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@PaulHaynek @Enkryption @The Irish Tree @Rezod92@Crowvette@AzureKnight

Skarsneek of the Red Hill

"Hey, a little warning you idiot!" Skarsneek ears rang with a lingering whistle as he hissed, hands cupping it.

As he looked at the limping Na'kratz, Skarsneek blinked momentarily before realizing what she did to him. "You injured him? You actually injured him?! How's he supposed to work now?!"

You kill him AFTER he's tired and done, not at the start! He thought angrily as he examined the wound. It wasn't fatal but it was still a wound.

A traitorous voice gleefully pointed out he can watch him die slowly and laugh. The logical one agreed, no point in helping. Never mind the medicine wasted to help an enemy. It also spread terror and fear.

Skarsneek shoved all that to the sides, the thing that mattered now was the big picture. There was no room for short-sightedness.

"Patch this idiot up!" Skarsneek pick up Na'kratz under his shoulders, causing more work for him to do. It didn't matter if it hit any vitals, the sheer rumors that surrendering means execution or maiming was going to burgeon out of control.

If this gets, no, forget it. The whole town knew by now. The doubts that people surrendering to them in hopes of being spared was sown, already, he can imagine just how much more the normal rank and file Varjans would fight harder or surrender less. Same also with more of the other Shizuyamas.

Gods, he rather Cecilia just murdered Na'kratz instead of wounding him now. At least that would've been consistent.

The goblin had to drag Na'kratz to where Ayu was, hoping that the wound was a clean one rather than a messy one. At least the healing would take less time.


Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe.

Gringor winced at the sound, wondering just what it was? A spell? The hanging smell also had him curled his face and snorted.

The commotion made him look at the fallen sorcerer as he rubbed his ears. Smelling the iron tang in the air.

"Soft." He huffed at the injured Na'kratz, completely dismissive at the violence. How was it that the lazy monk was tougher than the armored boi?

Still, with shrug of his shoulders, he turned towards the blacksmith first. Already looking to take care of his newly acquired armor from those heavily armored bois. It was completely damaged in some areas but he managed to scrapped parts of it and hopefully, be able to add onto his current armor.

For now, he hefted the large shield that he acquired from the Iron Grinder captain. Testing it out as he swung his axe and used the shield in tandem. He was still unused to the shield but it was a solid slad of metal. Using it as a weapon was something he can do.

Recalling how the Iron Grinder fought, he copied it as best as he can but most of it remained irrelevant. Gringor noted that it fitted a stabba rather than a choppa.

He'll have to figure it out mid-way of the battle then.

His nose then picked the underboss scent, and nearly everyone gathering. Already, the pheromones slowly flowed from him. It was coming, another fight.

With that, Gringor headed to the temple.

@AzureKnight@Enkryption@PaulHaynek@The Irish Tree@Rezod92 @Crowvette

Skarsneek of the Red Hill

Moving back down as he looked at the quickly departing girls alongside Shizuka. He shrugged his shoulders at that, well, that's their thing. He'll have to drop by and see what's wrong with them.

Walking onto the road and waving at the Raiju, then he heard their last gosssip and it made him turn to face them.

Winking, he mouthed out silently.

I'm a guy.

Then quickly he left, leaving them with a mystery of the ages. At least it'll be sure to get them to come.

AS they marched down the road, he stuck close to his wife and nodded his head towards them. “You two alright?”

"And also, I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you in time." With a dark look, he clenched his fist. The big pictures were all that mattered, but at that moment, it was undeniable that he had essentially left his wife to fend for herself.

It didn't sit well, with him. Not at all.

“For you, Takeshi? Getting rid of the students helped but you still didn’t learn the technique.” He looked at Takeshi, raising some of his concerns. “Maybe get Shizuka to teach you, he seems familiar with the basics.”

“You’re gonna have to learn how to get the remaining surviving students on your side.” He added, fingers waving and gesturing about. “Every manpower at this point counts, just say that the master got defeated by you and that means you’re better or something.”

“Also, they now know where we’re located. Best either we relocate or start being active in our defense. Wouldn't want to get blindsided again.”

“So I called for some extra help. He should be arriving soon…unless he’s off doing something like rescuing maidens.” Skarsneek added with a snicker before patting Takeshi's arms. “But he’s strong, a little messed up in the head, I can guarantee his strength.”

“Oh don’t worry, he’s not a Mamono, and I think you might find him more in common with Shizuyama. At least…on certain topics.”


Gringor of the Ironhide tribe

Seeing his underboss moving out, Gringor looked towards the remaining Raiju.

“Don’t forget, you follow underboss Takeshi now. Where we go for fighting, you follow.” He lifted his axe one more time before striding off, dragging the thunderstruck Iron Legion with him in one arm alongside his armor while picking up the metal shield up with another. “We stay there.”

He pointed to the general direction of where they came from before quickly following the group.

Now to find how to take the armor and repair it. Gringor idly thought, recalling that other Varjan boi in their camp. He’ll drop by them.

On hearing his underboss talk, he grinned widely.

“Good day, fights was fun!” Slamming his axe against the newly shield he procured. “More fun than fights back home! Can stay here and fight forever!”

“But we’z need more armor, choppa and shamanz.” He said to Takeshi bluntly before tilting his head to the Iron Legion. “Normal Varjan bois, no problem, but them ‘ard bois are.”

“More boiz too.” Before thinking on a moment as Gringor found a solution to their predicament and added. “So we need to strike and take their lootz.”

“We go to their camp, bash their heads in. Take everything, and use it to bash more heads in.”
@AzureKnight@Enkryption@PaulHaynek@The Irish Tree@Rezod92 @Crowvette

Skarsneek of the Red Hills

Skarsneek hummed as he watched the proceeding slightly from afar, a question waving in his head the whole time now that he actually paid attention. More so after the Mad Hatter screamed, he had grabbed his clubs unconsciously.

Seeing the Mad Hatter move along side her face cracking and mushroom popping out, he watched her warily.

"Right, anyone wants to explain further on who's Dinah?" He asked Liliana and Kerry, confused at the two mixup on names. "She's like...a twin of Alice or something? You said something about merging and ripping eyes out-?"

Honestly, with how things escalated, it was hard to keep track.


Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe.

Gringor on the other hand was busy with his things as he took the Iron Grinder Leader body, and hefted it over his shoulders while carrying his newly acquired shield.

Walking towards the four raiju, he raised his axe in salute to them for acknowledgement.

"All of you, gonna join fight? Then you follow Underboss Takeshi, or Shizuka. Or I crack yer 'eads in." He dictated, not even a request as it was an order. "If not, then do whatever you want."

Feeling quite satisfied for today's brawl, they defeated the students, he gained a new shiny, and new lads joined their band. It was a good day.

Yet, for a High Orc like him, it was never enough. There was always the next fight to look forward to.

Moving back to the group, he hollered to them loudly. "Oy,good fight! When's the next one underboss?!"
@AzureKnight@Enkryption@PaulHaynek@The Irish Tree@Rezod92 @Crowvette

Skarsneek & Gringor

Skarsneek watched, his fingers flicking the club as he let it fall from his hands. Gringor watched from behind as he lowered his shoulders and let his ax fell to the ground but his arms still held it.

Then before he could do to intervene, others taken the faster initiative and struck the Iron Grinder before they needed to. Freeing the fairy and arms fallen to one side.

That's when the heavens themselves descended as lightning struck the Iron Grinder, shocking him to the core and fall lifelessly.

"Well, talk about lucky." Skarsneek can't helped but laugh at that scene. It felt so karmic.

Though when they're joined by Takeshi, asking if the heavens were gentle somehow, that had Skarsneek looking upwards to the skies.

And barely after that statement, a blinding flash struck the earth and greeted by Mamonos. Much to his surprise as he wrecked his brain trying to figure these ones out.

"Do you know what types of Mamono they are?" He asked his wife covertly. Not wanting to appear ignorant to others since he was often the brains.

Though he quickly bowed back to them and introduced himself as well as Atsuha and Hinami.. "Well, name's Skarsneek, nice to meetcha! And this my lovely wife, and her sister."

Gringor meanwhile looked towards the Iron Grinder struck by lightning, poking him with the butt of his axe before noticing the latter's still alive.

Armor's ruined though. His eyes spotted some damage, he'll need to find a smith for these.

Moving away, one thing that did survived was the shield he had knocked away earlier. Gringor hefted it easily and tried a few swings alongside the shield.

Huffing, he'll have to understand it a bit before using it to its fullest but that's a trophy he can take for himself.
Sorry for the late reply.


The letter that Haku written can be at your discretion of when she receives, reads or even reply to it. It can be simply as a background note, or the letters get lost/ripped apart. It's fine for me.

Haku mainly writes it as Coriander is his first friend at his age, so I'm putting it more as a IC action.

Dear Coriander, this is Haku.

I’m writing this letter to keep in touch, as I had many things to tell you but couldn’t due to our parting.

It’s been weeks since we’ve left Tune town, and East Blue is quiet as ever so there hasn’t been much-

“Haku!” He stood at attention immediately at his name being called, placing the feather pen and letter down in one swift motion.

“Break time’s over! Time to wrap up and head out for the next Island!” The Quartermaster said as the Kirin crew escorted a bunch of captured pirates. Tail end of smoke and fire slowly dying out in the fight.

From afar, the pirates ship was already consigned to Davy Jones' locker. Treasures confiscated will require them to interrogate where it was taken and given back, if such assets were made from illegal trading however…

Haku saluted, slipped the letter back to his uniform then jumped from the cliff overlooking the operation. Landing on all fours before heading to help others, carrying the heavy loads of treasure chest.

Like ants, they worked as one before the heavy anchor lifted even as Captain Cadog looked at the weather and skies.

“Raise sails!” The Helmsman commanded as the Kirin took to the seas once again, cutting through the ocean rapidly to their next destination.

“Each Beli has their number, so we can trace where it’s issued out. From there, it’s just finding the area. Gold’s harder, as each of them had different print from different kingdom-” Their accountant explained to Haku, showing him how to catalogue the pirates' loot.

“And if they’re erased?” He lifted one gold coin, it’s print long gone and seemingly hammered out.

“Set them aside, they’re evidence.”

“And once done?” Haku curiously asked, setting a large amount of gold coins separate.

“That’s up to judges.” Cadog walked behind the two. Smoke pipe in hand as he watched them work. “Officially, it’ll be used for the good of the World Government.”

“But it be more likely to end up in someone's pockets.” He grunted and took a deep breath from his pipe. “Also, take out that coin.”

Without a word, Haku hand took out a single coin from his pocket. Much to the treasurer's annoyance, not at Haku taking but rather, that he didn’t notice.

“Sorry, habit.” He apologized with a nod before being rapped at the back of his head.

“Go swab the decks.” Cadog growled between teeth as the young boy quickly went to fulfilled his orders.

“Good mood sir?” The Treasurer said, well-familiar with Cadog’s temperament.

“Our next destination, Lime Town.” Shoulders loosened as Cadog straightened at that mention. “It’s been awhile since I’ve been there.”

“Ah, I see. Think the Lobster Chow is still there?”

“Hah! It’ll be there! I’m sure of it!” Cadog laughed heartily, why, it’s been standing since he was a child! And he dropped by it every chance he could whenever he’s stationed in East Blue.

And this was a chance to show the kid true East Blue cuisine. Nowhere else would there be other shop that’ll be able to fight against it!



“I must had too much of a drink. Cabin Boy.”

“Yes?” Haku dutifully said.

“Tell me, this IS the place called Lobster Chow?”

“It is, sir. And it’s very closed. They even boarded the place even.”



-That there hasn’t been much going. I'm, however, told that we’ll be dropping by an Island that serves good food. East Blue cuisine are a bit too heavy for me but Cadog insisted that it's simply my taste bud that's the problem.

I humbly disagree, hardtack and water alongside mites are a fine meal on its own.

Nevertheless, it’s these quiet, boring days I find rather pleasant as I’ve not recall seeing such peace in other seas. My hometown included.

It might be months by the time this letter reaches you. I have many things to share, alongside stories on the Dev, the greater part of the world.

Such as the legend of the Dragonslayer of Wano, forty seven bandits, and felling of the Mountain God.

But for now, I’m healthy and hale, and I wish the same for you, Peppermint, the kids and Mr. Burnet.


[ARC 3]


@AzureKnight@Enkryption@PaulHaynek@The Irish Tree@Rezod92 @Crowvette

Skarsneek of the Red Hills

Flicking a rude gesture to the man, he whizzed past Takeshi.

“Good luck!” Passing the man as he had faith in him to win.

Though his entire focus turned to helping Io first as she was the one most in peril, and he feared he won’t make it in time.

At least, right up till a few familiar faces appeared as they assisted her.

His mind whirled, adjusted and plotted anew. Strategies revised discarded before he switched targets.

Assisting the sisters, he weaved through the rain easily as it covered his silhouette. Making him hard to see even with the fiery red hair that he has.

Seeing Atsuha being slashed alongside with Hinami made him saw red that he nearly missed the oncoming spell.

Seeing the stampede, Skarsneek eyes widened before he dove deeper. Heedless of the increased speed as he moved alongside the herd of bovine.

Completely hidden.

That when parts of the student of heavenly strike moved out of the way, Skarsneek ambushed them midstep.

His staff already split into two, brain working overtime as he had seen the technique a few times.

A technique that had godlike speed.

One that required two feet planted solidly for maximum strength.

He launched one staff right where the student other leg would land, aiming to disrupt the student footing.

In the muddy, raining fields and obstacles that would made them stumble?

Skarsneek had no intention of even letting them pull it off.


Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe

Gringor grinned voraciously, making the split in his mouth wider as blood trickled down and mixed against the beating rain.

Licking it, the pheromones in the air now hung like a cloud. Muted in helping the others due to the rain.

But for Gringor, it was the peak of strength as he was completely in the zone now.

Seeing the Iron Grinder Leader backed off, it didn’t escape his eyes the small limp that was made.

Immediately, like a tiger pouncing on its prey. Gringor rushed forward. Using his axe superior range to batter on the shield, forcing his opponent to either give way or make his limp worse.

He circled around as well, forcing the man to turn around at this barrage of strikes.

Then just when it got to a settling rhythm, Gringor feigned his direction before charging forward. Shoulders first and rammed against the shield, his armor adding to his weight.

All of that, to set up for one colossal downward strike aimed to hook the shield down as Gringor left fist tightened for a haymaker.
@AzureKnight @Enkryption @The Irish Tree @Rezod92

Skarsneek of the Redhill

Zooming past the archers arrow, Skarsneek arms blurred as he slammed one archer down, whirled and took out another one. His feet pounding and muscle burned with effort as he moved like a flash.

He wasn't sure if the heavens was helping him but a lightning strike scared off the remaining archers, allowing him a clear view of the battle. Quickly scanning and seeing his options.

Takeshi seemed to be locked in battle, and that damned High Orc fell to the enemy. Then he spotted Io in danger and the Hangai sisters being surrounded, from there he made a split decision.


Raising one of the rocks he picked up and tossing it upwards, he slammed it down like a baseball with his club. Sending it hurling towards the Iron Grinder that was grappling with Io broad back.

Then he ran towards the backline, carving a straight path as he slide down the walls and moved.

But not before helping out Takeshi briefly.


His foot moved silently, and honed in towards Tetsuo. Senses focused to its limit, then just as he stepped with sword range. Skarsneek split his club into half, and slide past Tetsuo and Takeshi, using his club for a single sweeping blow. Hit or miss, it didn't matter. His focused was just distraction.

He quickly got up to his feet and kept running towards Io, hoping to take down the Iron Grinder as he raised both clubs for an attack to the head.

Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe

Instead of the clash, Gringor was instead thrown above in one single smooth motion before being slammed into the ground. Knocking his momentum out as he crashed against it.

Then a single boot halted him before he could get up, pinning him place. Gringor eyes catching the flashing steel bearing down towards his head.

His mouth opened like a maw and a shrieking sound echoed.

To the shock of the Iron Grinder Leader, Gringor had bit down on the sword. His jaw exerted enough power to hold it in place as blood dripped from the side of his mouth.

Then shortening his grip and using one hand, Gringor lashed out his axe towards the Leader knees. Slamming the head of his axe repeatedly using the reverse side that was shaped like a hammer, the first blow had the impact transferred towards it painfully but it didn't break.

The second went to the same spot, sending pain but not threatening. Yet by the third, the Leader realized that Gringor planned to break the knee itself as the High Orc was now hitting it like a maddened beast.

All of which is for Gringor to act the moment the leader removes his foot, he will spit the sword out and get to his feet.

[ARC 2]


As Peppermint held up her fists, expression focused, Burnet’s jaw dropped. Unable to perceive Haku’s haki, he feared that the prior test hadn’t quite established Peppermints upper limits. Even aside from their skirmishes, he’d seen the door to Tacet City that she’d deflected on her own. Worse yet, Burnet had been teaching Peppermint proper punching form, and while she was still a novice, she wasn’t without experience either. Without an ounce of malice behind it, her fist launched forward.

Here it comes. Haku readied, and adjusted his balance to one side out of habit in taking hits.

And outright felt his hand blasted to the sides so fast from impact that he rolled backwards into the ground twice to bleed off the momentum before rolling back to his feet. Burnet had shot up, and the onlookers gaped while Peppermint held up her hands, fearful. Haku’s eyes wide and shocked as he looked at Peppermint. Testing his hands by rapidly clutching and unclutching it revealed it was numb.

He shared a glance to Burnet and realized just how strong she was.

“Apologies, I took it lightly.”

Dropping all previously held notions, he took it much more seriously as he took a lower stance and hands raised, haki coating his arms fully.

“Please, continue.” Haku quietly said, much more prepared this time.

Peppermint raised her fists, but they trembled lightly, but then she met Haku’s eyes, taking in his resolve and gaining her own. Planting her feet, she gave another blow.

This time, he shifted in tandem at the point of blow. Absorbing all the blow and dispersing it. Yet he can still feel the impact down to his bones, experience and intuition allowing him to start taking most blows.

On and on, he took it until he finally called it.

“Alright, I understand now.” He shook both hands, feeling slightly numb in his arms. Feeling sweat falling down his forehead. “I can see the potential, she’s certainly above average.” A look of befuddlement crossed Burnet’s face before fading.

For Wano standards, even he wasn’t that strong at her age. If she was to become a marine, it’ll be a great way for her to reach her potential.

“Captain Cadog will like to see her, she might even be sent to Central and trained there.” He added, more for Burnet than Peppermint. “But she’ll be going alone.”

A mix of emotions passed over Peppermint’s face. Joy, anxiety, excitement, fear, sadness. As she processed, there was an outcry from the sidelines. “What?” “She’s gonna leave?” “I don’t want Peppermint to leave!”

Cassia began to cry but Burnet raised a hand, silencing them (mostly). Putting a hand on Peppermint’s shoulder, she started to calm down.
“Hey! What’s happin-” came a voice from the path. Coriander stopped as she felt the gravity of the situation.
“Glad to hear your opinion before we see Cadog. It’s a big decision though, so I hope you don’t mind a little wait before she makes her choice.”

“Of course, I understand.” He said before looking at Peppermint. “I too, left my hometown behind. Far away.”

“It’s scary and lonely. And also asked to do things we’ll never like.” Haku continued before squatting down to Peppermint level, letting her know the reality of what she’ll face. Nevermind the rigorous training, chance of dying and immense dangers of the sea. “But that’s the life of a Marine.”

“If you really want to become a Marine, you have time. Don’t worry, and just think on it. Mr. Burnet is more than willing to help.” He ended before patting her head gently before standing up. “You’re a lot further than me at your age.” Peppermint had a pensive look, but gave a slow bow of her head.

Haku gave Burnet one last nod before noticing Coriander standing there awkwardly, just the person he was looking for.

“Hey, Mr. Burnet wanted me to check Peppermint potential. She got plenty of it.” He laughed before showing his hand before moving alongside her. “But the rest is up to her.”

“And…How are you?” Haku asked, this one being more personal.

Coriander looked back to the others, Peppermint going back to the other kids, before turning her focus on Haku. “Everything’s calmed down now that the storm is gone, so I’ve been good.” Bowing her stance slightly, she bounced a few steps to the side, shifting her stance a bit so that she was facing away from everyone but Haku. A bright smile beamed from her face. She mouthed the words, but no sound came out. Thanks. To. You. Leaving it at that, she gave another grin before bounding off, a spring in her step.

“...Very well.” Haku said with his own bow. “We’ll be departing soon.”

He looked at Coriander for a long moment, feeling a slight tug on his heart. A moment of hesitation came as he dragged his feet but continued onwards away.

His eyes also lingered on Peppermint and patted her head before leaving. Hands waving at the children without turning his back. “Do your best.”

So that’s how people with childhood friends are. His mind searched back for someone liked that before reaching a blank.

Right, he was the direct family and heir. Only servants and warriors was assigned to look after him.

Back then, he was fine with it but now…

It was so precious.

He shared one last look with Mr. Burnet and nodded. “Stay safe and thank you.”

The journey back didn’t take long, and after passing the items to the quartermaster alongside all requested item. Their ship, Kirin, unfurl itself and readied for its sail.

“Alright you sea dogs! Set course and full speed!”

“Aye captain!” As one, the crew roared as Haku moved along everyone to catch the wind in their sails. A pleasant after the storm passed.

Even as he held down everything in place. His eyes went to look at the Island, hoping to catch her once more.

For everything.

The Kirin cut through the seas, sending the waves splashing back as its crew moved to the next destination.

@AzureKnight@Enkryption@The Irish Tree@Rezod92@Crowvette

"OI!" Gringor hollered as his weapon was pulled away from him before being used unceremoniously by Alice, the mad girl.

Seeing his weapon being handled so poorly annoyed him greatly, more so when she just flung it away. Prompting him to go after it before dusting it off gingerly. "Phah."

Seeing the killjoy finish the fight, Gringor spotted the man reaching for something.

Skarsneek followed up immediately as he recognized a trick. "Step away from him!"

The red smoke that popped out of him confused him for a moment before a cold chill ran down his spine as Skarsneek looked to the air. True enough, just moments later, numerous artillery begin to fall upon.

Scooping the one lone Heavenly Student over his shoulders and pulling Atsuha backwards, Skarsneek screamed his lungs out "ROCKS!"

Gringor for his part saw the attack and step to the sides, seeing the fire boulders as he escaped from being buffeted. Shrapnels pinging off his skin harmlessly, the fire he had to brush it out as he spotted the quickly fleeing Varjan.

Hearing Takeshi's instructions, Gringor had to stop his eager pursuit and followed from afar. Following the logic of it.

Skarsneek in the meantime, dusted himself as he hissed. Recalling the Iron Grinder warriors, he hadn't seen them much outside of it.


They followed from behind, reaching and confronting most of the Iron Grinders alongside the Heavenly Students. However, one in particular stood out.

To Gringor, that big leader behind alongside that armor, shield, everything. It was perfect. He wanted that.

For Skarsneek, It was this Tetsuo as he studied the other hidden forces in this place.

Archers on high ground, heavy armor and skirmishers. This wasn't a fight he'll like to take head on. Thankfully there were others here.

"Shizuka, Atsuha, the moment this starts." Skarsneek said, head tilting to the archers as he never left them from his view. "I'm going to take out those archers."

"Meathead there is probably going to go for the Iron Grinder leader, you guys pick a target and follow up." He explained his plan to them before nudging Hinami. "Hinami, you protect your sister and Io. Or do what you think is best."

True enough, the moment lighting started to strike the place. Gringor was already moving forward alongside Takeshi. Hefting his axe upwards, before charging towards the Iron Grinders fearlessly. Roaring and howling loudly that it shook the bones as his pheromones, while dulled by the rain, filled the air to energize everyone.


Skarsneek sprinted towards the plateau walls, and in an impressive display of strength, dug his fingers deep before climbing it like a spider himself. No wasted movement before he reached the same level as the archers, alongside rocks in hand as he flung them like darts.
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