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5 yrs ago
Current All the guy did was change his pic to a swastika, say some entry-level /pol/ bytes, and changed his bio to basic slurs.
5 yrs ago
You know exactly who.
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5 yrs ago
I don't know why we can't blast both zoophiles and pedophiles at the same time. Two birds one stone.
5 yrs ago
idk who needs to hear this but if you like women then you're gay, no ifs ands or buts
6 yrs ago
I'm back.
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Bitch, I'm the best.

Most Recent Posts

Yamato Ogawa

Today was the first day back in class after the Sports Festival and Yamato was still reeling over his humiliating showing. The lumbering dinosaur adorned by a leather jacket was grumbling to himself as he slowly wandered down the Eirei hallways, ignoring the occasional passerby that tended to instinctively give him space. At his normal, mostly upright posture for walking he was easily twice the height of most the students that got out of his way. Standing like this his tail would drag across the ground if he didn't lift it deliberately, letting it lightly sway with every step he took and creating yet another obstacle for those around him to be wary of. Man, I don't know how I'm going to face these guys after all that, he thought to himself with a huff. Jun ended up winning the whole thing so maybe everyone will be caught up in that and pay me no mind. Yes, that could work... But deep down he knew that people never paid him no mind.

Fact of the matter is that Yamato was the only member of 1B to drop out of the Sports Festival in the very first round. There were too many factors against him and he had no chances to shine. No opportunities to put on a show, to fight in the second or third rounds for prestige. If I could've made it to the end, I bet I could've been the one to win it all. Stupid rope... Yamato grimaced as he turned towards a nearby stairwell. He began ascending the stairs, his massive legs clearing many steps with each movement but the steps themselves were so small that he had to effectively balance on the tips of his toes as he climbed. Something that most people never had to think about, but through sheer determination and exposure Yamato had been able to overcome. As he met the turn of the staircase he found another student descending. They had a brief moment of panic on their face before they recognized the beast before them as one of their classmates, letting out a sigh before squeezing past Yamato to continue their flight down. But Yamato stopped and looked down after them as they left. Wait a moment, where is he going? Class is the other way and I know its already started.

He continued up the rest of the stairs and began walking down his most familiar hallway. As he approached 1B he could see more students leaving through the door. A curious development but one that didn't bode well. Surely the class wasn't in trouble, right? Jun won the whole Sports Festival! And the rest of the class did fantastic too! Yamato leaned forward as he approached his classroom, making sure his head was low enough to clear the doorway (out of respect for the poor door that he had destroyed once before already). When the door opened next a student that happened to be leaving was met with the visage of a maw full of dagger-like teeth. The heart attack subsided quickly and the student bolted underneath Yamato's head and out into the hallway, but Yamato paid no mind to this student's reaction to his unintentional jumpscare. Instead he politely waited for them to be out of his way before he squeezed his way into the classroom.

And boy, he must've missed something because it looked like nearly everybody had left! And their teacher was replaced by the 1A teacher! Yamato was oblivious to the speech he had just missed, as well as the chaos that had gone on just before that too. "Uh, hey guys," he greeted as he entered, stopping to take a look around once he was mostly through the door. Unfortunately, as he had lowered his posture, he didn't quite realize his tail was still blocking a good portion of the doorway. This blocked it from closing but also mostly blocked anyone else from leaving, for the moment. He recognized Ravens, but he never really talked to him before. He only knew of him, and not much at that. But already he picked up that the guy was being a hardass and something unfortunate just happened to the class. "Sorry I'm late, what'd I miss?" Before a concise answer could've came his way the American girl, Mia, began a speech. For a second Yamato was confused, as he thought she was also 1A. But considering the 1A teacher was here too he didn't think about that part too much. Instead: he listened.

And boy it was a fiery speech. I definitely missed something rough. Talk of detention, prejudice, civil disobedience? Yamato was stunned at Mia's speech, mouth slightly agape as he watched in shock at the way she talked to Shimura. He wasn't a psychic but her righteous indignation seemed pretty legit, almost infectious. He kept his eyes on her as she transformed into a cloud of flower petals and floated across the room, past Yamato, and out the door. The door! Having realized his impoliteness by obstructing it he finally took a few more steps into the classroom, just enough for his tail to clear the doorway and allowing more than enough room for anyone to pass. He felt like he needed a moment to process what all he just witnessed, but faster than he could think he opened his mouth. "Wait, so do I have detention?" He knew he was being funny, and if he didn't have a detention before all things considered he definitely had one now. But he didn't know what else to say other than a joke! Apparently this teacher was so much of a jerk that he basically emotionally defeated the entire class and put it on the verge of mutiny. "I just got here, man."

Alison Fintan

Jotaro's idea that Alison and Sakura, so the Stand referred to its owner as, would cooperate with a formal police investigation was a bit far-stretched for Alison. Of course she'd help putting this serial killer into the dirt, but there was no way she'd participate in anything beyond that. She had a criminal record in this city, not to mention no shortage of potential "old friends" with a vendetta that would be just tickled to see her back in town. But it appeared that this Stand, Gold Experience it would call itself, wasn't bluffing at all about how reliable of a lead it could create. Hell it may have been understating just how useful this ability was. "Perhaps we won't need my resources," Alison finally spoke up again, after politely letting Gold Experience finish explaining its power and its plan. The open explanation of the power was also a display of trust from Sakura, despite the fact she probably left out some details. Her Stand was perhaps the most understood Stand of the trio at the moment, but for Sakura it was a necessity in order to track down the killer.

But as Jotaro took the snake and Gold Experience disappeared it occurred to Alison that an important conversation needed to happen. While following behind Jotaro, still invisible to any potential passerby, Alison spoke to him in a whisper just loud enough that only he would hear it. "I'm sure that you have entertained this idea I'm about to share, but you need to know this regardless," she began to explain over his shoulder. "When serial killers as prolific as the Cobbler get away with their crimes for so long you must consider that they not only have assistance, but that they may have assistance in the police force itself."

"The odds that our killer has been working alone border on zero percent. Before we even consider whether or not Gold Experience will lead us to him or not we must consider that we aren't going to find just him. We have hints as to the killer's capabilities but his allies are total wild cards. Who they are, what they can do, how many there are. Even if we assume that all three of us are honest and not secretly allied with the killer we might still find ourselves walking into a carefully placed trap. This man isn't going to be sleeping on the couch with National Geographic on the TV, he's gonna have a contingency in place and we are going to walk into it one way or another."

Alison paused now, wondering if Gold Experience could hear her through the snake telepathically. It didn't say that it could, but also didn't say that it couldn't. It'd be more convenient if it could though, otherwise Alison will need to have this conversation a second time at the earliest convenience. By this point the duo had made their way through the police building and out onto the street. There were no immediately obvious hints as to where, or who, Sakura was among the many civilians within line-of-sight, but Alison knew she was there nonetheless. "I'm assuming if it was possible for your Stand to divine more information about the killer and his allies you'd have done it by now," she continued. "Unless you already have and were holding out on us earlier? I suppose we'll find out soon enough." The invisible Alison reached out and pressed something invisible into the back of the collar of Jotaro's jacket, making sure to make it so that he would feel she did something. "In the meantime I've placed a tag on you. We're likely to separate in the near future and this will allow me to find you should something go astray. I could've placed it on you without you knowing, but I'm telling you so that you have an emergency option. If you break the invisible device, by accident in a fight or on purpose, it'll let me know that you're in trouble and I can come to your last known position to help."

Following the direction the snake pointed didn't seem like it was going to be fairly quick. It was like following a compass to an unknown destination an unknown distance away, on foot. This was certainly better than just about anything else other than having a GPS with the killer's location already pinned, but it still remained not ideal. "Anyways, back to what I was saying earlier: we also don't know for sure that the killer or his allies are unaware of us. If he indeed has allies in the police force then it is likely that the killer is at least aware of your existence, possibly of your abilities too. Sakura will surely be following us but she may not be the only one. After a while I'm going to split up from you and hang back, so that we stand a better chance of catching any clever spies tailing you. Anything you feel I should know before I start watching your back?"
Alison Fintan

The golden Stand wasn't swayed by Alison's bluff, or at least not significantly. Jotaro respected his distance to Gold Experience and to Alison, but he also still had no trust or faith in them. Understandably so, but his threat was an even worse bluff than Alison's. She remained silent as Gold Experience took its turn to bluff, though Alison couldn't help but notice that this Stand User was considerably more mouthy than Jotaro or Alison had been so far. When the Stand began to walk back towards the door, towards Alison, she stealthily stepped out of its way. It was extremely unlikely the Stand was physically manifested at the moment so they probably wouldn't have bumped, but she still didn't know what its ability was in the slightest. It was yet to demonstrate anything, at least not visually or audibly. The temptation to suckerpunch the Stand was very brief, as it would 99 times out of 100 be a losing gamble. Though it looks thin, and when it wasn't putting on a front it was shocked by the scalpel. I'm positive I could knock its lights out if it was tangible when I swung, but this user isn't a rookie, she thought as she let the Stand pass by unharmed.

Once she took a few more steps, deliberately putting herself outside her own striking range and to the side of the confrontation to make a triangle between herself, Gold Experience, and Jotaro, she tightened her grip on the invisible object. "My original objective here was to collect information on the killer's Stand abilities," Alison spoke up, admitting her plan rather bluntly. She had already determined she didn't have much to gain by keeping that particular information close to her chest, whereas these two were potential allies to be made. "But after hearing what this Stand had to say my objective has changed. If you really can create a reliable lead to the killer then I'd stand to benefit from that information too. I have no attachment to this victim or their body beyond getting the most information out of it as possible." Alison made a brief pause to move a few more steps to the side, so as not to remain standing in the exact same spot for any long period of time. "I'm also not concerned with any consequences with the law. I have a very good lawyer, after all."

With this moment of levity she took a few more steps, but she also relaxed her arms and put her invisible object away. It was unlikely she would need it at this point. "I believe we could stand to benefit from an alliance. I have both information and capabilities that would be most useful, if we all share the same goal." A smirk formed on her invisible face. More like similar enough goal, she thought to herself before a serious expression returned. "As well, should your lead turn up empty, I can provide resources to make finding the next lead much quicker and easier. All this and more, but not for free..." She made a few more steps, coming closer to Jotaro this time. It was likely his vines could extend his reach so she didn't want to get too close to him, but she also wanted to be close enough that if she had to fight she could suckerpunch him first. She knew where his body was so there was no guessing game or predictions required to figure out his tangibility. He was a pretty big guy so it was unlikely she could shut him down with a single blow, but there was still a possibility. "But I think you two will find my demands quite agreeable for the value that I offer. From you, Mr. Jotaro, immunity from police interference or retribution. And from you, Mr... hmmm, I suppose I should start with your name... but from you my demands are access to the information your Stand provides from its lead. To fulfill my objectives I must identify, locate, and confront the killer myself, and so long as neither of you obstruct these objectives then I will gladly work with you and share my resources."

Of course it was quite likely they would strike up this deal. At least the unknown Stand user was likely to. Jotaro, on the other hand, seemed eager to find this killer but equally eager to uphold the law. The idea of breaking the law and getting away with it was probably not very appealing to him, so it was a bit of a gamble as to whether he wanted to catch the killer more than he wanted to fanatically bring criminals to justice. The decision to work with Alison wouldn't be such a no-brainer for someone in his position as a detective, but at the same time if the unknown user agreed to work together and he didn't then he would be in a very terrible spot. The threat of that possibility would hopefully weigh on his decision and motivate him to work with Alison. Ideally this alliance wouldn't need to last very long anyways: the golden Stand might possibly take them right to the killer directly and save tons of time and effort. If only it would be that easy...
Alison Fintan

The two doctors leaving the room was a pleasant surprise, but it was soon followed by an unpleasant surprise. Jotaro, surprisingly quickly, located her approximate position and splashed an acid at her. An untrained person may not have had the reflexes to dodge in time but Alison was no untrained person. She contorted her body underneath the liquid, dancing out of its path with adept swiftness and gaining more distance from Jotaro in the same motion. She didn't immediately recognize that he had done something to the acid until it crashed into the floor as if it were a solid, landing with a thump and holding shape. So his Stand power is more than just spirit vision, she surmised, taking a few more quiet steps in a curve as Jotaro attacked the golden Stand. It, too, was able to dodge his attack. But this time Alison was able to pay more attention to the thrown attack, noticing some sparking on the pencil he threw. Perhaps he can harden or toughen things for combat...

While the golden Stand approached the table, Alison continued silently walking around the Stand until she was behind it. The distance between the two was short, not even two meters, but she was confident that if it tried to punch or kick her she would be able to dodge or counter. It could be faster than its shown but it would have to turn before it could strike, and it couldn't even strike accurately at that. Despite that possibility she remained in a good position to flee, being the closest to the door and both her potential opponents being in front of her. She stood up to full height, dramatically placing her free hand over the lower half of her face and striking a pose. Unfortunately, however, she remained invisible and her stylish pose would remain unseen. "You both only continue to breathe by the fortune of my indifference," Alison finally spoke, revealing her approximate position again. "That is my proof of my intentions here, but if I were to be forced to protect myself then you two would stand no chance against me." The bravado, combined with her earlier display, would serve as a sufficient temporary bluff. She relaxed out of her pose and brought both of her hands together to hold the mysterious object.

"You two can refer to me as Alison. Are we all here looking for something?"
Alison Fintan

The autopsy continued on fairly normally and the Stand in the ceiling didn't make any moves. At least for a while. When Jotaro began pacing around the room while chatting with the doctors it forced Alison to move as well. Her footsteps were perfectly silent from all the years of practice but she didn't need to move far to avoid being bumped into. She took a few steps towards the door, letting Jotaro pass by her with barely a foot of distance between them. Her confidence that he wouldn't make any immediate wild moves as he passed paid off. Perhaps he didn't think she would let him get close so didn't bother trying anything like that, especially since it would make him look strange to the others in the room. Once Jotaro had passed she returned her attention to the ceiling, confirming the Stand was still there. But, as if nothing could ever go right in this room, one of the scientists noticed the used scalpel was missing from the used utensil tray and grew wary.

Shit! Why would he even be paying attention to stuff like that? Alison thought, tightening her grip on the scalpel. While Jotaro began to ease the doctor of his concern, likely because he wanted to avoid a confrontation with Alison if he could, Alison saw the Stand in the ceiling suddenly retreat. Shit, there went my other chance! Options were tighter now as the other Stand user could be doing anything. They could be leaving, repositioning, preparing their attack, or even actively attacking at this very moment and Alison just couldn't tell yet. She looked towards the door and contemplated her chances at slipping out without encountering the Stand in the hall. If Jotaro was on the other side of the room she could escape and he'd never be able to catch up to her and make the distance back in a sprint, or at least she assumed based on his build, but the other user could already be waiting in ambush. Instinctively she stepped away from the door, making several paces before the golden Stand reappeared. This time it phased through the wall right next to the door, throwing out all stealth and subtlety and directly exposing itself to Alison and Jotaro.

"All three of us."

Yeah, of course they knew Alison was here. It was a big mistake to make in front of people who would naturally be suspicious of strange phenomena. Well, cat's out of the bag. Suppose I should say hello. She flipped the scalpel in her hand around again, once again catching it by its blade and pulling her arm back. The Stand was leaning against the wall, which may indicate that it was tangible at the moment, but Alison already knew its user was smart and wouldn't have the Stand be so vulnerable right off the bat. This was a move of confidence afforded only by having a plan. She knew this scalpel wasn't going to harm the Stand, or its user, but she wanted to get a message through. With a mighty throw she launched the blade, spinning through the air before slamming into the wall next to Gold Experience's head with a resounding thud. The blade, despite being so small, embedded so deep into the wall that if the scalpel were to be visible it would only have half the handle sticking out. Alison knew that she had a supernaturally strong body, a strange and unique gift that her old boss once referred to as a "rarity", and that this display would serve as a meaningful way to mislead the other two Stand users as to her own Stand's capability.

Surely they wouldn't expect a user, a normal human being, to be able to throw something so hard. But with that "greeting" given it had also surely gotten the attention of the two doctors. While Jotaro and the other Stand user might correctly surmise that the sudden impact and hole in the wall was the result of the missing scalpel turned invisible, the two doctors, normal people without even a hint of Stand powers, would surely be confused as to what just caused the wall to do that. It was likely Jotaro would be forced to wrangle them in some way, while the other Stand user might have to reconcile the danger they might actually be in. But if they were confident enough in the first place to pull this stunt then they likely would rationalize their own safety anyways. Regardless, Alison didn't plan on getting any closer to Jotaro or Gold Experience. The two were unlikely to fight, and similarly unlikely to team up to find Alison, but by staking a claim that she wasn't to be dismissed as a mere coward in hiding they might be a bit more willing to dialogue when her jig would inevitably be up.

If the two doctors could leave the room, or otherwise be unable to hear what she had to say, Alison figured that diplomacy would become her best option. This Jotaro guy may be with the law but it appeared that he understood the need to keep people who don't need to be in the world of Stands out of the world of Stands. There was a decent chance he wouldn't try to arrest her or otherwise assail her for breaking in, if that was all he suspected her of doing. Perhaps this encounter can work to my favor, Alison suddenly realized, her eyes widening (if they could be seen) as it occurred to her. Perhaps we all have the same goal and I can use these people to find the Cobbler. If one or both were protecting him then we'd already be fighting. Surely they must be thinking that if I was working with the killer then I'd have ambushed one of them by now and dispatched of them. Once they suss each other out and these doctors go away then I can try to get a bug on them. Buuuut... She reached back behind her waistband, removing the object she had stowed there and brandishing it in her left hand. There's always a chance I'm wrong...
Alison Fintan

The two nerds performing the autopsy were none the wiser of the invisible woman standing mere feet from them, watching over their shoulder to observe the ongoing dissection. She didn't need their commentary on the most obvious damage on the body though. Round, consistent shape. A circular, or perhaps spherical, blow. The parts of the body hit weren't recovered, completely severed. An attack like that could've removed any evidence of the crime entirely, she was surmising, an invisible hand brought to her invisible chin. Perhaps he ha- Her train of thought was interrupted as the door to the room swung open and a new man entered. He was quite large and imposing, as well he didn't look like any cop or doctor she had seen so far. Immediately her sixth sense was tingling. She could already feel it in her bones: this man was a Stand user.

She instinctively took a few steps back from the body as the supposed "detective" briefly conversed with the doctors. It appeared that his allegiance was with the law and he was accessing this morgue lawfully, based on this exchange, but Alison couldn't rule out the possibility that this Jotaro was an enemy. She was already thinking that this killer had an accomplice, possibly multiple, and this could extend to having accomplices in law enforcement. But their conversation added further enlightenment to the situation at hand. If the feet were removed while she was alive and only then was she killed then its likely this Stand isn't ranged. Possibly slow moving, close-range type. While she continued processing the information her way the detective moved over to a nearby monitor and summoned his Stand. Alison wasn't sure if he fully called his Stand or just used one of its abilities but the vines summoned from his arm wrapped around the TV and began to power it. She hadn't seen an ability exactly like this but as the TV played its message she began to work a theory of his power too. An information gathering ability. Some kind of psychic visions, or perhaps communicating with the dead...

The TV's cryptic message was confirmed to not be total nonsense when the lead doctor admitted the body was found at the location the TV played. But if this detective was with the police he'd already have seen a report where they found the body, right? Was he confirming that a report was accurate? Was he concerned that there would be errors on the report? Was he concerned that there were lies on the report? The doctors paid no mind to the strange message, or at least kept it to themselves, but it seemed that Jotaro was at work attempting to decipher his own Stand. Now was an opportune moment to do a few things. First and foremost, just in case this man was still an enemy even after this show of innocence, Alison needed a weapon. None of the men in the room were paying attention to the tray of used utensils, making it an easy swipe to pilfer a scalpel and hide it. Now it was time to-

Just as Alison turned to face Jotaro again she first saw it in the corner of her eye, forcing her attention upwards to the corner of the room. By pure chance from the angle she was standing in the room she could see a golden glimmer upon the ceiling, a purple eye that could belong to nothing other than a Stand peering through the tile. In her surprise she turned reflexively and took a step back, her already outstretched hand bumping the used utensil tray and sending a precariously perched pair of scissors clattering to the floor. The room wasn't exactly quiet, as the two doctors were continuing their autopsy and talking the whole time, but it still drew everyone's attention. Rookie move, Alison, she thought to herself as she took a few more steps back, silently. As Jotaro's eyes looked exactly at her she couldn't help but wonder for a moment if he could see her, even though she knew he couldn't, and gripped the scalpel in her hand tighter. He was now on guard and was no longer vulnerable to being bugged. In her left hand was a small, wireless device (invisible, as should be expected by now) that she intended to plant on him. But there was no way she could get away with it now, or at the very least the risk of exposure was too high to be worth attempting. It's fine, she assured herself as she stowed the device away in her bra, I have plenty of time...

But there was another big issue spying from the ceiling. Another Stand user, this one almost surely unaffiliated with the law. While Jotaro didn't press the disturbance Alison created further that didn't mean that this other Stand user would be so passive. And they, too, were now aware of Alison's presence. Three Stand users in one place can't be good. And I have no clue what this one can do. They already have an edge over me. I can't preemptively strike, and I can't explore for the user without alerting them that I had left the room... I'm trapped. She gripped the scalpel tighter as she moved her free hand towards the back of her waistband. Well, not completely trapped. They already know I was here but may not know if I still am. If their goal was to trap me, specifically, then something would be happening by now. They, too, are observing to see what happens. To feel me out. There's no need to use this yet... Her hand drifted back to her side now as she returned her attention back to Jotaro, who kept glancing in her direction to periodically check. He certainly was acting like he didn't see her. But... he also was acting like he hadn't seen that other Stand either. This third, unidentified Stand user was in the most advantageous position but it was Alison who could change the balance of power between the three.

I've gotten about as much as I can on the killer's Stand from this autopsy, unless there are any hidden gems. I think all three of us have a vested interest in this autopsy concluding or else someone would've made a move. However... Alison flipped the scalpel in her hand, expertly catching it by its blade without a scratch and then pulling her arm back. Let's let fate decide. What will happen first? If the door opens I'll get the hell out of here, but if that Stand in the ceiling makes any funny moves... She adjusted the scalpel slightly. Then I'll force the detective to notice it and pit them against each other. A younger, more callous and bloodthirsty Alison may have smirked and found the notion of this subterfuge to be fun, but this Alison knew she was in a bad spot and this plan was out of desperation rather than being something she had thought of in advance. Calling attention to the other Stand was a big risk and may still fail if Jotaro didn't have the reflexes to turn around faster than the third Stand user could recall their Stand, or even just pull it back further into the ceiling to hide. Surprise was the only advantage Alison ever held and she wasn't so willing to blow it just for a chance at a quick way out. If she threw the scalpel and Jotaro didn't detect the other Stand then he would no longer be second guessing himself about Alison, and likewise the other Stand user would take measures of their own to either find Alison or to preserve themselves. I'd feel a hell of a lot better about this if I just knew where that Stand's user was... she lamented. That's such a good spot to spy from. I'd do the same if I had a different Stand... the user could be anywhere. In the ceiling, in the hall, under the floor, three stories up the building... Well, I've had some decent luck so far. Let's see if I've got some more...
Alison Fintan

I could get used to this view...

Alison sipped from her mug as she stared out the hotel window upon the streets below. The people looked so small from so high above, like little ants rushing to their next destination without any deeper thought. No plans beyond the immediate future, no regard of the past, tiny cogs in an ever-spinning machine doing their part. She took another sip as her gaze turned towards the rest of her executive suite. At first she felt a bit guilty for booking this room but it was a necessary part of her plan. Besides: it wasn't so bad staying at the most expensive room of the W Times Square. The luxurious suite was as colorful as it was large, hardly touched in the past two days with a few obvious exceptions.

Firstly, and the most eye-catching, was the large wooden crate leaned against one of the walls. It had clearly been pried open before but was somewhat sealed up again, just enough to keep whatever contents within from falling out should it accidentally be moved. Secondly, and also fittingly, were two black duffel bags lying on the ground next to the master bed. They both appeared to be stuffed full, though one seemed at least slightly less full. Lastly there was an open laptop situated on the glass table by the kitchen area, with a neat stack of papers to its side. These additions to the room were necessary for Alison's "base of operations". Another sip of the coffee and her gaze returned to the street below. Today's the day.

Raven hair twirled behind her as she turned from the glass and made her way across the room to the crate. With a passing touch, barely a caress of her finger, the wooden crate instantly vanished without a trace. Its peculiar location made it extremely unlikely to be accidentally bumped into while invisible on the off-chance that Alison's request to have no room service while she was out was ignored. That crate cannot be found under any circumstances, after all, so the best place to hide it was in plain sight. Once it was hidden she walked over to the kitchen's sink, setting the mug inside and leaving it without so much as a quick rinse. Once next to the bed she crouched down and opened the duffel bag that appeared the least full, exposing the bands of cash inside. Each one of composed of crisp, clean $100 bills and notarized by the paper band. It's crazy every time I think about it, she briefly thought to herself before grabbing two stacks out. She looked them over one last time before they turned invisible, upon which she stashed them in the hidden waistband pocket of her pants. After zipping the bag up she placed her other hand on the second bag, turning both invisible before shoving them under the bed.

As she left the room, hanging a "do not disturb" sign on the handle, she patted her right hand on the back of her waist. Something invisible was tucked in there, unseen but not unfelt by her hand. With that final item on her list checked she began to walk down the extravagant hallway, immediately passing a concierge leaving a neighboring suite. "Good morning, Miss Stanley," he greeted, topped off with a polite nod. Alison feigned a smile and waved, returning the polite gesture, but she didn't slow her walk in the least. After spending the last two days working on her preparations it was finally time to get to work.

It was a rather large yet unassuming building, as Alison would describe most in New York City, but it was where she needed to start. Uniformed and off-duty police were going to and fro about the entrance of the Forensic Investigation Center making an easy way in undetected. But there was a better way. The invisible woman hiked around the building to its parking lot, filled with NYPD vans and a cruiser or two. There were two doors here: one for foot traffic and one serving as a loading dock for moving bodies from vans into the building and vice-versa. No sooner than Alison approached the foot traffic door did it click and open. A single officer stepped outside, keys in hand and immediately heading toward one of the cruisers. He wouldn't notice that the weighted door behind him took but a second longer to close than usual.

Once inside things became a bit more complicated but Alison had nothing but time. She wasn't able to get a layout of the building and wasn't able to ask any passerby for directions so she had already anticipated she would be here a while. Her first task was to find the body of the most recent victim, though if any older bodies were still in the building they would do as well. Not like there was long periods of time between killings anyways so any victims here should still be relatively fresh. Alison walked slowly and methodically, avoiding contact with not only any passing workers or officers but also with any doors. Whenever she encountered a closed door she would bide her time and wait patiently for someone to come by and open it, removing the risk of accidentally opening a door in view of someone she couldn't see on the other side.

This process of navigating turned what would be a two minute walk into a thirty minute journey by the time she entered the morgue. She knew there was a chance that the body would in storage right now since there was no way for her to predict when the autopsy would occur but luck was on her side. The body was lying on a table with two men standing above it; a doctor and an assistant, or perhaps a trainee. They hadn't begun to cut into it yet and were going over the information on the clipboard in the assistant's hands as they prepared to start. The timing couldn't be any more perfect for Alison, as she would get to witness the autopsy firsthand and once they were done she would (probably) have an opportunity to investigate herself. As her gaze turned to the victim's face she felt a brief tug at her heartstrings. It was just a girl, barely an adult. But the sympathy was quickly suppressed as Alison steeled herself and returned to business-mode. Reveal your secrets to me, Night Prowler.
Sounds like a good idea to me.
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