From all around the shrine came yokai, shikigami and Onmyouji all into the center of the structure, where a woman sat quietly on a pillow rested neatly on the floor in an otherwise mostly empty room. She wore a concerned expression, tight lipped and eyebrows furrowed as her eyes flickered among the group.
”You all are mostly new... but we need all the assistance we can get.” Hikari stated. Despite her inner worries, her voice remained as steady and smooth as always.
“Our newer members may not understand this as well, but there is a grave issue at hand that can become disastrous if we let it go by. A Tier 3 yokai is terrorizing the nearby village according to one of our affiliates there. Our other Onmyouji are out helping in different shrines, so I’m afraid it’s uo to you few to take this down. Keito, Niko and Momo are all experienced and great Onmyouji, so I’m sure if you follow their orders you will do just fine.
“Takemi and Yuudai will be following under our Niko, that being said Megumi will be fighting alongside Momo and Keito. Niko’s team will be concentrating on securing the area from any other intruding yokai, and will banish the miasmas as to weaken the yokai. Momo and Keito’s team will be heading for the source, but do not attack until the first team had finished their job! This yokai is too powerful to take on without any restricting ofuda put into place. If our friendly yokai here at the shrine wish to help, then please do.
“Please hurry, Inugami will be carrying you there on his back. And please be careful.”Terrified wasn’t a powerful enough word to describe the emotions swirling through the little dark haired girl at this moment. She wasn’t truly in control when the sirens went off, her body just sort of started running on its own. Adrenaline? Maybe. But now she was struck with news that made her chilled to the bone.
Not only were they going up against a Tier 3 Mythic yokai, but
she was the leader of one of the two groups! Niko couldn’t lead, she was a labeled follower. Even her alignment told her to stay back. Why would Hikari think she was qualified for such an important task?!
Noticing his Onmyouji almost shaking from nerves, Tsugu put a gentle comforting hand upon Niko’s shoulder, flashing a warming smile.
”Hey. Don’t worry. You’re going to do fine. Plus, I’m with you, so I won’t let anything happen, right?” The girl cracked a small soothed grin, giving a gentle nod in approval. Tsugu would always watch her back. She didn’t have to worry that much...
When the groups returned outside, a gigantic hulking mass of shadows blocked the rays of the sun. Two beady red eyes peered down, a massive black tail swaying with impatience.
”Are you all related to snails? Hurry up.” Though the mouth of the beast didn’t move, it was fairly easy to connect the gruff echoing voice to the beast. This must be Inugami.
The tanuki suddenly had a sly grin peel open on his face, fluffy tail slashing behind him.
”Oh. The little puppy dog is angry.. should we fetch him a bone?”Niko poured firmly, tugging on Tsugu’s sleeve with what seemed to be all of her strength, albeit the tanuki man didn’t budge an inch. In fact, he barely seemed to notice. [color=lightblue]”Ah, sorry, Inugami-sama! Tsugu, it’s no time for this!”[color]
Tsugu frowned back, tucking his arms firmly over his chest.
”How come the mutt gets a ‘-sama’ and I don’t..?” Still, the tanuki poofed back into his cuter and smaller form to hop into Niko’s arms, both climbing aboard the know bowing dog spirit.
”Come on you all, hurry!”Once everyone was upon the dog’s back, Inugami raised his paws and clawed at the sky, bringing himself up into the atmosphere. Bounding upon the air as if it were earth, they soon were above the burning town.
”There!”Inugami landed and let his passengers off, wishing the exorcists luck before taking off back towards the shrine.
[color=lightblue]”Okay. Let’s get to work!”[/colir]