Name: Kitah'ra Vanos
Species - Human - Mandalorian
System of Origin - Mandalore
Planet of Origin - Mandalore
Current planet - Jedha
Kitah'ra, or Kit as she was known by her family as born in the capital city of Sundari, known for being the home of the duchess of Mandalore.
She was a happy child, playing amongst the other children, and learning to fly, using a jet pack she was required to build herself, by her father. However, times didn't stay happy, for Kit. With a civil war brewing in the galaxy, and humans all around fearing Mandalorians on some level, it seemed everyone was out to get them.
First, it was the mass poisoning. Many of her friends were killed, when a black market smuggler added too much slabin to the imported tea that the school children loved. She was spared, for some reason.
Her father attempted to calm her, easing her anxiety, telling her that no one was coming after them, even though the rumors were already swirling that Mandalore could possibly be a target of something bigger.
That something bigger finally came for them, as the Shadow Collective gained control of the capital. At first, it seemed they could just keep their heads down and pretend that everything was fine.
Other than leadership changing, maybe nothing actually would change. That was proven to be insanely false, as Kit's mother decided to rebel, along with Clan Kryze. Lead by Bo Katan, her mother flew into battle faster than she had ever seen her do anything. She fought valiantly, but was taken down by the Death Watch, having sworn allegiance to Darth Maul. The death was a deciding blow for Kit. She decided she didn't like change. She didn't like the Jedi. She didn't like the Sith. She didn't like the force, or anyone who believed in the same religion as the terrorists who destroyed her life.
Not long after the tea incident, the republic sent a number of Clone Troopers and a young Padawan to protect and help the children. Where most of the clones were simply grunting brutes, one caught Kit's attention. While reading, one day, a Clone approached her. At first she was terrified, staring up at him from beneath her straight blonde hair. He never raised his weapon. He never offered to hurt her. He simply took a seat
on the ground next to her, removed his helmet and tapped on her book. "What are you reading?", he asked her. She did not answer him, but he sat there anyways, still and quiet. As he turned his head to peer off in the distance, Kit noticed a large scar above his eyebrow. The scar didn't mean much to her then, but it would come to mean everything to her, later on.
Only weeks later, a seige was lay on Mandalore. Many were killed, including Kit's father. It wasn't originally the purpose of the seige to kill anyone, but when you threaten to take a Mandalorian from their home, things can get complicated and violent. Kit ran to her father's side, the eleven year old sobbing as she leaned her head down to touch his chest. His helmet was still covering his face, but the blood that ran down the side
of his neck told the story. She was alone.
As she lay there, mourning the death of the last of her family members, a helmet was suddenly dropped onto her head. Gasping, she looked around for who had touched her, afraid that the helmet was some sort of blinding object, to kidnap her. It was quickly obvious that she was wearing a mandalorian helmet. She was yanked from the ground, and carried into a hut, where hands made quick work, strapping armor onto her body, and placing a vest and more armor against her chest. The person didn't speak, only worked quickly, and skillfully, to make sure she was completely covered, head to toe in armor, that oddly fit her. She turned to the person, "Who are you?"
"Just a friend.", as he came into view, Kit recognized the Clone Trooper helmet, and gasped, "No no no no...shhh. We are getting out of here. I'm not going to let you, or the others die..."
They managed to escape the chaos outside, dragging the other children with them. A junky freighter was the only ship available, that had the size they needed, and was as far away from the other Clones as possible. Kitah'ra, Barron, and four other children boarded the ship, and began their travels to find safe haven.
Kit traveled with Barron for several months, having dropped most of the children on outer rim planets, safe with adoptive parents who were instructed to not ask questions, and to simply keep them safe. Kit, however,
was the last of the children. After a while, Barron began to feel they needed to settle somewhere, or rather, she needed to settle somewhere. So, he carried her as far as he could, finally settling on a planet that would be the last place anyone would think to look for a Mandalorian: Jedha. With the Jedi not using the temple, there, and the Guardians of the Whills all but disbanded, there would be a very small chance that anyone would even care that she was there. So, he took her to a cantina, sat down and had a bite to eat with her, and then snuck out, after saying he was looking for somewhere to relieve himself.
Kitah'ra was alone. She was alone and scared when she arrived on Jedha, but soon found that she fit in better than expected. No one seemed to even care about her armor, when she did decide to wear it in the street. No one judged her.
No one seemed to think she was the scum of the earth that most of the Republic seemed to. She just, fit in. Over the years of living around the temple, Kit managed to make quick friends with the remaining Guardians of the Whills, taking and giving food to them, protecting them if they were threatened (which they returned the favor for), and talking to them, when the day just seemed too long. For the most part, Kit is a scavenger. She scavenges for food, sells scavenged armor on the black market, and frequents the many cantinas and smuggler posts that exist in the underground of Jedha.
Description - Kit is slim, standing around 5'4" tall. Her hair is blonde, and is often kept in a tight braid against her head, pinned up in a circle around the back, to keep it concealed under her helmet. She has a single scar across her right eye, not as if she's been struck by a light saber. Instead, the scar is from shrapnel from an armored smuggler she had a run in with as a teenager. The shrapnel didn't actually take her eye, but instead destroyed her cornea, causing the eye to scar over, and become clouded.
Kit's armor has been revamped a few times. As she grew out of her original armor given to her by Barron, on Mandalore, she began to fashion new armor. She paid smugglers with rare artifacts she picked up around the temples, for pieces of Mandalorian armor, illegally scavenged and sold off because of it's strength and the fear it struck in anyone who saw it. Most of the buyers were bounty hunters, wishing to simply take on the Mandalorian identity for intimidation. Kit, however, bought the armor as a reminder of who she was
and where she came from. Her helmet was painted blue. The original sky blue color of the helmet she came to Jedha in has faded, turning a smokey, dirty blue color, almost gray. The rest of her armor, matching her helmet has also aged poorly. Purple striping has been added
almost like a blood stripe to her left arm.
Gear - She carries two Westar-35 blasters, concealed in tight holsters on her hip. She also carries a cane, which she made as a child, while spending time with the Guardians of the Whills. The cane (once the size of a staff for her) is one of her most prized possessions, and is oddly
effective as a weapon.
(Call it a shameless self insert but the photo above is an artist sketch of my actual Mando Mercs design. <3)

Name: Valek Hurond
Age: 27
Species: Human - Stormtrooper (formerly Mandalorian - Clan Vanos)
System of origin: Mandalore
Planet of Origin: Mandalore
Current location: Jedha City
Biography: Valek was only a child when Mandalore was taken over by the Empire. Like most of the young men of Mandalore (and many girls), he joined the Imperial academy when he became old enough. His family practically sold him off to the Empire, because it was the expected thing to do. They quickly became Imperial supporters after the Sith were driven out of Mandalore, feeling an obligation to the Empire for liberating them from the Shadow Collective.
He was a strong and competent cadet, having little fear, which made him a skilled flyer in tense sitations and simulations. However, his conditioning didn't always go as planned, causing him to be held back, and to be kept a cadet longer than most of the others his age.
Faking it as much as he could, he finally managed to graduate, becoming one of the many Storm Troopers of his class, instead of the revered Tie Pilots. Though this was a great disappointment for him, he took it on the chin, and took his armor with pride.
His first post? Jedha City. The Troopers were told very little of the reason, only that they were to keep the citizens from asking too many questions, too keep an ear out for any rebel interference, and to guard the Jedi Temple. It seemed bland, and boring, considering everything that was happening in the galaxy, but Valek simply took his position.
Description: Valek is a large and built man, a battering ram with a blaster. He wears the typical Stormtrooper armor, showing none of his origin on his body. Under the armor, however, he wears a single Clan Vanos charm around his neck, only to remember his parents. Even though they sold him out to the Empire, he still held them close to his heart.
Current Occupation: Guard to the cargo ships coming and leaving the city of Jedha.
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