Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 3 days ago

It had been a strange few hours for the parents. It had started out like any day. Work, grocery shopping, kids playing, homework, dinner... It had been a strange evening for the parents yesterday. A letter would have arrived at their doorstep. Quiet literally. Just when the sun was hitting the horizon to sink down and set the world to sleep, a letter had been dropped on the door mat. It was sealed and clearly instructed that only the addressed person or people could open it, looking very strict and formal. The envelope wasn't white, it looked like some fancy parchment, it looked like old paper that had started to turn yellow. But it felt new in the hands of the parents.

The woman knew that everything would change for these people, but she didn't care. She wasn't interested in them. If it wasn't for their children, she wouldn't have cared to spent a single thought on one of them. And if it wasn't for the sake of easier access to the children and their abilities, she would have rather had them all out of the way. Forever.

But the parents would be here, right in front of her, and she would smile at them. They would be confused and scared, she had seen it before. They would have questions. The system worked. The letter worked. Every time. It was signed by the president, by the head of the military and the head of SYCEP. Adults trust people in uniform.

The letter... Sharp and short.

'Dear [insert name here] and [insert name here],
This is about your child, [insert name here] [insert birth date and birth hospital here]. The president and government expects your presence on the [date] at [time], at [insert meeting place here]. Please bring your child. You are freed from work and all your adult responsibilities for that day.

With kind regards
[insert handwritten signatures here]

[insert telephone number here]

Of course that wasn't how the letter was phrased. There was some bureaucracy, gentle talk. But she didn't care for that. Important was that the letter was so clearly signed by the president, the head of the military and the head of SYCEP, that the telephone number was there and that the parents would call. And they all would. They would call and they would be reassured by a strict-enough, friendly-enough voice on the phone that the letter was no joke and the meeting was in no way to be dated to another time. And the time was always the next day. They didn't leave the parents much time to think about it or to come up with more conspiracy theories than they could in one night.

And they all showed up. Almost always.

She moved her hands down her black costume and arranged her hair that was pulled into a tight bun perfectly. Despite the fact that her clothes and hair sat perfectly, she didn't look strict. It was her face. That delicate, young face that just brought a feeling of truth and trust to any situation. And those warm blue eyes. The woman's lips were glistering in a soft pink, not much make-up was sitting on her face. She had to look natural but competent, trustworthy but smart, friendly but confident. And she played her role like no one else.

"Welcome!", she chirped through the room once she had stepped in, her heels clicking on the floor. She stood in the front of the room and looked at the parents, taking time to give any and each of them a smile, including the children whether or not they looked at her. "Thank you for coming. We are aware of the difficulties it caused for you to come here in such short notice. I am Erica Summers. And I am sure you're already very bored of my talking, so let's get to the things that really interest you." She gave them a chuckled and looked at her shoes for a second only, just a hint of nervousness.

"Special Youth Care and Education Program. That's what SYCEP stands for. We are an institute that was founded five years ago, with the help of the government and the president in person." She didn't mention the military. "The institute is nothing different than a school, or a nursery, a place for children and parents to connect and exchange their experiences." She paused to let that sink in and of course it only caused the parents to be more confused - some would show it openly and some would hide it. Why would a school be funded by the president? Why would a school be so strict about whether or not you came to their info meeting? Why would a school drop an envelope in front of the door, personally signed by the president?

"This institute, as many of you have surely found out already, does not appear on the world wide web. SYCEP - as the name strongly indicates - is for children who are special. And all of the wonderful children gathered in this room certainly are very much special. Of course, any child is special in it's own way, any child is a bright light for our future and our country. There is no denying that. But your children have qualified for SYCEP. Don't be alarmed, all is well. Your children are being invited into our lovely facility. We offer the best education that you can receive these days - and we're offering it for free. We believe that education is something that everyone should have access to and that anyone should be able to afford. Money should never dictate how much knowledge we receive, am I right?" She smiled at the group charmingly and looked down for a second once more. "SYCEP offers individual education as well as classes together with other children. We offer parenting exchange and support groups, full and free health care for children as well as their parents, diversified free time activities - including a playground on our facility, swimming classes, educational and exciting trips for all children regularly and other free time experiences -, of course healthy and balanced nutrition and much more." Yet another pause. Let the information sink in first.

"SYCEP is a facility that only offers it's education to a selected amount of children. We will soon board a train that will bring you to the facility so you can create an own opinion on our program and our building and won't have to take my word for it." She chuckled softly. Then her face turned more serious. "Arriving at our facility, we also will have a discussion about the reasons your children have been elected to be allowed into this special program. You will be receiving the opportunity to get answers to your questions and be able to have a close look into our building, the surroundings, the education programs, the parenting group programs, the different free time activities and relaxation offers we can provide and much more!" She finished off with an exciting, kind, huge smile. It seemed innocent and truthful.

And before they know, they are sitting in a train with fancy seats that look more like couches than train seats really, and they're moving towards the facility. The woman is not with them no longer. She is somewhere else on the train, looking at screens, one leg above the other as her foot bobs up and down and her face is hard now, calculating and concentrating.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EchoicChamber
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EchoicChamber Something Forgotten

Member Seen 15 days ago

“Special children.” That’s the term the lady, Summers, had used. “Special” because they could each do something that no other child could do. Maybe they could walk through walls. Maybe they could float. Or, hell, maybe they could make a bunch of seeds planted only yesterday be fresh and ripe for picking, making the stems droop with their weight. The whole situation seemed like it was ripped straight out of some 90s sci-fi flick, and yet, it was one Harlyn Enright’s reality.

Harlyn Enright, and her little spawn.

Said spawn was currently lying on the seat- well, couch- opposite to hers, stuffing the face of her toy penguin against the window and gesturing wildly at the scenery. No words. Just some enthusiastic pointing and a few signed words Harley could vaguely make out as “more” and “cow”. Minnie was making good progress with that, she mused. She was no professional linguist yet, but she was picking words up fast. At this rate, Minnie would wind up learning faster than Harley could keep up with. Slipping from her seat, Harley moved over to Minnie’s and gave her a light tap on the shoulder, stifling her chuckle as Minnie’s head practically snapped around to look at her.

“What’s up, kiddo?” Harley asked. Eyes wide, Minnie stuffed the penguin, Bubba, into the crook of her arm and aggressively jabbed against the glass. Cows, she signed. Harley squatted down to better look through the window, and gave a grunt of agreement. “That’s right. Whole field of ‘em, too. And what do cows make, again? Think I forgot.”

A pause. Milk.

“Ah, yeah, that’s right. Milk.” She signed the word back at Minnie, then scooped the girl into her lap. “And you know what you get from milk? Ice cream. I don’t know about you, kid, but I think I could go for a scoop or two when we get to your school. How about it?” Harley gently poked Minnie on the nose, causing her to let out a wheezing gasp- the closest she usually came to giggling. Bananas? Minnie signed.

“With as many bananas as you want.” Harley bounced her a little, taking the opportunity to fix the giant jacket wrapped about her shoulders a bit. “Since you’ve been such a doll.”

The kid definitely deserved it, that was for sure. Before they had left to go join up in the Grand Hero Academy, Minnie had been losing her head about the move. Crying and throwing chubby little fists and making shoots of grass sprout out from the floorboards. The shop had been the only real home she had known, after all. Hell, it was the only true home Harley had known, aside from her family’s apartment back when she was a little one herself. Minnie was calmer, now, but Harley had taken care not to bring up their old town since then.

To be honest, Harley didn’t want to just shove Minnie in the hands of some strange government what-not that had appeared out of thin air. It worried her. Minnie’s power worried her. Minnie herself worried her. But if she were to be honest with herself, it was likely for the best that she got some kind of help with all...well, all this. Harley knew as well as anyone else that she wasn’t exactly “mother material”. She loved the little brat so much it hurt, but she didn’t know how to really take care of a child- especially one with needs such as Minnie. Harley had barely known how to take care of herself before she came into her life.

Breathing out her nose, Harley ran her hand through Minnie’s hair, pulling her close.

God, what she wouldn’t do for a smoke right now.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ihinka
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ihinka Sleepy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Jaime was sitting in the chair. Nat, her wife on her left and little Val sprawled over both their knees, sleeping blissfully, not caring about the somewhat tense, uncertain atmosphere in the room. Nat was squeezing the life out of Jaime's left hand, but yet at the same time oddly careful and protective not to harm her wife's gamer digits too much.

Jaime was nervous, of course, even if there was little outward indication of it. Shy as she was on top of being calm and collected. Her inner turmoil rarely made itself known. Only Nat who knew her best, could see through her moods. For which, of course, Jaime was extremely grateful. There was intimacy in a person knowing you so well that they and they alone could tell there was something wrong. It made her feel complete in a way little else could. It made her feel like she belonged. And after Val's birth, that feeling of belonging grew even stronger.

She looked down at the little girl sleeping in her and Nat's laps and couldn't help but smile. She remembered the feeling of carrying their little bundle of joy within her body for nine months. It was a feeling she could never ever manage to explain to someone who hadn't had the privilege of experiencing it firsthand themselves. Bringing a new life, a new light, into this world. The joy of it. And the enormous responsibility that came with it. And that responsibility weight heavy on her now.

The letter had been a bit of shock to both her and Nat. For the President and the Government to show interest in their little girl. Sure, it was flattering in sort of a way. But more than anything else, it was strange. Jaime and Nat didn't lack for anything. Neither did Val for that matter. Jaime did better than okay when it came to financial matters with her job as software developer. But the invitation wasn't for people with financial needs anyway. No. It just stated that the President and the Government wanted to offer their daughter, and them by extension, the opportunity to receive the best chance in life in terms of education, opportunities, accommodations. It was a bit overwhelming.

Nat and Jaime had stayed awake until the wee hours of the night discussing the latter and what they should do about it. They'd decided to see what it was all about not without a bit of apprehension. And Val was still too young to feel any real distress over the whole ordeal. Which is how she was able to sleep like... well, like a baby, in her mothers' laps right now. She didn't even stir when Jaime picked her up and held her against her shoulder, as the woman, Erica, who'd welcomed them, was now inviting them to board a train which was to lead them to the facilities of this SYCEP institute.

Nat rubbed their daughter's back as she stood up with her left hand and gripped Jaime's hand she was still holding a little tighter.

Jaime looked at her and smiled in encouragement, her dimples flashing in the process, her blue eyes sparkling with quiet calm and resolve. She leaned over and placed a soft, lingering kiss on Nat's temple as they entered the train and took a seat once more.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
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Member Seen 3 days ago

The information speech was weighing hard on Natasha's mind. She tried to process everything that had happened, last night with the whole letter situation as well as earlier with the blonde woman's speech about this institute.

Her wife and her had sat in the kitchen a long time, talking about that letter and then had sat in bed for just as long, continuing their talk. They hadn't really come to any conclusion further than checking out what this was all about. And upon arriving Natasha's nerves had been all over the place. But Jaime had held her hand just like she did now and it had been enough to help.

The speech however had left her with a whole new level of worry and confusion. It didn't take too long and they all were sat into a train. Just as they entered the train, Jaime leaned closer to her to give her a kiss on the temple and Natasha smiled thankfully. Her wife's support had always been the one thing to keep her sane and down to earth, so to speak.

They took a seat at one of the couches-like banks and she held onto Jaime's hand while giving their sleeping daughter a kiss on the head. She used her other hand to stroke over Valentina's head. "Don't worry", she whispered. "Your moms are right here with you." But of course the one-year-old wasn't worried. The brunette woman looked at the other parents as discreetly as she could. She tried to spot signs for anything that suggested that they felt like her, scared, confused, maybe a little paranoid, worried.

Natasha turned to her wife. "My mind is spinning", she whispered quietly. She had used the phrasing to describe the situation of her head making up bad scenarios, not coming to conclusions, being stuck on the ever same thoughts, mostly not bright ones, when she was dealing with depression. Right now her mind was trying to grasp what was going on but failed at it and it made her crazy, scared. She wasn't good at handling situations in which she didn't know what step was next. She couldn't stop the ever same thoughts from spinning in her head until they turned into a big blur.

The train started to move and they were on the go. Natasha looked at the windows to look out at the lands but had to realize that the windows were made out of milk glass. Her mind kept spinning, it felt like there were too many thoughts in her mind at once, and she couldn't figure out a single one.
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