Generally sopeking, whether it is a spell learned from a tome or a spell from a staff/wand, a spell can only do ONE thing. There are no "manipulation" or "amorphous" spells that can be used for both offensive, defensive and utilitarian purposes. If you have a spell that creates a small area of darkness, then it will just create a small area of darkness - it cannot turn things invisible or effect the surroundings. Likewise, if you use a spell that creates a firebolt, you cannot turn it inot mutliple projectieles or use it as a torch. Well, I guess you could hurl it down a hallway and follow the light with your eyes, but it'd go out as soon as it hit a solid object.
Other than this, she herself is fine in terms of everything else.
All right, I get that. I was kind of just working off of classic DND style cantrips which group a bunch of minor effects into a single spell. So basically, I'd have to break them up and make them more strictly defined/less versatile in what they can do? Would it still be feasible for her to have a bunch of novice-type spells in that vein?
Height: 165cm/5'5"ish Eye Color: Gray Hair Color: Black
Description: Tall for an elf, though still fairly short amongst humans, Variss often gives an impression of quiet indignation at all times, perhaps due her default expression usually being a minor scowl.
Not having given up on her role as a wizard, she still wears her apprentice robes despite no longer being a part of any magic-user organization. Despite their constant use, she keeps them in shape through constant magic repair.
Her appearance is usually well-kept, though as a day drags on her clothes and hair may end up in disarray depending on how things are going for her.
Personality: Varisse has an inferiority complex due to being (in her own eyes) a failed mage, and it often causes her to come off as distant at best and abrasive at worst. Though she feels like she has a higher calling than what she ended up doing as a wanderer, she can't bring herself to turn a blind eye to someone in need, even if she complains the entire time.
Her unique magic inclinations have led to her being rather creative in finding solutions to problems, though this also means that she often tries many things that fail before she succeeds.
Quirks: List one or more peculiar traits or habits of your character. -Chronically plays with her hair when distracted, flustered, or lost in thought. This is the main cause of her hair becoming messed up over the course of a day. -Sleeps with a plushie that is impeccably clean and well-maintained that she has had from birth. Would never admit it.
Brief History: Varisse showed early inclinations towards magic usage from an early age, so she was tutored in magic tradition and slated to be an apprentice mage at a prominent wizard's tower. In essence, she was clearly slated to be a future figure in the world of magic...
But she couldn't cast anything good. She studied meticulously, tried any school of magic she could discover, and she could never cast anything other than minor trifles. While the mages of the tower found it interesting that she could have such a breadth of casting ability, they ultimately only found it as a passing curiosity and not as a sign of a future archmage as she had desired.
Seeing that she had no future as a caster who could only cast the most basic spells, she left the wizard's tower and wandered the nearby areas, using her wide but shallow magical abilities to take odd jobs for townsfolk. Over some time she gained a bit of a reputation as a handywoman who could help out with almost any mundane task... much to her chagrin.
-- Skills/Spells, Stats & Items ---
Occupation: Handywoman
Social Status: Commoner
Skills: - Cantrip Master (Novice?): Can cast spells of almost any type... Provided they're novice level or lower.
Equipment: List any important items or equipment your character is carrying on their person, with the exception of their clothes. As an example, see the list below. - Mage's Guild Crest - Plushie horse (do not bring up that you know it exists to her or she will be unreasonably angry about it)
Spells: - Air Cantrip (Novice): Can slightly influence the air pressure around her to increase or decrease wind speed, or create small targetted bursts of air. - Fire Cantrip (Novice): Can conjure and manipulate a small flame, or sustain a flame up to the size of a campfire. The flame can be chosen to only generate heat and be harmless or be used to start other fires. - Earth Cantrip (Novice): Can create small amounts of fertile soil, cast a minor heal on plants, or manipulate small amounts of earth or small rocks. - Water Cantrip (Novice): Can conjure a small jet of water and manipulate its spray, manipulate a small amount of water, or bring the temperature of water down (focused use can eventually freeze water). - Dark Cantrip (Novice): Can reduce the light level in an area for a brief amount of time, make a small object vanish from sight briefly, or create a small illusion. - Holy Cantrip (Novice): Can conjure a small light to illuminate an area similar to a torch, or bless and clean a small object, repair small amounts of damage to an object, or heal very minor wounds on living things.
--- My House ---
Until the RP actually starts and you guys get a feel for what the village looks and feels like, please leave this section alone.
Location:Where in, or outsde, the village is your home located. Type:Is it just a residence? SOme kind of shop? A facility of some kind? Floors:Is it a single or multi-storey building?
Description: Here you can describe the out and inside of yoour building, along with any special or notewrothy aspects of it. If you're feeling articularly creative, you could even include a floor-plan for others to look at, if you're into the artsy drawing biz.
Not really sure on the magic, I wanted to kinda capture the prestidigitation type effects but I'm open to tweaking them all still. If there's anything off-base let me know.
Another spin that could be fun would be a novice alchemist, maybe that could roll up my previous idea of a plant lover into a character who specializes in alchemic plants (might be a good contrast to a traditional farmer who knows how to handle less exotic crops?)
@Crowvette Honestly I think the latter would be funny. Like, the mage can do basic stuff across a wide, wide spread but struggles to do anything grandiose. And is just incredibly salty about it.
That could be a fun way to take it. The other option I considered was taking a wild-magic approach in the sense that they just can't control what a spell actually is when they cast it, but I already have a character like that, so maybe the "cantrip master" idea is better
@CrowvetteFarming's hard work for a single person. If you don't have kids to help you, you may as well get another PC to help instead. ;3
Nothing like going from the wizard's tower to being reduced to a simple farmhand. You hate to see it... (It's actually more funny than anything)
I was kind of torn between a meek plant lover and a delusional caster who claims to be an epic archmage (actually flubs basic spells all the time) for mine.
While the latter idea is funny to me I don't actually know how useful they would be to the village. The former might be a little too basic, but might work out well if there's a good story/relationship intersection with someone else
A story of school idols coming together for a blindingly brilliant performance
The School Idol scene in Japan is at its height, with the Love Live championship reaching a fever pitch. The Karasugadai School Idol Club, comprised of mainly third-year students, had a legendary performance that won Karasugadai's first Love Live championship. However, at the start of the new school year, the School Idol Club is in danger of being disbanded. The only remaining member has resigned as an idol after winning Love Live, and if no students step up to reform the club, Karasugadai's shining moment may never be repeated.
Your character, whether they were a first year attracted to Karasugadai because of the school idol club's achievement, or a third year who ignites a newfound passion for performance art through school idol activities, will be a part of the group that saves the club from disbanding.
So what's this about?
This RP takes place at a fictional girl's school in the fringes of the Tokyo Metropolis, Karasugadai Girl's High School. Karasugadai had a history of a strong arts program, but only recently gained popularity with school idol fans due to a dark horse idol unit sweeping the Love Live championship and then dissolving soon afterwards.
This RP takes place the school year after this legendary performance. The PCs will be tasked with saving the Karasugadai School Idol Club, and ultimately trying to perform in events ultimately leading to the Love Live championship itself. The focus of the RP will primarily be on the idols coming together as a club for the first arc, so characters may not even start as idols - but obviously they should have some kind of reason to join.
There isn't any continuity with existing Love Live series, other than there being a Love Live competition that every school idol aspires to win. I would say that the themes and tone of previous Love Live series are what I would like to use as a model.
What if I don't know anything about Love Live
Well, since there's no continuity you don't need to know any particular facts. Just that there are idols that sing and dance to perform while still being students (school idols) that often put on performances to compete, with Love Live being the name of the national championship that is seen as the apex of school idol competition.
But to elaborate more on the tone and themes I talked about: -Focus on the relations between the school idols, how they come together, and how they work together to win -Less of a focus on "idol industry" activities, lots of finer details and logistics are kind of handwaved (i.e. they may have a songwriter student but it's never really explained how they put together entire well-produced songs for performances) -Keep an optimistic outlook in the end even if things can get heavy / relationships can become strained -Around the second season there's a few points where the characters always do something really silly for comedic effect
Character Sheet
Appearance: A verbal description helps along with a faceclaim. Name: Unless they're a transfer student they probably should have a Japanese name Year of School: First, second, and third years. Why they joined Karasugadai: This may not have anything to do with school idols, but it may give some background about their interest in the arts which might help the school idol club when they join. School Idol Status: At the start of the RP the school idol club is in shambles. PCs may have varying states of interest in school idols, but they must be made with an intention to end up joining the club. State how interested they are at the outset, and if they aren't, state some kind of reason that they would become interested. Idol Specialty: What would they bring to the club? For example: Making costumes, writing songs, dancing, fitness training, etc. You can get creative with this but it's best if it's something that ties in with their reason for joining the club and/or their reason why they are at Karasugadai in the first place. Idol Alignment: There are three alignments: Smile, Pure, and Cool. There can be a major and a minor alignment (i.e. major cool, minor pure) or just one. This one is really self explanatory so you should all just get it.
Once character sheets are accepted there will be an addition to the character sheet for connections to other PCs. Since interaction dynamics and relationships between characters are extremely important, it might be best to try and think of how to have at least two direct connections to other player characters, but that's best done after sheets are vetted, so just keep it in mind.
Io had only managed to pick off a few enemies before she was blindsided by someone who had managed to flank her in the chaos of the fight. The enemy was clearly smart enough to recognize her as a threat, but Io was far from out of options even when grappled from behind. If they weren't in the middle of a tense battle, she might even find the situation a little exciting. Of course, the legionnaire taking her to the ground was less exciting, and if anything a bit of a deal breaker.
The magical circle behind her flickered out of existence as she diverted her incantation. It wasn't pretty, but she needed to convert the spells into something to defend herself in close range - and without use of her arms. As she began chanting under her breath, something interrupted the Legionnaire's grapple on her. Something had struck him, the sudden attack interrupting his grip on Io. That was more than enough of an opening for her. She managed to shift her palm flat against the Varjan's stomach. As it turned out, she didn't need to change her incantation much at all. The pinpoint of light spell she chose would be just fine at close range, with the opening she had to direct it point-blank.
The spell punched through the Varjan's armor and had enough force to knock his body off of Io. As she got back to her feet she briefly glanced at the exit wound. 'Perhaps too much strength.' Io nearly chided herself for the magical inefficiency, though she reasoned that the extra force was necessary to physically push the enemy away as well. One could never be too sure in such close quarters.
Before another enemy could get the chance to ambush her, Io thankfully found herself grabbed by Kerry and flown to a more advantageous position. From her new position, Io could clearly see the battle was about to reach a turning point, and the Task Force just needed to turn the tide. Before Kerry could fly off, Io curtly let her know of a plan. "Keep them busy. I'll support everyone from here." Io gave a nod of appreciation to the Hornet who saved her as she left.
Taking no time in enacting her plan, the lich pulled a scroll that was wrapped around her clothing free, letting it unfurl in the air and fall to the ground around her feet. "With something strong..." Io muttered, beginning a complex incantation in her secret language. The spell itself was simple: It would grant a magical regeneration and strength to those within it. The complexity came from selection and size. To select just Io's allies, and to make it wide enough to reach them from her position... Io closed her eyes to focus, first picking the chaotic energy of the fight apart and finding her allies within it. She had to factor in energy for undead and living, as well.
Her robe, no longer tied by this particular scroll, fluttered in the storm's breezes, revealing glimpses of Io's bare skin and even the magical tattoos usually hidden by her robe. The scroll she used as a base began to glow around her feet as she formulated the spell, a magical circle starting within the scroll and growing.
Chanting the spell would take a longer amount of time than a widespread destructive spell, but Io chose this to prevent any friendly losses (either from a destructive spell directly, or simply being worn down by enemy attacks). She trusted that the enhanced Task Force and allies would likely be more powerful than something like a giant fireball anyway.
90% done, need to get an image for my contact and maybe clean up a few sentences here and there. Added in a portrait with her and her sister. Also not sure where to put the mech design that doesn't screw with the formatting by bloating the box with images so just click here for the mech and click here for the mech with my silly notes about functions.
B A S I C I N F O [Name]Mina MacLean [Callsign]Foxtrot [Gender]F [Age]31 [Rank and Designation]E-7 [Place of Birth]Emerald, AUM-3 [Official Statement]-"Foxtrot on station. Get behind me and let's finish the mission."
[Mech Model]Calamus [Type]Assaulter [Size]40ft, 175 tonnes with shield included [Core]Epsilon [Armaments]
Blackjack Canister Gun - Assault gun capable of firing canister rounds with varying payloads of shot. Loadings include high explosive, armor piercing darts, incendiary payloads, as well as other novel loadings depending on mission. Adjustable choke to disperse or focus shot placement depending on the engagement. Can be fired while braced against shield.
Vanguard Shield - Heavily armored shield designed to be the focal point of an assault and let a team cut through an enemy line. Physical shield is extremely resistant to attacks and an in-built shield generator further augments its protection, and allows the user to project a larger energy shield to protect nearby teammates as well. It is also a gigantic piece of metal for less sophisticated maneuvers using the Satyr drive.
Satyr Drive - Overclocked boosters allow the Calamus to gain extreme bursts of speed for rapid repositioning, evading, and offensive manuevers.
[Surface-level Impression] Mina is a professional soldier. She tries her best to be the strongest Pilot she can be. Not a sensitive type. Pragmatic. Can be abrasive, but usually well-meaning with criticism. Harshest on herself, though she often won't let it show.
[Personal History] Mina has a history of military service in her family. As she rose to the rank of pilot she was offered the chance to be a squad lead. After a disastrous operation she swore off leadership roles and had a very successful career as a pointwoman in pilot squads.
Home World
[Planet Description] AUM-3 is a planet that is unremarkable other than its location along an important supply chain for military logistics. As the sole habitable planet in the system, AUM-3 hosted a large military and logistical presence, but not much else.
[Culture] Being essentially a military colony, Emerald hosted very little in the way of culture other than what was easily rolled out to fleece enlisted out of their living stipends when they were off duty. The high concentration of military personnel led to a very stable, but also rigid living environment. Military shrinks recommend rotating personnel assigned to Emerald to a more hospitable area after five or more years of living there.
Notable Contacts
The most recent photo of them together. Lilia is the taller one on the right, despite being the younger sister.
[Name] Lilia MacLean
[Relation to Subject] Mina's younger sister
[Analysis] Lilia took an opposite path to her sister, despite their similar upbringing. Her schooling records labelled her a potential prodigy, and she had constant pressure to join the MHA from her parents. With no desire to fight, she fled from her family in her late teens, with her only family contact being with Mina since. Since then, she has spent her time building a career as a musician and artist - her true passion in life. The two sisters are on good terms, and they both respect the others' choices though they ended up being in such diametrically opposite fields of work. Even now they keep in contact with each other, each being the others' most trusted confidant since childhood.