I agonized over this post for, like, the last three hours - writing and rewriting, revising bits and pieces. But, there's Scarlett's formal introduction of her personality - internally and externally.
I've went ahead and updated the Character tab. It now has a proper job board, currency amount, and facilities levels. Gold will function how you'll expect it, and can be obtained from completing quests. It can also be obtained in other ways that will be revealed in time. The facilities provide different utilizes for you all (strengthening spells, making new items, buying various equipment, etc.) and can be leveled up as the plot progresses. The higher the level, the more utility will be available to you.
So I might be at work But thus motivation did lurk
So as I sit here, with a wireless board and phone in hand I bring to you a CS thus finished grand
Jokes aside lemme know if I need to change anything or gave her too much in way of abilities to start with.
Name: Haaselle
Appearance: You'd be forgiven, for judging the one calling her Haaselle by initial appearances. A dirty yellow robe, frayed and worn with holes. A hood, constantly hiding her visage under it. A somewhat tall, slender body that seems to glide across the floor without walking.
Her actual appearance doesn't help much either. Unnaturally sharp teeth, a pale, pallid complexion with deep crimson colored eyes and a messy head of black hair with the occasional octopoid tentacle squirming out from just below the robes neckline.
She doesn't have many other inhuman qualities besides having a number of tentacles at various parts of her body that she is able to manipulate just as dextrously as her arms or legs. Perhaps one of her parents was a human, but she does not remember.
Race: Beula
Sex: Female
Age: 20
Magic Divination: Espermancy & Alchemy
Levitation: Who needs to walk when you can just make yourself fly? A fairly mundane yet extremely useful skill in any situation. She can control herself fairly dextrously and can achieve a speed of up to about fifteen miles per hour.
Telekenesis: Any espers bread and butter. The ability to lift objects around without touching them. She can lift roughly a total weight mass of fifty pounds.
Force Blow: A strong burst of psychic energy that slams into something or someone with the equivalent strength of being able to dent a hole in a brick wall. Can be used at range or coupled with an actual physical attack such as a puch. The only real physical fighting or defensive ability she can use.
Manic Illusions: Likely her most used and most often used offensive ability. To trick the minds of others. Used for both a variety of defensive and offensive purposes. From creating fake clones of herself, making one believe and feel they are being torn to shreds by a monster, or making them feel completely lost in a hopeless maze, trapped in their own mind wiht no way out.
to drive one to the brink of insanity in the same way she was driven, brings her no small amount of pleasure.
She often combines this with Alchemy in order to confuse enemies further. By making the illusions partly real, one can never truly know what is fake and what is real.
bad Brews: She took up alchemy soon after being freed from the clutches of the people that took her. She likes to think of herself as a savant. Other people disagree for various reasons. Whatever she makes certainl always gives someone some sort of boon.
But its an insidious thing, and most often poison or messes with the drinkers head in some fashion.
She can make more conventional healing items though, but its not her priority.
Steel Tendrls: Her skills with transmutation aren't qutie as developed as she'd like. She also is a bit of a wet noodle when it comes to physical combat ability. There was an obvious solution to this. Turn her extra appendages into weapons themselves. Turns the outer layer of their skin into sharp, rough steel.
Earth from Iron: Pick up mounds of rocks and earth, transmute them into daggers, blades, or throwing swords and launch them with her telekenesis. Simple. Effective.
The only thing Haaselle carries with her is the ceremonial yellow robe she absconded with when she escaped. It seems mundane, but it has the effect of amplifying ones own psionic abilities...while conversly making one more susceptible to them as well. A double edged sword, as you would.
Brief Background: Haaselle. At least, that is what she calls herself. Her actual name has been lost to her, as is her actual age. Why you ask?
Well have a seat.
Grab a drink.
And let me tell you a story.
Once upon a midnight dreary, was a girl all drenched and weary. She rapt upon neighboring doors, Yet all she was met with was the occupants snores.
A thought that she should not have ran away, for her parents were no doubt dismayed. Yet she could not return, for the path she could not discern.
But lo, upon the grey skies did a moon shine, a yellow hue that did seem divine. A symbol carved in yellow, and a mirthful voice it did bellow. Swept away was the girl, amidst laughter and a cacaphonous whirl.
Oh, was that less of a story and more of a song? Oh I suppsoe I could speak plainly. Fine you spoilsport.
Needless to say, Haaselle was taken from her home at an early age. An argument with her parents. Something she can't remember. A stage upon which she found herself before IT.
Madmen did things to her. For what she does not know. But the things they did left their mark. Changed her. Broke her. Fractured her. Her mind torn and rent in a baleful yellow light.
Then there was laugther. Joyous, mirthful laughter. A cherry red color did they become, all swallowed down, down in a fit of mania.
And thus was the girl freed, standing upon the precipice and a desire for companionship she set away from the place where she had been imprisoned. And thus, came to her stories. Tales of a man named Atreus and the Reavers.
A desire blossomed.
Perhaps, she too, could be part of some story. Thus the girl traveled, a long, long way and soon she found herself among allies and friends, these kind people taking in the clearly troubled and tormented soul in front of them.
Yet, she could still feel it. the nagging in the back of her mind. An urge to do every dark desire her heart wanted.
Sorry, I started to break into rhyme again didn't I? Hehe. But thus, is the end of it. How was it, hm? Didn't like it...?
Well, that's rather unfortunate. Makes me rather irritable, really. I worked really hard on it. Why don't you take another listen? I INSIST.
Anything else we should know about you: Personality wise, Haassele is something of a mixed bag. Upon intial meeting she seems far too friendly. Easily able to chat away, speak, share stories and otherwise engage in social activities with no problem.
This however, is barely surface deep. A selfish, arrogant, and deeply troubled individual lies just under the surface no dobt due to her history. Violent impulses, manic tendencies. Its one of the main reasons she accepted the idea of working as a Reaver.
She can indulge herelf to her hearts desire in as much debauchery as she wants while hunting criminals like those who took her childhood and life away from her.
Haaselle also considers herself a bit of an artist. Music, sculpting, and playwriting are her most favorite hobbies. Her projects tend to be something of an...acquired taste, though.
Has a sigil of some sort seared into the flesh of her left buttock. She insists she has no idea what it means or how it even got there.
"This world is simultaneously complex and simple. Rudimentary forces of nature following advanced principles without knowing it, the golden ratio followed by reflex alone...and we humanoids stand at the pinnacle of reason. We alone can see the world for everything it is."
Appearance: A scholar and bookish sort by nature, Morgan is far from physically imposing, standing at 5'4" and possessing twiggy limbs and a pale complexion. The most stand-out trait of this blue-haired woman has to be her piercing cyan eyes that seem to devour everything they see, deconstructing it, breaking it down, reassembling it, and then finding something new to dismantle in her mind.
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Magic Divination: Esperism, Void
Probe-Mind: Espermancy as a practice is famous for allowing one to read minds, and Morgan is no stranger to it. However, rather than peering at the explicit words one says, she instead tunes into latent emotions and changes in one's brain. After all, you can just THINK of something else to counter a mindreader, but one couldn't hide how they felt in the recesses of their mind. In battle, this is used to gauge enemy intention.
Over-Clock: The magic of the mind isn't just for peeking or influencing others. A dangerous spell that accelerates neural pathways in one's own mind, allowing them to access parts of their brain that were previously unused, recall virtually anything they know, and to accelerate their brain's processing speed far beyond its normal limitations. When using Over-Clock, Morgan obtains a reaction speed outstripping any living human, with the drawback of extreme mental fatigue occuring after sixty seconds of usage. After which...well...it isn't exactly dignified to see a genius spouting gibberish, so she tries to avoid using it for long periods of time.
While Over-Clock is powerful, it is worth noting that Morgan can still only move as quickly as she normally could. The only thing moving faster are her thoughts.
Lunatic-High: Utilizing Over-Clock on another person is virtually impossible, due to how different everyone's brain is structured...but a watered down version is certainly possible. A diluted version of Over-Clock that can be used on others to greatly enhance their mental acuity for a small period of time, only having a small fraction of the mental fatigue that Morgan would suffer using the full thing.
Strange-World: An inverse of virtually all espermancy principles, this spell functions much like telepathy, but as an offensive stream of concentrated thoughts meant to hinder the opponent. Trivial gibberish, theorems that would take years to understand, the names of specific strange body parts of fish found thousands of meters beneath the sea...
...Morgan certainly knows a lot of things, not all of them useful. She doesn't mind sharing. Aggressively.
Mind-Palace: An illusion that manifests the inner workings of one's mind. Almost impossible to utilize in combat due to its exhaustive cost, but does allow the caster to capture a glimpse into someone's past, manifesting a room of memory that forms around the environment.
Star-Step: Utilizing void magic's manipulation over space, Morgan quickly accelerates in a straight line and leaves a streak of void energy on the ground that, while it remains present and undisturbed, allows her to instantly teleport back to the initial position regardless of where she is within a 200' radius. Only one Star-Step field can be active at a time, and creating a new one will erase the older one.
Cosmic-Force: A singular black ball of energy that can either gravitate objects towards it, or away from it, at a gradual rate that decreases as it influences larger objects. Fairly brittle, and isn't used as direct offense.
Banished-Comet: The most directly offensive spell that Morgan has, that condenses inorganic matter down into a cubic foot and then launches it at high speeds, repulsed by void energy. Essentially, a very fast rock.
Black-Hole: All magic is formed of energy, that passes through the world, to people, then back into the world. Each spell, a unique mechanism to channel that force, with all Magi having their own unique ways of doing so. Black-Hole can only be used when Morgan fully grasps the mechanics of someone's spell, to the extent that she could cast it herself with relevant training. Black-Hole will then "rob" the target of that spell for as long as Morgan keeps focus on it, gaining an orb of energy that can "cheat" its way into casting the spell for her using her own energy.
Once the spell has been robbed, the original user loses all ability to cast it until Black-Hole is undone or destroyed.
Silvered Pointer: A silver alloy cane that used to belong to the prior Laplace...or perhaps, even the one before him. A straight-handled cane that hides a rapier within, the blade being of exceptional make. It has been well-cared for, even after being passed down. The body of the cane reads: "Je n'avais pas besoin de cette hypothèse-là," and Morgan can often be seen carrying it underneath one arm with her always.
Polymathis Ensemble: A sharp suit that is often customized to the owner's liking, each name-bearing member of Polymathis is afforded a wardrobe. Yes, this does in fact mean Morgan only wears one outfit. Her's are kept close to the standard, with the exception being a silver boutonniere affixed over her tie.
Brief Background: Some are born with everything, while more still are born with nothing. Born in the slums of Morgenröte's backstreets, Morgan was the typical orphan sob story one could expect. No parents to speak of, picked on for her size, and always uncertain of when her next meal would be come.
She couldn't remember how it came to pass, but one day she found herself in an alleyway, playing a game of some kind against a man wearing an iron mask. His movements were minimal, his breath wheezing, but Morgan understood as soon as she touched one of the game pieces that something important was on the line. A best of three match, with the first game spent with Morgan losing completely and utterly, her lack of understanding of the rules leading to a sudden defeat. After manipulating her pieces in the second game in an unexpected way, she just barely eked out a victory, one of the two needed for her life to change.
Outraged, the man began to play in earnest, trumping each of Morgan's amateur strategies, taking piece after piece and dwindling away at Morgan's resources. It was a hopeless situation, one that many would call as simple as "a child just can't beat an adult." And yet, an orphaned child born in a bad environment understood one thing very clearly:
If the odds were against you, even them.
A coughing fit overtook the man as he wheezed, the deft hand of a child gliding across the board to snatch a meaningless piece in the backline of the iron man's formation. She'd cheated. Right under the nose of the man who would become her grandfather, Morgan would open a seemingly meaningless gap that would lead to that man's defeat in two more turns.
No child was as sly as they thought, however. Of course an adult would notice a little game of sleight of hand, baited by a coughing fit. And of course, it was the perfect test for the future Laplace, as one who created an opportunity from nothing even if it meant risking everything. Morgan would be lead to a grand library afterward, her reward for victory being indoctrination, education, salvation, and experimentation. The limits of what a mind could store were stretched to their limit each day, grueling study taking place of a childhood, with many other children who had passed similar tests soon failing and being expelled from the halls. And yet, in the heart of Morgan...
There was nothing but elation.
Here, she was superior. Here, she was powerful. Here, she wasn't weaker or jealous, hungry or cold, here, and only here, something other than birth and strength mattered. Of course, magic was part of the curriculum, and children were often compelled to compete against one another in contests of direct magical combat. Morgan would often win her duels days in advance, watching her opposition practice in order to learn every facet of their skillset, and counter it at every opportunity.
At the age of 16 Morgan would accept the last name of the scholar that had brought her in, Laplace the Mécanique Céleste. It was only after passing their tests that she was deemed worthy of knowing of her home's identity, the Polymathis, a society of recluse magus that believed that potential should be sought everywhere, in the name of all geniuses that died in silence. Bearing the weight of a genius' legacy, as well as the prestige of Polymathis with her, she would travel the world in search of long-forgotten knowledge, study the stars above her, and harness her magic to the utmost until a flight of fancy struck her.
"I may see something interesting if I go."
"...Besides, I'm never afforded wiggleroom in my research budget. Detestable as it is, I'll have to work for money."
Anything else we should know about you: Morgan is a huge fan of sweets, indulging in them at any chance she can when offered, and is easily bribed. "Tutoring, private lessons, proofreading...if you promise me enough sugary delights, I'd even take you into Polymathis myself!"
Color: 4682B4
Took me a while to have a concept I liked but hey, enjoy an insufferable lady!
Abilities: Conner has 4 spirits that he can summon at anytime. He can comfortably have 2 out at the same time, 3 if he pushes himself though it will drain him considerably.
Tier: Spirit
Welk, named by Conner, is small, intelligent nature spirit in the form of a bipedal fox/monkey hybrid. He is Conner's best scout and great for checking areas other are too big to look in. While not meant for combat, Welk does provide greats distractions with his small size, fast speed and light attacks.
Tier: Greater Spirit
Also named by Conner, Kai is a beast spirit in the form of a black dire wolf. She pairs well with Welk on recon, serving as the brawn to Welk's brains. In combat, Caius is a fierce warrior, utilizing her ferocity and various blue flame attacks to rip her enemies to shreds.
Tier: Greater Spirit
Named by Conner as well, Toa is a hulking golem spirit and is only summoned for combat against bigger and deadlier foes. It also serves well clearing large debris and blocked areas with its immense strength. The strongest of Simon's spirits.
Tier: Spirit
A human spirit in the form of a completely pale white girl and the only one that came to Conner with a name. Instead of fighting, she uses her ethereal powers to synergize and enhance others. She also has the ability to see through deception and lies. Can be seen playing with Welk, petting Caius and even talk and understand Toa. The most mysterious of Simon's spirits.
Bond - An ability that lets Conner "invite" a spirit into his body. With it, he temporarily gains enhancements and powers of a spirit that he normally would have, such as Welk's agility, Caius's combat prowess, Toa's s strength or Zoe's blessings.
Conner's personal magitech revolver. Fires strong concussive rounds that uses the ambient energies in the environment to change its properties. For example, colder climates make the bullets more piercing. While in hotter climates, the bullets become highly explosive.
Living in a quiet town on the skirting edges of Morgenröte, Conner Griggs grew an orphan whose parents tragically died, along many of his other countrymen, when the territory of his hometown became overrun with Malfested, with him being one of the survivors. Despite the tragedy, Conner was fortunate to taken in by kind people and thrived in his new home. However, his life would take an interesting turn when on the night of his 13th birthday, he woke up one night and was greeted by his first spirit.
That night revealed that Conner had a gift for Galdr, the art of communing and summoning spirits. At first, he was frightened by the "ghosts", but over time and as he got older, he got over his fear and began to understand them. Zoe wouldn't be the only spirit he can summon, later calling in the inquisitive Welk, the proud Kai and the towering Toa. Seeing his potential, the elders of the town urged him to go to Morgenröte and join the Eon Tower, where he can put his talents and gifts to good use.
Conner enjoys reading books. His favorite genre is science fiction. Zoe likes to call him "Grig" from time to time. He's doesn't mind. Welk is smart enough to play chess. Kai likes listening to classical music. Toa actually has peculiar a sense of humor.