Avatar of Master Crim


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current The proof of a healthy mind is not its ability to solve the problems that are before it, but the subconscious understanding not to for the sake of health itself.
6 yrs ago
Ever look back on your old PM and think "Man that was the shit! Why did we stop?"
7 yrs ago
As the bowl of patunias would say, as it falls through the air to meet the planet's hard rocky surface: "Not again."
7 yrs ago
Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? No says the man in Washington it belongs to the poor. No says the man in the Vatican it belongs to God. No says the man in Moscow it belongs to everyone
9 yrs ago
Talking in riddles is fun. Putting them to poem is better. Presentation is the key.


Why does anyone care
No one really looks at this part
Its all just pointless.

Most Recent Posts

@Damo021@Queen Arya

We are still in the beginning and would be open to some new characters still. Just DM me your characters when you have them ready and we can go over them.
@Half Pint Hey, you do what you can, and if you need time just let me know. It took me how long to get this started, and then how much longer to reply once people got going?

Just as a heads up for everyone, and I think I might have said this before. I don't intend for this to move to fast. I work a pretty exhausting job, and understand we all have lives offline. I just wanted to get this story up for people interested in it, as well as give a constant creative outlet. I have heaps of notes for this, but if you have an idea for a storyline in the city, or for your character, let me know and we can hash it out as well.
Me trying not to explode as I wait for some of the games from next fest to enter early access, AND wait for the new Elden Ring DLC.

Yeah, I prefer to have people PM me their characters so that if there are things I have questions on we don't bog down the OOC
Sorry it took so long to get something up. ^^

I am dealing with a lot of changes at work and some of the regular insomnia problems.
-Dick Grayson-

As robin entered the common area where Trigger had already been milling about he was greeted with his British friend saluting him. Following through in jest he brought his heels together and returned the gesture, calling out “At easy soldier. No orders yet.” Laughing softly before continuing to the kitchen. “I have not see anyone yet, and as for the early rising.” He looked at his watch. “It is almost 9am, that is like what… 5pm in the UK.” Robin thought a moment. “Always 5 o’clock somewhere.” He said with a wink and slapped Trigger’s shoulder.

Robin had just started making some food when Max arrived followed shortly by Bob. “Morning.” He greeted them. “I do have some things to go over, but so far nothing major.” He continued eating along with the others turning back to Trigger. “Have you had much contact with John? I had something I was going to put you on, and it might help to bounce them off him for some insight.” Just as he had finished asking about John, Bob had made a comment about sound proofing and Max’s 'loud and exciting' nights.

“Maaaax” Robin said dragging it out as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “I don’t want to revoke the exception of having guests every now and then, but we agreed.” He held out his hand in a gesture of annoyance, making sure his tone was not stern, but still authoritative as he looked to Max. “You can see, and do what you need for your search. Just try to keep those activities out of the tower.” It was a conversation they had when he arrived, as he was upfront about it and Robin respected that, but it was with the understanding that the tower was to be kept separate from personal affairs of relationships. This was the rule for everyone, but Max was the only one that Robin let bring people in with strict stipulations on where they were allowed, and giving advance notice.


Vera’s presence at the docks would surely be seen as out of place, but her investigations go unnoticed as the workers unloading and loading shipping containers had their jobs to do. Many of the workers did not appear to be acting out of the ordinary, as Vera slipped around from place to place until that is; she came across a fenced in loading zone with containers showing the name ‘SIONIS’ emblazoned on the sides. While the workers transferring the crates form containers to unmarked delivery vans seemed as all the other crews, the foreman of the crew was more vigilant, and there appeared to be some other crew mixed in with the workers that did was not moving any of the merchandise, but instead watching around the area doing their best to look busy and clearly armed.

“This needs to be wrapped up in an hour.” one of the armed men said dragging on a cigarette and flicking it away as he walked up to the foreman. “In and out is all this was supposed to be.”

The foreman stood his ground looking over the crew. “What is this, a one night stand? You know as well as I do,” He started as he pointed at some Forklifts and then again to an open dock door of a warehouse. “We are proceeding as scheduled. It is bad enough you guys have to drone around like a bunch grazing cows, but if we rush your shipment it would look even more out of place to anyone looking for reason to ask-” His attention was caught for a moment by something a little ways from the surrounding fences. “Why don’t you take a few of your guys and walk the fences, I don’t know. Just don’t make this harder than it needs to be.”

The armed man looked foreman over before exhaling sharply and signaling for a couple of his men to follow him along the perimeter.


It didn’t take long for Mistletoe Construction to receive a visit for some of Lex Corp’s financial protection members. They didn’t look around, didn’t talk to employees, or even ask for any kind of documentation on their recent projects. They simply met with the President and head office managers of the local Jump City business, and presented a folder of all the information they needed to show that a fraudulent payment had been made through their company that came from Lex Corp in relation to the renovations at STAR Labs.

“We are as surprised as you are in this.” one of the managers over the billing and finances said. “We would never want to present our business as false. We have been operating here for-”

“That is not relevant.” one of the Lex Corp employees interjected. “In the back of the packet there is a document about settlement out of court. It is imperative you look it over and decide what you want to do.”

The man flipped through the papers and found the packet in question, some of the near by managers also looking in on what it had to say. “My god.” one of them said softly. “You want us to either sell to you, or pay back five… maybe six times the amount of the project, how would you justify that?”

“The amount is already notarized and comes from the exposure of risk you have put our company in.”

As this was all going on, a computer in a now vacant billing office suddenly stirred to life. There was nothing flashy, like in the movies where the screen shows some ghostly progression of windows and commands, just the computer tower lights flashing softly before powering off again.


Email From: ¯\_(-X-)_/¯
Subject: Burglar
Takes a lot of balls to try and steel from a man like that. You likely cost several people their career’s and maybe even a life or two along the way. You covered your tracks pretty well, but unfortunately for you I have been at this for a while, you could say a lifetime or two. We should meet and discuss something a, partnership. Might be able to help each other out.


Around the same time that Korbl would be reaching his destination with the bags of trash and recycling, he would turn back around to see a man standing facing him. The man was in what appeared to be business suit, making him very out of place for where Korbl was. He was a taller than Korbl by enough that it made his small frame seem somewhat stretched. “Korbl, isn’t it?” He said holding his hands out to his sides momentarily, showing he was not a threat. “You don’t seem to be from around here. Lets not let that get around though.” The man had a smile as he said the last part and pushed up a set of round frame glasses.
Hey all, this weekend was pretty busy for me, I will be looking to get a post up for yall soon.
@Half Pint
You are all good, I intend to let people get sorted around before calling up a meeting and getting people rolling.

If you want I can shoot you a list of some people that are currently in there to bounce off of on a visit.

Oh no, this isn't a 'skim of the top' deal. This is 'The full payment for construction services was paid, but not to the actual company'.

This is an exceedingly bold move the more I read it. Know that this incident may be filed away for future interactions. XD
I have a question about where to start. Uh… where do I start? xD

LOL, Starts are the hardest for sure. Not me just working for a whole week writing and rewriting this opening post and mixing it with my last opening post before putting it up.

As a Titan you can start doing whatever at the tower, or somewhere in Jump City. Are you training, does your character go to school/college part time in the civilian life, are you looking into a personal plotline, or maybe you are just taking a day off. The story starts in the afternoon on a Wednesday so that gives you some time to play with if you want to collab about some lead up to current time.
The starting post is up, and I have made a post for Robin. If anyone has questions about where they want to start dont be afraid to ask, I am open to most anything.
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