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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

Member Seen 5 days ago

@Shadow Daedalus Looks good to me.
Fits well with the friendly relations the Empire is suppose to have with (most) of its neighboring monarchies.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

Member Seen 5 days ago

If folks move their characters to the character section I will make a roster zero post.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Tackytaff
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Terrans


Member Seen 10 days ago

@Terrans Couple of small changes I would like to suggest, otherwise super!

You've spoken about 'scouting, patrolling, camouflage, infiltration and advanced marksmanship.'... change that to 'scouting, patrolling and marksmanship'. Because camouflage is really in it's infancy as a concept - they know muted colours are helpful and trying to disguise artillery emplacements can help but that's about it. Infiltration hasn't been invented yet (historically this is a response to the battlefield conditions of WWI... which is just kicking off in this world) and marksmanship is also pretty basic... that being said snipers do exist. So all good with the general concept!

Can I also recommend you change the name of the 'Scout-Trackers' to an Alpine Regiment? Just gives that early 20th century feel... and it fits with the terrain!

It has been changed.

I will now post before I disappear....
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

Member Seen 5 days ago


Looks excellent!
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Tesserach


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Name: Three Jaguar of the Resplendent Serpent, Keeper of Sun and Song and Seeker of the Four Winds aka Chamer
Gender: He/Him
Age: 27
Nationality: Iktani Confederacy
Chamer is invariably immaculately groomed and dressed, usually in bright colours that stand at odds with much of Inburian social norms. Standing roughly 5'8", weighing in around 145lbs with long, dark, usually braided and occasionally ribboned hair and dark brown eyes some might call expressive.

Personal Effects: Trust Fund
Diplomatic ID + Immunity
Writing implements,
Iktani Ceremonial bundles, and garb
A travel trunk of fashionably tailored suits
1 manservant - Miquiztli
Writing Implements and several books of poetry and philosophy
Tumi - Ceremonial knife

What is your job: The Poet-Prince
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Pragia12
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Pragia12 Chaos and Conspiracy

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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

Member Seen 5 days ago


Both look good to me!
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Imaria
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Character Discription

Name: Marietta Barbachollo
Gender: Female
Age: 41
Nationality: Calarian
Appearance: Standing on the shorter side, at five foot even, she wears her graying hair in a chignon. She’s a bit on the heavier side due to the relative success of the press. As a result, her rounded face has it's limited angles smoothed out a little further.

Personal Effects: Her typewriter, a suitcase jammed with; papers, hay, a family photo book, a spare set of clothes, and a kennel containing her pet rabbit, Cidric.


What is your job: Typist

The daughter of a family that sat on the edge of being middle class, her prospects for employment were limited, hampered by her father’s political stances and her family’s size. Wanting a modern profession for her gender. She asked her father to permit her to attend a typist school. Upon graduating, she went to work as a copy typist for a minor notary. Meeting her husband working at the notary, the two got on well and married quickly. She retired from the notary to take up the role of child raiser, keeping up her typing skills by writing for her husband’s right-wing press in her limited free time

During the revolution she fled her home as the fires started burning, fleeing with her husband and younger children while her older sons fought the communalists. They settled in among the fellow émigré population and the pair set their press back up. They were distributing magazines, leaflets, and hawkish texts and finding financial success in their new home due to sales with their fellow calarians, right-wing inburians, and the curious passerby.

The very rapid invasion of the Empire took her and her family by surprise. With her sons taking up arms in a Calarian emigre militia fighting alongside the Inburian army, and her husband being killed protecting her the fifth column with a .32 pocket pistol. With her ways out rapidly being closed off by the fifth columnists and the encroaching army while she’s getting equally desperate, from an apartment she is hiding in to evade shelling, she can see a moored airship...
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

Member Seen 5 days ago

@Imaria Looks good to me!
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Shadow Daedalus
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Shadow Daedalus A Tiny Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Lmk if anything needs editing, I threw that together so Urses was at least introduced before the story progressed too far without him lol
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Bingelly
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Name: Mitunbaal Vasiliou
Gender: Female
Age: 29
Nationality: Inburian Shariq

Personal Effects: A small collection of artifacts and trinkets from the formerly blighted territories, a Shariq prayer book, a few books, an icon of the Dawnbringer and Empress Andronika. She keeps a traditional dagger tucked under her smock.

Background: Academic. De-facto Ship’s medic

Backstory: Mitunbaal was born the eldest child to an upper-middle class Shariq family in Neapol, which she claims she can trace back to a noble family before the blight, and received a quality education due to the privilege. The young woman took to history from a young age, and found herself fascinated with the tales of her people before their exodus from the blight with its dreaded orcs. Better still were the tales during their triumphant return under the sword of the Dawnbringer, the heroics of man and elga against the ultimate evil with a noble and just cause from God himself.

It was half legend, of course, and Mitunbaal knew and understood that well even at a young age. That knowledge did not stop her from seeking formal study on the matter at the university in Neapol, focusing on both history and the archeology of the Shariq’s ancestral homelands. For as much as Mitunball enjoyed combing through tomes and what written accounts survived the collapse, she jumped at the opportunity to go on field expeditions throughout the territory.

While nature did recover from the blight and the orcs are extinct as far as the Shariq know, the scars still run deep in certain areas of the countries. This, naturally, draws curious sorts out to the unsettled, somewhat-unnatural country. It also does an explorer deep in central Shariq well to be armed, advice which one of the archeologists in her party did not heed while on camping. While relieving himself, the archeologist was assailed by a blighted beast. The beast, best described as a rabbit with fangs, the antlers of a deer, and a pair of useless wings had bitten and gored the poor man several times. It was dispatched by a load of shot from a double-barrelled shotgun that had been brought along.

For Mitunball, this served as an awakening. Between the poor man’s anguished cries, and hissing from the beast during the attack, and the wet blood, she felt a power rise inside her as she laid hands on the man. Like a legend of old, she felt a warmth flow from her hands as she wiped down one of the open wounds and, awestruck, watched the wound rapidly knit itself closed.

She had an undeniable gift from God that was almost unheard of in the modern era, the gift of healing magic.

Unfortunately, the remainder of this first expedition was mundane in comparison. They had merely found remnants of pottery. Useful, but not groundbreaking.

Once back in the Inburian Empire, she set off for Inbur instead of returning home. Her plan was to delve into the library of University of Constaninos II in search of books and manuscripts on magic and the blight that may have survived the fall of the city to the Haltians.

Unsurprisingly, the search was mostly an exercise in futility due to a lack of study and the sacks and sieges of Inbur. Additional research would need to be done in the former blighted territory, and pieced together with what records are available between Neapol and Inbur.

Bouncing between the two major metropolises when free also broadened the woman’s circles, and she found herself increasingly engaging with Shariq nationalists when not in the field or researching. Her experience, faith, and research mingled with those types of political rhetoric has since developed peculiar if not mystic views on Shariq nationalism. Their chosen one was Favian, not Shariq, and was a close companion to the Empress during the Hasiko restoration. To Mitunbaal, was that not God’s blessing on the house to rule the Empire and the Shariqs?

Naturally, this pro-Imperial, pro-Hasiko strain of Shariq nationalism proved unpopular with most Shariq nationalist, although Mitunbaal has published some articles in support of her fringe views under a pen-name.

More recently, Mitunbaal has found herself back in Inbur after a trip to mountains in the north of Shariq land, believed to be the starting point of the old blight, with the scarred land and mutated flora and fauna to prove it. Standing at the foot of the mountain where all that madness had started was humbling in a sense. Being at the epicenter of the near doom of her people carried a message of how small she was in the grand scheme that struck home harder than any book.

The question of why still gnawed at her, and she pushed herself to move further, to discover, to learn. To understand. Her companions, meanwhile, understood that venturing into or up a mountain that once held a true evil that killed untold people was likely not the greatest idea for their continued existence. With a struggle more verbal than physical, the party pulled Mitunbaal back to camp.

In Inbur, the rising tensions never bothered Mitunbaal’s own little world beyond uneasy dinners and increased political debate, until the Calarians finally crossed the border. Then the university exploded like a bomb. Young students swore for both sides turning the dormitories into brawling rings as quickly formed gangs targeted rivals. Archivists, including Mitunbaal, scrambled to evacuate reference material as the Calarians approached. She was in the libraries as the first shells landed in the city center.

Scrambling out of the building, she joined the mass of civilians trying to leave with what belongings she could carry. Evading the communalists, their infiltrators, and the fighting the best she could. She worked her way through side streets, until she found herself cornered by two insurrectionists. Muttering a prayer to herself, Mitunbaal closed her eyes while the sounds of hoofbeats grew closer and closer. A pistol shot shattered the tension, followed by another scream and the sound of a body hitting the floor.

Without hesitation, she rushed the cavalryman and mounted before he could say a word. With barely a nod of an acknowledgment, he slowly brought his horse back up to a cantor.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

Member Seen 5 days ago

@Bingelly Looks good to me!
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

Member Seen 5 days ago

@Shadow Daedalus BTW if you feel like joining us on Discord, you are very welcome! I realise you didn't get a chance to get into the big cowrites.

We are, incidentally going to switch to solo posting now. And the TL/DR is at Zoe's urging they're going to try to steal some gold
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Shadow Daedalus
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Shadow Daedalus A Tiny Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Dyelli Beybi I can, it'll probably help with organising stuff
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Shadow Daedalus
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Shadow Daedalus A Tiny Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

(Cross Posted in multiple RPs)

I apologise for the inconvenience, but I am withdrawing from all active RPs and most probably the Guild as a whole. This action is blameless, I simply no longer derive the same enjoyment that I used to from RP and wish to explore other avenues of entertainment.

I am unlikely to return any time soon, if at all, so I thank you all for your time. Goodbye and Fair luck to all.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Tesserach


Member Seen 1 day ago

Sadness, but wish you all the best.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by InfamousGuy101
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InfamousGuy101 Infamous Fella

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Likewise. Lost a true G
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