Story: You(the loners) could have been kicked out or if you're a young foal, you may have been abandoned. The most likely reason is cause you were born with powers and maybe your old herd couldn't deal with that. However, there's a magic land full of horses like you. No humans were ever allowed to enter this place, but overtime they have discovered it. What the humans plan to do with this magic land is unknown. All we horses know is that these humans could be dangerous and must be on our guard. Remember, we horses have powers, the humans do not.
Rules (No skimming!!!)
No arguing in the OOC (Unless you have a good reason, don't do it) No godmodding whatsoever No controlling or killing a player's WITHOUT their permission No details in mating/birthing Keep cursing to a minimum. Have as many horses as you can handle. Always Accepting!!! Listen to the GM(me) and any co-GMs I get (same goes for respect) Do NOT tell me how to run my own rp. Put "Powerful Horses" somewhere in your CS so I know you read the rules. Have fun.
MARE - Adult female horse (3 years and older).
GELDING - Castrated adult male horse (3 years and older).
STALLION - Uncastrated adult male horse (3 years and older).
FOAL - A newborn baby horse (before weaning).
WEANLING - A colt or filly who is 6 to 12 months old.
YEARLING - A horse who is between 1 and 2 years old.
COLT - Male horse (3 years old and under).
FILLY - Female horse (3 years old and under).
Ranks(bold = male and italic = female) Lead Stallion: Abrazo Lead mare: Reserved for Abrazo's mate Future leader: Badon Second Stallion in command: Second Mare in Command: Future second in command: Guard/Stud(Stallions only): Foal Sitters: Lookouts: Members of the herd(No real title, just there): Extra foals: Lone Stallions: Lone Mares: Lone foals:
Common enemies other than humans Wolves Hunting dogs Bears Mountain lions Coyotes
CS Name: Nickname: Age(newborn-elder): Gender: Powers(only 6): Power limits(at least 1 or 2): Crush: Mate: Foals: Personality: History: Rank wanted: Rank given: Appearance: Other: