Name: Amhimitl
Sobriquets: The Spear of the Hunt, Hasta Ji
Concept: A young apprentice, scarred by a journey beyond the Edge of the World, twisted by the mutterings of the unknown and plagued with visions.
Origin: Amihimitl, the Spear of the Hunt, began life under a different name, now lost to the world. He was the third son of a merchant dynasty, set up from a young age to apprentice with the family alchemist. He learnt all about the native, imported plants, the bits of creatures and types of bugs that could heal or harm or create or destroy. The alchemical trades were the key to mastering mercantilism. Through it, meats could last journeys across deserts, banquets could be created from husks with a few drops of water, and a dull weapon when unsheathed could cut through stone.
But this all changed when the head of the Family was wrangled into a deal to support an expedition into the Edge of the Known World. Committed, lest the Family lose face, the Head sent his third son (amongst others) on this expedition; after all, he had more sons and such a commitment stood him well in the courts of honor and let him forgo some other assets more valuable to the Family. Risk versus reward, if the Third Son returned he would bring the family much fame and riches; if not, there were other apprentices.
The expedition went as well as one could expect. Fell beasts were slain, riches gathered, and the party was slaughtered one by one by one as they sought to escape with their bounty. Every day, every hour, whittled the manpower, morale, and sanity of the group, until the few remaining went their separate ways, each arguing that this way was the exit of the neverending jungle (when, in fact, they were deeper than they had ever been before).
Chased by dire creatures unimaginable, thus the Third Son became Amihimitl. Stumbling through the tunnels and rooms of an ancient city that had lost its fight with the jungle, he found himself saved, the sinister essence chasing him cut down with beams of light and fire from a room with many Eyes embedded in the walls. Stuck in this room of many eyes, he saw the Third Son looking at the Alchemist's Apprentice looking at himself from two score angles. Looking through himself, from himself, with himself, at himself collapsing on the ground.
When he awoke he felt different. He felt emboldened, powerful, and he felt a connection to something otherworldly. He could see through the eyes around the room - and some elsewhere. He could see parts of cities, caves, forests that were many hundreds, thousands of leagues from where he was. He could also hear a great creature calling to him, telling him who he was now. No longer the Third Son, an Apprentice Alchemist, now he is the Spear of the Hunt, he holy weapon of the ancient Hunter who laid dormant for millenia. He can feel the Blind Spearman at loss without his Weapon and without his Eyes. So, dressing himself with what was left before him, and after gathering up the Eyes, the Spear follows the Call.
Appearance: Day to day, Amhimitl travels as a merchant - making use of his former training as an alchemist providing healing salves and tonics to small villages he passes through. Dressed in contemporary clothing, he travels on a cart with filled with alchemical supplies, often joining other merchant caravans temporarily. Within the cart he hides the equipment that he was guided to after he awoke in the Temple: armor, shields, weapons and decorative feathers from a long dead beast.

Skills and Flaws
Alchemist: For all his young life - all his past life - Amhimitl was trained as an alchemist. Primarily specialising in the natural arts, without transmutation of core elements, he won’t be changing lead to gold any time soon.
Jaguar Warrior: Once awoken in the temple, Amhimitl felt out of place. In the back of his mind he had memories of war, revelling in violence and bloodshed despite never drawing blood on another being before the expedition. Through the prompting of the Blind Spearman and the Eyes, Amhimitl learnt how to master these memories of the Spear who came before him, and can fight like the Champion of the Gods that now believes he is.
Avatar of the Hunt: Amhimitl is a man of two worlds. In his old life as the Third Son he spent all his life in cities. He can slip unnoticed through crowds, find shortcuts through what would be impassable terrain to a non-urbanite, and navigate the undercurrents of a city that would go unnoticed by most. Also though the ancient memories given to him, he's as much at home in the wilderness as he is in the city, able to survive alone on what nature provides. These survival skills in stalking and hunting can also come into play in the city - which is merely a jungle of stone.
Indecisive Puppet: Amhimitl was chosen because he is impressionable. He rarely thinks for himself, always focusing on the opinion of others to guide his path.
- Somewhere deep inside him he is still the Third Son of a great merchant family, and he longs to return to their fold.
- Amhimitl is a puppet of Mixcoatl, a Nephilim who describes himself as the God of the Hunt, and thus believes as the Champion of this god that it’s his responsibility to ensure that people worship the Blind Spearman.
- Amhimitl knows there are other Ancient Nephilim out there without their mortal avatars and he seeks to revive them.
Initiation: When he awoke in the ruined temple he found he had powers unnatural to mankind, an innate connection to a being which described itself as a god, intimate knowledge of the lives of dozens of other people who held his position in past lives, and a connection to dozens of Eyes..
Eyes of a God: Amhimitl has collected 42 Eyes, small orbs each of unique shape and colour. Through these eyes he, and Mixcoatl, can see the world, no matter where the Eye is. He knows there are others out there, scattered throughout the world - some in Museums, some trapped where they fell during a battle long ago, some just lying waiting to be found - and he does his best to collect them. The Eyes can fly and stick to surfaces and can shoot beams of hot light.
Warrior Jaguar: Amhimitl can transform into this beast of the jungle at will, though it looks rather out of place roaming the temperate forests of the Known World.
Human Sacrifice: Through some arcane conduit unknown to him, through a ritual act forgotten by Mortals for millenia, he can absorb and distribute the strength of another mortal. He can also bank up this strength for a little while, but not too long.
Nephilim: Mixcoatl
Sobriquets: The Blind Spearman, God of the Hunt
Concept: A manipulative, Nephilim defeated many millennia ago, looking for revenge.
Form: Mixcoatl a truly massive creature seemingly made from some kind of stone that towers above most structures that mortals have the veracity to attempt to build. It is top heavy, so typically moves around by knuckle-walking, though can move bipedally for short distances, and has massive reverse wings coming from its lower back that enables it to fly short distances. Mixcoatl is blind and cannot see without his Eyes being near, which cannot be powered without his Spear - Amhimitl.

Ancient: One of the eldest Nephilim, Mixcoatl has forgotten more about arcanery and war than most will ever learn… that is, if it could forget. The Blind Spearman can rip thoughts and memories out of someones head, leaving an empty husk. It can then give someone else’s life to that husk or give the memories to another living creature.
Goliath: Mixcoatl is truly massive, gigantic, enormous. Its physical prowess is unmatched.
Flight: Mixcoatl’s weird, deformed wings can allow flight for a short distance.
Blind: The Blind Spearman is… blind. Without his Spear he can see nothing, hear nothing, sense nothing. An immortal mind trapped in a mountain.