The Basics
NameLadon Vritra
Nickname/AliasMr Does-What-He-Wants; The Scourge of Vedic; Poisonous Devil
Age19, give or take a couple years.
Gender Male
Physique Ladon's appearance is that of a pale young man of lean built that can only be regarded as slightly above average when it comes to physique, standing at 5'11 with little prominent muscles. His pitch black hair is seemingly cut by himself considering its uneven style and is left at a medium length, barely enough for his bangs to reach the tip of his nose, and his iris are naturally crimson red. His Dragon Heart guild mark is stamped on his tongue.
Personality Be it his natural irreverence and constant sarcasm or his insensitive, his incapacity to filter his words even one bit and apparent indifference to whatever people try to put in his massively stubborn head, it is undeniable that Ladon totally deserves his reputation as someone that at his worst is an absolute jerkass, and at his best quite helpful if you can ignore all the complaints he makes - An analysis that while pretty on point when it comes to him dealing with other mages is actually quite superficial, as Victor actually does have the ability to care about others and can even be pretty gentle, only choosing to suppress this side of himself due to how it only ends up hurting him in the end.
Truth being said, though, it isn't as if Ladon is inherently an asshole or anything like that. In the end, even though his troubled childhood made it so the boy is remarkably wary of those around him and prone to act in a selfish manner, he still does have a soft side - especially for those he considers as weak - and undoubtedly has quite the strong sense of justice, merely lacking the capacity to demonstrate that often hiding his suggestions and compliments behind the veil of sarcasm and criticism that became natural to him after years of using it to hide any semblance of weakness. By nature, he isn't especially evil or anything of the like, merely having received some harsh lessons on how important being selfish is and failing to determine up to which point this is applicable, ultimately falling to adapt to his current worry-free environment.
Likes- Reading/Books
- Cooking
- Lazing around
- Gourmet food
- Writing
- Children
Dislikes- Fighting
- Hardships as a whole
- Loud noises
- Crowds
- Dark Guilds
- Being Threatened
Fears- Losing his magic
- Being powerless against someone
Brief BioFrom as far as his memory goes, Ladon has always been an outcast. Born of a whore mother and an unknown father in the shithole Kingdom of Vedic, whose name he only came to know years later, and abandoned before he even got to develop enough awareness to understand what was happening, the earliest memory in the mutant's mind was already that of having to fight with other similarly impoverished kids for the chance to eat the leftovers thrown away by butchers to soothe the clouding hunger that permanently accompanied him. It was under such a shitty situation that the young boy developed his fighting skills, using anything he could to survive while constantly travelling through the Kingdom, desperately trying to find a home for himself constantly kicked by from place to place by the local gangs and already established groups of orphans - who didn't even think twice before trashing kids as equally unfortunate as themselves if it meant that they could secure their own lives for one more day.
It was only by age 10 that he finally got to settle down not by reaching a place where he could live safely or anything like that, being instead selected by a local dark guild - hiding from the legal mages in the godforsaken country he came from - who decided that people like him, who wouldn't be missed by anyone, were the ideal guinea pigs for their experiments and started kidnapping orphans all through the country. By some irony of fate, amongst all those unfortunate bastards it was the then nameless Ladon that survived the experiments of Dark Mages, successfully merging with the power of a devil and becoming something more than human in the process and, as a direct result, receiving the hopes of vengeance of the Dark Guild together with the name Ladon, given to honor the image of the ancestral founder of the guild. Unfortunately for them, he didn't quite accept their intentions.
From the moment he understood how to use the power force onto him, the boy now named as Ladon already decided to pay them back for all the pain they caused to him, and so he did by poisoning the whole guild - who in spite of being composed of individuals who were considerably more powerful than the them inexperient Ladon still had no way to effectively fight the poison due to their focus in more destructive kinds of magic. He didn't stop there either, proceeding to enact his own vengeance towards all of those who wronged him in the past as well as anyone who could possibly be involved in it, leaving a trail of destruction as he went from city to city hunting for gang members and dark mages, up to the point where the kingdom itself had to intervene to stop him from spreading chaos, calling the Magic Council itself to stop the young man.
Even Ladon himself doesn't quite know why the Magic Council didn't throw him in a prison to rot after they finally managed to capture him, but the fact is that, be it for him not having targeted any non-criminal, due to feeling pity for the them around 14 years old boy or simply because they wanted to trouble a disliked guild by sending a time bomb such as himself to their care, he didn't get locked anywhere as a result of his actions, but was instead transfered a legal guild for reeducation, thus joining the Dragon Heart guild.
Surprisingly, this bold move actually seemed to work to a certain extent, as the wild young mage actually went against the ill-intentioned councilmen who only approved the measure because they expected him to trouble Dragon Heart and actually settled in the guild quite peacefully, taking quite the pleasure in the relaxed environment that it provided and wholeheartedly enjoying earning a reward for doing pretty much the same thing as he did in his home kingdom under slightly more strict terms. As of now, he has been in the guild for 5 years, 3 of which he passed going from mission to mission.
The Mage
MagicPoison Devil Slayer Magic
Description Poison Devil Slayer Magic is a type of Magic which allows the user to incorporate the element of poison into their body, granting them exclusive traits possessed by a Poison Devil. The user is capable of freely producing and manipulating poison, manifested in the form of a toxic gas - though it seems to have the capacity to become "tangible", and can thus be used as an effective blunt weapon, inflicting physical damage to foes while at the same time infecting them. The poison produced by Poison Devil Slayer Magic is considerably more aggressive than the usual, causing an unnatural amount of pain to the ones infected with it and ultimately killing the victim in at most an hour if left untended.
The colour scheme of the Devil Slayer poison is purple with specks of dark blue.
Basic Spells Poison Devil's Rage - The poison version of the well-known rage move, equivalent to a Dragon Slayer's roar or God Slayer's bellow. The user quickly gathers and releases poison from their mouth in the form of deadly, poisonous stream that, when it makes contact with the target, injects a lethal poison into their body that slowly weakens them and restricts their movement before ultimately killing them.
Poison Devil's Destructive Bow - The user moves their arms forward in the shape of a cross, forming a very large amount of poison shaped like arrows, which are used to both attack the target with blunt damage and infect them.
Poison Devil's Piercing Lance - The user generates a wave of poison in a large, vaguely spear-like fashion and sends it towards the target, either stopping their incoming attacks by having the wave collide them or directly dealing piercing damage.
Poison Devil's Dominance - The user gathers a large amount of poison in their feet and slams it to the ground, generating multiple poisonous spikes from the ground around the caster, dealing a massive amount of blunt or piercing damage to those who rush towards him
Poison Devil's Fierce Nails - The user swings their arm, generating a large number of nail-shaped masses of poison, which are rapidly sent flying at the target as fast projectiles, dealing a considerable amount of blunt damage.
Poison Devils's Judgement - The user grabs hold of their target with one hand and releases a burst of poison from it at point-blank range, dealing blunt damage similar to that generated from the explosion of a grenade while heavily poisoning the target. Additionally causes a considerable acid burn.
Poison Devil's Longinus - The user encompasses their hand with poison and performs a dash to strike the opponent head-on with a hand thrust, dealing heavy piercing damage in the process. Upon piercing the target, it releases a large stream of poison that harms the victim from inside out while poisoning any unfortunate bystanders caught in its flurry.
Poison Devil's Guard - The user moves their arms forward in a cross, creating a large shield of poison that defends the user from the enemy's attacks and, at the same time, gives the user the opportunity to counter without fear of being intercepted
Poison Devil's Virulent Breath - The user gathers air in their mouth in a way similar to that of the preparation of the Poison Devil's Rage and proceeds to release it in the form of a thick poisonous mist that covers their surroundings, contaminating everyone around them while cloaking their position.
Advanced SpellsVirulent Scourge: Poisonous Sea - The user condenses an absurd amount of poisonous gas in their hand, condensing it to the point where it adopts a liquid state and them slams it to the ground, generating a wave of highly acidic, concentrated poison. In addition to the acid based damage, contact with this form of poison seems to be considerably more noxious, enhancing the natural effects of the Poison Devil's poison to the point where if it is left untreated the target will most certainly die within 15 minutes of infection.
β’ While he was never taught any fighting style or martial art, Ladon has developed quite the advanced skills in close range fighting due to the sheer amount of fights he got in from the moment he started to have any awareness until now, being quite the dangerous fighter even without making use of magic.
β’ Perhaps due to the side effects of his kind of slayer magic, Ladon seems to be quite... unstable mentally, especially when making intense use of his magic.
β’ In spite of his tough exterior, Ladon has a massive weakness for small animals.
β’ On the opposite of what his abrasive ways may point out, Ladon is surprisingly quite thoughtful inwardly when it comes to dealing with others, putting quite the attention in making sure that his harsh words won't actually leave a lasting effect on others.