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@PaulHaynek @Enkryption

@FujiwaraPhoenix @VitaVitaAR @Lugubrious @Drifting Pollen


Nieve — Underground Caverns

"U-Uuuuh...", muttered Fran, scratching her head in thought. Remilia and Lewa had the right of it. With the caverns now inaccessible, the group had no other avenues to continue investigating what had happened here. Their main objective for coming here would go down as unsuccessful...but not absolutely so.

@FujiwaraPhoenix @Drifting Pollen @Lugubrious @VitaVitaAR


Nieve — Underground Caverns

With one finally swing with her mace, the undead minotaur's mangled corpse fell to the ground, never to move again. But before Fran could see if there were any other threats, a sizable chunk of rock fell near her. And then another fell. And another. And another. The Servant looked up to see the ceiling of the cavern crumbling around them, prompting a cave-in. She wondered what caused it...until she looked back at the corpse, specifically the deepened crater she made as she hammered her opponent, which may have caused the cavern to destabilize.

"....Ah.", Fran uttered to her teammates in an apologetic tone, looking sheepish.

"Everyone! Back out the way we came. Hurry!"

Lewa had the right of it and Fran wouldn't argue as blitzed once more to the front of the group, assisting Anne in dealing with the falling chunks of rock barring their way. Each swing of her mace reducing them to nothing clouds of dust and dirt.
@PaulHaynek @Enkryption @The Irish Tree


Kerry opened her eyes to find herself in her room, lying on her bed with her arm stretched out toward the ceiling, as if she was reaching out for something...or someone. Her face felt oddly wet and, upon touching her cheeks with her fingers, found out why.

The hornet had been crying in her sleep.

No surprise, given the dream she had, though it'd be more apt to call it a vision. A glimpse into the past life of Cecilia Lewis, the human maid before she became the Queen of Diamonds. A life filled with pain, heartache and...war. Can one call it a war when it becomes a twisted game of chess? Where the giving and taking of "pieces" are lives ruined and discarded? For gods know how long? Friends and loved ones turned and then turned on each other for measly patches of land?

Kerry thought she had seen the worst war had to offer, but that was.....That was....

Tears ran anew as her head fell into her hands, sobbing. She peeked over to the near completed nest and thought of Gwen.



No more.


This path of suffering her lover has embarked for so long ends today.




Kery jumped off the bed and almost flew out the door, not even taking her weapons. The words she has to say for Alice...for Cecilia will be powerful enough. And it would seem she wasn't the only one, seeing how Liliana and Eula were heading toward the same destination as well.
@FujiwaraPhoenix @Drifting Pollen @Lugubrious @VitaVitaAR


Nieve — Magic Shop


With Remilia veering off to assist Anne in fighting the shadowy assailant in the rear, Fran let loose a battle cry as she rushed forward to aid Lewa in dealing with the undead minotaurs, one of which her vampire companion did strike down, but due to them being....well undead, it came as no surprise that downed and fatally wounded beastman was trying to get back up.

To which the berserker Servant would swiftly put an end to that endeavor as she swung her mace overhead toward her enemy's skull, blood and grey matter splattering the floors and walls as she finished the job Remilia started. Wasting no time, Fran turned her attention to the other minotaur, who was being buffeted by Lewa's wind attacks. With the enemy distracted, she ran in and blindsided the beastman with an electrically charged mace swing, cracking several ribs and the minotaur crashing against a wall. Before the undead corpse could even fall to the ground, Fran slammed it into the wall again with a shoulder check before proceeding to wail on it with mace strike after mace strike.

A brutal and graphic beatdown, but Fran wasn't stopping until it stopped moving.
@FujiwaraPhoenix @Drifting Pollen @Lugubrious @VitaVitaAR


Nieve — Magic Shop

A downed, bisected skeleton dragged itself across, trying to reach its weapon to continue fighting-


But Fran put a stop to it by stomping on its skull, destroying it and rendering the skeleton dead once more. As the berserker checked on her companions, she would see that the last of the remaining undead being dispatched, ending the threat. In the Servant's honest opinion, this fight was too easy. Clearly, whoever summoned these skeletons were not expecting a ragtag group of otherworlders with otherworldly abilities to show up. Still, the path was now clear for them to continue. Fran was all for proceeding down the passageway further, confident in dealing with anymore surprises that may pop up. The others, however...

"Do...we...", Fran spoke, turning to her teammates as she pointed her mace down the darkened path. "...pro...ceed?"
@FujiwaraPhoenix @Drifting Pollen @Lugubrious @VitaVitaAR


Nieve — Magic Shop

"We need to stay close. Don't let them isolate you!"


Whether Fran's battle cry was in response to Anne's statement or not would remain unknown. What was known was that the Servant joined Anne and Lewa in fighting these armored undead, one of which marched toward her, axe raised. Fran, however, paid no heed as she literally rammed through the skeleton, obliterating it through sheer electric brute force. Still having the momentum, she spun on her heels as she raised her electrified mace, taking out three more skeletons before coming to a stop. Another undead saw it chance and swung its sword, but Fran swung her weapon once more, parrying the blade into the ground before reeling back and delivering a haymaker on the skeleton's temple, sending it flying toward the wall, bones scattering upon impact.

With another shrill cry, Fran would do her part in helping deal with these skeletons...

...Though, where did they come from?
@FujiwaraPhoenix @Drifting Pollen @Lugubrious @VitaVitaAR


Nieve — Magic Shop

Upon entering the shop, the group would find the storefront to be practically spotless, as if the entire area had been recently cleaned of any mess. While that might've not been suspicious, the various tables was their first clue things not being what they seem. Not only were they not displaying the goods and products this shop had, they were also damaged and dented slightly. And if that wasn't enough for Fran and the others to remain on guard, then the wide-open door to the basement did. All of this and still no sign of the shopkeeper.

"Ah.", muttered Fran, sparing a glance to her companions before walking forward and descending down into the basement. Upon arriving, the berserker would find the first instance of something going majorly wrong. The room was an absolute mess. Shattered glass, broken wooden beams and various debris littered most of the floor. Yet, from the Servant could observe, there seemed to be a partly cleared trail heading toward the back of the room...

As if something or someone powered through the mess.


Fran's unseen eyes narrowed, her grip on her mace tightened as she continued forward, following the trail.
@FujiwaraPhoenix @Drifting Pollen @Lugubrious @VitaVitaAR


Nieve — Mages' Guild

Fran cutely tilted her head as Serena handed Anne the letter. Retrieving goods for a royal princess wasn't what the Servant she would be doing today, yet here they were, sent off to do a simple errand. Still, if it meant getting an audience with the ruler, it'll be done. Even quicker as Lewa had joined them, the mysterious girl they brought in tow turning out to be a fairy. Something that intrigued the berserker as they group walked toward their destination. Did the girl being a Fae had something to do with the dark slime creatures they fought back then?

A question for another time, it would seem.

Nieve — Suspicious Shop

Soon enough, the group arrived at the shop...

...Though, things wouldn't be so simple as retrieving goods.

"I can smell blood."

"Blood? I thought this city-place was safe? Was there some kind of accident...?"

"If it was an accident, someone should have noticed by now. Ugh... This already reeks of a trap."

"Then...I'll...lead.", spoke up Fran, her mace already manifested and shouldered as laid on Anne's arm, indicating to the space knight to let the Servant lead as they stepped through the threshold and into the shop.
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