Avatar of Metronome
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Metronome
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2871 (0.70 / day)
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    1. Metronome 11 yrs ago
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Hey all! I've been really wanting to do a Daredevil RP based around the Netflix series. I figured DD gets paired up with either a new hero on the scene, or an old one, to track new criminal activity in the Kitchen. I'm open to plotting and ideas.

Pairing suggestions:

Daredevil x OC

Daredevil x Winter Soldier

Daredevil x Black Widow

Daredevil x Punisher

Partner preferences:

I would be playing Daredevil, and you can chose an OC hero or one from the list above.

You MUST be 18+ to apply.

Semi-advanced or higher writing level. Good grammar, spelling, multiple paragraphs per posts, that kind of thing.

Should be able to post at least three times a week.

Should be familiar with the MCU.

Orren was glad that her phone, and her, were both okay. He was also glad when she quickly left that awkward as hell interaction, and he could pretend it hadn't happened at all. He shuffled up to the door of the cafe and let himself in.

This time of day, it wasn't very crowded here. The "please seat yourself" sign was put up, so Orren found a lonely corner booth and slid onto the bench. His glazed over eyes wandered out the window next to him. He watched the morning commuters go by for what felt like a second, but was torn out of his thoughts by a, "Sir?"

"Huh?" Orren grunted dumbly as he turned to look up at a concerned waitress.

"Are you okay?"


"Well, I've been trying to get your order for five minutes." Now she seemed slightly annoyed. Five minutes? He couldn't have been looking out that window for longer than a second.

"Oh, sorry. Uh," He picked the menu up and flipped through it real quick. "Just the turkey sandwich I think, and a coffee, please." The waitress nodded and took up his menu.

"I'll have that right out."

He wasn't sure where he was. It was foggy and dark, and almost certainly not the brightly lit street he'd expected to step out into. He'd...left the store, right? Orren squinted as he glanced around, and took a few cautious steps. When nothing happened, he continued on into this strange new world.

Words echoed from around him, but he wasn't sure what they were saying. They didn't seem to be talking to him, so Orren decided to mind his own business as per his usual policy. That was until one voice called his name. It was warm and familiar, and the world began to spin. He felt like he was on a tiny boat being sucked down a tub drain. He stumbled and whack!

His path led directly into another person. "Cora?" He mumbled softly before he fully awoke from the sleepwalk he'd slipped into. Orren blinked. He was outside the cafe. How did he get here? He'd just been at the store...Time and space were still real, right?

"Oh!" He finally noticed the young woman he'd run right into. "I'm sorry, I was..." Hallucinating? Tripping balls? What the hell was that just now? Neither sounded like a good response. "...uh, lost." He blinked slowly, his dull eyes filled with exhaustion and marked with dark circles under each. Orren was barley recognizable from the boy that had graduated just a year ago. He was thin, pale, and looked like he could be a poster child for meth, all while not even getting to experience the high. At this point, Orren just assumed everyone thought he was on drugs. And, for the most part, he was right.

"Is your phone okay?" The last thing he needed was to be held liable for damaged property.

@Fever Dream

"Excuse me, ma'am, you have to pay for those." Orren's dull eyes tracked the woman across the storefront as she headed for the door. She managed to balance her bounty in one arm long enough to free her other hand and flip him off. Orren blinked, sighed, and pulled out an inventory loss slip. What could she have possibly wanted with that many pregnancy tests anyway?

He filled out the paperwork in his sloppy handwriting and put in the already formed pile. People stole from this store a lot. Orren certainly didn't get paid enough to go to heroic measures to stop it.

Time passed like both cold molasses and a speeding bullet. Every time he sat down and opened his book, another customer magically appeared. The process of getting them checked out dragged. Sit down, open book, new customer. Finally, his relief showed up.

She was a small, perky girl named Terra. Her hair was a mousy brown with a few streaks of pink that were clearly a DIY at home job. She always had a handful of college prep books, which meant she was probably going to be one of the lucky ones that made it out of this town someday.

"Orren! I'm so sorry I'm late! My roommate was sick and I had to drive her to the hospital and-"

"It's fine." He was really too tired to listen to her story. He just wanted to count down the till and get out of here.

"Oh. Okay then. Well, let's get this done so you can go home and rest. You look like you could use it!"

She didn't mean for that to sting, he was sure. "Yeah." Once the register was traded off, Orren grabbed his backpack and headed out. Going straight home was pointless; it wasn't like he could sleep anyway. He'd probably stop at the nearby cafe and get a sandwich or something. His current grocery situation at home was sad at best.

While the rest of the world was just now cracking its eyes open and crawling out of bed to take a piss, Orren had been up for hours. He'd gone into work last night around 5pm. He was scheduled to go home at five in the morning, but his relief called in sick and his manager couldn't be bothered to find anyone else to take over. Orren didn't particularly mind, though. It wasn't like he had plans. He hadn't had plans in...god, so long.

The morning rush at the 24 hour corner store mostly consisted of little old ladies buying cat food and meager groceries, hasty commuters on their way to work, and the occasional cop. Being that this little convenient store was one of the few places open 24 hours in town, it was a hot spot for the local police. Although, they never seemed to be there when Orren actually needed them. He'd been robbed at least four times in the past six months, and may have lost count. A couple times the robber had been armed, once it had been a drunk, and once was a man who only wanted a pack of baseball cards and a bottle of lube...Orren wasn't there to judge. To be honest, the robberies didn't really get to him. Few things did these days. Most of his time at work was spent sitting behind the front counter, reading a bargain bin novel, or staring vacantly into space.

Today was no different. Orren had just rang up a man buying a pack of nicotine gum and three cases of beer when a somewhat familiar face entered the store. Wasn't that guy in his graduating class? What was his name...Cameron? No, that wasn't right. Orren watched passively as the familiar stranger walked back to the pharmacy at the back of the store, made a purchase, and left. He didn't try to strike up a conversation. What would he even say? Orren spent a good bit of time trying to erase that entire year from his life, and yet he still found it coming back around to remind him.

Just the other day, he'd seen a photo of himself in an old newspaper clipping. It was from when his class had done some community service project. He stood there, smiling at the camera with a dopey grin. He wasn't quite so thin, his face not as gaunt, and his eyes didn't have the deep bags under them that they had now. Standing next to him in the photo was...her. She looked just the way he remembered her: young, beautiful, happy, alive. It had only been one year, but he already felt so much older than the Orren in that photo. He'd torn the picture down from the bulletin board he'd found it on and tossed it into the nearest trash can.

"Hey, buddy, you alright?"

"Huh?" Orren snapped out of his daze and looked at the man standing in front of him, a small pile of groceries set on the counter. "Oh, yeah, sorry." He began ringing him up. How long had he been staring off into space like that?
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