Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cao the Exiled
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Cao the Exiled

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The many masks and personas of Cao
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Cao the Exiled
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Cao the Exiled

Member Seen 6 mos ago


"I swear I had no clue she was a princess! I just thought she had a daddy complex!"
Deekin Sin-Scale while being arrested for sleeping with a princess


Name: Deekin Sin-Scale

Age: 35

Height: 2'4"

Weight: 38 pounds

Hair color: None

Eye color: Gold

Skin tone: Gold Scales

Species: Kobold

Sex: Male

Sexuality: Whoever climbs in bed

Occupation/position/ title: Keeper and owner of the Bottle and Blade Speak Easy


~Kobold Traits
  • Kobolds are weak and frail, but their size grants them quickness.
  • Kobolds are humanoids with the dragonblood and reptilian subtypes. For all effects related to race, a kobold is considered a dragon
  • Kobolds can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
    Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight. Kobolds can function just fine with no light at all.
  • Kobolds are sensitive to light, making it hate to see.

~Unusual Body: Through a deal with a wizard, (task totally classified), all of Deekin's scales were turned to solid gold. This caused him to be less dexterous as his scales now have the properties of scale mail. That said, his scales now has the durability of average scale mail.


Theme song:




Sanguine, troublesome:
Can be quite inappropriate at the wrong times. Deekin's only real good qualities are that he is very charismatic, quite often convincing others to see his point or ultimately do was he wants. This trait has been a double edged sword, keeping him from getting in (too) much trouble, or getting him in trouble.

A short and tiny lizard on two legs: The ideal description for a Kobold. Deekin is just over two feet and is rather frail. He has Scales the color of gold and his claws and teeth were magically changed to gold, why? Cause he's Deekin and can do what ever the hell he wants!

Deekin likes many things, woman, booze, money, causing trouble, getting out if said trouble.... Yeah... He's not a very good man I must say....


"Any drunk can be convinced to do anything as long as you know how to speak, and how much Mead they had..."


He hates trouble caused by others that involves him. He hates others stealing from him and has no problem with send someone to retrieve it. Oh.... He also hates dog's... He has bad luck with them, dwarves too, but that's more of an ancient war kind of thing.

Knitting sweaters for the Orphanage

Others finding out that the sweater shipments are actually illegal booze

Scars/ tattoos:
A scar over his left eye, why is it there? Woman love scars

Can make any consumable substance disappear.... -wink-

He's actually a master flute player, no seriously! He's amazing! Violins too!

Quick facts:
-He hates others commenting on his size an has poisoned and stabbed men for it.
-Was arrested in another kingdom for sleeping with a princess. When the princess begged for his release, he was banished.
-Has two companions, a female elf warrior who puts up with his shit due to a deal, and a female elf ghost that is bounded to a cursed ring he wears


Deekin was the hare to the chieftain position of his den. Problem is that he couldn't keep out of trouble. One day while him and a group of friends were sneaking through an enemy dwarven settlement, came across a Kobold slave from an ally den. Him and his friends saved her, but also showed the way to the den. The dwarves invaded, slaying eighty present of his den. After a truce was made, the slave was returned and Deekin was banished.

He lived ten years up in the content of Aldonia before he ran into another slave. He was working in a secret thieves guild when he was given the job to steal an amulet from an Orc chieftain. In the middle of the night, he snuck in, just to find a wood elf, beaten and afraid. He snuck to her, holding his finger over his lip and used his tool to free her. He noticed the the Orc was wearing the amulet, so he figured he could simply snag it....


Turns out this man has done some..... Not so good things, so the elf took his great sword from the rack, unsheathed it and swung down, taking his head. The Kobold grabbed the amulet and the elf and ran like hell.

The rest will be told at a later time when Deekin and his creator are more sober....

Rp Example:
Deekin grinned as he stood on the bar top, flipping a coin in the air, catching it, just to flip it again. "Looks here pal! I have a battle ready Elf with sexual frustration issues! Don't make me sick her on you! Give me my fucking gold or she'll gut cha!"

Salerin rolled her eyes as she slapped the Kobold in the back of the head then popped her knuckles as she pulled her large great sword. "Hmm.... You look pretty fat sir. Should I take a little off the top? Maybe the midsection? Your fat ass looks like it can use a reduction!"

As she held the blade over her head, the man dropped the pouch of gold and squatted into the fetal position and balled, "NO! DON'T KILL ME! ILL LEAVE, TAKE MY GOLD! JUST DON'T KILL ME!!!" She looked at Deekin and in an instant, kicked the man in the nose, knocking him unconscious. Deekin hopped down, digging a claw into the man's forehead as he carved the Kobold symbol for shame into his forehead. "Take the bastard to the forest.... The wolves can have fun...

*Delivers a envelope with a beer mug stain*

I, Deekin Sin-Scale, here by swear that I will be loyal to the this kingdom (as long as if remains lucrative). I will allow others to not let any harm come to the Queen and King for as long as i am being paid well in this kingdom and this kingdom alone. I will appear to abide by the laws of this land if not I am held responsible for my own fate. I take on the role of the most badass inn keep in the kingdom. It's a pleasure serving the woman of the kingdom.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cao the Exiled
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Cao the Exiled

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Sample: Bordering

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Cao the Exiled
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Cao the Exiled

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name:Rosin D'Chath

Might: 10
Speed: 10
Intellect: 14





Focus:Forbidden Knowledge
You understand the numenera far better than
most people. You know that it isn’t just strange
machines buried in old ruins. The numenera is
everywhere, beyond the perception of humans. You
know that microscopic machines called nanites are
threaded through every inch of the world, waiting
to be activated. You know that satellites in orbit are
broadcasting information, waiting for someone to
access it. Having studied long and hard, learning the
proper ways to tap into the forces all around you,
you know how to activate these machines and make
them do what you wish, at least in limited, specific
ways. These uses of power are called esoteries.
Through various tiny devices that you possess, which
probably seem like magic charms to the uninitiated,
you “conjure” energy. By accessing the datasphere
transmitted across the world, you connect with
machines—including the nanites—to change your

Advancement: You must continue to study. There’s
far more to the numenera than one person can
ever know, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try
to learn it all. More secrets and more knowledge
mean more power. At some point in your career, you
might need to find a teacher or another source of
knowledge. So many questions need answers.
When your stats improve or you learn new
skills, it’s because you have mastered another new
technique that taps into the secret world. When you
gain a new esotery, it’s the result of long hours of
study and practice in using your mysterious lore.

Explain Focus:
I am an Areva Nano of the Forbidden Knowledge. I've
dedicated my life to analyse and learn all there is to
learn of the Forbidden Knowledge and nanites around us.

Rosin D'Chath shares the appearance of an elf. He is rather
short and slender. He has long arms and legs which allows him
to remain limber in combat. His skin appears to possess an
almost gold tint with blue tattoos that appears to glow at

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Cao the Exiled
Avatar of Cao the Exiled

Cao the Exiled

Member Seen 6 mos ago


°• ☯ •°


Fey'ri, or demonfey, were not a true elvensubrace. They were to elves as tieflings were to humans and tanarukks were to orcs. The fey'ri were the result of interbreeding between sun elves and tanar'ri in an attempt to strengthen the sun elf bloodline.


First Name: Feriarn


Last Name: Dlardrageth

Age: 459

Gender: Male

Species: Ghost Elf (Fey'ri)

Sexuality: His darker half makes it hard to care about such Trivials as Sexuality. Passion is passion, simple as that.




Height: 5'11"

Weight: 145

Body Shape: Tall and thin, yet hides a surprising amount of strength and muscle within.

Special Markings: Has the House Dlardrageth crest carved in his chest.

Scars: Though he boasts of his experience with combat, he doesn't seem to have any other then the crest.

Piercings: None visible

Hair Color: Oaken Brown

Hair Type: Long, Straight

Hair Style: Usually worn down, braids back when he's on duty

Eye Color: An unusual blood red with no puple

Eye Shape: Thin, slightly slanted




Personality: Feriarn is often seen as cold and heartless. His place is all he cares for, nothing else. He's viewed as a sociopath, caring nothing of those around him.

Habits: Has a habit of using titles too often.

Hobbies: Has a few, one that is kept in secrecy. He loves to dance, one reason he chose to follow the path of bladesinger. He also loves to sing and play the violin.

Soft Spot: Music and dance was very important to his house. This became the reason most of House Dlardrageth became Bladesingers.

Pet Peeves: The list is too long. One of his biggest peeves are dwarves and humans. The one was typically an ill mannered breed of drunks and the other was a dim witted fornicator.

Fears: This one will be kept a secret




Father: Zarannar the Corrupt

Mother: Akasa Dlardrageth

Siblings: None

Other Relatives: None known

Children: None

Best Friend: None

Love Interests: None

Rival: None

Enemy: None




Biography/Description: Feriarn is an elf of many thoughts, yet few words. Tall and slender, he moves with a ghostly grace and haunting beauty. His flesh is pale, yet holds a ghostly blue glow to it. This glow is visible even in day light and makes him glow with a candle bright in the darkness. His hair is a pale white, yet appears to have a translucent look to it. Feriarn prefers to ware robes of Elegance and beauty in his down time and his custom studded leather armor when he's on duty. Feriarn is a Bladesinger, elit elven warriors that are masters of both martial and magic







Weaknesses: The path of a Bladesinger is powerful yet strict. Feriarn is a skilled magus and capable of both melee and magic combat. Unfortunately, this path has rules. He's focused his life to learn one weapon, his Moon Spear. Any other weapon that wasn't a spear would throw him off.

Strengths: Bladesingers are incredibly powerful magus. Dedicated to protecting the elven race. The Bladesinger combines the grace of dance with the deadliness of combat. Though restricted to one weapon, the bladesinger is near unmatched. Accompanied this, the Bladesinger may cast their spells with only one hand at a slightly slower rate. Finally, as a Magus, Bladesingers can channel magic energy into their weapons, enhancing their deadliness.

Weapon: Moonblade Spear

Weapon Name: Drathirvelve of House Dlardrageth

Weapon Type: Moonblade spear, enchanted, sentient.

Combat Skills and Ability:

~Path of the Bladesinger: A Bladesinger is another type of Magus, masters of magic and combat. The Bladesinger is able to cast spells with one hand, and able to maintain a defensive stance. Bladesingers are known for their grace, literally dancing through the field as they strike down their foe.

->Capable of casting spells with somatic spell components one handed, but at a slower rate.

->Can cast a spell and maintain a defensive stance with no penalty. Can do melee attacks and touch spells at once as long as the weapon is one handed.

~Art of the Magus: Magus not only can cast spells and fight, a Magus can imbue their bonded weapon with magic energy, allowing them to flow magic energy from them, into their weapon. Doing so allows them to temporarily enchant their weapon, making it stronger and sharper, or even enhance with elemental energy. Later on, their are other tricks and combat styles a Magus can learn to use.

Racial Skills and Ability:

~Soul of Drathirvelve: Ghost elves, ironically, are not ghosts at all. They are called so for their preferred isolation and natural bioluminescence. Pair this with their ghostly pail skin and ghostly white hair, ghost elves give a ghastly appearance. Ghost elves, once a secluded subrace of elf on the material plain, now resides in the Ether. Through decades of absorbing the ethereal energy around them, they have mastered the art of melding with it, becoming ethereal themselves.

->Etherealness: Through the will of the Ether, Ghost elves are able to shift their body, becoming ethereal it's self. This allows them to pass through the material as if a spirit. They can only stay in this state for a brief moment

~Blood of the Daemonfey:




It is a plane out of phase. It is a place of ghosts and monsters. It is right next to you, and you don't even see it.

❝[color=DeepSkyBlue] [/color]❞

❝[color=DeepSkyBlue] [/color]❞




Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous, but favors left.

Protagonist or Antagonist?: Depends on who's point of view

Archetype: Magus/Bladesinger
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Cao the Exiled
Avatar of Cao the Exiled

Cao the Exiled

Member Seen 6 mos ago


°• ☯ •°


❝ While there still lies a breath of air within my lungs, I shall leave a river of blood within my wake until the day I take my place on the Tyrannic throne, then all will be gone! ❞




➤ First Name: Unknown

➤ Nickname: The Lone Oni, Oni, The Oni of Morvak

➤ Last Name: Unknown

➤ Age: 35

➤ Gender: Male

➤ Species: Morvakian Demon-born (Human)

➤ Sexuality: Oni has one care in mind, and that's the Tyrannic throne. Sex is hardly a care over all.




➤ Height: 6'3"

➤ Weight: 200lb

➤ Body Shape: Tall and masculine, not many humans can match his raw strength and power.

➤ Special Markings: See scars

➤ Scars: His body is covered with scars, placed there by past fights and wars. His most distinct markings though are the numeric marks, marking the lives taken by his hands.

➤ Piercings: None visible

➤ Hair Color: Raven Black

➤ Hair Type: Long, Straight

➤ Hair Style: Usually worn in a chonmage style

➤ Eye Color: An unusual blood red with slightly darker puple

➤ Eye Shape: Thin, slightly slanted




➤ Personality: Oni is often seen as cold and heartless. His goals is all he cares for, nothing else. He's viewed as a sociopath, caring nothing of those around him.

➤ Habits: Has a habit of looking for trouble where ever he goes. Can be a heavy drinker at times.

➤ Hobbies: Sparing, hunting and killing. He has a sweet spot for mask of all times but actually likes to make oni masks himself.

➤ Soft Spot: Masks and blades.

➤ Pet Peeves: The list is too long. One of his biggest peeves is weakness, this is an intolerable sin in his eyes.

➤ Fears: This one will be kept a secret




➤ Father: N/A

➤ Mother: N/A

➤ Siblings: None

➤ Other Relatives: None known

➤ Children: None

➤ Best Friend: None

➤ Love Interests: None

➤ Rival: None

➤ Enemy: None




➤ Biography/Description: Oni was born and raised on the streets of Morvak. A child born from corruption and murder, there has been no light in this child's eyes. The mother, lost to him from birth, was forced to live long enough to give birth before execution. It is said that in his first few days, he was fed the minced meat of his mother's flesh. Whether true or not, matter's not, for from birth, Oni had only know pain, hate and death. From the age he could walk, he was forced to fend for himself. It is rumored that Oni took his first life at the ripe age of six years old. At ten, Oni was inducted into a notorious gang, in which specialized in murder and assassination. With sin in his eyes and hate in his heart. He carved a bloody trail from the bottom of the pack to second in command. It is from there that he was gifted his unholy Oni's mask. It is said that on the day he first donned the mask upon his face, it spoke to him in the voice of his mother's, uttering the same words over and over again, "Kill, kill, kill!"

The oni was only sixteen when his promotion to second took place. Not ten minutes after the mask was placed, it's said that he grew hungry and mad. It was at this point that it's told he had truly awaken within. Story is told that he had lunged himself at his first, digging thumbs deep into his sockets while his teeth dug deep into his throat. On the day of his promotion to second, the child had stole the throne to first. Stealing the first's magic katana, Raifushīfu, from sixteen to twenty, Oni ruled the gang with a bloody fist! Changing their names to the Crimson Oni, they soon took over what was most of upper Morvak.

All was doing well for Oni till the day of his twentieth birthday. Feeling a strong sense of wanderlust, Oni would slip out of Morvac in the night, never returning. He spent years traveling around Corinth. He spent these years as a hired blade, fighting as taking both "lawful" and nonlawful jobs. No matter what though, all lead to bloodshed of some sort. Reaching the nation of Calisto, Oni would decide to hang his sword. Yet, one day once the announcement of the race for the Tyrannical throne, Oni would pick up his blade once more, fulfilling the purpose of his very birth: To be the next Tyrant of Corinth!

➤ Hometown: Morvroc

➤ Culture/Tradition: Slums, Bandit Tradition




➤ Weaknesses: Oni's biggest flaw is his rage and up bringing. His "Mentor" taught him to use his anger as a weapon, to harness the rage and to explode. Once enraged, all in his path is in danger. This makes him a very poor ally in combat, thus why he often traveled as a lone oni. Second, though Oni has the ability to use magic, it's extremely limited to curses and a very small handful of spells most of his combat skills lays in his ability to use of Raifushīfu.

➤ Strengths: Though these are a hindrance in some way, Oni's rage and hexes are his biggest strength. When harnessing his rage, Oni is near invincible. With strength unmatched by most, Oni can easily clear a large group single handedly. With the power of hexes at his command, he can cause misfortune on those that cross his blade. Lastly, his third strength comes in the form of a small feline like creature. In the shape of a small winged displacer beast made of pure shadow. This creature, known as a Dark Companion, is a walking hex in a pseudo physical form.

➤ Weapon: Raifushīfu, Katana of Life Stealing: Also known of Blood Drinker or simply Life Stealer, Raifushīfu is a +2 katana that appears to be crafted from black iron. The blade has gold carved runes and designs carved into the blade and handle.

TAB: +22/+12
Damage: 1D10+2+8
Crit. Range: 19-20/20
Type: Slash
Special: +2 Katana bestows a negative level when it deals a critical hit. The sword wielder gains 1d6 temporary hit points each time a negative level is bestowed on another. These temporary hit points last for 24 hours. One day after being struck, subjects must make a DC 16 Fortitude save for each negative level or lose a character level.

~Path of the Barbarian:
-> Fast Movement: A barbarian’s land speed is faster than the norm for his race by +10 feet. This benefit applies only when he is wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor and not carrying a heavy load. Apply this bonus before modifying the barbarian’s speed because of any load carried or armor worn.
-> Rage 2/day: A barbarian can fly into a rage a certain number of times per day. In a rage, a barbarian temporarily gains a +4 bonus to Strength, a +4 bonus to Constitution, and a +2 morale bonus on Will saves, but he takes a -2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase in Constitution increases the barbarian’s hit points by 2 points per level, but these hit points go away at the end of the rage when his Constitution score drops back to normal. (These extra hit points are not lost first the way temporary hit points are.) While raging, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except for Balance, Escape Artist, Intimidate, and Ride), the Concentration skill, or any abilities that require patience or concentration, nor can he cast spells or activate magic items that require a command word, a spell trigger (such as a wand), or spell completion (such as a scroll) to function. He can use any feat he has except Combat Expertise, item creation feats, and metamagic feats. A fit of rage lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the character’s (newly improved) Constitution modifier. A barbarian may prematurely end his rage. At the end of the rage, the barbarian loses the rage modifiers and restrictions and becomes fatigued (-2 penalty to Strength, -2 penalty to Dexterity, can’t charge or run) for the duration of the current encounter (unless he is a 17th-level barbarian, at which point this limitation no longer applies). A barbarian can only enter a state of rage once per encounter.
-> Uncanny dodge/ Improved: A barbarian retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. If a barbarian already has uncanny dodge from a different class, he automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead. At 5th level and higher, a barbarian can no longer be flanked. This defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack the barbarian by flanking him, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the target has barbarian levels. If a character already has uncanny dodge from a second class, the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead, and the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum level a rogue must be to flank the character.
->Trap Sense: A barbarian gains a +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. These bonuses rise by +1 every three barbarian levels thereafter (6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th level). Trap sense bonuses gained from multiple classes stack.
-> Damage Reduction: A barbarian gains Damage Reduction. Subtract 1 from the damage the barbarian takes each time he is dealt damage from a weapon or a natural attack. At 10th level, and every three barbarian levels thereafter (13th, 16th, and 19th level), this damage reduction rises by 1 point. Damage reduction can reduce damage to 0 but not below 0.

~Path of the Hexblade:
-> Arcane Attunement: Can use the spell-like abilities daze, flare, and prestidigitation an unlimited number of times per day.
-> Hexblade's curse 2/day: Once per day, as a free action, a hexblade can unleash a curse upon a foe. The target must be visible to the hexblade and within 60 feet. The target of a hexblade’s curse takes a –2 penalty on attacks, saves, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls for 1 hour thereafter. A successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 hexblade’s class level + hexblade’s Cha modifier) negates the effect.
At every four levels beyond 1st (5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th) a hexblade gains the ability to use his curse one additional time per day, as indicated on table. Multiple hexblade’s curses don’t stack, and any foe that successfully resists the effect cannot be affected again by the same hexblade’s curse for 24 hours. Any effect that removes or dispels a curse eliminates the effect of a hexblade’s curse.
-> Arcane resistance: A hexblade gains a bonus equal to his Charisma bonus (minimum +1) on saving throws against spells and spell-like effects.
-> Mettle: A hexblade can resist magical and unusual attacks with great willpower or fortitude. If he makes a successful Will or Fortitude save against an attack that normally would have a lesser effect on a successful save (such as any spell with a savingthrow entry of Will half or Fortitude partial), he instead completely negates the effect. An unconscious or sleeping hexblade does not gain the benefit of mettle.
-> Summon Dark Companion: You can create an illusory companion resembling a panther, spun from the darkness of the night. Doing so takes 24 hours and uses up magic materials that cost 100 gp. Once created, your dark companion stands with you in battle, hindering your enemies’ defenses. Any enemy adjacent to your dark companion takes a –2 penalty on its saves and to its AC. Your companion’s speed is equal to yours (including all modes of movement you possess) and it acts during your turn each round. It follows your mental commands perfectly—in effect, it is merely an extension of your will.
Your dark companion has no real substance, and thus can’t attack or otherwise affect creatures or objects. It occupies a 5-foot space. Even though any creature can enter a dark companion’s 5-foot space without restriction, it must occupy its own space in order to have any effect on enemies. It is immune to any damage or other effects that might harm creatures, though it can be dispelled or suppressed just like a spell effect. Your dark companion is treated as a spell whose level is equal to 1/4 your hexblade level. If it is dispelled, it automatically reforms at your side 24 hours later. A dark companion can’t create flanking situations, nor does it provoke attacks of opportunity from movement, because enemies automatically recognize it as an illusion.
If it is more than 120 feet from you at the start of your turn, or if you ever lose line of effect to it, it instantly reappears adjacent to you.
-> Spells: The hexblade gains the ability to cast a small number of arcane spells, which are drawn from the hexblade spell list (see Chapter 3). He can cast any spell he knows without preparing it ahead of time, just as a sorcerer can. To learn or cast a spell, a hexblade must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell level (Cha 11 for 1st-level spells, Cha 12 for 2nd-level spells, and so forth). The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a hexblade’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the hexblade’s Cha modifier. Like other spellcasters, a hexblade can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on Table 1–1. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Charisma score. When Table 1–1 indicates that the hexblade gets 0 spells per day of a given spell level (for instance, 1st-level spells for a 4th-level hexblade), he gains only the bonus spells he would be entitled to based on his Charisma score for that spell level. The hexblade’s selection of spells is extremely limited. A hexblade begins play knowing no spells, but gains one or more new spells at certain levels, as indicated on Table 1–2. (Unlike spells per day, his Charisma score does not affect the number of spells a hexblade knows; the numbers on Table 1–2 are fixed.)
Upon reaching 12th level, and at every third hexblade level after that (15th and 18th), a hexblade can choose to learn a new spell in place of one he already knows. In effect, the hexblade “loses” the old spell in exchange for the new one. The new spell’s level must be the same as that of the spell being exchanged, and it must be at least two levels lower than the highest-level hexblade spell the hexblade can cast. For instance, upon reaching 12th level, a hexblade could trade in a single 1stlevel spell (two spell levels below the highest-level hexblade spell he can cast, which is 3rd) for a different 1st-level spell. At 15th level, he could trade in a single 1st-level or 2nd-level spell (since he now can cast 4th-level hexblade spells) for a different spell of the same level. A hexblade may swap only a single spell at any given level, and must choose whether or not to swap the spell at the same time that he gains new spells known for the level.
Through 3rd level, a hexblade has no caster level. At 4th level and higher, his caster level is one-half his hexblade level.
-> Forced Omen: A foreboding sense of doom travels with the hexblade, as candle lights flicker, fresh food turns green, or the air becomes stale. A hexblade can use his spell-like ability prestidigitation as a swift action instead of the normal standard action.
-> Swift Spell 1/day: The hexblade can cast one hexblade spell per day as a swift action, as long as its original casting time is a standard action or faster. He gains an additional use of this power at levels 8, 11, 14, and 18.
-> Greater Hexblade's Curse: The hexblade's curse penalty on attacks, saves, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls incurred by a target of the hexblade’s curse becomes –4 instead of –2.

➤ Racial Skills and Ability:
~Blood of Morvakian: Morvakians, the local breed of humans found upon the continent of Morviak, are a toughened, city-wise breed. Fighters, thieves and ruffians, they are hardened from birth, jaded from a life of city living on a continent that knows nothing else.
-> Quick to Adapt: Morvakians gain a bonus feat at first level and four skill points at each level.
-> Low-light vision: Life in Morvak is a rough one. Most if not all native have adapted their eyes to seeing well by the starlight. This has been passed down throughout the ages.

~Soul of the Daemon: A Demon Borne creature is, in base appearance, as any normal creature of its own race, however something greater lies beneath the surface of one who is born of a demon...
A rare manifestation to be sure, this genetic anomaly is typically seen when a female of great magical ability mates with a demon; the offspring gaining power unlike any other.
-> Demon’s Blood: The Demon blood running in the veins of a Demon Borne creature clots much faster than normal blood, healing the skin up right in plain sight; this effect gives the creature Fast Heal 3. As well, the creature’s tolerance and metabolism are incredible, granting the Demon Borne a +5 to all saves versus poison and drunkenness

-> Demon Shape (Su): The most incredible ability of the Demon Borne, and the ability from which they draw their renown, is their ability to take on a secondary shape: the form of a powerful Demadok.

➤ Magic Items
-> Scabbard of Keen Edges: Three times a day, the Scabbard of Keen Edges will magically apply the Keen effect to any weapon attuned to the Scabbard.
-> Ring of Freedom of Movement: This gold ring allows the wearer to act as if continually under the effect of a freedom of movement spell. (spell enables you or a creature you touch to move and attack normally for the duration of the spell, even under the influence of magic that usually impedes movement, such as paralysis, solid fog, slow, and web. The subject automatically succeeds on any grapplecheck made to resist a grapple attempt, as well as on grapple checks or Escape Artist checks made to escape a grapple or a pin. The spell also allows the subject to move and attack normally while underwater, even with slashing weapons such as axes and swords or with bludgeoning weapons such as flails, hammers, and maces, provided that the weapon is wielded in the hand rather than hurled. The freedom of movement spell does not, however, allow water breathing.)
-> Belt of Giant Strength: This wide belt is made of thick leather and studded with iron. The belt adds to the wearer’s Strength score in the form of an enhancement bonus of +4.
-> Bag of Holding lvl 1: This appears to be a common cloth sack about 2 feet by 4 feet in size. The bag of holding opens into a nondimensional space: Its inside is larger than its outside dimensions. Regardless of what is put into the bag, it weighs a fixed amount.




➤ ❝It is a plane out of phase. It is a place of ghosts and monsters. It is right next to you, and you don't even see it. ❞




➤ Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous, but favors left.

➤ Protagonist or Antagonist?: Extreme Antagonist

➤ Archetype: Hexblade/ Barbarian
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Cao the Exiled
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Cao the Exiled

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Name: Deekin Sin-Scales
Race: Urd, Kobold
Appearance: Short and slender, even for kobold standards. Deekin has bright red eyes and scales that appears to be literal gold.
Personality: Deekin is crude and cruel. He's the definition of evil right to the core. He gets what he wants and will slit any throats to get it!

Calling: Shadow
Dark Impulse: Selfish
Revelry: Admiring his riches and golden scales
Vile Friend: None at the moment
Magically hardened scales: Deekin once had his scales magically enchanted, giving the appearance of gold yet as durable as steel (Defense vs. wounds

0 / 6 Stress || 0 / 9 Wicked XP || 0 / 3 Reckless XP || 0 / 2 Dark Hearts

Distribute: 2x ★ Rookie | 2x ★★ Trained | 1x ★★★ Specialised
[ ★ ] [ ★ ] [ - ] SCAN / perceptively
[ - ] [ - ] [ - ] TINKER / cleverly
[ ★ ] [ ★ ] [ ★ ] TRICK / slyly

[ ★ ] [ - ] [ - ] Finesse / precisely
[ ★ ] [ ★ ] [ - ] SKULK / sneakily
[ - ] [ - ] [ - ] SMASH / powerfully

[ - ] [ - ] [ - ] BANTER / affably
[ ★ ] [ - ] [ - ] INVOKE / magically
[ - ] [ - ] [ - ] THREATEN / forcefully

Prowler You can spend stress to perform an incredible feat of agility, like slipping unimpeded through a mob, leaping safely from a high tower, or hiding in plain sight
Dark Minded: You can compel other PCs to action just as if the GM had compelled them. If they accept, you gain a dark heart. If they decline, you take stress. The GM is still the final judge of what is an appropriate compel.

0 / 3 Gold || 2 / 2 Supply

Gear: All your stuff goes here.
Gear Slot 1, special: At character creation you get one of the following: Valuable item, Item with an edge (modifier), tier 1 contraption, magic item, or three doses of a potion or concoction. Alternatively, take 1 gold.
Gear Slot 2: At character creation you get one slot as an advanced item and the rest are normal versions of things that are quite common.
Gear Slot 3: At character creation you get one slot as an advanced item and the rest are normal versions of things that are quite common.
Gear Slot 4: At character creation you get one slot as an advanced item and the rest are normal versions of things that are quite common.

Supplies: Everything else.
1x Like Like
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Cao the Exiled
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Cao the Exiled

Member Seen 6 mos ago


°• ☯ •°


❝ Sometimes a deal with the devil is better then no deal at all. ❞




➤ True Name: Unknown

➤ Nickname: Loki

➤ Age: Too old to count

➤ Gender: Male

➤ Species: Imp, Consular

➤ Sexuality: Whoever he gods damn pleases!




➤ Height: 2' with 3' wing span

➤ Weight: 10lb

➤ Body Shape: thin and frail

➤ Special Markings: tattoos along his back with infernal symbols, glows bright white when using magic

➤ Scars: None visible

➤ Piercings: None visible

➤ Eye Color: An ethereal blue that glows even in the brightest of days.

➤ Eye Shape: Thin, slightly slanted




➤ Personality: Sanguine~ Loki can be extremely talkative, enthusiastic, and social.

➤ Habits: He is debaucherous, going out of his way to cause trouble and mischief. Though he takes his job as a collector very seriously, all job and no play makes imps very dangerous boys.

➤ Hobbies: Tattooing, Loki has a unique way of giving power to his contactees. Through arcane tattoos, he can make the most basic peasant into a killing machine, all with a cost.

➤ Soft Spot: Scratches under the chin, alcohol, attractive woman and of course, snacks.

➤ Pet Peeves: Being made fun of do to his size, belittlement, chose trying to cheat him, steal or seek loop holes in a contract.

➤ Fears: This one will be kept a secret




➤ Father: N/A

➤ Mother: N/A

➤ Siblings: Too many to count

➤ Other Relatives: None known

➤ Children: None

➤ Best Friend: None

➤ Love Interests: None

➤ Rival: None

➤ Enemy: None




➤ Biography/Description:




➤ Weaknesses: Loki has a limited skill in magic offered from his master. Other then his magic, Loki is next to useless in a real fight, simply preferring to either trick others to fight for him or simply run.

➤ Strengths: Like all imps of his type, he possesses razor like claws and teeth and a stinger that injects a highly hallucinogenic toxin into the foe. This toxin, though non-lethal, causes the victim to see disturbing images and grow in fear. Loki's magic is of unique designs, tied to the tattoos he uses on his body.

➤ Weapon: Nothing, nada




➤ ❝Meh, who needs a soul? ❞




➤ Dominant Hand: Right

➤ Protagonist or Antagonist?: Antagonist

➤ Archetype: Soul collector, arcane tattooist
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Cao the Exiled

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Cao the Exiled

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Cao the Exiled
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Cao the Exiled

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Cao the Exiled
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Cao the Exiled

Member Seen 6 mos ago


°• ☯ •°



First Name: Nobis


Last Name: Adaar

Age: 50

Gender: Female

Species: Tal-Vashot (Fey'ri)




Height: 6'11"

Weight: 250 lbs

Body Shape: Tall and muscular.

Special Markings: Has various Qunari tribal tattoos through out her body.

Scars: As a veteran war commander and soldier, she not only has scars covering most of her body, but sports two enchanted prosthetic arms.

Piercings: Has several piercings on both ears, nose and hints at other places.

Hair Color: Raven Black

Hair Type: Shoulder length.

Hair Style: Almost always worn in corn rows

Eye Color: Has a striking purple look




Personality: At times she can be quiet and reserved, in other times she can be loud and blustererous. Nabis usually has a "take not shit" attitude.

Habits: Swears, a lot. Usually drinks a lot more if stressed or annoyed.

Hobbies: Nabis is a craft brewer, specializing in beers and meads. She likes to experiment with new recipes from time to time. Even though retired, she still practices her sword play every day and magic studies.

Pet Peeves: Ass hats who starts shit in her god damn tavern!




Father: Kubek Adaar

Mother: Sumasan Adaar

Siblings: Yenasan Adaar (Younger sister)

Other Relatives: None known

Children: None

Best Friend: None

Love Interests: None

Rival: None

Enemy: None




Biography/Description: Nabis was once a soldier







Weaknesses: The path of a Bladesinger is powerful yet strict. Feriarn is a skilled magus and capable of both melee and magic combat. Unfortunately, this path has rules. He's focused his life to learn one weapon, his Moon Spear. Any other weapon that wasn't a spear would throw him off.

Strengths: Bladesingers are incredibly powerful magus. Dedicated to protecting the elven race. The Bladesinger combines the grace of dance with the deadliness of combat. Though restricted to one weapon, the bladesinger is near unmatched. Accompanied this, the Bladesinger may cast their spells with only one hand at a slightly slower rate. Finally, as a Magus, Bladesingers can channel magic energy into their weapons, enhancing their deadliness.

Weapon: Moonblade Spear

Weapon Name: Drathirvelve of House Dlardrageth

Weapon Type: Moonblade spear, enchanted, sentient.

Combat Skills and Ability:

~Path of the Bladesinger: A Bladesinger is another type of Magus, masters of magic and combat. The Bladesinger is able to cast spells with one hand, and able to maintain a defensive stance. Bladesingers are known for their grace, literally dancing through the field as they strike down their foe.

->Capable of casting spells with somatic spell components one handed, but at a slower rate.

->Can cast a spell and maintain a defensive stance with no penalty. Can do melee attacks and touch spells at once as long as the weapon is one handed.

~Art of the Magus: Magus not only can cast spells and fight, a Magus can imbue their bonded weapon with magic energy, allowing them to flow magic energy from them, into their weapon. Doing so allows them to temporarily enchant their weapon, making it stronger and sharper, or even enhance with elemental energy. Later on, their are other tricks and combat styles a Magus can learn to use.

Racial Skills and Ability:

~Soul of Drathirvelve: Ghost elves, ironically, are not ghosts at all. They are called so for their preferred isolation and natural bioluminescence. Pair this with their ghostly pail skin and ghostly white hair, ghost elves give a ghastly appearance. Ghost elves, once a secluded subrace of elf on the material plain, now resides in the Ether. Through decades of absorbing the ethereal energy around them, they have mastered the art of melding with it, becoming ethereal themselves.

->Etherealness: Through the will of the Ether, Ghost elves are able to shift their body, becoming ethereal it's self. This allows them to pass through the material as if a spirit. They can only stay in this state for a brief moment

~Blood of the Daemonfey:




It is a plane out of phase. It is a place of ghosts and monsters. It is right next to you, and you don't even see it.

❝[color=DeepSkyBlue] [/color]❞

❝[color=DeepSkyBlue] [/color]❞




Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous, but favors left.

Protagonist or Antagonist?: Depends on who's point of view

Archetype: Magus/Bladesinger
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Cao the Exiled
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Cao the Exiled

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Cao the Exiled
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Cao the Exiled

Member Seen 6 mos ago




First Name: Thess


Last Name: Has dropped it long ago

Age: 50

Gender: Female

Species: Githyanki




Height: 6'5"

Weight: 175 lbs

Body Shape: Tall, lanky and gaunt

Special Markings: None

Scars: None that's visible

Piercings: Has several piercings upon her ears, eyebrows, a nose ring and a couple other places~

Hair Color: Raven Black

Hair Type: Shoulder length, naturally curly

Hair Style: Almost always worn in corn rows

Eye Color: Has an ethereal blue like eyes that has a faint glow to them




Habits: Swears, a lot. Usually drinks a lot more if stressed or annoyed. Thess is constantly out looking for a fight.

Hobbies: Sneaking, stealing, vigilantism, gambling, oh, and playing the violen




Hometown: T'n'rekris

Culture/Tradition: Nomadic vigilanty

Backstory:Thess lived most of her life on the streets of T'n'rekris. To make a living, she took to joining minor gangs, taking petty jobs here and there as a thief, thug and times, hit-man assassin. Wanting more then petty crime, Thess joined up with a raider party, hoping to make a living in the slave trade. It's on her first raid however, that the party bit off more than they could chew. While on a visit in the primal plane, her party attacked a bandit hold which was rumored to have some slave pact with an illithid colony. Unfortunately, the attack did not go as planned and the bandits, though now weak, ultimately won. Thess was held a slave for weeks till an adventuring party, who was hired to deal with the hold, swept through and defeated the bandits. Discovering the bandit's slave pen, the party freed the slaves, including Thess. After weeks of reflecting on her life as a raider, Thess had joined up with a local adventurer's guild which specialized with bounty hunting.




Weaknesses: Though Thess is a capable fighter, most of her tactics require fitness and speed. Thess is definitely not a raw strength power fighter. Secondly, all of Thess's abilities require psychic powers. If Thess goes against an advisor that blocks her from her psychic powers, she would be severely weakened.


[color=3BF0FF]Weapon: /color]

Weapon Type:

Combat Skills and Ability:

~Path of the Soulblade:

->Capable of casting spells with somatic spell components one handed, but at a slower rate.

->Can cast a spell and maintain a defensive stance with no penalty. Can do melee attacks and touch spells at once as long as the weapon is one handed.

~Art of the Echo Knight:

Racial Skills and Ability:

~Soul of Drathirvelve: Ghost elves, ironically, are not ghosts at all. They are called so for their preferred isolation and natural bioluminescence. Pair this with their ghostly pail skin and ghostly white hair, ghost elves give a ghastly appearance. Ghost elves, once a secluded subrace of elf on the material plain, now resides in the Ether. Through decades of absorbing the ethereal energy around them, they have mastered the art of melding with it, becoming ethereal themselves.

->Etherealness: Through the will of the Ether, Ghost elves are able to shift their body, becoming ethereal it's self. This allows them to pass through the material as if a spirit. They can only stay in this state for a brief moment

~Blood of the Daemonfey:




It is a plane out of phase. It is a place of ghosts and monsters. It is right next to you, and you don't even see it.

❝[color=DeepSkyBlue] [/color]❞

❝[color=DeepSkyBlue] [/color]❞




Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous, but favors left.

Protagonist or Antagonist?: Depends on who's point of view

Archetype: Magus/Bladesinger
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Cao the Exiled
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Cao the Exiled

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Gender: Female (She/Her) | Age: 14 | Height: 5'0 | Weight 130lbs

d20 - Flight | d12 - Brain | d10 - Fight | d8 - Charm | d6 - Brawn | d4 - Grit

Name: Maeshel "Mae" Kirtholnodel

Appearance: Mae is short and lean, even for female Shadar-Kai standards. Between artistic fascination, and cultural practice, most of Mae's body is artistically covered with ritual scarecations. Most of the scarring has been inked in, making tghem even more visable. Though during most of the times, Mae wears simple peirings, when feeling extra exotic, she'll place her rings in, wearing chains between ear rings and even nose

Personality: Though Mae longs for friendship and companionhood, she is often soft spoken and seen as a loner. Mae tends to wear a hard shell and it takes a lot to break through but when someone does, she becomes extremely alive and friendly. When Mae is home in Shadowfell or is visited by her family, it's like night and day. Where she seeks friendship and acceptance, Mae becomes reserved and cold. Though her family are heavily devout to the Ravenqueen and even runs one of the main cults both on the material plane and Shadowfell, Mae's faith has been less strong, a disapointment held especally strong by her father who is a High Prist.

Background: Maeshel "Mae" Kirtholnodel is a Shadar-Kai elf, born and residing in the gloomy plane of Shafowfell. Her family, devout cultists of the revered Raven Queen. Its now Mae's turn to attend the magic school yet she has the hard desition of following her passion of the arts, or tradition.

Upon her mother's untimely death upon Mae's birth, her wand was passed down to Mae for when she reached the age to become a training to become a mage. To get her comfortable in the "madain world", Mae has spent the last couple years with her Aunt and Uncle, both who tends to a family owned Morgue. As a "Coming of age" gift, Mae's aunt gifted her her broom, a Bolting 4000.

Shadow Affinity: All Shadar-Kai go through some level of shadow magic, one of the most basic shadow magic abilities is to be able to blend into the shadows.

Gifted: Mae comes from a family of renoun in the Shadowfell. Most are masters of Shadow Magic, others Clerics of the Grave. The Kirtholnodel takes their magic ability extremely serious, all members are trained rigorously, and at times, aggressively, from childhood till they reach the age to attend Strixhaven.

Compulsive: Shadowfell is a bleak and frankly, rather depressing plane of existence. Because of her freedom from the Fell, Mae becomes compulsive in doing whatever she can, before she must return to her morose homeland.

Conspicuous: The over-the-top goth kid~ The Fell is a bleak and desilate place and it tends to show in its inhabitants. Like most Shadar-Kai, Mae tends to adorn herself in black clothing and is decorated with skulls, bones and symbols of The Ravenqueen. Furthermore, most would find Mae's macabre hobby of bone sculpting to be a bit... disturbing.
Atelophobia: Mae comes from a heavily religious family of death priests. Her family carries their faith with extreme furver and expect the same to all members. A lot of expectation is placed on Mae's shoulders as she's expected to not only follow tradition into the Withergloom school, but to carry on the family cult and morgue upon graduation. Mae's father, the current head of the cult, has applied the most pressure on her shoulders, which has made her fearful of disappointing not only her father and family, but her friends.

Sports: Shadow Dancing and fencing
Hobbies: Bone Sculpting
Class topic: Dance, Shadow Magic, Art
Others: Attending plays and musicals. Secretly loves reading sappy romances

Bright and vibrant colors. Those with an "energetic personality" or aggressively friendly get on her nerves. Mae cant stand the "over-confident jock or prep".

Habits: Mae has an odd quirk of conversing with her sculptures and even treat them as living things. Mae keeps a large collection of random bones and skulls, mostly of animals, and often will take naturally fallen animals and magically decompose them, cleaning the bones and using them.

Wand: Mae inherited her wand from her mother. The wand was rumored to be a gift from the Ravenqueen herself for her family's loyalty. There's scheptism on this claim, but that's said, it had been passed through the woman of the family for generations. The bone is from an unknown origin. The bone is naturally black and has runes etched into it. Affixed above the handle is a fetish of a raven skull and feathers fetish.

  • Unique Bone: +1 Flight
  • Raven Fetish: +1 Brain

Broom: Bolting 4000: You get +1 to Flight checks

Name: Rask
Spicies: Magic Bone Construct
Description: (wip)

Classes (If 1st or 2nd year, pick a total of 3 from the General Studies list above. If Third year, confer with the GM):

Schoolbag (Inventory):
Basic School supplies
Art pad and drawing supplies
Handful of random small animal bones in a small box
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