Hidden 13 days ago 13 days ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

ATTN: @PaulHaynek, @Restalaan (Skarsneek), @The Irish Tree (Eula/Liliana), @Rezod92 (Kerry) & @AzureKnight (Shizuka/Atsuha/Hinami)

Hidden 7 days ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 2 days ago


"...I've got it."

Kenshiro's Rest


~ @AzureKnight (HIN, ATS & SHI), @Enkryption (ALI & CRL), @The Irish Tree (EUL & LIL), @Rezod92, @Crowvette, @Restalaan (SKA & GRI) ~

The sudden appearance of a herd of cows took everyone by surprise. A choir of moos and the thunder of hooves distracted even the warriors harassing the Hangai sisters, completely stopping any more attacks.

The stampede, enhanced by Kerry's spell, threw the enemy forces into complete disarray. Lightning continued to strike as the enemy panicked, making them vulnerable to the taskforce members' attacks. A logical weakness of the students' legendary technique was also found so within minutes, all the technique students and Iron Grinders have fallen to either the stampede or have been picked off by the taskforce. Kenshiro's Rest have also become the resting place of other, more wicked warriors.

The Iron Grinder leader held firm under Gringor's axe assault. His limp made it hard to find an opening for a counterattack, but he patiently waited. He also noticed that he was practically alone now, with no casualties amongst the taskforce. That momentary distraction prevented him from focusing on his fight with Gringor and he was unable to predict nor react to the male High Orc shoulder tackling him.

The legionnaire was sent to the ground and before he could respond, Gringor swatted away his shield and delivered a nasty punch to his face. The hit almost broke his mask but the Iron Grinder wasn't done yet. Letting go of his arms, he grabbed Gringor's face for a punch to the face of his own. The swing knocked the male High Orc off of him, but this fight wad done. The Iron Grinder was looking for a way out now.

Spotting Liliana riding forth towards the second level to Takeshi's aid, the Iron Grinder also saw opportunity. He surged forward before his High Orc opponent got any more funny ideas, picking up his sword as he did. The legionnaire stood in front of Liliana and her mount's path before unleashing a powerful slash, slicing off one of the cow's frontal legs and sending the beast barreling down the muddy soil. Alive, but not for much longer.

Liliana was also sent into the mud before immediately being picked by the Iron Grinder. His iron grip was tight, but only enough that she could not escape through physical force. The legionnaire then presented the captured warrior Fairy to the rest of the taskforce, his other hand grasping his sword. "Stand down, you mongrels! Stand down or this little sprite gets it!" He threatened the Fairy's allies.

This was the last enemy the taskforce needed to deal with, but they must approach with caution. The Varjan legionnaire was cornered and outnumbered. Desperation and spite was his name of the game.







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