RP Premise and Details:

- Inspired by Orphan Black but my partner does not need to know or have seen/read it to participate because this is an original setting and plot created by the both of us.

- We will each play one male and one female clone. We will decide which celebrity male and female to use and we'll use different pictures for each of our characters to ensure appearance consistency. One set of clones (males or females) will encounter one another but before they can consider that they've found a long lost relative, they are attacked by the other set of clones who have been on the hunt for them. This begins an intricate game of cat and mouse, the tables turning frequently. I'd like to have fun with diving into other clones aside from the main ones we play, origins, government versus private ownership, etc. There will be danger and some science cropping up but I want this to be gritty, a tale of survival and exploration into ones identity.

- I am seeking advanced writers capable of doubling as it is a requirement to further this particular plot. Writers who can juggle minor/side roles while giving attention to both a male and female counterpart are ideal.

- Since we are both going to double I will say about 3-4 paragraphs per role is what I am looking for so a post should usually be around 6-8 paragraphs, depending on whether or not our main roles are in the same scene or are doing their own thing.

- Replies need not be daily or even weekly. Personally I cannot promise a post every x-amount of time because life and health and adult responsibilities hinder my ability to be on regularity and I hate making promises to partners that I might be be able to fulfill. That said, I usually post frequently but my point is I'm not going to fret if my partner takes a week or two to get back to me as long as they're respectful in giving me notice about delays, I try to do the same. I'd like that my partner not freak out if I haven't logged in two or three days as I'm clearly active on this site and do come on when enough time dictates. I can assume you'll be able to see me post every 3-10 days but again, it's tough to estimate when I'll have time to post. We're both adults and I expect we'll take this commitment seriously enough to communicate accordingly.

- Mature themes are going to be pushed fairly hard. I can foresee issues such as: people being seen as property, murder, deceit, sex, psychological abuse, identity crisis, drugs both recreational and pharmaceutical, kidnapping, among other ideas.

- There should be a balance of plot and character development. That all said, I am not trying to make this RP all doom and gloom but the stakes must be taken seriously. I still want there to be charm and fluff to balance out the grit. I'm hoping my partner and I can push the story along in a way that doesn't get too heavy, but does allow for choices we make to have undeniable consequences.

- Romance is possible, be it between our same-sex clones, side characters we decide to introduce or even with each male and female clone faction. It has to be earned of course.

- Lastly, I want this to be fun and addicting. I take writing seriously but if my partner feels obligated to post then there's no point in writing together. I want both of us to contribute and look forward to our plans coming to life but at the end of the day, this commitment needs to be enjoyable. If my partner has an idea or changes their mind, I hope that they tell me so we can keep things interesting for us both. If we aren't enjoying the ride, we should tweak it.

- So if anyone is interested in this endeavor please post here as I have a habit of neglecting PMs.