Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by iLove
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by iLove
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This Thread is Dedicated to character's used for Superhero/Villian RP's. Enjoy!

Name: Alison Sato
Age: 23
Occupation: {Changes based on RP}
Affiliation: Anti-Hero


Alison grew up in a broken home. Her father was an alcoholic who often worked long hours and was passed out from exhaustion or from his favorite bottle of whiskey. Her mother....oh boy her mother. Her mother was a martial arts teacher and taught Alison from a young age the arts of self defense. But due to a long time failed relationship with her husband she slowly went insane. Alison walked around on eggshells afraid to anger her mother and face a wave of either emotional or physical abuse. She watched over the years as her mother slipped into insanity. Alison tried everything she could to help her mom get better, if that meant stealing medicine from stores or hacking into other peoples bank accounts so they could afford hospital visits she did it. One night Alison awoke to the sounds of her parents violently arguing followed by loud crashes and finally deafening silence. Alison slowly made her way to her parents room and her eyes widened at the sight of her father dead on the floor and her blood covered mother laughing hysterically in the corner.

Personality: Alison was an overall friendly type of girl. Her hobbies mostly included tinkering around with computers and various types of electronics always trying to see what made them tick. Growing up she made friends easily but she was overly empathetic towards people. Because of this she found herself always wanting to help someone and it placed her in situations that often got her into trouble. Her teenage years was spent with the wrong crowds and in and out of prison. In her early adult life these "misdemeanors" made it hard for her to get hired so she began hacking for personal gain. Transferring sums of money from peoples accounts into her own, nothing too much but just enough to get by. She never wanted to hurt anyone, but soon enough was enough and she just snapped.

Name: Hologram


Her Abilities:
Alison is proficient in hand to hand martial arts combat. Despite her size she is a master in Muay Thai. She practices with armed comat, she's comfortable with pistols but dabbles into sub machine weaponry. Before her powers manifested she had a thing for computers and coding as such she is able to hack into most computer applications. Her IQ is high, not genius level but close, she is able to deduce most problems in a matter of minutes.

Weaknesses: She's still human and thus is still susceptible to things such as illnesses and the dangers of day to day life.

Not: She is not meant for "Normal" Superhero RP. She kinda OP

Name: Casey Vanowen


Affiliation: Hero


Casey grew up in a small town and at an early age showed signs of supernatural abilities. As a baby she was able to lift not only her crib but every piece of furniture in the room. These...gifts of course startled her parents as they've never seen anything like it in their lives and they sought help to no avail. Growing up apart from her abilities she was a fairly normal girl. Made friends, had great grades and excelled in acrobatics. As she grew older however Casey felt a compelling urge to help others around her and that she did. At first the world didn't take to her kindly, people ran screaming from her thinking she was some sort of demon. Not letting it get to her Casey kept on doing good around her city. By the time she was 18 she dedicated herself to full time work of heroism. Her powers however continued to develop out of her control. One night Casey had a terrible nightmare, her house began to shake violently and her parents rushed to wake her. As she jolted from sleep the roof of their home was obliterated as well as most of her room, thankfully her parents remained unharmed.

This became a great concern for Casey as she grew afraid of her own abilities and emotions. Deciding to leave home Casey went on a search for answers as to who or what she is. Currently she's a traveling hero stopping only where she is needed most.


Her emotions is her biggest weakness. Stress or strong emotions make it difficult to keep her powers in check often causing her to unleash untold damage and unwanted destruction. Because of this she has been studying different forms of meditation and tries her hardest not to be overwhelmed by her own emotions.


Name: Ashley Compton
Age: 22
Occupation: N/A
Affiliation: Hero





May be unable to create solar energy, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.
Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user.
Even more than other powers, control is essential because mistakes are likely have wide ranging effects, up to the global scale and beyond.
Can cause skin diseases if not used properly.

Name: Megan Lawrey
Occupation: {Dependent on RP}

Affiliation: Vigilante
Alias: Hush


Orphaned at birth Megan was destined for a life of misery. It wasn't until the age of five was she adopted by a Russian family, the first of many. The entire family from day one abused her mentally and emotionally. When she was seven she had enough and snuck off to call child services but was caught by their eldest son who proceeded to beat unconscious. When she awoke in the hospital she was informed that due to her delusion fits thinking people were out to hurt her the family no longer wanted her. She would spend the next three years hoping from family to family, but they were all the same. Cruel, unforgiving and no matter who she'd turn to for help she would always be shunned. This cycle was finally broken when she was adopted by a well off mute man named Matthew Lawrey. Matthew was by no means extra ordinary, he secured financial security through years of investing and lived a quiet life of traveling and though Megan didn't know it at the time he would be the greatest thing in her life. Matthew stuck it out and fought with Megan over the years eventually gaining her trust. He taught her many things, how to properly invest and build income of her own and sign language. When she was fourteen however he became extremely ill. They went to many doctors and physicians but none was of any help, they all seemingly turned their backs on them. The night Matthew finally passed it was a major blow to her. That night she ran, she didn't know where she was going she just ran. Then it happened like a puff of smoke she was gone in an instant and back at the orphanage where her story began. Throughout the years she has traveled the world, spent time with Tibetan monks and learned the arts of self defense. Megan soon returned to the city that once turned it's back on her determined to make it a better place for all by her own means. Holding her secrets within and working with no one she takes on the name Hush.

Powers & Abilities


Pretty much like nightcrawler when she teleports it leaves a cloud of thick black smoke although it has no scent.

She has trained in and mastered three forms of martial arts those being:
Wing Chun
Muay Tai

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by iLove
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by iLove
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