@Rezod92@The Irish Tree@PaulHaynek@Crowvette@Enkryption@AzureknightGringor and
Skarsneek“Bah.” Gringor took the bowl and slurped on it.
“Sure, beats getting mad.” Skarsneek calmed down, and decided to ate his food.
Once done, the two were summoned for a mission, much to their displeasure but kept it quiet.
In turn, Skarsneek had opted to stay close to his wife and Hinami while Gringor stood on the other end.
Hearing that they’re going back to fight the heavenly students, got Gringor slowly riled up.
“Calm down already, your pheromones is all over the place.” Skarsneek said, not liking that it gives out a clue to the enemies that someone is near.
Gringor ignored his words but forced himself to bottle all that excitement and energy, All of it ready to be unleashed once he’s closed.
“Huh, so the whole party is going. This is going to be fun.” He remarked to Takeshi and Shizuka.
So as all of them headed out as one large unit. Skarsneek realized this was probably the biggest group that they had going at once.
He was dressed similarly to the Shizuyamans, with a straw hat covering his head. If one ignored the two holes poked by it due to his horns.
“Careful, the weather is terrible.” Skarsneek said to Atsuha and Hinami as he looked at the light rain. It was easy to catch a cold in this, even with their monster heritage.
Gringor for his part, just soldier on, the rain barely affecting him and the armor creaked. It was much more comfortable due to the rain, and now, he had gotten used to the armor enough that moving around with it at full speed was no longer a problem.
His nose sniffed the air, able to pick up the scent of fresh rain and ground. A very welcoming scent.
Meeting the students was simple enough, and both of them readied for battle.
Gringor saw Takeshi took point, and like him, managed to succeed in the first duel.
He slammed his axe against his armor once, in honor of the victor and Takeshi. The bubbling envy and eagerness rose to do the same and reclaim his victory.
Once it started, Gringor singled out a student that stood far back like a bull.
Ignoring the rest as others handled it, Gringor edges of his vision turned red as he focused his entire being.
He wasn’t like the rest, he can’t do the strike and was pointless to replicate it. He was a High Orc, a Champion, and Tribe Leader.
A certain lazy monk words echoed in his mind.
A fish swims, a hare runs.And a boar gores.Raising his axe for a vertical strike, he saw the student got ready for that technique again.
He waited.
An axe swung forward much too early, giving an opening and one that was taken.
Gringor eyes saw it, and he snarled ferociously in glee.
A single armored knee nailed the student head-on, snapping his head and neck backwards, knocking them out in an instant.
Against technique,
brute force and cunning. That was how High Orcs fight.
Gringor wasn't finished raised a single foot and slammed it down hard enough to shake the ground as it left a deep imprint. Right next to the Student.
Then without a word, he shot off towards the hammer-wielding Legionnaire. Eager to fight this one, and most of all, he saw that armor. He wanted it, and that hammer.
“HAMMER BOI IS MINE!”Roaring, he raised his axe high for a downward strike
Skarsneek approached from the sides, his own clubs in hand. Tossing a stone and catching it mid-way before nothing that the Student Gringor knocked out was alive.
“Huh, lucky you.” He said before kneeling on the Student to bind him. The rest of the Students were dead, only he was the survivor.