Had it not been almost six months since Kiera Whitman had resigned herself to this maddening endeavor, she would not have had her customized, personal ship dive down into the green, imposing sphere floating arrogantly into one of the billions of solar systems in the galaxy. Lead upon lead, nothing concrete emerged, until now. NG-449, a planet greener than Earth, or even Amaetra her home planet, due to a considerable lack of oceans and rocky mountains. This planet was completely covered in forests, with little variety when it comes to the surface world. The climate was very oddly regular, with only rare shifts that'd actually affect the environment in any considerable manner. Though this homogeneous nature could also be put on the complete lack of any disturbance from sapient beings or even outside forces. One could only speculate, as this planet remained virgin of any interference from the governments. Well, officially anyway.
The closest clearing in this dense conglomerate of forests would allow Kiera's ship to land neatly without any signs of possible complications. She would land onto this green, lush piece of land as an external, malicious microbe on an untouched, native organism that would not know what was coming. When she would eventually emerge from her ship once confirming that oxygen levels were acceptable and the atmosphere was as vanilla as it could get, she'd notice one thing in particular.
The rain.
This wasn't tropical by any means, and it did not resemble the rain forests from her native lands. And yet, it rained enough to create bogs. Once stepping out, the overly damp nature of the soil would almost suck her in as if the whole earth was one big puddle of highly viscous mud. Nothing too bad, especially with her unique suit, but noteworthy. It wouldn't help that the grey clouds in the sky spanned for miles, signaling no change in this godawful weather in the near future. No matter, she had a job to do.
Around her, nothing but trees, vines and slight alleviation of earth plateaus. The trees were tall, slightly taller than those commonly found in Earth's forests. Some resembled pines, others were similar to more generic types, those that could cover many meters with their expanding branches like a wondrous umbrella. Though even with so many leafs, the rain would pour through, a testament to the strong torrent that continuously befell the area. She had to march North, as the "signal" she had picked up from her latest lead would indicate her target to be in that area.
Though before she'd commence her adventure, something else other than Kiera would be deployed from the ship. A small, Soft Ball sized drone would leisurely levitate out of the vessel's confines and start to float in circles around the well equipped lass. Its one, red optical tool seemingly scanning the area with a flat, 'scanning' light.
"No threats detected."
A monotonous, robotic echo was released from the machine's vocalization module as it'd turn to face what was apparently its own. An awkward pause, before an 'arm' would extend out of it.
"... Except for the fact that you are a bum. That is definitely a threat to my well-being."
The monotonous tone was completely purged as if it were just an act, exchanged for a more quippy, sly voice combined with slight robotic filters. Its released appendage even seemed to gesture in her direction as the humor bomb was dropped.
"Can't blame you though, Kiera. This rain really doesn't go with the white suit. It's just going to get smudges all over! Anyway ..."
To the North, it'd point.
"Guess we got a job to do."