New Schedule for my RP friends. My goal is 1 reply a day, total. Meaning that of my 4 current ongoing RPs, each partner can expect a reply once every 4 days. Maybe more often if I'm inspired.
10 mos ago
New Schedule for my RP friends. My goal is 1 reply a day, total. Meaning that of my 4 current ongoing RPs, each partner can expect a reply once every 4 days. Maybe more often if I'm inspired.
11 mos ago
I think it's funny how worried I was about catching up on posts. I caught up in a day and am now bored waiting for replies!
11 mos ago
Back stateside. Posts will slowly resume over the course of the next week
12 mos ago
To my RP partners, I will get a reply to everyone I owe one two in the next few days. Then it's radio silence for 2 weeks while I'm on vacation! I'll still be available to chat, just not post
12 mos ago
When you finally catch up on all your RP replies and are just... waiting