Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Or how to pick up a Playbeing and a ton of trouble”

"Live fast, die young, and leave a good-looking corpse."
-Nick Romano-

….Not just pretty words or an impossible goal in the Dystopian World of Cyberpunk, if you have the money beauty can be bought. But beauty at high levels becomes too costly and to prove it are those called Playbeings who sacrificed their own ghosts to become the perfect Erotic Exotic.

It is claimed by Siren Cybernetics that all Playbeings are legally created from men and women who signed away the rights of their bodies to the Corp to erase debt or crime but I have heard rumors that whisper of sinister origins of some of these servants of society.

But I’m not here to judge.

Soo Into a Solo / Street Samurai bar Walked a Playbeing dressed as a soft Dominatrix teacher type.

Hi I have been craving a Cyberpunk RP to explore the violent and beautiful Dystopia that is Punk.

Not really sure how many of you really understand Cyberpunk but I also don’t mind explaining; “Ask Questions”

There are all sorts of roles in Cyberpunk

Solo/Street Samurai These are the guns for hire and how they cut themselves and replaced their meat is as varied as tattoos; Oh and there are plenty of those too. Some look as meat as a Beaver brat in the gated hoods of the corporate herds and others flaunt their metal, it’s all a matter of style, cash, and access.

Netdivers These guys ride the virtual world as Programmers, Hackers, Thieves, Spies, and Netslingers. The latter are kind of virtual assassins who kill, destroy, or, erase people’s ghosts and even take on AIs….maybe I was in one of those?

Street/Bush Docs Not exactly med school guys the Docs keep solo teams running and make a steady income on the side if they don’t mind doing their thing in the back room of a bar or some ditch near the equator. They can patch meat and repair the cyber connection points or install new headware for Netdivers who can’t afford the nice Fedcorp hospitals; next to a Cybertech these guys are gold. I seen a Doc once get traded five times in 7 weeks of fighting back in Hondo….no body wastes a Doc.

Fixers And I don’t mean mechanics these guys are the guys you go to for information, connections, guns, drugs, sex…..they fix things so you get what you want and it can be cheap or cost you your soul.

Cybertech Need your metal repaired, modified or replaced then it’s these guys you look for, they build the metal of the street and some are better than the Fedies at design if you don’t mind a few quirks. They like the Docs are usually neutral parties in conflict and like Doc’s will fix the guys who just wiped out their solo squad if they want to go on breathing and in more peaceful environments greedy bastards who charge an arm and leg for an arm and leg.

Now about the world and history in a nutshell

We got factory cities on the moon and in orbit

Due to our grannies and parents screwing up the planet we have waste lands surrounding Archaeologies which are Mega cities of as few as 9 million to a few at 45 mill. Sure you can live outside but it's a dirty dangerous life even in those places where life decided to hang on.

In the wilderness of the world there are still things worth fighting for ...well at least they spend a lot of effort and lives to take or protect and these are called the brush wars. They aren’t fought between the Fedie Corps who replaced the governments of the world; no they need the army to keep the people under control, crack so skulls if they get loud or smack some corp that got caught ….making trouble for a more connected corp.

It is in the Brush wars that the Solo’s and their type of street contractor make their cash hoping some day to have a window that looks over a street that isn’t covered in trash cast down on them from above...they say “Shit rolls downhill” and most people this story is about those that live at the bottom of that hill.

I can fill you in on anymore or listen to your angle but on the latter reserve the right to turn away, alter, fold, spindle, or mutilate.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hmm....I see people peeking in the window but about there they disappear
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tenslashsix
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Tenslashsix Innocent Bystander

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Herr Doktor Sleepless reporting. Those shrieky girls you left behind are in sync. Everything buzzing, whirring, dialing up as they connect themselves. See what she sees, feel what she feels, all while the bzzt, rrrnnt, eerrneet, meeeeen moans on like so much terrible internet. These gels will do anything for a cheap fix. Let me mix and match you baby doll.

Interested. Will keep my dial up consciousness wired.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Follow the open link to the OOC
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

”But That’s Life
In The End”

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