Children are the future of our world. We teach them to be what we imagine would be good for them and our world. We do our best as parents and hope it's gonna be enough. Being a parent has never been easy. And it certainly isn't getting easier with time.
But when your child is capable of a supernatural power - what does that mean for you?
SYCEP is here to help you. The Institute with the Special Youth and Child Education Program will allow your child to grow up in a safe environment with other children that hold similar abilities like them.
SYCEP - a safe future for your special gifted child!
The program offers
~ education ~
~ a comfortable home ~
~ full and free health care ~
~ parenting exchange and support groups ~
~ diversified free time activities ~
(playground, swimming, different sports, exciting trips, different games, and more)
~ personalized training for your child's ability ~
~ and much more ~
A letter in your hand - your child on your mind - are you confused? Scared? Curious? If you knew it before or not - now you do. Your child is gifted with a special ability. Has it shown yet? Has it scared you yet?
SYCEP doesn't give you the chance to decide yourself. The letter, signed by the president personally!, insists you go to an 'informational meeting' to listen to all the things SYCEP has to say. You didn't know what SYCEP was before that letter and maybe you don't know it reading the letter either. It's all very confusing.
However, welcome. This is the story of a group of completely normal parents in a fight against something they wouldn't ever had thought of.
The world and my plans
The world is our very own 2017 world as we know and love (or hate?) it. At least on the outside it is. SYCEP may or may not has some technical abilities that the outside doesn't know of - government and all, they always hide stuff, right?
SYCEP is an institute that isn't known by anyone not involved with it. You won't find commercials on the TV or on bus stops. You won't have heard of it by a distant family member. If you try to search for it online, you will be disappointed. It doesn't exist in the world wide web. You won't have a clue what SYCEP even means. Until you meet it.
In this world, five years ago all of a sudden, seemingly without a reason, a couple children born each year will contain an ability within them that isn't considered 'normal'. Maybe they can fly? Maybe they can cause fires? Or their scream makes windows burst? These children are all being detected now and recruited to SYCEP. Where they are supposed to learn and grow up, live with their parents and safe the world one day. Though the last part is definitely not mentioned by anyone of the SYCEP or the government. But the government sure shows interest in children with superpowers - how could they not? Where that leads... we will see.
My plans for this roleplay aren't all too fleshed out, because I wanna adapt to what all of us write up and come up with. But I have a couple of scenarios that will take place if I see fit. I will be leading the story a little bit, if it won't lead itself (and I don't expect it to honestly, but it'd be great if it did!).
Character Sheet
(The CS template might change a bit still, forgive me if it does)
Note: You don't have to create a child if you plan on:
1) creating it together with the other parent (once you find one)
2) you plan on finding a partner who will create the child (
In those cases just leave it blank until you have decided on a partner and your shared child
3) you are allowed to PARTLY fill out the CHILD CS if you want to discuss some things with the other parent first
Please note that you can only have one child with special abilities if it isn't twins or triplets. So if you have created a child and someone else, who you want to partner up with, as well, you two need to work out how you can make one child that suits the both of you.
Siblings are allowed - no older than 12 though.
All kinds of relationship that you can think of are allowed. (Three people married, open relationship, divorced, engaged, widowed, single, exes sharing a child but you have a new relationship already, ect.)
If you want your character to have a wife/husband, divorced ex, significant other, whatever please write it in fat words above the hider of your CS.
There will be no ghosting of significant others, the other parent or both (cause they can be different persons obviously). So it is highly encouraged and very much so wanted that you guys get together as a couple or exes to battle this fight. The only acceptable excuses for one of the two parents not being in the facility are: they're dead (tell us why), they've lost the custody (in that case the SYCEP wouldn't have contacted them for this matter; tell us why they lost custody). I encourage you to please get together and create creative, maybe unusual, but realistic families!
Ask anything if you have questions
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