The new school year had officially begun at Beacon Academy. The first years had received their teammate assignments plus their first lesson and the second years had been given a few days of refresher courses. While the first years continued their normal schooling, the second years and up received their first mission assignment of the year to test them. They for the most part would be on their own but a professional huntsman or woman in the area of their assignment would secretly be looking out for them during the time of their mission.
The mission Team BAJE received had them going to the town of Clearwyn which was on the outskirts of the Emerald Forest. Their mission was to take care of the increase of Grimm in the area due to a new gang terrorizing the town. The team was also to report any information on the gang they got along with protecting the citizens from the gang if necessary. They were not, though, supposed to search for or take out the gang on their own. The mission was going to have them stationed in the town for at least five days as it was predicted more and more creature of Grimm were being drawn to the town.
Team's Location:
Town of Clearwyn @ small house town was letting them stay at for the missionImportant Mission Information:
Day 1 of Mission, shortly after arrivalJasper threw her stuff on the ground by the end of the couch, followed by her swords and quivers before she jumped on the couch, landing lying on it the long way on her back. She let out a sigh as she stretched out her body. "Ahh finally we got here. Nice of them to give us a place like this to stay while we are here." The pinkette commented to no one in particular as she folded her arms behind her head.
The team had to walk to the town from the school, it wasn't that bad of a walk. Only about a days walk, so they had left yesterday and camped out overnight and arrived to Clearwyn about midday. The town's mayor had given them more information on Grimm attacks and sightings before showing them to a small house in the town that the team would be staying in during their mission. That's where they were now. The small house had a small kitchen, small living room, a bathroom, and one room that usually only had two twin beds but the town had switched them with bunk beds seeing as the team had four people.
"Soo... What's the plan for the rest of the day?" Jazz asked glancing up at her teammates with her green eyes, "I personally vote the bar since there is no club." She joked with smirk and a wink at her teammates. It was half a joke and also half serious, she was definitely probably the most 'immature' in general of the bunch when it came to that stuff. Although she would argue it really made her more mature. The pinkette loved her team though, they made an interesting bunch... that was for sure true.