Character Description
- Name: He calls himself Dimitri, we call him half-Elgan because the man is as brazen as a royal lancer, and born in the saddle all the same.
Species/Race: Many call him Jedgorsy, but no-one knows what host he hails from, and he has never been very clear on the subject. Some say he may be Sahalky when not in his presence, he has dealt with those who have accordingly.
Sex: He is most certainly a man.
Age: He appears to be in his late twenties, though he has attested to being closer to forty years old than thirty.
Court Alignment: He is a sworn rider of the Western host and, despite being human, he is welcomed among the elgamen and many serve him eagerly.
Role: He is a butcher, pillager, raider, and a hundred other curses on a man who engages in such activities. He is a leader of men, and his regiment numbers a few hundred lancers of incredible bravery.
Appearance: He is a tall and lean man, which reinforces his “Half-Elgan” image, as well as his sharper facial features. He keeps some well-maintained facial hair of a sandy blonde color, and pale blue eyes that pierce you when he regards you. He wears a greatcoat in the forest-green of the royal lancers, and always has his saber at his side.
Strengths and Weaknesses
- Skills: He is a brilliant tactician, stunningly capable in the field and a fearless leader of men. He knows how to track men, and his skills with his sword and pistols are the envy of duelists in the high court. He is a lover of music, and plays his Viol often at camp.
Weaknesses: Though it has yet to fail him, his aggression is legendary and his bluntness earns him only love among the similarly brutal aristocracy of the West. He is self-absorbed and cruel as a man, deeply entrenched and stubborn in his thoughts and actions. This combination results in a short-sightedness and strategic vulnerability
- Backstory: He is a man who hides his truths in myth. While he claims he was born among the northern hosts, he will not cite a village, nor a family name even when pressed by a superior. He describes his upbringing as sparse and brutal, but he knows how to read and write both Jedgorsy and Elgan script like an aristocrat. It is a worrying combination of things, and camp whispers suggest he may be of the house of an Ataman either shamed or dishonored.
He had made himself known first among the riders of the Sahalky Caravan guards, single-handedly running off bandits in his own mad charge after his fellows abandoned their posting, and collecting their hands for the local magistrate. Following this, he was recruited into a cavalry regiment in Mitteland, and his stranger proclivities made him very popular among the officers there. Dimitri knew the old Elgan gods, and worshipped them intensely enough to impress the more ancient of his fellows. He was touted as more of an elf than many of the junior officers, which began to chafe them.
He maneuvered well through the political nature of peacetime units, and earned his commission over a decade before now. Politically connected, he rose rapidly, especially after winning a handful of duels and deterring a less martial sort from questioning him. When his regiment went on to destroy a slave revolt north of Grendel, he distinguished himself in his brutality and initiative, successfully routing the entrenched and armed rabble with minimal losses. This show would earn him his chance to become the commander of the regiment, and he would enjoy this title for the last six years.
In that time, he has cultivated a group of eager and strong riders, and they have earned a reputation as one of the most practically-experienced groups of soldiers outside of the Grendel garrisons. His regiment, entitled the “Bloody Hand of Mitteland” would become legendary in the open fields outside Lysfelt, wherein his four hundred and fifty nine lances were the first to make contact with the enemy line, and largely credited for breaking them. Orrian would honor the human, though for political purposes his recognition was limited. Despite this, every unit commander in the field that day will long remember the elan of the Half-Elgan.
Now, the Bloody Hand is set to move forth from the capital, bolstered by recruitment from other regiments and locals alike. Dimitri has declared his first aim is to bring Mitteland back into line with the Emperor, and provide a show of force to the Quinian nations not far away to either recognize the Western claim, or be cowed into non-involvement. Time will tell if his legend will continue to grow as the war rages on, but he has found comfort in battle, and men such as the Half-Elgan are sure to thrive in these mad times.