The Fire Nation Capital
He's done it now. He really messed up! A handsome, dark haired boy rushed through the streets of the fire nation capital, the sun beating down relentlessly on the red tiled roofs and the people passing by. Of course the natives didn't mind the heat, Mallo did. Especially with all of his water tribe gear on. He didn't have any time to change that though, because he had a few people chasing after him, a nice selection of men from the Fire Nation Army. Mallo couldn't really blame them, though. The whole mess was his fault. The young boy got word about an Order meeting about some water nation prisoners. He did his best sneaking up on the roof to eavesdrop on their conversation, and was almost successful until the old roof tiles broke and his waist fell through the roof. He managed to get out, freeze a few guys with some glasses of water, and run out of the building.
"Okay... Okay, you got this, Mallo. You're just running from a group of deadly soldiers in the heart of their nation." The man muttered, a bit out of breath as he looked behind him, seeing the soldiers following him relentlessly. He turned his head back forward just in time to see some black cloaked figures coming out of the alleyways, weapons drawn. Mallo yelped and then instinctively slid down onto his knees, bending backwards as he slid across the ground, barely missing the weapon's blades. As he got up, his moved his hands and legs in a methodical fashion, and with the movements, a stream of water came out of two windows next to the cloaked figures, sending them flying into the wall.
Mallo knew who the cloaked figures were, the golden circle, divided by four wave-like lines, with each nation's symbol within it gave it all away. They were members of The Order. The people Mallo believed took his parents away from him... But he had no real proof, or evidence, or much of a lead... but the images of Master Lao flashed back to him, and the fear he felt. He had to keep going, to find a place to hide! The young water bender managed to jump onto a window sill, jumping up to the next one until he was on the roof, and then he once again took of. He could feel fire blasts shooting after him, knowing that since he attacked them, they could do the same thing.
It didn't take long for Mallo to reach the end of the roofs. He was now facing the cliff that lead to a lake down below. He could see the capital building from here, with its giant wall protecting the Fire Lord... He would have liked the view, if he wasn't joined by Order members, and Fire soldiers. He backed up to the edge where he couldn't go any farther, and held up his arms. "Uh... I'm sorry?" Mallo said with an apologetic smile, not really knowing what else to say. An order member stepped forward, in a stance that looked like a fire bending technique. "By the laws of the Fire Nation, and the Order, you're coming with us. Don't do anything stupid, boy." The man said, a dark tone in his voice.
Mallo rolled his eyes and shrugged. "Don't worry... I always do something stupid!" Mallo bent down, and went into his stance, waving his hands out as water emerged from the pouch on his back, stopping a barrage of fire and rock as the water froze over. The impact though made him lose balance, and with another yell he tried to balance himself one last time before falling off the building, down the cliff.
The crowd of soldiers rushed towards the end of the building, looking down to see the fate of the boy, but what they saw left them in absolute and utter awe.
The boy known as Mallo, the orphaned water bender was floating in the air, his arms and legs crossed, and his eyes glowing a pale blue. He slowly rose, a bubble of air surrounding him as he looked down at the soldiers. Although the Fire Nation Soldiers stood still in awe, The Order took action. They attacked the boy, rocks and fire blasting at him, but with no effect. Mallo couldn't really think he felt as if his mind was detached from his body, looking on at the scene... But he could feel the hate and anger that he hid for The Order bubble up after so long. The Order kept attacking, but a giant wave of fire erupted from a single wave of the boy's hand, pushing the attack back. Mallo's body stretched out, still levitating in air, and a giant wall of water from the lake below erupted up to them. The water flew towards them at blinding speeds, and it flushed them away, flying in the air. As they hit the ground, they saw the boy followed after them, still floating and glaring.
Before they could get up, the ground around them rose, slowly until they reached their necks, and stopping. They watched in horror as the boy got closer and closer. A crowd had formed, all in awe at the sight, a little scared and curious on what the boy would do next... But he didn't do a thing. He simply fell to the ground, and then collapsed, the wind, water, and earth stopping instantly as the boy fell unconscious.

Ba Sing Se
It had been weeks after the incident happened. Weeks after the Avatar had made himself known, and almost killed Order Members. Word spread almost immediately, all excited for the fact that the Avatar had not left them, but had been in hiding for years. Why had he done it? Who kept him a secret? Was it a plan devised by him, or by the Order? They didn't know for sure, but to be honest, Mallo from the Norther Water Tribe had no idea that he would one day be the Avatar.
He woke up hours after what had happened, scared and confused. But a poor family managed to take him in the commotion and hide him away. The whole city attempted to find the Avatar, but Mallo had already left the capital, on his way back to a place he knew he could get some help.
It took him a little bit but he had finally made it to Ba Sing Se, where he immediately made contact with his friend Ty, and they hid out in silence. Of course his friend was surprised to hear that Mallo was the Avatar, and a part of him felt like Ty didn't believe him... But to be fair, Mallo couldn't believe it either. He grew up learning how to bend water in a small fishing tribe! He never knew how to spout fire, or make earth erupt from the ground, or fly! He just felt like he was an unlucky water bender who couldn't catch a break. Now he was the most wanted man in the world.
The realization shocked him a bit. He was a mischievous boy, who didn't really take in mind what was best for the world. He was a single man army, someone powerful enough to destroy a nation in a heartbeat... but, he wasn't technically. He was still only a water bender. He would have to master the other elements. For now, though, he stayed quiet, not making a public appearance as "The Avatar." He did attack fire soldiers, and Order members. He probably had to answer to that, but a part of him said that going to The Order was a bad idea... So for now, he will stay as Mallo.
He finally had enough nerve to walk the streets of Ba Sing Se, through the market district. People shopping for clothes, weapons, tea, food, people performing for money, or playing instruments. Mallo missed the crowded streets, and seeing people so happy... or at least most of them.
He noticed a group of smaller kids walking through the crowds, getting dangerously close to food stalls, and then getting shoo'ed away. They were homeless, tired, and looked beyond hungry. It hurt Mallo's heart a bit and a thought came to his mind. He was the Avatar now. He had to make sure people lived in happiness, even thieving kids. Mallo knew what it was like to live on the streets for so long, not knowing when he'd get to eat next. He had to take initiative.
Mallo had no money, he hadn't been able to get out in days due to his previous incident, but that didn't stop him from going up to the group of kids. "Hey, guys... Uh, I'm gonna try and get you some food, I'll be right back." Mallo did his best to sound heroic and casual, but he felt a little nervous, their tiny little eyes staring at him, judging... Mallo gave a weak smile and nod before he exited the alley they were in, and back into the crowds.
It didn't take him long to gather a few things very slyly. His Water tribe attire had a lot of room to hide things. It hadn't been the first time he had stolen food, and although he felt a bit guilty about doing it once more, it was for a good cause. He had almost made it successfully back to the alleyway until he heard a man screaming behind him. He tried his best to not turn around, but the man screamed of someone stealing, and the crowd backed away from him.
Mallo slowly turned around, his attention turning to a stranger next to him, pointing. "yeah, thief!!! Get them, officers!" Mallo tried to yell convincingly, a finger pointed at the stranger, but as he did so, a piece of food fell onto the ground, followed by a couple other things. The boy gave a weak laugh and quickly tried to pick it up, but it was no use. Earth Kingdom warriors appeared from the crowd.
Mallo had a strange sense of deja vu as he ran a hand through his messy hair, giving one more grin before bolting towards the alleyway. He could feel the rock hands being thrown at him, to try and get him to stop. He tried to zig zag so that they couldn't take the ground from under him, and he successfully made it to the alley where he tossed the food towards the kids, and kept going without stopping. He rushed past a stall, and with a quick twirl and swing of his hand, the pot of water next to it erupted into a wall of ice, making some of the soldiers. hit it hard.
Mallo started to panic. He didn't want this to end like his trip to the Fire Nation, but a thought went through his mind... could it be this simple? Mallo stopped in the middle of the road, turning to the four men and holding up his hands. "Guys, guys... Look, I took that food for a very important reason. It was my duty as... the Avatar... I was saving those kids from starving!" Mallo did his best to say "The Avatar" as quietly as he could and yet still be a distance from the men. Their expressions were either confused, or amused at the thought.
"Mallo, most of us have known you ever since you first came to this city. You've been in and out of trouble for years, the last thing you are is the Avatar!" One of them laughed, causing the others to join in. Mallo's expression turned sour, rolling his eyes as the men continued to laugh. "It's true! said in an almost whiney manner.
That didn't stop the laughter, instead, one of them shot a rocky hand towards him, where it managed to get one of his foot. Malo panicked and tried to unlatch it, but it was no use. He saw the others getting ready for more hands, but Mallo wasn't going to let that happen. He still had the control of three of his limbs. He got into formation, and then swung his arms to unleash water from his pouch, trying to see if any other source of water was around to help him in this fight.
He managed to swipe away a few of the hands, but he knew he couldn't do this much longer... He either had to learn earth bending immediately as the Avatar... or some other miracle.