Rei Carpenter
27 years old

☘ Charming ☘ Coy ☘ Trickster ☘ Sweetwhen needed ☘ Furiously Loyalto those who earn it
Rei grew up with a family of thieves, treasure hunters and barters. Her family made their money by ‘excavating’ artifacts and became well known, and somewhat hated, throughout the country even after everything spread apart, her actual last name is LeFontaine but she knows better than to flaunt her parents’ name. Some people hate them, others love them and you never know who’s side anyone is on when you first meet them.
Despite following in her parents footsteps, she is a decent person. She doesn’t steal from anyone who can’t afford to lose something but she isn’t an individual who robs from the rich to give to the poor. She likes money and she will pay those who help her but she is not afraid to get her hands dirty. Her parents insisted on her taking physical defense classes and gymnastics so she is quick, limber and she can fight.
‘Fear’ is a rare feeling for her, mainly because she lives wildly and doesn’t really care much about herself. Her reasoning would be because she doesn’t feel like she has much to live for anyway. So she plays reckless and does things she probably… well shouldn’t. The only major fear she has is flying; she can handle swinging form things, climbing high and tightrope walking but… flying and relying only on a machine to keep you in the air without anything to hold onto is completely terrifying but… it’s the only way to travel.
◾ Analyzing goggles she’s had since she was a child
◾ Grappling hook.
◾ Special gloves: elemental resistance and adapts to the wearer’s needs; sticky, magnetize, vice trip and many others.
◾ Small knives hidden on her person
◾ 6 round pistol.
◾ Machete because, you never know when you’d need it.