"Let's play a little game."
Yoshiaki Sugihara
Yoshi for short.
He's barely even out of high school
Yes, he is indeed a guy.
Yoshiaki is roughly 5’8” tall with a mess of short black hair adorning his head. His eyes are lie somewhere on the line between brown and dark brown. He generally sports one of two expressions; a scowl or a grin/smirk. Furthermore, Yoshiaki works to maintain a muscular, yet lean physique. He maintains a relatively casual look which is generally in line with the uniform of the Vongola (albeit customized to fit his tastes). He has a tendency to wear his Kokuyo uniform and/or gym clothes when his usual outfit(s) are unavailable.
Kokuyo High Gang
This gang of delinquents is led by and filled with students who attend the town of Kokuyo's Junior and Senior High School. Neighboring the town of Namimori it's members were once scattered and uncontrollable save for one period of time before Yoshiaki's reign, though it was a much smaller group. Generally, Yoshi leaves them to fend, and make decisions, for themselves. However, if the need arises he may call them together, whether it be for him or another members personal wishes.
Contradictory, cautious, crude, informal, and somewhat lazy are all words that could be used to describe Yoshiaki Sugihara. Although he is intelligent he rarely focuses on anything that doesn't interest him. The young man lives walking along the line of boredom and excitement. This is because he can often find fun in training, sparring, missions or other activities. However, when left with nothing to do he will generally be seen with a bored expression on his face. Thus, he’ll act out to satiate said boredom, whether it be through the use of a video game or through the berating of his friends and allies. Still, though it can be rather annoying, it is all in good fun.
Additionally, where Yoshi is concerned one must note his general indifference towards society, or rather people, as a whole. Save for a few people he doesn’t quite care what happens to those outside of his circle of friends or family. Yet, despite his biases towards people, he maintains what can only be described as a hero complex. Couple that with a somewhat skewed idea of justice and you've got a fighter willing to stick his neck out for people he doesn't know.
Yoshiaki is driven by a need for entertainment and a bit of attitude. He can be a jerk. He doesn’t filter himself unless necessary and hardly shows respect towards authority. He doesn’t go out of his way to rebel against those in a position of power, but doesn’t quite care to be told what to do either. When he sets his mind on something he can get be pretty stubborn and typically doesn’t stray from his decision.
There was a time when Yoshi's singular goal was to do as he pleased without worry of what those around him might say. However, over the past three months he has undergone a sort of transformation, small though it may be. He wishes to move forward and become powerful. He wants to prove his worth and rise through the ranks a respected member of the Vongola, for what he has learned it could be and for what he has learned it once was. Regardless, Yoshi isn't the type who would proclaim such a thing. His goals are his own and nobody else's. He still wishes to do as he pleases, but their is more purpose in his mind. And that has given him something he never thought he would have.
Although he is typically confident in himself and some of his allies Yoshi fears betrayal. He knows all to well that those who should be your closest allies, those who should be dependable and those who should protect you can and likely will surprise you. He doubts anybody would lay their life on the line for him and though he can act without thinking doesn't believe he'd be able to do so for them either. The only notable exceptions might be his sister and mother. He is also conflicted over his wants. The higher he climbs the more responsibility, the more responsibility, the less likely he'll be able to do as he pleases.
The Parents
Yoshiaki was born in August to an Italian/Japanese mother and Japanese father. The two had fallen in love while his mother, Analise, was on vacation in the town of Namimori visiting family. Junichirou, Yoshiaki’s father, was a young man having finished college. He was just beginning his venture into the corporate world. As impressed as Analise was with his vigor and drive to improve himself, the things that made her fall in love with Junichirou were his values and the strong sense of family she got from him.
Junichirou was kind and gentle. He was always there when she needed him. It was why she was able to happily retire and focus on her life with him. They married, and moved to Kokuyo. Soon after they had a son. They named him Yoshiaki Sugihara. And not long after that, they had a daughter, Ami Sugihara.
Early Life
For the first 7 years of his life Yoshi was fairly happy. He’d been given a younger sister when he was two, and though he was young, he’d taken to being an older brother fairly easily. They were inseparable. The same couldn’t be said for their parents though. Junichirou had been working longer hours, spending more time away from home and hadn’t been paying much attention to his wife or kids. When they did see him he was quick to brush them off. He’d taken to drinking, something Analise had long made clear she wasn’t happy with at home. She accepted work obligations, but he’d been bringing liquor home more often. She hit her breaking point when Junichirou, in a drunken stupor, accidentally spilled a glance on Ami.
The young girl cried as her mother carried her out the door with Yoshi’s gripping her mother’s waist tightly. Yoshi and Ami, ages seven and five respectively, were unhappy to say the least. Their parents were splitting up and their father was fighting for custody. He had a small team of lawyers backing him, he did have the money to pay for them after all, while their mother only had one. She’d been retired for years, with not much saved up. Even the help she was getting was at the behest of her family, and a benefactor unknown to Junichirou, from her former life.
The dispute was settled, albeit Analise was unable to maintain custody of both of her children. She was able to keep Ami, but Junichirou’s team of lawyers was able to garner custody of Yoshi. The young boy kicked and screamed, but there was nothing else that could be done as far as legal means were concerned. Each parent was allowed visitation. Weekends would alternate; Yoshi would stay with his mother and sister one week and Ami would stay with him and his father another. Junichirou still spent much of his time at work, but he’d sobered up a bit in his home life with Yoshi. The boy spent more time with his father, and though he resented the man for some of the things he’d done, he still loved him.
The first year was a cake walk. Things had gone smoothly, and Junichirou had gotten better. However, on the eve of Yoshi’s eighth birthday his father came home. He was crying, and he reeked of liquor. He’d lost his job. He spent the next few days holed up in his room. Yoshi could fend for himself for the most part feeding himself microwave dinners and eating snacks. Under normal circumstances this would have been a child’s dream. Until his father began skipping the weekends Ami was meant to come over. Junichirou began to complain. He complained about his luck, his inability to get a job and even the fact that he had Yoshi to worry about. It had only been about half a year, but even as young as he was Yoshi spoke up. Junichirou lashed out, smacking Yoshi. The boy rubbed his cheek looking up at his father who seemed as shocked as he was. Yoshi ran to his room after that, but this was a turning point between the two.
After that moment the bond between Yoshiaki and his father became strained to say the least. After an initial period of avoidance between the two, things only managed to get worse. Yoshiaki’s father took to releasing his frustrations on his son. As if trying to justify himself he would argue his standpoint. He was doing this for Yoshi’s benefit, to make him stronger, to prepare him for the cruelty of the world that awaited him.
Yoshi continued visiting his mother. It was simple to hide his bruises. Junichirou made sure not to leave marks anywhere that couldn’t be easily hidden. Yoshiaki, had developed a bit of a complex. He didn’t want to worry his mother or Ami. He kept it a secret. Even now he doesn’t understand why. This went on until he was 11. One day, in an argument with his father, Yoshi tried to fight back. He was much smaller than his father, and far from the fighter he is today (though you can likely attribute this to his father).
Adolescence to Present
Coming to blows, Yoshiaki was more bruised up than normal. When he went to visit his mother she couldn’t be anything other than shocked. All the same, he didn’t tell her what was going on. Perhaps it was just his own stubbornness. He lied. He was playing with dad. Still, Analise couldn’t except that. She had no choice but to once again contact her former employers, the Vongola. At her behest a young representative was sent to investigate Yoshiaki and his father. He watched for the better part of a month before reporting the situation. Analise couldn’t believe her child wouldn’t feel safe enough to tell her what happened. She felt even worse she had no idea until recently even though it had very likely been going on for a while.
As Analise sobbed, the order was given to take Junichirou out. Options were weighed. They could have gone the legal route, but that would have been a drawn out, costly event. Even then, it would have been quite possible for him to get to the children, or possibly try to fight for them back. It was also clear that he was becoming quite more unstable as time went on. He was working a dead end job, showed no motivation for improvement and was getting more volatile as time went on.
Junichirou was placed under watch. With his life and behaviour as it was, it was very easy to make things out to be a suicide. The note was left, Junichirou’s handwriting forged perfectly. There was one small snag in the plan though. Junichirou had been meant to be found by a neighbor, but was found by Yoshiaki instead while making a trip home to fetch something. He had just turned 12 a few days before finding his father’s lifeless corpse. He was shocked, scared, and yet confused all the same.
Yoshiaki lived with his mother from that point on, always unsure of himself and other aspects of his life. He grew to lead the delinquents of his hometown Kokuyo. He was distant from his mother, but always there when his sister needed him. He grew stronger if nothing else. And then, two months ago he met a man. He’d recognized him from various visits he’d made to his mother over the past few years. This man would recruit Yoshiaki into the Vongola, his mother serving as the link between him and the underworld. Though she wasn’t quite happy, she knew the Vongola would take care of him and it could be good for him as well.
And so, the story continues...
Sky Flame
The characteristic of this flame is "Harmony" which allows the Flame's wielder to synchronize with his or her surroundings, open other Flames' Box Weapons, and to also merge other Flames with itself.
Skill Probe: Although Yoshiaki himself is a bit unsure of the origin of this ability, he appears to be able to analyze and understand the inner workings of various techniques used by enemies and allies. Using it he can plan against enemy attacks, attempt to predict the movements of his opponents or even assimilate such techniques into his repertoire. This would only work on a superficial/physical level (I.E. if he watched somebody used an attack that made use of storm flames, he could recreate the attack, but he couldn't copy the storm flames or its attributes).
First Rate: Yoshiaki is what could be described as a Natural Born Hitman. Fast reflexes and an athletically-conditioned body give him a natural advantage over other ordinary people. He is a quick learner, easily picking up on things others may take a long period of time to simply understand. It is most likely due to this that he is able to display such prowess in and out of combat whether it be assessing a situation or an individual.
Dying Will Mode: A mode that can be taken when a person is shot with a Dying Will Bullet or when swallowing a Dying Will Pill. While in this mode, Yoshi feels as though his body is breaking, yet he is prepared to take on anything. As is typical he also becomes unafraid of his body being destroyed. In Yoshiaki's case, he ingests a Dying Will Pill which uses the pressure he faces during a crisis to externally remove his body's limiters. He then uses his increased strength and renewed confidence to fulfill his dying will, which is the last thought he regretted before swallowing the pill. Because of the nature of the "transformation" Yoshiaki has been given special made clothes which will not be destroyed by the power exerted by the Flames of Dying Will leaving him completely naked. Finally, Yoshi began training to remain in Dying Will Mode for extended periods of time. Currently, he is capable of maintaining the form roughly between 5 and 10 minutes (the time also depending on Yoshiaki's physical condition and the conditions of his "goal"). Still, the toll this takes on his body is great and he often tries to use it only in the most dire of situations.
YoSu Style Martial Arts: Yoshiaki, throughout the course of various fights since he was young, has developed his own style of martial arts. He is not a traditionally trained combatant in any sense of the word, which likely attributes to his heavy reliance on instinct and (hopefully) unpredictable attacks. Overall, Yoshi is a street fighter, a brawler really, who learns from his allies and enemies alike in order to assimilate the techniques he comes in contact with into his own style. Some techniques include:
- YoSu Style: Hurricane - Yoshi launches a succession of kicks. He starts off by going for swift low kick, followed by a kick to the gut, then a high jump kick, before ending the attack with a heel drop. As the rotation speed picks up, Yoshi gains buoyancy, which he uses to shift into gradually higher attacks. In order to stretch out the attack and go for bigger damage he may use his Dying Will Boots to increase the speed and height of his attacks and opponent; a move aptly named the “YoSu Style: Great Hurricane.”
- YoSu Style: Morning Peacock - Yoshi starts by kicking the enemy into the air. He then jumps into the air in a distinctive stance and begins punching the enemy repeatedly. Generally, the punches are rapid, set ablaze by the Sky Dying Will Flames. Combined with the sheer speed and force of the punches a peacock-like fan of flames is created around the opponent. Once the attack is finished, the enemy will be sent crashing back to the ground, covered with the Sky Flames.
- YoSu Style: Rock - Yoshi focuses the Sky Flames around his fist and releases it as a punch engulfed with the flames in their most destructive form. Rock is a close range attack of immense powere. The more Yoshi “charges” it the stronger it becomes. However, it can be extremely risky because it involves him lowering his defenses for the chance to launch such a powerful attack.
- YoSu Style: Dragon’s Wing Attack - Yoshi rushes forward against typically two or so opponents. He typically employee it by first grabbing the targets' heads. While doing so, he produces a large stream of Sky Flames from each arm, which offers the opportunity to burn his opponents while he throws them either far away behind him or into other enemies. The flames take the rough form of a pair of dragon's wings, thus the name of the attack. Yoshi can also add addition blunt force to the attack by striking his opponents after the production of the flames in order to send them flying.
Dying Will Pills: This is an item similar to the Dying Will Bullet yet slightly less potent. Therefore, when swallowed by Yoshi, this pill produces a slightly less powerful Dying Will Mode. As it is more convenient than the Dying Will Bullet, he typically carries around a small container of them.
Combat Grade Dying Will Boots: Special boots that allow the user to propel themselves around and levitate in the air by emitting their respective Dying Will Flames from the soles of the boots. Yoshiaki owns a special pair made specifically to withstand, and be utilized in, the rage of battle.
C-Rank Sky Ring: Although not of the highest grade, Yoshi carries around a sky Ring necessary for channeling his Dying Will Flame and opening box weapons.
Battery Boxes: Yoshi typically carries around two of these special boxes which are used for storing Dying Will Flames for future use.
Sky Gauntlets: Yoshiaki uses what is essentially a Vongola Standard Storage Box to carry around his set of custom Sky Gauntlets which are specially designed to channel Dying Will Flames. The glove is a black mesh like material with a slightly worn (from hours of training) silver metal, albeit a bit darker in color, layered over it to protect and cover him. In their entirety the gauntlets reach up Yoshi's forearms, ending just below his elbows. The gauntlets are sleek in design, clinging to his toned arms, likely to minimize weight and make for quicker movements. Although, they are mostly simple in design gauntlets are embroidered with the Family Crest of the Vongola Famiglia resting over the dorsal surface of each "hand."
Lupo di Cielo: This is a box animal owned by Yoshiaki Sugihara which takes the form of a rather large, female Gray Wolf he affectionately calls Holo. Generally, the Sky Flames lie passively over the fur of this beautiful, beastly wolf giving it a faint aura matching the color of the soft Sky Flames. When enraged, generally attributed to the emotional state of Yoshiaki, the flames flare up giving Holo an appearance of flames lacking corporeal form. In combat, his fangs and claws can make use of the Sky Flames to add to their destructive capabilities. Most notable though is the power of this mighty beast's howl. Infused with the Sky Flames ability of Harmony this howl can encompass a wide area and can also serve as a signal or beacon to alert others.
Ami Sugihara | Sister
Ami is Yoshiaki's beloved little sister and the most important person in his life. Messing with her would incur the wrath of her older brother, and just about every delinquent in the vicinity if you are in Kokuyo. Yoshi sees her as innocent, a ray of sunlight in the mess of his life that he must protect at all costs. He tries to call or at least message her somehow often to make sure she is okay. He also video calls her every once in a while. Additionally, she named his Wolf box animal after the female lead of her favorite anime.
Analise Sugihara (Formerly Analise Hattori) | Mother
Analise is Yoshiaki's mother. Although he loves and cares for her, part of him is suspicious of her. Since the death of his father he has always had a small suspicion that she may have been part of it. The suspicion has only grown stronger since he learned about the Vongola and a bit of her past in the underworld. He feels that he could at least get past his feelings of resentment towards her if she gave him the answers he needed.
Junichirou Sugihara | Father (Deceased)
Junichirou is Yoshiaki's late father. For a while after the man's death Yoshi couldn't help but resent, if not hate him, because of the latter end of the time they spent together. It was a relationship built on aggression, but as time passed Yoshi came to accept it. He may occasionally bad mouth his father, but he won't allow anybody else to do so while in his presence.
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Supporting Characters
Manuel Robino | Recruiter/Family Friend
Manuel is a long time friend of Analise. He was a liaison between her and the Vongola and served as the representative who investigated the situation between Yoshi and his father. Yoshi is unaware of this, but is suspicious of him and his mother all the same. Still, even if Yoshi's suspicions prove to be correct, he doesn't harbor the same feelings of resentment against Manuel as he does his mother. He was a subordinate acting on orders. Still, Yoshi maintains a playful bond with him, taking pride in stressing the Vongola veteran out and running him through the ringer every now and then.
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