Avatar of Cherrywitch
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 997 (0.32 / day)
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    1. Cherrywitch 9 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Will be absent this weekend!
7 yrs ago
I’m. Bored. No. Role plays. Kill. Me.
7 yrs ago
If anyone needs someone for their rp, hit me up! I’m lonely... ;-;
7 yrs ago
Wooo! Nothing like coming back from a hiatus!! I’m pumped!!
8 yrs ago
Why does all my roleplays just die at once?! Whyyy?! If anyone needs a member for their RP, hit me up please!



So, my name is Cherrywitch, but call me whatever! (Cherry, Cher, Cherry-kohai, it's pretty open.)

What's your personality?
I consider myself fairly laid back, and a lot of people like me for some reason. I'm highly sarcastic and well... Weird. I kid around a lot and love to play. I can be awkward and pretty confusing at times, but I'm very imaginative and friendly! However, I'm sort of a 'dandere.' I'm really shy, even virtually, so you kind of have to come to me first if you want to chat or something. Heh, sorry about that. ^^

What do you like?
Yes, I am a weeaboo and proud. I'm addicted to anime and especially love the comedy ones. I'm also a gamer chick, and my favorite video game is Mortal Kombat because it was the first I ever played. I also have a strange liking towards mythology, especially from Asia.

How are you roleplay-wise?
I am a fandom/fantasy role player for the most part, but will also play futuristic topics if they interest me or dark-themed modern roleplays.

I've been on other rp forums before, so I kind of know the ropes. I'd consider myself an average writer. I write at my worst about four sentences and at my best four paragraphs depending on my mood and what I'm given to respond to. My grammar could be better, but it's pretty decent in my opinion. I play both 1x1 and group, and I'm always open for new roleplays! If you're interested in me joining one, don't be afraid to ask, I won't bite... Maybe just a nibble. :3

Sadly, I can't be on too much, what with real life and all. If I do get on, it should be about 2 hours during school days and twice that on weekends.

(Yes this is my intro post. Did I forget to mention I'm incredibly lazy? Whoops.)

Most Recent Posts

@HeroicSociopath School is on break right now, Japan’s version of spring break which is actually a week in summer. The current day is two days before returning to school if it wasn’t clear.
@Tenma Tendo Yeah they are kinda free roam at the moment. Some may join in and try to find a suitable onmyouji, others may just stand back and watch, it’s up to you.
@Vrrak Yea, the shrine is a very large and elaborate structure, though built in old Japanese fashion with long hallways and sliding doors. The actual rooms are going to be put together by the players to fit what is needed for the characters.
Quite the way to end summer break, wasn’t it? Only two days left to school returning to session like it normally would, yet everything in your life is topsy turvy.

Last night you had broken into the shrine. You met spirits and mikos, and learned of things only believed to belong in fairy tale books. Now, you are living in this mad fantasy, an apprentice onmyouji.

Your training was supposed to start this afternoon with two of the Onmyouji in the shrine: Keito @Sho Minazuki and Niko. So, now you wait at the entrance torii gate with the others for your teachers to arrive.

With a few minutes to spare until the “class” was expected to begin, clicks of footsteps from wooden sandals could be heard running up the cobblestone stair pathway accompanied by gentle pants.

A young girl in miko clothes came to a stop from her sprint, folded over with her sweaty palms gripping her knees and breathing heavily from the trek. It wasn’t hard to notice she had almost toppled over the last step, but it was a good decision to just leave the observation at that. ”W-wah! I’m sorry I’m late! I was helping mother at the store, and—“ The long haired girl seemed to had lost her train of thought as she stood up straight, in her arms a small fluffy bundle which was snuggled up cozily against her. The little bundle cracked open a purple eye at the group, giving them a quick scan over before shutting again as a chocolate brown paw sleepily pulled the straw hat over it’s face to block out the rays of sunlight still coming through.

The cute little miko gave a wide grin with her eyes closed tight, pushing her shoulders back to face the group. ”Hiya! My name is Niko Kodomoppoi, Yang Water exorcist! It’s a pleasure to meet you all!” Niko paused and pointed lightly to the small creature she was carrying. ”This is Tsugu, my shikigami... ah, Tsugu, don’t be rude! Wake up and greet them!” The small girl pouted down at the tanuki, who just gazed up at her lazily in response.

”Hm... fine. Since you asked, princess.” In a puff of gray smoke, suddenly instead of a cute fluffy ball of fur there was a tall blonde man bearing the same sleepy but passive expression as the tanuki once had. He also happened to bear the same straw hat, ears and tail. Tsugu tucked his clawed hands into the roomy sleeves of his shirt, giving a wobbling grin through his flushed cheeks. Was he... drunk? ”How do you do?”

The big hazel eyes of Niko opened, glancing about curiously. ”Ah, where’s Keito? Isn’t it late?”

The tanuki gave a hum of thought, glancing up at the orange sky as if to check the time like it were a clock. ”No. You’re early, my dear.”

Niko’s expression dropped into one of exhaustion and bewilderment as she stared in disbelief. ”Wah?? Why did I rush all the way from home then, Tsugu?!”

The tanuki tail waved in delight as Tsugu chuckled in his throat, placing a hand on the girl’s shoulder. ”Now now, don’t look so down. You can sleep on my lap later, hm? I’m nice and cozy...” For some reason, the passive male gave you the shivers.

Was this girl really an experienced exorcist and Onmyouji? At the moment, it seemed hard to believe.
Kric the Imp

Interactions: Art @Arya10108909

Before even getting a chance to finish buttoning up the vest, his white collar was snatched from behind his neck, making the imp jolt. Kric was dragged away, heels scraping along the old wooden floors as he struggled to get out of the tavern owner’s grip of death. ”I- How many times must I tell you I can walk by myself?!” Kric mentally cursed his body, with the inability to fight, and wondered sadly just how Ms. Killigrew was as strong as the average forest troll.

Finally back to being able to stand on his own two feet, Kric muttered in distaste as he fixed his clothing and patted down the pieces that had been yanked up by the rough woman. I thought I was the demon... His red eyes darted to the pile of carcasses on the table, the small waiter wincing at the bloody mess.

”H-huh? Why am I on cooking duty? Isn’t it Lulu’s turn?” He whimpered in pure agony. Squirrel skinning was probably one of his most hated duty to be put on. The fur of the tail always became matted and crackly, and the limbs were so stiff actually trying to get the skin off was a task within itself. Not to mention you also had to take out the teeth and claws, what if it was rabid before death? Kric was almost holding back tears, completely crushed of the horrible burden he believed had been placed on him. He was hired as a waiter, not a beast! And now squirrel fur was going to be stuck under his pristine claws for at least a week...

The redhead sat down on the grubby floor, much to his disgust, and started to get to work with a huff. Sometimes Kric wondered if Art had it out for him, especially now as nausea built up in his throat with each slice of the knife.
@Sho Minazuki Yes I was going to start the first day after they trespassed on shrine property and became a Onmyouji.
@Veradana Yeah I meant the summer semester, but I didn’t want to confuse people haha
I was actually going to start the role play at the end of summer vacation, two days before school starts, so yeah sure!
I plan on posting the IC before Monday night, most likely sometime Sunday. If you don’t get your forms in by then, you’re going to have to find a way to slip in your character. APPLICATIONS NEVER CLOSE you just won’t be with the first wave of Onmyouji and new yokai.
@Tenma Tendo Mmhm! It’s always open, especially for new yokai.
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