This time when Amal tried to cross the threshold the Lizards stood aside, they did not react to him warmly as one might a new member of their party, neither did they react to him coldly as one who had just badly wounded one of their champions, they just.. allowed him. T'krit stepped to the Saurus and spoke the words of a spell in his own language. Emmaline paid close attention repeating the words under her breath to fix them in her mind. Sure enough the wound began to knit and heal as though it had never been.
Abruptly the waterfall fell closed across the opening, the rushing sound of water filling the cavern. One of the Saurus moved to the back of the cavern and touched a stone. THere was a sudden grinding of rock against rock and a section of the back of the cavern slid aside, crafted so precisely that until a moment before it would have been completely invisible. The door was tall enough for the creature carrying her to traverse but it knelt so that she could fit without dismounting.
Beyond the door was another much larger cavern. This one had been cut into a series of descending terraces, like an inverse pyramid. Bundles of dried fruit hung from the wall as well as other less identifiable food stuffs. Bundles of arrows and other weapons were also stockpiled and smoke rose from a forge built into one of the walls. Perhaps most incredible was the fact that the lower three terraces were planted thick with some sort of crop, long green stalks topped with a golden gord of some sort. At the very bottom was a pool of water of such uncertain and wavering color that it seemed to shimmer with some inner magic.
"It must be some kind of outpost?" Emmaline mused to Amal stunned by the suddern transformation. Light came down from large veins of luminecent quarts in the ceiling giving the place an oddly twlight feeling. There weren't enough houses for this to be a city or even a village and no evidence of children, assuming these creatures cared for their children the same way humans did.
Abruptly the waterfall fell closed across the opening, the rushing sound of water filling the cavern. One of the Saurus moved to the back of the cavern and touched a stone. THere was a sudden grinding of rock against rock and a section of the back of the cavern slid aside, crafted so precisely that until a moment before it would have been completely invisible. The door was tall enough for the creature carrying her to traverse but it knelt so that she could fit without dismounting.
Beyond the door was another much larger cavern. This one had been cut into a series of descending terraces, like an inverse pyramid. Bundles of dried fruit hung from the wall as well as other less identifiable food stuffs. Bundles of arrows and other weapons were also stockpiled and smoke rose from a forge built into one of the walls. Perhaps most incredible was the fact that the lower three terraces were planted thick with some sort of crop, long green stalks topped with a golden gord of some sort. At the very bottom was a pool of water of such uncertain and wavering color that it seemed to shimmer with some inner magic.
"It must be some kind of outpost?" Emmaline mused to Amal stunned by the suddern transformation. Light came down from large veins of luminecent quarts in the ceiling giving the place an oddly twlight feeling. There weren't enough houses for this to be a city or even a village and no evidence of children, assuming these creatures cared for their children the same way humans did.