Apartment for rent.
One bedroom space south of central Altier. Cozy, modern, close to city center. Exposed brick walls, balcony overlooking street. Full bathroom and kitchen included. $1,300/month. Located third story, above Sofie’s Café and Books, at 300 Hera Lane. Gifted or not, inquire at 386-1286
The apartment doesn’t really sound like much, does it? Cozy equals small, exposed brick means unpainted and relatively old, overlooking the street means traffic noise all the time. In a city like Altier, you could find a place that’s spacious and done to the nines at the heart of the city. Of course, it comes at a price, but surely you’d find something slightly bigger for $1,300 a month? Ah, but it’s your luck that you’re a Gifted. Like it or not, no one will ever find the guts to rent to someone like you.
See, attaining superpowers is great and all; it actually sounds really cool at first. Hell, it’s probably the best feeling to become the hero or villain you always read about when you were a kid! But in the real world, power comes with restrictions for the little guys. If you happen to have these powers, you’re gonna need identification that precisely and clearly states you’re Gifted to show to people who ask (and trust me, everyone asks). You get entered into a database full of all the Gifted folk in the city so if you ever get arrested or something like that, they can pull up your name and understand that they will probably need backup to deal with you. The only way to evade the system is by getting mad rich, which tons of people in Altier just…aren’t. And well, if you’ve got that Gifted marker on your ID, it’s a crap ton harder for you to get a job or a place to stay since no one wants to handle damage control in case your powers get out of whack. Doesn’t matter if you’re a safe kid or whether you never use your powers, people just can’t trust you.
Using the Gifted for good to combat evil? A task force of heroes? A noble idea, I’ll give you that much, but it’s unoriginal and a lot of work. It’s just a bit too complicated to do right now; there needs to be resources for these heroes, money for the government to put into the project itself, buildings made with the right safety measures fit for their powers, a large-scale disaster plan for the city when destruction comes around (as it does with superheroes), a full-blown training program for these guys, people willing to take care of them, an actual need for a team of heroes, so on. That stuff, though not completely unattainable, takes a lot of time and cash. Plus, Altier hasn’t had a huge baddie yet. It’s not like that idea isn’t in the works in city hall though. In fact, they’ve got it in the works, trying to budget it out and give a good reason for a team. My guess is that it’ll only happen if things start heading south.
For now, the current system is what works. If one Gifted starts going bad, just weed them out before they get crazy. The police-force is surprisingly top-notch and catch ‘em quick (with the help of weirdo Gifted vigilantes). Ill-intentioned people with these powers tend to start small with offenses, like muggings or robberies before they think about hatching master plans, so if they get caught while they’re in the system three times in a row, they’re never heard from again. Maybe even after one time, depending on the offense. Makes you wonder what they really do in the city’s best jail, huh?
But for now, you’re not on the watch list. You’re “free”, or as much as you can get right now. Wanna be a vigilante-type hero and act like a friendly-neighborhood Spiderman? Go knock yourself out. Have some big plans for your future and a penchant for causing trouble? Power to you, have fun. Just wanna keep your head down and stay out of trouble? Hell, that’s what I wish everyone wanted.
The RP Plot is really open-ended. We’ve got two primary characters: the tenant (the Gifted who will be renting out the space above the store) and the landlord. Their identities and stories can vary, depending on which one you want to play. If you wanna take the tenant’s role, you can be good or bad, whichever is more fun for ya. You can also throw in different characters, like employees of the café/bookstore or friends. Plot can also depend really, but I always have a few ideas at the back of my mind, mainly to do with vigilante justice and taking down a growing evil. But I’m always open to more ideas.
Oh, and here’s a sort-of criteria thing I look for in a partner. It doesn’t mean you have to be perfect and meet all of this flawlessly, but it makes things more comfortable for the two of us!
[1.] Be capable of offering some ideas for the story and helping along its development.
[2.] Be able to handle a few characters (I’m not saying like ten, but maybe two or three to help keep things lively) and create bio sheets for them.
[3.] Be able to write with good quality (I like to aim for about one and a half to two paragraphs regularly, with some longer posts if I feel like it. Just as long as there aren’t one-liners, I’m pretty happy).
[4.] Be able to handle 18+ (I’m not talking smut or BDSM, but actually violence and some rather heavy-hitting subjects that can often come with such an urban setting).
[5.] Be able to post semi-regularly (not daily, I can’t even do that; perhaps four times a week or so. I’m understanding of real life matters however).
That’s all for now! Hope to talk to you soon! ^~^