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I'd love a synopsis - I'm also going to try a different character.
When the post code with sparkly images and banner and colors is deeper and more complex than the character it's for

Inner Chamber · |@Exit] |@MistressDizzy]Inner Chamber · @Exit @Mistress Dizzy
“Is there something wrong?” Nelu whispered to Jin after they’d been shown where they would wait. “Besides the obvious of course.”
Mistress Dizzy   
Jin sat down slowly on the cool earth platform. They, like so many others, curled inward. Their posture was closed off, but ladylike in a carefully calculated way. One hand closed around the tiny camera pendant. With their foreheard resting against their folded arms, they replied to Nelu in a hushed tone. "Besides the obvious? Something stinks. This ain't even close to what we were told was here. I was expecting an army. Not the rice and fish line at the shelter."

It didn't make sense. Either the rumors had gotten out of hand, or somebody in intel needed to get fired.
Nelu remained in character and placed a reassuring hand on Jin’s back. “You’re right. These people don’t look like they’re getting ready to fight. They look like they’re preparing to leave but…” He looked around, noting for the hundredth time the room they were in and the known entrances. As far as he could tell, there was no other exit. This was a deadend. ”...I don’t see a way out other than the way we came in. This isn’t making any sense.”

”They’re fish in a barrel. Why bring them all down here?”
Mistress Dizzy   
"Well, that's easy. Places like this always have another exit. Hunang didn't get rich being stupid." They shivered, faintly, unconsciously pressing into Nelu's touch. "Stupid gets you killed. Roaches know where to scatter when the lights go on. There's another way out. We just can't see it."
It made sense and it wasn’t something Nelu had even considered. A way out, even this far down. The people living here had already carved out a corner for themselves from under the city. It wasn’t a stretch to believe that the most successful also had contingencies in case their way of life was threatened. Hunang too was no regular roach. From what Nelu understood of the crime lord, they were the head of the underworld. They carried a reverence Nelu could quite literally feel vibrate through Jin not moments earlier. The notion that any plan they laid ended here in this room made even less sense now. Jin was right on all accounts. They were missing something and the only way they could figure out what was by asking Hunang herself. Short of that…

”So Hunang. You already know that the RSF and the LSF know very little of her. What do you know?”
Mistress Dizzy   
Jin took a slow, deep breath. Focus time. "Hunang's got more ears than an elephant-rat nest. And a reach like a glass spider; you won't know you're fucked until you walk into the nest. Don't toss the name out lightly. Don't start business without clearing it with his people. And for fucking Spirit's sake, don't pretend you work for him. I heard from some of the bees, there was a customer who got tossed on his ass for bruising one of our girls. Lady Cho didn't play that shit if you didn't pay for the girls who liked --" A soft shake of the head, to dissipate memories and get back on track. "Anyway, he said he was one of Hunang's top cuts. Which was a lie. They found what was left of him 3 days later. On the wall by the stairs, beaten to hell. Mouth full of dirt like he drowned in it--"

Another supressed shudder. "And guess what we're surrounded by, Nelu?"
And there it was. The missing piece. It was all starting to come together, painting for Nelu a picture he wasn’t particularly fond of. There was already so little information on Hunang herself. There was absolutely no way they could have known what they did now. When Nelu thought about it from this wildly new perspective, there were entrances and exits… everywhere.

A realization quickly set in. What he thought was going to be an easy mission was suddenly the most dangerous mission he’d been a part of in a long time and already they’d made a major mistake. Like Jin had just said, a trap had been set and they didn’t realize they were already in it until it was too late. How suspicious would be for the both of them to just get up and leave after having just arrived?

Nelu hadn’t realized his hand was just awkwardly resting on the edge of Jin’s shoulder until he caught Sonam glancing toward the both of them. He immediately began drawing small circles across their back, digging his fingers along their shoulder blade with every pass as he deliberately tried to relieve pressure. Somehow it felt silly in that moment, as if he were trying to comfort his partner for having dragged the both of them into the spider’s lair.

From across the chamber, he watched Sonam grab a few small cylindrical objects off the ground and begin going around to the groups, kneeling beside some of them and having a few quiet words before handing one over. Nelu continued with Jin, looking around them both at the surrounding element.

”That would have been an incredibly well kept secret. If even a whisper of it reached the surface, the RSF… we would have picked up on it. But regardless, if what you're saying implies what I think… we are a little fucked. These people aren’t as defenseless as I thought.”
Mistress Dizzy   
Jin let out the tiniest little huff. Half a laugh, half acknowledgement that he had finally caught up. "Here's the thing, Nelu. Roaches know their own. There's a certain level of trust that goes with it. We hang together because we have to. It's not something you can stop doing once your shift's done." Another slow, careful breath. "I gotta imagine a Bender down here has double that trust. I mean, if one of them talks, they all hang. So there's no reason to go running to the RSF. There's no power in it, and you can't spend yuans if you're dead. If Hunang was already born a crime… might as well keep going. Make it worth it when they kill you." Their mind was spinning in circles. Nelu stating what they'd been thinking since the second the name Hunang dropped out of that woman's mouth made Jin a bit nauseous.
”Well… she has to go and I’d prefer it if she didn’t make it difficult.” Nelu began. He understood now the dynamic of it all well enough, but in the end, the only thing it changed was the difficulty of what they had to do. ”The only way I see this working is if we catch her by surprise. If we shut her down faster than she can react, we effectively trap everyone here. The problem is what happens after.” Hunang was just the start. According to Jin and everything he himself had seen so far, there were a lot of people loyal to her. And Jin and Nelu numbered only two. ”We’d solve one problem but open up the door for hundreds more. Just right off the bat there’s every bender in this room, then her foot soldiers right outside, and past that there’s about a mile of rival gangs and zen starved thugs above us. No matter how I slice this cake, it doesn’t look good.”

There was a thumping in his chest that wasn’t his own. An unease he’d sensed from Jin from the moment Hunang introduced themselves continued to grow as the reality of their situation spiraled. More and more, the hand on Jin’s back was becoming less of an act and more a genuine want to reassure them that they were going to be okay.

”Listen Jin. I only see this working out successfully for the mission one way. There’s no way to know when they’re going to leave and we can’t risk letting all these Benders out. But we also cannot take on everyone here by ourselves. And I know what you want to say…” Despite the seriousness of their predicament, Nelu found himself unable to contain a chuckle. ”’...But mister Tarnelu oh so brave sir, we’ve faced far worse odds during training,’ to which I would agree. But I’ve also been breathing in this funny air and it’s making me second guess what I’m capable of.” He turned to face Jin. ”You’re faster and you know this world better than I do. You could probably navigate to the surface blindfolded if you needed to and right now, you do. We need more people to eliminate the Benders here, but we also cannot let Hunang leave. So, the plan is I stay behind and stop her if it looks like she’s about to make a move. You get to the surface and ca-” Nelu cut himself short when he sensed Sonam approaching. He turned to face her as she stepped up to the pair.

”No doubt you’ve already noticed that the air down here is thicker than up top.” Sonam began, stopping to kneel in front of Jin and Nelu. ”It can be a little hard to breathe and the toxins, if you’re not used to it, can have an effect. We have a stockpile of these.” She held up a small gray cylindrical device that looked like an oversized pill with a button on the side and a hole on one of the ends. ”Not tampered with. Clean. Direct from the surface.” She placed two on the ground in front of them. ”How is she doing?”

”Better but… it’s been a long day.” Nelu continued to rub Jin’s back.

Mirage was too tired to raise her voice. But the look that she gave Quiver in response was silently scathing. "You're wrong about several things. I don't think anyone has forgiven Metamorph besides me, and that I will admit because I understand being labeled a monster. Second, you were not the only one to get hurt at the docks. You have a lot of spine trying to speak for a team that you abandoned and came back to like nothing was wrong. Aside from that... I agree with you." Her weary orange eyes turned to Batman, her gaze firm.

"Not knowing the whole truth is going to get one of us killed. It almost did today. If we aren't mature enough for you to trust us now, we never will be. And if that is the case, then we have no reason to be here. And if we have no reason to be here, then I'd like to go to bed. I have someone to save when dawn comes around."

Kassandra was silent during the debriefing. Her eyes were still puffy from crying, her posture was clearly exhausted. She listened and waited until the others had spoken, and couldn't help her surprise once Zach was finished.

"You punched a guy in the face? Hard enough to knock him out?" A tiny smile of delight warmed her features. "Well done! I'm sorry I missed it. It sounds like some sort of empath or similar mental magic. If you wish, I could assist you with boosting your defenses. All of you, actually. It's the least I can do." She looked across the table, but then her head dipped.

"I need to apologize for my behavior on the way home. To all of you. But Vincent and Pei specifically. You didn't do anything wrong, either of you. You should speak out, and it is wrong for me to punish you for doing so." There was shame in her bearing, as she fidgeted with the cuff around her wrist. "I am sorry for being so nasty. I think... I require more assistance in therapy." This was directed toward Batman. "If you could help me with that, I would be grateful, sir."

She was so tired, but she knew the tides would not be bringing her rest tonight.

Jinny had to take two steps to Jinx's long stride. She was surprised, and confused, at the other girls' reaction. She hadn't been trying to get Jinx into a fight, honestly. They weren't even friends, right? Jinx could just leave. So... why?

After making sure the door was locked and putting away her bag, she watched the grey girl with mild apprehension. Maybe she'd gotten kicked too hard? Where was the infirmary, again? One of the top levels, but that red-haired boy had accidentally torn her map...

"Red bottle? Oh, okay." She had to jump onto the cabinet to reach the second shelf, but soon she was handing it over. "...Do you want some water, too? Or maybe an ice pack? ...do we have ice packs?" Otou-san had taught her to make one out of a wet towel by sticking it in the freezer. An actual infirmary might be faster, though.

Mirage was getting too familiar with aiding battered teammates. Check breathing, check pulse, keep the head and neck stable. Clean and dress wounds, check for broken bones. The steps had become second nature at some point, but the knot in her belly never eased. As soon as Zatara got the boat up and running, she settled the unconscious Cora into it and began to make her comfortable. She knew so little about the new teammates. That was her own fault. She wasn't good at the beginning parts of knowing people, and stress had made the process so much worse.

Perhaps she could propose a sequel to Girl's Night. Daphne would love that, getting to settle in and watch movies and eat all the snacks in the base. Maybe they could do Pei's nails to match whatever hair color she had that day. Or figure out what kind of girl Cora liked.

“Seems to me that you little heroes are in quite a situation. Don’t worry, the solution is simple. My employers lost something, and they want it back now. So, how about a trade: The Metamorph for the Nymph. Hand him over, we’ll let you run. Take your chances, and the girl is cooked.”

"N-no." No. No no no -

Everything in her went still, even her breathing. She could feel rage coursing like fresh-stung venom in her veins. The buried bulk of her magic, receding and swelling, ready to drown everything around her. But this wasn't Atlantis - and she wasn't the girl she'd been back then. Before, when she'd let loose, she didn't care about anything or anyone in her vicinity. Now? Now she was loved.

And she loved in return.

Not just Kilamanjaro. Even when she didn't see eye to eye with the others, even when they wrung out the last drop of her patience, she loved them all. Zach's glitz, Daphne's sweetness, Viktor's transparency…

"...You can't." You can't leave Ja. You can't hurt Daphne. You can't blame Viktor.

You can't do anything, Kassandra.

“Our team agrees to the terms of the trade. The others will not interfere as long as Daphne is returned with no further harm done to her.”
It hurt, to not act. Even though she knew it was the safest call - Gods, did it hurt.

"...I hope your employer paid you well. I hope you spend it quickly."

She removed her earpiece, the tiny piece of technology popping like a sea grape between her trembling fingers. She had to make sure everyone else could get out safely.
I don't *think* I'm doing the murdering, but that IS an amazing idea.
I just preordered a farm rpg / murder mystery game. I have been found
Jinny was ready, and actually slightly impatient by the the time Jinx sauntered out the door. She hadn't consciously chosen to wait for the other girl, but curiousity won out. "Yeah, more questions about your time. Also was there anyone else in your class that was decent? And-" One question shoved itself in the front of the line.

"What's with the fashion show? You got new shoes or something?" They looked like everyone else's shoes. But people could be weird about clothes. Jinny could still feel other people's gazes, and it was still novel enough to piss her off. The muttering and whispered conversations... ugh.

"Hang on a sec-" Jinny stomped forward in the best impression of her father and folded her arms. "Do I have something on my face?! No? Well, fuck off then! Go be dumb somewhere else!" She was small, but she knew how to be surprisingly loud.
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