Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by GambolMuse
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GambolMuse Resurrected from the PBP graveyard!

Member Seen 11 days ago

Name: Ethan Campbell

Race: Muran

Age: 20


Art done by Midorynn!

  • Speed Magic - Ethan accelerates himself using air magic, running and striking much quicker than a normal fighter.
  • Air Burst Magic - Releasing concentrated bursts of air magic, Ethan can knock away opponents, deflect attacks or launch himself to high places - the latter of which he rarely uses, poor landing strategies.


  • A bo staff, made of treated snakewood with small steel rings around the ends, both reinforcing and packing an extra punch with strikes.
  • A small, wrist-mounted launcher which contains woven steel coils. Used to swing himself in conjunction with his magic for excellent maneuverability. More often than not ends up flying into something.

Brief history: From the tiny forest town of Kinsgrove, Ethan is a novice Magi and hapless explorer. He grew up enamored by guards, the concept of upholding the justice and maintaining the peace. Even at a young age he hurried along the brave men and women of Kinsgrove, and more often than not snuck along during patrols to see them in action. He would frequently be seen in town, wooden sword in hand, helping guards with their day-to-day activities. When he grew up he was determined to join them and help keep Kinsgrove and the surrounding lands peaceful and quiet for all of its residents.

Ethan would have his chance at playing peacekeeper, though not in the way he had hoped. In a regular training session with the town's resident Magi, an old man by the name of Cedric, members of the Church visited the town. Practicing magic was explicitly forbidden without license, this was known but kept quiet. For who was going to turn in a child and a beloved, long time citizen of their village? Though their first offense the Church made an extreme declaration: both Cedric and Ethan would be taken away and sentenced within one of the cities. In the blink of an eye Ethan's world changed and he found himself in a wholly new environment, the one person he knew carted off to a cell somewhere.

His fate would be a bit different. Instead of being locked up as a prisoner he would be changed into a Hunter for the Church. With very little formal training both in magic and swordplay he had a lot of work to do. When it became apparent they could not instruct him in any reasonable amount of time he was passed, declared a Hunter and relegated to simple jobs. Help to settle local disputes, clean up the city, and on a very rare occasion, actually accompany other Hunters to find a Magi. He preferred the menial tasks: dragging people into custody was never enjoyable and he never quite felt like he was dishing out justice. But he hadn't a choice, he was a Hunter now, and he'd do as the Church told him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raylah


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pascal


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Adrianna Kirchner. Goes by Adrian Vargas
Age: 22
Gender: Female, but dresses and travels as a male
Race: Mura

Healing- Adrianna can manipulate her own energy and the energy of others to heal. While her healing does not remove all scarring, it has saved lives before. Healing a lot wears her out, and she has traditional non-magic healing capabilities as well, which she uses more frequently than her magic.

Light Orb-Adrianna can create and control an orb of light to illuminate a dark area. It does not put off heat, however. She has good control over its size, and has recently learned how to “throw” it at people to startle or confuse them. It disappears if she loses concentration or it gets too far away from her.

Gear: She carries herbs, salves, and some basic medical supplies that she has gathered together in a pouch that hangs on her waist. Adrianna carries a small dagger in her left boot, and a two section bo staff, split, one on each hip. She also carries a sling-shot, and is able to use a bow, though she doesn't currently have one.

She carries flint and firesteel, some dried meat for rations, and a container of water in a satchel over her shoulder. In there is also a small book and writing utensil, in which she has drawings and information about plants and their many uses for healing, eating, and poisoning.

History: Adrianna currently travels as a man, as she is “on the run” from the Church. She doesn’t usually think anyone is looking for her, though occasional bouts of paranoia keep her in hiding. When she first left, she was nervous about being a young woman traveling alone, and so she put on a guise and became a “healer for hire.” She mostly uses non-magic healing, though occasionally infuses a bit of magic to prevent infection or prevent mortal wounds. The group she has traveled with for the last two years does not know for certain she is a mage, or even that she is a she…though there have been suspicions when men were able to walk within a few days of grievous injuries. No one asked, and “Adrian” didn’t tell. After all, every man in their company of bandits had a story, and few of them wanted to share their own. Still, she could not stay in their company any longer…”Adrian” should have started growing facial hair, his voice should have deepened, and overall it was too much of a risk. So off she went.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: C-X 00 “Cecil”

Age: 8 months since prime activation

Gender: None, goes by the male pronoun

Race: Machina model based on Mura

Appearance: Built to appear friendlier and to avoid damage through physical abuse, Cecil was built to appear as close to a Mura youngster under the assumption people would be less inclined to hurt a child. Standing at 4’8” he has a surprising weight in his arms and legs while the rest of his body is lightweight and durable. His arms and legs can be removed to change his clothing while the strap across his chest can be unbuckled from the front.

Magic: Self-technopathy – Cecil can attach machinery onto his body and control it.

Gear: Power gauntlets used by construction and repair Machina upgraded to the highest spec. Comes with a self-service kit. Cecil’s boots allow him to run vertically on surfaces and walk upside-down through the release of magnetic currents. He can’t run or walk like this on wood and vibrations can cause him to fall.

Brief history: Part of an experimental range of Machina that are designed to be able to blend in with normal people. It is believed he was designed to be a helper Machina, Cecil was possibly due to be released and established as a builder who would help with construction; however, Cecil held little interest in being one of these and seemingly escaped. The exact circumstances of his escape are unknown, even to him as the last memory he has was being out in the great wild world. The programming within him probably knew what he was doing here so the surprise to be had was not massively overwhelming.

Cecil felt he had a purpose if he was being sent to this side of the realm and immediately he was off looking for it, searching for what he was programmed to fulfil. Completely unaware of the troubles and even the Church of the land, his outlook was naïve at best. He was a hard working Machina, he knew that much, and to find what he needed to do was his top priority. He knew how to read but couldn’t write, if questioned about his looks he felt he knew the answer, telling people they were for construction work. Those travelling would rarely question him and would either be curious about the maker of his Machina to which would only confuse him.

Cecil didn’t know much about this world but learning it from travellers proved fruitful. He learned that people used machinery quite commonly and people didn’t appear to know he was just the same as that machinery. Learning from these people was proving to be educational, but he still had some questions that needed answering. Any other Machina he came across and tried to talk to didn’t have any sort of leverage for conversation, as if they didn’t have a mind like him and was simply ‘following the program’. Whether he was following his program or his own curiosity he couldn’t quite tell, but he had to find some answers somewhere in his own time. To explore the world and find what he needed to do was his first objective.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 5 days ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TaroAndSelia
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TaroAndSelia Returned from a Distant Land

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Freya Cattail
Race: Muran
Age: 26

Appearance: Freya stands at 5' 2", small and light. She has hazel eyes and a bright smile. Dirty-blonde hair hangs down to her shoulders, often pulled back into a ponytail to be out of the way. Her clothing is very plain: she'll usually wear a simple, modest dress made of cotton, her favorite being of a soft blue hue and without design or ornamentation; as the weather turns cold, she'll switch to a wool dress.

Magic: Sensing, coupled with amplification or interference. Aunt Helen also shared her knowledge of wood magic--enough for Freya to have a green thumb but still be inconspicuous.

Sensing - reading the flow of magic in the world. Every form of life has a flow, that is, its own connection to the magic in the world. Freya has been taught how to identify organisms through the magic--up to a certain range, irrespective of physical barriers such as walls.

Amplification - though she hasn’t learned many spells of her own, Freya knows how to channel her flow into that of another, enabling them to cast stronger spells.

Interference - conversely, she can channel her flow against that of another, weakening the spell or even cancelling it if it was comparatively weak to begin with.

Green Thumb - Freya is good with plants. She can spot disease, and often cure it; and she knows how to give plants a little push in their growth.

Traveling Staff - a sturdy, straight stick of yew, wrapped in leather at the middle and capped with steel weights at both ends. Freya uses it interchangeably (and proficiently) as a walking stick and a weapon.
Traveler’s Pack - A leather bag with shoulder straps and a sash that ties around the waist to keep it in place. It has good volume, as Freya essentially lives out of this bag while traveling from one town to the next. Currently it contains:
two changes of clothes
a lightweight pot
a canteen
a compass and map
two candles
a half-filled notebook and three pencils
two apples and a loaf of bread.
a small spray bottle filled with concentrated Donotate juice--pepper spray, essentially.

Brief History:
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