal Knight's neck, the lion formed an absolutely massive sword from his aura and thrust it into Parasimon's chest before leaping back and triggering each sword to explode again.

"Come on, Get up. I know you're still alive. A few exploding swords shouldn't kill you. Not with your regeneration." BanchoLeomon Ruin Mode sneered, glaring through the massive cloud of dust and smoke his attacks had created, relishing all of the pain he was causing his hated foe. "How many more aces up your sleeve do you have? Another useless barrier? A second powerup? I'm going to have fun tearing you apart. Piece. By. Piece." The lion cracked his knuckles, chuckling grimly all the while.

As soon as Parasimon Mordred's form became visible once more, BanchoLeomon Ruin Mode rushed forward, simply smashing through the weakened Omni-Shield with his fists before grabbing the Knight by the throat with one hand and slamming his other fist into Parasimon's chest over and over again.



As WarCapidramon's energy wolves rushed towards him, Imperialdramon Paladin Mode contemptuously batted them aside with swift strokes of the Omni-Sword. Noting Alphamon beginning to charge but retreating, the Knight dashed forward, ramming his armored form into Alphamon before grabbing her by the head and throwing her at WarCapidramon. Even as the traitor began to collide with the rat's body, Imperialdramon Paladin Mode charged up energy in his sword and unleashed a Splendor Blade shockwave at the two.

The Human Instrumentality Committee: An Evangelion Fan Group

Steam name: chinesenascar
Xbox Live Gamertag: CrisisRain
League of Legends IGN: NoOneLovesYou
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6. 07-14-2012 #916

Lockon Look-a-like
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orbiting the earth inside my gundam with my sights trained on you
Beelzemon stood and watched BanchoLeomons blind rage of Ruin Mode. he was unsure what to do, if he let BanchoLeomon continue then he would probably destroy himself, but if he did something, then Parasimon might regain the upper hand. "I can't let the poor bastard destroy himself." said Beelzemon, with one great beat of his wings, he rocketed towards the Lion and grabbed him in an Arm-Lock. "I know what you're feeling... And i know that Leon really wants me to do this. NOW CALM THE FUCK DOWN." another couple of wing-beats and he flew into the air, he was using his free Shoulder-mounted cannons for covering fire, trying to keep the Parasite pinned down. "Come on cat, you can fight this monster you've become, you just have to try... you're not gonna like this but." Beelzemons claws dug into BanchoLeomons shoulder "GUILTY CLAW!!!" Beelzemons own dark power went to seep into BanchoLeomon, it's mind-controling abilities not even nearly powerful enough to enslave a Mega, but it was targetted at the Ruin-Mode part of BanchoLeomon, the whispers that would normally order for obedience replaced with those that would order passiveness in order to give Lucas a better fighting chance of regaining control.

my country, a fine country, a country that i would give my life to protect.

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7. 07-14-2012 #917

Angry Marine
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"Ow." BanchoLeomon Ruin Mode dully noted as Beelzemon's claws sunk into his shoulder. In the Digimon's mind, Lucas sighed in frustration as he felt Leomon's berserk presence fade somewhat, and realized what the Demon Lord was trying to do. Eroding the negative presence to give him control back? That would work if he wasn't already in control.

"God damn it, Dirk."

"Beelzemon, stop being an idiot." BanchoLeomon said flatly, keeping his eyes on Parasimon Mordred as he continued to punch the living shit out of him. "And stop trying to knock me out of it. I did this willingly for the power boost, and I'm still in control. Now help me or back off." The beast scowled, noting Parasimon's resilience. "Still alive? I'll fix that soon enough."

The Human Instrumentality Committee: An Evangelion Fan Group

Steam name: chinesenascar
Xbox Live Gamertag: CrisisRain
League of Legends IGN: NoOneLovesYou
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8. 07-15-2012 #918

Lockon Look-a-like
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orbiting the earth inside my gundam with my sights trained on you
"No, it's not as simple as that, he needs to end his Ruin Mode now." said a voice, Dirk looked to the side of him in his ethereal plane and saw Crusadermon. "Ruin mode is an especially dangerous mode, it corrupts all of the data in its user, it could kill him turning back, the longer it goes on, the more likely his death becomes."

"seriously?" asked Dirk.

"of course, i've seen it happen to Dynasmon... took us months to put the poor bastard back together." Beelzemon looked at the back of BanchoLeomons head.

"you've got to stop your Ruin Mode now, Crusadermon just told me that if you don't then there's a good chance it's going to kill you at the end of this. I am not going to let you die."
Last edited by Mattmanganon; 07-15-2012 at 02:34 PM.

my country, a fine country, a country that i would give my life to protect.

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9. 07-17-2012 #919

Angry Marine
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At Beelzemon's words, BanchoLeomon Ruin Mode turned around and shot him a death glare, exasperated at his stupidity.

"Okay, there's two things wrong with that argument." He scowled while tossing Parasimon down to the ground and grinding his face in with his foot. "First, you're listening to Crusadermon. A guy who tried to kill us all not two days ago. Second, you're not going to let me die? Funny. Tell me, who was the asshole that tried coming here alone?"



Upon being healed, Valdurmon opened her eyes and entered the land of the waking once more. Blinking groggily, she raised her head up to see both Seraphimon and MirageGaogamon standing near her.

"MagnaAngemon?" She asked, recognizing Seraphimon's signature. "Since when did you Digivolve?"

Turning her head, she saw MirageGaogamon and nodded in recognition.

"Thank you, MirageGaogamon. I would be dead if not for you."

The Human Instrumentality Committee: An Evangelion Fan Group

Steam name: chinesenascar
Xbox Live Gamertag: CrisisRain
League of Legends IGN: NoOneLovesYou
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10. 07-17-2012 #920
Oblivion Ascent

The Magnificent Bastard.
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Britain. Land of the Limeys...

"Think nothing of it," MirageGaogamon replied to Valdurmon's show of gratitude with a quick acknowledging nod, turning away from her and Seraphimon as he was fully healed in order to go back to work, "Too many people are dying today as it is, and I couldn't let another user of the Spirits be left to her death."

Walking away from the two as Seraphimon went about explaining the circumstances of his evolution to their comrade ("Long story, the village was attacked about half an hour ago. I Digivolved and came through the portal with Ariel, since it wasn't safe to stay. She's in the library right now with another of my kind."), MirageGaogamon did two things.

First off, he extended the reach of his 'radar', to find that AlphaShoutmon and OmegaShoutmon had teamed up to save a ragtag group of Knightmon and their own soldiers from one of the two Lesser Orci that still remained after Sigmamon's betrayal. Whilst the two weren't as individually powerful as the Elite Mook they were fighting, the combined power of them and their Super-Star Blades were giving the monster trouble, and buying the soldiers time to escape.

Secondly, he began to talk into the communicator that OmegaShoutmon had given him.

"Justimon, where are you?" He started into the receiver, waiting for the reply from his Captain.

"Down in the library, Bossman," The Justice Android replied to his superior, casual as always, "Did Omega tell you about those extra Spirits?"

"He did. Do you have them at the moment?"

"Nope. The 'baggage' walked off with them'."

"... Baggage?"

"The Ranamon."

"Oh, right. I see. In any case, if it's at all possible, go and get those Spirits. ShineGreymon could use them just about now, and we need the extra power, anyway."

"Will do, Bossman. Might have to watch myself, though. Couple of strange guys walking around down here, and I felt a massive power spike a few minutes ago from a few levels down."

"Sounds like it could be a problem. Can you handle it?"

"I'd be inclined to say yes, but... The weird guys are either non-threatening or not a threat, but the power spike's freaking me the fuck out. Could you get your Haz-whatchamacallit-"

Digital Hazard, Said Eldritch Abomination suddenly decided to chip in, in a somewhat terse tone towards the simple-minded android that forgot his name.

"... Yeah, that's it," Justimon replied, obviously spooked by the being's sudden 'appearance', "Could you get your Hazard guy to fill me in on what it is?"

"Alright, but make it quick," MirageGaogamon replied, as he felt AlphaShoutmon and OmegaShoutmon come away from engaging the Orci, leaving the creature disorientated as they sped away to assist the troops they were helping to escape, "I'd best get a move on, and I can't just be pussyfooting around down here whilst there's a battle going on up there."

Alright, alright, The Hazard replied, obviously a little sore due to being treated like this after he hadn't appeared in the IC for a few months, If you really must know... It's Baihumon.
__________________________________________________ ______________

"The devil is that noise?" Baihumon asked the form of AncientMermaidmon before him, as the otherwise tranquil atmosphere of the library was disturbed by somewhat loudly yelling "WHAT!?!" At the top of his lungs in shock.

"I believe that would be Justimon," A cold, somewhat slimy voice replied to the Cold Steel of the West as a green form dropped down from above a set of bookcases, as a new entity entered the conversation between Baihumon and AncientMermaidmon.

"He was down here looking for some Spirits," AncientWisemon explained to his worldly master, with reverence unusual for him, "There were an extra set, and they ended up in the possession of a Ranamon, whose body is currently being used by AncientMermaidmon here."
__________________________________________________ _______________

"Baihumon. Sovereign. WHAT!?!" Justimon shouted back down his receiver, in shock at what he had just heard.

"The fuck?" MirageGaogamon asked, half rhetorically and half to the Hazard, evidently in shock at the news of the presence of such a powerful Digimon.

Well, now you know, we should all just get a move on, I think. Don't worry about Baihumon, just approach him calmly and you shouldn't have any trouble, The Hazard chimed in again, cutting the communications between the Knight and his Captain abruptly as he restrained laughter at the look on the former's face.

"... If this doesn't pan out, you're getting me a new Captain," MirageGaogamon growled at the Hazard, tucking the communicator away as AlphaShoutmon and OmegaShoutmon drew closer, a menagerie of Knightmon and various troops from the Tamer's Army with them.

"Just hang in a little longer," AlphaShoutmon said to a Knightmon (Who appeared to be some sort of Captain from the decorations on his armor) whom he was supporting as they went along, as his brother OmegaShoutmon lead along the group of rescued Digimon who were able to move on their own wills.

Nodding to his two Liutenants as their took their new dependants into the entrance of the library, to what would be a safe haven away from the fighting for the time being, MirageGaogamon turned back to Seraphimon and Valdurmon.

"Just before I go to help out up top, I have a small request to make of the pair of you. Please, remain behind for the moment and help to heal the wounded here. We can't afford to lose any more men, and you're both outstanding medics. I'm almost begging you, please help these men out until we can get the Medical Teams in. It would be very appreciated."

"I accept your request," Seraphimon replied to the Knight, regardless of Valdurmon's response, "Just be sure to bring any of the wounded up there down here as well."

"Understood," MirageGaogamon replied, as he quickly saluted to the pair of Digimon before him, as he disappeared in a flash of speed towards the castle battlements.
__________________________________________________ _______________

"Crapcrapcrap!" Sounded the voice of the Siggy-controlled Examon Mordred, as the powered-up Dragon Knight regained his composure to catch sight of the Splendor Blade heading for Alphamon and WarCapidramon, as Imperialdramon threw the former like a cheap rag doll into the latter.

With the chaos of the last few minutes, the Dragon Emperor had become distracted by what was going on around him, but as imminent pain, if not imminent death approached Alphamon and WarCapidramon, there was a hum as a side of the Omni-Shield rushed out to block the attack, the shield shattering from the impact of the energy, but holding it long enough to dilute the energies blasting forwards, and enough for Examon Mordred himself to throw himself into the path of the attack, his relatively-stable form able to take the attack with reasonable pain and damage to himself.

"Like... A retarded puppy," He groaned, as a fresh wave of pain entered his system, as his form began to flicker slightly.

'You know,' The Consciousness of NeonGuilmon chimed into Siggy, as he noticed the flickering form of their joined body and was reminded of something, 'How long as it been since we tried that fusion thing? With these upgrades we got from the Omni-Sword and the Ulforce... We could attempt it again?'

"Ugh... Good idea..." Siggy replied aloud, Examon Mordred itself speaking in synchronization with him as he began to amble towards Alphamon, quickly kneeling down to help her up from where she had landed, helping out WarCapidramon at the same time with his other arm as the Omni-Shield flickered into life behind them, between the trio and Imperialdramon.

"Think we should try 'that' again?" He asked Alphamon, holding her up as he tried to put her back on her feet.
Last edited by Oblivion Ascent; 07-17-2012 at 04:16 PM.

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Being Meduka Is Suffering...
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1. 07-17-2012 #921

Lockon Look-a-like
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Nov 2010
orbiting the earth inside my gundam with my sights trained on you
"This is different from what i did. and i believe Crusadermon, maybe it's an old instinct, but something is telling me that he is right. and when i used my Guilty Claw, i could feel that something inside of you was different, your data is being corrupted from within." he pulled out a Berenjena and fired a pair of shots into Parasimon. "It's dead, you need to stop before the Data that is corrupting reaches your brain, it could send you into a frenzy, at worst it could kill you." he then rushed and tackled BanchoLeomon to the ground, he held him around the waist "You need to live... I never thought of myself as being important, because everyone is more important to me than i am. Everyone else was up for this whole "Let's save the world" shit from the beginning, and i fooled myself into thinking that as well... i thought to myself "I am obviously not a Digidestined... whoever was in charge of these things made a mistake in choosing me" I wasn't able to do anything when i came here, and when i got here, the only powers that did more than FUCKING NOTHING..." he threw his Lance into the downed Parasimon, hard "Were the ones i had were stolen from other things." he got up. "These shoulder cannons, this Lance... My fucking bike, my fucking sword... I have no power myself. That's why i felt that i was only put in this group by accident, that's why you needed to live, that's why i am not as important... that's what i was thinking... then something told me to believe that i was... I STILL DON'T FUCKING BELIEVE IT, BUT I HAVE DECIDED TO GET OVER THAT FACT!!!" he grabbed BanchoLeomon with his hands on either the side of BanchoLeomons head "NOW FUCKING PULL YOURSELF OUT YOUR DOWNWARD SPIRAL OF SELF-DESTRUCTION BEFORE I PUT MY CLAWS INTO YOUR BRAIN AND MAKE YOU, I'M SURE I CAN DO IT IF I STICK THEM IN FAR ENOUGH!!!" yelled Beelzemon his teeth close together for most of his rant, Impmons voice no-longer being heard in it, only Dirks.

my country, a fine country, a country that i would give my life to protect.

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2. 07-17-2012 #922
Oblivion Ascent

The Magnificent Bastard.
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Britain. Land of the Limeys...
Unfortunately for BanchoLeomon and Beelzemon, the distraction caused by the latter to the former in his attempts to pacify him and his own outburst of extreme rage was just what Parasimon needed to regain his concentration.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAUGHHHHH!" The gigantic, demonic insect roared, the Omni-Shield blasting out from his rapidly-regenerating body, Beelzemon and BanchoLeomon being sent flying (For however long that would last, and destroying the copied lance shoved into his body and breaking it apart into data that was scattered to the wind.

"I-- g-i-g t- k-l- b-th of -o-," The monster slurred as his speech capabilities slowly reformed along with his shattered jaws, rage far beyond anything that had been displayed from him before emanating from his very being as dark power began to gather around him.

At a glance, it would appear that the insect was continuing to grow stronger, the dark power a showcase of some kind of ascension to a higher level of power using the power vested in him by his anger.

This was not true.

All the dark power was were his powers being set into overdrive by his escalating rage, the Digital Hazard that had grown within him and been cultivated by Yggdrasil becoming dangerously unstable as the powerful emotion resonated within it's host.

Whether or not he would be getting any more powerful from this was anyone's guess in the end, but with the state, both emotionally and physically, that he was in, it didn't bode well for him at all. Fearful tales had been told of the times when Hazard-Wielders were reduced to primal rage, and it was likely that these stories might soon take a step beyond legend.
Last edited by Oblivion Ascent; 07-17-2012 at 07:45 PM.

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The Human Instrumentality Committee: An Evangelion Fan Group
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Being Meduka Is Suffering...
Killroy wuz ere.
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3. 07-17-2012 #923

Angry Marine
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"Unbelievable." BanchoLeomon Ruin Mode snarled as Beelzemon tackled him and started ranting. "You're still an idiot. For one thing, what spiral of self-destruction? If you haven't noticed, I'm still perfectly fucking sane and coherent, which is more than I could say of you or Leon when it happened to you. And don't get all moody now. Power is power, damn it. It doesn't matter where it comes from, as long as you have it. So what if you stole it? It's still yours now. Take it, make use of it, and stop whining."

Turning his head over to look at Parasimon Mordred, the beastial Digimon scowled when he saw that the bastard's body still hadn't burst into a data cloud yet.

"And could you go make sure Mister Regenerating Asshole over there is actually dead? Like, turned into loadable data dead? Because unless they dissipate, they're not actually dead, idiot."

And then Parasimon Mordred got back up and blasted both BanchoLeomon and Beelzemon back. Groaning and picking himself back up, BanchoLeomon Ruin Mode flipped Beelzemon the middle finger.

"Words cannot express how much I hate you right now, you incompetent jackass." He snarled at the Demon Lord, before turning his attention back to Parasimon.

"Round three? Bring it." Gathering dark aura around his fists, he charged.

The Human Instrumentality Committee: An Evangelion Fan Group

Steam name: chinesenascar
Xbox Live Gamertag: CrisisRain
League of Legends IGN: NoOneLovesYou
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4. 07-17-2012 #924

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Indonesia, currently in Perth

"Wouldn't hurt to give it another go. It's either that or us being another number on Imperialdramon's kill count." Alphamon promptly replied as she heaved herself back to her feet. Being thrown like a ragdoll wasn't a good experience for her, or anyone sane for that matter. "At this point, we're barely making a dent on his armor. As desperate as I sound, we have to do it now." Zei's voice chimed in. "If everyone is to survive this and return home, we need to get everyone away from here... I don't fully trust Hazard and his plans, but unless we give it another try, we're all sitting ducks."


"Indeed. The little one is already scared as she is now after being pulled in by accident. She still carries my legacy, as dishonest as her day job may be." AncientMermaimon shrugged and turned to her fellow Ancient Spirit. "AncientWisemon, it's a pleasure to see you both again after so long. You're as cold and as elderly as I often remember." The Spirit of Water chuckled. "That begs the question of how you managed to keep your composure with this Justimon running around. He sounds like a disciple of a ShogunGekomon in how loud they both are... I'm sorely tempted to drown him in the nearest ocean and see if he could swim as well as he could scream."
Last edited by Vocalia; 07-17-2012 at 10:10 PM.
Profile Picture drawn by mrsloth of Deviantart.
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5. 07-17-2012 #925

Forest Lord
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Jun 2011
WarCapdiramon was bowled over as Alphamon was thrown into him by Imperialdramon... or rather, that's what would have happened, but again, he was saved. This time, none other than Examon Mordred, with whom he somehow felt comfortable, although he didn't really know the component parts of his being personally. The battered Gladiator Beast looked dejectedly at the Final Knight. There wasn't a scratch on him. His only attack that he could muster, and it did nothing. His strongest reserve, as well as the blast from Gallantmon, who was greater than he, combined, and still it did nothing. His heart sunk, and so, then did his body slip forward onto his hands and knees, realizing how futile it all was. He then remembered. Thru Jordan, War Capidramon remembered something he had said. Something he had said to Zei- something that he had to get off his chest now, or he would never have the chance again.
"Wait!" Jordan called out, reaching an unsteady hand towards his ally, "Don't rush in! I'll... I'll keep him busy, but first... first I have to tell you something."
Now his breath was at the point of heaving. The pain was seeping thru him, and he knew he could not fight much longer, but he had to say this, for he feared that if he did not now, he never would.
Last edited by tobiax; 07-18-2012 at 12:02 PM.
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6. 07-17-2012 #926

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Indonesia, currently in Perth
Alphamon carefully held WarCapidramon's hand and pulled him up, despite her own condition which wasn't any better than that of any of her allies. "What is it?" Zei kindly asked. Examon and Jordan could barely hear her voice with all the fatigue and pressure Zei was feeling, but knowing that he had something to say, she loyally lend her ear as she always tried to do. Even in the face of possible death, she didn't have the heart to ignore her friends.
Profile Picture drawn by mrsloth of Deviantart.
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7. 07-18-2012 #927

Lockon Look-a-like
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Nov 2010
orbiting the earth inside my gundam with my sights trained on you
"Dude, this guy is not going to give up." said Impmon.

"Well i can't force him out at the moment, it would take a little time, time that Parasimon isn't going to give us"

"So let's just kill it then." said Impmon. "Then you force him out."

"Well, i'm going to give him one last chance" said Dirk. Beelzemon jumped into the air

"Alright, BanchoLeomon, if you aren't going to listen to me, then i am going to show you that you don't need to destroy yourself to defeat this guy."

"can we pull this off?" asked Dirk.

"Course we can, after all, you are talkin' to the best. If we can't go this, then no-one is going to come close to what we accomplish." said Impmon.

Beelzemons shoulder-cannons disappeared along with the Knightmon armour. both of his fists glowed orange. the hair coming out of his mask began to grow longer, his body gained chrome armour similar to GrapLeomons, only with an outline of Beelzemons head in the middle of the chest. Beelzemons arms gained Armour plating around its arms and legs with large turbines on them. "BEELZEMON: LEO-MODE" he punched air several times and then delivered several kicks as well.

"now... why didn't we use any of BanchoLeomons stuff, the coat would have looked badass." said Impmon.

"We are just using data that we gathered when you became MadLeomon, he couldn't use BanchoLeomon at that point." replied Dirk.

"Bringing us back to the "no power of our own" argument." said Impmon.

"NOW LUCAS, I'M GOING TO SHOW YOU WHAT YOU CAN DO WITHOUT THAT DARK POWER!!!" he drew back his fist "FIST OF THE BEAST KING!!!" he let fly the giant lion-head.

my country, a fine country, a country that i would give my life to protect.

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8. 07-18-2012 #928
Oblivion Ascent

The Magnificent Bastard.
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Nov 2010
Britain. Land of the Limeys...
Watching as Beelzemon went and powered up yet again, Parasimon's body continued to regenerate, the dark aura pooling around him still growing stronger and stronger as he became angrier and angrier.

As much as he really just wanted to die at this point, he really wanted to stay alive so he could finish his business with Examon, and do what needed to be done. As he began to slip further and further into a psychotic rage far beyond anything seen from the Knight in the past, that was the thought that acted as his anchor to sanity, along with the thoughts of what he had done to get this far.

He wasn't going to be destroyed just because he lost control of the power that had been granted to him, and neither was he going to be taken down by trash like this. BanchoLeomon had established himself as a worthy opponent, and in the back of his mind, in the one zone that hadn't been ravaged by years of dogmatic loyalty, stress, and mental decay caused by the strain of holding the Spirits together, there was a warped sense of respect for the Lion, even as he charged Parasimon and forced him to arm his shield and lance.

However, Beelzemon had no such position in the monster's deeply troubled and ravaged mind, and as he powered up and tried to attack him, there was merely a shimmer as the Omni Shield, already called up by Parasimon to keep BanchoLeomon at bay, wrapped around to protect Parasimon, easily blocking the single energy attack.

"Take a hike," Parasimon growled at the demon lord, as the Omni-Shield appeared in front of him, performing a move identical to the one that Examon Mordred had pulled on Susanoomon the prior night in order to send the much smaller and lighter Digimon flying away like a flicked insect.

"Now, where were we?" He asked BanchoLeomon, as he turned back to him and held his lance aloft, the powerful energies within it priming as he prepared to fire.

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9. 07-18-2012 #929

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The eyes of the Earthbound Mega flickered and softened, changing from seemingly mindless white eyes to ones with deep pupils and soft, expressive green irises, the eyes of Jordan himself.
"Zei, I..." he began, having to pause to catch his breath.
He coughed slightly, and his knees buckled. No, I have to do this, Jordan thought to himself, closing his eyes tightly. He opened his eyes again slowly, tightening his grip on Alphamon's and by extension Zei's hand.
"I... I've done terrible things," he began, his tone that of one emotionally crushed, he knew he had to go on, but the strain was too much; his emotionally unstable mind, being linked to his now digital body, was now causing physical strain on the Mega's already battered form, but he had to keep on, and with the silent encouragement of Shrewmon, he did, "I... enslaved thousands of Digimon, and forced them to build an empire. I unleashed horrors upon the Digital World, all in a mad quest for power. I've done horrible things... an I'm truly... deeply sorry."
He took a deep breath, shuddering as it was released. There, that was it. It was out now. She knew, and now he would have to bear the consequences once again.
"That's why I was hiding when I first saw you, and why I was hesitant about entering the Digital World again. That's why that Digitamamon attacked me. I just want to make it right now."
He then rose slightly, his eyes once again becoming the white glow that was the eyes of War Capidramon. Rolling his shoulder forward, he once again took his shield into his hand, only to hand it forward.
"Use this," he instructed, "Keep yourself safe. You're the only one with the kind of power that we need now."
The bruised Mega then stood, turning to face away from the battle, his weakened legs shaking from the weight.
"Now," he began again, speaking louder so the Dragon Knight could see him as well, "I'd like to get somewhere where I won't die, preferably where there are allies and I can be healed, or at the very least rest. Do you know of any place such as this?"
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10. 07-24-2012 #930

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Listening to Jordan's confession, Zei's mind reeled back on one simple fact that was nearly forgotten; even as a group, their pasts were relatively unknown to each other. While they held their bond over mutual trust, Zei realized that she still had a lot to learn about her human and Digimon teammates. Even Dorumon's own past was a mystery to her; the purple Digimon refused to speak of it and only made a passing remark on it. With that in mind, however, the young woman knew that, if she wanted to continue learning about her new friends, she had to live to do so. She had to fight for her future and that of everyone else, Digital and human. Zei wasn't exactly sure of what to do, but she was determined to make sure that Imperialdramon's judgement never come to pass.

Looking back at WarCapidramon, a pair of warm, brown eyes looked back at the shield before taking it in her hands.

"Thank you, Jordan..." Zei spoke, her voice influenced by neither Alphamon nor Dorumon. As she was about to ask Examon about any safe base for their allies to recover, Gallantmon moved in to rescue the injured warrior. "Good to find you still alive, I hope." The Armored Duke chuckled. "I put all my faith in you, Lady Alphamon... Dear brother..." With a final bow of reverence and respect for the two Knights, Gallantmon dashed as fast as his legs could carry him. His armor lost its gleam, dented at various places and covered in grime and dirt.

"I think we have some unfinished business to attend to..." Zei turned to Examon, gripping onto the shield. "What do you say we take this up a notch?"
Last edited by Vocalia; 08-20-2012 at 08:10 AM.
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07-24-2012 #931
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the moment that Beelzemon was flicked, he put his arms behind himself and pushed GrapLeomons turbines up to full, creating hurricane-force winds and halting his flight after about 50 feet. he shook himself off and his hand transformed into MadLeomons Chainsaw and he flew forwards at Parasimon and lashed out with the Chainsaw.

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07-24-2012 #932
Oblivion Ascent
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Parasimon Mordred

Hearing the hurricane-powered winds roar into existance fifty feet away as Beelzemon recovered from his attack in order to try hid luck again, Parasimon just paid him no heed as he unleashed all of the energies within his lance in the form of another projectile rain towards BanchoLeomon.
And holding the lance up with his two right arms as it let loose round after round of energy ammunition onto his worthy opponent, Parasimon turned around to look at Beelzemon as a humming sound alerted him to the Omni-Shield activating again.

"Try harder," Parasimon growled at the Demon Lord as his shield put a complete dampener on the chainsaw that he was being assaulted with.
Despite it's somewhat weakened state at this point, it again let an attack fly at Beelzemon, using the fact that BanchoLeomon would be too busy with his incoming projectile rain to recover some of it's strength and smack Beelzemon with a particularly forceful attack.
__________________________________________________ _______________
Examon Mordred

'Is it just me, or does everyone want to give a piece of themselves to Zei or Alphamon?' NeonGuilmon's consciousness asked Siggy's, watching from within Examon Mordred as WarCapidramon confessed his sins to the First Knight, 'First Demon Boy with his sword, then us with our wings, and now WarCapidramon with his shield. What's up with this?'

'I guess she's quite the catch,' Siggy's consciousness replied to his partner's, taking in what Jordan was saying and making a mental note to check up on him later, 'But that really isn't important right now.'

What was important was that they hurried up and started the fusion between themselves and Alphamon. At this point, it seemed as if they were the only ones who would be able to actually counter Imperialdramon and his new, unspeakable power, and so they couldn't waste any more time.

So, getting himself up from helping Alphamon and WarCapidramon, there was a hum as his form began to shimmer and glow, as he prepared the fusion that was to come.

"I put all my faith in you, Lady Alphamon... Dear brother..." Gallantmon said to the pair of them, as Alphamon turned to him to start her end of the fusion, as she got ready for the fight of their lives.

"And the same to you, brother," Examon Mordred replied to Gallantmon, as his form became fully radiant once more.

Necessary Conditions Fulfilled, The dual voices of the Digital Hazard and the Digivice calls out, Transcendant Jogress Digivolution enabling in five...
__________________________________________________ ______________

As it was, MirageGaogamon had always been one of the fastest Digimon in the Digital World, with the only Digimon known to surpass him being Sleipmon and UlforceVeedramon, others of his Knightly kind.

Now, whilst he was now only surpassed by UlforceVeedramon and his Future Mode in terms of speed when it came to his Burst Mode... This new speed he had gained from the combination of the Spirits of Thunder and the Spirits of Light was startling even to him.

"Whoa," He mouthed to himself, as he crossed the distance between the library entrance and the castle ramparts in the space of a couple of seconds, silently and soundlessly as he did.

Whatever other benefits these extra Spirits bought him, MirageGaogamon was certain, as he looked out over the ramparts before him, that this one would be the most useful of them all in this situation.

And as he looked out over the ramparts, he took into account how many people he was going to have to remove from them.

Gallantmon and WarCapidramon moved along together, travelling away from Alphamon and the glowing Examon Mordred.

BanchoLeomon was putting up a fight againt Parasimon Mordred as Beelzemon had no such luck and was flicked away by the abomination.

Both Orci Primus and Orci Kappa had broken their ranks to go after Orci Sigma and confront him, and for whatever reason, the former of the two had allowed ShineGreymon to escape, to head for the library.

His work was practically cut out for him, MirageGaogamon thought to himself, as he moved once more, snatching up Gallantmon and WarCapidramon in either of his arms in the space of a second, his speed allowing him to already turn right around and take them away from the soon-to-be hellish rampart battlefield.

"Missed me?" He asked the pair, as his speed carried them back to the entrance of the library in a few seconds, as he set the two down in the exact same positions that they had been in beforehand, as if the two had merely been teleported down onto the grounds of the castle.

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07-24-2012 #933
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Beelzemon wasn't going to fall for the same trick twice in a row. what many people forgot was that Beelzemon was incredibly fast. easily dodging around the attack, he threw a trio of Leomon Sword like daggers into Parasimon. he then let his palms go flat side-ways "NECROTOXIN HURRICANE!!!" as the Powerful winds blew, they gained a purple tint and blew into Parasimon, Necro-Toxin being one of the more deadly of the Digital Worlds poisons, MadLeomon were known for using their Necro-Toxin infused claws to bring down much stronger digimon.

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07-24-2012 #934
Oblivion Ascent
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And yet, the Omni-Shield just came right back and deflected the toxins and daggers, Beelzemon's attacks outright failing due to the Shield regaining it's form even faster than Beelzemon could move, and using all of the might it had retained whilst BanchoLeomon was dealing with being attacked to maximum effect.

"Are you even trying?" Parasimon Mordred growled in bemusement at Beelzemon, deciding to go for a different tactic and repeat the move he had made even earlier, when he had gotten up from being decked by BanchoLeomon.

Despite the Demon Lord's best efforts, these silly attacks he kept pulling out from nowhere weren't going to do the slightest lick of good against Parasimon and his Shield, as only full-powered assaults and the very strongest weapons in the Digital World could breach his shield.

Whilst BanchoLeomon seemed to have caught onto this with gusto, Beelzemon didn't seem to show any acknowledgement of, or any will to acknowledge this.

In any case, as Parasimon turned back to look at BanchoLeomon, or rather, where he had been thrown by the assault of energies and the burst from the Omni-Shield, his eye caught sight of a sudden flicker of movement from around 100 meters away, as a powerful signal popped up and swept up Gallantmon and WarCapidramon.

"MirageGaogamon..." He muttered under his breath, recognizing that the Lunar Warrior Traitor was back at full power and stronger than before as he dropped what he was doing with Beelzemon and BanchoLeomon to move away towards them in a blur of motion, heading away from the castle battlements at sickening speed.

Last edited by Oblivion Ascent; 07-24-2012 at 11:08 AM.

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07-24-2012 #935
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"HEY, YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY FROM ME THAT EASILY." roared Beelzemon. the GrapLeomon Armour on his body and he ran over to BanchoLeomon before grabbing his back and sticking his claws in. "This is for your own good." he said. the Dark energy from the Ruin Mode began flowing through his claws. the Giga-Cannons appeared on his back and he pointed them at Parasimon, Beelzemons eyes glowed as he summoned Machinedramons advanced Targetting systems "This blast is gonna be made from all of the Corruption in your body and replacing the corrupted data with some of my own, it'll hopefully buy you a little more time. CORRUPTION CANNON!!!" the Giga-Cannons belched out a pair of giant Black balls of energy that locked onto Parasimon and went after him like Homing Missisles, they were made of the Corrupted Energy from BanchoLeomon.

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07-24-2012 #936
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"I hate it when people use dakka against me..." BanchoLeomon Ruin Mode muttered under his breath as he leapt into action, dashing out of the way of the projectile storm and continuing to move from place to place, dodging every energy bolt that Parasimon Mordred fired. Unfortunately, this distracted him long enough that he wasn't able to aid Beelzemon in assaulting the Omni-Shield. And then Parasimon decided to leap into the air and chase after the newly arrived MirageGaogamon.

Scowling, BanchoLeomon prepared to give chase, but was interrupted by the rude appearance of two fucking claws in his back. And then Beelzemon started ranting about giving him more time, draining him of data and replacing it with his own.

"Beelzemon..." BanchoLeomon Ruin Mode snarled, restraining himself from attacking his near-retarded friend. "What part of I'M PERFECTLY FUCKING FINE don't you understand?" Turning around, the lion freed himself from the Demon Lord's clutches and slapped him in the face. "Just shut up already, damn it! Dark Digivolution didn't work for you because you lost control. I'm perfectly sane and still in control of my own damn self. Now stop being so afraid and trust your friends for once." BanchoLeomon hadn't intended to be so harsh, but Ruin Mode had lowered his inhibitions by a tad and all of Lucas's frustrations towards Dirk had begun pouring out. He hadn't truly forgiven Dirk for the whole "running off alone to die" thing yet, but had only said the issue was fine for the sake of maintaining battlefield cohesion. But now? He was pissed. After Beelzemon had saved Parasimon's life by accident, he had to fix this shit right now. Before Dirk fucked up anything else.

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07-26-2012 #937
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The battered Gladiator Rodent turned his head slightly, addressing Alphamon in a low tone.
"No need to thank me, just don't die," he replied.
It was then that he heard the clanking sound of metallic footsteps approaching fast. For a moment he was apprehensive, but could not turn around, as with the way he had set his legs, turning would leave him vulnerable to falling. He soon realized, however, that it was the voice and presence of Gallantmon, who had braved the battlefield to come and assist them. After a short exchange between the Armored Duke and the Dragon Knight, the former began to charge away, while the latter began glowing in preparation for what appeared to be a complex Digivolution sequence. WarCapidramon brought a shaky leg forward, about to follow in Gallantmon's footsteps, when he found himself in a different place entirely.
Now on the lower grounds of the castle, the Spartan Rodent fell to his knees again, his arms the only thing keeping him from falling on his face. He looked up, and saw the same blue hound like Digimon, to whom he had never really been introduced, who was in his battle with Gallantmon, that had been interrupted by the corrupted Digimon. A puzzled look spread on the beaten Mega's face, gazing quizzically at the Digimon who stood, glowing and unscathed, before them. Surely he was aligned with the Knights, but he had shown them the mercy of removing them from the battle field. However, his heart sank as a grim thought seeped in- this Knight may have simply been luring them away to slaughter them without their strongest allies around.
"Who... are you?" he demanded of the Beast Man Mega.
It was then that he felt the presence which had taken so long to reach him. Two dark energy masses flowed out from afar and pierced his mind. One was similar to that of Examon Mordred, dull and foreboding, with quite a bit of force behind it, while the other was harsh and sharp, and left a taste like bile in his mouth. Among those, was the rank, smothering signature of Beelzemon, which at the moment was quite a distance away, and not as forceful as the other two. Over the course of the battle, Beelzemon's power had changed shape various times at nearly regular intervals. These changes, however, did not increase his power, only channel it differently. This last new appearence, however, had come out of nowhere, with a strong force behind it. He had a feeling that whoever that was, they weren't particularly friendly, even if they happened to be fighting the abomination that was Parisimon Mordred at the time.
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Digimon Convergence Log II, Part 4

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Necessary Requirements Fulfilled, The white Digivice called out, Transcendant Jogress Digivolution countdown in five... Four...

'Alright, girls. Get ready. This time, we're not pulling our punches.'

'Oh, I am so ready. Bring on the bitches.'

'Let's do this then.'

Three... Two...

Alphamon's form began to glow in a strange white light as strings of digital ribbons shot forth from the screen of Zei's Digivice. The Mega seemingly melted into a puddle of data as the process of Digivolution combined the data they were composed of into Examon's data mainframe.


Transcendant Jogress Digivolution Initiated.
__________________________________________________ ______________

The Armored Duke let out a tired chuckle as MirageGaogamon came to their rescue. "A sight for sore eyes... I was wondering where you went of to. You seem to look different though..." He replied, still holding WarCapidramon close to him. "Rest easy, my friend. He's not here to hurt us." He calmly spoke to him. "Mirage, are there any other survivors? Where are they now?" With everything he asked, Gallantmon showed a surprising lack of attention to himself. To him, everyone else's well-being was more important.

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07-30-2012 #939
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And now for someone completely different...

One minute, everything had been going fine. His friend and closest ally had been discussing incursions in their controlled territories, and how to get those bastards in the east to stop interfering. The next, he had simply vanished into thin air, with naught but a data trail to mark even his existence. Well, this shit clearly wouldn't stand. Rising from his castle, he took to the skies, following the data signature, leaving his domain in the capable hand of his lieutenant.

Several minutes later, he'd narrowed the source down, only for it to lead into the domain of the Royal Knights. Well, damned if that wasn't suspicious. Maybe they had been the ones behind all this. That would be just perfect. Finally, a concrete reason he could present to his master to annihilate the interfering bastards once and for all. Truly, the Knights had gone downhill since Imperialdramon had begun leading the outfit, if only for the fact that they began to limit his own power, restricting him to his own sphere of influence. Under Alphamon, they hadn't intervened nearly as much in the Digital World's politics.

When he arrived at the Royal Knights' castle, he stopped in shock for a moment as he witnessed what looked like a civil war. Known Knights were fighting and killing each other, with what seemed to be unholy abominations dotting the field. The observer resisted the urge to laugh, satisfied that his most hated figures were killing each other off for him. And then he saw the biggest bastard of them all. Narrowing his eyes, he dove, talons extended.

"IMPERIALDRAMON!" Zhuqiaomon, Phoenix of the South, screamed with hatred, claws wreathed in flame as he dive bombed the Royal Knight.



As Alphamon and Examon began the DNA Digivolution process, Imperialdramon Paladin Mode snarled, extending his wings and lunging forward.


"I won't let you!" The Knight bellowed, Omni-Sword pointed directly at Alphamon's chest.


Almost there. Just a little more speed, and Alphamon would be dead.


So close! He was so close to ending this farce once and for all!


And then, Zhuqiaomon.

Whirling around in shock, Imperialdramon parried the Sovereign's blow on pure instinct, too stunned to think. What the hell was the Lord of the South doing, infringing on his territory?! Why was he even here?!


"You..." Imperialdramon rasped out, pure rage seeping into his voice as he realized that the most power-hungry of the Sovereigns had just prevented him from ending this rebellion. And now, he'd have to deal with two Sovereign-class opponents. Imperialdramon Paladin Mode knew that he could face any Sovereign on an equal level in this form, and guessed that Alphamon and Examon's fusion would be on about the same level, but now he would have to face both at once. Damn it. This was the end, then. There was no way he could defeat two opponents of equivalent strength at the same time.


Eyes smouldering with hatred, he glared death at Zhuqiaomon, furious at this final unraveling of his plans.

"YOU DARE, SOVEREIGN? YOU DARE INTRUDE NOW?" Enraged, Imperialdramon Paladin Mode broke the deadlock and forced the Sovereign back with pure rage, managing to score a gash in his side with the Omni-Sword as he did so.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Imperialdramon lost his composure entirely, completely forgetting about Alphamon's impending fusion as he started furiously slashing at Zhuqiaomon, who desperately parried the blade blows with his talons. This one, final interloper would pay. If nothing else, he'd bring someone down with him.

Transcendant Jogress Digivolution Initiated.

Last edited by PsychoScythe; 07-30-2012 at 09:21 PM.

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08-01-2012 #940
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Drawing in heavy breaths, he looked up, his vision clearing.
"I get saving Gallantmon, being that you two are friends and all," he began, "But I'm not sure why I'd be a particular asset. Unless, of course, I've underestimated you, MirageGaogamon." the Spartan Rodent retorted.
Slowly, he righted himself, freeing himself from Gallantmon's grasp to stand, then sit, on his own. Reaching instinctively to his back to prepare for any coming event, but realizing that none were in any state of use, he sat back, propping himself up with his arms.
"So, what's the plan Blue?" he asked casually.

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• 08-03-2012 #941
Oblivion Ascent

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“I’m MirageGaogamon, the other former Fifth Knight,” MirageGaogamon replied to WarCapidramon casually, his words quick and smooth as he remembered the Beast Warrior as the one who had managed to defeat Gallantmon in the quick bout of the observation deck.

Due to the strange circumstances of the events up there, he hadn’t gotten the chance to interact with the other Digimon, but interacting with him now, he got the sense of him being trustworthy, if a little covert. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but there was something just a little bit off about him. It wasn’t even his own intuition that was telling him this, but rather the Hazard within him and the ghost memories from the Spirits within him.
But he didn’t even have time to dwell on this, as Gallantmon himself addressed him with questions of his own.

“Not sure why I’d look different at this point, but it had been a while, Gallantmon,” MirageGaogamon replied to his other mentor figure and fellow Hazard-Wielder, before he continued on with what he was saying, “There are other survivors down in the library, along with a certain special guest. Alpha and OmegaShoutmon are gathering anyone they can, and there are two very potent healers in there too. Go see them, fix up your wounds, and do what you must. Justimon’s down there as well, gathering another pair of Spirits, so help him out if you see him.”

Turning away from the two Digimon he had rescued with the faith of them knowing what to do, MirageGaogamon engaged his Spirits to rejoin the fight, and was about to move off when a voice from one of the two caught him.

“Che, I rescued you because you’re an ally. An ally is an ally, and only a damn fool or incorrigible scum would leave an ally to die,” MirageGaogamon replied, an obvious hint of slight bitterness on his tongue as he did so, “Asset or no, I’m not in the mindset to let any kind of ally die in vain. Not now, not ever.”

Spitting upon the ground in disgust as he remembered the actions of the Knights that had lead to their now-inevitable defeat, MirageGaogamon nonetheless pulled himself together to answer WarCapidramon’s final question.

“The plan? Oh, that’s simple. Get healed up, and go give who-ever’s left to face us the fight of their lives. As for me, someone just put their neck on the line to help me, and I’m going to follow through and make good on that.”

And with that, the Beast Knight disappeared in a sonic-boom, moving as fast as he could back towards the ramparts.
__________________________________________________ _______________

“The pleasure’s all mine, sister,” AncientWisemon replied to AncientMermaidmon, watching her cooly and analytically as she proceeded to rant on about the noise-machine that was the Justimon in the library with them.

“Pay him no heed,” The Sovereign of Steel replied to her speech coldly, evidently unfazed by the Android himself, “He may have his uses down the line, and stupidity and grandiose can be purged.”

As it was, the Ancient of Steel was amongst the most feared and dreaded of them, if not for his power, than for his icy persona and complete lack of strong morals. Whilst he was far from the strongest, he was recognized as one of the most dangerous, because of the trickery, deceit and mind-games that culminated around him. Not to mention the unethical experiments and science that he was said to conduct on those unlucky enough to cross him.

But that was a story for another day, as the Ancient of Steel decided to put his sister and train of thought regarding Justimon to the side for the time being in order to deal with the main item on his agenda.

“What is it that brings you here, sir?” The Ancient of Steel began to the Sovereign of Steel, his tone cold and respecful.

“I was summoned by accident on part of a descendant of AncientMermaidmon. I believe it was a Ranamon bought to this library via your host?”

“Of course,” AncientWisemon replied in a mutter, cursing his eternally tricky host as said Wisemon began to chuckle within the mental pocket he was hiding out in.

Baihumon’s only reaction was to stare coldly back at his servant, before shaking his head and turning.
“And now that that’s done, I should- Hmm?”

As it was, the Sovereign’s words were suddenly interrupted by an energy blip on his sensors, as a very familar signal popped up in the immediate area.

“... Zhuqiaomon,” He also muttered, recognizing the signal and remembering where he had been immediately before this occurence, his mind connecting the dots as he sighed.

“Belay that. I’m surfacing,” He said briskly, turning again and disappearing in a flash of light as he headed for the exit of the library, to confront his other closest brother and friend.

And along the way, he unwittingly picked up a straggler.

“HOLYSHIT!” Justimon yelled out in shock, as the Sovereign of Steel collided into him, not even noticing the Android as he kept on going, travelling up to the exit of the library in the space of a few seconds with his vast speed.

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• 08-04-2012 #942

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orbiting the earth inside my gundam with my sights trained on you
"Lord Zhuqiaomon!?!?!?!" yelled both AncientGreymon and AncientMegatheriumon. "What is he doing here?" asked AncientMegatheriumon. "I thought that the Sovereigns were in agreement to let the Digidestined deal with the Royal Knights."

"Lord Zhuqiaomon never was one to trust humans. I must go to my master." said AncientGreymon.

"No you mustn't, your powers are now limited by what sorcermon can do. that is a lot more than a lot of Digimon, but Imperieldramon is still far too powerful, even before he absorbed Omnimons power."

"Then what do you suggest? sit idly by whilst my master risks his own life... the Abominations frighten me more than anything because i have no idea what they are fully capable of. i must go to him."

"Send one of them." replied AncientMegatheriumon gesturing to MetalGreymon and WarGrowlmon. MetalGreymon bowed to AncientGreymon.

"Please Master, allow me to fight on your behalf." AncientGreymon looked him up and down.

"But you will not be able to help... unless..." without warning, WarGrowlmon transformed back into Guilmon.

"Master... i feel funny..." said MetalGreymon. "METALGREYMON DIGIVOLVE TO!!! WARGREYMON!!!" WarGreymon looked himself over. AncientGreymon then looked at Guilmon

"Now, i will send you back to the village, we will need all of the help we can get, ask for BlackWarGreymon to come and assist. with the presence of a Sovereign, the stakes of the game have just raised."

"I will make sure that BlackWarGreymon comes." said a voice behind them, they looked to see Herald and Flamedramon step out of the shadows.

"Very well Herald." said AncientGreymon. "Now WarGreymon, go and assist Master Zhuqiaomon." WarGreymon walked to the edge of the bubble and stepped out he then flew down towards Zhuqiaomon.


my country, a fine country, a country that i would give my life to protect.

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• 08-04-2012 #943

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The Spartan Rodent smirked, sharp teeth showing.
Good answer, the consciousness of the Mega echoed within.
Looks like he's on our side, right Jordan? the Rookie's mind replied.
I guess so, the boy replied.
"Good answer," he almost snarled, "Look like this dog is a keeper," he quipped as he stood slowly, gaining his balance slowly.
As he finally rose, WarCapidramon placed his hand against the wall, steadying himself on the structure before setting his eyes forward.
"Well, you two look like you have some catching up to do. I'll leave you to it," he gave salutation, "Play nice girls."
With that, he left to seek out the supposed pool of allies. His arm running along the wall, he felt for the moulding, using it to balance himself.
"Would have helped to know where this library is," he muttered, "Alpha! Shoutmon!" he called out, looking for those whom MirageGaogamon had mentioned.
Just as he was about to open a door, which he assumed had been that of the library, he felt an eerie sensation. It was like the ground was shaking. He stumbled slightly, forced back by a tremor of great power. He was awestruck by what he just saw. A great white tiger arose from the ground, eight yellow eyes blazing. From somewhere in the recesses of the Digimon's composite mind, something clicked. He fell to his knees, hands clutching the ground.
Last edited by tobiax; 08-08-2012 at 08:30 PM.
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• 08-04-2012 #944

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Transcendant Jogress Digivolution Initiated.

No sooner had those words came forth from the Digivices within Alphamon and Examon Mordred, had the transformation that would turn the tide of the war with the Royal Knights started with a glorious burst of light.

We Are.

Examon Mordred’s armor, already glowing with an intense light, dissolved into a fully radiant aura as the macabre body below was revealed to the world, as said aura began to expand with the energies from both Digimon, the Tamers and their Digivices within them, and the Hazard and inForce granting them their powers.

In Defiance of He Who Is Nameless, we have come.

The light from the transformation and newly-formed aura pooling together, there was a hum as the forms of both Examon Mordred and Alphamon began to rise into the air, the latter’s form darkening and contorting at an increasingly violent pace as the light began to form an egg-like sphere around the two, a cocoon for the being that would soon emerge.

For far too long, this world has been devoid of justice and true honor, ravaged by cowards and fools who hide behind their god’s coattails, and see fit to cast judgment on those who are ‘beneath them’.

No More.

Within the cocoon, there was an horrific cracking noise as the grate upon Alphamon’s chest armor snapped open, and a hissing noise as the armorless form of Examon Mordred began to dissolve into a foul black energy, becoming formless and fluid as it was pulled into the body of the other Digimon via the grate.

In our right hand, we hold the Alpha inForce, the essence of creation and the power of a god.

In our left hand, we hold the Digital Hazard, the essence of destruction and the power of a devil.

As the grate upon her armor snapped shut as the entirety of Examon Mordred’s dissolved form entered her glowing body, Alphamon’s form began to contort and twist, the transformation going into overdrive now that the energies of the two Digimon undergoing fusion completely combined their energies.

By themselves, they were, much like us, means to an end, closed off and separate forces, fundamentally incomplete and left wanting for their true potential.

Alphamon’s armor, the power of the Hazard now working in accordance with the power of the inForce within her, began to twist and contort, a dark red aura twisting its way along her very form as she began to metamorphose. What had been smooth black metal became a new ornate, blood-red and gunmetal substance, jagged with spikes and ridges as the Hazard within her began to express itself.

Together, they overcome their limitations and act in accord to release their true power, much as we have by joining our souls in the ultimate union.

Gigantic wings, at least twice the size the Caledfwlch had been, erupted from the similarly jagged back of the transforming Alphamon, starting as bright red and blue energies before finding shape and substance in flame and molten steel, held together by the substance the rest of the armor was fast becoming.

Alone, we were Alphamon, the First Royal Knight, and alone, we were Examon, the Fifth Royal Knight.

Cast in light and fire as her form became like that of Examon Mordred, Alphamon’s transformation began to increase in speed, with her form expanding greatly in size to that of the Digimon she was fusing with. And as she did this, growing to over three times her original size in the space of seconds, there was a hum as the orb of light and energies that comprised the transformation’s cocoon began to descend back down towards the ramparts below.

Together, we are the First of the Knights that are to come, the last of the Knights to now take a stand, and that which shall stand before the storm itself. Our potential is unparalleled in this world, and we shall call down the might of a god on those who threaten this world.

Taking her first steps as her cocoon reaches the ground and disperses to spread its energies out to her allies in the immediate area, Alphamon quickly found her feet, carrying her even greater might with extreme grace as her form was obscured by a flash of light from said dispersion.

We are Alphamon Exaltation Mode.

For a moment, Alphamon stands still, looking out at the form of Imperialdramon in the distance as he fended off Zhuqiaomon’s assault.

We are Examon Prime.

And in an instant, she thrust forward with great and supreme might, her body speeding forwards at speeds rivaling that of MirageGaogamon and UlforceVeedramon as she delivered a vicious blow to Imperialdramon’s stomach, the sound barrier shattering from both the impact of the punch, and the speed at which the other titan was sent flying from the vicious force of it.

We have ascended.

And with a somewhat demented smile under her armor, Alphamon took in the power of her new form, the effect of the Hazard upon her leaving her somewhat oblivious to the presence of the Sovereign and the other Knight nearby her.

“That was... titillating...” Came the chuckle from the gargantuan Knight. which soon took a more demented and ominous tone as she remained oblivious to the other participants of the battlefield.
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• 08-04-2012 #945

Angry Marine
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Ducking under Zhuqiaomon’s talons, Imperialdramon took the opening to score another gash in the Sovereign’s side before slamming the interfering bastard into the ground. Leveling his blade, he prepared to charge and impale the phoenix upon the Omni-Sword. He’d need the data to deal with Alphamon’s transformation that should be finishing in only a few moments. Knowing that time was critical, Imperialdramon Paladin Mode rushed forward, hoping to finish the Sovereign off before Alphamon could realize into existence.

And as Alphamon finished her transformation, Imperialdramon swore furiously under his breath, swearing a vicious curse on the bastard the humans called Murphy as he rushed with all the speed he could muster at Zhuqiaomon. It wasn’t enough, though, as the Sovereign recovered, locking the Omni-Sword in between his talons.

“Look to your right, fool.” The lord of the South cackled, as Alphamon Exaltation Mode slammed her fist into Imperialdramon Paladin Mode’s chest, sending him flying into the side of the Royal Knights’ fortress.

As he crashed into the castle wall, Imperialdramon screamed in a combination of pain and intense rage. How had it all gone so wrong? Alphamon and Examon should have been dead twelve times over by now, but their allies had constantly interfered every damned time. No. This would not stand. No more half measures. Alphamon would die right now, even if it took all of his power to do so. Extricating himself from the wreckage of the castle, Imperialdramon gripped the Omni-Sword tightly with both hands, charging power into the blade as he prepared to unleash his ultimate attack. As the power charge completed, the Royal Knight brandished his blade, leveling it at Alphamon, and charged straight at her, matching her speed as he locked blades with the traitor before unleashing every last bit of power in his sword.

“OMNI-SWORD!” He screamed as the Wave Motion Beam of the sword broke through Alphamon Exaltation Mode’s defenses and tore into her, sending her crashing into the ground. Not content to leave it at that, Imperialdramon charged downwards, blocking out the pain from the recoil of the blast at close range, intending to slam the Omni-Sword through the bitch’s chest and finish her off.



Scowling as he witnessed Imperialdramon Paladin Mode retake the initiative in the battle, Zhuqiaomon picked himself up off the ground and took to the air once more, intent on rejoining the battle. But just then, a WarGreymon flew up to him, emitting the distinct signature of AncientGreymon's energy. Oh, just wonderful. He didn't have time for whatever machinations his subordinate was pulling.

"LORD ZHUQIAOMON, I HAVE BEEN SENT BY MY MASTER, ANCIENTGREYMON, HOW MAY I SERVE YOU?" The WarGreymon practically shouted in his face in an extremely loud tone. Suppressing the urge to simply set the idiot on fire, the Sovereign resolved to at least give his lieutenant the benefit of the doubt before killing his minion.

"First," The phoenix Digimon snarled, glaring at WarGreymon. "You can stop bloody shouting in my face. I can hear you just fine, whelp. As for what you can do..." Zhuqiaomon trailed off, searching for something on the battlefield that could distract this moron like a simple child got distracted by something shiny. "Go slay those abominations that are marring the battlefield. Now bugger off while I go set Imperialdramon on fire." The Sovereign muttered, letting his usual sophisticated diction fade away for his preferred, more crude language in his annoyance.

Just then, the lord of the South finally felt Baihumon's signature reappear aboveground. Looking over to his friend, he shouted over the distance.

"It's about time, wanker! Now get over here and help me kill Imperialdramon!"
Last edited by PsychoScythe; 08-04-2012 at 08:14 PM.

The Human Instrumentality Committee: An Evangelion Fan Group

Steam name: chinesenascar
Xbox Live Gamertag: CrisisRain
League of Legends IGN: NoOneLovesYou
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• 08-04-2012 #946

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orbiting the earth inside my gundam with my sights trained on you
"YES- Yes... my Lord." said WarGreymon. he flew into the air and saw a Lone Abomination and one that was being faught by BanchoLeomon.

Beelzemon was stumbling towards said battle, he was barely keeping his Mega Form together due to the giant strain on his Data from replenishing BanchoLeomon. "Gotta... Save... Lucas..." he grunted. he finally fell over where WarGreymon rushed over and picked him up.

"Digidestined, are you ok?" asked WarGreymon.

"Sure... never better."

"You're not telling me the truth now are you?" asked WarGreymon.

"Give that man a coconut." replied Beelzemon. at that point, a portal opened next to them, Herald, Flamedramon and BlackWarGreymon stepped through. "You... weird guy with mask... you-"

"Saved your sorry ass earlier? yes i did." said Herald, butting in. "And now it's time for me to save your friends sorry ass since he's going to get himself killed."

"Wow, what do you mean killed? he's just going to go nuts isn't he?" asked Beelzemon.

"your friend has entered Ruin Mode, if he doesn't stop this soon, the data will corrupt to such a state that it could start effecting his human mind, possibly warping it."

"Then i am going too. i've got to-"

"You are in no fit state to be doing anything. Flamedramon, get him to safety."

"Yes sir." said Flamedramon. he put Beelzemons arm over one shoulder.

"And WarGreymon, BlackWarGreymon, get that monstrosity out of my sight, it offends the Sovereigns." he said pointing to a Parasimon off in the distance.

"And why should i take orders from you?" asked BlackWarGreymon. "I answer only to Ruby."

"Because she wants you to come back alive, and either we kill that creature or it kills us." said Herald. he set off at a run towards BanchoLeomon, BlackWarGreymon and WarGreymon set off for their target.

Herald neared the battle and slowed down to a brisk walk, he called up to the berserking lion. "Ahoy there... you look like you're in trouble."
Last edited by Mattmanganon; 08-06-2012 at 01:27 PM.

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• 08-06-2012 #947

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Just as the tip of the blade was perfectly, positioned, poised and ready to slice Alphamon open, the female Mega caught the sword with both hands, clearly putting no small effort to her defensive attempt.

“You know... I hate your guts. I wonder what’s in them though... Are there tiny little insects crawling around your intestines and controlling your mind, whispering how hideous you are? What do you say we do a little surgery and find out?”

With a deranged laughter that edged just outside the insane category, Alphamon Exaltation Mode kicked Imperialdramon on the chest and shoved the white Knight away from her. With a swift move, she got back to her feet, dusting off her armor as she did so.

And let out a murderous, maniacal cackle.

“AHaAhaAHaaHHAa!! This is getting too exciting!” Alphamon crowed, erratically pointing at Imperialdramon. Her blade, formerly a sleek hue of black, was now a demented shade of bloody scarlet with the Digital Hazard’s insignia branded onto the hilt of the sword. The blade soon found itself gripped tightly in Alphamon’s hands and spun around like a child’s rattle, “I can’t wait to see you in pieces. I’LL SHOW YOU HOW THINLY YOU SLICE!!!!!”

With a battle cry of crazed laughter, she charged back at Imperialdramon, her eyes showing nothing but an incomprehensible mind warped by her transformation.
Profile Picture drawn by mrsloth of Deviantart.
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• 08-07-2012 #948

Lockon Look-a-like
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orbiting the earth inside my gundam with my sights trained on you
WarGreymon and BlackWarGreymon had finally caught up with the Parasimon. "For my lord you will die, Abomination! NOVA DESTROYER!!!"

"FOR RUBY!!! MEGA DESTROYER!!!" yelled BlackWarGreymon, they each threw massivve balls of energy at the abomination in an attempt to destroy it quickly.


above in their bubble, the two Ancients watched the scene unfold. "How will our allies of Light and Dark do this time?" asked AncientMegatheriumon

"they will succeed, but i am a little wary, BlackWarGreymon is still a little worn down from the constant fighting, but with AncientSphinxmon powering him... i feel it will not affect him much. but my worry is WarGreymon, he is fresh for the fight and very eager... but his lack of experience may cause him to make mistakes." noted AncientGreymon.

"And our Demon Lord appears to be fine." said Sorcermon, he looked to see Beelzemon and Flamedramon sat in the shadow of a large rock. they would be hard to spot by anything big.

"So, how do you suppose this will work out?" asked AncientMegatheriumon.

"Hard to say, Herald has his work cut out for him if he wants to talk that one out of the Dark path... But i suspect that it is for the best." said Sorcermon "But i have been wrong before." he said as his eyes began to glow "Before i the Goddess and the Dragon kissed, i sensed the Demon to be a part of their story, but it appears i was wrong, for the Demon has his own path to follow, to visit places of great fear, to cross bridges that have never been crossed and meet people far too different from us for us to even comprehend... and love has a different fate in store for our Demon... wow... he should not have had that last shot of taquilla." he said, but then smiled "I see great sadness and great joy in his years to come." said Sorcermon.

my country, a fine country, a country that i would give my life to protect.

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• 08-07-2012 #949
Oblivion Ascent

The Magnificent Bastard.
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Britain. Land of the Limeys...
Unfortunately for WarGreymon and BlackWarGreymon... In failing to remain discrete and quiet in attacking, their target was able to catch onto their assualt, and take the appropriate counter-measure to minimize damage.

At the same time, however, the Orci that they chose to attack wasn't completely able to circumvent damage, and as it moved quickly to avoid most of the attack, there was a loud explosion as one death-ball caught it's side, the damage less than it could have been due to it's target's position, but still somewhat noticeable as the flames cleared to reveal singed and slightly melted armor, and dark, pulsating flesh beneath it.

Now, in most situations, this would be at least somewhat of a blessing to the two Dragon Men, with their attack having some success...

It was just unfortunate that they had really chosen the wrong target.

"Oh, would you look at that?" Orci Primus asked aloud, biting down his vicious, building anger as he realized that his assailants were just low-level species, hardly even a challenge for him or those of his brothers that remained, "Two convenient Data packets."

Letting out a hissing laughter as he turned around to get a better look at WarGreymon and BlackWarGreymon, his wounds healing back up in a few instants as he did so, Primus's form was surrounded by a ring of light as six vicious, razor-sharp and slender lances appeared in a circular formation around him, and began to rotate at a rapidly increasing and terrifyingly vicious speed.

"It's nice of you to come and play with me, but I have better things to attend to than a gaggle of backwards expendables such as yourselves," The abomination hissed as his lances rushed forwards whilst in their vicious cycle of death, a maelstrom of steel blades and biting winds carrying the burning debris of the battle so far being produced being swept up along with it, "I have better things to deal with. A traitor to our kind and the father. You don't hold up to that, so I'll find you someone else to play with..."

Letting out a signal from his Digicore to which-ever of his brothers was closest, Orci Primus was suddenly joined by what he had called for, another of his kind.

Kappa. The smug white psychopath.

"May I help with something, brother?"

"Take care of these vermin," Primus replied, grinning viciously as he spread his wings once more, "I'm going to go see to our brother."

And with that, the black abomination took to the air, leaving his other brother behind to deal with WarGreymon and BlackWarGreymon.

"Good luck, brother..." Kappa murmured to himself, leaving it vague as to whether he was cheering Primus on in his extermination of Sigma, or whether he was wishing Sigma luck in surviving.

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• 08-07-2012 #950

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the WarGreymons had drawn their Brave Shields and retreated as the Bladestorm came in, their shields now had large, deep cuts in them, but holding together. they put their shields away and readied for the next attack. then the Parasimon simply left with a slightly smaller one to deal with them. "hahahaha..." BlackWarGreymon let out a little chuckle "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

"Um... Black... i don't think we should make him mad." said WarGreymon.

"Don't you see WarGreymon... this lowly wretch is pathetic, i almost feel sorry for it." he said loudly enough for the Parasimon to hear. "I think that is the worst thing i have ever seen in my life... and he has no idea. HAHAHAHAHAHA" the laughing continued, but instead of sounding joyful or condecending, it simply sounded sinister. WarGreymons eyes kept darting between the two.

"Great maker, he's out of his mind." muttered WarGreymon.

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08-07-2012 #951
Oblivion Ascent
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Watching as BlackWarGreymon burst into a fit of what his brother Sigma would call 'faggy laughter', Kappa just raised a non-existent eyebrow in mild perplexion, obviously a little bemused at the Dragon Man's choice of behaviors in such a serious situation.

"The hell's up with your friend?" The White Orci asked WarGreymon, almost cordially as he aimed his hand at the ground below where both Dragon Men floated, deciding to use his usual tactic as the lances retreated, leaving a sizeable vortex of wind and debris behind as they did so.

In an instant, the red energy blasted out from his hand and into the earth, forcing a wide ring around WarGreymon and BlackWarGreymon, which whitened and became fully colored in a circle below the two as it readied itself to let loose the energies within itself.

"Eh, don't answer, I don't really care. You're both going to be dead soon, anyway," The Abomination muttered somewhat casually in a smug voice, as the energies within the circle primed and fired upwards, vast amounts of rubble, debris, fire and smoke roaring up from the earth in one move as Kappa charged the attack with a substantial part of his energy reserves.

Even though these Digimon seemed to be weak, Kappa was suspecting that there was more to them than it seemed, and so he decided to hold nothing back as he set to work. Even if they didn't live up to his suspicions, the cloud of debris cast over the battlefield from this attack would allow him to move around in quiet and stealth, allowing him greater dexterity and utility.

It also gave him some leeway for what he was planning.

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08-07-2012 #952
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"What's he doing?" asked WarGreymon debrit was being shot at them

"He's trying to destroy us with the Field, but he's not the only one capable of doing that, Back to Back." said BlackWarGreymon. they went back to back and linked arms "Now follow my lead, it should throw his attack right back at him. BLACK TORNADO!!!!" WarGreymon was confused for a second before figuring out his Virus counterparts plan.

"Oh yeah, i got yah, GREAT TORNADO!!!" the pair began to spin at a terrifying rate, trying to create a cyclone of enough magnitude to throw anything that Kappa threw at them out of the way, hopefully at him. several pieces of debris were already caught and being thrown different ways, one larger piece was caught by BlackWarGreymons legs, he clamped down on it as he span, but then let go and it flew at Kappa at an incredible speed.

Last edited by Mattmanganon; 08-07-2012 at 09:40 PM.

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08-08-2012 #953
Oblivion Ascent
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Unfortunately for the two Dragon Men, their tactics were really only making things worse for themselves.

Whilst the tornado spread the debris particles out of the way in an attempt to save themselves, they only increased the area of the attack, with the debris now falling further around them, with the larger pieces still falling down towards them.

Whilst they were staving off some damage with their plan, this was only a short-term reprieve, and Kappa would easily be able to void that with the right planning and by using the situation that they set up for him to maximum effect.

"I have to question the intelligence you two hold," Kappa said with his customary smirk, as the large piece of debris BlackWarGreymon was trying to throw at him being forced to explode by him channeling more energy that it could handle into it, it exploding before it could even make half of the journey towards him.

Stepping forwards as the few straggling bits of rock and dirt from the explosion shot past him, some managing to scuff and singe his while armor a little, the White Orci held out his hand as he summoned his lance, a weapon he naturally had, but chose not to use most of the time.

"Hard luck, gentlemen..." He hissed, as the pieces of debris that they had thrown outwards beginning to fall back down with even more energy inside of them to hit the ground and explode, and as he aimed his lance at WarGreymon and BlackWarGreymon, preparing to take fire and give them a greater problem to deal with.

And already, the explosions began to roar up into the air as the debris fell back down and detonated with the energy inside of it, gigantic amounts of dust, dirt and flame erupting back up into the air and producing an obscuring cloud, only worsened by the tornadoes raging around nearby as it spread further and further.

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08-08-2012 #954
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Recoiling in disgust at the now apparently insane Alphamon, Imperialdramon Paladin Mode parried and locked blades with the psychotic traitor, matching her in strength. Just what had fusing with Examon done to the formerly dignified Lord of the Empty Seat?! Imperialdramon had always suspected Examon of being at least slightly off-kilter, but to influence Alphamon in such a way? This only proved that he was right to have tried to kill the Dragon Emperor.

“You have debased yourself to the point of insanity, Alphamon.” The Royal Knight scoffed, brandishing the Omni-Sword. “Truly, you are beyond redemption. I would be lying, however, if I said that I would not enjoy this. Under your leadership, the Royal Knights remained stagnant and unchanging. You would have had us remain as mere guardians, when we could have been so much more.”

Flying up into the sky, Imperialdramon fired off two Splendor Blade shock waves before starting to charge up a Hyper Prominence blast in his chest cannon.

“Under my leadership, the Knights will usher in a new era. One in which we do not simply react to threats to the Digital World. We will eliminate the probability of threats emerging in the first place. You, Examon, and UlforceVeedramon could not see this.” As the charge sequence completed, Imperialdramon Paladin Mode prepared to fire. “A new world order is at hand. Your obsolete ideals are simply incompatible with the realities of this world. Now die.” And he fired a massive ball of black electricity from his chest cannon straight at Alphamon Exaltation Mode.

The Human Instrumentality Committee: An Evangelion Fan Group

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08-08-2012 #955
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although it looked like a plan gone wrong, the rotational speed of the WarGreymons was increasing and keeping them safe from any falling debris, with this, their attack would soon be ready, a supercharged Great Tornado with the power to blow Parasimon right out of the sky. and due to the speed they were spinning at now, they were now constantly moving about the tornado, with a moving target and crosswinds that were completely unpredictable, hitting them with projectiles would be nigh impossible without the Parasimon moving into close-range where they could unleash their attack.

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08-08-2012 #956
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Although the tornado that the Dragon Men were producing would be liable to blow Kappa out of the sky, it was only fortunate for him that he preferred to remain grounded, as most of his kind did whenever fighting. He currently had no incentive to take to the air, and as his opponents began charging their attack, he just smirked and went about using the opening for his own purpose.

His right hand, tightly gripping his lance, lit up with red energy as he began charging his own attack, energy flowing from his reserves into his hand and then into the lance as it did so. As the WarGreymon duo built up their tornado, he transferred his energy into his lance, and readied to stab it into the earth, to make it unstable and volatile, exactly as he needed it for later.

Thrusting the sharp bladed-end of the lance into the earth below as his plan requiered, the weapon lost it's glow as all of it's energy shot downwards in a millisecond, spreading out through the earth in rich deltas of flowing, blood red energy, reaching out and expanding to a range of around 200 meters all around from Kappa's position, producing an area with a diameter of 400 meters in total.

From here, the energy would build and fester on it's own, filling the area up with volatility as the amount of energy increased by itself from all that there was in the air.

The longer it was given to develop, the more vicious it would be, and so as he pulled his lance out from the ground, Kappa smirked as he turned his attentions to the Dragon Men a somewhat short distance away from him.

"You actually going to do anything any time soon?" He asked boredly, as he suddenly swung his lance through the hurricane in a vicious arc, testing it out tentatively before letting loose a series of even faster, more vicious swings through the tornado, his eyes locking onto the dark shapes of the Dragon Men within the vortex and attacking where they would be rather than where they were. Even if he couldn't slice one, he could at least strike one with the side of his lance and knock off their concentration, or failing that, provide enough of a distraction to disrupt their attack.

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08-08-2012 #957
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the Hundreds of mile-an-hour Crosswind from the tornado helped to blow the attacks off-course, one of the attacks grazed BlackWarGreymon. another one managed to leave a deep gash in WarGreymons chestplate. "NOW!?!?!?!" roared WarGreymon.

"NOW!!!!" replied BlackWarGreymon in an equally loud roar. the Tornado picked itself up off the ground and brought itself down and smashed itself on Parasimon. the two WarGreymons span towards Parasimon, claws extended toward him and ready to turn him into Digimon chutney.

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08-09-2012 #958
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Imperialdramon’s Hyper Prominence blast coming at her with break-neck speed didn’t seem to faze Alphamon in any way. His speech bored her to no end and his Freudian Excuse was becoming more and more unsettling, but when he shoehorned UlforceVeedramon and Examon into the debased equation, her anger ignited and she swung her blade, cutting the incoming ball of doom in half. She barely flinched as each half created an exploding ball of energy, reducing the land under it into an inhospitable crater.

“So you really think that you are fit to carry a new world order for the Digital World and all that live in it?” Alphamon asked, showing a rare sign of sanity. “Everything in this world and beyond is interconnected to each other. Probabilities exists because of these connections. If you sever one and reduce the probability from less than 1 to a complete 0, what would happen as a result? Will the other probabilities go up closer to 1 or go down closer to 0? Will they become impossible or certain? Are these probabilities independent, mutually exclusive, conditional or are they just dependent time bombs waiting to go off?”

“Let’s say that we move from theories and straight to practice. Let’s say that the Human World is a potential threat to our home. You eliminate the source of the threat and remove it from existence. Have you spared a thought about any of the humans who you would most likely kill, infants, children, adults and the elderly? Are you certain that they are, each and individually, responsible for every single thing that happens to the Digital World? Are they, each and individually, innocent or guilty? Or are they just vermin to your eyes, too weak against your great, “holy” might?”

Charging up her sword, Hazard’s twisted energy crackled to her silent call and coated the edges of the blade in a bloody red light.

“You could kill me and continue with whatever grand plan you have hidden up your sleeve and I won’t take it against you, but you and the other Knights could have avoided this all by pulling your iron thumbs out of your sorry asses and calling a truce. Then again, I’m talking to a white cock in drag with no balls, an ego twice the size of a Whamon and a brain three times worse than that of a Numemon.”

Swinging her blade, Alphamon Exaltation Mode let loose several scarlet energy blades at Imperialdramon to return the grace of his Hyper Prominence, said blades spinning and slicing through the air haphazardly.

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08-09-2012 #959
Oblivion Ascent
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Orci Kappa

Relishing his success in wounding the Dragon Men as they were forced to launch their attack at him ahead of time, Orci Kappa hissed in delight as he thrust his lance deep into the ground, using it as an anchor to remain in a stable position as his wings shot out from their compartment and curled around to meet each-other.

Holding on tight to his lance as the tornado approached him, and using his wings as a full-body shield as they wrapped around him and dug their sharp tips and edges deep into the earth, keeping him in a stable position in order to not allow himself to be dragged up by the tornado.

Although this kept the tornado relatively at bay, with only the debris whipped up by it causing him any damage or discomfort through barraging his Digizoid Shell, it wouldn't be enough to keep the WarGreymon duo at bay for an extended period of time, and as they attacked his defensively-positioned form with their claws.

Whilst they were still to weak to do much to him with his attacks, Kappa knew that his wings were essentially quite thin, and would likely not be able to hold up against a prolonged attack before they were punctured. Even if they could regenerate, he wasn't going to take his chances, and so an impulse went through his mind, as he detonated the earth in a ring around him in order to strike the Dragon Men.

His wings would be able to protect him from the barrage in his compact position, but he was going to have to move to be able to take full advantage of this situation he was setting up, so as he listened to the explosions reaching their prime and releasing debris into the air on the outside of his defenses, and as he felt the WarGreymon duo begin to breach the outside of his wing-armor, he set himself to work again.

First, he opened his wings and leapt forward, the gigantic structures sweeping back and smacking his opponents, sending them flying into the tornado that they had created as it was pushed away by the sudden movement from his wings.

From there, the white abomination spun around on the spot, taking his lance and slashing it through the tornado from a suitable range once more, also releasing a slip-stream of projectile attacks as he launched the vicious physical assault.
__________________________________________________ ______________

Looking down at the Beast Warrior Digimon writing in some strange sensation by his feet, Baihumon merely quirked an indifferent eyebrow, not at all fazed by the odd sights that greated him as he exited the library.

"Knights," He said with some disdain as he shook his head, taking a step forwards as he prepared to continue his trip, when...

"Hey, you!"

Hearing some voice gather the audacity to YELL at him for some reason, Baihumon sighed and turned around to face the source of the voice, a lone, somewhat haggard-looking Justimon that he swore hadn't been there a second before.

"What is it?" Baihumon asked coldly, four indifferent, unamused eyes focusing themselves on Justimon in a partial death glare as he yelled at a God, "What's so important that you feel compelled to empty your lungs at me? Well? I'm waiting..."

"Um... Well..." Justimon began, taking a step back out of worry now that the Sovereign had reacted negatively and forced him to reconsider his course of action, "It's about the-"

Fortunately for Justimon, he never got the chance to finish his sentence and risk incurring a god's wrath, as a sudden roar of sound from up top the castle ramparts stole Baihumon's attention away from him.

"It's about time, wanker! Now get over here and help me kill Imperialdramon!"

"Give me half a damn second, you self-important overgrown canary!" The White Tiger yelled back to Zhuqiaomon in a growling mutter, the usual eloquence and indifference in his voice gone as he bantered with another of his brothers, "Don't think for a second that I'm going to throw myself into your damn mess so easily."

And with a massive leap, the tiger cleared the battlefield, leaving behind WarCapidramon, Gallantmon, and a very, very confused Justimon.

"... Dafuq was that all about?" He asked in a tone somewhere between exasperation and disbelief.

Last edited by Oblivion Ascent; 08-09-2012 at 03:09 PM.

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08-09-2012 #960
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WarGreymon and BlackWarGreymon were thrown to the side by the attack and the Tornado quickly dissipated, they slowly got back up. "Come on, you are better than this." said AncientGreymon in WarGreymons head. AncientSphinxmon was also watching, he never said anything, but BlackWarGreymon knew what he was saying.

"Don't worry, this is under control." said BlackWarGreymon. the barrage of attacks came at BlackWarGreymon who did his best to dodge, but one of the attacks caught his Dramon-slayer which was knocked off. he then punched Parasimon in the face to make him back off.

"Yes sir, i'll en-devour to do better sir." said WarGreymon. the Courage symbol on his Brave shield began to glow. and BlackWarGreymons Brave Shield suddenly sprouted a ruby and had Gold streaks branching from it to all of the corners of the shield. his Dramon Slayer also re-appeared.

"I can feel the power flowing through me." said WarGreymon.

"So can I, but don't get cocky." said BlackWarGreymon. he drew up a Terra Destroyer "Follow my attack and get him when his shield goes down." said BlackWarGreymon. of course he planned to attack Parasimon when he inevitably dodged it and went after one of them.

Last edited by Mattmanganon; 08-19-2012 at 12:01 PM.

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08-17-2012 #961
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“Tch,” Imperialdramon Paladin Mode scowled, slashing the Omni-Sword through the air and firing off several Splendor Blades to meet each of Alphamon’s energy blades in midair, causing them to explode when they collided.

“You refuse to look at the bigger picture, Alphamon.” Imperialdramon scoffed as he descended to the base earth, touching down on the ground. “The destruction of the human world would ensure the safety of the Digital World. We Royal Knights are charged to protect the Digital World by any means necessary. If I must slay innocents to preserve the greater whole, I will. You have forgotten that most basic tenet of service to Yggdrasil. What we do, we do for the greater good.”

Stepping forward, the Royal Knight brandished the Omni-Sword, leveling the tip towards the traitor.

“And a truce would have been too risky by far. How could we trust that which we did not know? The safety of the Digital World is of the greatest importance. Peace may have been ideal, but that risk could not be taken. Simply look at yourselves. Digimon partnered with humans, wreaking havoc across the continents. A single human raised an army and threw an entire area in chaos. And only less than a dozen have even entered the Digital World. Imagine the destruction that more of those accursed vermin will bring.”

As Imperialdramon finished speaking, he gripped his blade in both hands and raised it to the sky once more, beginning to charge up energy.

“You may have abandoned your duties, Alphamon, but I will not. I will do what needs to be done, for the good of this world. Now, cease your prattle and face me.” Roaring, Imperialdramon Paladin Mode charged forward, the Omni-Sword bursting with stored power.



As Zhuqiaomon noticed Baihumon rush over to him, the phoenix let a few flames loose from his body as he responded to his friend's banter.

"And just why not, West?" The Sovereign taunted, extending his wings to full spread. "Are you honestly going to listen to that bastard in the East?

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08-20-2012 #962
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“Any means necessary? So does Utopia justifies every mean you can come up with? Then you are no different than a Demon Lord, you lawful idiot... You’re no better than the monsters we sealed away when the Knights first came together.”

Alphamon countered the incoming blade with one of her own, sending both Digimon into a
weapon lock. Omni-Sword and her new blade Ragnarok clashed together, both charged up and ready to unleash destruction anytime their casters desired. One brimmed with light that belied the owner’s true nature and one with a chaotic, yet harmonious darkness that seemed to come equally in opposition.

“Make no mistake, Imperialdramon. I didn’t forget what my duties are. We’re here to protect the Digital World and the Digimon who live in it. YOU are the one who has strayed from your duty. YOU have thrown THIS world into a small-scale war because YOU trivialised and refused to see the parts that make up the big picture! YOUR paranoia is the core source of all our troubles!”


The Armored Duke was left gobsmacked as what looked like a gigantic tiger leaped out from the direction of the library and went off, dropping a clinging Justimon who soon voiced his similar confusion.

"I understand that this chain of events is beyond what I have foreseen, so I shall be frank... What the fuck just happened?" Gallantmon dropped the formalities altogether, chucked them into a barrel and threw said barrel into the ocean."How in the viral blazes did the Sovereign of the West get here and suddenly walk around this part of the World?"

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4 Weeks Ago #963
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“I think it’s about time for those troubles to come to an end, don’t you?” said a voice as the wind picked up around the two, all the wind traveling counter-clockwise. This began a small tornado around the pair, air currents picking up, for a brief moment before the one bearing the force behind it stopped to the direct side of the two, a mere ten yards away. The air continued to move for a moment more before stopping completely. “Well, well. Nice to see you too Imperialdramon.” UlforceVeedramon said in hurt sarcasm. Leon was in lead control at the moment, his thoughts and aggravation with the Knights increasing the more he talked. His chest piece glowed for a moment before releasing a Ray of Victory at Imperialdramon’s head. “But thanks for including me in your big speech.” Another ray fired at him. “It lacked a certain je ne said quoi, but I digress… ” a third ray fired.

Waving his hand downward, as if he was batting away a fly, UlforceVeedramon continued, now with Veemon in control. “And why would you ever assume that destroying the world that created ours would be a smart move?” This time the armor on his body glowed cyan. Letting loose a side kick from the distance, an energy wave arced at the Blue Knights foot, heading at Imperialdramon again. “No go, man. I’d miss my Super Triple Decker Banana Split too much!”


Shinegreymon finally found his way to the library, but felt multiple and various energy spikes around him, making his skin jump for a moment. “Oh, Fuck me! What was that?” he yelped in surprise before a pull down one of the many paths sent him in the direction of a signature that seemed familiar to the other spirits that he now help. “Hm. HEY!” yelled the blunt ogre of the greymon line. “Anyone around here a friendly?! Or do I need to crack more skulls?!” he asked, finding himself turning the corner to face the form of AncientMermaidmon. “Oh… hello there.” He said with a small bow of his head. “I may be a Fire guy, but man, you are one beautiful Mermaimo- whoa. Wait.” He said, holding his hands up with a confused expression on. After a few seconds a look of recognition appeared on his face. “No. Freakin’. Way.”


Coming from a tenth of a mile away as Kappa continued his rampage on the pair of Wargreymon, a figure yelled out from the distance. “Interloper! Stop where you stand!” yelled the tall dragon man that approached in a slow walk, brandishing his blade. The yelled was loud “I, Slayerdramon, formally Wingdramon, the fastest soldier in the sky, servant of the Blue Blur Knight, UlforceVeedramon, have been put in command of protecting his comrades as if they were my master himself.” At this moment, he covered his head with the hilt of his sword, showing his pride in his duty. “That is why I come here. To assist you, my great Lord BanchoLeomon.” Falling to one knee in front of the Mad Lion, head bowed, Slayerdramon continued to talk. “Would you like to me to decapitate this humanoid creature that wishes to pester you?”


Walking toward a small encampment of friendlies, Rapidmon, with a half-concious Ravemon in his arms, arrive in time to watch the White Tiger digimon take a stride right over their head. Leaving them frozen in place for a moment, Rapidmon began walking towards the others, ignoring what just happened. “Rapidmon, d-did Baih-”

“Don’t ask. I don’t want to know.” Answered Rapidmon before seeing others that he had encounted not too long ago. “Knight Gallantmon.” He greeted the most well-known face present. “I seek solace and healing for a loyal mon-at-arms.” As if to speak for himself, Ravemon let loose a pathetic moan that chilled Rapidmon’s body. “Is there such thing here?”


Cherubimon. please return to me now. Said a voice in the Beast Angel’s mind. Looking around the fairly abandoned library, Cherubimon let out a sigh. “I wish I could be helping more… but I guess this will have to do.” Said Cherubimon quietly to himself. Then, turning a smile on for Ari, who was still in his right palm (the left held the book he journeyed originally there to retrieve.), and spoke to her. “Ari, would you like to meet one of my friends? He’s a very… very old digimon and I’m sure you would enjoy seeing him… it. It? It.” Cherubimon said to himself at the end for a moment before charging up a portal to walk through. It was an oval shape and glimmered gold and white, a welcoming sight. “We’ll come back soon. I promise.”


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4 Weeks Ago #964
Oblivion Ascent
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Watching as his master left to do what he had to do, AncientWisemon extended his wavelength, taking in the rest of the beings that were in the area in order to judge the next course of action.

As it appeared, all was as it should be. Zhuqiaomon and Baihumon being here was highly unusual, but AncientWisemon was fully used to such things, and it was no impediment considering that the two were still adhering to inaction for the time being. AncientGreymon and AncientMegatheriummon were also in the area, and so were a gaggle of the former's servants.
As it was, the Spirit Of Steel cared little for those of his brothers, and so he paid them no heed as he continued to scan the area.
And this was where he found something interesting.

"Oh my," He said to himself in minor surprise, his eyes widening in the darkness of his cloak as he picked up on the signal of an incredibly powerful being fighting Imperialdramon Paladin Mode, in and of himself a powerful being rivaling a Sovereign.
Whatever this thing was, its presence and signal was damn terrifying to behold. Extreme amounts of Hazard and inForce-related energies were flowing out of this thing, and as he noticed this, AncientWisemon learnt and became fully aware of what it was.

Alphamon and that... thing that Examon had become had fused. In one fell swoop, the Hazard had outperformed anything that the Ancients had put out so far. Even Baihumon wouldn't be liable to take this thing lightly.

"Glorious," The Spirit of Steel said to himself, louder than he should have, shivering in a perverse glee as he and AncientMermaidmon were joined by another, bearing a very familiar signal.

"Anyone around here a friendly?! Or do I need to crack more skulls?!"

Looking up, AncientWisemon expected to see AncientGreymon or any one of his seemingly endless supply of 'toys', but instead, he saw ShineGreymon.
The Digimon with the Spirits of Fire.

"No. Freakin’. Way," Said Spirit-Wielder mumbled to himself in amazement at AncientMermaimon, eliciting the raising of a metaphorical eyebrow from the other Ancient present.

"May we help you with something?" AncientWisemon asked ShineGreymon, sounding cold and terse as he looked over the Royal Knight tentatively.
__________________________________________________ ___________

"I have as much care for his decisions as you do, South," Baihumon retorted to Zhuqiaomon, the White Tiger appearing atop the castle ramparts after his lengthly jump from the castle grounds, "I merely wish to avoid conference with him and Huanglongmon. I find this inaction as frustrating and backwards as you do, but I'd take a different approach to this rather than what you are doing."

After replying to one of his closest friends amongst the rank of the Sovereigns, Baihumon craned his neck to take a good look at the brawl that was ensuing a small distance away from Zhuqiaomon and himself, the Titanic Clash that was Imperialdramon Paladin Mode going at it with Alphamon Exaltation Mode.
Well, it looked like the Hazard hadn't been bluffing after all when he'd said he'd show them what he was capable of. Someone owed Baihumon a coke after all, it would seem. The Hazard producing a being this powerful had to be worth something in that bet, at least.

"And if I'm not mistaken, this matter is handled already," He said as he continued his reply to Zhuqiaomon, pointing to the skirmish with a ray of light from one of his Digicores, "There's no need for involvement here, so I'd find it a better idea to redirect our attention to another matter."
__________________________________________________ __________

As UlforceVeedramon joined the fray of battle with Imperialdramon with a Blue Blur, there was a massive roar as another high-speed combatant came to assist him and the fused Alphamon and Examon, and the sound of gunshot going off over and over again as what had previously been empty air filled up to the brim with shells of both metal and light energy, each and every one of them arranged in a close-cut circle around Imperialdramon as they roared forwards to impact him.

"Give it up, Imperialdramon," MirageGaogamon, or as he was now, MagnaGarurumon muttered at Imperialdramon as his DAKKA went sailing into the First Knight with hundreds of vicious individual impacts, and as he took the opportunity to repeat the process with the opening he was being given "This all could have been avoided, and you know it. You look much too far into the problem to find fault with their reasoning. Even if a truce with the Digital World was to bring forth partnerships between Human and Digimon, only a potent threat against them could bring them to the point of allowing them to be any kind of danger to us. Had the truce been called, the so-called vermin that destroyed you all in a day would not have come to be as powerful as they are. You are the source of the problem in your own argument, fool, and you know it."

MagnaGarurumon wasn't going to deny it. His attacks, whilst plentiful and powerful, weren't going to do much, if anything at all to the titan before him.
However, that wasn't his intent.
For every second the barrage of projectiles distracted Imperialdramon alongside the assault of UlforceVeedramon, Alphamon could slip in a multitude of far more powerful blows at Imperialdramon, each one doing more damage than either UlforceVeedramon or MagnaGarurumon could dish out.

"Your paranoia led you into the darkness, Imperialdramon. Now, let it consume you and drag you to your demise," The steel wolf growled, as he launched his own kick at the Knight's face after completing another barrage of dakka.
__________________________________________________ _____________________

"Sure!" Ari replied to Cherubimon, looking at the bestial angel with a small smile as Kapurimon just sat in her lap, also staring at him as his tail flitted from side to side, "He's a friend of Squishy if he's a friend of yours, isn't he?"

As it was, Ari was still in the small bubble that her partner had made to carry her, even now that she was with Cherubimon. Having been made from a substancial portion of the Great Angel's Data immediately prior to him unloading 90% of his available power and the entirety of the data he'd absorbed from GuardiAngemon through Imperialdramon in a single shot. It was built to last at least a decent while, and the young girl was safe inside of it as it floated above the other Great Angel's palm.

At the same time, Kapurimon just sat there alongside her, evidently clueless about what he'd been sent to do prior to this. With his memories from before his forced reversion from GuardiAngemon unavailable to him, he was back to his base, childish instincts and personality, and so he just sat quietly with the little girl he'd been sent to kill, content to get hugged and watch in fascination as Cherubimon foraged through the library for his book without stop.

"And I trust you, don't worry," Ari said in reply to Cherubimon again as he opened up the portal to Shakamon's domain, "If Squish trusts you, I do too!"

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3 Weeks Ago #965
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It's up, now stop whining.


Grumbling under his breath as both some idiot with a wooden sword and a Slayerdramon began talking to him, BanchoLeomon Ruin Mode turned around, scowling. More idiots getting in his way. But one looked human. This...was going to be a problem. Best to leave them to deal with each other and let him get on with his business.

"Alright, I don't have time for this. You," The lion pointed at Herald, scowling. "Buzz off. I don't have time for your crap. And you," He continued, switching his focus to Slayerdramon. "You stop him from doing anything stupid. No killing. I want him alive. Now both of you screw off and let me go kill Parasimon."

With that done, BanchoLeomon leapt into the sky, taking flight and rushing towards Parasimon Mordred, landing in front of him when he reached the corrupted Knight.

"Finally, no more interruptions. Let's get this done. I've got bigger fish to fry. Namely, your boss." BanchoLeomon Ruin Mode roared, charging forward with his fists covered in dark aura.



Whatever response the white Knight made towards Alphamon's words was cut off as MirageGaogamon arrived on the scene, launching a storm of dakka at Imperialdramon Paladin Mode. Snarling in pain from the volley, Imperialdramon broke his blade lock with Alphamon Exaltation Mode and retreated to a safe distance, ducking under MirageGaogamon's kick as he did so.

"Words have ceased to matter at this point. It is too late to go back, and I will not falter. Not here, not now. If you have something to say," The last Royal Knight leveled his blade at MirageGaogamon, charging energy into the Omni-Sword once more. "Then say it with your sword. The time for talk has passed. Now, die. OMNI-SWORD!"

Imperialdramon launched his penultimate attack at MirageGaogamon Burst Mode, seeking to take the weaker Digimon out of the fight first for data that he desperately needed.



"Feh," The Phoenix of the South spat, still not pleased, but acquiescing nonetheless. Baihumon was both his closest friend and his staunchest ally among the Sovereigns, and the most prudent course of action at this point was going along with him. It kept his friend happy, and Imperialdramon was arguably done for at this point anyways. Almost every combatant on the battlefield was gunning for him now, and about half of his force had defected. He was doomed.

"Fine. We'll do it your way this time, Baihumon. You owe me, though, you sodding bastard. Lead the way." And with that, Zhuqiaomon flew off, following Baihumon to wherever he might be going.
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Digimon Convergence Log II, Part 5

Oblivion Ascent
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Up until now, Alphamon had been given full, unquestioned control over the united body of herself and Examon Mordred, with the Dragon Emperor content to sit back and let her give Imperialdramon the hell he so truly deserved whilst he thought things over.

The key words being ‘up until now’.
As Imperialdramon seemed to cover up the flaws in his argument by refusing to continue the conversation between himself and Alphamon, instead focusing his attention on MirageGaogamon and UlforceVeedramon to , Examon’s consciousness didn’t see fit to stay dormant any longer, and in one great push of willpower, he made his move.

“That’s an awfully convenient excuse, isn’t it?” Came the voice of the Dragon Emperor from the mouth of Alphamon Exaltation Mode, as the supplanted Digimon moved with lighting speed and tore into Imperialdramon with a vicious blow whilst he foolishly concerned himself with MirageGaogamon and UlforceVeedramon, “Can’t continue your own argument, so you discredit ours on a flimsy pretence? I’d say it’s a bad show, Imperialdramon, but this is honestly par for the course with a Giant Cocksucker like you...”

Driving Ragnarok deep into Imperialdramon, the dark energies of the Digital Hazard sizzling with an intense fury as he did so, the possessed Alphamon Exaltation Mode’s body began to light up in a radiant aura as it underwent a transformation into another form entirely.

Along the entirety of the body, six rings of holy light formed, one for each arm and leg, and one for the head and torso as the consciousness of Examon began to supplant more than just Alphamon’s mind.

Not wasting any time, each ring made their movement, sliding up or down over the body part they encircled around, turning blood-red and gunmetal armor into silver, gold and soft black armor, and jagged and ornate into smooth and streamlined as they went along their way.

At the body, the bulky armor protecting ‘Alphamon’ melted back into his body, replaced by a slender, elegant build not unlike that of a refined Examon Mordred as it reformed entirely. An exoskeletal steel ribcage formed over the slender form already there to give it reinforcement and to allow stable flexibility, and at the back of the body, the gigantic wings of Exaltation Mode burst into roaring flames, which quelled and refined themselves to reveal geometric structures of energy and light framed by slender steel appendages.

At the arms, both became lithe and slender rather than thick and bulky, the gauntlets around each of the forearms disappearing as the body armor had, to be replaced by much slighter versions of themselves, to compliment the rest of the transforming body as the leftover mass traveled up to the shoulders to form protective pauldrons similar to Alphamon’s. In contrast, each hand now became heavy and powerful in place of the slender and razored look they had sported beforehand, and the back of each of them carried symbols of the Digital Hazard.

At the legs, they became smooth and nimble rather than bulky and powerful, with them undergoing similar transformations to the arms as the bulk disappeared and the feet became proportionate to the rest of the appendage they belonged to. With nowhere else to go, the redirected bulk became a pseudo-armored skirt around the waist, covering the top of the legs and the bottom of the body.

And finally, the transformation finished up with the head.

The last ring of light moving up and dispersing, the head of the newly formed and powered-up Examon became like that it was on Examon Mordred, only in a smoother, visage with a larger, jet-black visor covering his burning yellow eyes, and vicious teeth covered by a mouthpiece.

“Also, almost forgot: Impy, old sport? When you’re fighting a bear, don’t be so stupid as to concern yourself with flies, ya dumb cunt,” Examon Prime chortled, Ragnarok dispersing and leaving an open wound in the White Knight’s side, the transformation having lasted less than two seconds despite the engaged process as the Dragon Emperor followed the wound up with a vicious blow to Imperialdramon’s face with his fist.

“Not that it’s going to help you any...You’re right fucked now, I’d say,” Examon sniggered as he finished off his assualt on Imperialdramon by jumping up and kicking him away with all of his deceptive might, sending him flying away and causing the blast from the Omni Sword to fire off prematurely, sending it arcing through thin air and crashing way over to the side near the Herald and Slayerdramon.

__________________________________________________ _________
Orci Kappa

Sniggering as his attacks threw the WarGreymon duo into chaos, Orci Kappa just primed a whole load more as BlackWarGreymon came at him and launched a futile punch at his face with his Slayer-less arm.

“Fool,” He said smugly to himself and the Dragon Man as the former shook his head and the latter backed away to recover, “You have to try harder than that... What was it you said about me again? I was pathetic?”

Lance in hand as the WarGreymon recharged themselves with power from the Ancients, Kappa’s grin suddenly receded as a ghost memory from the father flickered across his mind for the briefest of moments.
The Ancients... Vague, Spirit-Form Digimon who could empower other Digimon with their energies to make them stronger. The Digimon that had left their bodies behind as the Human and Beast Spirits, which the father had used to become Susanoomon... These Digimon were relying on those Spirits for their power!

“I have to ask: Who’s more pathetic? The abomination born from another abomination, or two fools who rely on their masters to empower them? Now that I’m in my own body and under my own duress, my power is my own, and cannot be redacted. But what of you? Mere recipients of another’s power who wear is as if it’s their own? This is turning out to be quite entertaining!”

His grin coming back in an even more psychotic form as he became excited, Kappa decided to disappoint the two Megas he was fighting by merely swinging his Chrome-Digizoid lance at them again, with it extending to reach them and force them to reconsider their plans. Kappa wasn’t the fool his father could be, having derived his personality from external programming courtesy of Yggdrasil. It mattered not what they thought of his father and brothers, Kappa wouldn’t fall to the same pitfalls that they did.

Last edited by Oblivion Ascent; 3 Weeks Ago at 02:41 PM.

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3 Weeks Ago #967
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“Oh… hello there.”

If AncientMermaimon had ears, they would perk up at the sound of another visitor, but with her helm covering most of her face, she resigned to turning to the source, ShineGreymon, who bowed politely to her, but his formality seemed to stop there.

“I may be a Fire guy, but man, you are one beautiful Mermaimo- whoa. Wait.”

“No. Freakin’. Way.”

"Yes. Freakin’. Way, Light Dragon." AncientMermaimon jabbed back with a gentle, yet playful decorum, barely keeping herself from laughing at his confusion and shock. She had not expected to see anyone, let alone one so blunt and fiery, literally and figuratively speaking. Listening at AncientWisemon's address of him, she soon turned back to their unexpected visitor.

"I never understand your... casual tongue, so to speak, but I do believe you come here without ill intent. You seem to be in a hurry and I hate having to clean up after any poor soul whose skull you might crack open."

Alphamon EM, Dorumon & Zei

"No fair, Examon!! I still wanted to play!! Meanie!"

Listening to Alphamon EM whining like a toy-deprived Fresh Digimon left Dorumon wishing that she could stuff her mouth with black licorice and soda so that she would shut up. Zei, on the other hand, was still reeling from the side-effect of the Transcendent Jogress. The human of the trio looked rather disoriented and an ominously twisted air stuck around her.

"WILL YOU SHUT UP, YOU BIG BABY?! LISTENING TO YOU MAKING THAT SORT OF NOISE IS FAR WORSE THAN BEING FORCED TO ATTEND ONE OF ETEMON'S CONCERT!!!" Dorumon shouted within the cosmosphere of consciousness that the trio shared with the other party constituting Examon's.

"Ow!! You don't have to yell so loud!!" Alphamon cringed. This only served to fuel Dorumon's temper more and the pair devolved into a shouting argument while Zei remained eerily silent.


"Well, time to move on..." Gallantmon heaved himself off the ground and back onto his feet. He made a struggled dash into the library while WarCapidramon ran off on his own. His own hope for survivors was lifted when he saw Rapidmon and Ravemon, the latter injured but alive. The look in his eyes told all the gratitude for their safety. "It's good to see you both. I'd say that I'm not here to cut you down... That should be a start to all of us. I don't know what fuckwad Fate is pulling our strings, but I'm not going to sit down and rot away like this..."

Last edited by Vocalia; 3 Weeks Ago at 12:04 AM.

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2 Weeks Ago #968
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=WarGreymon and BlackWarGreymon=

as the Lance swung at them, they were both taken by surprise. the Mega Destroyer was cut in half and a large gash was cut from WarGreymons shoulder all the way down to his knee. he fell out of the sky and hit the ground hard. "BASTARD!!!!" yelled BlackWarGreymon, he charged at the parasite at an incredible speed, slashing him across the chest multiple times before drawing up and Terra Destroyer to finish him.


"Well, poo..." sighed Herald. "you aren't getting away from me that easily." he was about to set off again when the ghostly visage of AncientGreymon appeared before him. "My Lord?" he asked crouching to one knee.

"Herald, i would ask that you give up your chasing of him, he is fine in our eyes." said AncientGreymon.

"Why hasn't he exploded yet?" asked Herald. AncientGreymon looked over to where BanchoLeomon had jumped.

"I sense something strange about him, he believes his power to have increased many fold... he will learn in time that to not be the case, he is no longer of your concern, i sense that WarGreymon and BlackWarGreymon need your assistance." said AncientGreymon.

"Of course my lord." replied Herald. "I will summon Flamedramon at once."

"No need, the Demon has been healed thanks to his abilities. he is on his way towards you now. Herald looked behind himself to see a black creature streaking through the sky. "I see, one moment, My Lord." he said. he turned and ran before pushing off the ground with and incredible might before leaping high into the air. in a split second Beelzemon could see the world slow down as Herald appeared in front of him and brought his Boken down on the Demons head. sending him spiraling into the ground. Herald landed and brushed himself off whilst Beelzemon scrambled to his feet.


"The big idea is that you are rushing to assist BanchoLeomon and that is something that i will not allow." he said.

"AND WHY NOT!?" he yelled pulling out a Berenjena and pointing it towards Heralds face.

"Please Demon Lord, do not embarrass by trying to force your way through me. I currently have access to a well of power so deep that I could drown ever Digimon within a hundred miles in it."

"So why don't you?" asked Beelzemon with a babying tone.

"Because i have the strictest of instructions coming from the highest authority not to." replied Herald.

"Now, if you wish to help any of your friends, the Knight UlforceVeedramon could do with some. He's picking a fight that is going to get him killed. and if he is going to lay you out after this, you may want to go and save him."


"He is picking a fight with Imperieldramon... that is not his battle, that is a battle for the girl that "Ripped your heart out through your ass" and the one that "Is probably nailing her right now." Beelzemon pulled the cock back on his Berenjena. "Your words, not mine."

"How the hell do you know that." asked Beelzemon.

"My lord sees and hears everything and allows me to see and hear most things." said Herald. "Now i would suggest you go and assist your friend."

"and what about Lucas?" asked Beelzemon.

"Fuck him!" giggled Impmon inside his head.

"I guarentee with all of my heart that he will be safe. the same guarentee does not extend to Ulforce unless you leave right now." said Herald. "Or would you rather blow my head off and possibly lose them both."


"You see this?" asked Dirk "This is why you aren't allowed full control." Impmon simply stuck his tongue out and pulled down on his eyelid.

"Fine, you win. But..." he sighed "I want to help fight Imperieldramon."

"You'll be killed almost instantly if you try it." said Herald. Beelzemon flapped his wings and flew into the air.

=Inside Alphamon EM's mind=

"If this is the pair that moron gave me to, we're all doomed." whispered a ghostly voice. "Could be worse... i could still be with him..."

my country, a fine country, a country that i would give my life to protect.

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2 Weeks Ago #969
vincanity0011210 is online now
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Shinegreymon chuckled at both AncientWisemon’s question and AncientMermaimon’s jab. “Huh, funny Anceints. Who knew?” he said quietly to himself before having his eyes dart back and forth between the two, deciding who to respond to first. AncientWisemon spoke fires so it only seemed polite to respond to him first as well.

“Actually, since you guys seem to have a handle on the “amping up power levels” thing, at least according to these Fire Spirits, think you could spare a couple more for a poor, poor renegade knight down on his luck?” the Red Knight asked, puppy-dog eyed. He had no expectation that this would work for AncientWisemon, who seemed more annoyed by his presence then entertained, but hopefully AncientMermaimon was more easily amused by his whimsical nature.

“It would really make cracking those skulls much easier, too.” He commented, smiling goofily at the Water digimon.


Cherubimon gave the little girl a smile before jumping through the teleporter, coming out instantly in front of Shakamon, in the same position the gigantic golden statue was a few hours ago. Holding the girl up to get a better look, the angel talked to her. “This is my lord Shakamon Ari. He’s a very good ‘mon. My lord! I bring you the book you requested!”

“Hello Ari. And Thank you Cherubimon. You may throw it away now.” Shakamon said, not moving a centermeter. Cherubimon stumbled over his next words, dropping the book as he mumbled. “I… throw? It, uh, it… why?” Cherubimon asked, confused and becoming slightly worn down after the entire ordeal. “I thought we needed this book!”

“Yes… we don’t anymore.”Shakamon declared in an amused tone. Cherubimon’s stood agape for a second before a sad face came over him and he threw the book over his shoulder.


From behind Cherubimon a voice was heard growling in pain, almost beastly. “You could at least watch where you throw your book on this retarded cloud island.” Spoke a silhouetted voice, body blinded by the sunlight. “Wow, digimon are kidnapping children now? I didn’t know the worlds’ great defenders were sinking so low.” Continued the quips. The silhouette began to approach but was quickly restrained by another, more mechanically-voiced non-digimon.

“You may not harm one of the Essentials. This is not allowed.” The Purger said, forcing the male it was restraining to his knees. This rough treatment elicited another growl from the man.

“You know, I wouldn’t keep fucking with m-”

“Hey! There are children present!” Cherubimon yelled at the man with shaggy blond hair, electric blue eyes, and a familiar face.


After seeing the transmorphication of the Superspecialawesome deluxe digimon that was raping Imperialdramon, UlforceVeedramon stopped his strafing and came to a rest near the new digimon. “huh, thank god he ignored me during that fight or Impy would have probably swatted us like a bug…” turning his head to the side, he just blinked at the new form. “So… what do I call this form? Are you Optimal Optimus or just Optimus Primal still?” UlforceVeedramon quipped, actually using Veemon’s oddly extensive knowledge of television that he was taught.

Without waiting for a response, and knowing he would be getting one no matter what, UlforceVeedramon flew straight up into the air to get a better look at where Imperialdramon went. “Hm. Nice swing. Need to work on your aim a bit though. That fly ball would have been caught by the short stop. Next time just go for the grand slam. No reason to hold back in the eight inning.” He said, floating back down to the ground. Then another idea clicked in his head, but he decided to hold onto it for later. Pointing a finger at Prime, he snapped the finger in a manner similar to a man trying to get back a memory. “Remind me to bring up the Fastball Special in the future, when we’re actually pitching. Could be some good stuff.”


After sharing a small moment with Gallantmon, Rapidmon placed the bird warrior on the ground, leaning against a wall. “Stay here. Stay conscious. I’m going to see if I can find a Digimon with some spare data to patch you up.” Rapidmon explained to the semi-retarded Ravemon. Leaving him be, Rapidmon headed toward the direction that WarCapidramon went wandering down. Finally reaching him Rapidmon drew his armgun for a moment before remembering him from the sixway fight from earlier. “You. You’re part of the Human/Digimon alliance force that came in earlier, correct? Do you have any data to spare? There is a valuable Digimon that is on the fence with being reloaded.” Rapidmon spoke quickly, knowing time was of the essence.


Slayerdramon tilted his head at the Lion’s command, but was forced to obey them. As he watched the Herald walk away from the Orci battle that his minions were fighting Slayerdramon saw an incoming wave of energy from the titanic battle nearby. With a sigh, Slayerdramon weighed his options. He could either take the blast and, using some strategy, probably survive, or duck out of the way and let what happen, happen.

“Heh, well that’s an easy choice. Slayerdramon don’t cower. Shoryu Slash!” said the dragon warrior, letting loose a large wave of energy from his blade, focusing it in a small, straight line. Usually it would travel upwards, but with a simple re-alignment it burst forward, using a steep amount of his power. While the new mega was fresh for battle, the incoming wave was from a level far beyond his own at this point, even weakened. As the two waves met, the smaller wave from Slayerdramon was enveloped into the larger one, but both the power and ferocity that it had was reduced dramatically.

“I hope Digizoid is as good as everyone says.” Slayerdramon said to himself before the energy reached him. It was an terrifying moment, as his armor crackled light an electrical storm, his howls of pain like thunder, before pressure began to give. Slowly, cracks formed around his body, even losing his right horn. The energy wave lasted only a few seconds, but the damage was significant. While standing tall and proud still, Slayerdramon’s body twitched from the energy still coursing through his body and wobbled from the effort it took to move in his ruined armor. As the blast finished Slayerdramon watched Imperialdramon get thrown a long distance, but his attention was grabbed by another large ball of energy coming from a Wargreymon. Turning his head and slowly walking forward, Slayerdramon had his eyes on a new prize: Orci Kappa. “Shoryu Slash!” he called out, trying to drill the Orci in the side while the Terra Destroyer built up in front of him.


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2 Weeks Ago #970
tobiax is offline
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War Capidramon softly walked down the hall, running his hand over the molding to keep himself stable. As he heard metallic footsteps approaching, he paused, his ears standing at attention to catch every sound, swiveling slightly to catch the sound. There was the slight sound of metal and fabric brushing against each other, then the distinct click of a gun being armed. Slowly, the injured gladiator turned, but saw no one. It was only when he shifted his gaze down that he saw the one who approached him. The Golden Armored Dog Knight then began to explain how another Digimon was in need. He sighed softly, drawing his sword. He made sure to do so slowly, and instead of grabbing the hilt, he grasped the cracked blade, holding it out to Rapidmon.
"This blade... it's useless to me now," he informed.
His train of thought was interrupted by his side giving out, requiring him to clutch at the wall once again, leaning heavily.
"But... the data should still be good," he added, "Use it well, and don't die on me."
Just then, in the back of his mind, War Capidramon could feel an enormous pressure begin to shift and weigh upon him. The power which caused it was strange, and not like the kind he usually noticed. It was hard, but lacked the roughness that a power of that size usually had. It was like it was cold, smooth, and nigh impenetrable.

Last edited by tobiax; 2 Weeks Ago at 04:41 PM.

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2 Weeks Ago #971
Oblivion Ascent
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"I hope I'm not interrupting anything... But wouldn't it be a better idea to get healed up inside the library instead of sitting outside of it like half-broken practice targets?"

From behind the group of Digimon gathered by the Library's entrance, there was a flash of light as the figure of Seraphimon emerged, returning outside from inside the library to check on the new arrivals that he had sensed.

"Think it might be a good idea? At all?"

Whilst the Angel had his rougher edges, he was willing to acquiesce to the situation and cut the crap for the time being, with the task demanded of him right now with his medical duties. The Shoutmon Brothers, now entrenched in the battlefields fighting one of the remaining Lesser Orci to distract it, had bought back a large amount of troop from either side, who were now being treated by himself and Valdurmon. Now that most of them were in stable conditions, he had decided to let the Wind Spirit take over so that he could see to the above ground and those up there.
__________________________________________________ ______________

"Not an unreasonable request, considering," AncientWisemon replied to ShineGreymon, the Dragon Knight's comment about the Fire Users tickling a nerve of his as he let out a rare chuckle, turning to AncientMermaidmon as he did so.

"My apologies, AncientMermaidmon, but could you make do and relinquish the Spirits of Water? It might be within reason to grant the Knight their use for the time being."

Whilst AncientWisemon wasn't a particularly moral being, and not one to adhere to the concept of fairness, he was capable of seeing that, as with MirageGaogamon, ShineGreymon had the potential to make good use of the Spirits. Perhaps not quite as much as that one prodigy Digimon had exhibited all those myriad years ago, but a reasonable amount nonetheless, or so it would seem.
__________________________________________________ ______________
Orci Kappa

"So, I'm a bastard?" Orci Kappa asked BlackWarGreymon, as the Dragon Man's foolish move bought him within grabbing range of the abomination, a thick, armored hand snatching him up and crushing his arms into his side, rendering him helpless as he put himself at the worst of all disadvantages, "You're looking at this far, far too simply..."

Having taken a few good slashes from BlackWarGreymon, the White Orci had a slight twinge of pain to accompany his voice as he spoke, but his success in grabbing him up prevented him from launching a Terra Destroyer, and so he was little the worse for wear as his wounds began to sizzle and heal.

"I'm fighting to survive here, same as you, if you hadn't noticed. I wasn't given the choice whether or not to take part, and I'm likely a far cry from what you're associating me with. I haven't even stood on this earth for an hour yet, and yet I'm qualifying as a bastard for defending myself?"

Grimacing as he felt BlackWarGreymon begin to struggle in his grip, the abomination just clenched his fist even tighter, moving his thumb to below BlackWarGreymon's head in order to apply force upwards to it, in an attempt to re-enact the main gimmick of a popular candy dispenser.

"You, on the other hand... If what my father's memories are telling me is correct, than you're in line with the Ancients, who are supposedly working directly beneath the Sovereigns. You know, the Sovereigns? Five Super-Powerful beings that could have ended this entire conflict in a second with little effort? If you want to look at it that way, I'm just a product of you and your kind's refusal to do their duty and decision to rely on 'lesser creatures'... This could have been over long ago if you and your kind had seen to it, and yet nothing? You're just content to let things play out and let others do the work for you as you take the credit for it? How hollow and callous. Perhaps it's not me who's the bastard, you pathetic little puppet."

In that second, had it not been for the sensation of something drilling into his leg, Orci Kappa would have just continued to crush BlackWarGreymon like a bunch of metallic, reptillian grapes, but as he did feel that sensation, he diverted for a moment to turn his attentions to Slayerdramon.

"Little pest," The white abomination said to himself with a shake of his head, resuming his crushing and attempted head-popping of BlackWarGreymon as he detonated the ground around Slayerdramon and followed it up with a punt to send him a distance away.
__________________________________________________ _____________

"Not a problem," Baihumon replied to Zhuqiaomon pointing out that he was now partially indebted to him as the Sovereign of the South nonetheless complied and went to disengage from combat, "Just another in a long chain of debts one of us owes to the other. I've honestly lost count of them all."

And with that, the White Tiger left the castle ramparts, leaping down in a fluid motion as he lead the Vermillion Phoenix away alongside him.
__________________________________________________ ______________

As it was, Parasimon had little a reaction to offer once BanchoLeomon came to impede him once more.

MirageGaogamon had eluded him with the speed boost from his new set of Spirits, and the battlefield's population was quickly dwindling due to both the rampages of the Orci and the rescue efforts of the Shoutmon Brothers. The only Digimon upon the field now were those nearby the library, and Parasimon felt inclined to leave them be for some reason he couldn't quite put his finger on. Perhaps it was that none of them had done anything to wrong him in the past besides defend themselves, but perhaps not. Even he didn't know.

So, in all honesty, the arrival of BanchoLeomon once more only served to give him something to do. Really, he was just killing time until the inevitable. Imperialdramon was unlikely to see the end of the battle now that Parasimon sensed something that would make a Sovereign shit a brick starting to have it's way with him, and all the Mirror Of Corruption had to do was live to see the end. Not difficult, considering his track record, but he just had a pest or two to deal with until then.

"Let's not waste any time, then," The gigantic insect growled towards BanchoLeomon, arming his shield to its maximum potential as he readied his attacks, "Enough words have passed between us. Let your power do the talking."

And with that, Parasimon launched the final battle with BanchoLeomon with a rapid-fire lance slash, followed up by a sizeable blast of red energy from his secondary set of arms.

Last edited by Oblivion Ascent; 2 Weeks Ago at 05:20 PM.

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2 Weeks Ago #972
vincanity0011210 is online now
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When given the blade, Rapidmon gave WarCapidramon a nod of thanks. “If you need any assistance, give me a call. Uh… I’m Rapidmon by the way.” He said before running off down the hallway, reconfiguring the usable data as he went. When he finally came back to Ravemon, his hand…. Fist… thing…. Was glowing, encircled with data fragments. They emitted different glows, mainly green, brown and yellow, but also a few black fragments as well. Finding the easiest wound to access, all the data from Warcapidramon’s blade and what little Rapidmon could spare went into the humanoid bird and began closing some of the wounds. “Thank Shakamon…”

Shinegreymon raised an eyebrow (if he had one) at AncientWisemon’s comment. "Hm?"He always tried to keep high spirits, but the red knight assumed the Ancients would be keeping out of this fight, including handing out powers. It explained the power burst he felt that seemed similar to MirageGaogomon, who obviously received his own. Until he got a straight answer, however, he would just stare at the Mermaid digimon, savoring the view before he went off to fight.

Slayerdramon prepared for the attack. His strength was brought down very quickly by the large wave attack from Imperialdramon. This one didn’t feel much better. The detonation around him seared his white armor and burnt his skin. Using his blade Slayerdramon tried to protect himself with its extra defense, but it did little additional help. After the attack, his vision was in multiple views, but still alive. Dropping to one knee, he held that position as Kappa’s attack on the Wargreymon continued. Hopefully he would have straight sight and the ability to move in another minute, so he could try and help his fellow Megas against the beast. "F-fuckin'... clones..."


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2 Weeks Ago #973
Mattmanganon is online now
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BlackWarGreymon started to laugh as the hand around his throat choked him "That word... Father... I'm Sorry, you are not a Bastard... That would imply... that you were meant to exist..." he drew a Terra Destroyer in his hands that exploded almost immediately, blowing it's hand straight open and dropping him to the floor. he landed next to WarGreymon. "You... can fight all you want... you can say what... you want... But we will never stop. you don't deserve to exist, because you were never meant to exist... " Said BlackWarGreymon

We are the ones... Who have the right TO FIGHT TO SURVIVE!!!" yelled WarGreymon

"AND THE RIGHT TO LIVE WITH HUMANS!!!" replied BlackWarGreymon.

"AND LO! THE HEAVENS HAVE RENDERED THEIR VERDICT!!!" yelled a voice. standing at the edge of the small battlefield was Herald. he pointed his Boken at the Parasite "THE HEAVENS DECLAIRE THAT YOU BE DESTROYED BY THE GREAT EXECUTIONER." he threw his Boken into the ground and twirled his coat around before hanging it on the Bokens handle. he ran and jumped high into the air and pulled a Digivice from his back pocket "BY THE WILL OF THE ANCIENTS! BY THE POWER OF THE SOVEREIGNS! THOU ART ORDERED TO BECOME ONE!!! THE FIRES OF COURAGE AND THE BLACK PITS OF DESPAIR BECOME THE BEING TO DELIVER ALL PUNISHMENT!!!" a beam shot out of the Digivice and hit the WarGreymons. "WARGREYMON!!!" WarGreymons eyes opened and his body disappeared into a beam of light before escaping into the helmet. "BLACKWARGREYMON!!!" BlackWarGreymon did the same. the two helmets raised off of the ground. Herald landed in front of the Helmets and continued to point his digivice at the helmets

"WITH THE BLADE OF COURAGE, HE SHALL PROTECT THE INNOCENT!!!" continued Herald an arm grew out of the neck of WarGreymons helmet "AND WITH THE BLADE OF DESPAIR, HE SHALL VANQUISH THE WICKED!!!" An arm grew out of BlackWarGremons Helmet. the pair floated into the air "ARISE! HE WHO IS CREATED BY THE HOPES OF THE INNOCENT!!!" A bright light formed between the two.

WarGreymon and BlackWarGreymon stood in a completely white place. staring at each other. "Ok... Why are we here?" asked WarGreymon. "Are we dead?" he then cocked his head to one side "Are you my conscience?" BlackWarGreymon replied with simply an annoyed look.

"You are here because you are need." said a voice, it was warm and soothing "You are here to fulfill the hopes of the innocent." said the voice. several ghostly white figures began floating around them. they were mostly Digimon Ghosts, but their were a few Human spirits as well. there seemed to be hundreds of voices filling the air. "These are the hopes of all of those around you." said the voice.

"So... You ready to do this?" asked BlackWarGreymon.

"Of course. why do you think it chose us? we were supposed to do this." said WarGreymon.

"Alright." replied BlackWarGreymon.

"Then allow your minds to become one with the voices."

back in reality the light between the two began forming into a large body. the light exploded, revealing the large body. "The gods have spoken." rumbled a deep voice. "and they have judged ye... guilty. NOW FACE THEY PUNISHMENT FROM THE GREAT EXECUTIONER, BLADRAMON!!!" he roared. he extended the arm with the BlackWarGreymon head and a large sword shot from its the mouth. with lightning fast speed, he appeared in front of the Parasite with the sword pointed to its throat. "Any last words, Abomination?"

Last edited by Mattmanganon; 2 Weeks Ago at 03:03 PM.

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2 Weeks Ago #974
Oblivion Ascent
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At this point, Kappa just started laughing.

Oh, this was just beautiful. The old 'World Of Cardboard Speech' never got old. Long past the time where it was considered badass, but still funny as hell for how people could just get stuck right into one.
This was certainly no exception. Kappa hadn't even been on this earth for an hour yet, and he just couldn't repress a slight snigger as the anted-up battle truly began at last.

"Yeah, I have a few," He started, as he used Bladramon's incredible arrogance to smack the blade away from his throat with the blunt end of his lance, before leaping forwards and jamming the blade into the Fusion's shoulders.

"Quite a few, actually, seeing as I'm not going to be speaking my last for a good while now," The White Orci hissed in psychotic glee, his tail wrapping round to grip his lance and keep driving it into Bladramon's shoulder as each of his taloned arms shot out to the sides to hold it's arms in place, using the fact that both of them were inhibited in combat this close-quarters to keep it from countering. The lance could only go a certain distance in, but it was enough to push this test of might in the Orci's favor, for now at least.

"First off, I don't have the right to exist? Is that not what the Knights have said to you and your kind, little puppets? Are you no greater than them in judging who has the right to exist or not?"

Energy coursing through his body as he scanned the ground around him for the charge he had put into it earlier, Kappa smirked as he realized that he was quite near an abundance of it, enough to do whatever it would take to put this insolent creature into his place.

"Second off," Kappa continued, his eyes becoming feral and psychotic as he used the power within his body to push Bladramon towards the cluster of energies, a few portions of it here and there along the way sparking up into life in order to keep the Fusion on his feet, "Believe it or not, the fact that I'm right here, fighting you right now proves that I was meant to exist. Nothing happens in this world without a reason, fool, and everything has it's purpose. That's not to say that I actually know what mine is yet, but I'm working on that. Whatever it is, I'm fairly certain it can't be much worse than yours- Science Projects for the most arrogant creatures in this world. If I was never meant to exist, than you're just disposable trash, to be set aflame and cast to the wind once your purpose is done."

The energies behind Bladramon building up and glowing a murderous red, there was a horrific sound of metal being scraped across metal as Kappa tugged the lance out of the Fusion's shoulder with little compunction, before raising a foot to kick him backwards into the now-ready to erupt cauldron of seething destructive energy.

"Now, thirdly and finally... Nothing happens without a reason, but that's not to say that we can't just carve out our own fates. Even if it was that I have no right to exist in this world, nothing's to say that I can't earn that right, one way or another. Despicable creatures such as yourselves can, so why should a despicable creature such as myself not be able to? To say that you can defeat me flat-out just because of how you believe in yourself is idealistic to a fault at best, and downright arrogant otherwise. Don't buy into your own hype, and keep in mind that me and my Father..."

And with a vicious pause, the Orci kicked Bladramon backwards into a newly-erupting inferno of earth, fire and rock as he readied his lance, extending it at both ends to block either of the Fusion's two sword arms.

"Aren't going to die so easily, Puppets..." The Orci hissed, his voice lowering into a hellish whisper as he awaited a reaction.

The critical moment was at hand. His life was on the line, and Kappa had no desire to surrender himself to the abyss of death.

Last edited by Oblivion Ascent; 2 Weeks Ago at 03:29 PM.

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2 Weeks Ago #975
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at no point in the barrage of attacks did Bladramon ever make any motion to insinuate pain was being inflicted. "I care not for the qualms of the two that created me." said a voice from behind the Parasite. "I do not even care if ye were meant to exist or not." the voice was now on his left side. "Or thy ideals of meaning and destiny." the last voice came from high above. "My only care is that the verdict hast rendered ye Guilty."

"Wow, I really missed watching this guy work. takes a Lance to the shoulder and he shrugs it off. I sometimes think he's just too busy to notice pain." Herald called to Slayerdramon. Bladramon pointed his Blade of Despair at the creature.

"Crimson Shackles!" it said as a series of black-energy shots flew towards it's ankles and wrists. Bladramon then flung his other arm out and the other blade extended. he pointed that at the creature as well "Cell of Light!" a trio of Energy rings in the shape of the Courage Symbol wrapped around its legs, arms and neck "Fear not, for the pain will last, but an instant." his Swords began to glow, a Black lightning began to surge around his Blade of Despair and his Blade of Courage burst into flames. "Ye stood trial for: Crimes against the Gods, Crimes against Nature, Conspiricy to overthrow the gods, Treason... and the murder of countless beings. the Trial rendered ye, GUILTY!!! and for that... the punishment, is Death." he slashed a large crucifix in the air in front of him with his Sword of Courage and then drew a large black ring around it with his Sword of Despair. "And may the gods have mercy upon thy soul." he said. the Crucifix then sped towards the creature.

Last edited by Mattmanganon; 2 Weeks Ago at 05:13 PM.

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2 Weeks Ago #976
Oblivion Ascent
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"Whatever you say, Puppet," Kappa said with a smirk to Bladramon as he seemed to disregard the damage done to him in order to launch his own attack- The attempted binding.

Whilst he was unable to protect himself from the bindings at first, Kappa soon proved this to be irrelevant as Hazard energies burst out from within his body, working against and nullifying the rings in an instant as he was left to face the Crucifix heading straight for him.

"So, you're really getting into this whole 'executioner of the gods' thing, aren't you?" The white Orci began with another smirk as he took a running jump over the energy burst, using his lance as a pole in order to vault over it and straight towards Bladramon, a stream of energy shots bursting out to smash into him as the white abomination slammed down into the ground with an almighty crash, sending debris flying up into the air from the impact, "Let's see how long this can last..."

Whilst the crucifix had been easy enough to avoid due to it's impracticality as an attack, Kappa knew full well that it was going to be a different story when it came to close physical combat, due to the swords that the Executioner Digimon carried. He had plenty of data and his own skills and setup to be working off of now, so it was entirely up to him to pull through with them now.

"And a word of advice? Cut the fancy bullshit and get on with it. All your posturing is going to amount to nothing if you don't start walking the walk..."

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2 Weeks Ago #977
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AncientMermaimon knew well how strange AncientWisemon's line of thoughts was, but she knew that, with his pragmatic personality, came a tactical and strategic mind that wasn't hold down by morals. As such, she was inclined to trust his judgement and advice despite clashing with him at times. That, and she thought ShineGreymon's puppy-eyes were both cute and amusingly laughable.

"I don't see why I shouldn't. You seem to have a sound head on your shoulders." With a laid-back shrug, AncientMermaimon's body slowly glimmered and began to disintegrate, but before she disappeared, she slithered up towards ShineGreymon and landed a naughty peck on his armored cheek.

"You're not bad, for a Fire guy anyway. Might want to work on your lady skills though."

Leaving behind the amused whisper, the Ancient Warrior of Water regressed back into an unconscious Ranamon. Two aquamarine orbs floated beside her before hovering in front of ShineGreymon, revealing the Spirits of Water he sought after.

Alphamon EM & Dorumon

"If this is the pair that moron gave me to, we're all doomed. Could be worse... I could still be with him..."

"Oh? Did you hear that? I think we have a visitor~!"

"Waitaminute! Is that even a good thing?!"

"Hmm... You have a point. He came in without knocking the door! That's just plain rude, y'know."

"THAT'S NOT THE POINT!! AARGH!! What's wrong with you?!"

"Hi there! Name and ID, please? This is a 18 and above only consciousness sphere. For today's special, we have insanity soup, roasted chaos and eight foot piles of cocaine. Do you have a reservation?"

"... I give up."


Gallantmon laid back against the wall and glanced at Ravemon. Seeing the dispersing data around his... whatever it was seemed to make him worry, but a swift glimpse of a few black data fragments sent a knotting sensation in his gut.

"What is this dreadful uneasiness I feel within?" Gallantmon thought, but put the ominous feelings aside as Rapidmon came to his rescue and promptly patched the injured Mega Digimon.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything... But wouldn't it be a better idea to get healed up inside the library instead of sitting outside of it like half-broken practice targets?"

"What?" Gallantmon flatly uttered as he turned to see Seraphimon. Eyes wide with disbelief, he was very close to simply wishing to Degenerate back into a Gigimon and huddle away in the corner. Fate was not being kind to his sanity. Not only was he witnessing a civil war gone worse, thanks to Imperialdramon, he's also seeing a Soverign and, now, one of the higher angels.

"... By this point, I have to deny any logic that I could think of... If you're real and not me just hallucinating, then that idea would be an excellent one indeed, but please help them first." The Armored Duke looked at Rapidmon and Ravemon, then struggled up to his feet with the help of his lance. "We need to move further into the library. Can you get him up...?" He asked Rapidmon.

Last edited by Vocalia; 2 Weeks Ago at 05:51 PM.

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2 Weeks Ago #978
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WarCapidramon shook his head, hearing an echoing voice. Were it not for the fact that there were several Digimon about the place, one of which he could feel was right above him, he would have looked about nervously. However, he heard Gallantmon respond, then the sound of wings and metal. He looked up, still not having turned around from his conversation with Rapidmon, to see a figure with glowing, golden wings and shining blue armor.
"Lord Seraphimon?" he began, utterly surprised at his appearance.
The Spartan Rodent attempted to take a step forward, but only fell. He stopped himself with his hands, but that only lasted for a moment. Soon, they gave out as well, and he was on the floor. It occurred to him now that his injuries from the fight with Parasimon Mordred had been more grave than he had thought, especially after the attack against Imperialdramon Paladin Mode had failed.

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2 Weeks Ago #979
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Bladramon looked at the creature, it may have broken out of his Cell of Light, but the Crimson Shackles would at least hamper its movement. he flexed his wounded arm and then his other one "It has been too long since i exercised purely... Physical force." he rumbled. in a flash he was in front of the parasite. with a Blade pointed at his throat. "But that will not bode well for you." he said "For your pain will be prolonged." in another blink, he was behind the parasite with both swords at the back of his neck in a scizzor-like position. "My Speed is unmatched by anything." in another flash he was at the side of it. "you should have let my first attack kill you. as it is not a matter of if you can hod out." in another blink he was at the parasites other side "Or even running." in the final flash, he was back to his first position, the blade at Parasimons throat. "But how much pain you suffer before the end. and you have ensured that answer to be, Unimaginable." he said.

"Wow, this guy has no idea how many different shades of boned he is does he Master?" asked Flamedramon.

"No-one does, anyone looking at Bladramon simply see him as Omnimon with an extra sword. but most of those people die before they get the chance to learn how wrong they are." replied Herald.

"And if it attacks us?" asked Flamedramon.

"Please Flamedramon, Do you think he has more power than the Sovereigns?"

"Of course not-"

"Then we are perfectly safe... now go and inform Lord Zhuqiaomon of the arrival of the Executioner. he will probably be most interested. you know how much he enjoys watching lesser creatures getting horribly tormented before their destruction."

"Yes sir." said Flamedramon before bowing to Herald. he then jumped away.

Bladramon rose up a few feet before jabbing with his Blade of Despair with such ferocity that his blade was almost invisible.

Last edited by Mattmanganon; 2 Weeks Ago at 08:40 PM.

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2 Weeks Ago #980
Oblivion Ascent
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Hand gripping his lance in anticipation as Bladramon began to show and mouth off, Kappa took in what he was saying, taking note of this Digimon's particularly inflated ego as he erected a boast on top of another boast.
With each display of speed that it made, Kappa internally sighed, wondering when the hell this guy was going to dispense with the theatrics and get the fuck on with it. He was wasting time, time in which Kappa was building up a profile of him to work off of for his efforts.
In any case, the bastard finally put a lid on it as he took to the air and dived towards the Orci, and as he did so, said abomination's instincts kicked in, and an incredible sound rung out through the air, of both metal clashing and the sound of air being cut.

"I'm beginning to think you like the sound of your own voice much more than you reasonably should," Kappa deadpanned to Bladramon as he span his lance at speeds equalling the descent of Bladramon's sword in order to block it, the force of the impact driving him backwards across the earth nonetheless as he held his ground.

Whilst Bladramon was indeed powerful and fast, he was underestimating his opposition. Kappa, along with his brothers Sigma and Primus, had been specially designed above the other Orci to stand their ground against Digimon more powerful than Bladramon, and with the rough par in power that the two reached, it was unlikely to be a straightforward battle.
What Kappa lacked in speed compared to Bladramon, he made up with his regenerative facilities and enhanced reflexes. What Bladramon had in pure brute strength over Kappa, the Orci had utility and dexterity.

"And I see you're still refusing to take me as a serious threat?" The Orci continued, forcing his way forwards as he locked his lance against Bladramon's sword, "A shame. It's a mistake that's going to cost you."
__________________________________________________ ____

Watching Gallantmon with vague interest as he seemingly shat a brick at the sight of himself, Seraphimon tilted his visored head, before taking a step forwards.

"If you insist," The Great Angel said with a shrug, snapping his fingers as he depleted more of his replenished energy to restore the congregation of various Digimon before him with a convenient Giga Heal.

"Can't promise anything if he's wounded like this," Seraphimon began towards Gallantmon and Rapidmon as he helped the latter carry the unnaturally wounded (As far as Seraphimon could see) Ravemon towards the library, "But this should tide him over until he can see a specialist. My healing's potent, but too general for a situation such as this,"

And as he began to carry the Bird Man Mega over towards the library entrance, Seraphimon caught a disbelief-tinted voice chip into the conversation.

"None other," Seraphimon replied with disturbing casualness to WarCapidramon as the rodent mega stared at him in disbelief, as he walked around non-chalantly, not caring for the confusion the presence of an Angel such as himself was causing.
__________________________________________________ _______________

Eyes widening a little as Cherubimon's jump through the teleporter changed her scenery from a library to a land of clouds in under a second with a flash of light, Ari blinked and shook her head out of partial shock, before opening her eyes again in response to Cherubimon's voice chiming in once again.

“This is my lord Shakamon, Ari." The Great Angel said to her, as he displayed the form of the Digital Buddha before her.

"Hello, Ari," Said Buddha said to her, acting entirely friendly as he greeted the young human.

"Um... Hi?" Ari replied to Shakamon as she, for once in her life, was totally non-plussed by what she was seeing.

A old man who'd been out in the sun too long... Sitting on top of the sun?

"Doesn't that hurt?" The little girl asked Shakamon as she pointed to the burning ball of flame and gas beneath him as she did her best to ignore the squabbling between the Purger and the other non-Digimon over to the side, being used to this kind of fighting due to the bitch-fits that her older brothers would engage themselves in from time to time.

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• 2 Weeks Ago #981

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Bladramon never broke his poker face once, but he knew that he wasn't underestimating his opponent, because he never underestimated his opponents, he never allowed his opponents know what he was thinking. his opponent assumed he was underestimating, forcing his opponent to overestimate himself. he took his other sword and made an upwards slash to force the Lance out of the way and whilst his Sword of Courage had the lance forced up, the Sword of Dispair began to glow with a Black radience, he swung the sword at his opponents chest to cleave him in two.

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• 1 Week Ago #982

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Shinegreymon stared at the orbs as she began to disintergrate into them. The kiss afterwards threw him for another loop as well, freezing him into place for a moment, listening to her final words. As the orbs finished forming and Ranamon appeared Shinegreymon slide forward on one knee, under the two Spirits of Water, to catch her. She was small and light, making it an easy take. Staring at the Digimon he held now for a minute he looked over to AncientWisemon. “… I just got kissed by an Ancient!” he cheered to himself. With his free left hand he held it horizontally and drew it across, like a line of finality. “Favorite. War. Ever.” Shinegreymon said, then looked down at the small Digimon. With great care he laid her down next to AncientWisemon. “You may want to take care of her.” He suggested before turning towards the glowing orbs of blue. “…Hm… heh heh. This is going to be fun.” He said, grabbing onto each with one hand, causing them both to ignite with a blue light, shrouding his body completely.

Rapidmon, finding WarCapidramon nearby almost collapsed, decided to help the man that helped him. Going under his arm Rapidmon tried to put more of the digimon’s weight on his own. “Here, you could use some assistance until Seraphimon has more time to help you. True warriors don’t belong on the ground.”

At the same moment, a loud screech came from Ravemon’s mouth, nearly deafening anyone near him. "DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEX!"Eyes were closed and his body barely moved more than a vibration, but his mouth was gapping open and released a horrid sound. This continued for about twenty seconds before his body convulsed and went still. Still alive and breathing, the bird man looked as though he was just taking a nap after a long day.

“Hahahaha, no child. It is actually quite comfortable for me… If you’d like you can try out one of your own. ” he said, one of this floating digicores coming to rest in front of Ari. Dropping the man it was holding, the Purger walked forward with an old and beaten digivice. The man behind finally stood up after being dropped and charged at the Purger. “Hey, give me back my digivice! You stupid program!” He shouted, hair going from blond to a glowing silver as he went to punch through the Purger, but was socked in the gut by the molten fist and fell to his knees again in front of Cherubimon. Passing by the man on the ground the Purger held up a hand in front of Ari right next to the Digicore. “Ari, please allow me to borrow your digivice. I will return it to you in just a moment.” The Purger requested, waiting patiently as he was told to for children. Next to them, two small glowing slivers came from the digicore, almost too thin to see. One shimmered gold, the other silver.

Slayerdramon, knocked back again and in worse shape than before, growled to himself. “Mega only for ten minutes and it’s already too much…” Getting to his feet once more he walked over to where the Herald was, as his own power level was too low to directly join the fight. He was able to hear the conversation he had with his relative, but was confused. “So… which sovereign do you assume you embody? Because that is a large claim for someone whose power level is… not very accurate for a Sovereign.” He asked, taking a knee to be more level with the masked man.


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• 1 Week Ago #983
Oblivion Ascent

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Orci Kappa

With his lance held up by the Sword Of Courage, it seemed as if the charged Blade Of Despair would reap a hefty toll onto Orci Kappa as it was swung at his waist, and as a clang of metal rung out across the battlefield, it seemed as if just that had happened-

"Clever little bastard. Seems as if all that mouthing off isn't so hollow as it appeared..."

Only for it to be revealed that it had not.
Perpetually on guard, and driven by instinct, Orci Kappa had blocked the potentially-lethal attack by moving one of his massive Digizoid wings in to act as a shield/buffer against it, with the sword being deeply embedded in the structure, but leaving his main body unmolested and intact.

"But enough of that. Let's get on with it," The White Abomination growled, using the stalemate currently at hand to raise a foot and deliver a kick to Bladramon's stomach, forcing the two apart and away from each-other as the Abomination regained his composure, his wing hissing with the vicious wound and dark energies etched into it.
__________________________________________________ _______________

"You think?" AncientWisemon replied to ShineGreymon as he said that he should take care of Ranamon, as a sphere of light moved down and out of his body to pick the Fairy Digimon up and take her to the pocket dimension he had control over, to keep her safe and sound with Wisemon until later.

"In any case, would you appreciate a spacial shift to the battlefield once more?" The Spirit of Steel began, turning back to ShineGreymon as Ranamon was taken to Wisemon's book and the world within it, "From what I've forseen, things are going to heat up soon. No pun intended, of course."
__________________________________________________ _______________
New Guy

"Take what he says with a pinch of salt," A voice replied to Slayerdramon in place of the Herald as said Dragon questioned the validity of said Humanoid's claims, "It's unlikely that a body like his would be able to handle the sheer power of a Sovereign..."

From seemingly out of nowhere, a tall Digimon in a black suit of body-armor and what appeared to be a metal turban appeared next to the Herald and Slayerdramon, an incredible amount of energy flowing out of his body into the immediate surroundings of a meter or so.
At his feet, the ground bubbled and hissed with a slight molten fury, and small fissures filled back in, perhaps answering the question of where he had come from, and further up, a scarf billowed in the wind, fluttering from both the natural breeze and the drafts of air to the side caused by the battle between Orci Kappa and Bladramon.

"But I've said enough," PileVolcamon, host of AncientVolcamon began, seemingly to no-one in particular, "That isn't important right now."

Turning to the masked man that served the same master as him, the Mega crossed his arms in his trademark arm fold, withdrawing his current of power so that it stayed within his body and did not escape into the surroundings as it was wont to with it's magnitude.

"Mind telling us what's going on, Herald? Because it looks like we missed a hell of a lot whilst we were off on business."
__________________________________________________ __________

"Ah... Okay," Ari replied to Shakamon, still staring at him in interest as he sat atop the burning ball of flame, light and gas that looked as if it could fry any human within a nanosecond if they were close enough.
Whatever the case, Ari guessed by the fact that Shakamon's butt wasn't smelling like her mother's attempts at cooking that he wasn't in any sort of pain from the star-like construct he was sitting atop of, and that she was safe from it because of that.

So, as the Digicore floated up to her and Shakamon asked her to hand over her Digivice for a second, Ari paused.
Since Seraphimon trusted Cherubimon enough to hand her over to him for the time being, and Cherubimon trusted Shakamon enough for him to bring her to the Embodiment Of Tranquility, perhaps she could trust him with her Digivice? She'd been given a reasonable explanation by Seraphimon, Elle and Wizardmon just how important the piece of technology was, so should she just hand it over...?

"Promise to give it back?" The girl asked Shakamon, reaching into her pocket to take it out in preparation of his answer.

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The Human Instrumentality Committee: An Evangelion Fan Group
RP Guild: Now on Facebook!
My Crappy Drawings. View at your own risk...
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Being Meduka Is Suffering...
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• 1 Week Ago #984

Lockon Look-a-like
Join Date
Nov 2010
orbiting the earth inside my gundam with my sights trained on you
Herald stared at Slayerdramon. "Well for the moment, my masters name will remain undisclosed." he then heard a loud clang, he quickly jumped up on Slayerdramons back to get a better view. it was then, in a flash and gust, the strange Knight creature appeared, Herald recognized the creature immediately. "What ho my lord" he said "Well, basically the defecation has met the oscillation and the Sovereigns have put their plans into action. Step one is well underway. And due to continuing problems with Yggdrasile, the Sovereigns have deemed summoning of the Executioner necessary." the creature had lost a part of its wing and had forced Bladramon back. "You see that?" he said. "Bladramons not even trying, He should start taking this seriously soon." he laughed. "You can just sit back and watch. this will not take long." he said to Slayerdramon.

'this is not good' thought Herald 'Bladramon shouldn't have tried to fight immediately after summoning, its an unfamiliar body and he has been out of the fight for so long. His movements are much more sluggish than i remember. He's not going to be able to keep this up for long.' inside, Herald was slightly worried about this fight, but they had the truth well under wraps. as much as Bladramon was damaged, he would never show any signs of it until the end. 'hopefully this is getting inside of that monsters head by now, especially since he just lost a wing, for all he knows, Bladramon has yet to even begin taking him seriously. If Bladramon can keep up the act and keep dealing the punishment, his opponent should break mentally, before he breaks physically.'

Bladramon floated in mid air and flourished his blades "You have talent, it is a shame that you must die so quickly." said Bladramon. he slashed another Cross in the air before sending it hurtling towards the off-balance parasite dragon. "May the gods have mercy upon thy soul." he said, ready to move in for the kill when it dodged.
Last edited by Mattmanganon; 1 Week Ago at 12:23 PM.

my country, a fine country, a country that i would give my life to protect.

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• 1 Week Ago #985

Forest Lord
Join Date
Jun 2011
The Gladiator Beast took a deep, labored breath. Shifting his weight, he looked to the smaller Mega.
"Thank you," he replied, "You are fellows with Mirage Gaogamon, yes? Send him me regards."
The Beast Mega's gaze then shot upwards. He could still feel the massive power above. Something about it seemed to be calling him almost. Then, his ear twitched.
War Capidramon shook his head.
"What the Devimon?" he exclaimed under his breath.
Then, closing his eyes, he took a deep breath before speaking again.
"I don't think Seraphimon should be taxed,"
"I don't think Seraphimon should be taxed," the voices of Jordan and War Capidramon spoke in unison.
He then shifted his weight slightly, pointing upwards.
"There's something... or someone... out there," he pointed out, "I'd go there myself to see, but as you can tell, I'm not really fit to travel. Any assistance at all would be appreciated."
In a somewhat isolated portion of the castle, the last remaining Knight in reserve was in the position equivalent to leaning his back against a wall. Presently, he was between a pair of windows, seemingly unphased as tremors and explosions rang out behind him. He reached out, lifting a relatively small, cylindrical vessel, taking a sip of the sticky-sweet liquid within. The horse knight shook his head with vigor, the disturbing bitterness of the aftertaste assaulting his mouth.
"Ah," he declared, "Whep, let's see what's going on."
Craning his neck to the side, Sleipmon winced in pain, the injury from the Demon Lord still fresh.
"Cheeky blighter," he murmured.
He then stood, or rather rose to his knees, and pressed his hands to the window sill.
"Well would you look at that," he declared, "Founder's got off his tail and decided to do something," he remarked.
Then, he caught a glimpse of red in his vision. Turning quickly, the transformed horse Knight saw a large, fiery figure in the distance.
"Sovereigns? That's not good. Thought those layabouts did nothing under the name of pacifism..."
The knight then stood, soon lifting another class of Digi-Mead and slamming it down his throat, giving a snort which was almost like discomfort. The Norse Knight then turned back to the window, taking a look at a large blaze of black energy and a flash of blue. As his one good eye focused in on the subject of the attacks, his jaw dropped. For once, the snarky, free shooting Royal Knight of Ice was struck silent. There was a genuine sense of need which now met the Knight's mind, something which Sleipmon had not encountered before in his life, save for rare occasions, and this was rare indeed. Without a word, head hung low, he crossed the room, lifting his hybrid weapons Vanaheimr, he left with an air of solemn oath, the shielded crossbows hanging at his sides, greyed hair floating back as an icy wind blew, the tips of his loaded arrows nearly scraping the floor of the castle.
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• 5 Days Ago #986

Gradma died. Time needed.
Join Date
Oct 2008
in a house
The voice of Shinegreymon’s deeping voice could be heard inside the cocoon of light. “Do it! Send me to where the most help is needed.”

Slayerdramon looked back and forth between the two embodiments. Despite whatever their exact levels were, the White Captain wasn’t in the mood to fuck around with them. Instead, he just listen patiently for any interesting details. “Um… two questions from the new mega.” Slayerdramon said, turning his head to PileVolcamon. “One… who the Dark Area are you? ” he then turned to the Herald. “Two.Yeah… not sure I believe you, no matter what this big rock says. Bladramon doesn’t seem to be doing anything particularly horrible to this… Digimon? Thing? Honestly, I don’t even know what it is, but I assume it isn’t very nice.” Slayerdramon said with a defeated sigh.

Even as Ari asked her question, the small slivers of Digicore went into the two digivices, causing a shockwave of holy energy to reverberate throughout the area. Luckily there were no evil beings to be effected by it, so it felt like a warm wave of air traveling through them all. Shakamon let out a laugh that sounded like the strike of a large gong, echoing and full. “Don’t worry, little one. I wouldn’t take that device from you. It wouldn’t even work for me anyways. More of a humans only gift. Now, Purger, give the girl your own gift if you would?” Shakamon asked.

Having not moved a muscle during the entire process, the Purger threw the digivice back to the man without turning around and held out his pinky to the girl, keeping the rest of his fingers retracted into a fist.

Rapidmon was still staring at Ravemon’s body in confusion before he was shaken by Warcapidramon’s movement. “Uh… um.. oh!” said the Gold Dog, remembering what was just said to him before looking up, then down at his feet. “Well… what did you want me to do about it? I’m more of a runner than flyer….”


My Rps:

Follow me on Tumblr if you wish. I always take questions.
Critiques on my work is always helpful as well.
I'm also looking for comments on any of my work, on any site I'm on. Come and say something.
Vander Photography

I am Neo Envoctjihdn Nsran.
And Paleo...And Leon...Helath...Lasair...Sammael...Nialas...Gweil...Mulkesh...
You may not know me, but you will soon enough.
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• 5 Days Ago #987
Oblivion Ascent

The Magnificent Bastard.
Join Date
Nov 2010
Britain. Land of the Limeys...
Orci Kappa

"What makes you think I'm dying?" Kappa asked Bladramon with a smirk as he took his lack of balance and used it to his advantage, throwing himself to the side, rolling away from the Cross headed for him over the scorched ground, "I don't intend to do any dying for at least a decade or so. Eleven years tops, I'd say."

As it was, attempting to break the abomination psychologically was no mean task. Having been cast from some of the more psychotic and erudite urges of Parasimon's scrambled mind, he was pretty much psychologically broken already. All Bladramon could really do was stamp on the little pieces that were left and grind them into fine power/make him even more psychotic than he already was at present, which couldn't really be that much more. No great change would ensue- Bladramon would just find that his opponent was holding in the fight until he could get a better bearing of him.

"But yeah... I still detect a high amount of pussyfooting about. Get on with it and start living up to your hype, O Great Something of Whateverthefuck," The white abomination crooned, snapping a finger and sending a sizeable explosion of rock and debris to smack Bladramon from the side.
__________________________________________________ _______________

"Friggin' intellectuals," PileVolcamon muttered towards the Herald as he filled him in in the most verbose manner possible, "And that much I can see. I think Tim Burton's going to sue somebody."

Nodding towards the fusion's bladed hands as he finished talking to the Herald, PileVolcamon then turned his attentions to Slayerdramon.

"I'm PileVolcamon, Host of the Strongest Ancient, AncientVolcamon," He first said, before continuing on, [B]"And like I said: Pinch of Salt. These guys have quite the reputation behind them..."
__________________________________________________ _________

"Okay..." Ari replied to Shakamon as he explained stuff to her, just giving a very basic answer as she watched the process in amazement.

The only thing that distracted her from watching her Digivice be given what seemed to be an upgrade was the sound of the Shiny Golden Man who looked like a melting ice-cream making his way over towards her and holding out his pinky finger to her.
Somewhat confused, Ari just turned to stare at him, somewhat non-plussed by the Purger as he pointed his pinky at her.

"You trying to make a promise or something...?" She asked, seemingly very confused by what was going on around her as she reached out her own pinky and wrapped it around his, the tiny appendage hardly even covering the golden mass as the girl tried to reciprocate whatever the hell it was that the Golden Man was trying to do.
__________________________________________________ ____________

"Very well, then," AncientWisemon replied to ShineGreymon as he snapped his fingers, the orb of light fully engulfing him before disappearing along with the Flurry Of Dragon Flames...


And re-appeared above-ground, nearby Baihumon and Zhuqiaomon.
__________________________________________________ ____________

Taking a step backwards as the Orb of light formed before him and released ShineGreymon, Baihumon raised an eyebrow, or equivalent thereof, and began to regard the Knight coldly as his six eyes bored into him.

"Have you any business with me, Knight?" He began, just sounding apathetic as he noted that the Dragon had two sets of Spirits on him- Enough to put him on the level of the Susanoomon that had been in the employ of the Knights.

Shameless Plugging!
The Human Instrumentality Committee: An Evangelion Fan Group
RP Guild: Now on Facebook!
My Crappy Drawings. View at your own risk...
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Being Meduka Is Suffering...
Killroy wuz ere.
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• 5 Days Ago #988

Lockon Look-a-like
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Nov 2010
orbiting the earth inside my gundam with my sights trained on you
Herald looked at PileVolcamon "Well i am telling you all I know, AncientWizetmon has betrayed us, Coventry are at the bottom of the League tables... and the left drivers seat on Locomon doesn't go up and down anymore." he said. he then looked at Slawyerdramon "And you can believe what you want to believe, Bladramon is simply toying with his prey."

Meanwhile, Bladramon cut the shower of rock into neat pebbles that simply pinged off of his armour. "Thou art a pitiful creature." he said "Dost thou not know of fighting with honor? the stronger warrior does not escalate the use of his powers...." in the blink of an eye, Bladramon was in front of the parasite with his sword at the creatures throat. "unless his opponent does so first..." said Bladramon. "You would do well to remember that there are beings with power so vast, you would be unable to comprehend them." in another blink he was back to where he was before. "Now, wouldst thou wish for me to fight without holding back? Or wouldst thou prefer, I should continue giving the illusion that thou art more than simply a knave?"

my country, a fine country, a country that i would give my life to protect.

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• 4 Days Ago #989

Angry Marine
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May 2010

Forming two swords in his hands, BanchoLeomon Ruin Mode just barely managed to parry Parasimon Mordred's lance attacks before the bastard fired an energy beam from his second set of arms. Scowling deeply, the beast dissipated his blades and charged up energy in his hands, firing a wave of dark aura at the red beam with one of his hands. Both attacks collided in midair and locked together, neither able to overpower the other. The energy in BanchoLeomon's other hand was reserved for matching the bastard if he decided to launch a second beam with his primary set of arms.



Taken completely off guard by Alphamon Exalation Mode's transformation into Examon Prime, Imperialdramon left himself open as Ragnarok bit into his side before he was slammed in the face and kicked a distance away. Catching himself with his wings in midair, he stabilized and hovered in the sky, his free hand clutching the open wound in his side.

"Damn it all..." Imperialdramon Paladin Mode snarled, desperately searching for a way out of his predicament. He hadn't expected Alphamon to be able to Slide Digivolve into Examon in her Mode Change, and he'd paid the price for it. With this wound and the Dragon Emperor's reinforcements, even having Omnimon's power added to his wouldn't be enough to see him through.

The Royal Knight fired off several Splendor Blade shockwaves at Examon Prime as he dashed back, hoping to buy time while he came up with a plan. Alphamon and Examon's DNA Digivolution had provided them with the power to match his own merge, and he was out of soldiers to use against them. And then he realized that he did still have one minion left. Down on the battlefield, Parasimon Mordred was still fighting the Leomon variant he'd nearly killed before. A desperate tactic formed in Imperialdramon's mind, but it was the only one available to him.

Diving down, Imperialdramon fired a Splendor Blade at BanchoLeomon Ruin Mode, who dove to the side to dodge, cutting off his beam clash with Parasimon Mordred.

"Parasimon," Imperialdramon boomed, landing next to his last loyal subordinate. "Merge with me. Now."


Orci Sigma

As the final corrupted abomination moved to leave the battlefield, he stopped for just one second to turn back and watch Imperialdramon get punched in the face. Cackling insanely, he turned around once more and prepared to leave, but his brief delay was all that his brother needed to catch up with him...

The Human Instrumentality Committee: An Evangelion Fan Group

Steam name: chinesenascar
Xbox Live Gamertag: CrisisRain
League of Legends IGN: NoOneLovesYou
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• 3 Days Ago #990

Gradma died. Time needed.
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Oct 2008
in a house
(Drac needs to post if shit is going to happen…)

Slayerdramon simpley raised an eyebrow at PileVolcamon. “Hm. Yes…” The dragon knight spent a moment debating some things, even as the Herald talked before looking back to the Earth Spirits.“You know, I think I like you. You remind me of my mentor. Still.” He said, rising to his feet, Slayerdramon drew out his long blade. “There’s a fight to be had. I cannot help here. This opponent is beyond my power. If either you carriers of spirits can provide me with the location of a fair opponent, I would ask you to tell me of it. My duty is to ensure the survival of as many rebellion troops as possible, so this information would help bring myself honor. Please…”


As Ari moved her finger around it’s, The Purger closed his own as well. “You should know, Ari, that I am an embodiment of emotions and action, two things that Shakamon is not allowed to give. This is why he is an inanimate being of such great power. He speaks his actions through me, a program made from pure creators. Through programs, and factors of probability, I can find a lot of knowledge about the future through simple calculations. One I have made is… you will be fairly important, if not detrimental, to the existence of this world.” Pulling his finger back, a small golden band, with the same texture as the Purger, glowed on her finger. “Where most of the Digidestined are old enough to defend themselves, you are not. Your brothers and the others have had enough time to find out how to survive, and without them around, or your Digimon, you would be unsafe. This must be fixed.” The band glowed through small molten cracks that caused no pain to Ari. “With this, if you need my protection or assistance in this world or the other, I can come through a portal to find you. This is a gift to you, so you may help the future.”


“Shinegreymon! Slide Digivolution!” Shouted the glowing Red Knight. Appearing in front of the Sovereigns, his form continued to change. The three blue orbs in his armor lifted up into the air above his head, circling him during his change. Each of the three produced three spiritual dragons that began to circle him as well. The red wings folded downwards, onto his body to add a secondary layer of protection to him.

The golden armor, becoming enriched with energy, deepened its hue and spread through the newly laid armor. Besides in the center chest plate, the golden digizoid formed in nine distinct places: the feet, kneecaps, shoulders, helm, and knuckles of the armor. Underneath the armor, each spike realigned into a new location and the white armor mutated into new shapes as well, forming horns and sharper spikes. The three blue orbs realigned in their new locations: on in each knuckle, turning the red Digizoid blue with new power. The third entered at Shinegreymon’s tail in the center of the chakram, causing a painful and orgasmic separation of his tail from the body. Slowly, each Dragon Spirit united with the golden digizoid while the tail elongated and flattened into a blade. The golden metal from the tail’s chakram formed the top layer of the blade, giving unparalleled sharpness and strength.

As each drgaon spirit shaped the golden metal into a head of a dragon, to symbolize their involvement in the making of the Digimon, the blade and blue orb seeped up their energy, completing the digivolution. “Into! EmperorGreymon!” shouted a single yet separated voice of both Sprits of elements and spirits of dragons. Turning his head towards the Sovereigns, a slight crack of his metallic could be heard for acres. “Hm. I don’t know, Sovereign. Do you need my help? I just asked the Ancient of Steel to send me where the most help was needed. So either you two are in physical danger, or some psychiatric care could do you some good. So what protection can I offer you kind sirs? Before I go off and crack some skulls for my new love… my little mermaid…” He said lovingly, in a dreamlike state. The water spirits, besides adding to his power and cockiness, gave him an odd presence of the Ancient of Water, who he was now infatuated with.


UlforceVeedramon looked the new digital comrade up and down for a moment. “So… if we had to classify you as a gender… transvestite? Shemale? He-she?” he looked over to see Imperialdramon heading towards Bancholeomon and Parisimon. “Shiiiiiiit hold that thought” said the blue blue. Dashing towards MirageGaogomon, he tapped the fellow blue knight on the shoulder before running towards the two corrupted knights. “Wanna help me out for a minute?!” he yelled, doing a few quick hand movements to show what he wanted done; all it required was some after-image duplicates, strafing fire, and nonstop movement. Imperialdramon and Parisimon had strength that could not be rivaled before. But even some fast flies could irritate a couple bulls for hours… they only needed a minute or two.


My Rps:

Follow me on Tumblr if you wish. I always take questions.
Critiques on my work is always helpful as well.
I'm also looking for comments on any of my work, on any site I'm on. Come and say something.
Vander Photography

I am Neo Envoctjihdn Nsran.
And Paleo...And Leon...Helath...Lasair...Sammael...Nialas...Gweil...Mulkesh...
You may not know me, but you will soon enough.
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• 09-27-2012 #991

Lockon Look-a-like
Join Date
Nov 2010
orbiting the earth inside my gundam with my sights trained on you
"GOTCHA COVERED!" yelled a voice as Ulforce asked for assistance. Beelzemon's arm burst open as his cannon appeared. "CARONA DESTROYER!!!" he drew a pentagram in the air and pointed it straight at the pair of Knights. It wouldn't kill them, but hopefully it would be enought to interrupt an attempt to fuse. the blaster lanced out and slammed into the ground where they stood.

my country, a fine country, a country that i would give my life to protect.

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• 09-30-2012 #992

Forest Lord
Join Date
Jun 2011
The Gladiator Beast leaned more heavily on his shorter now-compatriot. He lifted his head in thought, staring towards the ceiling. Then, it occurred to him.
"You know this place, right?" he began rhetorically, "Is there any way you could help me get to the roof, or at least... direct me there?"
WarCapidramon could feel the presence still there. There seemed to be some sort of gathering of great powers there. Along with the hard, undiscernably vast power, there was a blunt, wild force, which had just undergone an increase, becoming somewhat more controled, but just as blunt, and in their company, a power that was fiery, and full of discontent. He then turned his attention to the larger group.
"If I find a way to who-ever's up there... maybe they can help your comrade too," he continued in a low voice, shooting a glance to the downed Ravenmon.
Then, he turned further, now facing Seraphimon.
"I'm sorry, I've failed m'Lord,"
"I'm sorry, I've failed m'Lord," he announced to the High Celestial Digimon, "But... I will make it right."
With a soft creaking, a great brown double door which lead out to one of the many towers of Castle Yggdrasil slowly opened. Light flooded into the dark passage behind the door, revealing none other than the Norse Knight himself. He stood there for a moment, looking rather unphased, still holding his two weapons at his sides. Stepping with unexpected grace for one with so many heavily armored limbs, he walked to the edge of the balcony.
"Well now, let's see what we have here," he mused to himself.
With his remaining eye, he scanned the battlefield, rather unpulsed, until, however, he saw a blaze of black light. The same mongrel who had taken his eye, and had forced him to resort to tapping into his inner power to restore some minor structural damage now fired at his one remaining companion. His eye blazed with a cold fury befitting of the namesakes of his shield and crossbow, now made one as a twin set. Silently, he leveled his weapons at the mongrel machination of mismatched parts. Gritting his teeth beneath the metal plates of his helmet, he aligned his crossbows with Beelzemon down range. There was an audible snap as the plates gave way to his opening jaw.
"Bifröst Barrage!" he shouted, his voice echoing with cold fury.
The ascended Slippery Knight of the Ancient North then began hammering down on the triggers of his weapons. Flaming bolts of white hot light flew forth, forming a deadly arch as they traveled down from the high tower towards the field below. The speed with which he fired was astonishing. His reactions were so quick that afterimages of his fingers and weapons were the only evidence of his firing, apart from the distinct sound and the blaze of bolts that tore from the limbs of the crossbows.
"You're not half of what the others were, and I still could beat the Demon Lords," he called out, openly insulting his target, still firing his assault, "Eat this!"
As the bolts began to descend, their heat reflected the light from the arrows around each one, refracting the light, and creating an erie semblance to the attack's namesake, colors flashing between the deadly projectiles.

Slowly, the door opened wider. First, a black gloved hand gripped the door, followed by a ragged blue and silver lance adorned with a hideous face. The light of Sleipmon's furious attack reflected off of the being's armor, revealing a draconic shape. Slowly, he stepped to the balcony, the pipeline like spines on his back scraping against the door and beginning to move them closed again. He was the very antithesis of the Armored Duke, The Dark Knight of Yggdrasil, the Sleipmon's Captain, Darkdramon. The Virus Dragon Mega approached slowly, exuding a surprising calm for one of his build and power.
"What is the meaning of this, my liege?" he asked in a low, soft voice.
Glancing over the battlefield, the dragon warrior sighed. Turning his head up, he looked to the war torn clouds thoughtfully, the deafening explosions of the battle distant in his mind.
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• 10-01-2012 #993

Cornucopia Crab
Join Date
Mar 2011
Indonesia, currently in Jakarta

By virtue of Seraphimon's almost impossibly powerful healing wave, Gallantmon quickly made his way back to his feet, feeling rejuvenated, albeit not completely. "I owe you greatly, Lord Seraphimon..." The Armored Duke bowed his head with full reverence. Turning to see WarCapidramon, he wondered what the Rodent Warrior was planning to do, but even with his desire to assist him, he knew there wasn't much he could do. "I'm sorry, WarCapidramon. I couldn't aid you any further in this state... I'll assist Lord Seraphimon in finding survivors. I doubt there's much of my life left on the line." He spoke with a sad, seemingly ominous tone.

Alphamon EM

'Oh, boo! Impy ran away!'

'I could hear my gut screaming... That didn't look good.'

'Well... I doubt he would attempting anymore attacks in a swift, foreseeable time. He had almost no troops left under him, all devoured simply to grow his abysmal cock and pride.'

'Hear, hear.'

'Since we now have a little bit of 'mental us' time... I'd like to say something.'

'... What is it, Alphamon?'

'Oh, I thought you died, Zei. Well, as long as it's not about crack and cocaine, I'm all ears.'

Taking a deep breath, Alphamon momentarily shed away her inane and twisted side, showing a somber expression to the four others who currently make up their being.

“Zei, I know I’m not the best partner you’ve had... I apologize for keeping so many things from you. Perhaps it’s necessary, but it’s not right nonetheless...”

“Dorumon, I’ve been selfish to you. We used to be one and the same, but now you're you and I'm, well... me. I’ve put you through so much hardship because I can’t stand being in charge after so long... I know you will never forgive me and I don’t expect you to. If you're angry at me, you're rightfully so and I don't blame you.”

“Siggy, I thank you for all your help thus far, both for taking charge and for keeping an eye on Examon. I’m surprised you could keep up with him although, given how similar you both are, I don’t think it’s anything surprising.”

With a chuckle, Alphamon Exalted Mode finally looked at the last being within the collective consciousness.

“Examon, my disappearance had sent you to a downward spiral. I left you to fend for yourself, soured your friendship with Gallantmon, put you head-to-head against Imperialdramon, and more importantly... I abandoned you when you need my help. There’s nothing I could do to justify that and nothing I could do to make up for it. All I can say is...”

“I’m sorry...”
Profile Picture drawn by AmeiHime of Deviantart.
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• 10-05-2012 #994
Fish Of Oblivion

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Nov 2010
Britain. Land of the Limeys...
Examon Prime

"Just Prime, I'd say,” The Hyper-Destructive, Sovereign-Esque mass of awesome that Examon had become replied to UlforceVeedramon as he questioned him as to what Transformers Series he was deriving his oddly pop-culturesque name from, "Anything else just wouldn't do,"

Chuckling at his own inanity, Examon watched from afar as Imperialdramon picked himself up halfway through his estimated trajectory and flew away to the battlefield, and so began to think, just as UlforceVeedramon passed on some comments to him.

"Meh, still getting used to these arms. Few minutes, and I'll be swinging mountain-breakers around like cheap trinkets. As for Fastballing some c_nt, I'm all up for it so long as we find a suitable target. Now, iffin' ya don't mind..."

Spreading his ethereal, geometric wings as they crackled with energy, Examon Prime began to levitate with ease, his metal feet floating up above the ground below as he prepared to continue his fight.

"Just a few last things," The Dragon Emperor began, turning back towards UlforceVeedramon and MagnaGarurumon before he would prepare to leave, "Mirage, Magna, or whatever it is that you're called now, thanks for giving me an opening. Go find something to do where you can put yourself to better use, since I've got dibs on Impy's ass. And Ulforce?"

Quick as a flash, Examon turned and disappeared in a flash of light, with a voice left behind to pass on his last words to his brother for now.

"Keep Parasimon busy for a while, could you? Possibly you too, Magna/Mirage/Whatever. Got business with that walking tumor, so I don't want shit happening to him just yet."
__________________________________________________ _____________

Watching as ShineGreymon transformed, Baihumon just looked on passively, waiting for the numbskull to finish morphing before he went about conversing with him.

"Given that I'm the second strongest being in the Digital World at present, I doubt I need much help... But AncientWisemon was the one who sent you here?" Baihumon asked, retaining his indifferent tone, but sounding rather interested now that EmperorGreymon mentioned the Spirit of Steel.

If AncientWisemon had sent this Digimon here, he was probably worth trusting. Regardless of the reputation these Fire Spirits had amassed, this one was seen as worthy enough by AncientWisemon for the Spirits of Water to be handed over to him and to be sent up here...

"That changes things. If he sent you here, then you're my ally," Baihumon began again towards ShineGreymon, eyeing him interestedly... right up until he mentioned his crush on AncientMermaidmon.

His response to that was especially unusual: For one of the very rare occasions documented in myth, the Sovereign of Steel, the cold-hearted and vicious White Tiger, actually burst out in laughter. Somewhat good-natured laughter, at that.

"You've been twitterpated, Knight," The Tiger hooted, sounding genuinely amused by the circumstance as he tried to hold in his laughter, "Fair warning, though: Her old man's awfully protective of her. He'll be after you if you try anything."
__________________________________________________ _____________
"Sorry, what was that?" Parasimon asked Imperialdramon as the Supreme Knight's order to merge with him was cut off by several sounds: Explosions from above, the sound of the Demon Lord screaming his throat raw about something, and the sound of his shield deflecting a small burst of energy from a cannon and sending it flying away into the side of the castle, ”Can't hear you over all this noise!"

Watching as BanchoLeomon was flung away without a care by Imperialdramon, Parasimon felt a strange emotion pass through him, and as he turned to the greater knight to have his question answered, he prepared to open his mouth-

Only for something to come flying past and smack into Imperialdramon's face.

“INCOMING!" Examon Prime yelled, delivering a dynamic entry straight into Imperialdramon's face with both of his feet, knocking him a sizeable distance away from Parasimon as he landed on the ground nearby the Mirror Of Corruption.

"Greetings," The Dragon Emperor said to the insect as he was stared at in minor awe.

"..." Parasimon 'replied', somewhat dumbfounded as he stared at the mass of bugfuck insanity before him with wide, bulbous eyes.

“Someone's talkative," Examon replied with a shrug, before disappearing in another blur of motion and launching another attack on Imperialdramon, this time aiming an uppercut into his stomach.

"... Dafuq?"
__________________________________________________ ____________
Orci Kappa

Unfortunately for Bladramon as he retreated, Kappa, ever the sneaky little bastard, was familiar with the Executioner's move of getting up close to him at this point in time, and so had made the appropriate move to take advantage of that.

"Wager you're feeling a little holy now, eh, Great Executioner?" The abomination began, flashing his foe a 'lovely' smile of minor triumph as he pointed to the hole made through his chest, a vicious wound dealt by him holding out a shortened version of his lance out in anticipation of Bladramon's move and using his speed in approaching him as the force with which to drive it through him,"Perhaps you should actually start playing up to your hype instead of wanking yourself up and then falling flat? Or not. Really don't give an odd toss about it."

Whether or not Bladramon felt pain from the wound was immaterial- It was still a considerable one, and it was his seemingly unlimited threshold that had really allowed it to happen, in that Bladramon wouldn't have felt his armor being pierced and his body being perforated as a result of it. Whilst it's propensity for giving the Digimon any immediate threat was yet to be seen, the Hazard energies brimming within it in high concentration would fight back and dampen any attempts to heal the wound, leaving it open as a potential weakness later on in the battle.

"And honestly, yeah, I'd like you to go all out," Kappa said with a smirk as he moved at speeds equaling Bladramon's, lunging into a blur and coming out aiming a spinning kick into the Digimon's face to throw him off, "Wanna see if you can live up to the sheer wankage you've given yourself. That, and you're kind of completely ineffectual at the moment. Not that impressive."

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• 10-05-2012 #995

Lockon Look-a-like
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Nov 2010
orbiting the earth inside my gundam with my sights trained on you
Bladramon looked down to see a hole in him. he simply looked back up at the parasite. "Thou truly hast no idea of the power of the Executioner dost thou?" he asked. slowly walking across the air towards the parasite with Blood oozing from the wound "There are battlefields littered with the bodies of my victims, My powers don't come the Sovereigns, my powers come from me, they just simply allow me to inhabit a body." he said. "You are not the first being to do this to me, you will not be the last." he slammed his BlackWarGreymon head against the wound. "You think you have gained the upper hand, just because of this?" he asked. "You may try to escape your fate... but no-one can escape Death itself, they may run as fast as they can, fight as hard as they can, but in the end." he let his Sword drop to his side, where the blood simply ran down the edge of the blade. "Now... Let us end this!!!" he said, swinging the blade, sending blood flying across the demon. He set off with a run and jumped, beginning to spin, his blades held out and he went for the strike, however, just as the blade got within an inch of the Parasites chest. he disappeared and reappearing behind it looking to run it through.

((think your next move through carefully as this attack is not all that it appears.))


Beelzemon looked at Parasimon intercepting the attack. he grinned and turned around slapping his own behind and waving to it from between his legs. "WOOOO!!! KNIGHTS!!! COME AND GET SOME!!! £2.50 FOR A KISS AND £5 FOR A PICTURE!!!" he then saw the attack from Sleiphmon coming at him, "Shit!" he quickly shot upwards to avoid the attack. "You again? Look Scar, if you don't stop messing with me, i'm going to slap the shit out of you." and then fired a trio of shots from his Carona Blaster.

my country, a fine country, a country that i would give my life to protect.

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• 10-09-2012 #996

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Ulforceveedramon, hearing Prime’s request, grinned. “Heh. Sounds like a great idea.” He said, zeroing in on Parismon. His arm began to glow again with a mixture of red, white, gold, and blue “I think I should introduce you to the attack I have one of your kids.” He whispered to himself. Right before hitting Parisimon’s shield UlforceVeedramon’s hand changed into a cannon and released the Royal Vengeance attack. This time, as a smaller form of the nuclear attack used before, the attack did not drain energy, but all of it was directed into a small point to where the shield would be and, if it should break the shield, would disintegrate any data the fell into the narrow ray’s cone.

Emperorgreymon tilted his head in response to the comment about his love interest. “Hey, every mon needs some love.” As he spoke to the Tiger, Emperorgreymon pulled out his new sword and began to twirl it, getting comfortable to the weight. “Hm. Interesting.” He turned his head back to the Tiger. “So… you got nothing for me to do? I mean… do you have any interesting stories?”

Rapidmon looked up to where Warcapidramon was staring before getting an idea. Crouching slightly and holding his free arm towards the sky, Rapidmon called out “Homing Missles! Rapid Fire!” releasing a barrage of missiles at the roof, then continuously let loose more until he saw daylight to break through. “Ah, there we go. Well, going up?” he asked the larger Mega before picking him up and using whatever strength he had to send him through the hole in the roof. “Have fun at your next location!”
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Digimon Convergence Log II, Part 6


Forest Lord
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Jun 2011
The injured Beast Mega shielded his eyes from the explosions, his arm shielding his unhelmeted head from any incoming debris. Just as the deeply entwined consciousnesses within the Digimon began to question how he would even begin to reach the opening that was created, War Capidramon found himself launched into the air by the surprisingly powerful Golden Armored Dog Mega. As he was lofted into the air, the Spartan Rodent lashed out his arms, digging his claws into the scorched, crumbling material left from the explosive barrage. Looking down, he showed a rare, genuine smile.
"Thank you, my friend," he responded with gratitude, "Surely, the Digital World has a true guardian in you."
Without another word, he brought his clawed hand up, slamming it into the wall above before doing the same with the other. Slowly, he made the arduous climb to the roof from the inside. Whether or not this journey would end with his salvation or destruction was still to be told.
'I don't think we'll be able to make it,' Jordan broke the internal silence as the Digital body's arm trembled in the ascent.
'No, we'll make it,' Shrewmon returned, 'We have to. I'll be your strength, all you have to do is hang on.'
And so, the battered but determined Biomerged Mega continued on, pushing off with his feet, which occasionally slipped on the crumbled wall, his claws digging deep, his entire life, it seemed, determined on and by this climb. He could see the light, but it was faint. Thrusting his arm upward, it broke through a layer of rubble which seemed to have fallen back into place. His hand clutched on the hard, smooth surface that it found, his elbow locking him into place. It was then that the last of the Mega's energy began to wane, his glowing eyes beginning to dim.
"Scar? As if!" the Royal Knight declared, "There's no way you could even touch me now," he added with a snigger, "But I'd love to see you try."
Being that his attack had been more or less evaded, he ceased his firing, leaving the last of the myriad bolts to land in a crystalline mass. However, as he heard the concussive sounds of blasts radiate from the Demon Lord, he shot his head up.
"Darkdramon, intercept," he ordered flatly.
"Sir!" he declared.
Swinging his lance out before him, the Black Knight Captain leaned forward. With a humming sound and a faint glow, the spines on his back stretched out before coming ablaze with white fire. The Dragon flew upwards on his wings of light, steadying his lance out before himself.
"Dark Roar!" he declared as the lance began to glow.
Black bolts of lightning flashed down from the clouds, running along the lance and gathering at its jagged tip. Although it was small, a power that caused the ornaments of the castle to shake was building within that sphere. In one sudden movement, the sphere dramatically increased in size, crackling with anti-matter as the Baron of Fear drew back his arm and flung it forward, releasing the attack to deflect the Corona Blasts and consume Beelzemon himself.
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• 10-17-2012 #998

Lockon Look-a-like
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Nov 2010
orbiting the earth inside my gundam with my sights trained on you
"Oh, i'm sorry, Scar, how did your eye get like that?" smiled Beelzemon as Sleiphmon made the accusation of not being able to touch him. he wasn't surprised that his Carona blasts hadn't worked, but the fact that they were intercepted by someone new was unexpected. then the Dragon Roar came at him, everything seemed to stop for a second whilst Dirk and Impmon stood in Limbo.

"So... we could avoid this?" asked Dirk.

"Yup... but i think we can try something else." replied Impmon. "Him." he said pointing at the ghostly figure of Crusadermon. Dirk immediately covered himself with his hands, being that he was naked in limbo and didn't trust Crusadermon not to be looking.

"I think i've got you..." smiled Dirk. "Come on, let's do it together." he said, linking arms with Impmon. Time returned to its normal flow as Beelzemons free arm seemed to blister and erupt with Crusadermons shield. he drew the arm back "FIST OF ATHENA!!!" He then let his arm fly forwards and punched the ball of energy. the two entities seemed to stop for a second before the glowing black orb turned pink and reversed its direction, flying straight back at Darkdramon. Beelzemon began panting as he floated backwards "Do not underestimate me, i've got the power of all of your buddies that i killed.

my country, a fine country, a country that i would give my life to protect.

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• 10-27-2012 #999
Psyker Landshark

Nooses are bad.
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May 2010

Grinning in feral delight as Examon Prime dropped in with a dynamic entry to Imperialdramon's face, BanchoLeomon Ruin Mode shifted his attention back to Parasimon Mordred, who seemed paralyzed in shock at all the insanity around him. BanchoLeomon, being partly insane thanks to his Dark Digivolution, had no such problems, and simply took everything in stride as he rushed straight towards Parasimon, ramming into him with a shoulder check before taking advantage of his momentum to form another aura blade and slam it into the monstrosity's chest. Reaching up, BanchoLeomon Ruin Mode covered his left palm with shadowy, corrosive aura and slammed it into Parasimon Mordred's face, using his grip on his head to force him to the ground. Now in a dominant position, both of BanchoLeomon's halves agreed in unison to finish the bastard then and there. Lucas saw no point in prolonging an already arduous fight, and the temporarily insane Leomon simply wanted more slaughter. The black lion formed a sword from his aura and slammed it into Parasimon's face, but it was stopped by a rapidly reforming Omni-Shield, which shattered from the stress. Frowning, the beast decided to opt for overkill, given his opponent's tendency to regenerate.

"I should have finished you off yesterday, you worthless bug." He snarled, raising his other hand, coated in dark aura. Behind him, black blades formed, all pointed at vital areas on Parasimon Mordred's body. "Black Gate." BanchoLeomon Ruin Mode snapped his fingers, and the swords flew at Parasimon.



Narrowing his eyes in irritation at Parasimon Mordred not hearing his command, Imperialdramon Paladin Mode didn't notice Examon Prime charging in until it was too late, and took two feet to the face for his trouble. Taken off guard, he stumbled back a step and left himself open to an uppercut to the stomach, which launched him up into the air. Grunting in pain, Imperialdramon extended his wings, steadying himself and halting his upward flight. Enraged, he dived down, extending his wings to their maximum span. Brandishing the Omni-Sword, he swung in a feint before channeling data to his intended weapons, his wings. Enhanced with data, Imperialdramon's wings grew in size and became razor sharp, capable of easily cutting through Examon Prime's hands should he be foolish enough to try to catch them.



The Sovereign of the West observed the battle raging down below, with the Sovereign of the South next to him, who was glaring at Imperialdramon with blazing fury.

"What are those fools doing?! Finish him, damn you!" Zhuqiaomon snarled under his breath, flames licking around him as he became increasingly agitated, not satisfied without Imperialdramon's death.

"Calm down, South." Baihumon snarled, equally as displeased as his compatriot was. "I don't like this either, but Xuanwumon wishes to abstain from causing trouble with Azulongmon, and I'd prefer to at least retain neutrality with him."

"The longer this goes on, the more I want to kill Azulongmon..." Zhuqiaomon muttered, holding his position and continuing to keep watch with some reluctance.

The White Tiger returned to surveying the battlefield when he noticed an interesting sight. A WarCapidramon, nearly battered to death, trying to climb out of the ruins of the castle and rejoin the battle.

"Even though he lies near death, he still risks his life to aid his companions. Impressive." The Sovereign of the West mused, an idea coming to mind. Azulongmon never said anything about appointing champions, after all...

Baihumon leapt back down to the ground, landing on the roof of the castle, just above WarCapidramon.

"Fear not, warrior. It's not your time. Not yet." The White Tiger said solemnly, freeing one of the twelve Digicores that orbited his body and offered it to WarCapidramon. "You have fought well to come as far as you have with the power you currently possess, and so I shall offer you the power you need to fight on further. If you are willing, take my core into yourself and rise as a champion of the West.."
Last edited by Psyker Landshark; 11-01-2012 at 06:05 PM.

The Human Instrumentality Committee: An Evangelion Fan Group

Steam name: Baron Von Kittenkiller
Xbox Live Gamertag: CrisisRain
League of Legends IGN: NoOneLovesYou
Skype username: tehlawgiver
Originally Posted by Kyouko
Psyker Landshark, troller extrordinaire, at your service.
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• 11-01-2012 #1000

Lockon Look-a-like
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Nov 2010
orbiting the earth inside my gundam with my sights trained on you

deep in the core of the Digital world, where the Sovereigns had lay dorment for many an age, Azulongmon watched the battle through a large magic orb. "This has most certainly gotten out of hand..." he saw Baihumon giving his energy to WarCapidramon. "Giving your powers to one such as he is not the best course of action... We need to interfere as least as we possibly can."

"My Lord..." said a voice, Azulongmon looked down to see Antylamon "Are you sure that you will not enter the battle yourself?" asked the Deva.

"No, my faithful servant, as dangerous as the situation has gotten... The coming storms brutallity will be at least 1000 times stronger than this, if they cannot handle this situation without our help, then there truly is no hope for us..." replied Azulongmon.

"Then at least allow me to go on your behalf? i will make sure that the situation does not escalate."

"My Servant... what do you hope to accomplish when two of my Brothers are already there."

"I... I fear for the sake of Lord Zhuqiaomon." said Antylamon "He is Brash and could end up being killed by those... Monstrocities." she looked up, a little confused looking, as she heard a soft chuckle coming from Azulongmon.

"You speak much like Lord Imperieldramon... But what you need to understand is that all creatures have a purpose. Maybe these creatures have the purpose of simply giving our allies valuable experience." he then looked in on Bladramon fighting with Kappa. "Or even... as simple as waking a slumbering beast..."

"I... I understand... So what are my orders?" she asked with a bow.

"You my dear have a very special assignment."
• 11-02-2012 #1001

Forest Lord
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Jun 2011
He arched his back, bursting through the final crust left by the barrage unleashed by Rapidmon. Looking up, War Capidramon saw the source of the power he had felt from so far away, the great Sovereign Baihumon. He gasped in awe, his head dropping in a mixture of exhaustion, respect, and fear. While Shrewmon's mind was at peace in the presence of the "Father Tiger" of Beast Digimon, Jordan's was spinning with nerves. He was sure that a Digimon with that power would easily sense the human inside the Digital Body, and know what he had done. He swallowed hard, bracing for impact, but instead, he heard a voice.
"Fear not, warrior. It's not your time. Not yet." he heard the White Tiger of the West announce.
With a gasp, he looked up into the eight eyed face of the Digital Master Beast. With this, a glowing pearl approached the form of the battered Gladiator Beast.
"You have fought well to come as far as you have with the power you currently possess, and so I shall offer you the power you need to fight on further. If you are willing, take my core into yourself and rise as a champion of the West.."
As the Digi-Core approached, its light reflected in the eyes of WarCapidramon. Within that light, Jordan could see a cliff with a cloudy sky. Suddenly, that sky tore open into a blaze of fire, from which the most gaunt, ghastly steer galloped, their calls seemingly bemoaning their state. Their horns were black, and shining, and their hooves seemed to be made of steel. He could see flames leaping from what looked like demonic brands on their hinds, and he could feel the reek of their hot breath. Their galloping sent streaks of lightning hurtling through the sky, sending the spire of deep, sickening fear driving into him. And then, he saw the riders. They were mounted upon skeletal steeds which could not be identified, breathing flames from long, open nasal passages, some with twisted, black horns upon their long heads. The riders thereupon were gaunt and pale, almost skeletal themselves, cracking whips and leading baying, winged hounds on their wild hunt across the skies. Among the cattle, spectral forms of the most horrid types appeared, striking one another and hiding among the cattle to gain meager seconds before vanishing again. Just as the riders emitted a tremendous shout, he was jolted to reality, the vision fading. He knew now what he must do. Standing with the last of his strength, WarCapidramon allowed the Holy Digi-Core to enter his body, merging with his chest in a bright light.
Sleipmon looked on at the odd turn of events.
"As if the half bit Bunker Shield of a dead knight could do anything to me!" he exclaimed.
Tilting his weapons upwards, he lined the returning sphere in his sights.
"Bifröst Barrage!" he called out.
Rapidly hammering on the triggers of his fusion crossbows, the Horse Knight sent the flaming, iridescent projectiles forth at near blinding speed, bent on tearing through the reversed attack and plunging into the Demon Lord, using the attack's own trajectory to hide the incoming bolts.
The whizzing sound approached as though from nowhere, signaling a more deadly arrival. At near blinding speed, a streak of light sped by, passing between Bladramon and Orci Kappa, narrowly missing the two combatants. With a soft thud, a long metal spear with a single hooked point imbedded itself into the ground beyond the two Digital Goliaths. Far beyond, in the direction from which the spear had come, a figure in blue, shimmering armor stood, its radiance making it appear as though it were floating in mid air. A fierce gaze tore its way to the two Monsters whose battle it had interrupted. The spear then vanished, returning to the outstretched hand of the figure. A loud, booming roar burst forth, though it was hard to distinguish weather it came from the figure or just beyond.
In a loud voice, the figure proclaimed, "Who are you, who claims to be Death itself?"
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• 11-09-2012 #1002
Fish Of Oblivion

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Nov 2010
Britain. Land of the Limeys...

Unfortunately for Parasimon as BanchoLeomon launched his assault upon him with a vicious frenzy, the Royal Vengeance fired off by UlforceVeedramon had broken his shield for a few seconds, allowing the berserking lion to deliver a beatdown unhindered due to Parasimon’s state of shock.

Fortunately for Parasimon, though, the lighting-fast beatdown delivered to him via BanchoLeomon was only a short-term pain to him as opposed to the long-term pain that would have been dealt to him via the Royal Vengeance, which the lion had conveniently knocked him out of the way of with his attack. Lying on the ground, smacked about, regenerating and regaining his ability to think properly as the reformed Omni-Shield sprung up to impede any further attempt at attacking the monster whilst he was on the ground, Parasimon was at least grateful that he would be able to get back up from this...

"I should have finished you off yesterday, you worthless bug."

And then BanchoLeomon went and stomped on something of a sore spot.

‘... So, I’m worthless, am I?’ Parasimon thought to himself, forgoing rage to go into something approaching a tranquil fury, ‘Maybe, maybe not... but I cannot die here. Not yet.’

The Omni-Shield still out after BanchoLeomon had smashed it before falling back, Parasimon’s body was peppered with the swords...To seemingly little avail as the insect rose back to his feet, his body hissing with seething, burning energy as it set about regenerating it’s wounds.
Orange light crackled in the air around him as he stared at BanchoLeomon with weary eyes, the Omni-Shield reforming itself quickly in order for the final clash between the two.

Rather than using more words, Parasimon just let his state of mind do the talking for him as he swung his arm towards BanchoLeomon, Ambrosius Longinea appearing mid-swing with the intent to bisect the lion with the blade at it’s tip.
The time to play around had ended. Whether or not BanchoLeomon died by his hand or not, it didn’t matter. All that mattered to Parasimon for now was his survival- Whether it was by the skin of his teeth or over a mountain of slain enemies was irrelevant.
__________________________________________________ ____________________________

Rolling his eyes as Bladramon kept on talking about how awesome he was, Kappa raised his lance in preparation as the fusion followed it up by charging at him with his sword prepped.
By this point, the Orci was getting fairly bored. Whilst Bladramon had looked like he would be fun to fight, the ensuing battle had shown otherwise- He was full of himself, and instead of just going all-out and destroying Kappa like he said he would, he was just choosing to toy around like a numbskull.
Toying around like a complete idiot in the middle of an incredibly important battle where any of the remaining Knights could kill any of the Tamers if given the appropriate chance? What a masterstroke of genius.
Soon as he saw his chance to leave, Kappa would be out of there. He was sure that he had a better way to spend his time than this.

“Actually, I have a fairly good impression of your power. Given that you’re made of two of Omnimon’s components, you’re exactly as strong as he was. And from what I heard, he wasn’t all that successful in doing anything,” The white abomination jeered at Bladramon, feeling him appear behind him with his enhanced instincts. And so, as Bladramon came at him from behind...

There was a roar as the roof beneath Kappa gave way, sending him down into a large inside courtyard of the castle below and out of the way of Bladramon.

“And you wanna end this? Sure, works for me. You talk the talk, but you don’t walk the walk, I’m afraid,” Kappa muttered, seemingly disappointed as he clicked his fingers...

Initiating every explosive charge over the battlefield he had fought Bladramon in, reducing the roof and platforms above to debris in a raging burst of energy.

“Laters,” The white Orci drawled, flying up through the maelstrom and into the airspace over the Knight’s castle quickly in order to go do something more productive, passing the powered-up WarCapidramon on the way up, “Maybe we’ll meet again some time? My place, my lance through your chest again? Don’t be a stranger, Executioner.”

And with that, the Orci left, leaving Bladramon and WarCapidramon behind in a massive cloud of smoke, dust, fire and energy.

“Going somewhere?” A cold, vicious voice chided towards Sigma as two small lances roared towards the traitor Orci at incredible speed, both of them slamming through each of his wings in order to send him crashing down to the ground, “Because I might just have something to say about that, brother.”

A dark shape in the sky, Orci Primus, strongest and most cruel of the Orci that trod foot upon the field that day made a beeline for his traitorous brother Sigma, four of his six smaller lances floating in the air around him as he whipped up a vicious maelstrom of steel, wind and dark flame to let loose upon him.

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The Human Instrumentality Committee: An Evangelion Fan Group
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Killroy wuz ere.
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• 11-10-2012 #1003
Psyker Landshark

Nooses are bad.
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May 2010

BanchoLeomon Ruin Mode's conjured blades lanced into Parasimon Mordred, but to seemingly no avail, as the monstrosity stood back up, shaking the black beast off of him as he began to regenerate from his wounds. Snarling under his breath, he ducked under the lance Parasimon had swung at him and retaliated with two quick punches, once again shattering a rapidly-reforming Omni-Shield, and kicked the massive Digimon away from him, using the momentum from his kick to leap back himself, gaining some distance as he attempted to rethink his course of action. No matter how much power he threw behind his attacks, the bug just regenerated from his wounds. BanchoLeomon assumed that he could probably just keep beating Parasimon down until he ran out of energy or data to use in regeneration, but that would take far too long. No, if he was to win, he'd have to annihilate the bastard's entire body with one strike. But what did he have in his arsenal that could do the trick? A full-charge God Hand, similar to the version he'd used on Imperialdramon and Gaiomon would work...

At that moment, a vision of an attack echoed in the lion's fused mind. Aura condensing into a sword blacker than the deepest abyss. An improvement on God Hand, one that would be far more stable, resulting in an attack that wouldn't lose power as it was released. Perfect. But it had a charge time, so he'd need help. A scan of the battlefield, revealed UlforceVeedramon still nearby, and BanchoLeomon leapt over to him, touching down on the ground.

"Ulforce, I've got an attack that should finish Parasimon off, but it has a charge time. Need you to hold him off for thirty seconds, give or take, and shatter the Omni-Shield, as soon as I call ready." The black lion commanded, bringing his hands together as if to grip an invisible sword in front of him as the black aura surrounding his body began to gather in that spot, a faint outline of a sword appearing as more aura was accumulated.



As the greatest of his brothers detected him and punctured his wings, sending him crashing into the ground, Orci Sigma sighed under his breath in resignation, rather unbothered by his crash landing. Damn it, and he'd been so close to getting away, too! If only Primus hadn't caught on for ten more seconds, then he could've made a clean getaway. Then again, it had felt like goddamn months for him to be noticed.

It was like a certain jackass had forgot about him entirely while he was supposed to be flying away.

But the newly-christened Sigmamon had no more time to think as Orci Primus was upon him, four lances pointed right at him. Gesturing to the side, the green abomination fired a spiked chain at a nearby cliffside and quickly used it to reel himself in, narrow avoiding being impaled by a hair's breadth. Sigmamon grasped onto the cliffside, desperately pumping data into his ruined wings.

"Now, now, brother. Why so serious?" Sigma grinned as his chain weapon, Uroboros, manifested around him, ready to shoot out or defend himself. He needed to buy time until his wings healed so he could escape, but he held no belief that he could take on Primus in a straight fight. Stalling was his only option. "Seriously, I don't even see why you're so bothered by this. Care to explain?"

The Human Instrumentality Committee: An Evangelion Fan Group

Steam name: Baron Von Kittenkiller
Xbox Live Gamertag: CrisisRain
League of Legends IGN: NoOneLovesYou
Skype username: tehlawgiver
Originally Posted by Kyouko
Psyker Landshark, troller extrordinaire, at your service.
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• 11-11-2012 #1004
Fish Of Oblivion

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Nov 2010
Britain. Land of the Limeys...
Orci Primus

Hissing with triumph as his attack on Sigmamon succeeded and forced the traitor to ground himself, Primus decided to retain the high-ground whilst he could and keep his brother in one area. Even if he couldn't finish the former Orci off in the small period of time this success allowed him, he could prevent him from escaping by smacking him back down onto the ground from his vantage point. His power was only a short distance behind that of the father, so this battle was due to be in his favor- Just how he liked it.

"Why so serious?" The Head Orci repeated to his brother as he began his reply, snarling a little as his other four lances missed their target, but only for a moment as they and the two other lances returned to him in the next instant and garbed his face with a vicious smirk, "That's actually a good question, brother. Why would I be so angered by you turning on the father?"

The six lances all back under his command, there was a roar as they began to spin in a conical formation, energy gathering within the bladed circle that comprised the head of the cone as Primus charged his next attack.
"It's simple. I really don't care about you betraying the father. A pathetic wretch like him, who can't even make sense of his own damn loyalties and can't decide whether he's Yggdrasil's lapdog or some poor tortured soul, isn't worth following. In fact, between you and me, I'm actually impressed that you beat me to turning on him. But that's just the thing- If I'm going to do what I'm planning, I'm going to need a vast amount of power."

The energies within the head of the conically-rotating lances overflowing and distorting the air around them now that they had reached their peak of power, there was a roar as a gigantic blast of wind, dark power, flame and steel blasted out and went roaring towards Sigma, the beam rotating around to meet the Orci with it's wide range, in order to prevent any means of escape for the green bastard.

"And given that you've gorged yourself on the data of the little ones, getting a drop on you and slaughtering you whilst I can is an ideal way of getting that power. You're still weaker than me, but the data you have can be put to good use for my own ends. I am sorry, brother, but you're going to have to die for the greater good."

__________________________________________________ ________________
Parasimon Mordred

Snarling as BanchoLeomon dodged the swing of his lance, Parasimon Mordred stumbled forwards from the force of the swing, and regaining his balance soonafter, began to take a look around for the feline.

And sighted him over by UlforceVeedramon, charging up what seemed to be a new attack.

Now, Parasimon was certainly no genius- Having his mind severely hampered by the strain of holding together the Spirits that had also turned him into the violent, zealous, morally ambiguous asshole that even the bulk of his own comrades looked down on- But even he could tell that BanchoLeomon's newest development did not bode well for him. At all, if the usual trend was proven.

So, regaining his balance entirely, Parasimon made a quick manuovre and spun the tip of Ambrosius Longinea around to face BanchoLeomon and UlforceVeedramon's general direction, gripping the shaft of the weapon tightly as he let loose a storm of energy and projectiles towards the pair, following it up by splitting his Omni-Shield into two parts that began to charge up with gigantic amounts of the energy he had absorbed after neutralizing UlforceVeedramon's earlier attack.

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• 4 Weeks Ago #1005

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Oct 2008
in a house
"I suppose it would be beneficial to both of us for you to deal with one of these... Creatures that seem to be serving the Knights, though... You seem to be up to the task…"

The words echoed in Emperorgreymon’s mind as he continued his run after the Sigma Orci. Back when he was in futuristic gear, he would be able to fly with ease. Now the physical labor of running both felt better and seemed faster, no energy drain wearing on him at all.

"Oh, and don't worry about AncientMermaidmon? I'll put a good word in for you with Xuanwumon, my fiery little friend."

A grin was hidden on the digimon’s face, feeling the tug of the Water Spirits at this thought. Mmm… steamy. Thought the hybrid of Flame and Water. His steamy thoughts were interrupted by the crash, bang, boom, and fuck of Sigma and now the arrival of Primus. Keeping within stride of them proven easy for Emperorgreymon, but now hiding was an issue. Staying far enough away from the giants to be out of sight, the Red Knight began to work his way around boulders, inching closer to listen to the conversation and attack if the opportunity presented itself. It only took a couple exchanges before Emperorgreymon snickers. “Damn. This sounds like what would happen if me and Mirage were enemies. Maybe Parasimon made artificial copies of the comrades that would never side with him… ugh, I hope not. I need to stop all this thinking business. It makes me itch for battle.” He said, still monologuing with himself in a loud whisper. Thankfully, he was far enough away from the action that it could be excusable.

Then some interesting information finally presented itself. “A pathetic wretch like him, who can't even make sense of his own damn loyalties and can't decide whether he's Yggdrasil's lapdog or some poor tortured soul, isn't worth following.”

Emperorgreymon was never one to mince words. He preferred straightforward conversation that required little review to uncover meanings. So to him, these simple phrases spoke clearly to him that the original Orci, Parasimon, was not some demonic, mutant spawning, being of hell. Another grin came back to his face. “So… You can take the Parasimon out of the Susanoomon, but you can’t take the Susanoomon out of Parasimon… Maybe you have some principles left after all.” He said to himself, as if he was speaking to the insect knight himself. Another thought interruption occurred as a large beam was fired and letting off energy in a large range. “Huh. Interesting watching one of those without being the target. Looks painful.” He said, walking away from the two Orci in a casual fashion, having seen enough.

An annoyed grunt came from Ulforceveedramon as his hand mutated back to it’s blue hue. Every time he released one of those bombs, it somehow was disappeated and did less damage. Taking a knee for a quick charge or dodge, Ulforceveedramon was quickly confronted by Bancholeomon with a request: Stall the massive digital opponent and break his shield of godliness. Fucking brilliant.

And to top it all off, Parasimon didn’t seem to be in the mood to play around anymore. After just a moment of talking he saw Parasimon facing his weapon right at them.

Well, all my warm fuzzies just went away.

Oh, shut up Veemon!

With the split second he was granted, Leon tried to formulate some type of plan to protect himself and BanchoLeomon. That was the primary concern before attacking Parasimon, since he couldn’t do a very good job of that without arms of legs. Thinking about the shape of his shields, the idea of wind came to mind. How it flows around points and curves. This would make it less damaging than blocking everything.

“Fuck it, lets give it a shot, Tensegrity Shield!” Leon called through Ulforceveedramon’s mouth, producing a large shield barricade that hide the two biomerged megas behind it. Instead of the usual flat, round shield that was used, Leon decided a cone or arrow shaped point worked better, letting the energy flow off the sides instead of having a large point of impact. As the energy collided, it broke against the shield like water on a sharp stone. Since it was a short term burst, there was no worry of it eroding soon. As he held the shield, an inner dialogue broke out.

Soo…. How are we breaking his shield?

I’m working on it…. Not sure yet to be honest. I mean, in the digital work, a shield isn’t just a shield, or I would say we just go fetch Zulfiqar.

A… what? UlforceVeedramon asked, to the left of Leon in the spiritual jumble that the three stood in.

Zulfiqar. Just an old blade in one of the many histories of the world. It was one of the few blades that broke shields of equal or stronger material. A great blade in Islam, one of the oldest religions of the Human world. Too bad I can materialize one…

Are you daft, Leon?!

This reaction shocked Leon, making him step back and causing a momentary falter in the shield, allowing a blast to get through and his Ulforceveedramon in the ribs, taking his breath away. “Ugh…”

Do you not know how to use the Ulforce, Future Mode, or any of the powers yet? If you can pictures this blade, the V-Braclet will create it into existence. This is why I haven’-…

…You haven’t? Haven’t what? Veemon interjected.

… I haven’t allowed you full access to the power Magnamon gave you.

The comment made Leon’s eye twitch. How could he have been restricted? Did he know this body so little in comparison to the Blue Knight?

What? Why would you do that?! We’ve been lucky so far, but how much power have you been restraining?!

Not a vast, vast amount. I would say it is a good… third of your energ-

A fucking third!?

Seriously? This is semi-offensive man. I hope there’s a least a SMALL explanation. And an apology. And access to that power is granted.

You may not enjoy the truth, but there it is. I allowed you to use Magnamon’s own energy, and the energy you’ve used for the Royal Vengence is based off of the proximity and length of time spent with the other Knights you are close with. Each of you radiated energy to the other, allowing access to various energies in moderate doses when needed. The energy of a chest, however… especially this one… I understand that you feel you deserve to use whatever means to win, but this pool of energy is rare and has a finite amount that regenerates slowly. Allowing you to use it on any simple opponent would have been a waste of quite a gift. And as the true successor of Magnamon’s gift, I decided you guys aren’t ready for this yet. Not even now.

Then WHY are you telling us this?

You asked. Now. Instead of trying to bitch me out, use this newfound rage and this blade you know to face off with this beast.

Shutting his mind off from Ulforceveedramon from annoyance, he turned to Veemon. So… what do you think we should use? We only have a second or two before this blast ends.

Well. Instead of just two baldes, I would get something that also defends as well, since that lance is kind of a deadly little spike

So similar to the original Sword and Shield combo this big idiot has?

Yeah, but with a little more spark. That Zudicookoo blade sounds good, but the small shield the he has wouldn’t be a fitting match for size or necessity in coverage. Maybe… like those shields those guys in that metal underwear movie had? With the big triangle on them?

Metal underwea- oh! 300? The Spartan Shield? Hm… alright. Seems like a good idea. I’m gonna get it started then. He’s charging the Omni-shield now…

With their minds remolded into one again, Leon took charge reanimate weapons while Veemon stayed vigilant for an attack and UlforceVeedramon, apparently, was regulating the energy supply. The Shield was easy to form, as it was similar to the small shield, but with a large radius, thicker, and made of denser energy. It may have cost a little more to sustain, but it would be worth it when it blocked out Parasimon. The blade was odd to form at first. After a couple failed attempts that just produced sparks, a blade slowly materialized from the V-Braclet. It took the shape of a scimitar, long with an elegant curve. It had a thickness to the blade that was similar to a cutlass, but it began to separate near the tip, forming two blades edges that could catch swords or be used to thrust as well. When the weapons were fully formed, UlforceVeedramon rolled his shoulders, loosening up for a close range fight. “Well… here goes.” Leon mumbled, the ethereal weapons glowing.

Then a pair of voices rang out from the sky as a pair of dragon energy shapes and a barrage of projectiles came down onto Parasimon’s shields.

“Feral… Fire!”
“Dragon… Collider!”

Rapidmon found his way back to Ravemon, now laid down on the flat ground, no screaming coming from his lips. Instead, the bird mega just shook in place, like he was ready to explode. It explained why no other Digimon would stay near him. Taking a seat next to the body, practically collapsing, Rapidmon could see through the rubbage back to the mountains where the healing springs sat. “I wish we had the energy to travel. A day at the spa would be excellent, don’t you think?”

Ravemon responded withmore shivers, eyes still staring at the ceiling. A low moan escaped his lips.

Slayerdramon sighed in annoyance at the arrival at another unknown Digimon. With a leap into the air as Kappa departed he meet the other two in the air. “You… mammal Digimon. What side are you… siding with? That is, where are your allegiances?“ asked the Dragon Digimon, finger twitching on the hilt of his blade.

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• 4 Weeks Ago #1006
Psyker Landshark

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May 2010

BanchoLeomon Ruin Mode simply ignored Parasimon's attacks coming each way, since all of them were blocked by UlforceVeedramon's Tensegrity Shield. If they couldn't hit him, there was no need to worry about them for the moment. Instead, the lion gave his full focus to materializing the blade in his mind, placing every last bit of his power into it. The sword of aura in his hands solidified, eventually taking the form of a solid black blade with red runes etched on the side. And as the sword came into existence, BanchoLeomon looked up to see UlforceVeedramon's latest attack shatter the Omni-Shield.

~BGM on~

"Here we go!" The black beast grinned, brandishing his blade and charging forward at immense speeds. He may not have caught up to UlforceVeedramon Future Mode's agility, but his speed was certainly enough to take advantage of the brief window he had, charging forth and bringing the sword down on Parasimon Mordred. The black blade began to glow with an unholy light, and as it fell downwards towards Parasimon, BanchoLeomon Ruin Mode willed it to shatter, unleashing every last bit of stored energy inside at once against his opponent. "Apocalypse!" He screamed as a black blaze descended on Parasimon Mordred, which would incinerate the bastard to ashes completely.



"Oh, it figures..." Sigmamon groaned under his breath, trying to figure out a way to dodge Primus's attack. He didn't see any nearby surfaces he could attach a chain to and reel himself in, and his wings were still too damaged for him to simply fly out of the blast's range. His version of the Omni-Shield was too weak for an attack of this magnitude, and would only shatter under its strength. "Shitty brother...trapping me like this..." The traitor snarled in fury, realizing he only had one way out of this. Adjusting the flow of data to his wings, Orci Sigma switched from attempting to heal them to simply reinforcing the appendages' defense power, and instantly ripped them off his back with a cry of pain, throwing them forward while manifesting his Omni-Shield. His chains quickly wrapped the armored wings to the force field, creating a last ditch defensive barrier, one that Primus's blast proceeded to strike against with full force.

The collision kicked up a massive explosion, but Sigmamon gave zero fucks. As soon as he realized he was still alive, he sacrificed the data he'd loaded from one of the lesser Orci to instantly regenerate a new pair of wings for himself, albeit at the cost of a portion of his power. Still, he wasn't going to be able to take on the greatest of his brothers in a straight fight either way, so running like hell was the best course of action. Using the smoke from the explosion as cover, Orci Sigma took off into the sky, fleeing for his life.


The Human Instrumentality Committee: An Evangelion Fan Group

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Xbox Live Gamertag: CrisisRain
League of Legends IGN: NoOneLovesYou
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Originally Posted by Kyouko
Psyker Landshark, troller extrordinaire, at your service.
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• 4 Weeks Ago #1007
Fish Of Oblivion

Join Date
Nov 2010
Britain. Land of the Limeys...

Snarling as UlforceVeedramon blocked his attacks with the Tensengrity Barrier, allowing BanchoLeomon to carry on charging his attack, Parasimon's mind went into a frenzy, as he realized just how awful his situation was. Any moment now, the Lion could be bringing something terrible to bear and onto him. For all he knew, this could be his final reckoning. The punishment, perhaps justified for the life that he'd led up until this point.
Everything had gone to hell for him. BanchoLeomon, a Digimon he'd made the mistake of brushing off, had turned out to be the perfect counter to his strategy. Even with his vast power, the bastard had just kept coming at him. Whilst everything else fell flat at the power of the Omni-Shield, he just kept pushing on and broke through every single fucking time. He'd lost his armor and been reduced to an unstable, feeble form that relied on a healing factor and a slightly stronger shield. Before even that, he'd lost the Spirits, the artifacts that he had held onto for Yggdrasil knew how long, because of the same damn lion and Examon.

He'd fought Examon to a standstill, only failing to make good on his power and take him out because, deep in his own chaotic, disturbed mind, he'd stupidly decided to let him go help Alphamon, finding some sympathy for the bastard due to their similar unconditional loyalties, with only the promise of continuing their battle.
A battle he was likely to be unable to see finished now. All because he fucked up.

All because he was too damn stupid to get ahold of himself and decide what he really was.

“Feral… Fire!”
“Dragon… Collider!”

In that instant, Parasimon's thoughts were stopped dead as his Omni-Shield shattered above him due to the attacks from Dynasmon and MagnaGarurumon.

And in the next instant, his doom was sealed.

"Here we go! Apocalypse!"

Looking up, Parasimon saw the black death bursting forth from BanchoLeomon coming down on him from above.

And, emotions hitting their peak, he just stood silently as it came down onto him.
__________________________________________________ ________________________________

"Here's hoping," MagnaGarurumon muttered to himself as the Omni-Shield shattered and BanchoLeomon's Apocalypse came crashing down onto Parasimon, as he used his incredible speed to move out to a reasonable distance.

This battle was getting dragged on long enough as it was. Aside from Imperialdramon, the dormant Yggdrasil and some of the Orci, Parasimon Mordred was the only true threat still present on the battlefield. Sleipmon was still around, but he'd yet to make any major moves, and at this stage, MagnaGarurumon doubted that he would. The only thing that would really let him become an active participant at this stage would be to fuse with his Captain into some sort of Omnimon ripoff, but there really wasn't much chance of that happening, was there?
'Note to self: Deal with Sleipmon and Darkdramon next, MagnaGarurumon thought to himself as he realized that, considering the world he lived in, random shit like that was more than likely to happen if given the chance, and also as he took a position about 50 Meters away from the soon-to-be-roasted Parasimon.

Only, it was at this point that he realized that it was taking a little too long for the incineration to take place.

"What the hell?" MagnaGarurumon muttered to himself as, against all reason and logic, the black death descending on Parasimon slowed down as if impeded.
__________________________________________________ _________________________________

Breaking the silence only else broken by the roar of the Apocalypse upon him, Parasimon Mordred looked up defiantly at the death come for him as he raised one of his arms up into the sky towards it.

A metallic screech filling the air, the energy he had been channeling through the separation of his shield, the energies that had weakened his shield with their charging rushing out all at once under his will and joining together into a structure.

His Omni-Shield. Formed once again to see him through this.

Crackling with energy, the shield strengthened to it's limit and began to divide- Six layers of energy, cast from reserves deep within Parasimon and his own seemingly infinite will, formed between him and his death, each weaker than the base shield they were formed from, but stronger as collective.

Parasimon was certain in that moment that he would not die. He had come far too far to just give up and die, or at least to die without purpose, with naught but a scrap of his being left behind.

He remembered far back into the past, long before he'd ever become a Knight, and the string of events that had led him up till now.

How his growth had been disrupted as a Fresh- How circumstance and the seeming animosity towards him of whatever god existed turned split his evolution off into the wrong direction.
How he'd been forced to stay in the shadows and feed on scraps of data and carrion in order to make the long, arduous journey to Mega in his inferior form- And how that road had only yielded him a greater humiliation yet. A Mega that could only survive off of others, weaker than the form that came before it, the lowest of the low- A parasite.
How he'd fought on anyway- And how his fight had bought him to the Spirits. A reprieve- For a while, he'd roamed as a nameless warrior. Ardhamon, Beowulfmon, Reichmon... All forms that he had taken. Just fighting without a cause. An emptiness that needed to be filled, but was seemingly bottomless and without respite. No strong reputation, not even a name- Just his form.
How he'd been raised from the gutter and fate of a nameless warrior by Yggdrasil, given the other Spirits that he had yet to gather in order to fill the hole that the First Knight had left in their ranks- Another emptiness that was without bottom. Even as Susanoomon, he could not find his purpose, or even acceptance. Some made the effort, but he was an outsider- And an idiot. Nothing but a dog for Yggdrasil to replace the greatest Knight of them all. Nothing but a worthless shadow.
How the prolonged and unbroken use of the Spirits destroyed him from the inside- Existing hatred and aggression was amplified, becoming mania and cruelty. With no reputation to precede him, he was but a devil from nowhere- Thousands fell at his feet where he fought, Yggdrasil's orders defining his very existance as he slaughtered and killed. What goodness had existed in him had been buried, his better nature sealed away and discarded for the monster he had become.
How he had finally been stripped of the Spirits in the return of Alphamon to lead the traitors against Yggdrasil- The shunning he had suffered all for nothing as their image of the First had been shattered. Animosity for replacing the First had defined him amongst his fellow Knights. Now that she was revealed as fighting against them, he had lost even that. He was just background noise now.
How he'd come to realize how far he'd fallen- And at his core, deeply twisted by loyalty to Yggdrasil and his use of the Spirits, how little he could bring himself to care for it. Guilt and regret that he felt, but was unable to come to terms with or express in any meaningful fashion- Feelings that were further droned out of him by his transformation into Parasimon Mordred and the birth of the Orci.
He was dead inside. Goodness existed deep within him, but it was drowning beneath the evil that had grown into him. He knew that what he did under Yggdrasil was wrong, but he knew that he owed Yggdrasil more than his worthless life could ever pay back. He would fight for Yggdrasil, no matter what. Tamer, Sovereign, Ancient, Demon Lord, even a Royal Knight... If it was Yggdrasil's will to see it dead and buried, he would see to it.

It was a long, miserable life. Death would be a great reprieve for him. He had nothing to live for, so it was the only thing he really had to look forwards to. Perhaps if he died, the Digital World would rejoice in it- A monster gone, a bane on the earth defeated. No-one would mourn him. Not his fellow Knights, not his Children, and most certainly not Yggdrasil.

And yet, nothing of this truly mattered to Parasimon as he stood his ground.

"Rho Aias," He growled, his body bubbling with the intensity of the energy flowing through it as he projected his empowered shield against the apocalypse.

It didn't matter to him anymore. If all he had to look forward to was death, than he would march towards it with as much dignity as he could muster.
If the only road that was available to him lead to his demise, than so be it. He would choose the manner of his death, but he would accept it.
If others would hate him and look down upon him as worthless, than so be it. They had that right. He didn't have to care.
If power such as that which was now coming down upon him was to be bought to bear against him, than he would just have to counter it.

The first layer of Rho Aias, the six-part shield of energy between Parasimon and his death, shattered, depleting the energies coming towards him to 90% of their original value.

The force coming down upon him could not be stopped. Even at low percentages of it's current power, it would still deal damage that could cripple him for the rest of the battle.
But, at those low percentages, it could be beaten out by a counter-weapon of sufficient power. Even if he had no hope of producing a weapon to match this blast, he could create something to beat a weakened version of it out.

The second layer of Rho Aias shattered, depleting the energies coming towards Parasimon to 81% of their original value.

Parasimon snarled in frustration. He could feel the energies burning into him from here, and time was wasting away at a breakneck pace. He had to get a move on.
He had more energy in reserve, from both the failed Royal Vengeance and other stores that he was hardy conscious of, but yet could still feel. He had the means to do this.
So, finding an appropriate form for the weapon in the recesses of his mind, he set to work.

Before Parasimon, a golden diamond structure appeared, a form similar to that of a weapon he had used when he had roamed as a nameless warrior. Energy crackled within it, flames and light bright enough to rival the sun itself seemingly solidifying within for the attack that was to come.

The third layer of Rho Ais shattered, depleting the energies coming towards Parasimon to 72.9% of their original value.

The diamond's energy began to push against the last layer of Rho Aias between it and the Apocalypse, seemingly strengthening it to the point of near-invulnerability. At this point, the energy and power was blinding- Parasimon's eyed bubbled out of their sockets, the slimy grease and ichor running down his indifferent face as his Hazard control sustained his senses.

The fourth layer of Rho Aias shattered, depleting the energies coming towards Parasimon to 65.61% of their original value.

The diamond and the energy brimming within it was ready. Parasimon's continued existance all came down to this attack and whether it could deflect the death coming for him.

The fifth layer of Rho Aias shattered, depleting the energies coming towards Parasimon to 59.05% of their original value.

With the last and strongest layer of Rho Aias holding the energies back for the limited amount of time that they could, Parasimon looked upwards, his eyeless face defiant as it became melted and blurred by the sheer clash of power.
He had the resolve. His death would come, and it was inevitable. He both understood and accepted that- His atrocities, conscious or unconscious, had to be answered to. His death was the only thing that could truly answer for them, and the sense of self that he had recuperated independantly of the Spirits recognized that.

But that was to come. For now, he was to live- And he was certainly not going to die here.

And so, he prayed.

"BRAHMASTRA KUNDALA!!!!!" Parasimon roared, determined to survive for now as he released the attack from the diamond, the last layer of Rho Aias shattering and reducing the Apocalypse to 53.144% of their original value as it clashed with the raging fury released by Parasimon.

And the resulting explosion, of dark and light energies clashing into each-other and colliding in a vicious inferno that released a gigantic fallout, could be seen from space.
__________________________________________________ ______________________________________

Deep down in the library, as he tended to the wounded bought to him by the Shoutmon brothers, Seraphimon paused for a moment as he felt the very existance around him be shaken to the core by something happening outside.

"... What was that?" He asked the closest conscious person to him, the Royal Knight Gallantmon who had been sitting nearby him for the past few minutes after they had entered the library together, who seemed to be wrapped up in certain thoughts.
__________________________________________________ ______________________________________

Watching with wide eyes as the golden ring formed around her finger from the contact with the Purger, Ari just stared at the item, the words of the golden man nearing her going into her head, but not being particularly acknowledged, at least for the moment.
Much of what the Purger was saying flew over the young girl's head as it would for any others of her age, she was able to pick up bits and pieces of what he was saying.

Apparently, she was important to the future.
This, as far as Ari was concerned, was awesome.

"Okay, whatever you say!" The girl said with a bright smile to the Purger, evidently unfazed by any implications of his speech.

Rather, she was more fazed by the fact that she hadn't anything to offer him in return for his gift. Mama had always said that it was good manners to return a gift with another gift if you could- One act of kindness begetting another.
And whilst Ari didn't have anything that fit the traditional definition of a gift... She did have something that she could offer the Purger.

"... Purger?" She started, remembering the entity's name from something Shakamon had said a few moments before, "Would you like to take this?"

And, saying that, the girl's hands went down to lift up the Kapurimon that had been sitting on her lap for the past forever, as if a certain set of jackasses had intended to do something with it but had continuously forgotten about it.

"I already have Squishy to take care of, and the other Squishy too... Could you take care of him for me?"
Last edited by Fish Of Oblivion; 4 Weeks Ago at 07:41 PM.

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The Human Instrumentality Committee: An Evangelion Fan Group
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Being Meduka Is Suffering...
Killroy wuz ere.
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• 4 Weeks Ago #1008

Lockon Look-a-like
Join Date
Nov 2010
orbiting the earth inside my gundam with my sights trained on you
((this Post is based on what i can find out about Crusadermon in regards to his abilities. especially the part in the wiki where it says that, when using Fist of Athena, he is capable of "Instantly closing to Point-Blank Range."))

as the Bifrost barrage came at him, he raised the large shield to protect himself "You don't get it" Laughed Beelzemon as the ice-shards pinged off of it. "When i consume, i gain everything about the creature i have consumed. That means i get Crusadermons shield, it's not as strong as Craniamons perhaps, but still one of the strongest in the Digital world." in a flash, he drew a Berenjenna and fired it off, the shockwaves from the bullets as the cut through the air forcing the shards aside and giving him a moment in the storm, but that moment was all he needed. he drew his fist back. "FIST OF ATHENA!!!" in the blink of an eye, he appeared directly in behind Sleiphmon "As well as his unfathomable speed." before hitting him with a Sonic Boom.


Bladramon prepared to launch a counter attack as the creature tried to make it's get away, his sword began to glow as the attack readied. "Back off." ordered Herald. "Let it go, it will retreat to lick its wounds and come after you again." he said. Bladramons sword stopped glowing as it floated back down to the ground "Wow, i missed watching you do that."

"It has been many ages since my last awakening, now, there is work to be done." said Bladramon.

"Actually, my old friend, for you the battle is over. Return to your core forms. they are required elsewhere." said Herald.

"I'm sorry, my old friend, but i cannot do that? The Digital world has become corrupt, I cannot possibly leave it like this, it is my duty, my solemn vow to eradicate all of the evil in this world."

"But that is being handled by others." replied Herald. but Bladramon shook his head.

"So long as i am needed, i cannot return these two." said Bladramon. "no-one short of long Fanglongmon will change that." he said walking away. Herald smiled beneath his mask.

"Actually, all i have to say to you is that Ruby will not be pleased...." Bladramon stopped as his black arm began to twitch.

"What... What are you doing?" asked Bladramon.

"I am doing nothing, but one of your hosts has more desire to protect his tamer than you have desire to fulfill your duty." said Herald. Bladramon looked back at Herald, he advanced on him, but Flamedramon dropped down in front of him. "Flamedramon, your timing is as impeccable as always."

"Move aside, Fire of Courage." said Bladramon.

"Over my dead body..." replied Flamedramon.

"That can be arranged."

"In your condition, not likely." said Flamedramon. Bladramons eyes narrowed as he disappeared into a light as WarGreymon and BlackWarGreymon appeared in front of them.
Last edited by Mattmanganon; 2 Weeks Ago at 06:15 PM.

my country, a fine country, a country that i would give my life to protect.

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• 4 Weeks Ago #1009
Psyker Landshark

Nooses are bad.
Join Date
May 2010

As the black flame came crashing down towards Parasimon, BanchoLeomon Ruin Mode smiled in victory. This was it. The damn bug would finally die here...And then the bastard seemed to collect himself and manage to put up a defense.


A multi-layered Omni-Shield popped into being, and BanchoLeomon snarled, pouring the last vestiges of Ruin Mode's power into his Apocalypse in a desperate hope to pierce through the shield. One layer fell. The unholy light surged onward. Two, three, four, five. Each layer of Rho Aias fell before the might of his full power, but the attack weakened with each shield layer it passed through. The lion scowled, realizing that if he didn't do something, the bastard just might be able to cancel out his attack. Whirling around in the air, BanchoLeomon used the last drop of his Ruin Mode's power to break physics and kick off in midair, diving down, straight towards the black flame he had created.

As it turned out, that was a mistake. Parasimon's own attack came rushing up to meet his own, and BanchoLeomon's eyes widened as he realized he'd be caught in the epicenter of the explosion. Damn it, he needed to get out of range, but he didn't have time! Thinking quickly, the lion proceeded to reabsorb Apocalypse into his being, restoring Ruin Mode, and projected his aura out directly in front of him, creating a curved barrier of dark aura. Brahmastra Kundala crashed into the shield, and the world turned white as the sheer force of the explosion sent BanchoLeomon crashing down to the ground in his base form.

"GAH!" He screamed in pain as he collided with the earth. The explosion had done a number of him, but he was still in fighting condition, thanks to his impromptu shield protecting him. And even better, he still had enough energy left over for about five minutes of fighting in Ruin Mode on full burn. Picking himself back up, he looked over through the fallout and saw Parasimon on the ground himself, heavily injured. Great. All that effort and he didn't even finish the bug off. Five minutes at full power might be enough to finish Parasimon Mordred off, but that was only a slight chance. Plus, if he kept pushing himself like this, the Biomerge might just break completely, and he'd be left as a defenseless human and a Rookie. BanchoLeomon stood hunched over and gasping for breath as he considered his options before simply deciding for Parasimon to act first and react from there.

The Human Instrumentality Committee: An Evangelion Fan Group

Steam name: Baron Von Kittenkiller
Xbox Live Gamertag: CrisisRain
League of Legends IGN: NoOneLovesYou
Skype username: tehlawgiver
Originally Posted by Kyouko
Psyker Landshark, troller extrordinaire, at your service.
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• 4 Weeks Ago #1010

Cornucopia Crab
Join Date
Mar 2011
Indonesia, currently in Jakarta

No sooner had he decided to rest and recover, Gallantmon suddenly felt a gut-wrenching sensation that caused every fiber under his armor to shiver uncontrollably. His eyes darted around, trying to locate the source of the shocking feeling that struck him, wondering if it came from the battle-ravaged field outside of the library, which had now been hastily converted into an emergency infirmary to treat and keep survivors of the Royal Civil War.

"... What was that?"

Seraphimon's question quickly brought him back to the realm of reality and he weakly shook his head. "I-I... I don't know, Lord Seraphimon..." He admitted. "The grueling forces outside... It becomes so chaotic that I couldn't tell any of them apart... Perhaps it was due to one of many struggles of power that is now ensuing." As he sighed, Gallantmon rested himself against a wall behind him. "It's funny... Who knew that we are our biggest and worst enemies? My former brothers and sister are now out and about, trying to decimate one another, and here I am being a sitting duck." A hollow laughter echoed from under his helmet. "I feel so stupid, Lord Seraphimon... I promised Examon that I would watch his back and now I'm spending every second breaking that promise while he, with his newfound strength and friendship, surpassed me and the rest of the Knights. To some extent, my heart is filled with envy. Lady Alphamon, Lord UlforceVeedramon, Lord Dynasmon, Lord Examon... All of them are now stronger than ever, fighting alongside the creatures that Imperialdramon see as nothing but an insect."

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• 05-14-2013 #1049

Angelic Doormat
Join Date
Mar 2011
Perth, Australia
"Tell me about it," Ranamon groaned and rolled her eyes, then continued, "Still, does that make you any more entitled to boss me around? I know I'm weak, but there's no need to rub that salt on my face. If you hadn't told me about this, I would've assumed that you're just another one of Yggdrasil's puppets. Your behavior certainly befits one," the pseudo-Champion scoffed and looked away defiant-ly. She believed that this particularly noisy Mega Digimon needed a counseling, but coming from her, that opinion would be somewhat hypocritical at best.
Profile Picture drawn by Zefiar of Deviantart.
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• 06-02-2013 #1050

Lockon Look-a-like
Join Date
Nov 2010
orbiting the earth inside my gundam with my sights trained on you
Beelzemon watched as BanchoLeomon jumped off. "Hey, don't you walk away whilst i'm talking to you-and he's gone... Can you believe him? And, when was the last time i shot you... Ok, that time on the beach, BUT YOU SAID YOU COULD CATCH IT!" Beelzemon got up and walked towards Ulforce. "Well, let's bring this day to a close." he pulled out the Berenjena's. "I think we can do something to help, who's with me?" He asked, but Ulforce and Ranamon

"No-one is." said the voice of Herald as he jumped down from the Castle rubble.

"And then there's this asshole..." he muttered. "So why are you here now?"

"Simply put, i am here on behalf of AncientGreymon." he said.

"You mean you know that big-ass dragon that saved me from the god of pop-culture reference's?" asked Beelzemon

"Indeed... If by "Big Ass Dragon" you mean AncientGreymon."

"Ok... So why are you here?" he asked again. "And answer straight forward this time, i am not in the mood for any of that "Take ages to say nothing" bullshit."

"Simply put i am here to distract you. The rest of them have left." he said. Beelzemon turned to see everyone gone.

"You're a real asshole..." he turned back to see Herald gone. "Fucking hell..." he said, he put the gun to his head and made a shooting motion. "Dammit, i am getting too old for this shit..." he hunched over as the Wings began to grow out of his back, as his arm transformed into the Cannon. "Alright." he jumped and began to fly after them. Following them until he finally caught up with them, landing next to Ulforce. "Ok, thanks for waiting or, you know, even fucking saying a word before you ditch me." he asked. Ulforce then made a quip about how the day had been dragging on.

"Hah, Forth wall..." said Impmon.

"What?" Asked Dirk.

"Nothin' move on." he looked at Ranamon. "Say, did you see that guy with the mask back there? The asshole that distracted me? He says he runs with your crowd."

• tobiax

Forest Lord
Join Date
Jun 2011
The savage Orci let out a fowl shriek, sensing the power of the Sovereigns rise up near it. The black, syrupy ichor that formed at its mouth being flung about, scarring rocks on which it fell. Seeing both the mound of rock that was once castle into which the warrior had crashed, and War Capidramon himself, now astride an armored tiger of light, charging forward. The warrior slowly drew back his spear, aiming it at the beast above. Seeing the chance for much data, the Orci spread its wings, orbs of red energy gathering there before raining down over the collapsed stones. As the burning projectiles closed in, WarCapidramon Hunts Mode threw the spear with all his might.
"Soul Burst Spear!"
Now cloaked in a veil of energy, the spear, Tonbogiri, flew forth. As the barrage crashed down, the spear tore in to the Orci. It rent the flesh of its thick shoulder hide asunder, spilling chunks of data mass and a thin, sickly liquid. In pain, the beast landed, dropping onto all six limbs with a crash. Its thick beetle like head raised as its three part jaws stretched open, letting out a hideous shriek.
The energy volley crashed down upon the hill of stone. Explosions sent shards of rock flying through the air, barely blocked by War Capidramon's armor and aura, vaporizing the simple stone. The shots themselves, however, were a different matter. Byakko needed to move constantly just to avoid direct hits, and plenty of collateral waves sent them reeling one way or another. This, however, was what the beast wanted. The vapor of the stone hung in the air, forming a thick cloud of data amidst the vol-ley of energy. Sizzling with a sickening hiss, the wound boiled, drawing in the spare data as the Gift of Yggdrasil healed the wound. Seeing what was going on, War Capidramon cocked back his fist, his armor glowing as the tiger on which he rode barreled on. He could feel the power gathering in the beast, and knew none of his regular attacks could get it away. Slowly, he drew his hand forward, bringing it before his helmet. The energy of his Wolf Spirit Rage focusing in his spiked helm, gathering to his hand. Slow-ly, ever nearing the beast, he drew his hand back, the power following, flowing in white mist. Soon, a blue glow took his hand, but he was not at full power. In a mere moment, the spear returned from aether, signaling he was at full power. Throwing his fist forward, he let out a mighty shout.
With the sound of a tiger's roar, the energy burst forth, forming the shape of a tiger's head. The shot of energy tore through the air, snarling and roaring as the wisps of hair it left behind formed a spiral of energy behind the main beam, which continued on behind in an elongated drop shape.
"Killer Barrage!" the Orci called, rearing up as it gathered energy once again.
However, it was too late for the beast. The blast caught it in the chest, launching the monster off its feet and into the air. The Orci struggled to break free from the jaws of the blast, its carapace ravaged by the burning energies. Back over the gate where BanchoLeomon and his compatriots rested it flew. A moment before the blast ate through its armor, the Orci broke free. Without time to correct itself, it hurtled through the air, landing at the tower where Beelzemon had attacked Sleipmon the second time. It landed with a crash, the explosion of the nearby attack engulfing the area, searing away the dust, turning the ground into hard stone, flipping the Orci side over side across the ground. Standing, merely dazed from the impact, the Orci buzzed its dreadful wings, lifting into the air.
Grimnir Flash![SIZE=3]
In an instant, WarCapidramon was in range of the Orci, ZERO ARMS: Byakko not far behind. It's eyes narrowing in a bewildered rage, it charged, round, armored head crashing forth. Seeing the charge coming, War Capidramon was able to nimbly dodge, but that did not stop one of the insect's massive limbs from crashing in to him and sending him crashing into a tower. It was then that a glimmer caught the Orci's eye. The depleted bolts from Sleipmon's attempt to finish Beelzemon once and for all lie im-bedded into the ground, now only slightly simmering, their rainbow glow all but gone. With one lum-bering step, it was upon the mass of data, lowering its jaws into the decaying crystals and devouring them. Groaning, War Capidramon pulled himself from the wall, drawing his sword as he dashed forth. As the Orci consumed the last of the high energy data, the warrior was upon him, slashing with preci-sion and fury. Feeling the blade sink into its shoulder, it stood, defending with spined arms as its scorched carapace healed.
"I'll never be able to do any damage at this rate," he muttered to himself.
"If only there were some way to get past its armor..."
"I'm lost," Shrewmon piped.
"Darnit, all this power... and no idea what it does!"
It was then that the Orci stuck back.
"Skull Cracker!"
The beast's arm flew with great speed, slamming into War Capidramon, stealing his breath for a mo-ment. Not out of the fight yet, the Warrior returned fire, slamming his fist forth at the beast- only for the blow to be blocked. And so, they continued this way, trading blows, deflecting shots, and making no headway. A kick from War Capidramon was intercepted by a swing from the Orci. A reach for his shield was met with a leathery wing slamming forth and knocking the Rodent Mega's arm back. With the beating of the Orci's wings, the stalemate was brought into the air and forced on. WarCapidramon took a blow to the face, sending him crashing down into the gate just behind where his comrades were. The Orci descend upon him as he stood, wiping the blood from his face with a defiant glare. With a strange smirk, the Orci brought its hand out. However, in a strange twist, it turned its claws to itself, peeling back its chest plate to reveal the seething mass beneath.
"Gobulac Swarm! Kill! Destroy! Die! HEUAAAAAGH!" the monstrosity hissed.
From the depths of its being, hideous, black flies roughly the size of certain Champion what happened to be present burst forth from the wound. The foul spawn of the equally foul spawn bore their horrid stingers and buzzed about, gnashing ravenously, aiming to feast upon War Capidramon's flesh and feed the data to their master. The Orci again raised its hand, dropping it to crush the stunned Mega-
With a gust of cold wind a white flash shot by. Byakko had returned, and just in time. Trusting his new companion, War Capidramon reached out, grasping the armor plates, mounting the beast at full stride, and was whisked away. Utterly enraged, the beast seethed, foaming at the mouth. Unintelligible shrieks and howls burst forth as it charged after the warrior who was escaping, not noticing the three Megas and single Champion, on whom the drones had now turned.
The Orci shot forth, gnashing its horrid jaws, claws flexing as its body hissed and boiled, healing once again as the ichor trail it left behind thinned, the wound closing, having left the drones to do its dirty work. While most of the Orci had received rather little in the way of thought, this one had just enough of a mind to feel unabiding rage towards the one who had fled. It howled in the wind, catching up with the running tiger without expending too much time. Again, it launched the blazing blasts of energy from its wings, causing the hyper-aware tiger to strafe in order to simply survive. The blasts over-flowed their craters, and WarCapidramon needed to sway, keeping ever vigilant to avoid the volatile blasts. However, neither of them were aware that the Orci was leading them both to its master, lead by some basal instinct, awakened by sheer rage.

And that's how it's done.
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• 08-09-2013 #1052
Psyker Landshark

Dem Eyes
Join Date
May 2010
]As UlforceVeedramon quickly addressed him and moved off to take care of his own business, Gal-lantmon Crimson Mode just stared at his retreating form intently.
“... If you insist,” the Angelic Knight said simply, deciding not to dwell on being turned down for as-sistance by the Biomerged Digimon, before his attention was turned to Beelzemon and the human-like-thing that was talking to him. Both of which seemingly hadn’t noticed him.

“If you two aren’t coming along, go and help him,” He said, lofting his lance up and pointing it in the direction of UlforceVeedramon, “Lord knows he needs all the help he can get. You two should be capable of giving him that help.”

And for a moment, his eyes strayed over to focus on just the Herald.

“And you... I get the impression you’re more powerful than you look. Probably not as powerful as you think you are, judging by the ridiculous amount of hubris that’s radi-ating off of you, but still. Go help him. I’m sure he’d appreciate it, and it’s better than doing absolutely nothing.”

And with that said, there was a roar and a rush of air as Gallantmon Crimson Mode rocketed upwards into the air, making a sudden turn at a ninety-degree angle towards the scene of the titanic battle in the distance.


Back on the battlefield, Imperialdramon Alter raised his blade as Examon Prime began to Slide Digivolve once more. Perfect. The fool had left himself open to attack. Even if it was for a split second, that was all the time he needed. Raising his sword, Imperialdramon charged his power through it and drew back, preparing to unleash his blade once more.



And then Dynasmon nuked him in the face.

Caught off guard, Imperialdramon took the blast full-on, sending him plummeting to the ground and cutting his attack off.

And allowing Alphamon Exaltation Mode to plant her feet straight into his gut. With considerable force, may it be said.

Roaring in a mix of pain and fury, Imperialdramon Alter reached up and caught Alphamon by the neck before hurling her at Dynasmon. Gripping his sword tightly, he pulled himself up and stalked after the two, black energy swirling around the Omni-Sword.

And then he heard something coming at him from behind.

Reacting instinctively, he turned on the spot with great speed, the black energies that had been swirl-ing around the Omni-Sword just a moment before launching out in a crescent-shaped arc to intercept what had just been coming at him less than a second before.
Several rounds of ammunition.

“This just isn’t your day, is it?” He heard the familiar, now incredibly frustrating voice of Examon’s Captain ask him in that same snide, snarky tone he always had, as more walls of bullets were launched at him moment by moment, the high quantity of firepower not posing any major threat of damage to him, but forcing him to block anyway. With the unstable state he was in, the sheer amount of ammuni-tion being launched at him was going to be almost as much of a pain as the far stronger individual at-tacks from Alphamon and Examon were going to be.

Speaking of which, Imperialdramon Alter was suddenly reminded of the pair’s continued existance after his slight lapse in attention when he felt Exaltation Mode deliver a kick into his spinal column with incredible force for a Digimon that had been critically wounded and desperate just a few moments before, breaking his concentration.
And allowing him to take a shower of bullets all over his front side as he forgot to block.

“GOOD GOING, IMPY!” The bitch crooned at him in that demented voice and persona fusing with Examon had (as far as Imperialdramon was concerned) cursed her with, as she followed up the kick by grabbing him in a full nelson and lifting him just a little bit off of the ground with a sudden increase in strength, “YOU FELL FOR THE SAME TRICK TWICE! HUEHUEHUEHUE!”

Whatever reaction Imperialdramon would have had to the hold, he didn’t quite get to express it, as his reaction time was compromised by both the continued hail of bullets thundering into him from the front, and also by Alphamon suddenly rocketing up into the air and, not wasting any time, slamming him back down into the ground at a vicious speed.
And then proceeding to climb to her feet and, with him still tightly locked in her grasp, throw him to the side and deliver a series of slashes from a slowly-forming white and black sword that appeared in her hands. As the barrage of gunfire picked back up again.

Fortunately for Imperialdramon Alter, it didn’t take long for him to come back to his senses.
Somewhat more unfortunately, though, his senses just happened to be clouded with a powerful rage and increased stress from holding that bastard Primus, who had just taken the opportunity to force himself out from being violently repressed, off from taking control of their body.

So, roaring a furious, primal cry, a black explosion rang out from the Omni-Sword and flung Alphamon, MirageGaogamon and Dynasmon away at high speeds as Imperialdramon lunged in fury towards the second of them.

Charging forth, Imperialdramon Alter closed the distance between MirageGaogamon and himself, bringing his blade down on the lupine Mega relentlessly. MirageGaogamon made an attempt to dodge, but Imperialdramon was on him too quickly, and his blade bit deep into MirageGaogamon’s side. Fortunately, a quick burst of speed prevented any further damage, but the blow was brutal enough. The damage was done, and MirageGaogamon had no choice but to make a tactical withdraw-al.

He’d have felt much more guilt over this decision if it wasn’t for Alphamon taking the opportunity to rush back in with her still-forming sword, taking advantage of Imperialdramon’s continued focus on the lupine Mega to slash him across the gut. That just made the whole deal worth it, and he headed for the medical sector with a pained smirk. Ob is a faggot
__________________________________________________ __________

‘So...’ One consciousness within the head of Crimson Mode started towards the other as their body jetted towards the titanic clash in the rapidly-approaching horizon. From the familiar-sounding wrath-ful screams in the distance, it seemed that the battle wasn’t going in their enemy’s favour.

‘I suppose we’re on our own, not that I mind,’ The other consciousness spoke up, still relishing the newfound power they held together. ‘And that sound is oddly harmonious to my ears, but let’s not dabble on that too much. Knowing Imperialdramon and his personality, he wouldn’t take defeat very well.’

‘Indeed. Quicker we get this done, the better.’ The first consciousness replied, before adding ‘Because, and I don’t mean any offense by this, aside from the fact that we don’t have any time to waste, this whole situation is too bizarre.’

Hearing his justified concern, the second consciousness shrugged, replying with a mildly amused tone in his voice. ‘Really? It doesn’t seem particularly strange for me, but I guess I’ve been living with the Digital Hazard for too long.’

‘Evidently,’ The first offered in deadpan, detracting from the conversation to look out towards the site of their coming battle...

To notice something blue headed their way.

Meanwhile, Zhuqiaomon fumed silently as the battle raged, stray embers from his body beginning to light the area around him in flames. Imperialdramon had managed to achieve yet another Mode Change, and all he could do was sit here and watch! It was absolutely infuriating for someone who would have preferred to just kill them all and be done with it.

A bitter “I know,” was the reaction of Baihumon as he joined his brother in watching the farce down below. Whilst his reaction was far less extreme than Zhuqiaomon’s, the level of bitterness in his tone was almost stifling.

“Why haven’t we just killed Azulongmon yet?” Zhuqiaomon quipped, envisioning the Drag-on of the East burning to death with no small amount of glee. “It’d make our job so much easi-er. I’m sure we could raise someone else to his position. Maybe they might actually do something.”

“No idea,” Baihumon simply replied, by this point used to and even somewhat understanding of Zhuqiaomon’s hatred for anything related to the Dragon of the East, “But this is getting ridicu-lous. The Knights have already stomped over his expectations for their threat tier, and the risks we’re running are absurd.”

“Why are we even bothering to listen to that insufferable fool’s plan? Do you re-member the last time Azulongmon had an idea? That entire episode was an utter farce, given that we put all that effort into his chosen champion and he didn’t even survive the battle.”

“Why are you asking me?” The Tiger of the West hissed backwards, his mood dropping from cold and level to cold and irritated, “You know how much say I get in anything that con-cerns anything outside the Western Sector.”

Shaking his head, Zhuqiaomon just grumbled and gave off another gout of flame as he resumed watching the battle.

“Honestly, at this stage, Azulongmon aside, I’m starting to think GranDracmon came out of our agreement the best.”

“He gets to murder Demon Lords. Of course he came out on top.”

“And he doesn’t have to toe the line. Some of us have all the luck.”


His senses too clouded and the pain digging into his very existence flaring up again, the Black Sover-eign hissed and began to move away from the clearing where the various beings babbled on about something he couldn’t quite make out. His host was far more gluttonous than he’d expected, and the energy he was feeding the bird man went down too quickly for him to keep the supply consistent. He at most an hour before he’d need to find a more suitable vessel.

So, he took flight, quickly streaking across the sky as his host’s physical capabilities were bolstered by the supply of power being fed to him. Despite the fact that he only had an hour at present, obtaining secondary sources of data would extend that window of time considerably. At his present level of power, he’d be unable to fight anything above the average level of strength possessed by a first stage Mega, however.

So it was more or less a god-send when he heard the sound of swarming insects headed his way, and looked up to see a cloud of black insects charging him. Weak, insignificant insects. All of them packets of data.

From a distance, the sky could be seen to ignite into a black inferno as the swarm burned.


Imperialdramon Alter leapt back, parrying blow after blow from Alphamon Exaltation Mode as he did so. Keeping Primus suppressed was becoming harder and harder as the battle went on, and it made fending off his external foe more difficult as well. At this rate, he’d lose by sheer attrition if he didn’t make a move to end the battle. Unfortunately, Alphamon gave Imperialdramon no chance to break away from the melee he found himself in as she continued raining down a flurry of attacks on him. Not to mention that he was completely bereft of reinforcements at this rate, given that his Knights had either been slain or defected to the traitors’ side. There would be no support to relieve him, and his chances of victory grew slimmer by the minute.

But he still had a chance. If he could just slay Alphamon, everyone else on the battlefield would be fodder compared to his might. One critical blow was all that was needed to turn the tide of this battle. And so Imperialdramon waited, parrying Alphamon’s sword strikes until he could find a critical open-ing. The fool was half mad, thanks to the Hazard’s influence, and her swordsmanship degraded. She made up for it with her increased strength and speed, but her sloppy swordplay was still an exploitable weakness.

What Imperialdramon didn’t realize was that his own ability with the sword wasn’t much better at this point. Between having to suppress Primus in his mind and his own growing frustration at his situation, Imperialdramon’s strikes grew wild and his parries hasty.

Additionally, despite her forthcoming weakness, Alphamon wasn’t going to let him do more harm. She had seen the Royal Knights, now divided, crash and burn after she stepped out of the leadership helm and she wasn’t about to let Imperialdramon Paladin Mode destroy what new friends and companion-ship she now had. The vestiges of Alphamon’s renewed determination was uncorrupted, despite her unstable state of mind, and refused to buckle at the sight of her similarly mad adversary.

What did make her buckle, if just for a second, however, was a sudden shrieking sound cutting through the air as something shot towards Imperialdramon.
Something small, thin and glowing with a radiant light.

The spear punched through Imperialdramon’s shoulder, sending him staggering back with a cry of pain as his eyes shot up towards the sky, searching for whoever had interfered with his battle again. And he saw an angel in the sky, clad in crimson armor and wielding a blade of light. In one of its arms, a blue figure supported itself, seemingly heavily wounded. But Imperialdramon recognized the angel, de-spite his new appearance. Gallantmon’s signature was unmistakable, even without the usual signal of the Hazard radiating from him to the extent it usually did.

Watching as his spear smashed through Imperialdramon’s shoulder, Gallantmon Crimson mode held his hand out; and in an instant, the weapon re-appeared in his hand.
Imperialdramon was stunned. He wouldn’t waste this opportunity.
As he saw Alphamon take the opportunity to move in towards Imperialdramon, the Angelic Knight moved in a blur of crimson light, as both himself and the lupine Mega that he was temporarily support-ing set about continuing their assault.

Prepping his blade, he made a series of slashes in midair as he darted around the titanic black knight, each one leaving a trail of energy that intensified and locked on to Imperialdramon before launching themselves at him at ridiculous speeds; and these slashes were accompanied by a continued round of firepower from MirageGaogamon, the murderous hail that had bombarded Imperialdramon earlier picking up again and coming in at all angles alongside the attack from Crimson Mode.

Taken completely off guard by Gallantmon’s spear, Imperialdramon was left open to the barrage of attacks from both traitors. Howling in pain, Imperialdramon nonetheless managed to steady himself and raise his sword, pointing it up at the duo in the sky as he shoved as much power as he could mus-ter into the blade. They would die. Treachery would be repaid with death. And in a tragic failure of pat-tern recognition, Imperialdramon completely forgot about Alphamon.


Imperialdramon’s words abruptly paused into silence. Without even giving him a split second, Al-phamon made a final charge and plunged her sword into his chest, stabbing through his armor with all the strength and might she could muster. “No more, Imperialdramon,” Alphamon Exaltation Mode said with a heavy, labored breath.

For a moment, Imperialdramon stood still, eyes bulging from their sockets from the damage dealt to him from the stab as he retched; black ichor filling his mouth before pushing out and running down his front.
Too weak to even move now, his body seized up, his golden eyes piercing Alphamon with a hateful glare, before they began to dim...

And he punched Alphamon in the face with sickening might, sending her flying backwards.
“FINALLY.” The voice of Primus roared in triumph as Alphamon lost her grip on Arondight, as he pulled all the energies he could from the blade in order to force Imperialdramon down into submission in his place.
Imperialdramon was not a being designed to bear the toll of madness; it rid him of all that made him truly dangerous, turning him into nothing but a beast unable to learn and adapt.
Primus, however, was.
Despite Imperialdramon’s attempt to force him down, his mounting rage did little but set up Primus to take control of his body. And with the assault of Alphamon, MirageGaogamon and Gallantmon Crim-son Mode upon him, the Head Orci was able to make use of this.

Arondight was still forming. Energies radiated from it; and they were energies that, as a derivation from Examon Mordred, a component of the blade’s wielder, he could use for his own ends.
He didn’t waste time. Imperialdramon had proved that his competence was at its limit, and so Primus felt nothing but a sense of satisfaction as he forced the bastard deep down into their body’s subcon-scious in spite of his violent protest.

“Thanks for that,” Primus- no, Imperialdramon Alter, growled towards Alphamon with a vicious smirk, readying the corrupted Omni-Sword as he felt her summon Arondight out from his chest; and he lunged towards the surprised Mega, hammered by extreme fatigue and depleting amount of data in her shared system, as she desperately went to parry the renewed assault.

Primus was still very conscious of the fact that he still didn’t have too long before Imperialdramon would become a problem again; Alphamon had reclaimed Arondight before he had a chance to draw sufficient power to completely suppress the bastard.
That being said, however, he didn’t have the factor of Imperialdramon being able to force himself back into control ahead of time to deal with. With this in mind, he could simply move to taking down Al-phamon and Examon once and for all; their data would suffice, and Alphamon’s fatigue would allow him to make short work of her. Crimson Mode and MirageGaogamon would not last long after that; as soon as Alphamon and Examon perished, they’d be easily dispatched.
Alphamon was barely able to keep a steady stance, let alone drag a prolonged fight against Imperi-aldramon Alter with Primus in control. “He doesn’t know when to stay down! I think we need to drag this bastard down to the Dark Area. If that means dragging myself along with him, then so be it,” she muttered, knowing that the other four sharing her head and body were listening. “Hold up! Is there really no other way?!” Dorumon clearly didn’t relish the idea of losing the Digimon of whom she used to be a part of, despite her grudge for what she had done and what subsequently happened to her. “We don’t have a lot of choice... As much as I hate to admit this, I’m no longer in the position to fight. My data is exhausted and...” Alphamon turned around to look at an exhausted Zei, having maintained her focus despite her slipping sanity and fighting alongside her. They were clearly unable to continue for much longer. A cursory glance from Alphamon to the other two in the union showed her much the same; both Siggy and Ex-amon were stock still, vacant looks spreading over their faces.

For a few moments, the atmosphere in the union darkened; only the sound of Alphamon desperately parrying the blows being dealt by Imperialdramon Alter permeated the otherwise deathly silence of the room.
“... Fuck this.”
And then Siggy’s expression darkened from vacant to tempered fury as he spoke up.
Forcing his way forwards, quickly increasing the amount of strength he placed behind his blows as he was able to assert more and more control over the power in his body, Imperialdramon Alter’s face twisted from a scowl to a sadistic grin.
Alphamon was fighting admirably for her circumstances; he would concede that much. Had she not been worn down by stress and fatigue, both physical and mental, there was a very good chance she could have pushed this back in the other direction whilst he was still developing his control of his body.
But he was not disappointed in the slightest. As much as he found himself impressed with Alphamon, she was nothing but an obstacle to him. As an obstacle which Imperialdramon, Omnimon and his fa-ther alike had failed to overcome, dispatching her and her miserable attack mutt would boost his standing in the eyes of Yggdrasil. When the rebellion was crushed and it was only he who was left standing to reap the glories of battle at the very end, he would bring the new order to bear in the name of Yggdrasil.

But first, Alphamon would die. That would be the cornerstone for all that would come.

She provided him no opening, even as she fought fatigue and stress. With only the element of sur-prise preventing Gallantmon and MirageGaogamon from resuming their assault, he’d just have to make one of his own; no matter the risk to himself.
And so the corrupted Omni-Sword erupted into a pillar of screaming blackness once more, the incom-ing Dansleif scorching even Imperialdramon Alter himself as it finally broke Alphamon’s defensive and began to wash over her.

And he released the vicious blast of energy, roaring out in triumph as Alphamon perished.

For a moment, the sky blackened and the earth shook, both cracking as Dainsleif ravaged the founda-tion of the Digital World itself.
A terrible roar. Then a terrible silence as the world around the blast returned to focus.

To reveal something orange.

And Imperialdramon Alter hadn’t even the chance to disbelieve what his eyes were showing him be-fore the orange disappeared and something shot forwards and pierced his chest.

Steam name: Baron Von Kittenkiller
3DS Friend Code: 2294 4132 7659
Xbox Live Gamertag: CrisisRain
League of Legends IGN: NoOneLovesYou
Skype username: tehlawgiver
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• 08-09-2013 #1053
Fish Of Oblivion

Join Date
Nov 2010
Staring into your soul. Might be eating it, dunno.
“... Oh dear,” Gallantmon Crimson Mode finally bought himself to say, a few moments after Imperi-aldramon Alter made a shocking turnaround and began to assault Alphamon with vicious force once more. With both parties comprising the fusion being plagued with stressors and fatigue of their own, as well as a rustiness to the elements of the battlefield in one case, their reaction to the assault had been too sluggish to prevent immediate action, and even now they could only watch as they pulled themselves together.

“God. Dammit,” MirageGaogamon, experiencing near-total exhaustion from both the wound in his side and the expending of the majority of his remaining power in his last assault alongside Crimson Mode, growled in kind; his eyes swelling with the vicious, almost-feral rage that he entered whilst ber-serk.

“That blasted creature! I should have seen that coming...” One of the two consciousness spoke up, his frustration palpable and his resentment for his former superior burning like a wild fire.

“Preaching to the choir there,” The other hissed in return, trying to sound equally furious, though fall-ing somewhere short of succeeding, “But never mind. Just keep going. We bought him to a halt be-fore, and we shan’t fail again.”

And then, as if privy to this conversation in the head of his comrade, MirageGaogamon spoke up again.
“I’ll not lie. I doubt I’m going to last any more than a minute or so in my current form, even with the spirits. If I push myself and try to sustain my power levels, there’s a very real chance that I could die here and now.”

Pausing for a second, seemingly in thought and weighing his options, he shook his head, before re-suming.

“Whilst I think it’s fairly obvious dying isn’t on my to-do list, I don’t have any problem with spending some time out of commission in a lower form if the trade-off is taking this scum down once and for all.”

“... What are you suggesting?” Gallantmon Crimson Mode replied to him, performing the equivalent of a quirked brow as he turned his attention to the wounded lupine Mega.

“I’m suggesting that I unload whatever energy that I have remaining and whatever I can draw from the Spirits I have into a single burst, and smash it straight into him.”

“Will that be an acceptable offer? He’s not in a condition to fight anymore... and I’m not fond of the idea of losing another of my comrade.”

“Anything’s acceptable at this point. If he wants to do it, let him go ahead and do it. I have no prob-lem helping him land it straight in Imperialdramon’s face.”

“Any reservations, Angel?” MirageGaogamon snapped, clearly far from the mood to argue as he mar-shalled his comrade back to attention and out of his own damned thoughts.

Crimson Mode’s response was to suddenly move in a burst of speed towards Imperialdramon Alter.
“None at all,” The Angelic Knight replied, moving towards Imperialdramon Alter as MirageGaogamon immediately began to prepare his final assault, “Just-”

And in that moment, everything was cut off by the sudden Dainsleif.
A few seconds passed. Crimson Mode descended into a sudden, stunned silence once more.

And then he watched breathlessly as the orange egg faded into view at the end of the attack and un-furled to reveal Examon Prime.
Who proceeded to shoot Imperialdramon Alter in the chest with a bow constructed from a lattice of white and black strands of energy.

MirageGaogamon’s reaction was more straightforwards.
Forcing his way out of Crimson Mode’s carry, a gigantic spectral cannon emerged from an aura pooling around him, and the world around the Angelic Knight and the Lupine Knight whitened once more.
Imperialdramon Alter stared down at his chest.
Chiefly, he looked down at the monochrome arrow embedded meters into it.
He looked up at Examon Prime, freshly slide-evolved from Alphamon Exaltation Mode.
He felt rage. He felt it well up within him and coldly burn at his insides as the Dragon Emperor inter-fered once more. As the pathetic attack mutt of the greatest traitor the Royal Knights had known saw fit to impede his designs.

His designs.
His future.
His glory.

Examon saw fit to stand in the way of that.
And so he leapt forwards to meet Examon Prime as the bow became Arondight, the presence of Ava-lon Alpha dissipating as the blade moved to meet the Omni-Sword.

And then the blade disappeared and he rocketed up into the air.
Imperialdramon Alter hissed in surprised rage, gloweringing up into the air at his foe as his orange shield re-appeared.
He directed his anger into the Omni-Sword, charging another Dainsleif to take down the fool whilst he was still unready.

And then his world whitened as a barrage of light slammed down onto him from above.
Engaging Avalon Alpha once more as he saw the spectral cannon be prepared by MirageGaogamon from behind Imperialdramon Alter, Examon Prime leapt away as fast as he could; and as the burst of light came crashing down, Avalon Alpha sustained the blast with ease as his foe took the full brunt of it.

After a moment, the world became visible to him once more and he set eyes upon Imperialdramon.
No serious damage; he was merely stunned, with only light burns and a seeming depletion of his im-mediate energy supply to contend with.

On the other hand, as Examon looked up to where MirageGaogamon had been just a moment before, he only saw the red figure he assumed to be Gallantmon. He sensed only him too, as Mirage’s signal was gone from the area.

His mind, already addled with fury, made the obvious connection.
And within the union of minds, the rage of the human was joined by the rage of the dragon.

And roaring out a terrifying roar of unbridled rage, Examon Prime shattered the sound barrier as he dived down towards his most hated foe.

Taking advantage of the lack of immediate response from the stunned Imperialdramon Alter, the Su-preme Dragon Knight slammed his feet into his torso, taking the bastard by surprise and knocking him flat onto his back once more.
His arms bulging outwards as strength filled them, he grabbed the sword arm of his opponent, snap-ping it with a sudden movement that twisted it in the wrong direction and send the Omni-Sword clat-tering to the ground.
Spurred onwards by opportunity and rage, he continued.

One fist slammed straight into Imperialdramon’s face. Followed by another.
And another.
And another.
And another.
Stifled by the rapid-fire assault and the shock in his system, Imperialdramon Alter failed to respond to the rage unleashed on him by the Supreme Dragon Emperor.
With every hit, his mind reeled. Imperialdramon Alt- No, Primus, felt his control over Imperialdramon’s body falter as Imperialdramon began to assert himself once more.
Only to be pushed right back down alongside Primus as the assault intensified.

Both consciousnesses reeled from the vicious attack, and as Examon finally recovered from the pure, animalistic rage that had overcome him to pull out Arondight, both found themselves unable to assert control over their body.

Suddenly, as Examon Prime lifted Imperialdramon Alter up into the air as he readied his sword for the coup de grace, the compartment on the blackened Knight’s chest opened and released a bolt of ener-gy straight into his opponent’s chest; and as the Supreme Dragon Emperor lapsed back into rage and staggered backwards, Imperialdramon Alter rocketed up into the sky.

And Imperialdramon took this chance to try to vie for dominance once more within himself. He took advantage of Primus’s distraction in his brief brush with death to shove everything he had into displac-ing the interloper from his body.

Only to find his efforts futile, as Primus refused to budge.
“... In the name of Yggdrasil, huh?” The Orci’s consciousness hissed towards him, as the level of rage within the forced union began to escalate to all-new heights.

“So you’ve found out.” Imperialdramon replied calmly as he continued trying to shove Primus out. “Yggdrasil was a convenient way to justify my actions to both the other Knights and the Digital World at large. Had he not become unresponsive and comatose, seizing command over the Knights would have been far more difficult.”

“Using the corpse of a god to advance your pathetic designs.”

“And are you not doing the same? That is why you took over my body, is it not?”

“I took your pathetic shell to advance Yggdrasil’s cause. My own designs were second to the subjuga-tion of the Digital World beneath his will.”

“And instead, you aimed to win his approval and adoration instead. How does this make you any different from Alphamon’s dog, again?”

“By surpassing you pathetic wretches, I would serve all the better as Yggdrasil’s right hand. You and your pathetic designs broke the fair-weather loyalties of all the traitorous dogs who happened into the Knights through her guidance. Where you failed to slay so much as a single leader of the rebel-lion, I would take the power you squandered and level them in minutes. And you and your refusal to understand any but Alphamon and Examon as a threat cost me the opportunity to cut them down like dogs.”

“You’re faring no better than I did right now. Stop hiding behind me as an excuse and admit that you had no idea what to do with the power available to us.”

And then Primus snapped.


And with one great push, Primus forced Imperialdramon down.

Recovering from the sudden bolt of energy to his chest, Examon Prime readied Arondight as Imperi-aldramon Alter stared down at him; and after a pause of a few heavy seconds, plunged down to the ground and let loose a volley of slashes at him as the Omni-Sword returned to his hands.

None of which connected, instead finding themselves all blocked by the Supreme Dragon Emperor’s sword.

Meanwhile, the Angelic Knight began to flit around the area, looking for an opening to attack.

“... Well, that was intense,” One consciousness chimed towards the other, finding itself unduly shocked by the vicious assault that Examon had unleashed onto Imperialdramon just a few moments before.

Sighing softly, the other consciousness shook his head and replied, “I agree. This farce is getting ridic-ulous by the passing time. I’d like to end this as soon as I can and send Imperialdramon down to the pits of hell where he belongs.”

“Again, preaching to the choir. Still, it’s as if he thought MirageGaogamon actually perished then and there,” The other consciousness offered, as he commandeered their body to ready their lance once more-

Probably because he did. And it’s likely a good thing that he did, A third consciousness sud-denly offered.

“Remind me again why I chose to work with you?” The second consciousness groaned, remembering the manipulative tactician that was the Digital Hazard.

Because I haven’t gone away since I first contacted you, and I don’t intend to do so any time soon, The Hazard replied in deadpan, But anyway. That gave him the push he needed to break Imperialdramon and that stupid little variable that got itself involved, and now all we need is for him to put an end to this at all last.

“As long as that bastard is dead, I don’t give a damn what you do to further that goal. Imperi-aldramon has soiled the name of the Royal Knights, sacrificed our comrades and allies for a battle with no justifiable goal.”

How many choirs haven’t you preached to? The Hazard offered in return, before beginning to fade out with; Anyway, just get on and finish this. It’s taken far too damned long to get to this point, and I don’t want to run the risk of another relapse.

“Then let’s fucking do it.”

And so Crimson Mode leapt into action, Gungnir shooting forwards with an ethereal shriek once more as it closed in on Imperialdramon Alter.
“Hate. Let me tell you how much I’ve come to hate you since I can remember,” Ex-amon Prime snarled; the tranquil fury overcoming him and the overpowering rage he had experienced before allowing him to block the sloppy, yet powerful strikes from Imperialdramon with some effort.

In his rage, the bastard gave him an opening.
And he didn’t hesitate for a second as he surged forwards and sliced at his opponent’s gut, sending him staggering back.
All as he continued his assault.

“Within my core, there are billions upon billions of bytes of data. Each one of them screaming in hatred for you.”

Imperialdramon Alter, paying no heed to his opponent’s words, merely snarled and surged forwards again, narrowly dodging a strike from Gungnir as he did so.
Again, Examon merely blocked his assault.

“If you engraved the word ‘hate’ onto every single byte of data in my core- every single one, and all the other fragments of data that make my body up, it would on-ly equal one billionth of the hatred I feel for you.”

Pulling himself together slightly, Imperialdramon Alter’s Omni-Sword exploded into a torrent of black energy again as he charged a Dainsleif.

Only for him to come face-to-weapon with Gungnir as Gallantmon Crimson Mode, taking in his dead focus on Examon Prime, strike his open side and disrupt the charging Dainsleif, a fury of hatred deep in his eyes.

But Imperialdramon Alter did not let himself be hindered. Rage bursting forth, he fired a bolt from his chest compartment at Gallantmon Crimson Mode, before charging at Examon and levelling a thrust at his stomach.

With the powerful thrust far more difficult to block than the swings, the Supreme Dragon Emperor in-stead rocketed up into the air, before descending downwards and planting his feet straight into Impe-rialdramon’s face, forcibly knocking him backwards again.

And for the last time, as he descended downwards, vertically slicing a deep gash into his opponent’s front and torso before Arondight was thrust through his gut.
And straight out the other side, as a triumphant crack was heard throughout the battlefield.

“Feel that hatred, Imperialdramon. Feel it and die,” Examon Prime hissed quietly, speaking with five voices at once, two male and three female, as he dealt the finishing blow to Imperialdramon.
Last edited by Fish Of Oblivion; 09-07-2013 at 08:44 AM.
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Being Meduka Is Suffering...
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• 08-27-2013 #1054

Forest Lord
Join Date
Jun 2011
The threat of annihilation hot on his tail, the beleaguered warrior knew he could not keep this up for-ever. It seemed the reserves within Zero Arms: BYAKKO were finite, and depleting with the extended use of power it took to continuously flee from the mighty beast bearing down upon them. The bleak realization coming slowly to him, he knew he must make his stand, lest he be run into a less than friendly situation.
Drawing his sword slowly, War Capidramon Hunts Mode turned back to see the black beetle Orci still following close. The insect demon flared its wings, slowing its flight as it gathered a flare or red energy in its splayed jaws. This was his chance. With only a glance between them, the two Digital Beasts below jumped in near perfect unison, launching the Gladiator Beast up into the air, spinning in a back-flip be-fore twisting through some strange force to face the beast. His sword now drawn, he looked into the soulless eyes of the Orci Golubac, a blue spark flashing at the base of his blade.
"Solar Flare Sword!" the Holy Knight Digimon called as the blade erupted in blue flames.
Now falling to the ground, the Beast Mega let loose a mighty slash, sending a wave of fire into the Or-ci's foul flesh as he descended. His intuition keen, Byakko was prepared, and within moments, inter-cepted the falling Digimon, uniting the two once again in battle. The titanic insect squealed as the flames scorched its shell, melting its armor plates and charring its insides. However, it was naught compared to the otherworldly regenerative powers of the Orci. The wounds hissed as the monstrosi-ty's flesh boiled over, the beetle like shell reforming as the beast regathered its focus.
However, the savage duel was brought to a momentary halt as the sky suddenly blackened. The bolts and crashes of the Battle of Titans flared in the sky as the brutal force was thrown about. The sheer amount of energy released temporarily rendered the senses of a certain human within a certain Mega Digimon null, such that the moment where one particularly hostile signal vanished was not entirely perceived, and thus not noticed.
The Orci, on the other hand, felt a sudden sense of dire panic. The loss of the signal of Orci Primus trig-gered a base instinct, the binary switch for sheer flight activated in the last surviving lesser Orci. This, however, was the break the now recuperated Warrior needed.
Slowly, his sword was drawn, a ghostly glow seeming to be encaptured within the blade. Slowly, he pointed the blade out, striking it in the air to form a ghostly line. Now, the strokes were rapidly sent, first forming a vertical line beneath the horizontal one, which then took the form of an “I”, which soon became conjoined with a curve to appear much like a “p”. Inscribed before it was an “o” with a flourish upon the top, taking the same glow and joining with the aforementioned rune. With a mighty strike, they were set aglow, and sent careening on by his voice.
“Annwn Rune!” the warrior cried as the symbol jolted forward in a burst of speed.
The blast of light the attack created brought the Ocri back to the battle, resulting in a furious charge from the beast. War Capidramon Hunts Mode regripped his blade, lunging forth to meet the beast in its charge.

And that's how it's done.
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• 4 Weeks Ago #1055

Angelic Doormat
Join Date
Mar 2011
Perth, Australia
"Come and what now?" Ranamon asked, her mind too convoluted and messy to comprehend Beel-zemon's words instantly. Between being lugged around like a dead weight and not being able to do anything until that point, the Champion-level Digimon was just about to hit a meltdown point. Her composure finally snapped when she saw one Digimon she wasn't familiar with, the lesser Orci that seemed to have some sense of self-preservation unleashing what looked like a hideous swarm of un-holy monstrosity, much like the one who spawned it.

"That's it! I had enough!" Yelling as loud as her small lungs could let her, Ranamon's one hand let go of her hold on UlforceVeedramon and was raised up openly at the air. From the sky above them, a dark cloud began to form above where her open hand was, gathering to form a tumultuous clump of cloud that looked harmless on the outside. "Dark Vapor!" Keeping her control of the cloud, she directed the black clump towards a small clump of the buzzing swarm. They immediately found themselves bathed in a cloud so acidic that it eroded their data in the manner of minutes and, once they had been com-pletely eradicated, she gradually moved the clouds around as she tried to make some contribution into the fight, even if she was only able to kill a mindless swarm.
Profile Picture drawn by Zefiar of Deviantart.
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• 3 Weeks Ago #1056

Lockon Look-a-like
Join Date
Nov 2010
orbiting the earth inside my gundam with my sights trained on you
Beelzemon watched as the new cloud of enemies appeared. "You know what?" he asked. "I am SERI-OUSLY pissed at this! Is it too much for us to say "Right, the bastard is dead, let's call it a day." IS THAT LITTLE BIT OF NEWS REALLY SO FUCKING HARD FOR US TO HERE!?!?!" He took out a Berenjena. "IS IT SO FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO POINT THIS GUN AT SOMETHING AND IT TO DIE!?!?! WHEN DID THIS THING BECOME SO FUCKING PATHETIC!?!? I ONE SHOTTED A BASTARD THE FIRST TIME I USED IT, AND YOU KNOW WHAT!? I THINK THIS BASTARD IS FUCKING GREAT!!! I REALLY DO!!! IT'S COOL LOOK-ING AND FOR ONCE I WISH I WAS ABLE TO POINT IT AT SOMETHING AND FOR IT TO JUST FUCKING VAPORISE! LIKE THIS!" he pointed it at one of the clouds of nashing teeth and fired. The recoil of the shot was so much that it nearly flew out of his hand, the bullet flew through the center of the cloud and it exploded into a cloud of data. Beelzemons jaw hit the floor and he looked at the gun "SINCE WHEN HAVE YOU BEEN ABLE TO DO THAT!?!?!? THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN REALLY FUCKING USEFUL A WHILE BACK!!! THANK YOU FOR NOTHING!!! Now, would you kindly take that things fucking head off?" he said he pointed the gun at the Orci spewing monsters and pulled the trigger, the bullet fired off and simply pinged off its solid armour. "Ok... Now you're just being a dick... We all saw what you did, we all know you could take his head off with a single shot, you just don't want to." he said. He then looked at Ranamon. "Can you believe this prick?" he asked. She then went on a murderous ram-page through the swarm.

"Wow... Can i trade you in for her." Dirk asked Impmon.

"Normally i would slap you for that... But i would love to be able to do that..." he said.

"The Digimon or the cloud summoning?" he asked.

"We've already been over this, I DON'T HAVE JUNK AND I FIND THE WHOLE IDEA OF FIRING DNA AT EACH OTHER, OFFENSIVE... But heck yeah i would hit that." Impmons fist appeared in Dirks bubble and he bumped it.

“Alright, I’ve had enough of this.”

Watching the progressive clusterfuck that was the battle between the fusion of Alphamon and Examon and the darkened Imperialdramon unfold, AncientWisemon felt whatever scant pa-tience he held for The Plan melt away. He’d already openly defied the Sovereign of the East multiple times; and he had little to motivate him away from doing it again as he disconnected himself from his host.

“Baihumon and Zhuqiaomon are still in the area, Wisemon,” The Ancient Spirit of Steel began to his host, his voice still with the Demon Man as he himself disappeared into the aether of the uni-verse for whatever purpose he had in mind, “Go to them and get the order to start evacuating the area.”

Wisemon’s response was simple; he nodded and snapped his fingers, following the spacial co-ordinates that his master had given him to contact the two Sovereigns nearby.


As Arondight was thrust through him, shattering the control over Imperialdramon’s body that he had fought so hard to obtain, Primus screamed in bloody fury. And for the very last time, Impe-rialdramon took control back over his body. Gazing down at his rapidly disintegrating form, he closed his eyes in resignation.

“So be it. Victory is yours, Examon.”

Examon didn’t even dignify him with a verbal response. As his most hated foe spoke his last, the Dragon Emperor merely raised a foot, placing it upon Imperialdramon’s chest before yanking his blade out with all the care of a child kicking down a sandcastle.

And as Imperialdramon lay dying, he felt his body begin to dissipate even quicker than it should. In fact, it felt as if he were devolving-

That bastard.

Primus was trying to unmerge himself from Imperialdramon! With a startled hiss, the dying First Knight focused all of his remaining power into trying to maintain the DNA Digivolution, resolving to at least take Primus down with him.

And then that proved futile as his chest exploded outwards.

Screaming a primal, horrifying scream, a black mass emerged from Imperialdramon’s shattered torso, data rushing outwards from the wound and coagulating over it as it began to take shape.

Seeing this, Examon hissed in disgust, recognizing the mass as the Orci that had sent this entire fight to hell. Still packing unspeakable amounts of frustration from the ordeal he and his com-rades had been put through, he merely glared at the creature, power filling Arondight as he pre-pared to eviscerate Primus-

“Yggdrasil is dead.”

And then he froze up as it spat out those free words.

“... What.”

“Dead’s not the right word, though there’s really not much difference,” The black mass that was Primus hissed, taking the Dragon Emperor’s hesitation as a chance to tear himself fully from the dying Imperialdramon, “But you get the picture. Isn’t that right, Imperialdramon?”

“Hmph.” Imperialdramon leaned back on the ground, closing his eyes. He had failed completely. His Knights had betrayed him, he had fallen in battle, and now his schemes were revealed. There was no point in denying the truth. “What use is a dying ‘god’? We had the chance to be greater than simple servants to a machine, and I took it. But I failed…” And so Imperialdramon breathed his last, his head dissipating into data along with the rest of his body.

And as his most hated foe faded from the world, Examon Prime just stared off into space.

Which was all the opportunity that Primus needed to pull Imperialdramon’s data into himself.
Wasting no words, the black mass sprouted wings as he finished loading the data into himself, and took into the air at high speed, burning through the power from the data in order to escape the battlefield.
Everything had gone to hell here, but he would still have his day. He would just have to wait.

And within the space that Baihumon and Zhuqiaomon occupied, there was a hiss as Wisemon took form.

Closing itself, the book that the Demon Man’s soul resided in moved out from beneath him, rising up further and further into the air before it disappeared in a puff of smoke; as Wisemon de-scended to stand upon his own two feet.

Kneeling before the two Sovereigns with a sense of casual, unforced reverence, the Demon Man began:

“AncientWisemon has sent me here to request an order for evacuation, my Lords. Under the cir-cumstances, he believes it would be wise to remove the Tamers and their allies from the area whilst Imperialdramon is still occupied with Alphamon and Examon.”

Zhuqiaomon simply turned his attention back to the battle with Imperialdramon, but stopped in surprise as Imperialdramon finally fell on the field. A fraction of a second passed before the Sovereign of the South spread his wings and let loose a triumphant roar at the death of one of his most hated rivals.

With his gloating done, Zhuqiaomon turned back to Wisemon and let loose a cackle, flames lick-ing around him.

“Evacuation? The blasted Knight is finally dead! All that’s left is Yggdrasil. Azulongmon’s ram-bling plans are worthless at this point. No, this ends now. Baihumon, with me!” The phoenix roared, taking to the air with a shriek as he saw the opportunity that Imperialdramon’s death pre-sented.

Still somewhat stunned by the sudden change in the tide of the battle that had seen Imperi-aldramon struck down, Baihumon took a moment to respond; when he pulled himself together, his response was a resolute nod, and as he prepared to leap into the fray, he turned his head to Wisemon.

“At least evacuate the wounded and depleted. Any still able to fight, and you direct them to us for the attack on Yggdrasil. Understood?”

“Entirely.” Wisemon responded, his eyes burning with a disturbing glee as he saw Imperi-aldramon’s life pass before him, before he disappeared into the aether of the universe again, back to the library whence he had came.

Zhuqiaomon bellowed a furious cry as he unleashed an infernal hellstorm of flame down upon the nearly-ruined fortress of the Royal Knights, hoping to draw Yggdrasil out now that he had no more defenders.

With the fortress having become completely abandoned as the final stand of the Knights had progressed, Baihumon felt little compunction as he joined in; as a terrifying hail of steel, holy en-ergy and pure hyperdestructive force was released from his digicores and bombarded Yggdra-sil’s fortifications below.

Those in the library were safe; the castle was nothing but Yggdrasil’s shell at this stage, and both Sovereigns knew this as they tore it to shreds. Although in Zhuqiaomon’s case, he wouldn’t have quite cared if there had been anyone caught in the bombardment.

With the level of fortification given to the castle, it would take a decent amount of time for even the Sovereigns to demolish it; and as they gave it their all, the terrifying sight could be seen all the way across the battlefield.

And in particular, one specific combatant’s attention had snapped towards the sight the very moment the assault had begun.

Black flames roaring around him as he was continuously swarmed by the black cloud of demon-ic insects released by the lesser Orci a kilometer away, the Black Sovereign let out a hiss as he sensed his brothers take the field.

His mind, no matter how clouded by bloodlust, hunger, pain and desperation, could immediately recognize the opportunity at hand. He need only to make his away across the battlefield, and then the opportunity to restore himself would present itself. His reserves had made enough from his attack on the Golubac Swarm to allow him to make a clean cut across the battlefield, and so the black flames around him burst outwards into an even more gigantic inferno as he began to move in the direction of Baihumon and Zhuqiaomon.

However, his assailants were not so willing to give up the meal that they had sensed in him; and they gave chase, with more joining them as they went in order to subdue the possessed Bird Man.


“Mega Barrage!”

A slew of missiles came flying at BanchoLeomon, who dashed to the side and hit the ground running, trying to evade MegaGargomon’s artillery barrage. The explosions from the missiles created a smoke cloud covering the entire area, and BanchoLeomon used it to conceal himself as he made his way towards his foe. As the smoke began to dissipate, the lion Digimon made his move and leapt out, jamming his sword into MegaGargomon’s knee joint before jumping up to catch the green behemoth across the face with a right hook, followed by a roundhouse kick to the snout. Gravity kicked in, and BanchoLeomon fell to the ground, taking hold of his blade and viciously ripping it out of MegaGargomon’s knee as he plummeted towards the earth.

But as he touched down on the ground, BanchoLeomon fell to one knee as he felt his form begin to waver. Shakily raising a hand, he noticed it begin to fizzle out, almost as if his Biomerge was ending.

“This shouldn’t be happening...” He muttered to himself as MegaGargomon recovered, raising one foot to try to stomp BanchoLeomon into the ground, who hurled himself to the side to evade. All the while, he wondered to himself just what the hell was going on. He thought he’d recovered enough data to fight again, but his body was beginning to dissipate, and he started to feel the strain of trying to maintain the Biomerge. Had his Dark Digivolution into Ruin Mode really taken so much out of him? At this point, going into Burst Mode wasn’t even an option, considering how much it hurt to just stay in his base Mega state. Struggling up to his feet, BanchoLeomon realized that the only way he was going to come out of this alive was to kill MegaGargomon quickly and load his data to stabilize his own form.

Just then, MegaGargomon turned his attention from his suddenly weakened opponent for a split-second as he saw his leader fall. Eyes widening, he reached out towards his dying commander, utterly shocked that Imperialdramon had been slain. But that split-second of inattention was all that BanchoLeomon needed. Calling up every last bit of his fluctuating power, he rushed forward and leapt up, calling forth whatever reserves he had left into his left hand to form a lion’s head formed of a blazing orange aura around it and slammed it into MegaGargomon’s throat before taking his right fist and thrusting it up into the massive titan’s jaw in an uppercut. Still not done, the lion Digimon quickly drew his sword with his now-free left hand and thrust into MegaGargo-mon’s snout, using it as leverage to materialize a Berejena shotgun in his right hand and jam it into the dazed juggernaut’s mouth, pulling the trigger over and over again without hesitation, only stopping when MegaGargomon’s entire body began dissolving into data. Without his foe’s body to use as a foothold, BanchoLeomon plummeted towards the ground, collapsing to one knee with a groan after he landed. But as MegaGargomon’s data flooded into his body, his Biomerge finally stabilized and the pain that wracked his body faded away. Slowly pulling himself up to his feet, BanchoLeomon finally noticed the commotion in the sky.

As the Orci’s black swarm chased Ravemon, BanchoLeomon raised the Berejena shotgun that he was still clutching and fired up at the veritable cloud of insects, trying to draw their attention away from their current target.

As it was, he was only partly successful; as part of the swarm was swallowed up in a burst of black energy as the shells from the Berejena found their target, only a small amount of them compared to the swarm as a whole distracted themselves from Ravemon to dive down towards BanchoLeomon.
However, the sudden intrusion into the battle seemed to surprise Ravemon, and his concentra-tion was momentarily broken as he paused and stared down towards BanchoLeomon.
With two mismatched, empty eyes.

BanchoLeomon didn’t have time to pay much attention, though, as his attention was focused on shooting down the insects rushing towards him. The wide spread of the Berejena’s scattershot brought down several insects with each shot, and the relatively small swarm was slain in no time at all. With that done, he scanned the sky once more, giving Ravemon only a cursory nod as he noticed Zhuqiaomon and Baihumon in the distance. The Leomon aspect of himself wondered why two of the Four Sovereigns had shown up and leapt off to investigate, trusting that Ravemon could handle the rest of the swarm’s reduced numbers.
Whatever response Kappa would have had to EmperorGreymon’s quips was completely lost as he felt something jolt through him; as he felt another one of his brothers fall.
And as the overwhelming signal of Imperialdramon petered out alongside it, it took all of a few seconds to figure out exactly which one had just shuffled off their mortal coil.

“Well, that didn’t take long,” The gigantic Hazard-spawn observed drily, allowing himself a small snigger, “Though I suppose I should have expected this. It was only a matter of time before the idiot bit off more than he could chew.”

Continuing to snigger at the thought of his hubris-saturated brother going down with all the dignity and grace of a cat in cement shoes, Kappa turned his head away from EmperorGreymon, Sleipmon and the still-comatose Parasimon to look out across the battlefield.

Primus, and by extension, Imperialdramon, was all the way over the other side of the battlefield, obscured by a gigantic black cloud and the Royal Knight’s castle.

Which Kappa now noted, with some surprise, to be being blasted to smithereens by a pair of newcomers. And with the frightening haste with which the fortification of Yggdrasil fell to their power, they were likely at levels rivalling the other two heavyweights in this battle.

“Oh what the fuck,” The Orci deadpanned, thoroughly nonplussed by this new development. This whole situation with the Royal Knight’s final stand was just getting increasingly ridiculous. First, Imperialdramon turned into a being just below a Sovereign in power, and then his father and shown up and belted him and his brothers out. Then some Sovereigns had shown up. Then Al-phamon and Examon fused. Then one of his brothers fused with Imperialdramon. Now this shit.
At this point, Kappa was starting to think that whatever higher powers were overseeing all this were just a bunch of jackasses with no sense of consistency. It would certainly explain a whole lot. Fuck you, Ganon.

“Keep an eye on the Lizard and Daddy Dearest, Horsey Boy,” Kappa chimed towards Sleipmon as he spread his wings, his lance appearing in his hands as he slowly took into the air towards the scene of destruction in the distance, “Gonna go check this shit out.”

Five minutes.

Five whole minutes had passed, and yet only now were Baihumon and Zhuqiaomon breaking through to the very center of the Knight’s castle; where Yggdrasil resided and oversaw the Digital World.

Baihumon hissed in fatigue, finally allowing himself to drop the barrage of power he had assault-ed the castle with as he saw the walls between the heart of the castle and the rest of the struc-ture give out at long last. This had really taken far too long; were he and Zhuqiaomon really so out of experience with their own power that a simple fortification gave them so much trouble?

He hissed again, dispelling the thought. It wasn’t important now. He and Zhuqiaomon had been conserving the majority of their power for the confrontation with Yggdrasil; should he have taken them by surprise during their assault, having enough power in stock to defend themselves would have been essential.

As it was, though, Yggdrasil hadn’t reacted at all to their assault; even as the wall to the heart of the castle crumbled, entire moments passed and yet there was no sign of Yggdrasil aside from the ocean of wires and cables leading deep down into the earth below the castle.

“At the risk of tempting fate,” Baihumon began, speaking quietly to his brother as the Sovereign of the South began to gather flames about himself once more, readying a gigantic jet of flame to scorch the parts of Yggdrasil visible at present, “This is going far too smoothly. Something’s wrong here.”

More than anything, Zhuqiaomon wanted to just set fire to any part of Yggdrasil he could see, but Baihumon had a point this time. With the ruckus the two were making, Yggdrasil had to have no-ticed them by now, but no defenses had been established. No barriers, no counterattacks, noth-ing. The Phoenix of the South suppressed his murderous rage and gave his brother a nod.

“Fine.” He grumbled. “We’ll do this your way.” Zhuqiaomon spread his wings, bellowing a sum-mons into the sky. Seconds later, a white snake Digimon materialized on the ground, bowing down to his master.

“What is required of me, my lord?” Sandiramon hissed, his head bowed low.

“Scout the inside of the ruins. Report back to me on what you find.” Zhuqiaomon rumbled, doubt-ful that this servant would survive. In truth, he’d been looking for a new Deva to fill Sandiramon’s place, and he’d have to open that role first.

“As you command, Lord Zhuqiaomon.” Sandiramon rose, utterly unaware of his master’s con-tempt for him, and slinked off, descending into the fortress’s depths.

Minutes passed, and Zhuqiaomon found himself utterly disappointed when Sandiramon returned alive.

“My lord...Yggdrasil was within the depths.”

“And he left you alive?” Zhuqiaomon asked doubtfully.

“Actually, it was as if he didn’t even notice my presence. He was merely floating in the chamber, unresponsive.”

The Sovereign raised an eyebrow, giving Baihumon a dubious look before turning back to Sandiramon.

“Fine. You are dismissed.”

And with that, Sandiramon dematerialized, teleporting back to his Sovereign’s palace. Turning to Baihumon, Zhuqiaomon gave an impatient huff.

“Well, brother? Are you satisfied now?”

“There’s definitely something wrong. Last I recalled, Yggdrasil was violent with his own under-lings, let alone a servant of his sworn enemies,” Baihumon replied, ignoring Zhuqiaomon’s char-acteristic brusqueness.

Baihumon wasn’t even going to bother sending a servant down to make sure. Quicker than Zhuqiaomon could have expected, the white tiger disappeared in a flash of blinding light down the shaft leading to Yggdrasil’s chamber, slashing at the mass of cable all the way down.

Landing upon all four of his feet as he finally entered the chamber, he organized the eleven digi-cores he had on his person into a horizontal circular formation, the powerful orbs spewing out a spherical field around himself as he looked about.

Yggdrasil was there, just as Sandiramon had said; the gigantic orb floated above what seemed to be an equally gigantic reactor, with the mass of cable from the shaft above connecting into the rim of the reactor’s frame.
The orb itself hummed as it floated in midair, and seemed to wobble slightly upon its axis; but was otherwise stationary, with a dull opaque colour adorning its form.

Baihumon stared for a moment.
And then his forcefield receded and a gigantic white burst slammed into the orb before him.
And again.
And again.

As soon as he heard the sounds of combat, Zhuqiaomon descended into Yggdrasil’s chamber himself and stared for a moment, mildly disturbed that Yggdrasil was simply taking Baihumon’s abuse. And then he joined in as well, covering his entire body in flame and ramming into the orb alongside his brother.

Amidst the roaring flames and eruptions of silver and white, the orb that was Yggdrasil’s body could be seen to slowly crack; Yggdrasil offered no resistance as his body was slowly shattered by the two Sovereigns, and as their powers reached their peak in intensity and blasted up the shaft above to release a torrent of energy into the sky, a horrific crack rang out.

Followed by the sound of glass shattering as the multiple pieces of Yggdrasil’s spherical body smashed into the floor of the chamber, followed by a dull thud as something dropped onto the surface of the reactor below.
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