Anger was a vile emotion. Anger was a useful emotion. It simmered under the surface, boiling against the flesh and bone, inspiring action - both good and bad.
Cecilia awoke with a start. Her memories were clouded by a haze. Her last recollection was a slow burn of her emotions; the kindling was laid out by Liliana, and the match was thrown by Shizuka, while the flames were fanned by Atsuha. By the end of it all, she had burned to the end of her wick..., everything hurt.
A grunt escaped the Mad Hatter, as she pushed herself up, and cringed in pain. As she gained consciousness, Cecilia’s senses were firing off different messages. Immediately, she noticed the stench of blood lingering in the air, her blood from the earthen scent and grassy color; her legs had been stabbed, her back gashed and gouged, and her shoulders were rent. Underneath her, Kerry lies unconscious...
...blood on her lips and fingers...From 0 to -100, Cecilia’s mental state collapsed, as she assumed the absolute worst of herself.
In a moment, she was no longer a Human in her eyes, in her desperation to maintain that fragment of herself, long dead, but a full Mamono - a monster that took advantage of the helpless, and made them victims. After nearly five centuries, she was finally on the same level as the Mad Hatter that had put her on the path of self-loathing that drove her hatred of all Mamono, all the monster women that took advantage of men and ruined the futures of women.
Fraying entirely, Cecilia didn’t realize that she was screaming laughing, fully manic as she manifested her dagger, and placed the blade to her neck - the gleaming metal biting into her throat, as tears poured down her cheeks; the liquid turning light green, as blood mixed in.
Everything was wrong.
Did she...
Did she really see Kerry as a means to an end? So beneath her that she...
Squeezing her eyes shut, Cecilia released a strangled noise between screaming, crying, and laughing, as she pushed on her knife.
Pushed with the last of her will...
”Zzzz-Mmmph. H-Huh? Wha-?”, Kerry stirred awake, shaking her head to dispel the cobwebs of sleep.
”Cecilia, why are you being so lo-”Whatever the hornet was about to ask died on the spot as she took in the scene before her. The sight of Cecilia, her lover and father of their soon-to-be-laid child, in absolute hysterics, scratches and cuts on various parts of her body and with a knife that was
dangerously touching her neck, green blood already leaking due to how hard the mad hatter was pressing against her own jugular. Confusion and fear now surging in Kerry’s barely awakened mind. And on top of all that…
Goodbye? But….why? Why was she saying that? The nest was almost complete. Gwen was due to be laid any day now! She…
She proposed to her! Did that mean nothing now!? Does it no longer matter!?
Did the ring no longer matter!?
Did their vows not matter!?
Did Gwen no longer matter!?Why? Why? Why why why? WhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhyWHYWHYWHYWHYWHY-
”NO!”, Kerry screamed as she lunged toward Cecilia, her hand going for the knife to pull it away from her lover’s neck.
Cecilia’s eyes widened, as Kerry shocked her back into reality, and caught her off-guard enough to scatter the knife across their bedroom. "
What are you doing?! I can’t be forgiven!"
”Forgiven for what!?”, demanded the merc, almost crying herself.
”Why the fuck would you think to do that!?”"
I -- You -- I woke up and -- I... I... don’t remember..." Cecilia says, "
My blood... Did I attack you..." she grit her teeth, and barely choked out, "
Did I..." before her assumed crime died on her tongue.
”Attack….me? What are you…”Then Kerry remembered.
Some odd hours ago, Cecilia had walked into Kerry’s room in an increasingly dark mood. The hornet knew not what caused her lover to be in such a state but she could venture a couple guesses. Regardless, Kerry, ever dutiful in making sure the mad hatter was cared for, offered to…”relieve the stress”. Cecilia said nothing but, seeing how she promptly carried the hornet to the bed, didn’t need words to show her agreement. The session started off gentle and loving but as time went on, whatever was bothering Cecilia made her become more…assertive. To which Kerry sought to match.
One thing lead to another and it got…
intense. So much so that upon climaxing, Kerry passed out in bliss. With the marks on her fingers and mouth to show for it.
”Oh my gods…”, whispered Kerry as placed her hand on the mad hatter’s shoulders, closing her eyes and taking deep breaths to calm herself.
”Cecilia…You didn’t rape me.”Cecilia’s breath caught in her throat, before she, visibly, crumpled, and collapsed against Kerry; laughing and hugging her, absolutely breaking, but holding on... to her, if nothing else. "
...I didn’t... become like her..." she held Kerry, as if she would evaporate. "
I thought..."
”No…No, you didn’t.”, Kerry reassured, all the while taking in Cecilia’s current state. The merc had
never seen the mad hatter like this. The look in her eyes as she held the knife to her neck.
Like she had nothing left and lost the will to live.”Cecilia…What happened…earlier today?”, she simply asked.
Cecilia looked up, before resting her head on Kerry’s bare belly, and feeling the pulse of Gwen’s egg. There was no reason to lie. All day, her heart and her emotions had been throw free of their cages. From Liliana to Shizuka to Atsuha - optimism, realism, and hopeful possibilities had been thrown at her in equal and unequal measure by people that she didn’t understand and didn’t understand her.
In truth, Cecilia had been fighting a war of attrition with herself and trusting others.
If she was to overcome her most fatal flaw... there was no better start than here, at her lowest, in the arms of the one she pledged her life to.
So, she spilled the tea.
The Mad Hatter Specialty.
However, the gossip wasn’t about others, but herself and her day from start to finish - the good, the bad, and the ugly. The cruelty of her words, her thoughts, and her actions from Alice promising to return to Liliana, her cold reality professed to Shizuka, and her damnable preaching to Atsuha in a vain attempt to steal away Hinami for the sake of both her own desires and rebellion.
There was no excuses to be made, so she made none.
There was no reason to be forgiven, so she expected none.
All she could do was face the music, and whatever song Kerry chose to conduct...
For a solid minute, Kerry didn’t say anything as she processed Cecilia’s words. It was…a lot to take in…
…Not to mention painful.
”...Did…”, Kerry spoke, her tone wavering as she raised a hand to place on the back of her lover’s head, but hesitated.
”...Did you mean that?”"
...for a moment, I wanted to,” Cecilia says, "
I wanted you to mean nothing to me..." she confessed, "
But when I saw you, unconscious beneath me, bloody, and my body cut and stabbed... I was so scared... I couldn't bear the thought that I could be... like her..."
...that The Queen of Diamonds could be as unknowing of Love and only aware of Lust as The Queen of Hearts...”
Cecilia clawed at her cheek, "
I can't be Alice for you, or Liliana, or Shizuka, or anyone! I can't even be me for me! I have to be the soldier that everyone needs, and yet... I don't know if I can...”
...I just want to save my home..."
A moment passed and Kerry’s hand gently laid upon Cecilia’s head, giving soothing rubs of comfort.
”And for you, love…where is home?”"
Beyond the veil, beyond this Realm..." Cecilia says, "
Beyond my right to demand you follow me to Wonderland."
”That ship has kinda sailed at this point, I’m afraid.”, said Kerry, chuckling as raised her other hand to show Cecilia the ring.
The hornet never took it off. Not even once.
”A good wife stands by her husband, no matter what.”Cecilia blushed and spluttered, "
We've yet married, and I have no ring to wear! It would be improper!”
”Oh my gods, you dramatic dork! Come here!”Chitinous hands cupped Cecilia’s cheeks as her head was lifted off Kerry’s belly and returned to eye level, brilliant blue eyes meeting rich hazel.
”That. That, right there. What mamono on this Earth would be fretting over not having a ring to match another? You’re worried over becoming the worst kind of our kind, yet from where I’m sitting, there was nothing for you to worry about. You’re showing the beauty of mamono…by showing that we, too, can be just as human…
…and I love you so much for that. You’ve always been yourself, Cecilia.”"
A ring is simply proper behavior, Human or Mamono,” Cecilia huffed, deflecting in her tsundere fashion, "
A Mad Hatter is no heathen," she snorted, before sighing, "
Do you forgive me, truly, even though I sought... another?"
Cecilia fought the urges of her Species, the desire to cultivate mates, hierarchical, and... well... harems kept each other happy, and rebel against the norm of monogamy.
Kerry sighed and leaned in, her forehead touching her lover’s.
”You may not remember this, but back when you were Alice, I did give consent for you to seek other mates. As long as we communicated about it and you treated me right, I saw no reason to keep you to myself. Plus, you’ve expressed interest in Liliana and, by proxy of Carroll, Eula. But to answer your question, yes. I forgive you.”"
O-Oi! I'm not that woman,” Cecilia blushed. "
That Fairy is of no interest to me, okay?"
She'd snuck an interest in a different brainlet.
”No, clearly you’re not. And Liliana…Geez, I really ought to talk to her about this.”, the merc commented before clearing her throat.
”On an equally important note…Cecilia…you know I love you, right?”"
Why, I cannot begin to imagine, but, yes, I can tell as much,” Cecilia says, "
I can confess the same. Even if I'm not the Alice that did this to you, I can walk in her place for as long as you wish..." she swears, "
...and keep my eyes on you as best I can."
”And…Gwen. Even if it wasn’t…you who knocked me up, do you love her?”"
Ultimately, it was me. I am the core, and Alice is just a conversation between Carroll and I, so it seems,” Cecilia says, "
Gwen is mine, before her, but... that's your decision to accept or deny.”
”Don’t be ridiculous, Cecilia. Like hell Gwen is gonna be without a ‘daddy’ in her life.”, Kerry retorted, deadpanned.
Cecilia stuck out her tongue, before blowing her bangs out of her eyes, "
Hopefully, she won't be a womanizing drama queen..."
”She won’t. She’ll learn from me how NOT to be someone her father used to be.”, Kerry joked, smirking.
Cecilia huffed, before looking up at the ceiling. "
This is...” she sighed, "
I don't even know. But, I know that “used to be" sounds rude!”
”I wasn’t being malicious about it, but…I really shouldn’t judge on one’s past. Sorry.”With the situation deescalating, Kerry decided to touch on a subject that Cecilia had brought up during her spiel.
”The sisters…Is it really like that?”"
Maybe. Maybe not. My... second brain has opinions...” Cecilia says, "
However, to the Rebellion Queen, the answer is yes, regardless of what's said or believed."
The hornet pondered on that. As a big sister herself, she loved her siblings dearly. But to love to the point where it becomes toxic and hinders them from living their own life? She could never hurt them like that. Though…if she were in Atsuha’s position…would she have done the same?
Honestly, she doesn’t know….and will never have to, thankfully.
”Oh, I almost forgot. How’s that tavern coming?”, Kerry inquired with a smile.
It's just a thought in my head,” Cecilia says, "
But, I can see it, a place for everyone to come together, and pitter-pattering feet to run around."
”Do you also see me as a barmaid in this tavern of yours?”"
Do you?,” Cecilia asks.
”...Eh. I don't really have much experience in customer service. Probably be bad at it.”, Kerry responded, giggling before turning her attention to the nest.
”It’s almost done. Wanna put the finishing touches on?”"
Every good tavern has a sexy mascot," Cecilia teases, before nodding, "
Since you are going to be biting pieces of me out, might as well do some additional tidying up," she says, "
We need haircuts. You look like a prehistoric cavebee, and I was not born for such length."
But, just the hair upstairs. The drapes need a change, but the carpets are fine."
”Charmer.”, replied Kerry, not missing a beat. Though the mad hatter was right in needing a haircut. During the pregnancy, the hornet had let her hair grow to the point where it reached her thighs. Definitely time to cut it short.
”And here I thought you liked it shaved.”"
Even Queens have their wild sides," Cecilia says, smirking. "
An extra handhold down there has its uses in certain positions."
”Ha! Freaky mushroom woman!”, quipped Kerry as she stood up.
”Then again, I’m no better. Now come on. The sooner we spruce up, the sooner we can finish Gwen’s nest.”Cecilia smirked, before she looked around, as if looking through the walls. Perhaps she was, in a sense, as Kerry could feel her Hybrid Energy expanding away from her in a familiar radius that she dubbed her “Line of Intention” - the circle in which Cecilia, or, at the time, Alice, was hyper-focused, and could parry any attack that didn’t exceed lightspeed, such as the Heavenly Strike.
It didn’t take much to realize, Cecilia was looking into the hallways.
Suddenly, the Mad Hatter would sprint out the door with the Hornet in tow, and make a rather mad, naked dash towards the nearby onsen; the hot spring converted into a public facing bathhouse and partial spa, as was tradition for most locations. However, Cecilia had ZERO intention of using the soothing water for its more medicinal purposes, as she turned Kerry to the rock face, and her true intention was rather firm behind the Hornet’s striped bee-hind.
I’d like to remember this encounter," purred the Mad Hatter, "
A semi-public venue, a place of healing and cleanliness... baring witness to such a filthy, sinful act..." she nipped Kerry’s ear, "
Much better than a straw mattress and a wooden floor, no?"
The hornet blinked once and now here she was in the same hot spring that she and Alice did the dirty in what seemed like a lifetime ago. Time really flies like an arrow.
”Definitely brings back memories, that’s for sure.”, Kerry huskily responded, biting her lip as a pleasant tingle shot up her spine as Cecilia nibbled her ear.
”Let’s not get too carried with this, yeah? I could lay Gwen any day now.”"
Sounds like a party to me," Cecilia says.
”Then have at it, love.”, cooed the hornet, wiggling her rear for extra effect.
With pleasure," Cecilia smirked. Permitted, and progressing before Kerry could protest, Cecilia would rock her world properly without fear of losing her memories to anger and self-loathing. If anything, Kerry would notice the gentle undercurrent - an almost picturesque adherence to Humanity - as Cecilia put none of her otherworldly, even by Mamono standards, strength into keeping her wife-to-be where she wanted her.
If anything, there was a notable vulnerability to it all. As if, Cecilia was almost seeking to be caught in the act, despite putting them where they would be difficult to catch, unless someone else had the same notion. It was almost, as if, she was bringing them to the same level - no longer a rebellious Queen stained in Lilim blood, nor a sellsword Hornet weary of strife, but husband and wife, consummating their relationship.
In a sense, Kerry could tell that Cecilia wanted to extinguish all claims that “Alice” had on Kerry’s mind, body, heart, and soul. Both as a Human and as a Mamono.
This….This feels different.Amidst the pleasurable cries and need-filled moans, Kerry had enough clarity in her to note just how different making love to Cecilia was compared to when she was Alice. With the latter, the love was there, yes, but it was more overwhelming and dominant, akin to the superior strength the mad hatter possessed. With the former, however, there was no such force. Cecilia still had that strength yet none of it was present here. It’s…almost as if she didn’t want to use that force for this. Right now, Kerry could get Cecilia to stop if she wanted to.
Here, there was consent.
Here…they were equals.
A situation such as this would be viewed by other mamono as weird and so outside the norm, but for Kerry?
It was beautiful.
Pulling Kerry in, Cecilia would place her hands upon her beating heart and her gravid belly - forming a connection with her child and the mother at once, as Chaos Magic enveloped the trio..
In the distance of a far-off land, pieces of scribed paper were glowing and floating - invitations being rewritten, repurposed. No longer addressed from a stranger from a strange land under her pseudonym, but her real name.
Still a stranger from a strange land, though - no helping that part.
...yet.Thrice now, Gwen had been exposed to a burst of Temporal Magic, and thrice now, her gestation period within Kerry had been sped up considerably.
And, as the saying goes,
Three strikes and you’re out.And that’s when it happened.”Ha~....Ha~....Gods, that was-UGH!?”Kerry was enjoying the afterglow when she suddenly felt
something wet exit out of her.
Mhm~" Cecilia hummed, pleased as punch, and unaware the sudden exodus of liquid wasn’t from her bedroom skills.
Wanting to confirm what just happened, Kerry looked down…only to be blocked by her very pregnant belly, so she opted to just feel with her fingers.
What she felt down there, among other things….was water…
that wasn’t from the spring.”...My water broke.”"
Is that all," Cecilia asks... before her post-nut clarity roundhoused her. "
Unconcerned with appearances, political fallout, or the rumor mill, Cecilia would blitz back to the dinky room they shared, and put Kerry on the bed.
Okay! Thinking cap on! Mad Hatter brain on full! Finish the nest! Lay the egg! Cover the egg! Throw the party! Freeze the egg! Safe! Sound! On board?!" Cecilia asked, pointing at Kerry as she worked out the bullet points of a multistage plan that require Life cooperating.
...and Life so rarely fancied her.
”Y-Yeah. Fully on board.”, responded Kerry, as the current situation hasn’t yet hit her.
”But I think one of the best we can do is remain ca-”Then the first contraction hit.”aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-”"
Screaming doesn’t help anyone!" Cecilia shouted, as she fussed with her hair. "
Should I paralyze you?! Would that help?!"
”LILITH’S TITS, THAT FUCKING HURT!”, the hornet exclaimed.
”And no! What if you paralyze Gwen in the process!?”"
In an egg? She’d be fine, probably," Cecilia says, "
Also, who the hell is Lilith, and why are you thinking about her tits, when mine are right here!?"
Annoyed, Cecilia crossed her arms to emphasized her bust.
”I am not doing that on a ‘probably’, Cecilia! And are you serious!? It’s a figure of spee-”Contraction #2 incoming.
Oi! Oi! Could you not?!" Cecilia grimaced. "
I’m trying to think... I could ask someone... Lilianna? Hinami? Uuuu...~"
It was rare for Cecilia to panic, but this was a rare situation, so the reaction suited the circumstance well.
Kerry was now full on crying, the pain unlike anything she has ever experienced. She didn’t know what to do. Cecilia didn’t know what to do. Gwen wanted to be laid NOW.
In the midst of pain and panic, the hornet’s mind reached out to the one true avenue of salvation.
”MAMA! PAPA!”Cecilia had no clue how to handle something that tended to happen while she was away. Fortunately, Alice’s last act would bridge the gap between two places and spaces via the rules of a good party. Activating, two of the several invitations sent among the Maros Clan would call upon their recipients, as Kerry did the same.
In the time it took to blink, suddenly Kerry’s room gained two new occupants, a man and a mamono. Said man stood a tall 6’3”, had dark brown skin, a well-rounded muscular physique, a rugged face with green eyes, a chiseled jaw and black shoulder-length dreads. He wore a tan tank top with matching cargo shorts and sandals. The mamono next to him had light brown skin, brown hair flowing to the middle of her back, brown scaly elf-like ears, honey-yellow slit eyes set on an elegant yet motherly face and a sensuous figure with a generous bust to boot. She was dressed in something similar to a dirndl with a flowing maroon skirt around her waist. Beneath her waist, however, was the body of a large snake, earthy brown all the way down to the tip of her tail, with spots of darker brown decorating her serpentine form.
Both were holding coffee mugs as they quickly scanned the surroundings they just instantly appeared in before locking on the two other beings in the room…
Specifically, the hornet in labor."Kerry?"/
"Kerrigan?", they both said in unison.
Despite her panic, Cecilia seemed to overwrite it all, and manifested her dagger to present a threatening presence.
Who the hell are you?!"
Seeing the strange woman now brandishing a weapon at them, the man promptly raised his right hand. Cecilia would notice a golden bracelet on his wrist, the style exactly like Kerry’s black and silver bracelets. He snapped his fingers and, in a flash, a golden metal spear appeared from thin air. Unlike Kerry’s spears, which were minimalist and formal in design, his spear was more elaborate and adorned in dragon motifs. He grasped the spear and pointed the tip towards Cecilia.
”You first.”, he responded, his deep voice in a tone making it clear that if it’s a fight Cecilia wants, it’s a fight she’ll get. The snake mamono to his side was of the same mind, hissing and showing her fangs as her hair began to move by an unseen force and her hands began glowing an eerie white.
"What the hell have you done to our daughter!?", she demanded.
Well, that answered the mad hatter’s question.
An answered question. A presented threat. A decision made.
Arise, o’ quiet one. Aid me, o’ silent one," Cecilia extended her right hand, "
Hark to my name, The Queen of Diamonds, and rebel to my cause..." Across the room, if she were of righter mind, Kerry would have likely thought that Cecilia was summoning Dusk, as she favored giving the nonlethal blade an edge of death, however, it was Mort that heeded her call to arms, and came to her aid. "
My name is Cecilia Lewis, the Rebellion Queen, and The Queen of Diamonds, she who will ascend to the Throne of Gods, and slay the Lilim Queen of Hearts," she announces, running her MANY epithets, "
Now, Fiancé of Kerry Maros, and Father of Gwendolyn."
Now, I ask again:"
"Who the fuck are you, before it’s off with your heads?"
The pair’s eyes widened in shock, but not at the threat, but at the last two titles that Cecilia just announced.
"Fiancé!?""Father!?"”EVERYONE, STOP!”Suddenly reminded of the most important person in the room, the three turned their attention to Kerry, whose tear-stained face was marred in pain, panic…and now frustration.
”Cecilia, stand down! They’re my parents!”, she shouted, gritting her teeth as she felt another contraction was about to wash over her.
”Mom, Dad! Please don’t attack Cecilia! She’s my future husbaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! SON OF A BITCH!”Seeing the hornet in such a state, the snake mamono immediately shifted gears, forgoing hostilities in favor of tending to her daughter.
”Shane, go find towels and a bucket of hot water. From the looks of it, she only recently went into labor so she’s not at the hard part yet.”, she spoke, taking charge as she used her tail to wrap underneath Kerry so the hornet was in a more comfortable position. The man, named Shane apparently, leveled one suspicious look towards Cecilia turning away and marching out the room, gold spear still in hand.
Cecilia wasn’t shocked by the suddenly turn of events, as her own mind turned to the matter at hand, and she flicked Mort into the door, before Shane could leave. "
Oi, old man, if you need supplies, you aren’t finding much out there. This temple is a hole in the ground, scraping by. People see you stomping around, there’s going to be trouble for us all..."
Doffing her hat, Cecilia would reach in, and produce a tablecloth; a thick fabric, multicolored in a festively garish plaid of blue, yellow, and green, before she pointed to the firepit. It wasn’t standard to the barrack they lodged in, but Cecilia wasn’t sleeping in barely insulated cold - Mantago were very much a warmth-based Species. Hewning the stone hole in the floor and matching funnel was no small feat, but to have a roaring fire made for a happier pair at night.
You’ll have to crack on the fire, yourself, but there’s some stored water for my tea in the corner - that covered pot," Cecilia says, before turning her attention towards the serpent, "
By the grace of her claim is all that lets you be so close... know that."
"And by the same grace of my daughter’s claim is that the only reason why I didn’t snap you like a twig.", the snake mamono shot back as she held Kerry’s hand and laid a soothing hand on the hornet’s belly.
"Know that…bruja.""Give her a bit of credit, Pandora." Shane commented as he went about getting a fire going.
"At the very least, this lady is convenient."Cecilia’s right eye twitched, before she summoned a deep breath in, and summoned her dagger; plunging the blade into her left shoulder. Exhaling, Cecilia would find her zen in a chaotic storm of pain, before dismissing her dagger, and cracking her neck. Snapping her fingers, she summoned her suit, and fluffed her jacket.
I don’t like you."
Let’s go, Mad Hatter. Think. Take in the temperature of the room. Access the number of bodies. Subtract the heat sink by adding the heat absorption rates. Multiply for the snake..."
Cecilia conducted her hands in the air, closing her eyes.
Induction. Conduction. Apply. Isolate the first location. Quicken pace. Access the decay of the wood. Reduce the decay rate by half. Increase the burn time. Isolate the second location. Stabilize the Temporal Line..."
Suddenly, the pot of water would be boiling, and Cecilia dropped her hands.
Alright, mother, the next step, then," Cecilia asks.
Shane blinked at the now boiling pot, turning to Cecilia with an inquisitive gaze before returning back to the pot.
"...Heh.", he chuckled as he got to work on ripping up the cloth to make makeshift towels.
"That’s definitely a new one." Pandora’s eyes narrowed at the not-so-subtle jab but, upon feeling Kerry squeeze her hand and hearing her whimpering, decided to let it go. Questions and answers will come later.
"Now…I need you to have a look down there.", Pandora stated, gesturing with her head toward Kerry’s lower end.
"How dilated is she?""
Not that I’m opposed to what you’re asking, but I don’t know what you’re asking," Cecilia says, "
Any sons and daughters I’ve sown have been delivered while I was at war. This is my first experience."
”¿Qué? You had previous children and weren’t there for any of them!? ¿Qué clase de impío-"”Mama! Por favor!”, Kerry pleaded, speaking to her mother in the same tongue.
Now it was Pandora’s turn to take a deep, calming breath. So. Many. Questions.
"...Do you see the egg down there?", she clarified for Cecilia.
"If so, how much of it is visible?"Cecilia looked at Pandora, her tongue was strange - it wasn’t like the one she spoke in Salvarsion, but it was close in moulding. However, that was for another time. No, she had more pressing matters. "
Echidna, right? That’s your Species, if I’m not mistaken. Mad Hatter, if you could guess. 499 and 42 years ago, I was Human, like your mate," she says, "
From the age of six to the age of forty-year, I killed my friends, family, and people I grew up with for the amusement of Mamono, like you, who used be Human, like me, in grand and glorious games of Chess, as living pieces. I was born a Pawn. I died a Queen," she says, "
For 249 years, I built and lost four nations and seven kingdoms, fighting against the Lilim that oversees Wonderland. During that time, I took wives from the lands I settled, the prisoners I captured, and women that were traded as curried favor. For 250 years, I lead a campaign across much of this world, and settled the Kingdom of Summerheld, until she was razed after standing for 248 years. In that time, I had one child. I was called to war the day of her birth, and the night of her first day, my kingdom was burned to the ground. Her fate, to me, is unknown to this day."
I’ve been alive for almost 1,000 years, and I’ve never seen one of my children survive a year. You’re well into your life, and well-regarded among your kind," Cecilia says, "
I’m sure you’ll understand that we, as women, as Mamono, and as those that have delivered children, are not equals in this world, nor in this life, and never shall be," she says, "
But, I will forgive you, for Kerry, and the children you were allowed to see grow up, and forget that you chose to assume the worse of me."
Cecilia squatted down to look, "
As for the answer to your question... I just see pink. I assume it’s coming out the traditional way, and, not, like, out of her ass like a Harpy?"
Pandora was silent as Cecilia shared her life story with her. Even Shane paused his task as he listened in. As the mad hatter went on, the echidna’s hardened face gradually softened. 1,000 years and not even one child lived a year. That’s….No, that’s not true. It can’t be. No mother could ever-
”Mama…”Pandora’s eyes snapped back to Kerry, who despite being in labor, held eyes that knew and understood.
”It’s true, Mama. I’ve seen her life through a vision. Please…she’s not who you think she is. She’s not.”The echidna turned her gaze back to the mad hatter, a million thoughts swirling in her mind and knew not what to make heads or tails of.
"I say we trust her, babe.", inputted Shane.
"If she really did mean us harm, she would’ve done so already.""Aye…she would’ve.", concurred Pandora with a deep sigh.
"Cecilia, was it? Indeed, forgive me. Between appearing here suddenly and seeing my daughter crying and in pain, I jumped to a conclusion.""And…no. All offspring come out the traditional way. Why would they come out the same hole that one shits out of?""
Iunno. Kerry’s got a fat ass, so I figure, it would make sense. Big egg. Big ass. Easy exit," Cecilia shrugged. Mad Hatter logic. "
Plus, it's seriously plush, so probably wouldn't, like, smush the eggshell. Not to mention, I might have widened it a little earlier, before her water broke..."
”CECILIA!”"PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!"Kerry’s hands covered her now deeply red face in embarrassment while Shane almost spilt boiling water on himself from laughing so hard. All the while, Pandora gave Cecilia the most unamused deadpanned look she has ever seen in the past two centuries.
"...Dios mío, mi hija se ha enamorado de un idiota.", she lamented.
”She’s….not always like this, I swear.”, Kerry weakly defended.
"I hope not!""
I'm going to pretend that meant, ‘Yes, my daughter's ass is fatter than mine, dear,’ just so we're on the same page,” Cecilia says, before looking to Shane, and giving him a thumbs up, "
I'm forever in your debt, good sir. Thank you for your hard work and blessing."
"Kerry, ¡no apruebo a este degenerada!"”¡Por favor, mamá, dale un respiro! ¡Ella nunca había hecho algo así antes!”"¿Pero ni siquiera entender anatomía básica?"”¡No es culpa suya!”As the hornet and echidna went back and forth, Shane was now on the floor, still laughing but weakly returned a thumbs up to Cecilia.
Hé, hé, je ne sais pas ce que tu dis! En commun, s’il te plaît!" Cecilia snapped. "
I can do it, too. You’re not special..." she says, annoyed, "
Can we focus, now? I see something."
As if a switch was flipped, the situation reintroduced itself in the form of another contraction, causing Kerry grit her teeth as she hissed an agonizing groan.
"Shane!""I’m here!", he responded, having somehow instantly recovered from his laughter as he brought over a bucket of hot water and some torn up rags.
"We’re all set.""Alright, Kerry. Listen to me closely. When you feel another contraction hit you, I want you to push as hard as you can, okay?"”B-But it hurts so much, mamá.”, whined Kerry.
"I know it does, cariño. But I know you want to see this egg be brought into the world, don’t you?"”I…I do. I very much do! I…I think I feel another one coming!”"Time it. As soon as it hits, remember: Push as hard as you can!"Heeded the advice, just as the contraction washed over her, Kerry pushed with a scream.
Geh!?" Cecilia grimaced, "
Hey! Listen, here, you," she says, putting her hands to Kerry’s belly, "
Yours isn’t a lot of pain and suffering, but nobility. You may be a collection of mush, but you’re more than just that. You’re the daughter of the 42rd Queen of the Krumpet Family. It is your lot to exceed me, and stand in my place, one day, as Queen of Wonderland. So, stop being a surly commoner, Gwendolyn Maros, and make this easier on your mother!"
Due to her hand placement, Pandora could see that Cecilia had no ring to pair with Kerry’s, and Kerry could feel the familiar lulling storm of Chaos Magic against her belly, the wackiness of Wonderland penchant for the opposite of the truth of any matter dulling her pain.
It did not escape Pandora’s notice that Kerry had a ring on her finger while Cecilia did not. She glanced over to her husband and he too saw the same thing. The duo looked to each other and nodded. Another question to ask once this was done.
Now with Cecilia’s Chaos Magic easing the burden, Kerry could actually focus more effectively on pushing now that the pain has greatly diminished.
She can actually feel the egg moving toward the exit.
"Cecilia, how are we looking?", Pandora, dabbing a warm wet rag on her daughter’s sweating forehead.
Beautiful," Cecilia says, taking Kerry’s left hand, "
Keep it up." Cecilia’s soft smile didn’t fade, as she focused on keeping Kerry’s pain at a dull roar, while leaning forward, and kissing her nose. "
I bet she’ll take after you. Every feature, cute as a button, from top to bottom," she says, "
You can do this, Kerrigan. I believe in you."
Drawing a deep breath, Cecilia would slip away, and looking back up, after a quick peek, "
Stuff is happening. I don’t know if the shell is supposed to look a certain way, but everything seem intact, so... bonne?"
"Let me help you out then.", announced Shane as he moved to the same position to Cecilia’s side.
"Hmmm…She’s right. Egg’s coming into view now. You got this, cuddlebug.""You’re there, Kerry. Just a little bit more.", chimed Pandora, running her fingers through the hornet’s hair with motherly affection.
”I…I want her to have your eyes, Cici.”, Kerry muttered, the smile of a budding mother on full display.
”Pure blue like sapphires.”Another contraction, another mighty push from the former merc.
Cuddlebug," Cecilia asks, "
I call her bumblebee, because she always blushes so brightly," she chuckled, "
My eyes aren’t that special - hazel is beautiful, earthy, like honey."
”Don’t call me a bee.”, huffed Kerry with a pout. Pandora giggled.
"She always disliked being compared to a bee, even as a kid.", Shane commented, a nostalgic smile on his face.
Well, last I checked, a Hornet didn’t make such delicious honey, like my Bumblebee," Cecilia smirked, making a passing glance at Kerry. "
Gwendolyn shall ne’er go hungry, that I can attest to from personal experience."
"...Honey?", queried Pandora with a raised eyebrow, looking to her daughter to shed some light on that, only to see the hornet take an intense interest in the nearby wall, though she couldn’t hide her blush, as Cecilia pointed out. Shane snickered.
Gwen’s gonna need milk, after all," Cecilia says, "
So, I used a little bitta my blood to twist up Kerry inside, and now she makes some lovely honey," she purred, "
If she didn’t fuss so adorably at Bumblebee, her pet name would be Honeybun, instead."
"Half hornet, half mad hatter…", Shane surmised, rubbing his chin in thought.
"A Mad Hornet.", commented Pandora.
”The first of her kind.”, Kerry concurred.
”A unique mamono has unique needs, it stands to reason.”"
Indeed! Honey pairs quite well with tea, after, all, like they were fated to be," Cecilia says, "
I’m getting impatient... maybe..." she hummed, before she traced around the egg, "
So many flaws... but... I think..." Cecilia would apply her fingers to the jelly shell, and close her eyes, moving her fingers around, "
"Egg-laying requires patience, Cecilia. It’s not something for you to-"The mad hatter would forgive the echidna for not really understanding how magic from Wonderland just…doesn’t care for conventional laws of nature as a contraction seemingly came out of nowhere.
”WHAT THE- Cici! Warn me before you do that!”, complained Kerry as she pushed once more.
"Oooookay, egg’s really out now.", said Shane as he readied the rags before turning to Cecilia.
"Know how to handle-...actually, nevermind. I think you got this."Cecilia didn’t acknowledge Shane or Kerry, as she focused, and moved her fingers; sliding her left hand down, and into Kerry. Finding purchase at the bottom of the egg, Cecilia would encircle the width at the center, and dig her heels in. Push. Pull. Rebel. Kicking back, Cecilia would work with everything set up, and slammed her back into the wall, as she cradled the jelly egg at its most semisolid points.
Bonjour, jellybean," Cecilia says, looking down, "
The world says, hello..."
It seemed…almost surreal, to Kerry. Even during the few months of being pregnant, between all the traveling, all the fighting, the various people and mamono that she has met and fought, with and against…This seemed like a distant dream. A far away destination she thought she would never reach. And yet…here she was.
Gwendolyn. Her daughter. Was here.
She was
finally here.
”C-...Cecilia…”The mad hatter looked up to see the most beautiful smile she has ever seen on Kerry’s tear-stained face, arms raised as she reached out for the egg. Her parents held smiles of pride, with Pandora’s eyes welling up with tears of her own.
”...Let me hold her. Please.”"
Of course," Cecilia says, walking over to pass the encapsulate larva over, as she took off her jacket to cover Kerry for the first time since they started this emotional roller coster. "
If you’ll excuse me for a moment. I just need to step outside," she says, skirting out the barred door, after pulling Mort out of the frame, before anyone could really protest.
As she stepped outside, Cecilia would fuss through her pockets and retrieve her smokes - flicking one against the stone to light it - as she paced up and down the hall, and wrung her hair with her hands. A part of her wanted to laugh in disbelief. Another part wanted to scream in fear. All of her was rife with fear. In an instant, a countdown started in her head:
One year."
Calm down, Lewis. Think. Use that brain of yours. A year. A year. A fucking year. Why didn’t you think?! You only have a year left. The exile ends in a year. Back to war. Back to war, you moron! Why?! Why?! WHY!?"
Cecilia crushed the cigarette in her hand, and her head into the wall, before she slumped to her knees...
What do I do now..."
"Must such a question be asked?"A pair of warm arms curled around Cecilia’s neck as she was enveloped in a gentle hug.
"Once more, you are a parent. You know the answer to that question.", spoke Pandora in a motherly tone.
No... I don’t."
Cecilia gripped the arms around her, her strength left her; she was clinging, not resisting. It was like a magical transformation, in a sense, as Cecilia’s aura of confidence, her queenly demeanor, and demonstration of stolen power was replaced by the aura of a woman that had grown up in worlds of cruelty, of loss, and of fear. As she hung on, Pandora could hear her crying, and feel her welling fear.
It’s like I’m back there... weak.. defenseless..." Cecilia says, "
I grew up in a cave, after I was turned... I was so afraid... so ashamed..." she sobbed, "
I scraped by, isolated, because I didn’t want to be a Monster... I wanted to be Human..." Cecilia whimpered, as she tightened her weak hold, "
I... thought I was used to this, but seeing it... really seeing it... knowing..."
I don’t know what to do, and I need to know..."
"But you do know. I saw it the moment you laid eyes on that egg, as you held your daughter in your hands. Because tell me, Cecilia…""...What do you want?""
...I just want to be her father."
"You already are.""
No. I’m not. I’m just the one that existed beneath the one that sired her..." Cecilia says, "
Alice is the one that has sired all the children I’ve lost. Always her. Always the stronger of us. Never me. Never Cecilia."
Even if I’m the one that stays... I’m never the one that does..."
"Was Alice the one who held my granddaughter?""
In a sense," Cecilia protested, though the answer was neither strong nor irrefutable.
"Ah, ah. Yes or no. Was Alice the one holding your daughter?""
Technically, no" Cecilia says, "
But, it was she that made her."
"And yet, here you are. You were here by Kerry’s side. You delivered Gwen into the world. You. Not her."Pandora’s embrace tightened just a tad, as if to put emphasis on her words.
"In my daughter’s eyes, you mean the world to her….just as you will to Gwen.""
And, if I fail... if I... just... don’t?" Cecilia didn’t know what she wanted to ask. Her internal struggle against the Human and the Mamono, the Salvarison and the Mad Hatter, the Rebel and the Cause... she didn’t know where to wage her allegiance. All the intellect in the world meant nothing in the face of emotion.
Mantago only had one genuine emotion - propagate - born of unparalleled loneliness, of unfixable sterilization; an infestation of mushrooms wasn’t an unconscionable acts, but a desperate act to fill wombs that never could, because those same mushrooms lined their body from tip to toe like stuffed animal fluff. In trust, Alice wanted what Cecilia wanted, deeply, earnestly, but would never accept, because she HAD to be Human, and Alice HAD to be Mamono, or she could never accept herself as both or neither, but a twice corrupted fusion of them.
What if I don’t like the experience of being a father..."
"...because I can never experience being a mother.."
"...because I became a monster as a Human that knew neither..."
And, it was out.
A fear of parenthood born from her childhood as war orphan for monsters.Slowly and gently, Pandora’s hand drifted down until it reached Cecilia’s womb, where she laid her hand down as if touching a delicate flower.
"All this time…"Cecilia flinched, before she crumpled and crumpled - she didn't want to accept what she was, and yet Pandora had given her no choice but to be honest.
She'd need a lot of water to rehydrate herself, though.
Cecilia would hear Pandora sigh before feeling her lips kiss the back of her head.
"If…If you were given the choice…to be a mother…Would you take it?""
As I am, no. I have to bring an end to the war that wages in my name in Wonderland, and make the Realm safe for Gwendolyn and Kerrigan..." Cecilia says, "
After that... if I were so blessed... I cannot say if I had earned it."
If I took it, I would be doing so selfishly..."
"And is that so wrong?"Pandora shifted Cecilia, turning the mad hatter around to face the echidna as her hands cupped the queen’s cheeks, her thumbs wiping away the tears that silently fell.
"A realm won’t fall in on itself just because you were a bit selfish.""
There are people that will, if I'm unable. My Diamonds. My people. It will not be forever, but I must be selfless, wholly, in this matter..." Cecilia says with a much different conviction.
She truly wanted to save the world beyond Shizuyama.
She wanted to save Wonderland.
From her rebellion. From Kardia's rule.
Time would tell which would shake out and be ridden of its Truth once the dust settles.
Pandora could see, Cecilia was a woman with no chances left to allow herself to make mistakes.
The echidna looked deep into Cecilia’s blue eyes, to see if there was any sort of wavering or uncertainty in the mad hatter’s proclamation. Upon seeing none. The snake woman would sigh once more before giving a smile worthy of a worried mother. She kissed Cecilia’s forehead and laid her head on her bosom for a warm embrace.
"Who am I to sway you from your conviction? You, who merely wishes to see a realm be better than what it is today for all who come tomorrow. No, I won’t stop you. Hmph, couldn’t even if I wanted to.""
You sound like a mother-in-law already, and I don't even have a ring,” Cecilia chuckled, "
I need a smoke. My nerves are shot, and there's still so much to discuss about protecting Gwen, and running a tavern to do it."
"Honestly, I don’t see why people like those death sticks, but if you insist…", Pandora commented before snapping her fingers, a small flame flickering on her fingertip.
"Though, now that you brought it up, why is there a ring on Kerry’s finger and not on yours as well?""
Delivering a ring is a Human concept,” Cecilia says, "
Put them side-by-side, you create the infinity symbol, and represent eternity," she explains, "
That's a very Human concept, so I carried my foster Mother, Ester's, wedding ring, gifted to me by her, for my future; the Destination that waited for me at the end of my Journey, so she told me."
Mamono aren't beholden to marriage, as a tradition, but a means to an end," Cecilia says, "
So, Kerry just doesn't have a ring for me. That's fine, though. As long as she wears mine, I'm happy."
"Be that as it may, one day Kerry will want to give a- wait, Ester?", questioned Pandora, doing a double take as soon as she heard the name.
"As in…Ester Bunny?""
Bonnee,” Cecilia says, reflectively defense in that way people were about pronunciation, "
Ester Bonnee was my foster Mother in Wonderland, while I was still Human and confused," she says, "
Why do you ask?"
"Because I met her.""
Pandora would take a step back from Cecilia, an inquisitive look upon her face.
"It was years ago. Before my first child. Before Shane came upon the entrance to my gauntlet.", the echidna began.
"As I was designing my dungeon, I sensed the presence of a being who had effortlessly managed to bypass my traps. Granted, I wasn’t nearly finished, but still, the trials I did put in place were challenging, at the very least. I went to investigate and there…stood this strange pink rabbit woman.""
Missus Easter?!" Cecilia gasped, remembering the old form of the self-proclaimed redhead vixen, "
But... her fur only turned pink while she was aging. This was before she came to me in Salvarison. Her hair was red, then."
"Before? That would imply that she met me before she met you. And I’ve been around for 400 years. You’re my senior by 600.""
I was born a long time ago, true," Cecilia says, "
Mad Hatters come blessed with Temporal Magic, via our penchant to throw long parties. It’s a mana-intensive spell, which is actually why I need your help," she says, "
I need... you could say, a co-signer."
Dragging on her smoke, Cecilia would stand up, and blew smoke into the hall - the prickle of Glitterdust filling the air. "
We can talk shop in the room, as Kerry needs to finish the nest, and that requires my pound of flesh," she says.
"Co-signer? Ay, necesito un poco de café después de esto.", muttered Pandora, rubbing her temples.
"But yes, let’s join the others. Kerry was quite worried about you after you walked out.""
I swear, speaking Common is not hard," Cecilia says, as she reentered the room. "
I have returned~!"
Not even half a second passed before Kerry wrapped Cecilia in a tight hug. Really said something about mamono physiology when a hornet just laid an egg and is already walking.
”I…I got worried.”, muttered Kerry.
"Word of advice…", spoke Shane, holding his granddaughter in his arms.
"Don’t leave a new mother after she just laid an egg so suddenly.""
I needed to clear my head of many things and many doubts," Cecilia says, "
I needed..." she hummed, "
Well, what I needed is unimportant, now. There’s more important matters to attend," she would reach into her hat, and draw forth a rolled parchment, furled at both ends like a royal proclamation. "
It’s time to draft a magical contract and co-create a Dungeon."
”Oh…Oh! Right!”, Kerry said, turning to her mother.
”Mom…”"I know, my little stinger. Cecilia told me about it…and I agree.""Oh? A dungeon collaboration between the two of you?""Indeed. The current state of affairs is too dangerous for Gwen to hatch into. Thus, she must be put somewhere safe until that time comes. And should anything happen to Kerry and Cecilia in whatever conflict these two troublemakers found themselves in, I will be able to retrieve Gwen.""
That’s the long and short of what needs to be said," Cecilia says, tagging in. "
My lot is not a peaceful one, and my duties are not beholden to your Realm, but my own, and my war - a civil war that I started and must end," she says, "
Kerry has pledged her heart and soul to my cause and my side, knowing the risks of going from one war to another, and... of crossing a barrier that will never let her return home with peace of mind."
"The Wonderlust, yes. Those who are not born of that realm are afflicted with and thus can never stay for long in the Modern Realm. To which I must ask this…", Pandora spoke before turning to Kerry.
"Are you absolutely certain this is the path you want to walk?""This is asking for one hell of a commitment from you, kiddo.", added Shane.
"You’ll go from fighting one war to another and even after that fighting is done, you can never truly return to our realm. Only visit. Even so…are you certain of this?"Kerry took a deep breath before stepping forward to take Gwen into her arms again. The egg pulsed gently with warmth and life, as if to say hello to her new family.
”Once upon a time…I thought I would never stop wandering the world. Never settle down. I thought…that I would spend the rest of my days seeing the sights and wonders of the world yet…never experience what being happy meant. I thought I was content with that.”Smiling softly, she touched her forehead on the egg’s soft surface.
”I’m so thankful that Cecilia showed me how wrong I was. She opened my eyes and now…we have a child together. A reason to fight for a future. Heaven or hell, I will stand by her side. This, in my heart, I know is true.”"
I echo that sentiment, for a myriad of reasons," Cecilia says, "
Chief among them stands before you. My anchor."
Cecilia smirked, before gently taking Gwen, and sitting with her back to the unfinished nest. "
My turn to be selfish and hold my jellybean..." she says, before nuzzling Gwen’s egg, "
Mommy's gunna finish your nest, then get you snuggled in, before Daddy freezes you in time, so Grandma and Grandpa can make sure nothing happens to you, jellybean."
Oh, and she's gunna cut my hair. Almost forgot.”
Pandora looked over to her husband, who merely smiled and nodded sagely. The echidna sighed but smiled as well.
"You two have made up your mind, thus you will hear no objections from us.", she said before slithering over to kiss the egg.
"You’re in for a long nap, little one. But the next time you wake, the first thing you will see is a beautiful world worthy of receiving you.""
Indeed," Cecilia says, "
You might even get the blessing of going all the months properly," she smirked, nuzzling Gwendolyn, "
But, for now, let's finish your bedroom, eh, Honeybun?"
Cecilia was switching things up, clearly to amuse her father-in-law, and peeve her mother-in-law.
Embarrassing Kerry was just a bonus.
”...I’m biting you extra hard for that one.”, grumbled Kerry as she approached, blushing while her father snickers and her mother gives the classic mother-in-law head shake of disapproval.
Cecilia chuckled, as Kerry sat behind her, and she extended her arm, before rolling her shoulder, and shirking off her clothing. "
As hard as you wish, I'm all yours... eat me...”
”In front of my parents, you say that. Geez…”, commented the hornet before closing in and biting at the base of Cecilia’s neck, taking the last bit of material needed to complete the nest.
I'm sure your freakiness was wholly inherited," Cecilia smirked, locking eyes with Pandora.
Pandora’s eyes widened and her jaw fell in audacity while Shane had to cough to cover up his laughing. Kerry, blushing as ever, took her pound of flesh and set about putting the final touches.
Cecilia smirked even wider. "
Shall we discuss the finer details,” she asks, unfurling the contract.
The echidna’s eyes narrowed…but chose to remain silent. She would not fall for this bait.
Cecilia tilted her head, "
No, seriously, we need to discuss this," as she unfurled the contract, with her toes, "
I'm intending for a two location, dual ownership, party," Cecilia would settle, holding the strip of parchment down with her heels and thighs, as it was that long. She didn't let go of Gwen once.
The way the Mad Hatters throw endless parties is through a spell called, [O’ Frabjous Day!] which creates a pocket reality that influences time to create positive outcomes. We really are that smart," she humble brags, "
Food does not spoil, nor run out. Injuries are healed instantaneously. Fatigue does not accrue. Fires burn forever static, as the wood never burns away. So on, so forth."
A party can be massive, or humble, but it needs a concrete location," Cecilia says, "
I can't just go outside and determine the “world” is my party, or say that Varjo is my party. The amount of magic that I would have to put towards that would kill me. Simple-as," she says, plainly, "
However, a small room like this, or say, the closet of a master bedroom in a Dungeon... well, I could stop time altogether. However, therein lies the rub:"
If I'm stopping time for Gwendolyn, all the time, then I can't speed up time for me.”
So, in comes your half. By signing this magic contract, essentially, I'm giving you an invitation to split the difference in magic, and in return, split the profits of the Tavern, my personal Dungeon, since I have absorbed the blood of a Liliim, and, more than, gained the right to create one of my own,” Cecilia says, "
In doing that, I can use my Temporal Magic, albeit, at a disgustingly base level, while keeping Gwendolyn frozen in time.”
As well as any other potential children I might sire.”
"Well, you have…certainly thought this through.", commented Pandora as she and her husband looked over the contract, impressed but not admitting it.
"So essentially, your dungeon would exist in my dungeon?""
In simplicity, yes, it would be a floor," Cecilia nodded. "
I need staff to run it, as well. So," she extended a hand made of her long hair, "
"Paperwork’s lookin’ airtight and I’m not seeing any catches in the fine print.", Shane informed.
"I say we’re good, babe."Pandora looked to her husband before returning to the extended hand. Sighing, she extended hers in return to make it official.
"I accept your terms, Cecilia. For Gwen."”It’s finished!”The trio looked over to see Kerry step back to admire the newly completed nest, a large honeycomb shaped sanctuary of earthy brown and mossy green.
So, that’s what’s become of my flesh and blood, eh," Cecilia asks. "
Well, you better be grateful, jellybean,” she teased. "
Wait... before we send her off... they deserve to see her..."
Unless you disagree?"
”Not at all. They’re in it this deep.”, the hornet responded.
Before that, though..." Cecilia would stand up, and form her maid outfit and her armor; clad in Mamono Silk and Mamono Steel, her dagger at her hip, and her body gleam.
Gwendolyn Maros, my Pawn, my child, 43rd of my lineage, and youngest of my seed. I swear to you, as the 42nd Queen of the Krumpet Family, the Rebellion Queen, and the Queen of Diamonds, you will survive a year. To the fate of mine, I rebel, for you. To the fate of yours, I rebel, for me. Selfish and Selfless, I will shine, ever-brilliant, so you might shine, selfsame.”
The egg pulsed once more, almost in acceptance to Cecilia’s declaration. Kerry, Pandora and Shane watching as the mad hatter made her decree.
That said,” Cecilia squealed, "
Scampering off, Cecilia would visit upon her closest... friends(?)... allies(??)... friends(???)...
Yeah, friends.
First, Liliana. She would pester the Fairy to rise, before showing off Gwendolynn; the shade of her jacket kept her safe, and allowed Lilana to faun over the precious flower of Lady Cecilia, careful to keep Lady Alice and Cecilia separate, since she knew Alice was just waiting to return on her own accord.
Next, Eula. Annoying Carroll was a side-benefit to perplexing the Automaton, and stirring more confusion about life from the woman, but giving her some renewed level of faith in Cecilia and her stance on innocence life. The warrior queen peeled back to reveal a caring mother... father... both? That question would plague the logical mind for days.
Hastily, Shizuka was next on the list, and Cecilia would hurriedly show off to avoid any deeper conversation. Same with Atsuha and Hinami, though, she was more bombarded with questions from the undead, while the spider-woman allowed the gelatinous bundle of innocence and the aura of genuine compassion and love to melt the animosity that she and Cecilia had left off on.
Once she had shown up to everyone she, immediately, cared about, Cecilia would return to her shared room, and slowly walk to Kerry; her movements getting jerky, stiffer, as she started crying.
Okay... do it... before I change my mind..."
Kerry softly smiled as she took Gwen, a quick peck on the mad hatter’s lips to calm her, if only a little.
”You did good, Cici. I’ll take it from here.”The hornet then turned toward the nest, her parents following closely. She didn’t know why they did that, though. This had to be done, even if it felt like her feet were sinking in quicksand every step she took. She knelt down, her father was now on her right, her mother on her left. Honestly, that was unnecessary on their part and why did it now feel like her heart was crumbling? There was nothing sad about this. This was for Gwen’s future. The hornet’s arms extended to place the egg in the nest, though now her arms were shaking and- was there something wet going down her face? That’s weird, was there a leak in this temple?
It was when the egg was finally placed in the nest and gave a happy pulse that Kerry’s heart seized, her maternal instincts flaring. What was she doing?
What was she doing? She can’t do this! Gwen needed her! Her baby needed her! She can’t do th-
"Kerry."The hornet whipped her gaze toward her mother, who gave a warm smile as cupped her daughter’s cheek, her thumb wiping away the tears.
"It’s okay. She’ll be safe."Kerry turned to Shane, who smiled as well as he patted her hand in comfort. She then returned her gaze toward the egg, burning the image into her mind.
”Cecilia…”, whispered Kerry, her wavering and on the verge of breaking down.
This…will be the hardest thing she ever had to do.
”...Send her.”Cecilia squeezed her eyes shut, and visualized Pandora’s Dungeon; permitted, she would build a floor, a tavern that would come and go, a party that would never end, but never lingered for longer than needed. A place that she wanted to create in Wonderland, one day...
Gwendolynn, you have the honor of being the first patron of Sereni-tea and Knight Caps," Cecilia says, "
I hope you enjoy your stay.”"
Just before being sent, Kerry laid her hand on the egg’s soft surface.
”May your dreams be sweet like honey, my little junebug.”Cecilia grit her teeth, before looking at Pandora, "
Thank you..."
The echidna would raise her hand, glowing white with arcane power, to complete the ritual.
"Cecilia Lewis. I hereby agree to our contract and invite Sereni-tea and Knight Caps into my domain….as well your daughter…my granddaughter…Gwendolyn Maros.""
Then, it is done," Cecilia says, as Gwen was spirited away - an act that caused Cecilia to fall to her knees, and her side, in turn, as half her magic was ripped out of her, and given to Pandora.
”Cecilia!”, shouted Kerry as she hurried to her lover’s side.
”Are you alright!?”Pandora gasped as a sudden flood of magic rushed into her being.
"Pan?", queried Shane, concerned.
"I’m fine. Just…my gods, that was a lot. I was not expecting that much.", replied Pandora, shaking her head as felt a little light-headed.
I’m fine... I’m fine..." Cecilia says, "
Be more worried about your Mom. Chaos Magic is... difficult to manage, if you aren’t experienced."
"Whimsy!" Liliana shouted, before producing her sword and bathing Cecilia in as much healing as she could muster.
"Oh, come now. I have it well in hand.", responded Pandora with a wave of her hand.
"Nothing to worry abo-ah…ah…ah..AH…AHCOO!"Suddenly, a fireball came screaming out of the echidna’s sneeze! Shane, with his old battle instincts, managed to lean back and dodge the incoming projectile as it sped past him and slammed into a nearby wall, putting in a small dent. The war veteran looked back at his wife with a wide-eyed expression. Kerry saw the whole thing and also stared at her mother in a similar state of shock.
"...Correction. I WILL have it in hand.""Woman, you had BETTER!""Every time Lady Alice went off to do something she got horribly injured, maimed, burnt, I think exploded one time, and I was thinking: ‘Oh Liliana, that’s crazy, that wouldn’t happen to Cecilia, but better go along just in case!’ and WHAM! Hole! Whole lotta hole!" Liliana pointed at the regenerating side of Cecilia.
"Also Hello Mister and Mrs. Kerry’s parents. I know Kerry! Byyyyyyyeeeeee~!" The fairy said before exiting, waving the entire time as she exited.
Seems she followed me...”
Both parents blinked at the sudden departure of the Bladeflower before turning in unison toward their daughter for answers.
”Er…yeah. That was Liliana. Fairy knight. Not really that smart, like…at all. Loves cows, for some reason.”"
She's cute, though. And, pleasing,” Cecilia says, "
Plus, Wild Magic feels like Chaos Magic."
"There’s a difference?", Shane asked, curious.
"Quite. I’ll tell you later.", Pandora responded before breathing a deep sigh.
"At any rate, I feel it’s time for us to head back home. We’ve been away for quite some time."”Yeah, who knows how much the twins got away with because you two aren’t there.”, Kerry said in jest.
"Those two know better. You need to be nicer to your little sisters, Kerrigan."”Them first.”Cecilia would silently crawl into bed, as she healed, thanks to Liliana, and her natural healing factor; she didn't wanna interrupt.
”Can you two make it back on your own?”"Oh, come now, Kerry. Who do you think you’re talking to?", replied Pandora, smirking as she snapped her fingers. A magical circle beneath the echidna’s body, the rings glowing white and humming with arcane power.
"Well, I must say, today has been eventful. Getting to meet this mysterious fiancé of yours and delivering your first child into the world. Was not expecting that.""True that.", concurred Shane, stepping into the circle to join his wife.
"We don’t know what you two have gotten yourselves into, but I don’t have to tell y’all that you now have a big reason why you should definitely live through it, now do I?"”No…No, you don’t. And we’ll definitely live through this.”The hornet stepped in quickly to her parents a hugh, which both returned, before stepping back out.
”Adiós, Mamá. Papa.”"Give’em hell out there, kiddo.", Shane said with a grin.
"Adiós, mi estimada. Watch out for each other.", spoke Pandora with a motherly smile before snapping her fingers again. The magic circle flashed, enveloping the duo in white light before disappearing in an array of fading sparkles. With the room’s occupants now returned to two, Kerry would join Cecilia in bed, wrapping her arms around the mad hatter’s waist from behind.
”...I miss her already.”"
In due time...” Cecilia says.
”The Varjans…and then the Queen of Hearts. We have to live through this, Cici…””...For her.”Cecilia nodded, and held Kerry's hand as she drifted off to sleep from the longest day in her life.
Kerry soon joined her lover in the realm of dreams, thus ending a day of revelations and joy. Tomorrow would bring a new day…and mark the beginning of a campaign to usher in a new era. A new world…
A world worthy of Gwen.