
A raspy voice of a man who smoked far too much and tonight..was drinking too much as the cool shot glass filled with amber whiskey was placed in front of him as the bartender asked gently "Rough week..chief?. The drinker scoffed downing the shot with ease as it clinked against the clear surface of the bar. The weary look in his eyes was enough of an answer as were the series of front page headlines proclaiming that..metahumans were among us...and making moves within the normal world. The slap of paper broke the police chief's concentration on the shot glass as another dreaded headline stared him down like the barrel of his service pistol "Onoto Crime Family Gone!: The Blessing or Curse?". The Onoto Family had been another tick sucking at the criminal filth's extreme need for drugs and guns...but were now seemingly in shambles after the Head's..head..had been dropped off at the 13th Precinct with a little smiley note on the bag. It was enough to make Police Chief Rudon Witt's need for a drink rise after seeing the crude cut of the detached head..damned vigilantes. The rumor mill was spinning at every major paper speculating which new..authority decided to take the law into their own hands. The question that remained on the Chief's mind was why the act was committed. Did the vigilante want that particular area of city for their own? As an act of revenge? To win a point in some sick and twisted game between metahumans playing with normal humans like Life. Regardless, it couldn't be getting any worse..right?
The city of Brackenridge had become home to something completely new this past year..metahuman. Human beings with superpowers..with time on their hands it seems. The city may have been vast..but paths have bound to have crossed..for better or worse. Now the only question on their minds..what are the motivations of the other?

A raspy voice of a man who smoked far too much and tonight..was drinking too much as the cool shot glass filled with amber whiskey was placed in front of him as the bartender asked gently "Rough week..chief?. The drinker scoffed downing the shot with ease as it clinked against the clear surface of the bar. The weary look in his eyes was enough of an answer as were the series of front page headlines proclaiming that..metahumans were among us...and making moves within the normal world. The slap of paper broke the police chief's concentration on the shot glass as another dreaded headline stared him down like the barrel of his service pistol "Onoto Crime Family Gone!: The Blessing or Curse?". The Onoto Family had been another tick sucking at the criminal filth's extreme need for drugs and guns...but were now seemingly in shambles after the Head's..head..had been dropped off at the 13th Precinct with a little smiley note on the bag. It was enough to make Police Chief Rudon Witt's need for a drink rise after seeing the crude cut of the detached head..damned vigilantes. The rumor mill was spinning at every major paper speculating which new..authority decided to take the law into their own hands. The question that remained on the Chief's mind was why the act was committed. Did the vigilante want that particular area of city for their own? As an act of revenge? To win a point in some sick and twisted game between metahumans playing with normal humans like Life. Regardless, it couldn't be getting any worse..right?
The city of Brackenridge had become home to something completely new this past year..metahuman. Human beings with superpowers..with time on their hands it seems. The city may have been vast..but paths have bound to have crossed..for better or worse. Now the only question on their minds..what are the motivations of the other?
To serve the people of the city...

Or to rule over them.

Or Alone.

Something in-between?
Enjoy meeting your neighbor..won't you.
So..after finally binging on the wonderful Marvel Netflix series like Daredevil, Jessica Jones etc...I have gotten a sudden craving to a different type of superpower RP. All the characters are just making their mark..and have only been..'working' in the city for the past year. Some have managed to get a little respect and power in the shadows of their perspective neighborhoods..that isn't exactly making the police excited. Not to mention paths are starting to cross..tensions could be rising friendly..or not.
The choice is yours. The only requirement I have is one relationship or meeting has already happened, be creative with your neighborhood layout, and do not make an OP power. If it is OP..well let's just say the drawbacks can be lethal.
Two-Three Paragraph minimum, violence and darker themes can be expected given it's inspiration from the Netflix atmosphere which aren't exactly Avengers clean and pretty.
Questions/Interest PM me or make a note below!
The choice is yours. The only requirement I have is one relationship or meeting has already happened, be creative with your neighborhood layout, and do not make an OP power. If it is OP..well let's just say the drawbacks can be lethal.
Two-Three Paragraph minimum, violence and darker themes can be expected given it's inspiration from the Netflix atmosphere which aren't exactly Avengers clean and pretty.
Questions/Interest PM me or make a note below!
Profession:-We can't all be playboy billionaires-
Power:-One or two powers max.-
Drawbacks: -What are the consequences of your power? Think realistic consequences for them-
Motivation: Can be as complex or simple as you want..May change over time.
Neighborhood: -Where does your character live and or..perform his/her 'other' job. Describe it. What are the average residents like? Any notable hangouts. Targets in mind?
Your Neighbor: Who have you just met in the past week? -Thoughts. DO NOT FILL THIS OUT UNTIL ROLES ARE FILLED-
History: Backstory AND dead parents here please.
OOC: Clothes and Appearance are optional. As it can be fun to describe the character in their introduction.
Profession:-We can't all be playboy billionaires-
Power:-One or two powers max.-
Drawbacks: -What are the consequences of your power? Think realistic consequences for them-
Motivation: Can be as complex or simple as you want..May change over time.
Neighborhood: -Where does your character live and or..perform his/her 'other' job. Describe it. What are the average residents like? Any notable hangouts. Targets in mind?
Your Neighbor: Who have you just met in the past week? -Thoughts. DO NOT FILL THIS OUT UNTIL ROLES ARE FILLED-
History: Backstory AND dead parents here please.
OOC: Clothes and Appearance are optional. As it can be fun to describe the character in their introduction.
Five Roles Remain.