Camilla was whisked away so quickly she had almost no time to object. She wanted to stay with Cydric but it would have been a hard argument to make when they were both heading off to bathe. Still she was giddy with excitement at their unexpected escape and she would have preferred a few moments to share it with him.
The interior of Savior’s Rock gave much the same impression as it had from outside. The halls had been recently swept and scrubbed and crumbling masonry was being replaced. The scale of the effort was impressive for such an out of the way place and Camilla mentioned as much to Gilderoy.
“Ah yes, the castle belonged to the Order for many years but it was built during the time of Magnus the Pious, after the Great War you understand,” he explained as he led her up the spiraling stairs of one of the towers.
“I’m afraid I don’t herr… that is Sir Gilderoy,” she responded, picking her way up the uneven stone steps behind him. Gilderoy smiled back at her, the expression making his face both handsome and somehow boyish.
“Of course, of course. After the great war there was a period of a few hundred years where the great forests were much less infested than they are now. The armies of righteousness scoured the earth of the chaos filth and they dared not show themselves. Many areas of the Drakwald and the other great forests were settled and castles like this one were constructed.” Gilderoy struck the castle wall affectionately, clearly eager to show of his knowledge of such things.
“But they were abandoned when times grew darker?” Gilderoy’s face fell as she said it and she felt as though she had wounded him in some way.
“Tragically the successors of Magnus were not as pure as he and darkness was allowed to creep back into the world. Slowly these settlement had to be abandoned.” Camilla imagined peasants set upon by goblins and beastmen, at first vowing to defend their farms and then, slowly, losing hope and loading their few possession on wagons and heading for more civilized areas. It wasn’t a very cheerful image, she could agree with the knight there.
“Why reoccupy it now then?” she asked and suddenly, inexplicably, she felt like she had transgressed some boundry with her innocuous question. Gilderoy’s face closed for a moment before his enthusiasm returned, a trifle forced now.
“The order has come into possession of some … religious articles I suppose you would say, this is a proper home for them, so we are reestablishing the castle.” Camilla nodded as though it made some kind of sense to her, and hoped they were reaching the end of these eternal stairs.
“Are you a religious woman My Lady?” Gilderoy asked suddenly,
“Do you worship Sigmar?” Camilla smiled pleasantly, her professional cortesan’s smile, while she tried to figure out the politic answer. For a perverse moment she was tempted to admit that she worshiped Ranald and that the trickster had rewarded her faith by sending Gilderoy and his knights to her but she quashed the impulse.
“In Tilea,” she said, artfully evading the question,
“We revere Myrmida much more than you here in the Empire do.” Gilderoy looked a little dissapointed at that, as though he had hoped against hope that she was a devote Tilean Sigmarite.
“And your… companion, does he revere Sigmar?” he asked innocently. Conversations with Matis Von Koneinswald provided the correct answer to that one.
“Of course, he was praying to Sigmar when he defended me in that tower,” she said, repressing a sigh of relief as a wooden door came into view at last. How on earth had they gotten water up here to bathe?
“And Ulric too I presume, from his sword?” Gilderoy pressed. Camilla nodded, recalling another flash of converstaion.
“Yes he reveres Ulric, as did Sigmar I’m told.” Gilderoy nodded in a manner that didn’t necessarily convey agreement.
“Ulric is a deity to be honored, but Sigmar, my Lady is the God of Men.” He said it with an odd emphasis that seemed to suggest the statement conveyed a truth that ought to be self evident. She nodded somberly as if any of it made any sense to her. Camilla took a utilitarian attitude towards religion and prayed to any god whom she thought might be inclined to listen. Again Gilderoy looked a little dissapointed that she did not amplify the statement in some way. He lay a hand on the door and pushed it open.
“You will find water for bathing within madam, afterwards we would be honored to host you for dinner in the dining hall,” he said smoothly, leaning forward to kiss her hand in Altdorf fashion before turning and heading back down the stairs at a brisk clip, not quite a jog. Camilla shook her head at the strangeness of it all. She wished that Cydric were here and could tell her something of whatever the hell was going on.
The room was indeed the top level of the tower and it turned out that water was hauled up there by virtue of a pulley and bucket. A large copper vessel that she imagined was filled with oil or pitch during a siege was sitting in the center of the circular chamber. Currently it was filled with steaming water, a bed of coals still glowing beneath it keeping it warm. One wall of the turret had not yet been repaired and it afforded a spectacular view out over the valley. What had they been doing before she arrived, they hadn’t had time to set this up for her.
Dismissing Imperials as hopelessly eccentric she stripped out of her clothing and climbed into the copper tub. Allowing the water to soothe her saw muscles. Dirt and blood came away, staining the water slightly but she scrubbed herself clean and washed her hair before climbing out of the tub and rinsing herself a final time with a bucket of cool clear water that had been left nearby. The fresh, warm air dried her skin quickly and she luxuriated in the feeling for a few minutes. She tried to enjoy the view of the valley but the idea of black armored warriors stalking through the glades chilled her and she turned to her clothing. To her surprise there was a dress of simple white fabric laid out on a bench, not unlike something a Sister of Shyalla might wear if she were out of the cloister in some official capacity. How long had the knights had the thing? It smelled clean so she pulled it on over her head and brushed her hair with the bone handled brush she had liberated from the palace in Middenheim. There were no shoes so she pulled her leather boots on making the whole ensemble slightly comical. That accomplished she washed her other clothes in the increasingly dirty tub water and hung them up to dry on the stone window sill. Confronted with the choice of what to do with her weapons she reluctantly left them with her clothes, but not before tucking one of the elven daggers into her boot.
The dining hall was a small room dominated by a single large table. Gilderoy, several senior looking knights, and the scribe sat around the table. There was a venison roast on the table and simple but wholesome looking roast vegetables. Gilderoy beamed and stood grandly removing a chair for her and the buzz of conversation stilled.
“You look radiant My Lady,” he said gallantly. Camilla smiled and took the offered seat, wondering how anyone could look radiant in a white dress with brown leather boots. Gilderoy took a seat and began carving meet for her as another knight poured her a sweet smelling red wine. Conversation began to pick up again, though clearly the topic had changed from whatever they had been discussing before they arrived.
“I wonder Sir Gilderoy if I might ask you a favor?” she said sipping her wine. It was tart and sweet, maybe a little young but really quite good.
“Of course, My Dear, anything,” he responded with his easy smile. Camilla smiled on the inside, clearly Sir Gilderoy hadn’t read a great deal of Tilean literature. Promising a woman ‘anything’ was always a bad idea.
“Might my companion sergeant Becker dine with us? He saved me life today and I would feel churlish to miss the opportunity to thank him,” she responded, making the notion of ‘being perceived as churlish’ sound like the worst possible fate in the world.