Avatar of Shadow Daedalus


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3 mos ago
Current Sorry for disappearing for a few days, Life was Life-ing. Will get to work on replies soon


My Name is Shadow Daedalus, but I will accept pretty much any diminutive form you can come up with. I am active in the GMT Timezone, and I mention this to help coordinate posting times with others.

I like to RP things with fighting and grit, but chilled out RPs are good too. I'm a little out of practice, so my writing style falls anywhere between Low-Casual and High-Casual.

Wide range of tastes, like Sci-fi, Modern, Fantasy and Historical. This also includes a diverse range of Fandom content, especially Games and Anime.

I don't usually play more that three characters at a time, and I'm more comfortable as a male character, but I might try to expand more in the future, you'll have to wait and see...

Not very interesting, so feel free to ask me questions :D

Most Recent Posts

(Cross Posted in multiple RPs)

I apologise for the inconvenience, but I am withdrawing from all active RPs and most probably the Guild as a whole. This action is blameless, I simply no longer derive the same enjoyment that I used to from RP and wish to explore other avenues of entertainment.

I am unlikely to return any time soon, if at all, so I thank you all for your time. Goodbye and Fair luck to all.
(Cross Posted in multiple RPs)

I apologise for the inconvenience, but I am withdrawing from all active RPs and most probably the Guild as a whole. This action is blameless, I simply no longer derive the same enjoyment that I used to from RP and wish to explore other avenues of entertainment.

I am unlikely to return any time soon, if at all, so I thank you all for your time. Goodbye and Fair luck to all.
March 13th, 2014
Malta Defence Forces HQ
Luqa International Airport
Malta, The Mediterranean

"Likewise, Lieutenant..." He pauses for only the briefest of moments to read the name tag of the younger pilot; having only been given a short briefing on the other members of Cobalt Haze he couldn't place a name to a face instantly just yet. "Martinez. Unfortunately, I can't say I might recognise your mother; I only flew the missions I was given, I didn't get involved with any politics... We can talk more about our technical specs later, after the briefing is over..."

In response to Mykhailo's outspoken opposition to the former heart of the Soviet Union, Illya wasn't sure how to respond and simply deflected the topic. In contrast to the other man, he possessed no such strong feelings toward Russia; It was his Father's homeland, but he felt no strong attachment to it even before Heavensfall, and after Heavensfall he was more concerned with trying to re-unite and rebuild what was left of Ukraine than he was worried about the fate of the other Soviet Nations. If anything, he felt put a little on-the-spot about it, like a schoolboy called to answer a question he had no answer for...
Urses Mallory

When the call that Custospada had been sighted had reached Urses, he had been trying to rest in the wake of everything that had happened the day before. With his ad-hoc medical bay set up in one cabin, he had claimed another cabin adjacent to it for his own use but he had sparsely any personal effects to really 'claim' it with. His rifle propped up against the bedframe, bolt removed and hidden separately to prevent any enterprising betrayers from using it against him, and his coat draped over the back of the chair were all he had, but they served well enough; There was no way of telling how long they would all be aboard this makeshift lifeboat but he didn't want to risk getting too comfortable.

Rest hadn't come readily to the Favisian, his mind caught between visions of his Unit's grisly fate and his worries for the immediate future, worries of both enemies within and without. The first, Shell Shock he believed the medical journals called it, he could better ignore but the poison of suspicion was harder to push aside... A dreamless sleep had claimed him eventually, but it was hardly refreshing.

When he arrived at the Gondola, the others were already divvying out roles between those that would enter the fortress and those that would remain, and it was here that he inserted himself into the discussion. "I'll also set out with those on the ground. I don't know if anyone else has any medical expertise, of which would be a great help, but it would make more sense for me to be in a better position to render immediate aid in case this is a trap and someone is injured. I'm no help to anyone if I'm stuck on the ship."

Receiving no opposition to his statement, he began assisting the more technically-minded crew with setting down before excusing himself to assemble a field kit and retrieve his weapons in preparation for touchdown. Rifle, Sidearm and spare magazines for each, Urses returns to the larger group not long before they reach the ground and makes to disembark with the rest of them.
@Dyelli Beybi I can, it'll probably help with organising stuff
Lmk if anything needs editing, I threw that together so Urses was at least introduced before the story progressed too far without him lol
Urses Mallory

'Today is just getting more and more difficult...' was the prevailing thought of one Corporal Urses Mallory as he ducked behind the burnt out wreck of a motorcar, just in time to avoid the attention of a squad of red-banded Insurrectionists dressed in a mix of military garb and civilian clothes but all bearing weapons and the obvious intent to use them as they ran past. When he was first given the posting in Inbur, it was supposed to be relatively smooth sailing; Work along aside the rest of his small unit as part of joint training with the various Inburian Militaries' associated Medical Corps, bolster a co-operative between the two nations, maybe cozy up with some of the local women and at the end, collect a nice pay bump when he got back to base in Favis...

Instead, the Calarians and their Communualist allies within the Empire had struck the city fast and hard while Urses was supposed to be enjoying a day's leave. He'd returned to his post as soon as he could, but the revolutionaries had been both brutal and effective; They must've attacked the outpost before the soldiers inside had been able to mount an effective defense and had ultimately overwhelmed them. By the time Urses had arrived most of his unit were dead and any survivors must have been scattered to the wind, but based on the number of bodies he'd stepped over, they'd made those damn Communalists bleed for every inch. Without a command structure or any clear goal, he'd gathered whatever supplies he could, including enough to build a rather comprehensive if rough-shod medical kit, and set out to make his escape.

He'd spied the silhouette of Zeppelin #27 through the smoke, but he had decided to try more conventional means of escape first; Better to have the 'hail-mary' option until all others failed, he'd thought. Undoubtedly, others had noticed the airship but there was a decent chance that also included the insurrectionists and/or their Calarian allies, and the rebels certainly wouldn't want to leave an asset like that unsecured for long... Lady Luck, however, seemed to have other ideas. With Calarians surrounding one side of the city and the panicked rush of fleeing civilians cloying all escape routes on the other, Urses found the decision being made for him as he bit back every curse on his tongue to avoid being spotted.

As the roaming squad moved on, so did Urses as he scrambled out from behind the wreck and made his way toward the Military Zeppelin Base. As he drew closer, he could see mooring lines beginning to fall away and bit back even more curses in lieu of running faster. Even as his legs started to hurt and his throat burned, he didn't allow himself to slow until he saw what he could only hope were more escapees; He clocked the weapons that some of them carried, but between the lack of red armbands and the fact they were obviously prepping the airship to leave he dared let himself hope they weren't going to gun him down on sight. Slowing his pace as he neared, he raised his hands to show he wasn't holding either of the weapons he was carrying as he called out to whoever would answer him. His obviously Favisian accent was hopefully enough to disuade them from shooting him outright at the very least..

"HEY, Hold up a minute! Corporal Urses Mallory, Royal Army Medical Corps. Is anyone hurt?"

Sorry for the delay, this has been sat half-written for far too long and I finally got round to finishing it off. Fun fact, his last name was originally Carter, but I saw that we now have a Carter already and decided to change it to avoid giving someone a distant cousin they didn't ask for haha
...Just gonna express my interest here before the OOC goes up, if y'all will have me. Are you also going for a low-key dieselpunk vibe as well, or is it just low-fantasy 1912?
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