Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Verse Zero
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Verse Zero

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The World of The Continent
Tech and Goal of RP Summary
In Short the Goal of Everyone: Acquire more power
Technological Level: 12th Century to roughly 1415 minus gunpowder.

The Hunt descends from their Black Ships, made from the claws of dead men, on an icy howl they cometh, freezing the blood of lesser men.-First line in the Dearg Ruadhri, the tale of the Spectres that come in the night as a furious cavalcade, and where they go, people go missing to never be seen again.

The Continent is the massive landmass for which the events of this story will unfold upon. A land of vast mountain ranges, wide rivers, fast flowing streams, numerous lakes, and dense forests covering hundreds of thousands of square miles. A land of sweeping prairie giving way to vast deserts. A land divided. Numerous Kingdoms, Duchies, Baronies, and city-states fight for land and riches. To the East the Appalae Mountains are fought over by the Kingdom of Valora, Edwardia Isle, and Silverthorn. The Michan Hill Tribes take whichever side pays them more. The Tennesa City-States, a Confederacy of Republics centered on the city of Nashvelle along the Nashvira river, dominate the Southern Sea trade. Their only major rival being the Saghirid Caliphate and the Gulf Sultanates dominating the Gulf region. The Oehais Confederacy is the largest union (nominally) of Merikos Tribesmen (Native American descendants) and fiercely independent. The Duchies and Petty Kingdoms of the Great Plains fight each other and the nomadic Plainlander Clans. South of the Plains the Texan region is largely a mixture of fortified villages and towns under local warlords. Into the Great Mountains the Kingdom of Normeros grows in power as it expands from the region into the surrounding territories led by energetic and competent leaders. To the West in the former Pacific Coast region the Northern Realms constantly fight internecine wars against cannibalistic tribes to the North and the Empire of Kali to the South.

The Continent is home to many peoples, faiths, and creeds. Alongside Humanity there are various races and creatures either akin or vastly alien appearance an intelligence. The three kindreds of the Elder Race: Aos Vaelle, Aos Sidhe, and Aos Svaer, tall and fair while possessing knowledge that can only be described as arcane. The Dwellers, great engineers and subterranean inhabitants, possessing squats and stocky builds though of poor eyesight during daylight. The Sea-Dwellers, cousins of the Dwellers, that have evolved to live underwater along the Coasts and near the Islands to the West (21st Hawaii) and South (Caribbean); who rumors about have knowledge for underwater vessels and frequent raiders along the coasts. The Giants, on average standing eight feet tall, with lumbering musculature but staunch pacifists except when pushed into a corner. A menagerie of other creatures both sapient and not abound. Humanity, however, is the most numerous and dominant species of the Continent despite it being tenuous.

History of the Continent

Import your goods today, for tomorrow you may be besieged.-Tennesan Proverb

The Time of Ancients

Once birds of steel and horses of iron roamed the lands. Great castles of glass and magical substance covered entire forests. Great beasts coursed across the land bellowing breath the color of dragon fire. A time of wonder now lost to the sands of time. Only a few scant ruins remain, crumbling, withered away or consumed by nature. Occasionally happened upon by unwary travelers or fishermen stuck on the spires of sunken towers. Their top spines, whatever purpose they served lost to us, a hazard resting below the waves for those unused to certain routes in dangerous waters. None know when exactly this time came to an end. Only that the most ancient of records of which are few, and almost all second hand sources copied down generation to generation by hand, or wrote by the scholars of the Aos kindreds themselves can only be deemed as partially accurate. The Aos Si, the precursors to the three current Kindreds, themselves an ancient and lost civilization even to us account the Ancient Era as long passed. What we can only speculate is that it came to a violent, turbulent, apocalyptic end at least several thousand years ago. However, there is several likely and probably mutually contributive reasons for the demise of this epoch.

Aos Si records attest to the Ziccara Virus, to them known as Mallaichte Cursed Bás or the Cursed Death, to the peasants it is the Plague of Unlife which attributed greatly to the end of this era. The dreaded disease that kills and reanimates the corpses of the recently deceased into shambling hordes of cannibalistic killers. Only seeking to acquire more hosts for the virulent disease. The most ancient of texts give that the Virus arrived from the South-East and spread to The Continent by Sea. Currently the disease is a rare sight and usually put down with all due haste before it develops further. For the disease is known to instill a sort of group consciousness among its infected to coordinate unseeingly against the living. Yes, for those late in the disease's stages lose the ability to see their future prey.

The second is attributed to climate change as given in the Prose Aimsir (lit: Prose on Climate) written by the Aos Si Eldraed aes Darthwen who also wrote about the Dwellers alongside a scholar of their own known only as Kuzden. Eldraed and Kuzden's work occurred over two thousand years before the present and despite their literature being well respected by current scholars it is still likely derived almost entirely by secondary accounts and educated guesswork based on present observations. As they postulated that The Continent experienced what could only be said as an Ice Age or Age of Frost as quoted from their work. That lasted for hundreds of year if not a thousand and devastated any civilization existing at the time.

The third likely source is that of mutual destruction from internecine warfare. This was probably in conjunction with one if not both of the previous examples of what befell The Ancients. The only account of which comes from partially translated fragments of Ancient text in the Encycloia Britaia. A dense series of texts preserved in Valkyria, themselves well worn and nigh unreadable for the most part, detailing events of great fires and heat. A possible metaphor for whatever faith or faiths The Ancients believed in.

The Elder Days

I weep for the passage of the Elder Days, when the magic fades, and the age of mystery gives way.-Script on one of the pillars of Valkyria's Temple of Zaeius which was constructed at the end of this era

The Elder Day's beginning is up for debate among various scholars. Only that is follows the Time of Ancients and is the period of which the various races aside from Humanity (except Merikos who state they where always present) arrived or appeared on The Continent. A time that is believed to have lasted approximately five thousand years though it may have actually be lesser or greater. A time when the Aos Si where the most advanced and dominant civilization of the Continent. Ruling over beautiful cities and wielding knowledge that could only be explained as arcane. Some say they even were able to bend the elements to their will. It was during this time that the Aos Si tamed Dragons and made alliances with the Giants and Dwellers, or subjugated them ruthlessly. What can be accurately said is that by the last centuries of this era the Aos Si where in stagnation if not outright decline. Population decline, internecine struggles, economic downturn, and the arrival of Humanity (or possible reappearance) onto the Continent from the North-West and East likely all were causes. But the true nail in the coffin would not be till the next age for the Aos Si civilization.

The Age of Migration

Humanity calls this period the Age of Migration, to the Aos Si it is Uair de Tráth Mairg (Lit: Time of Woe) and the Dwellers Tempo de Ai which would translate the same as the Aos Si version. This era is extremely short compared to the previous and succeeding Epoch. Lasting approximately 100-200 years depending on point of reference. Humanity arrived (or returned) in waves from the East and North-West. From the East they arrived in ships and fleets, while from the North-West they came by land, and encroached upon the declining Aos Si civilization. Their demeanor a variation of peaceful and warlike depending on leader or group. The Aos Si, eventually, took to war with Humanity for some reason long lost. Driving them to the brink until the Cataclysm of Solace, Solace being their primary city and hub of their civilization, which ruined the city and fractured their civilization. Reducing their already struggling people to a shadow of their former glory. Allowing humanity to fill the vacuum, for none of the other races had the strength or desire to fight, and spread rapidly across the Continent. Diversifying and establishing numerous polities. Humanity, perhaps even more than any of the other races, showed a remarkable tendency for internecine warfare and mixed attitudes to the other races. One ruler might be particularly tolerant of other races or a select race; while another launches brutal pogroms against non-humans.

Fourth Cycle of the Sun

The Fourth Cycle of the Sun, Tráth Fhómhair (Time of Autumn), Hora do Outono (Time of the Autumn) is the formal name given by scholars for the current era. Though it has many informal and alternative names in terminology. Fourth Age, Fourth Era, Spring and Autumn Period, it has many terms. Its beginning overlapping with the Migration period's end.

The Current Year is 1213FS

Major Races


Humanity is the most numerous race on the Continent and can be found in practically every locale. From the nomadic desert tribes beyond the Rio Del Mara to the cannibalistic tribes from the Lands of Everwinter. From the cold winds whipping across Edwardia Isle to the Golden Coasts of Kali in the far West. Humanity numerically outstrips all the other major races combined and is extremely diverse in anything from language, appearance, to local customs and government style. The Humans of the Kingdom of Normeros for example have adopted the language of the Aos Vaelle alongside their own local Normerik tongue; the Tennesans have various dialects native to each city-state republic; while the Saghiridi despite being divided into various polities speak an almost identical set of dialects in one complete language. Feudalism and Nomadism are by far the most common forms of government followed by Republics like the Tennesans. Human religions are equally diverse with the Saghiridi practicing a form of Neo-Islam called Isla, the Tennesans sharing a common faith in Evangelica (Neo-Evangelical Christianity), The Normerans are firm polytheists with everyone else falling somewhere along the spectrum.


The Kindred, or Alders, Elderfolk, or incorrectly termed Elves, are arguably the oldest race on the Continent. The three present Kindreds trace their lineage back to the original single group of their race: The Aos Si, the People of the Sun, and once ruled the entirety of the known world. Described as attractive to the eyes of humans, fair faced with a disproportionately high number of fair haired persons among their race (brown haired Kindred is unheard of, and black hair is exceedingly rare), and on average taller than humans. However, only the Aos Vaelle seem to be on average noticeably taller by generally a few inches, while the Aos Sidhe and Svaer are usually just generally more lithe and lean than the average human. Since the Cataclysm of Solace the Kindred, including their once unified language of Kindarin, has since broken up into three distinct cultural-linguistic groups. The Aos Vaelle founded Valkyria and incorporated the Normerik humans moving into the area during the Migration period. As such Normeros is typically very tolerant of non-humans and many humans speak Vaedarin, the Vaelle's version of Kindarin, mutually with their own Normerik tongue. Kindred are also rather long lived compared to the other races, averaging about 125 years of age though the oldest of their race have reached the age of 200.

Aos Vaelle (People of Fire)

The Vaelle, Post-Cataclysm, followed an individual known as Prince Valyrian to the location of what is now Valkyria and founded the eponymous city. Forming the core of what would become the Kingdom of Normeros. They carried on their former civilizations Pantheon of Gods and Goddesses (Odan, Zaeius, Helian, Keres, Horus, Hira, Vena, Tartus, Artema, Athenea, Tor, Tyr, and Apollos) which the incoming Normerik humans took for their own. They got their name for the fact that the great valley Valkyria is located in, along the shores of Lake Evendyn, is ringed with Volcanoes called the Thirteen Fires. It also the only known location where the Valkur, or Dragons, breed in terms of natural habitat. The older Aos Si had managed, through complex techniques largely lost, to tame and ride the great beasts who were surprisingly quite intelligent if not sapient to a degree. Their succeeding Kindred possess the ability to tame and ride them to a degree, but only managing to successfully domesticate a few since hatching, and are generally too valuable to be sent into battle for fear of losing them.

Aos Sidhe (People of Fae/Earth)

The Sidhe are by far the most numerous of the Kindreds and either isolationist or existing in small communes/districts within tolerant regions. They are valued for their textiles, trapping, furs, archery, and stealth. Primarily preferring woodlands and mountains the Sidhe are generally a peace loving folk. Not nearly as Warlike as the Vaelle and Svaer. But when push comes to shove many an army has been ambushed by a well coordinated strike of Sidhe Rangers operating unseen. Unfortunately the latter reputation has led to them being persecuted on and off by many Human realms. Deeming them untrustworthy or worse. The Saghiridi paradoxically value male Sidhe as assassins and female's as concubines though offspring from such intimate relations are usually disinherited and sent to join some other organization.

Aos Svaer (People of Shadow)

The Aos Svaer have a rather dark reputation among the peoples of the Continent. After the Cataclysm of Solace the Svaer operated as militant pirates and brigands before relocating to the Islands of the Karib (Caribbean) and Hawair (Hawaii). Operating primarily as mercenaries, pirates, and bandits. Svaer primarily view the other races, especially humans, as inferior and largely deserving of slave status if not outright genocide. Seeing as all the lands of which Humanity occupies as rightfully their own. However, being the fewest in number and not united in any shape or form the Svaer are left to operate on the periphery. In appearance they resemble Sidhe except for the fact that out of all three Kindreds the Svaer sport significant numbers of black haired individuals.

The Dwellers

The Dwellers are one of the native races to Continent and resemble humans except being more squat and muscular. Not generally shorter than Humans, at least by a significant margin, they possess upper body strength like no other. Indeed if a Dweller challenges you to a game of arm wrestling you would do well to reconsider saying, "Ye.' However, Dwellers have notoriously sensitive eye sight and feeling to their thermal environment. Often having to sport darkened goggles on the surface to not be blinded by the Sun and when they do remove them often suffer nearsightedness or blurred vision. Able to detect the most subtle of air currents under ground this swiftly can become disorienting on the surface due to the more free flowing air. Dwellers not accustomed to extreme heart or cold typically do not fair well as a result of this impaired thermal sensitivity above ground.

Dwellers are valued as miners and engineering siege warfare. Able to tunnel under or even through enemy defenses with uncanny accuracy and skill. To being excellent close range melee troops above or below the surface. But again above ground their impaired eyesight does prove a problem and even sporting armored goggles cannot fully remove the danger.


The ocean going cousins to the Dwellers living on the Continent. They call themselves the world's best swimmers and supposedly retain the skills to build submersibles. Though this may just be myth borne of the fact that Sea-Dwellers can breath underwater via gills in their necks and accordingly their webbed hands and feet allow them to travel underwater at incredible speeds. A Sea-Dweller war party rising from the incoming waves on a beach has been many a fisherman's worst nightmare. Aside from raising Sea-Dwellers often have a presence in or nearby major harbors. Selling goods and artifacts recovered from beneath the ocean's waves.


The Giants are a rare sight, and often exaggerated to impractical proportions. Most are about eight feet tall and proportional, surprisingly gentle, and extremely pacifist in regards to violence. Only attacking aggressively when needed and usually stories of them attacking Human settlements is due to the truth being simple: The Humans tried to kill them or encroached on their land. They are by far the rarest of the races on the Continent and not unified in any shape or form. Preferring small clans of roughly a dozen or two dozen individuals at most.

Established Realms
Kingdom of Normeros Internal Divisions


Name: Eimhir I na Nyrmeris (Vaelle version of Normeros)
Age: 93
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Race: Aos Vaelle
Place of Birth: Valkyria, Royal Palace
House: Nyrmeris
House Sigil: A golden dragon under a silver crown on a black background.
Title: King of Normeros, Grand Prince of Valkyria, Lord of Evendyn and Protector of the Realm.
Head of House: Eimhir I na Nyrmeris
Important House Members: Eimhir I na Nyrmeris, Ailios na Nyrmeris (Princess), Iseabail na Nyrmeris (Princess), Alasdair na Nyrmeris (Prince)
House History: The House of Nyrmeris was one of the original noble houses in the Kingdom of Normeros, or at least dating back to the Migration Era when King Aimlaith I na Nyrmeris reigned as King of "Evendyn," the precursor state to Normeros which would come into being by the 200's. The Kingdom would coalescence with the coronation of Aimhir II na Nyrmeris crowning himself King of Normeros (Nyrmeris in Vindarin or land of fire and water), becoming Aimhir I. Aimhir I na Nyrmeris ruled in peace for the remainder of his reign and was succeeded by his eldest son, Tearlach, who conquered Dol Eleia in 322. Tearlach and his successor Aimhir II would gradually extend Normeros power while increasingly incorporating the Normerik humans in the region. The reign of Uailean III in the 8th century marked a change of pace in the gradual expansion of Normeros. The Ziccara virus swept through the region, devastating towns and villages, causing Valkyria to close its gates for the entirety of Summer and causing famine as a result of lost crops. Normeros as a result entered a period of stagnation if not outright decline until the mid-10th century when the succession of Aimhir IV to the throne of Normeros reversed this trend. Leading his generally smaller but more efficient armies to re-exert dominance over the region and even expanding upon pre-plague boundaries. Forming the Southmark territory from annexed territory and later establishing the border barons. His successful Siege of Arizora in 949 cemented Normeros control over the South-West as far as the Northern terminus of The Divide.

The succession of Easaeidh I na Nyrmeris, the Kingdom's first ruling Queen, was equally energetic and she celebrated the nation's millennial celebrations. Furthering the claim that the Kingdom originated during the Migration Era. Despite the fact it was not formerly such until the reign of Aimhir I. Easaeidh I however died of mysterious circumstances to be succeeded by her son Aimhir V; but his sister Seasaidh managed to convince half of the realms nobles to rebel in her favor due to the suspicious nature to their mothers death. The Kin-War raged for just under a decade and devastated the Kingdom for half a century. Despite this reversal, which ended in the defeat and imprisonment of Aimhir V; albeit temporarily as Aimhir would later escape, rally, and defeat his sister in pitched battle. The Battle of Dara would end in the imprisonment of Seasaidh and the re-coronation of Aimhir V as King in 1064. The succession of Saimhir I would restart Normeros expansion. Leading to the conquest Dar-Il-Fe and finally the peaceful assimilation of Westmark in 1071. This was continued with the reign of Reidhovir who accepted the vassalage of Teton and Szalem by 1117. What followed was a period of unprecedented peace.

The succession of Eimhir in 1195 has led to the promise of further expansion and potential clashes with the Empire of Kali and the realms of the North-West.
House Territory: Kingdom of Normeros

Occupation/Profession: Monarch
Skills: Administrator, General, and Father


Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue/Green
Frame: Lean
Tattoos/Distinguishing Marks: Scar across left shoulder.

Alignment: Lawful Natural/Lawful Evil
Personality: Eimhir's personality is one of rigid willpower and headstrong determination. But this belies a cunning intelligence. Eimhir values law, order, and tradition as precedent in regards to his realm or subjects. Making decisions that morally may seem apprehensible but with foresight are rather pragmatic. To his foes he is exploitative and Machiavellian; possessing an all to eager drive to continue the expansionist dreams of his predecessors.
Biography: Eimhir was born in the Royal Palace in Valkyria, supposedly within the Samhraidh Gréine (Summer Solarium) ón a calm Saturday evening in the Autumn of 1121. Born to King Reidhovir and Queen Taesa of Dol Eleia the young Eimhir was the middle child of three siblings. His older brother Reidhovir was destined to become Reidhovir II; at least until he accidentally drowned in 1174 along the Aethyros River under unclear circumstances. Allowing Eimhir to eventually succeed to the throne of Normeros in 1195 after the death of Reidhovir I. His younger sister Raemora left unexpectedly that same year for the Empire of Kali. Again the exact circumstances where never disclosed either deliberately or incidentally.

Eimhir would describe his childhood as something between tedious study and the bore of courtly life. Evidently, Eimhir never loved the flamboyant yet rigid life at court in Valkyria. As such he enjoyed leaving the city whenever he could and was often accompanying his father ón campaign. Since, he initially was not heir to the throne and accordingly more expendable in the eyes of his father. Something he did not mind making evident to his constituents should they be brave enough to ask.

The succession of Eimhir was as per usual, full of fanfare and feasting in Valkyria, and five full days of Contrareguilla and Penance Bouts. Featuring all manner of fighters and creatures from across the Kingdom. The reign of Eimhir has been described as a period of tension and militarization of society. Economic growth from past conquests and the Crown spending money ón the expansion of its military forces.

Family: Ailios na Nyrmeris (Princess), Iseabail na Nyrmeris (Princess), Alasdair na Nyrmeris (Prince), Elaena na Nyrmeris (Wife, died in 1198).
Likes: Equestrianism, swimming, chess, and spending time in the Royal Hunting lodge at Vaeghorod.
Dislikes: Bankers, religious fanatics, and cowards
Character Strength: Charismatic and able to deftly walk the dance of intrigue alongside leading armies in battle.
Character Weakness/Flaw: Possesing a short temper and sociopathic tendencies.

Interesting Facts / Quirks: Possesses heterochromatic eyes where one is a pale blue and the other a noticeably deep see blue.
Hobby/Hobbies: Constructing model ships.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Verse Zero
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Verse Zero

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

what I got so far?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sterling
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hi! I read A LOT of this. It's pretty intense and interesting. This could be an amazing world if you find people to fill it. I'd be interested with the stipulation that I'd get help understanding politics, names, histories etc.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Verse Zero
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Verse Zero

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Yes of course!! Any questions you have I'll be happy to answer to get started.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sterling
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Haha wow I feel like there is a lot to absorb. Are you hoping for a big group? Could we make up our own Noble Families or do you have some per-existing ones you want our chars to fit into?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Verse Zero
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Verse Zero

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Sterling Yes I'm looking for a large group and you can make your own noble families.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sterling
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Just posting check in
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Whew... that's an info dump if I've ever seen one. The sheer amount of worldbuilding and details are commendable, but I'm a little lost on the aim of the RP. I know the basic aim is "Acquire more power," but it's unclear whether this is nation or character-centric. Also, there are a whole lot of pre-established kingdoms and peoples; are players supposed to control these, or are they NPCs?

To summarize, this reads like a big setting overview, but lacks clear instructions and expectations of what to do with it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Verse Zero
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Verse Zero

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Character centric. You'll assume the character of a noble or someone in a position of power. The pre-established realms are really just placeholders. Things can be molded to individual player preferences within reason. But for ease a player may just take one of those realms and customize them heavily to their own imagination. Like take the Empire of Kali for example. You can assume the role of the Emperor/Empress. But the exact culture of Kali, its society, and even history are up to the player. Think of them more as placeholders to get an idea of how the Geo-politics will play out.

There is a loose plot. But it's more like a sequence of events that players can react too and potentially change the balance of power.

In terms of goal: Acquire more power. The end game is basically who can unite the continent and how.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Verse Zero
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Verse Zero

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Anyone else interested?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Verse Zero
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Verse Zero

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Plyinglemon
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Passing by this on my lunchbreak and it looks very interesting. I'll read it more in-depth in a few hours when I'm off work but I think you can count me in.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Verse Zero
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Verse Zero

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Seems like we're getting a core of people here.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ardent Debater
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Ardent Debater

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Verse Zero I think I'm in the minority here, but I have a deep and abiding love for infodumps and yours has caught my attention. Believe it or not, I'm actually in the process of developing my own Post-American pseudo-fantasy setting, although it's a bit closer to the renaissance than the dark ages technologically, and a Crusader Kings-esque medieval strategy/intrigue roleplay seems like a fascinating concept. How can I join in?
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Verse Zero
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Verse Zero

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Ardent Debater

By making a CS or putting forth possible ideas.
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