Age: 24
Personality: Roxy comes across tough and sarcastic. She keeps a wall between herself and others. She doesn't trust easily but if someone earns her trust she is loyal to them. She isn't very forgiving or understanding. If you screw up or piss her off it will be along time before she is willing to let it go. She is brutally honest. She doesn't care if you like her or not. She is very stubborn. Once she decides something it is hard to get her to change her mind.
Roxy's life was never normal. Her mom died shortly after she was born. Roxy was raised by her father. Her father hated her. Roxy never knew why. She never bothered asking. Knowing the answer wouldn't change anything. Her father was very abusive to her because he wanted a son but was never able to have one. He tried her to be an criminal. She excelled despite her father's abuse. She wanted to prove to him that she was just as good, if not better than the son he wanted. She tried as hard, sometimes harder, than his men just so she could prove him wrong about her. Her education was spotty at best her father only allowed her to learn what was necessary for the state's homeschooling tests. So there were lots of gaps in her education.
Roxy had mixed feelings about being an anchor. She had always longed for a purpose in life. She wanted to be needed. But she also didn't trust easily. Bring another person into her dark world wasn t something she wanted to do. So she was relieved that she had no match right away.