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    1. Pleek 8 yrs ago


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Año 2020, 25 de Diciembre; Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua; Un Sangrienta Prólogo: Bane en El Territorio de Los Enemigos (Ambos Las Bestias y Los Hombres)
<“...What are you doing?!”> howled out Bane at his accomplice known as Doctor. At this moment of inquiry, Bane was on top of a cyclops performing a camel clutch. While the cyclops was trying to escape by flailing its legs and thrashing its head; but these attempts were of no use as the creature passed out. Bane slowly got up and now took the time to fully observe what failing his gangster was committing.

Doc was shakily throwing rocks at a Harpy who was swooping down in an attempt to attack him. While his aim with a rock was poor, as each an every attempt he did missed its mark, he was at least decent at running away as he was not struck by tooth or talon. <”Waaaaaaah!”> shrieked out Doc as he lunged sideways and in his folly slammed headfirst into a mailbox.

<”Calm down Doc. Now’s not the time for fear.”> Bane explained towards the Doctor as he gazed around to see how the others were faring.

Giggling wildly, Hummingbird was swinging his switchblade in a frenetic and wild pattern against a Monopod. For those who were unfamiliar with the Greek monster that was known as the Monopod, it was a rather humanoid looking creature except it had only one leg and a single massive foot. Many of these creatures would use it for shade, but this Monopod was using it as it was hopping up and down in an attempt to squash Hummingbird. At the moment they were at a standstill, as Hummingbird only was able to get small slashes upon the creature while the Monopod was only able to get a few punches in against Hummingbird as it was unable to stomp down upon the cartel-member as it wanted to.

<”Hummingbird.”> Bane casually walked towards the pair who were engaged in combat. The Monopod bounced in place trying to plot out how to best slay its foe; Hummingbird jumped back as he turned to stare at Bane. With his eyes darting to and fro he gnashed his teeth together as he gave a hasty salute to Bane, in the process dropping his knife.

Scrambling to obtain his knife he spoke, <”Yesyesyes? P-patrón!? Ineedtheknife! I s-s-s-swe-sweeeear I’ll try to lucha!”> He finally grabbed a hold of the knife and as he looked up he saw the Monopod jumping upward to slam down upon him. Fortunately instinct kicked in as Hummingbird was able to roll off to the side and spring back up with his blade in hand.

<”Oh no that is not the purpose of this speech, fledgling warrior.”> Bane elucidated to his associate, <”And you do not need refer to me as Patrón yet; after all I have still not conquered Juarez and its allies, and all of the others who haven’t yet learned from Sinaloa, to follow MY WAYS!. I came here to give you just a bit of advice while I allow you to use your foreign object. Get behind the Bigfoot and slash its tendon. Then you will practice holds, as it will be crippled.”>

Making that clear Bane marched to check on the others, with an occasional idle adjustment of the spandex speedo.

Bane next checked on the methods of combat that Miguel was using. Miguel was fighting, well fighting was a bit of a euphemism in reality he was being slaughtered by, a Panotti. The Panottis were another set of curious creatures; these were men who had massive ears that were the size of their own bodies and dragged against the ground.

And it was easy to see why Miguel was being slaughtered as the Panotti was utilizing the finest of head swings to whip out his ear lobes to batter Miguel. With loud cracks Miguel was sent backwards each and every time. Bane simply narrowed his eyes and focused his attention on Miguel to see how he would, or even could, get a turnabout in this battle.

While that fight was going on, Doc was once again being pestered by another harpy that was trying to swoop down upon him. However, while he did slam against the mailbox, Doc was able to regain his composure. It was as Bane said, the time for fear was later. Armed with a cola bottle Doc threw it against the harpy and it made its mark. The glass shattered and embedded itself inside the shrieking creature which flapped about wildly now blinded.

As for Hummingbird he was indeed able to fell his foe. The Monopod left on the concrete below sobbing, bleeding from the tendon unable to move. Hummingbird proceeded to do as his boss commanded and was practicing holds; with a half-hazardly applied bear hug Hummingbird had a huge grin on his face, <”I AM D-DOING IT! DOING IT! DOINGIT! WOOOOOOOO!”>

Rafael who had successfully thwarted a set of pgymies who were riding a set of feral dogs, was slow-clapping as he approached Hummingbird, although with a distinct limp in the leg. <”Good on you.”>

And now we return back to Miguel, who was sent flying straight back into a fire-hydrant with enough force that it shot the fire hydrant out. Miguel who surely died from this blunt force trauma, both evident from a now concave skull and the sounds associated with it, was shot up into the air from the pressurized water.

The Panotti turned its attention towards Bane and whipped its left earlobes in an attempt to strike Bane. However this was denied by Bane who caught the creature by the ear with both of his hands. With a mighty thrust upwards, Bane caused the creature to ascend. With a firm grip, Bane began spinning around with the creature firmly intact screaming for mercy in some forgotten language.

After three cycles, Bane flung the creature into a building sending it both through bricks but also the support beams causing the building to collapse.

<”Hmph.”> Bane grumbled as he rolled his neck around. He glanced towards his associates, <”You will be fine on your own. You three can survive. Take Miguel’s corpse to back to the vehicle, I will decide whether he shall get a warrior’s burial for the attempt or if we will just leave it there to rot for his failure. Die or survive, at least know that you are partially helping in my machinations.”>

Año 2020, 25 de Diciembre; Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua; La Armería de la Nueva Línea
There was a brief amount of gun smoke from a machine gun, alongside a large amount of dead harpies just outside the armory.

Panting in and out heavily, stood a man with several scars across his face with buzzed black hair dressed in riot grade gear, and armed to the tooth with guns. Gazing upon the assembled members of Nueva Línea, the one enforcer gang that was kept to stay in Juarez to hold off the invasion because the leaders of the Juarez Cartel knew this band of ex-cops and ex-military would obey orders, he knew what had to be done.

<”We are to hold the line; and chances are we’re going to die.”> stated the man to a few groans and anguished cries from some of the weaker spirited men, <”But that doesn’t mean we aren’t going to go down without a fight. I know I’m not.”>

<”I saw that monster on that pay-per-view, I know many of you did as well. But what you might not know was that my brother, Officer Santiago was there suffering at the hands of CRIMINAL CHICANERY! DEAD, BECAUSE OF CRIMINAL CHICANERY!”>

Martin Santiago, the finest damn operative this Enforcer Gang ever saw, began tearing up. Gritting his teeth he flung his hand to the side, <”And I don’t know about you, but I liked the old ways of crime! When we just bribed officials and got into a few shoot outs. I am not going to live in a world of BARKING SNAKES! My children cannot live in a world where BIRDPEOPLE AND CYCLOPS ROAM!”>

<”A LINE IN THE SAND MUST BE DRAWN HERE; IT MUST BE DRAWN HERE AND NO FURTHER!”> Martin shouted out to the very heavens.

His speech had stirred up the spirit of all the men who began cheering alongside him.

<”We will protect Kid Texano! We will protect Juarez! And we will bring SENSIBLE CRIME BACK INTO FASHION! NOW GET EVERY SINGLE ROUND OF AMMO, EVERY SINGLE GUN, AND GET INTO ANY VEHICLE! I have a plan to lure this monster into a place where we can try to assure his destruction!”>

With a final cheer, Santiago rallied his fellow gangsters and they began to set up the preparations to fulfill the boss’ plan.

Año 2020, 25 de Diciembre; Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua; Los Túneles del Cartel Juárez

Of course there was not only trouble occurring upon the surface in Juarez, but there were problems laying underneath the city. The foundation it was built on was in tatters. This statement of course had multiple meanings. One of such would be referring so much to the metaphorical corruption caused by the Juarez Cartel. After all they, at the very least the brass ring and higher ups, took the opportunity to hide away in other safe zones when information came that The Luchador, the one they called Bane, was coming for them. A pragmatic decision yes, but presumably it would be one to bite them in the end. Either Bane would catch them or those who stayed and fought would start their own rebellion to cause a change.

However the more important interpretation of the trouble brewing underneath Juarez City was one that was meant to be taken literally.

Underneath Juarez City was a labyrinthine set of tunnels designed to aid the ‘Coyotes’, a more colloquial term for the leader of a human smuggling operation, and the drug trafficking. These tunnels helped transporting even more goods across the border to the States. While there were many tunnels, and many designs, for the most part they all had the same abnormally large height and width enough for a motorcycle or well honestly three to traverse through. Beyond this they were kept aloft and structurally sound with metal bracing and kept a lit by many torches.

And it served as catacombs for those who dare tried to oppose the Cartel; whether they tried to actively find Juarez Cartel routes or those who just happened to stumble in, they would all meet the same fate. Corpses were oft strewn in these tunnels.

But these corpses were different…

...They were fresh.

For anyone closely examining these bodies and knew their ways around the tunnels there were a few key points to note. The first of these points was that these bodies were not the corpses of those aligned against the Juarez Cartel. It was a small group of deceased, two Falcones- the scouts of the Cartel- and a Sicario supervising. For anyone looking for sentimental value they would clearly note that one of these Falcones had hardly entered adulthood and was still a boy, and the Sicario who was tasked presumably with handling these men had his dying moment clutching onto a photo depicting him with his happy family.

Now the second point of importance was the fact that these men were gored. Their deaths were not by a manner of ”Traditional Knife Culture”, or by gun. The gaping neck-wound, and associated blood clots, from one of the scouts testified to this. Another one had hoof-imprints which were stamped deep into his chest.

That certainly helped explained a small trail of bloodied hoofprints heading the other direction…

It was fitting that he was lost in this ‘Mexican Maze’.

This Minotaur here, this was the creature that Bane truly sought! It was the one footsoldier that was tasked, at least it was certain among its kind it was the chosen one, to cause devastation and to bring forth as much carnage as it and the monstrous legion could bring across this particular section of Mexico. The Black Bull of Crete tromped through the tunnels letting out a mighty snort. Sooner or later it would find something else to kill if it couldn’t escape this complex creation. Surely it didn’t have to worry about being here for that long, the allies on the surface would have to make their way here soon right?

Stopping for a moment, the Son of the Cretan let out a snort. The torchlight showed the glistening oil that was pouring down the chiseled chest of a man only to get stuck and matted in black fur of the humanoid bull. Red eyes glared while nostrils flared! Staring forward into the multiple pathways, raising his arms slightly upwards towards the top of the cavern, Minotaur let out an anguished war-cry!


Año 2020, 25 de Diciembre; Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua; Bane en El Territorio de Los Enemigos (Ambos Las Bestias y Los Hombres)

<”Now then as that has been settled...”> Bane remarked as he heard the sounds of many vehicles, a lot of gun fire and more importantly a loud speaker coming from that way.


Bane cracked his knuckles and began cackling, <”Wonderful!”> and began to charge to chase this convoy which dared challenge him and taunted him with the prize he sought.
After a fair bit of mindless wandering, albeit with a few efforts of trying to pinpoint location via that distinctive sound of clanging and gnarling of jaws, the reptilian creature had finally made it to some other interesting point. It paused for a moment seemingly trying to analyze the noises that were occurring, and what exactly each noise meant. Lowering its head down the Waniguchi thought it had understood the message that was being explained. However the fact that it, well more appropriately the humans and the mystical creatures they caught, was asked to do a mission was not understood.

While it might not have understood that particular detail the crocodile creature did least know one important fact about this entire thing. A giant, snarling, dog-monster was always a good hitch for a ride. As such the lizard-like yokai sprawled its way towards the source after checking with a few gnashing of bark like contortions to make sure the creature was still there. However while the waniguchi did choose to take Inugami as a method of transport; the yokai knew that the back was no safe place.

This was a giant dog monster after all! It was safe to avoid taking any chances of being eaten by it; as the old proverb said dog eat dog or if dog isn't available lizards.

So the Waniguchi hitched a ride via clutching its makeshift jaws down hard upon the tail of the creature. For a time it seemed that everything would work out for the reptilian yokai.

...Buuuut shortly after the Inugami clawed its way into the sky as if it was merely a backdrop the bell-headed creature lost its grip. It appeared that the waniguchi did not apply enough force on a nice stable position, or perhaps it was the amount of force exerted to get into the sky.

No matter the case the yokai fell down onto a food stall. Hissing the yokai swung its head upwards as noodles fell down her face. Scrambling with its claws to secure a grip, and after many failed attempts falling back into the broth, the lizard finally secured a point of escape.

Soaking wet with vegetable broth the creature hopped down from the food-cart and began to nosily pinpoint where it was. After it secured a general idea of where it was, the yokai began marching towards the nearest source of fire to get near and dry itself off.
At this particular moment in time, the Waniguchi was curled around a rock that was placed ever so carefully in rock garden. There was only decorative lines in the sands and there was not a single blemish. It was a serene scene as the sun basked down on the nameless lizard yokai creature with a bell for a head. Of course that was not to be the case as this creature felt something. Perhaps she was disturbed from the sounds in the distance or perhaps it sought something more than basking in the dark warmth.

Slowly the creature raised its head and began to open its jaws. As the facsimile of a maw separated the upper and lower jaws there was a slight bit of metallic ringing alongside wooden creaking. With uncertain movements, as after all this creature was navigating a strange darkness that they only seemed to be a part of, the creature raised its anterior claw on the right side and swung it down. The Waniguchi manipulated its digits around to assure that it was just sand they were going to enter.

Once it was assured to be safe, the yokai began to scamper down the rock and landed upon the sand. With a few more motions of the jaws, with that ever prominent noise, the Waniguchi determined where it was. Swinging its head wildly from side to side the beast dashed out of the zen garden carelessly knocking down various statues. Of course for the harder of the little decorations that struck against it, the yokai would let out a horrible sounding wail, but these moments were few and far between.

These ornate and painstakingly crafted designs were now replaced with a hodgepodge of yokai tracks; but the creature had successfully exited. And so the Waniguchi continued to tromp its way in no particular direction.
Año 2020, 20 de Diciembre; Mazatlán, Sinaloa

("What the Hell were you thinking!?") angrily shouted a man who was following another who was standing near the coast of a beach, which a particular house of interest overlooked. This man continued to follow down the coast leaving down a trailprint of steps that were hidden by the night and would disappear once the soft waves crashed upon them. The target of his yelling was a man who was dressed in red suit, wearing a bright, orange mask.

Betwixt the masked man's teeth was a cigarette lit aglow. This masked individual did not respond to the inquiries but instead focused on the calming motions of the ocean and the cigarette he took another drag on. While the ashes fell to the sands below, the other man finally caught up and grabbed a hold of this masked man's left shoulder and forcefully spun the man to face him.


Casually brushing off the grip the masked man began to speak, ("Doing this is in the best interests of the Familia Valdez. I'm not just thinking of myself here! It is going to help the entire Sinaloa Cartel!")

It was at this point that the reveal of the identity of this man, alongside his questioner, would be answered. The reason of the inquiries would also be answered shortly, but to understand that one must understand background circumstances.

This masked man was Angel Valdez, the Capo of the Valdez Family. The Valdez Family is one of the prominent families in the Sinaloa Cartel, one of the many stronger Drug Cartels, in Mexico. Their purpose in the Cartel is that of protection, protecting drug routes and businesses. Over the past months they had many altercations with members of the Tijuana Cartel that resulted in lost business, so to say. These incidents cost lives of Cartel members alongside quite a bit of drug money lost. Knowing this it is easy to see why the Valdez Family lost a bit of prestige, and why they made the deal.

The deal in question being with the Masked Man, who allegedly, hired out some members of the Tijuana Cartel to hunt him down in order to kidnap them easier in order place them in Mesoamerican 'Ball Games'. Angel didn't give these rumors much attention at first, after all it seemed absurd to him. But Angel Valdez learned that these kidnappings did in fact take place, and more importantly he had the attention of the man who was behind it all.


The Masktaker and the Tag-team Partner of Senketsu Joe the Fifth, among some other monikers, had entered Sinaloa territory in order to capture that Sicario of Tijuana once again to make him participate in yet another Mesoamerican Ball Game. It was fortunate that Angel Valdez had him, and was able to convince Bane of a deal, one that both sides found satisfactory.

Instead of merely getting just one sicario, what if Bane was able to catch multiple? What if he had many, many enforcer gangs to play around with. That did appeal to the desires that Bane had in mind yes.

But it was a Faustian Bargain for Valdez, and the Sinaloa's as a whole...

Bane was willing to engage in this gang warfare; but it was to come at a price. Bane was not going to disappoint Lord Death Man, in time the Sinaloa Cartel -alongside the other Cartels who would fall to Bane- would serve in a larger criminal enterprise. But that time was not now; but of course that did not mean that the Sinaloa Cartel wouldn't have pay a price. No, they paid their due.

In exchange for the services of Bane, the families would adopt his methodology. The Sinaloa Cartel, its families, and the gangs they contracted, would no longer use guns as the main source of their battling. They would use lucha libre, and make their bodies the weapons they were meant to be. They would also donate a fair amount of their drug chemists to activities away from the cocaine game. And the violence they did engage in was to be ramped up, even if it meant attracting a bit extra attention from the federales that were either on the straight or narrow, or more likely bribed by another criminal organization.

Of course not all the families thought this was sensible...

...But those that witnessed the rampage soon came to the realization that it was better to obey the crazed demands of a massive luchaman who was last seen in the public eye escaping with the famed Phantom Thief.

And so, with that bit explained, we return to our scheduled programming.

(Look Rosales, we've been losing the war against Juarez. This, this is our ticket to get back on top, move our product even further north. Possibly to Gotham or Metropolis.) Angel calmly explained as he dropped the cigarette and smashed the remnants with his heel. Lieutenant Rosales shook his head as he glanced back up towards the beach house.

("I have my doubts. But, I guess it can't be any worse.") With a sigh, Angel smirked and patted Rosales on the back.

(Just wait. Christmas Eve will be a night to remember, while Kid Texano celebrates with a couple of enforcers about their work in El Paso; Bane and our men, with another truck just in case, will burn Juarez to the ground...)

Año 2020, 24 de Diciembre; Camino hacia Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua

A single, white, hatchback van drove up towards Juarez up a dirt road. Another pair of black hatchbacks were making their way north towards Juarez as well, but they were not following the same trajectory as the white hatchback.

Inside this hatchback was a group of five. The wheelman was a man known as Rafael. With a pair of aviators gracing his darker than usual skin, clad in a biker jacket he kept his attention firmly on the road with a couple of aside glances to the front passenger. The man up front was known as Hummingbird, this man kept a firm-yet-shakey grip on a radio as he fiddled around with a switchblade, spinning it around, in the opposite hand. Behind Rafael was a lighter man, they called him Doc, who was wearing a pair of bottle glasses who kept both of his hands upon a bottle with a rag sticking out of it. Next to Doc was Miguel who stuck his head out of the window, catching the night breeze flow past his long black locks.

Completing this group was Bane who was situated in the trunk, dressed in a simple spandex pair of underwear and some green wrestling boots. His hands were clasped firmly upon the back seats.

For a good while these men were driving in silence, until it was finally broken.

("We are not far.") Bane stated matter of factly as the other members of this mission, well apart from Rafael, turned their attention to him. ("Soon we shall conquer their lands and spill their blood. I've been told that Kid Texano will be shacking up with members of the affiliate gang, Nueva Linea, to inform them of what routes particular members need to go to protect, alongside of course, his own safety...")

("It will be a glorious conquest to crush them. Hummingbird...") Hummingbird shook his head a couple of times as he began to speak up.

("Yepyepyep?") He chattered his teeth a bit as his flipblade spinning increased in speed.
("Ask if the others are on their way to blocking that armory off.")

Pressing on his radio, Hummingbird spoke. ("Have the geese landed?")

There was nothing.

("GEESE? LANDED!?") Hummingbird shouted as he began slamming his switchblade into the dashboard. Rafael swung his head towards Hummingbird and growled, ("You aren't marking up my back-up ride hombre.") As Hummingbird was about to ask the question again, the radio sparked up with a bit of static.

("Come again?")

The radio sparked up again, but this time the message was clear as day. There was much unintelligible screaming, as bird-like shrieks were heard overpowering the screams.

Rafael perked up an eyebrow and began to speak to Hummingbird, ("Hey can you ge-")


At the outer limits of the city, the van crashed into something. The front of the car mashed inwards as Hummingbird and Rafael were rocked with the most impact. Doc and Miguel were lost in confusion, but Bane was not. With a swift arm thrust, Bane pummeled his way out from the truck as he charged towards the front.

It was there Bane saw the creature begin to stumble up from the scene of the altercation. Standing slightly below Bane, with a distinctive black mane, with a thick and hearty frame Bane knew what he was dealing with. The creature let out the roar of a bull as it charged headforward towards Bane.

("MAAAAAAAAAAANTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUR!") Bane howled towards the heaven as he sprawled into battle, while the rest of the Sinaloas were making their way out of the car Bane had put the creature into a headlock. With a quick transition Bane hooked the minotaur's legs together and performed a Fisherman's Suplex. The creature, still stunned from the earlier impact, flailed about in a vain attempt to remove Bane from him. However this gesture was for naught as Bane transitioned the minotaur into knee-bar.

Pressure was applied slowly, both to taunt the creature and also for sheer amusement, to the leg. Sounds of a slight snap were starting as the creature whined in pain. The Sinaloan 'criminal quartet' watched in awe at both the fact there was a man who was part bull, and the fact that this drug-addled luchador was applying enough pressure to snap the bone. With a sickening crack the minotaur yelped out in a high pitch as Bane rolled off from the creature and began applying curbstomps.

When the minotaur was defeated, Bane flung his arms up to the heavens and screamed, ("I HAVE BESTED MANTAUR!") Doc coughed as Bane glared at him, ("You dare interrupt this victory with your sickness?")

Doc shook his head and slowly pointed towards Juarez City which, was already ablaze with carnage. Monsters were present in the distance and in the horizon.

("U-uh, do you think-") Doc started to say as Bane began laughing hysterically.

("EXCELLENTE! We have amusement as we slaughter our way to the mission.") Bane gestured forwards as he glanced back towards the rest of the crew, ("Keep close. While this carnage is fun, and if you die here you will die a worthy and honorable death, the mission is still our priority. We are to find and capture El Texano and kill as many of his men as possible.")

And so Bane slowly began the march inside towards the city, as the men followed. However, this speed picked up as in the distance Bane saw another familiar sight...

("MANTAUR!? DO YOU PULL THE SORCERERY OF THE SCORPION!? I SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALL CRUUUUUUUUUUUSH YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUU!") howled out the luchador as he charged once again into the thick of battle, all the while the four men desperately tried to keep as close to possible towards their protector.
It seems simple enough.

Only thing I'd ask is will we discuss what our particular character's 2 Point Bond would or should be since they are related to the Arc after all.
Sure I'll throw hopes and dreams at this ship.
Perhaps it was a result of a perfected practice of patience, possibly fear was the answer to this, but Shen Li Fang knew why she had not yet acted to the devastation that was occurring right in front of her. She finished carefully eating her bowl of porridge, and more importantly she still had her luggage to maintain. As Shen Li Fang ruminated on these ruinous events on display in front of her she simply left the bowl on the top of a nearby trash can. Bending down she flicked both of her suitcases to the upright position as she continued to take into account the events that occurred around her.

The first and most notable affair was the fact that two students, one a clear soldier or at least one who wanted to pretend to be one, messing with some dandy. A brown haired girl was attempting to use diplomacy of some sort in order for them to solve their quarrel; a valid tactic, after all one could never underestimate the usefulness of worming around with words to achieve goals. Shortly after this particular tactic was tried, it appeared that another girl was frightful of the fate of the other and sent them into some sort of 'shadow realm'. Certainly another interesting and valid response to be had.

The next and more curious response was another lady, one who was about as tall as Shen Li Fang even, preparing herself to take blows from the warrior on the behalf of the fop. Well, that was certainly unlady like, Shen Li Fang made a mental note to write to her Clan to avoid arranging a marriage with that woman if that particular situation ever arose.

Then there was, one who... Shen Li Fang blinked as she raised her left hand to cover up her gaping mouth when she saw those apparitions. Truly one had to be sick in order to not allow ancestors to have their proper slumber.

And of course new cubical creatures were being thrown in by, Shen Li Fang could not decipher such information at this time. Hm. There were many possible courses of action she could partake in...

Perhaps she could heroically try to stop this fight and earn some respect and admiration from her peers. Ha! This notion was ludicrous as Shen Li Fang knew she would not have enough time to do anything of note. However that led her to another thought, during this particular kerfuffle she might have a serendipitous opportunity in order to collect "new essences". Though that would have to wait for when the fight was properly occurring, so that Shen Li Fang could minimize herself to dangers and being targeted.

There was only proper course of action to solve this particular conundrum; a way that was taught by the Shen Clan to all of its members and was utilized often by the lower ranking operatives in the family.

Shen Li Fang had to tattletale up the chain of command.

In this particular circumstance that would mean go to the teachers. It would most surely earn her some ire among these peers, well at the least the ones who wish to be truly heroic, but for now it was the only decent course of action she had at her disposal.

So with her two suitcases in hand she walked towards the table in which the Headmaster was presently at. Letting go of the suitcases for a moment she performed a curtsy.

"Excuse me," Shen Li Fang began to articulate, "perhaps it is not my place to speak, especially about a circumstance I am most certain you are aware of. However if you allow me this moment, I wish to express my concerns regarding the armored individual who is quite keen on combat. In my opinion, such an action should hopefully not be taking place where individuals are eating. It brings misfortune to both the diners and to the chefs whose crafts are secondary to this distraction."

Bowing her head, and well her torso, she continued on. "Now if you are willing, I shall excuse myself so that I may place my belongings into the lodgings you and this institution have so gracefully allowed me to inhabit."

Shen Li Fang had not yet decided to make her way to her chambers, for she had the desire to feast. Of course she could have went to her future lodgings to simply drop off her luggage; however that would be a misstep. After all Shen Li Fang did not properly acquaint herself with the others who would be sharing a room with her. They needed to be observed before even a single belonging of hers was left there unintended. For those individuals were not clan-mates and lacked any of the Shen blood.

And as all of her brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins, and of course her parents would tell her; Shen can only truly trust a Shen. And a Shen that cannot be trusted by another Shen was no Shen at all.

With that in mind it made sense that the maiden Li Fang took her luggage, which still had certain parts of it squirming and hissing, with her to the mess hall. As she strolled through the line, Fang began to ponder upon which choice would be the easiest to take with her to a table and wouldn't be too much of a hassle.

Though while Shen Li planned for that to be the case, she found something she wanted enough that she would find a way to bring it there. Stopping in front of a heating tray, Li Fang picked up a bowl and opened the tray to reveal a simple gray mass of porridge. Grasping the ladle that was tucked away inside, she scooped it out and poured it into a bowl. Quickly procuring a spoon she dropped it in the bowl. Her mind was pondering on how to exactly get this bowl to her table as she stared at the porridge that was currently on it.

Quickly a thought dawned upon her as she got her luggage, which didn't have her sacrificial ingredients, and placed it flat upon the ground. She placed the bowl on her suitcase, before doing the same to the other suitcase. Bending a bit downwards Shen Li Fang began to push her suitcases to an empty table so she could place her bowl of porridge upon that table and then feast upon it.
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