Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gamer5


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

(Lands of Lemea IC)

A day like any other rises over the lands of Lemea, the sun first dawning in the isolated Ayya and spread out Karans, then rising over the islands of Yana, the green Ligura, the deep Black Forest and Orclands until the morning Sun rays reachedSear and Kaymari.

Kaymari, this most distant of all lands under the crown and specter of Alagora, is famous for two things, the mines of Covania and as the place from which most people begun the journey towards Ayya and the mythical Well of Wishes. But to most of its citizens this was a spring day as ordinary as any other and everyday jobs were more to their concerns than anything else. Bakeries, which started baking bread when it was still dark, now opened the doors so people could get their bread, shops of many kinds begun working, preachers of religion and philosophy took the squares and begun their speeches, the night shift of the town guards was replaced with the day shift, doctors opened their doors to those in need of their services, merchants & peddlers begun a busy day at the marketplace, in all parts of the province of Kaymari the daily life begun. But this was Kaymari, the land which leads to the Well of Wishes and a day would be nothing without the dozens of adventurers pouring out of ships coming from Orientar or Ainyas.

Kaymari was not the only place where daily life went on with only a few notable events.
In Sear the elves begun their morning meditation; in the Orclands one tribe was preparing to hold a feast after an extremely successful hunting; deep in the western parts of the Ligura forest the Drider Queen and her subjects were preparing to fall asleep, they were creatures of the night; in a small settlement of witches in the Black Forest an explosion cloud be hear, someone made a mistake while mixing a magic potion again; on the many islands of Yana the nation was informed that during the night, from old age and after ruling the Empire for 52 years, Emperor Kazuma died leaving the Empire in the hands of his oldest son Yataru; in Karans one of the pirates, from one of the smaller Everan countries, was still celebrating the capture of an Alagorian ship full of gold, this begun yesterday afternoon and promised that it would go on for at least few more hours; finally Ayya hold its breath, a state which was going on for weeks, due to the sickness of their King Lervan, whose only son was exiled years ago after plotting to kill his father, making the whole country fear a civil war amongst all the sons of Leveran's brothers and sisters.


Port Town of Arunin, Docks

With Immes, in his short sword form, safely tucked in a sheet and with a smile on her face, mostly due to finally getting off the ship which brought her trough the stormy seas of early spring, Aerrea h's Fargur with all her earthly possessions on her, stepped on the dock at which the ship with which she came here, the "Lavvarian Swallow", moored itself to. Naikawa, so only Aerrea cloud here him whispered: "So here we are. I always wished to visit this place once I heard the tales about it. Strangely it looks like any other port I passed trough." Aerrea, ignoring the comment made by the demon which made most of her clothing, decided to head to the nearest tavern and look for an adventurer or two to travel together with, at least until reaching Ayya. Without any particular rush Aerrrea made her way to one of the nearby taverns that Naikawa, knowing that from who knows which sources, told her that was a commonly frequented by adventurers looking to form groups before heading towards the wilder regions of Lemea. Her feet, as she made her way into the city, joined those of merchants, citizens and other which had some business in the general are of the docks of Arunin...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cake


Member Offline since relaunch

Fuja crouched sitting with her sword behind her. Her feet rested upon the brown stones damp with the morning dew. Her sword cutting threw the moss on the ground as she moved forward tip toe by tip toe. Her tail fluttered behind her as her simmering hot gaze stared with intent at the large doe in front of her. At that moment she could only think of one thing as her mouth began to salivate as she could taste it. She slowly would think about all the ways to prepare it as she crouched down getting ready to sprint after she saw a opening. When she did she struck forward with great speed as if trying to pounce on the animal. It would try to escape, and make it a good ten meters before she would catch up to it and put all her might into a glorious spinning blade strike., at least before she completely missed it and the weight of the sword took her on a few more spins before she eventually let go throwing the great sword at the deer and puncturing its chest with it on accident. After getting up off the ground from being so dizzy she'd look at the the impaled doe and say, "With style," Before removing the sword from the doe, and carrying them both back to the nearest inn or tavern.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Dust scattered with each step. Like the pounding of a hammer on an anvil, Ralthavar mount stomped towards his destination; the port town of Arunin. It was here he would gather his group for the Well of Wishes. he had tried to cross the mountains of the Orclands into Ayya, but the path was much too treacherous to traverse alone. His body was matted with blood and dirt of foes of the past, including a foolish band of bandits who wanted to life more than his money. On his back was their equipment, which he hoped to sell for some money on the road, or trade for supplies. The day was just beginning in Arunin, and if Ralthavar had his way, he'd be out before sundown.

After putting his boar in the stables, his first stop was towards a smithy to see if he could make some money selling the metals of the equipment. The smith there only brought the weapons and the body armor, the smaller metals like the gauntlets and grieves being too low quality for him to rework. This left Ralthervar with armored boots, gloves, and a dagger. Since he was already quite well equipped, he didn't need these things. But he held onto them in the event that he could trade them off. Leaving the smith with a small sum of gold, he headed towards the tavern for food and drink. If he was fortunate, he could even find some others who would be interested in traveling with him to the Well of Wishes.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thegreenleafe

thegreenleafe Flatbush Zombie

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

There was the sound of a splash followed by a string of sailor's curses. As Eoin cursed at his firstmate he climbed back on the dock and waited for the Sea Trekker to dock. His ship, for once, was actually being used commercially to transport some raw materials to Aruin and the extra gold could help fund the little adventure to the Well of Wishes. After all adventures aren't free, especially when supplies have to bought and horses to be haggled for.

As his ship finally docked the elf grinned ear from ear as he made eye contact with the first mate and friend, Neren. Neren laughed,

"You never could drink Eoin." And Eoin replied,

"You never could stop being an ass Neren. On a side note you didn't have to push me."

"You said you were in a hurry, so you got the express exit" Eoin laughed it was true, he did say he was in a hurry. Although the soaked clothes would slow him down a bit. Eoin sat on the dock wringing out his shirt and pants as the crew unloaded the supplies and after a quick talk to the dock master the mostly dry elf received his pay. As Eoin Lonne'lle paid his crew he took Neren aside and told him,

"If there is so much as a replaced sail, I will kill you." With an elvish laugh Neren replied,

"Of course, now let's go find a tavern and get drunk before you go on your little adventure." The two elves laughed more and traded insults as they went to a tavern hoping to find some worthy companions.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

He remembered being nervous, as any young Talgan was. The moment that made pupas tremble in their coons was upon him. The test that would decide his fate for the rest of his pathetic life was knocking at his front door, a herd of buffalions behind it. The culture of his people would have him bend over and be slowly penetrated up the eggflap with a rusty spoon. Or perhaps he was just being over dramatic. Or perhaps he was being completely sensible.

The test would last a week. The first half was hands on. He would spar with other biyearlings, testing whether or not he was even worthy to exist on this planet. If he defeated at least three opponents, he was safe. Any more than 8, and he'd be considered for military training. He had only gotten to 5. Afterwards, he was tested on his ability to hunt, scavenge, and survive. Of course, if he failed this, he would die. He had passed fairly easily.

The second half of the test was written. He would be tested on his critical thinking and problem solving skills. He was given math, science, reading, and failed most of it miserably. In the end, Orren suspected that it was his cooking skills during the survival portion that had gotten him his job. He remembered the sheer relief that he wasn't going to be breaking rocks or cleaning sewer systems for the rest of his life. A cook was easy, remotely safe, and fairly interesting. He had felt as though he'd won the lottery.

Those days were long gone. Now, it was trudging across strange and alien lands, surrounded by people who had no healthy concept of fear or suspicion. The natives of these lands were so gullible that it almost made him feel guilty when he took advantage of them. It was like stepping on an egg. All he had to do to get decent fruit was pretend to be interested in a stand, distract the stall attendant, and slip something into his pocket. They took their eyes off of him so easily. And even if he was caught, the city guards were about as trained as a pup with a cold.

Another complaint he had, which he commonly griped about, was how crowded the cities were. In Talga, people were as spread out as they could possibly get. Living in close quarters was begging to be murdered. The only exception were the military bases, one of the only places where killing your peers was outlawed for the benefit of the country.

Orren found himself slinking through the streets of the sorry abomination that these people called civilization. He'd found out a while ago that attacking those who bumped into you like bumbling oafs was frowned upon as well. It was if natural selection didn't exist at all around here. You had to just put up with being jostled around, and if you so much as threw a punch, you were suddenly a criminal. The young Talgan brightened up a little as he came across one of the few great things the outer world had managed to create: a bar. The mysterious drink called alcohol made him feel less like biting someone's head off. He slipped inside and sat himself down at a barstool.

"What can I get for you?" A slightly overweight human leaned on the counter in front of him. Orren leaned away with a hint of disgust.
"I don't know. Give me some of that fermented honey and fruit shit." His voice was slightly rough. The bartender raised an eyebrow.
"You mean mead?"
"Whatever the fuck you call it."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

Baron sighed, he really hated towns like this. Large cities always seemed to be filled with hostile people just looking for an excuse to fight. And not a real fight, but a pissing contest. He wasn't sure what made these people think they could intimidate someone with a lot of curses. It really baffled him. Not only that, but anytime he drew his sword, they began to cower. It really made him sick. In his earlier life, he would have laughed at the idea of huge cities made up of bullies...but here he was, in one

As he walked past the doorway of a bar, an obviously drunken man came wobbling out and bumped into him, falling on his rear. Oh sure, Baron could feel him coming, he just didn't get out of the way. It wasn't that he lacked manners, he was just in a really bad mood from having to deal with the bad attitudes of the people here

"Hey!" the drunk cried out "watch where you're going! What are you, bli-"

Before he could finish that sentence, Baron turned his face to him and lifted the x shaped blindfold on his face "yes. Yes I am blind." Putting his blindfold back in place, he left before the drunk could reply. That was something that had always bugged him; just what did his eyes look like? The very sight of them seemed to scare people (and he could recall one time when they caused a small child to cry). It was something that nagged at him. 'Well at least I can get out of this cesspool' he thought to himself 'hopefully then my mood will improve'
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gamer5


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Aerrea found the tavern quite easily so it took her only a small amount of time to reach the place which was she advised by Naikawa to visit. It was a fairly large tavern and a sign "Old Adventurer's Tavern", made out of wood and quite old for something in Kaymari, hanged on a pole sticking of the tavern wall. Aerrea cloud notice that the tavern was more than popular, with many people already taking some of the tables outside as well as, she guessed, inside the tavern. Then a familiar scent came out of the tavern and Aerrea said, her voice sounding extremely happy: "Karsa (Coffee)! Oh Mersian I haven't drunk that in years! Let's go get some!"
Without anymore hesitation, after all a establishment serving Karsa outside of Ainyas was a good place by Aerrea, she walked inside the tavern and came up to the counter and said, while pointing to a empty seat: "A cup of Karsa and some bread and butter. Bring it to that table." To make sure that she will be served she flashed a silver coin, stressing the fact that she was ready to pay for a good and quick service and then headed to the empty seat that she pointed out. With a smile, on her face, partially due to the promise of Karsa and partially to look more friendly to other adventurers, she sat down as Naikawa begun telling her, again so quietly that only she cloud hear, how this tavern got its name, including the fact that it was this weary tavern in which the legendary adventurer, who brought the story of Ayya, first appeared in December 489 A.E. After a minute or so of his rumbling Aerrea had enough and without any smarter idea shouted: "Waiter! A round on me for all adventurers here! Tell them that Aerrea d'h Fargur is wishing them a safe trip and hopes that they reach destination safely." This shut up Naikawa and hopefully got her some attention of adventurers gathered in the tavern. Soon her order came, sparking another smile on her face as ate and drank while waiting for someone to come and speak to her...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Darrian sat beside a lake as he set his gear down and pulled out a map and studied it. "So I am at Orc Lake. I'd say the southern part of it, judging by the shape. So if I continue heading south I should be coming up on Ligura Forest. After that I start heading east." Darrian spoke to himself as he put away the map and stood back up, picking up his gear in the process as he started moving again. He was quite lucky, to not have run into anything too dangerous yet. He heard that hardly any returned from these lands, so he could only wonder what manner of beast made their home here. However he had to be very careful to not seem hostile when he got closer to the Ligura Forest. He knew that the Driders were peaceful, but if he were to give off one bad intention, well that could be the end for him. After a few minutes of walking, he decided he should catch a wild animal, so what he did was set up the simplest of traps, and then climbed up a tree and waited for his dinner to walk right into the trap. All he could hope was that it was somewhat big, and that it wasn't a living person, although that would prove to be humorous if they somehow fell for the snare trap.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nocturnia


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

The small white cat jumped out of the water straight onto the docks of Arunin. Nya has been tracking the coastline for quite some time now and this was the third or fourth major town she ran into, the towns helped her to find out that Humans use creatures similar to Markava as pets, as well as provide useful insight into the two-legs language, as the one she's been taught was very... outdated. This town was lively, but not much different from the other towns she's seen.
The very word "town" was confusing and hard to pronounce though, there was no equivalent for it in the Markavian language and because of this Nya had to use the two-legs word even when thinking, it meant something like "A place where a lot of people live" and the closest thing to it would be a Group. Two-legs Groups however, for some reason. didn't move.
There were quite a lot more strange things about two-legs, she was confused why they grew plants around their cities until she realized they can eat such things, They also burn their food before eating it, a thing they called "cooking", there were a lot more oddities about two-legged creatures, but there were too many to mention.
In any case Nya headed down the dock, getting a fish or two from the fishermen who mistook her for one of their pet animals, she gratefully ate the fish, of course, it would be rude to do otherwise. She quickly made her way into the actual town, as usual it was bustling with activity, however the two-legs left her alone so long as she didn't try to communicate with them. She knew very well where she was headed, a two-legs, a member the species that call themselves Humans, taught her a lot about their culture and told her, amongst other things, that if one wants to learn about a town, its people or general happenings, he should head to a tavern.
Of course Nya couldn't quite read the Human language yet, the letters were far too rigid and separated, so she usually used a different strategy to find taverns, follow her nose. Soon enough she did indeed find one, taverns weren't really the cleanest establishments, in fact, no Human building could compare to a Markavian Ice lair, partially because there is only ice on Austrina.
The tavern smelled somehow sour, it was a weird and unknown smell, but Nya has met with so many new smells in the past few weeks that it was hard to believe, the cat-like creature jumped onto the window board, and then inside, running over to the counter and jumping on one of the tall chairs. She then put her paws on the counter and asked the bartender.
"Herrrrrrro~ Human. do you serrrrve the drrrink you call milk herrre?"
The waiter was quite surprised to the fact a cat just spoke in front of him, but business was business.
"... Its not on the menu, but sure, if you have the money."
Money was another of the terms Nya had to grasp when she arrived in the two-leg lands, they rarely shared anything and always required something in return for food or services, usually favors, goods or... money.
Nya did in fact have some of the local currency, however due to a lack of pockets she usually kept it shrunk to minimal size somewhere within her fur, she now retrieved one of these hidden coins, returning it to natural size in the process, and put it on the table.
The bartender picked up the coin, looked at it for some time, but then shrugged and put it together with the rest of his earnings. He then went into the back room, which Nya presumed was a kitchen., and returned with milk.
Milk was a delicacy in Austrina, it was incredibly hard to milk a seal, however here it was ridiculously common, Nya yet had to find out how or why, since she didn't see any seals.
The cat jumped on the counter, causing the bartender to give her a sour look, Humans didn't like pets jumping on their desks, and started drinking the milk out of the provided cup. She also took time to examine the people in the tavern, they were mostly ordinary folk, but she could see few of those people with weird scents, adventurers, two-legs called them, people who travel around the world, searching for riches or maybe something else.
How similar to what she is doing now...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

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As he walked, the cloaked figure got a few nervous looks. Other looks were just looks that had seen this type of thing before. Nonetheless, James continued to walk. As far as he was concerned, he wasn't causing any trouble. He was only hiding his true self from the town. James walked to a stall, and asked for a drink. He was given a single glass of orange, which he payed for and walked away with. He drank it quickly in an alley where he wasn't seen, and tossed it away and into a bin.

Wondering where he should go next, he started to walk around the port, watching fishermen get their catches. It was quite peaceful, but it did nothing to stop what was slowly taking over him. Boredom. James walked to a nearby inn and sat at a table in the corner, by himself. His eyes looked through his mask, and his tail swished beneath the confines of his cloak, as he took a long look around.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rakkety Tam

Rakkety Tam

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Auri was scuffling around on the southern orcish plains searching for bits of herb and other ingredients for their potion making, its not an area they were happy to be in but it was rich in rare components so they were having fun anyway. They had been into orcish land before and had received several painful scars from the experience. Orcs were stronger, faster and meaner than humans and Auri had learned this the hard way when they had attempted to steal a silver cup from one and had been chased all the way to Ligura as a result. Still having been chased north from the last settlement they had attempted to plunder, and having absolutely no idea which way north was, they wound up here.

Auri was tugging at an especially large cluster of Jaderoot when a large blue bird was disturbed from a nearby bush, zooming off noisily screeching all the way, and most importantly to Auri leaving behind a large blue black feather. They watched entranced as it slowly tumbled earthwards landing not too far away. The root lay abandoned as Auri chuckled and moved forward "Shiny, blue, pretty, precious. Falling for Auri just like a story" The unintentional rhyme amused them even more and they were just about to announced their poetic genius when one foot was suddenly pulled violently from under them, dragging them skyward and smacking their head against the ground on the way. A animalistic growl erupted from them and they thrashed violently, hissing and howling like a maddened beast as they struggled against the strong cord around their ankle. Eventually Auri calmed down enough to try and pry themselves free with their fingers, but gravity worked against them, so they pulled themselves up so that their face was next to the offending rope. With much cursing and cussing the lack of a knife Auri began to gnaw ineffectively at the rope, swinging back and forth from the motion and causing the rope to cut sharply into their skin, the hangmans knot tightening from both the weight and the motion. With a final yowl of defiance they let go and fell back into their original upside down position, contemplating the possible repercussions of using one of their acids so close to their own skin but mostly hanging there dejectedly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Darrian who was calmly waiting on a tree branch looking up at the sky as he waited for several minutes, finally heard the trap trigger as he heard animal sounds and violent thrashing. So Darrian got his sword ready and looked over at his trap, only to sigh as he dropped down from the tree branch and walked up to the person who was dangling upside down. "So, just hanging around?" Darrian said smiling at his own little pun as he moved his left arm to the persons back lifting their body up, he then swung his sword with his right arm cutting the rope, letting the persons legs drop first. He then released his hold on her back as he sheathed his sword. "So how exactly did you fall for a trap meant for animals? Oh and I guess you should know the name of the one that caught you. I am Darrian." Darrian said as he looked up at the sky contemplating if he should spend more time trying to catch another animal, or try and find a town to find something to eat.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cake


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Fuja would walk into the sea side town, and take a deep breath threw her nostrils. The smell of fish excited her as she quickly made her way to the market still lugging the carcass around with her. Eventually stopping at the local butcher getting both coin and jerky for later. She'd search the shops asking the price of things repeatedly, but her inability to count often made her get kicked out for offering way to little, or at one point getting given a extra 4 fishes for her giving nearly all of her money to him. She was happy with her trade, and began to work her way back to the tavern to enjoy her fish with company.

When she would arrive.she'd be given strange looks by a few of the more civilized inhabitants from her coming in sideways to get the sword carried horizontally on her back.Once she found a seat she would quickly pull a fish from the small sac she had stored them in a begin to bite down on it ripping it's scales off as she got a bit of blood on her lips. Meanwhile someone would hand her a drink, and point at Aerrea. She'd quickly take a sip to help th fish go down her thraot but spit it out once she felt the taste of alcohol. She would quickly throw herself back from her seat in anger as she aproached there benefactor. Once she got back shed hold a new fish out still gripping the other one in her other hand, "When you give a fish, don't give a blow fish." She'd harp making reffrence to the fact that alcohol was viewed as a poison to some races including her own.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gamer5


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Naikawa used telepathy this time, not wishing to risk the possibility of the Nekia hearing him: "A Nekia". Not bothering to respond to the unneeded remark Aerrea looked at the Nekia and said, pulling out her best worry-filled face: "I am sorry, looks like the waiters in this place are not familiar with your kind. Would milk suit your taste better or would you like a nice jug of honey? No a Nekia would want a ...!" Then she turned to the counter: "Hey you birdbrains which served alcohol to a Nekia? Hurry up and bring me a raw Dorma Salmon!" Then she turned to the Nekia as the waiters rushed to bring her what she requested: "Would a nice raw fish be an okay apology? Also I am Aerrea, an adventurer and I guess you are of also one. So what bring you to Lemea?" „You know it is not your fault that she got ...“Naikawa stated but was interrupted by Aerrea's: „I know what I am doing, so shut up. “ She glanced over the Nekia as an waiter brought, on a plate, a large, exquisite and rare fish, especially in Kaymari, a Dorma Salmon which was one of the tastiest and most expensive fishes in the world could arrive in Kaymari only via magic teleportation from one of the open trading city in Dorma. Well it was not like Aerrea was unable to afford one, especially a, somehow, cheaper raw one. She waited to see the reactions that the Nekia would show, especially after taking a bite out of the fish.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cake


Member Offline since relaunch

"I come to hunt biggest game." she said brandishing her great sword, before losing track of her thoughts as the food was set down in front of her. Fouja would set the two fish in her hands down on the table before sitting down again She would begin to drool down to her chin as the smell hit her nose, but before doing anything she'd look at her and say, "Is it really alright to eat this." Whether she said yes or not it would become to tempting for Fuja not to eat it as she'd pick up the fish and begin digging into it getting more stains then before. She seemed to bite peck and nibble at it till it was cleaned to the bone before she stopped. She'd lean back sighing from such a great meal, before heading over to her new found friend, and marking her by rubbing up against her with her cheek saying,"I love you so much,"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gamer5


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Can you get that freaking cat-like humanoid off me? Please! And do it quickly" Naikawa screamed trough telepathy but Aerrea ignored him while giving a quick patting over the Nekia's hair and then speaking, with a smile on her face: "Well, well, glad that we cloud clear the misunderstanding. Now how about you tell me your name and what game are you looking for exactly?" While waiting for a reply from the Nekia she looked over the tavern, pretty much deciding that everybody is ordinary, but then a hooded person caught her attention so she asked, in her mind: "Naikawa, Immes? Can you sense something from that one with a hood?" Naikawa answered via telepathy: "Yeah, I can sense something inhuman from him." Immes, which was much better as detecting faint differences between things then added, again trough telepathy: "I think that is a Zenohunt, some of them leave in this land." Aerrea smirked in herself and returned her attention, which was away for a few short moments, back to the Nekia ...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rakkety Tam

Rakkety Tam

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Auri was just beginning to seriously consider using their potions on the rope when a fair haired man dropped from out of a nearby tree and wandered nonchalantly over to them. Auri's immediate reaction was to ready a vial of highly corrosive acid to throw in his face but it proved an unwarranted act as he walked cheerfully towards them, relaxed and non threatening as he happily cut them loose and gently at that. Still Auri kept low to the ground in a crouch, ears flattened against their head, ready to run or fight if necessary. The charitable act alone had Auri confused before even beginning on his relaxed and seemingly careless attitude. These things were not often found in anyone Auri had run into during their travels, and never in the wilderness of orc land. Here the few travellers Auri had the misfortune to meet either attempted to kill them on sight (so they had tried to take a few trinkets, whats the big deal?) or chased them off once they saw just how scruffy they were. The fox red ears and tail had certainly played a part in the initial distrust but Auri wasnt to know that.

This man was strong to have lifted them so easily but not as strong as an orc, and the ease with which they used their blade was impressive but not masterful. If not for these attributes then why could he afford to act so calmly? Was he stupid? Was he a mage? Magic always gave Auri headaches, mostly because they were on the receiving end of it, and 'it' usually involved a solid beating. They had learned to be cautious out of necessity. With one hand kept beneath the poncho wrapped around a vial and muttering an almost illegible thanks Auri glanced over to the feather and made a quick lunge, grabbing it and stuffing it into the leather satchel close to their chest in one clean movement.

The remnants of the noose still cut into Auri's ankle, having been severed just above the knot, but removing it would take both hands and one was needed on the vial. So instead they just gritted their teeth and bore it.
"Watcha want?" People skills were certainly something Auri lacked, but at least they were to the point.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Darrian looked where the sun was, and seeing how fast he caught something, he was considering giving his snare trap another try. When he looked down again he looked at the person who just seemingly stared at him, like she was deciding if Darrian had ulterior motives or something. Darrian was quite confused to the point he looked around nervously in case this was a trap for him. She could have been acting cautious towards him for whatever reason. He could care less if the person had animal features to them, in fact it only made more puns go through his head making him slightly chuckle out loud, before he remembered that this girl was staring at him. Seeing this was going nowhere Darrian shrugged and started to walk off.

He then turned his head and saw the girl lunge at this feather on the ground, which caused Darrian to again start laughing out loud, when he saw a int of pain in her facial expressions,a nd then realized that some of the cord was still around her ankle. Darrian sighed as he approached the girl as he put his sword down, as she seemed to be suspicious of him entirely so putting his sword down should calm her. So when she asked him what he wanted, he gave her a confused look himself as he bent down and started untying the knot. "Not sure what you mean there little girl. I was trying to catch an animal, but I ended up catching you instead. Sure you have some animal features, but I rather my dinner not look like a human." Darrian said as he got the cord around her ankle off.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Siegmier gripped the ship's wheel with pride. The waves were calm today and sailing was easy. They were at half sail and making great progress into the unknown. Waves kept unravelling and revealing themselves before the ship. Siegmier had been slightly strict on his crew, they had to wake up at five in the morning and work in shifts so that they could make progress at night. Siegmier's helmsman, Patrick, would take over during the night-shift unless the waves were too dangerous for him to sail in.

Siegmier let go of the wheel with one of his hands and felt his swords at his side. He then checked his pouch of gold and the gold in his pockets before returning his hands to the wheel. A nervous habit he had hoped to be rid of in the coming months. He chewed the small toothpick in his mouth before spitting it out to the side of himself. He wondered if there actually was anything to find out on the sea or if this would just be a wasted effort for no gold. After all, he could make things up if none of the crew were with him, but if he didn't find any piece of land, then they could call his bluff and he could be arrested. He at least hoped he could keep the boat if they never found anything.

A few hours later and the same monotonous waves passed by the ship. At first the waves were kind of beautiful in a sort of way. Watching them rise and then fall into a white foam was kind of relaxing. But now it was almost like a lullaby. Siegmier felt himself drifting off to sleep when finally something broke the monotony. It was the shoutings of the crew member up on the crows nest. He was shouting about how land could be seen off of the bow of the ship. This woke Siegmier up greatly. A grin grew across his face as he called to his crew
"Full Sail!" His crew confirmed this order with a load roar of combined cheerng. A few minutes later and they had arrived.

It took a small amount of time to get everyone off the ship and into accomodation, but things were relatively quick. Some of the men stayed in Inns near the harbour while others stayed on the ship. They'd switch monthly to avoid arguments. The arrangements were different for Siegmier though, he was set for travel. He used some of his coin to buy strong parchment and the rest to buy food and various pieces of equipment. The people here spoke a strange language, he was picking it up, but a lesser man probably wouldn't. He could hear traces of Elvish and make out some words from which he made out sentences. He noted this down as it happened. Soon enough he was in the place he loved the most, the tavern. He ordered the customary brew of this town before sitting down to his thoughts. He looked around the tavern, most of the people looked normal, farmers, warriors, whalers, green ugly man, waitress. Wait hold on, green ugly man? What in Xotic was a green ugly man? He looked at the green person strangely. He hadn't actually realized that he was staring at him with a strange expression.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rakkety Tam

Rakkety Tam

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Auri tensed when the man Darrian came over towards them with the only thing saving him from a vial of acid was the casual setting down of his sword. Darrian remained miraculously unharmed when he began to undo the tight cord, which hurt as he first had to get his fingers under it, due to his calm talking and relaxed stance as he worked, all of this having a similar effect on the deranged flea bag as it would a wild animal. Calm and collected tones helped ease Auri and by the time the cord was undone both of their hands were away from weapons and they were actually feeling pleasant towards their accidental captor.

So much so that they bounded off as soon as their leg was freed sporting a huge toothy grin. They headed towards the bush that the bird had erupted out of and returned moments later after a brief rummage around with three large eggs that had a dull bluish tinge. Auri then set them down at his feet and stood upright on the tips of their toes and raised a hand up to Darrians head, which was taller than their own, and said casually and matter of factly "Youre a big one, youll need more"
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