Shizuyama Wilderness
“For you, Takeshi? Getting rid of the students helped but you still didn’t learn the technique. Maybe get Shizuka to teach you, he seems familiar with the basics.”
Takeshi chuckled at Skarsneek's remark. "I always learn from my fights, Sir Skarsneek." He replied with a cheeky smile on his face. "In fact, I picked up more than the Heavenly Strike technique during our battle in Kenshiro's Rest."
“You’re gonna have to learn how to get the remaining surviving students on your side. Every manpower at this point counts, just say that the master got defeated by you and that means you’re better or something.”
At this suggestion, Takeshi's previous cheery face scrunched into a frown. "I will not. They have already spilled the blood of our people. Not even warriors in a battlefield, but innocent villagers. They have already chosen their side in this war." The young lord declared, humoring no debate on this matter.
"Takeshi-san, you lout! The prospect of death is no laughing matter!"
Takeshi only laughed as he upset Atsuha Hangai again. The spider yokai's general attitude reminded him of a lot of people he knew, people who were typically not amused with his sometimes macabre humor.
“Normal Varjan bois, no problem, but them ‘ard bois are. More boiz too. So we need to strike and take their lootz. We go to their camp, bash their heads in. Take everything, and use it to bash more heads in.”
"Well, at least one of us is having fun here." Takeshi remarked about Gringor, to the male monster himself. "But yes, some of the Varjans we fought were legionnaires. I don't remember if I said it before, but these warriors are powerful. Clad in blessed armors, their power and abilities are only second to actual blessed Heroes of The Order."
"They were trained to specialize in fighting monsters." Takeshi finished. "But their true call was, apparently, fighting their fellow humans."
After the brief conversations, the rest of the trip back to Terauchi Temple was uneventful.
Terauchi Temple
~ @AzureKnight (SHI, HIN & ATS), @Enkryption (ALI & CRL), @The Irish Tree (EUL & LIL), @Rezod92, @Restalaan (SKA & GRI), @Crowvette ~
"Greetings, Sir Revuel. The battle was indeed long and hard fought, but we managed to pull off a victory in the end. We'd do well to rest, thank you much."
Revuel was about to respond when he suddenly stopped, just when the visions of Cecilia's memories entered Shizuka's mind. The ex-Warlock's attunement to the extraordinary arts allowed him a more vivid sight to the dreams broadcasted by the unstable Dinah. Despite lacking any meaningful connection with her, Revuel only smiled with a nod when Shizuka suddenly went away.
However, Revuel had to think deeply with what he had just seen. He quietly retired to his quarters to ponder this predicament.
Dinah had unwittingly shared some of Cecilia's past memories to the taskforce in her continuous struggle to maintain herself. She may have wished that she did not bother the people she loved and loved her back, but it was far too late. Her newfound companions, and possibly some others, were well on their way to see her. Intending to help or, at least, comfort.