Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SirSqueakalot91
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SirSqueakalot91 Geek of the Round Table

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The inn was full of would be adventurers, all ready to go into the town for the rescue, and the reward. A scholar looking elf stood by a knight, and both were infront of a map of the city.

"Now, listen up!" The knight yelled as he looked at all the people. "Balren will now give you all the information we have. Stay quiet, because he will only go over this once." He said, then moved out of the way.

"Thank you." The elf said, then looked at the crowd. "Ladies and gentleman. First, I want to thank you all for coming here and and risking your life for the princess. But, as I said, you are risking your life." He said. "This mission will incredibly dangerous, and I won't be surprised if most of you die in the town." He said. "The plague spreads in your bloodstream. So if you get a cut, you better cover it fast." He warned.

"Next, mosquitoes are a problem, but it seems like the gods have not completely forgotten us. You only have to worry about infected mosquitoes, which a three times larger than normal. Their blood sacs also glow in the dark, but only when they are awake." Balren warned them.

"Infact, all creatures that are infected have strange and dangerous mutations. It will be easy to tell what is infected, and what is not." He told them. "Looters are also an issue, but most run away when they see you. The town is lost, so let them take whatever if you want. Or fight them, it's up to you." He told them.

"We believe the princess is in the castle, as that is the place she is most familiar with. Your job is to find her, and bring her here." He told them.

"One last thing, and this isn't pretty. If you are infected, you maybe able to save yourself. It takes several hours to become sick. If you, well, lose the infected area, by cutting it off or cauterizing it." He told them. "That is all the information we have for you. Again, the city is lost, so you are allowed to take anything you wish, but we will not come in to carry you out if you get weighed down." He said. "We suggest that you leave in the morning. It will be easier to see then. Travel alone, or with a group, that is up to you." He said. "My the gods, who ever you follow, grant you success."

"You heard the man. Dismiss!" The knight yelled at them.


Jericho was sitting at the bar, cleaning his rifle as the scholar talked. He listened to him talk, but he looked around the bar, making note of any important people.

Maybe he can use his charm to get a body shield or two. There were a few half orcs that looked like they could be useful.

"Here is your drink." The bartender said, and Jericho nodded and started to drink. He then got and Idea and looked at the barkeep. "Got any paper?" He asked.

After a few moments, and getting some paper, Jericho moved to a table that gave him the best view of the map. After he sat down, he pulled out a quill and started to draw.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Tybalt Capulet
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Tybalt Capulet Honorable Heretic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Akono Asim, Bondsman of Clan Ramla, rose from his far-too small seat towards the back of the inn, rising so his seven-foot frame was no longer hidden by the relative shadow. With a few heavy footfalls, he made his way across the tavern towards the bar, ignoring the men and women who moved aside for his considerable bulk. He didn't bother to bring his mace with him; the weapon was prohibitively heavy, and would hardly function as a weapon for anyone of standard build.

Upon reaching the bar, the imposing man scanned the immediate area for anyone worth working with. He was introspective enough to recognize his failings, among which was a lack of initiative. He wouldn't be getting anywhere unless he found someone to work alongside. It shouldn't be too difficult to find such a man or woman; his very presence was worth a handful of ordinary guards, and his prowess in combat was nothing to scoff at, either.

As he scanned the bar, he found a likely candidate. Seated not two paces away was a handsome man sketching a reproduction of the map the crowd had been shown. The most important characteristic in an employer (or, as it might happen, co-conspirator) was initiative, and reproducing the map was a sharp first step.

With one badly-scarred hand, the dark giant of a man nudged the stranger to break him from his concentrated state.

"Your pardon, goodman." He rumbled. "I couldn't help but see that you're making preliminary preparations for this venture. If you're in need of a bit of muscle, or hell, even a packman, there's none better that you're likely to find in this place, and I can promise that I'm a good bit more trustworthy than any part-orc trash." His voice was surprisingly smooth, despite its rumbling resonance. It gave the impression of an education, something quite at odds with the scarred exterior and simple clothing of the near-giant.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

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Raven sat quietly on one end of the bar. She was sipping on her drink in solitude, drowning the voices surrounding her to the best of her abilities. They weren't terribly bad per se, but they were distracting her from her own thoughts, and that was something that always bothered her. But nonetheless, she was in a public place, and she couldn't do anything to change the situation.

"Barkeep," she waved at him with a coin in hand before placing it down next to her empty cup. In response, he simply nodded, acknowledging the fact that she was leaving her payment for the drink. As soon as Raven stood up, she felt just a tinge of lightheadedness. The strong drink and the lack of food in her stomach had both worked against her, but she wasn't necessarily craving anything solid at the moment, and she wasn't about to force herself to eat some food. Everybody knew over indulging in food was a gluttonous mistake--for some it was even considered a sin--and Raven was not one who bonded well with the religious and/or spiritual type, especially when they chased after her for her "devious ways".

Once she reached the doorway, Raven stood just outside of the bar. She was watching the others conversing and planning what they would do on this mission. She too had her plan, however, she didn't find the need to share it with anyone else. Being in a team, regardless of the size, came with both it advantages and setbacks. In this particular case, however, the costs outweigh the benefits. She did not know a single soul there, and if working with strangers ever taught her anything, it's that they cannot be easily trusted.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Scarescrow
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Scarescrow Sociopath

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sitting next to the door of the bar, Vladimir can see all from his position. The place is dark and damp, with all the noise and smell he can think of from mercenaries. The place is filled with many people, all those that dream to take the bounty the king had set for those that can save his daughter. But most of them will die by the first night. Only a few Vladimir can think of that suitable as his new teammates. The human that walked across the room, the elf that is sketching something, and the lady that just walk out from the bar. Especially from the woman, Vladimir can feel something about her as the magic current flow with her, trying to tell him about something.

Vladimir considers his current choices while putting his hand on his mask. Join the human and the elf, for a warrior and a scout, or join the mystery woman for a god know what. But Vlad preferred the first choice. For in this world, there aren't any witches or wizards that would be so foolish to go alone without a melee tank. Thus, Vlad doesn't even know who she is or what she is, and what could she bring to the table. Finishing his train of thought, Vladimir lifted himself up from the wooden chair and walked through the bar. The people moved aside, thinking they were lucky enough for not welcoming him. Vlad thinks he heard laughter and mocks about him can sometimes be heard in this small place. But he didn't mind small things that corpses are creating.

Putting his hand on the table, Vladimir broke the conversation between the human and the elf. "Greeting, I'm Vladimir Voynich. And I'm a Necromancer." Vladimir pause for a brief moment, trying to see if there are any trace of emotions that can be seen from the opposite side. "But please, unlike other Necromancers, I also profession in Life magics too. And I can also create skeletons to haul the equipment." Trying to not make his request to be an order like others Necromancers, Vladimir waited for a moment before asking. "So, can I join?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SirSqueakalot91
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SirSqueakalot91 Geek of the Round Table

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jericho looked up at the large man, then back down at the map. "First, my brother is half orc, and if I remember my history correctly, humans are the ones that usually cause trouble." He said. "Second, does it look like I'm in the mood to" he stopped when another man sat infront of him, talking away as if he was a hero of legend or something.

"By the Rider, you people just swarm like cockroaches, huh?" He asked, looking at the two. He looked down at his finished map, then folded it and put it away in a pouch on his belt. "You two want to travel with me? Fine, but don't cause trouble, and I will leave you behind if you slow me down." He said, standing up. "Now, I'm going outside for some air. You two," he waved a to help think, "make friends." He said, heading out.

Once outside, he pulled out a pipe and packed it, before lighting it and taking a puff. He looked over and noticed a woman out there. "Hey, needed some air too?" He asked, before taking another puff, then holding out the pipe in case she wanted some.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tybalt Capulet
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Tybalt Capulet Honorable Heretic

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Akono scowled slightly at being dismissed so brusquely, but said nothing to the half-elf. He was quite unused to being treated so dismissively, as his stature and resonant tone inspired awe in most. Even so, he was perfectly capable of putting up with such indignities if it brought him nearer to his goal. He'd put up with far, far worse in his day.

Shaking himself from his reverie, he turned to the man who had just introduced himself. A Necromancer, hmm? That was something you didn't run into in every tavern. Akono thought back to previous encounters, and in none could he remember having met anyone who claimed such a title. The closest thing he could think of was the shaman from his homeland, and from everything he'd heard of necromancers, the two classes were quite different.

Putting aside the man's choice of profession, he seemed open and forthright, both traits that Akono respected. In his view, it was a waste of time to beat around the bush and waste time with niceties. He was guilty of such conversational pleasantries himself on occasion, but appreciated a man who knew what he wanted.

With a snap decision made about the necromancer's character, Akono thrust forth one meaty hand to shake. "Akono Asim. Bondsman, bodyguard, mercenary. All-around thug and occasional philosopher. It looks as though we'll be working together on this matter." He thought for a moment, unsure as to how to proceed. "What drew you to the Elfman? I figure that's about the extent of what we're likely to have in common." He accented his last comment with a glance at Vladimir's clothing, which was a marked step nicer than his own.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

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With a dismissive wave, Raven turned down the stranger's offering. "Thank you, but I don't smoke. Although yes, a bit of fresh air is welcomed at this point as it was getting a little too crowded in there for me." Raved looked him over, his rugged dark features made him rather handsome. She'd seen him in there with another man, and more than likely they were both planning ahead for the mission. For a moment, she wondered whether she should join the duo. This guy seemed like he had a good head on his shoulders, and the other man, well he definitely had the muscles. Both of them appeared to make a great combination that could potentially play in her favor if she were to join them. After all, if she wasn't going to be safe with them, then this mission might as well be over before it eve started.

"Pardon my straightforwardness, but do you have room for one more? If I'm going to do this I'd rather be in the company of people who know what they're doing."

She paused, gauging his reaction.

"Oh, how rude of me! I'm Raven, by the way," she continued, extending a hand out to introduce herself as she flashed him a warm smile.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scarescrow
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Scarescrow Sociopath

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Vlad wasn't sure about how he think of the new order the elf just given. Usually, people would just leave him alone when he joined a group, isolated from the others. Afterall, it is not his fault for them to die due to their ignorance. Adventure and quests are dangerous missions, and they dig their own graves when they do it.

Shifting his train of thought, Vlad looks toward the other, the one that is offering a handshake. His armor is covered in many scratches, with blood and mud almost covered everywhere on that armor. Scars can be seen on his joints, hands, and face. But Vlad knew this is the person that deserves respect, for he had survived through many hard fights.

Shaking the hand that is in front of him, Vlad said with a deep tone, will still able to show his respect for the opposite. "Vladimir Voynich, the Necromancer." Pausing a moment to think of Akono question, Vlad continues. "I need the best melee and the best scout I could get, and this is the best I could find." Vlad repositions himself so Akono could see what he meant. "For look at the other, they all got a decent group. But now they all just sit there and do nothing." Turning himself facing Akono, Vlad continues. "But here, we got a good guy that is good in preparing. Maybe he is capable of leadership too, but that remains in the future. And the best melee in here. So why don't I want to increase my chance of surviving in my next adventure?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SirSqueakalot91
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SirSqueakalot91 Geek of the Round Table

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jericho nodded as he put the pipe back in his mouth. "Yeah, quite a large crowd in there. Sadly, I'm sure many of them will die within the first few hours of being in the city." He said.

He smiled at her question, taking and shaking her hand. "I'm Jericho. I already have two traveling with me in the city, but I wouldn't mind you joining us. If they give any lip about it, they can fuck off." He chuckled, but looked towards the city when a loud screeching noise filled the air.

Those who were outside looked at the town, and could see the silhouetto of a large winged beast, flying around the city. It landed on the roof of the castle, letting out another loud screeching sound, causing some to cover their ears. Inside the bar, they could hear the beast cries, and caused many to turn and ask the others what it was.

"That thing could be an issue." Jericho said, then looked back at Raven. "So, I'm good with a whip and rifle, can read, and incredible handsome. What can you do?" He asked her, taking a puff from his pipe.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tybalt Capulet
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Tybalt Capulet Honorable Heretic

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Akono smiled widely, clapping the smaller man on the shoulder in what was meant to be a friendly gesture, but was perhaps a bit too forceful. "The best melee... I like this title! Perhaps I should introduce myself this way, no?" He shook his head, chuckling to himself, making more out of the comment than in really deserved.

"I'll be honest with you, Necromancer. I wasn't sure about you when I saw you approaching. I don't think much of meddling with the dead. But then, you seem a decent sort of fellow. Perhaps it is a snap judgement, but I believe we will get on just fine. I'm a good deal less sure about the Elf-Man. He seems far, far too confident by my measure. Anyone as sure of himself as that man is either a fool, or dangerous. Or, in this case, perhaps both." The dark giant mused idly, his intent less to speak his mind about the de facto group leader, and more to gauge the Necromancer's opinion of the man, and to test how willing the slim magicworker was to speak openly and confide in a near-stranger.

"Here. Let me pay for a drink for you. Then, with ale in our stomachs, good cheer will come easily, I think. The pretentious Elf-Man may be more willing to put up with our presence if he believes we are getting on well." He waved for a mug of the tavern's home brew, then shook his head with a long-suffering look as he sent the buxom serving girl back to fetch a larger mug. She returned with an enormous flagon, better-suited to serving a table than one man. Akono smiled widely, a fearsome, yet cheery sight, and pushed a thick coin down the bar to her, adding "That should cover it, and whatever my friend here wants." He placed particular emphasis on the word "friend", punctuating it with another good-natured, if painful clap on the shoulder.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scarescrow
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Scarescrow Sociopath

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Enduring the force that Akono had placed on his shoulder, Vlad's face started to shift to red, but the mask has covered most of his facial expression. Looking at the action Akono just did, Vlad raises his mug. "Maybe this is going to be a good adventure for both of us, and for the new friend that I just make."

"Hey, barkeep. Give me the best food that you can afford in this place. This should cover what my friend and I want." Placing five coins alongside the table, looking at Akono. "As I believe, we both are human. And human like us can do nothing before having a full meal."

Suddenly, a loud noise can be heard throughout the whole bar, echoing in everyone head, and shutting down any conversation in there. Through the window, Vlad saw a hulking beast is on the top of the castle and screaming. Fill with awe and excitement or maybe feared, many people run outside the bar to have a better view of the beast. But not Vlad, who is sitting there, murmuring to himself, before drinking his ale. "So I believe, our signal was given, and the wheel of fate had begun to roll. " Outside, voices between people debating about this adventure started to rise, like a smoke signal for death to come.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tybalt Capulet
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Tybalt Capulet Honorable Heretic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Akono smiled at the offer of food, but said nothing, enjoying his beverage. At the "both human" comment, he remarked "Aye. Hardly something worth mentioning, were you to ask me, but aye." He returned to his drink, draining it with a fervor that was almost concerning. As he set the enormous pitcher down to take a breath, a monstrous screeching rent the air. The singularly cacophonous sound snapped the bondsman back into the reality that was the impending mission, and he left his drink at the bar in favor of retrieving the trunk-like club that rested against the back wall. He hefted the massive weapon up onto one shoulder, then nodded to the Necromancer and stepped outside, eyes searching for the source of the screeching sound.

He eventually did sight the source of the sound, as well as the apparent leader of the little party, as well as a young woman who he didn't recognize. He strode over to the two, acknowledging them, but saying nothing. He hefted his club down from his shoulder, resting the brass-bound head on the street. The handle leaned against his bulky chest, and he used one hand to keep it steadied. Finally, he spoke.

"Jericho. Who's the woman? She part of our crew, or just hanging around in hopes of catching your eye?" He didn't make any attempt to address the woman herself. If she was worth his attention, she'd make it clear. He broke the tense moment with a grin, and a jovial "Kidding, miss. It's a pleasure to meet you, of course. I'm Akono. Anyone know why the beast up there showed up? Any town guardsmen to deal with it?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SirSqueakalot91
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SirSqueakalot91 Geek of the Round Table

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"It's making itself known." Jericho said, not taking his eyes off the creature, watching as it made its way into a hole in the roof of the castle. "It wants us to know it exists, that it's going to hunt us down." He said, then finally looked at the two.

"She is with us. And we are leaving. Now." He said, going to the door. "If that thing is the main predator of the city, its resting. Which means it'll be awake by the time everyone else comes to town. Aka, free, easy, breakfast." He said, opening the door. "If we leave now, we'll have a better chance of hiding once it is awake." He walked into the bar.

"If you are traveling with me, get your things. I'm going to grab my bag and rifle, then taking off." He shouted, then went to the room he had rented.

"No refunds on the room." The barkeeper said.

"That's fine." He told him, going to his room and gathering his gear. He then grabbed his rifle, putting it in its holster on his back, then heading back down. He gave the barkeep a waterskin, nodding.

"Feel it up." He said, putting some money down.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

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"I can do many things," Raven replied after shapeshifting, taking on Jericho's appearance and voice to sound exactly like him. But she could only do that with individuals she'd come across, not complete strangers. Nonetheless, that little detail didn't matter much and she didn't feel the need to disclose it. It was after a deafening screech the Raven resumed her normal appearance. She couldn't lie to herself, she was quite startled.

"Well, isn't that a surprise..."

As the two of them stared, a pair of traveling companions walked up to them, one whom she could have sworn had been inside talking to Jericho right after she had paid for her drink.

"The pleasure is all mine, Akono," Raven smiled once Jericho went back inside the bar. "I'm Raven, yet another person tagging along...hope you don't mind."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SirSqueakalot91
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SirSqueakalot91 Geek of the Round Table

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

*After some time has passed*

Jericho looked at the wall around the city. It had been built to protect the town many years before any of them had been born, but now acts like a barrier to protect the safe from the infected. For how long, was anyone's guess.

Jericho kept walking along the wall, looking for a way to get in. "Try to keep up. I don't want to lose you guys. Not yet anyway." He said, then stopped, seeing some light, coming near the wall.

It was a group of looters, nothing they couldn't handle, if it came to that. They were pushing a few crates out of the town, using a hole in the wall. "Hurry up! We are too close to the church. I don't want the blood whore to find us!" One said, as the other nodded.

"Did you see what she did to Samuel? She had her servants just rip him apart! Then she just let them have their way with her, right there in the blood! The gods have forsaken this land!" One looter cried. He was rocking back and forth by the wall, shaking in fear.

"Hush kid! We all knew the risk when we went in there! But just think. We only have to split this three ways now. More for each of us!" Said the "leader" of the group.

Jericho looked back at the group following him. "So, what do you think? We can try to talk to them, see if they'll just let us go through the hole. Or we can wait till they leave." He said. "Or, you know, kill them."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Scarescrow
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Scarescrow Sociopath

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"I vote for killing." Looking behind to see three skeletons hauling a huge amount of supplies containing foods, water, and camping supplies, Vlad chuckles a little bit before looking to the "leader". " I can feel my power getting stronger the closer we are to the city. Even though it is weak for now, but my power is truly getting stronger."

Pausing for a moment to find a reason for the group to kill these looters, the only reason that Vlad could find is to experiment his empowered magic. But it was only his reason for doing so, not the group primary's objective. They might get injured, and after all, Vlad didn't know them very well. But Vlad needs to experiment his power, or else the next time he got is going to be in a desperate situation.

Trying to make his speech to become more of a recommendation, rather than an order, Vlad continues his reason for doing so. "My power is getting stronger when in this area. Even though I still not know for what reason, but the art of necromancy seemed to empowered in this area. So I need to test this before it is too late. For I don't know what is the next situation I will test my power at, so here is the best for me. "

Pausing a moment to see the group facial reaction, Vlad continues. "Of course, you guys can choose not to. After all, the noise of the battle might pull some unnecessary attention."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tybalt Capulet
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Tybalt Capulet Honorable Heretic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"You're as welcome as any of us, Raven. Here's hoping that our slapdash group works together alright. I'd hate to have to be watching my back every moment of every day." He put on a less-aggressive tone. "Let's hope that it doesn't come to that. I'm a trusting fellow, so long as there's nothing too unquestionably odd about someone. Like, say, the ability to raise the dead." He shuddered slightly. The big man wasn't easily scared, but the idea of necromancy unnerved him to no end. It was a relief, at least, to hear that this particular dead-raiser was at least partly devoted to the concept of life.

Akono stepped back slightly at the words of the necromancer. "Damn, man. I'm all for fighting in general, but you're talking about using living people as test subjects. I'm a damn sight more comfortable with just bashing their heads in and being done with it. I'm glad that you're feeling powerful and all, but these are human lives we're talking about. I thought you were a student of life as much as death magic. Can't we just either kill them and get out of here, or hurry away? Every moment that we waste here is adding to the lead that any other party might have over us."

He frowned wearily, and looked to the part-elvish de facto leader, an action which was becoming uncomfortably habitual. "Well, Jericho? It's up to you. I'm satisfied with going in mace-a-swinging, but if you give the order, I'm sure we could take advantage of our slight lead, rather than wasting it with discussion." His meaty hand tensed slightly on the leather-wound handle of the ironwood club, muscles readied for either choice, violent or not.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

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"I believe that the less risky move is waiting," Raven chimed in, creeping up next to Jericho to take a better look at the bandits. "From the sounds of it, it doesn't look like we'll have to wait long, if that's something you're okay with," she continued, shrugging her shoulders. The main reason Raven gave such opinion was because of an old friend. "Do not engage unless you need to," he had said to her. While his statement did carry some truth to it, Raven didn't always necessarily follow his advice. She had been an instigator one too many times before, enough to make him shake his head in disapproval if he were to be around. But their situation was a little different now.

Raven looked around at her teammates. They appeared to be a decent crowd judging entirely on a superficial basis. "But if the majority agrees to make an offensive move, then I'm more than okay with that," she said, taking a few steps back to address the group. "They're outnumbered as it is, and they won't see us coming."

Raven tried not to smile. She loved a good, fair fight, but sometimes getting that easy win was too exhilarating to pass up. Besides, it's not like she was the one to suggest that the group go after them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SirSqueakalot91
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SirSqueakalot91 Geek of the Round Table

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jericho rubbed his eyes. "Fine, I'll make the decision." He muttered, grabbing his rifle, and started aiming at the looters. "Its one shot only, so you guys be ready to fight while I reload." He said, aiming for one guy. He started to slow his breathing, getting ready to pull the trigger, when the screams started.

The young looter shot up, trying to swat the rats off him. They came out of nowhere, just raining down on the poor kid. Everyone could only watch as the rats started to rip his flesh off the to eat it. The other two looters took off running, leaving their friend, and treasure, behind.

"Holy fuck." Jericho muttered, then aimed for the kid's head, pulling the trigger. He couldn't save the idiot, but he could put him out of his misery. The rats went about eating their meal, before running back into the city.

"Interesting." He muttered, reloading his rifle. "A large hole in the wall, an easy way out of the city, yet they go right back into the town. Why is that?" He asked, mostly to himself, but wouldn't be upset by any of their suggestions.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Scarescrow
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Scarescrow Sociopath

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Starring at the execution scene, Vlad could feel himself getting excited for this. This is the reason for him to be here, to search for knowledge. It was never the gold that interested him nor saving the princess. And earning a title, he laughs as such a foolish idea, ain't it enough to be hated by the people.

Coming out from his position, Vlad walked slowly toward the trail of blood left behind from dragging the bodies, trying to prevent any damage that can be caused by him or his teammates. With each step closer to the scene, Vlad could feel his heart beating faster and the smell of blood and other things filled the air, creating an odd compound to see, feel, and smell. But Vlad didn't mind these, he is actually even pleased with this smell, the smell of a freshly dead corpse.

Maybe they were protecting something, maybe this area is their breeding ground, maybe they are afraid of something,... There are so many reasons for them for not to go out. The reasons flew through Vlad's mind while he kneeled down to the blood trail, scanning to see if there was anything left behind. And he found what he wanted, the hair from the odd creature. Its hair was longer, stronger compared to normal mammalian hair or fur, almost like a small version of a gambeson. Just think of ripping through that coated armor being fast enough to kill it amazed Vlad. But that thought quickly pass in his mind as Vlad chanting a spell, the most basic spell of them, fireball. From his hand, a small spark of purple flame flickered then engulfed his whole hand. But Vlad didn't seem to feel the pain or uncomfortable placing his face so near his flaming hand as he put the hair of the specimen in the fire. The hair seemed to resistance to the heat for a little bit, before starting to burn like normal fur.

Vlad's eyes focus on what was left off the experiment, before standing up, looking directly into the hole of the city. In his hand, the purple flame started to flicker before disappearing, releasing a small plume of purple smoke on the clear blue sky.
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