Sergeant Dane Bennet
Age: 32
Role: Combat Engineer, 1st Combat Engineer Battalion
Physical Description:Dane is a big man, nearly 6'4 and around 240 pounds, he is the type of man you would expect to see in the engineers. He has shaved his head bald and sports a large reddish beard. Like most Engineers he is heavily built, can bend steel with his hands, works hard, and sports several relative tattoos.
Mental description:Dane is a tough man, a mentality owing to his Irish heritage and ten years working the beat as a Patrol Officer, and then Patrol Sergeant for the Boston PD. He has only served two years in the USMC but took to the role like a fish to water. He had found an intense love for destruction and is well known for his motto "A Engineer builds bridges, we blow em up."
Backstory:Dane Bennet started his career in the Boston Police Department at the age of twenty after spending his late teens working on the docks of Boston. The son of Irish immigrants, he went against the grain by becoming a Police Officer and was disowned by his family. He served ten years on the Force, earning the rank of Detective and became well known for making inroads in the local Irish community on a level that had rarely been since before his time. He enlisted a year before Pearl Harbour and joined the 1st Combat Engineer Battalion of the United States Marine Corps, with the support of his Commanding Officer in the Boston PD whose brother was the Battalion Commander.
Bennet was given an equivalent rank in the USMC as the unit was forming new platoons filled with relatively young men. The majority of the squad he commands are eighteen to nineteen years of age and need a steady older hand to guide them. Being fond of the Irish he has taken in as many of his countrymen as he can, this had had the strange effect of making his unit sound rather foreign. He has worked his unit hard and now, on the eve of battle, he prepares to lead them into what will become one of the greatest military actions in United States history.
Personal Weapons: Remington 870 Shotgun, Colt Official Police Pistol, Bayonet, and 4 Fragmentation grenades.
Other Gear:Shovel, assorted explosives, wire cutters, extra knives, etc.